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{3125}{3197}(narrator) �n primele zile | din actualul razboi,
{3203}{3299}un act de neutralitate interzicea | Constructorilor americani
{3306}{3426} de livrarea a avioanelor | pentru beligeranaii de pe teritoriul strain.
{3434}{3572} Simpatizanti ai Marii Britanii ai aliatii ei, | dar legal,
{3581}{3736} piloaii lor s-au ordonat sa zboare | c�t mai aproape de graniaa canadiana.
{3746}{3905} ingenuozitate democratica | o fr�nghie a facut restul.
{4143}{4212}(plane approaching overhead)
{4715}{4810}Unde mergea| Asta e un alt trainer Harvard, nu-i asaa
{6552}{6672}- Buna. Ma cheama Baker. Tim Baker.|- Sunt locotenent de zbor Redmond.
{6680}{6755} Mi s-a spus sa aduc | aceasta nava aici. Aici este.
{6762}{6852}- Ti s-a spus sa o aduci aicia|- Aici este Trentona
{6859}{6912}Da. Trenton, Canada.
{6917}{6986}- Canadaa|- Da.
{6992}{7118} Ei bine, ce stii tu despre astaa|Cautam Trenton, New Jersey.
{7127}{7250} busola mea trebuie sa fi luat razna.|Ai o tigaraa
{7255}{7348} Cum am putut sa comfund |Canada cu New Jerseya
{7355}{7463}- Ai fi venit mai bine de-a lungul emisiilor de CO.|- OK pt. mine.
{7514}{7646}Mr Baker, ai auzit vreodata| de actul de neutralitatea
{7655}{7784}- Da, d-le. Ziarele sunt pline.|- Atunci, de ce ai �ncalcat �n mod deliberat?
{7793}{7942} Ce diferente e daca am | traversat-o sau daca am zbura pestea
{7951}{8053} Veai obaine acelaai avion.| Cine crede ca suntem prostia
{8061}{8133}Nu ne vom sustine punctual de vedere, d-le Baker.
{8139}{8268} Nici nu vom lua parte la nicio acaiune | sa fim luati in r�s de un guvern prieten.
{8276}{8405} Ma tem ca nu va fi permis | sa transporti nicio aeronava. Zi buna.
{8458}{8593} OK. OK, daca doriai sa pastraai razboi la | viteze mici, nu pot face nimic.
{8602}{8659}Un moment, d-le Baker.
{8664}{8754} Daca atiai vreun pilot capabil,
{8761}{8887}sa-l folosim , pt. ca avem nevoie de oameni|sa transporte bombe deasupra Angliei.
{8896}{9027}- Se plateste bine.|- Ce inseamna "se plateste bine"a
{9035}{9122} O mie de dolari, pt. un zbor ai toate cheltuielile.
{9129}{9180}O mie...
{9185}{9308}Desigur, mu vrem ca avioanele noastre|care merg la Berlin,
{9317}{9422}din care le-am angajat|sa ajunga in vecinatate, in cele din urma.
{9429}{9516}O mie de dolari pt. un zbor|ma va tine pe curs.
{9523}{9607}Voi picura pe memo|pt. zborul de superintendenta
{9614}{9713}Varsa pe telefon.| �mi place s? iau o slujb? �n timp ce eu sunt entuziast.
{9720}{9837}- Nu este o id�e rea, Baker.|- Multumesc, d-le.
{9842}{9935}Oh, apropo, Anglia la est, nu este ita
{9942}{9999}(both laugh)
{10479}{10554} Ei bine, noi suntem off.
{10595}{10667}Suntem pe drumul nostru.
{10951}{11119} Dac? a? putea zbura �napoi spre Canada �n loc de | a lua o barca, am putea face o excursie de o s?pt?m�n?.
{11130}{11234}Prima data, mai bine te concentrezi.| Nu exist? nici un fascicul de aici.
{11241}{11331} Asta e a patra excursie pe lun?. 52 excursii pe an.
{11338}{11428} Lu�nd dou? s?pt?m�ni vacanta, |inseamna 50.000 de dolari.
{11435}{11516}- Ce a fost asta?|- 50,000 dolari.
{11523}{11592}Baiete, acesta e razboiul.
{11598}{11715} Am incercat toate benzile de frecven?? |. Eu nu pot ob?ine nicio ?oapt? din acest aparat.
{11723}{11777}De ce nu incerci BBC?
{11782}{11905}Cand am zburat pt. posta in America,|Intotdeauna am calatorit cu Kate Smith.
{11911}{11986} B?iete, acolo e o lumina.
{12104}{12202} Acest lucru a fost Londra �n primele zile ale r?zboiului,
{12210}{12318}un oras cu case si biserici|si magazine si pub-uri,
{12325}{12478} cu friptur? de vit? ?i leg?turi vechi de ?coal?, | si Big Ben ?i cea??.
{12488}{12548} Inima ?i centrul Angliei.
{12554}{12632}Suplimente speciale, d-le. Standard, Sporting Times.
{12638}{12707} Ziarul. Liderul de dimineata, Daily Mail.
{12713}{12794}Ziarul? Multumesc, d-le.
{12798}{12843}Ziarul, d-le?
{12848}{12974}- Trezeste-te, d-le!. Trezeste-te, d-le! Suntem la hotel.|- Mergi, mergi!
{12982}{13126}Trebuie sa mergem, d-le!| Este �mpotriva ordinelor sa hoinarim pe aici.
{13189}{13243}(vanzatorul de ziare) Ziarul!
{13248}{13322}- Oh, Sunt mort.|- Ziarul!
{13385}{13478}- Liderul de dimineata, Daily Mail.|- Aveti bagaj, d-le?
{13485}{13545}Ziarul, d-le?
{13597}{13693} Voi dormi pana la barca.
{13729}{13792}Ziarul, d-le?
{13797}{13899}Ziarul zilnic. Liderul de dimineata.|Ziarul, d-le? Ziarul?
{13944}{13998}- Ce s-a intamplat?|- Uh...
{14004}{14070}Al 2-lea gand,|Pot sa dorm pana ce barca ajunge acasa.
{14076}{14154}- Da, dar...|- Cred ca am gasit din nou fasciculul.
{14160}{14324}Extra speciala, d-le. Standard, Sportul.|Ziarul! Ziarul zilnic liderul de dimineata.
{14334}{14436}Totul despre Hitler. Ziarul! Cititi despre asta.
{14581}{14698}Scuzati-ma, ai vazut|o pisica gri-alba?
{14706}{14754}Pisica? De ce? Nu.
{14819}{14951}Este o creatura minunata. A fost �n | familie de ani de zile. Stii, lunga, blana matasoasa...
{14960}{15053}- Buna, draga!|- Buna, dragule.
{15138}{15222}- Prieten de-al tau?|- Nu, doar un barbat care si-a pierdut pisica.
{15229}{15304}Saracul, el trebuie s? fie foarte debusolat.
{15572}{15638}(alarm sounds)
{15916}{16018}Repede, toata lumea inauntru! Jos!
{16025}{16100}La subsol.
{16157}{16241}Atentie, nu atinge targa!
{16335}{16445}- Ce se intampla?|- Nut e agita! Este un exergitiu aviatic.
{16453}{16603}Intinde-te! Liniste, baiatule!| Stii ca esti intr-o stare foarte grav?.
{16800}{16860}(alarm sounds)
{17300}{17435}Miss Brown? grabiti-va, fetelor! D-soara Brown,|conduc?torii auto sunt responsabili de p?turi.
{17444}{17530} C�nd se �nchide inspec?ia,|intorceti-va la ambulante!
{17537}{17603}Da, d-na Fitzhugh.
{17687}{17837}Da, foarte bine, foarte bine, �ntr-adev?r.| V? mul?umesc foarte mult. Multumesc.
{17909}{17990}Oh, da, multumesc f. mult. Da, la revedere.
{18028}{18112} Acest bandaj este mult prea str�mt | si are nevoie de o atel?.
{18119}{18209}Il pierdem, asigurati-va ca il pastrati|bine acoperit!
{18215}{18326}Da, foarte bine.|Da, multumesc, la revedere.
{18334}{18412}D-soara Cross! Sunt cemplet dezorientata.
{18419}{18524}Barbatul acesta este bandajat?|Si natura prejudiciului sau? Intr-adevar!
{18590}{18650}Multumesc, domnilor.
{18762}{18876}(Cockney accent)|I say, miss. Poti sa ma ajuti?
{19103}{19163}- Tim!|- Buna, draga.
{19278}{19350}- Tu, vierme.|- Cum a fost pentru un fracturat?
{19356}{19464}Nu ma asteptam sa te vad aici.|sau in alta parte, daca poti sa ajuti.
{19472}{19589}Acest sarut spune diferit. Oricum,| nimeni nu ar putea organiza o ranchiun? pentru un an.
{19597}{19707}- Pot.|- Eu sunt cel care ar trebui s? fie inflamat.
{19715}{19817}Am venit acasa la Dallas, am aflat ca ai plecat,|si pt. aceasta scrisoare urata...
{19824}{19944}As fi luat o pusca|s-o indrept spre usa, daca aveam vreo tinta.
{19952}{20111}Cum poti sa spui asta? A? putea ajuta, am fugit | de viscol ?i a trebuit s? fac un ocol
{20121}{20250}Stiu despre ce inseamna "ocol".| Numele ei a fost Irene.
{20259}{20388} Deci, asta e ceea ce ai crezut. Stiam ca pot| dac? a? putea s? te v?d ?i s?-ti explic.
{20396}{20507}Acesta este cel mai bun lucru care il poti face. Explica!|Nut e deranja! Nu sunt interesat.
{20515}{20715} �n ceea ce tu si eu suntem �n cauz?, s-a terminat.|Intelegi? Terminat, f?cut. Acum scat.
{20727}{20883} Aceasta este o modalitate de a trata un tip care a zburat | peste Atlantic doar pentru a v? vedea.
{20893}{20941}Ai zburat peste Atlantic?
{20946}{21036} Am auzit c? ai fost �n Anglia.| Nimic nu ar putea s? m? ?in? departe.
{21043}{21139}- Nut e cred.|- Dar, este adevarat, draga, asa ca ajuta-ma!
{21146}{21224}M-am schimbat. Vei fi surprins.
{21230}{21314}- Niciodat? nu m? surprinde din nou.|- Hey, asteapta un minut!
{21321}{21450} Nu voi lua c? un r?spuns|dup ace am zburat 3,000 miles sa fiu cu tine.
{21459}{21528}Oh, inceteaza! Am de lucru.
{21665}{21752}Oh, eu, te vei face un soldat dragut.
{21759}{21860}Buna idee, nominalizez corul.|Amuzant, nimeni nu s-a gandit la asta.
{21867}{22047}Nu sunt in cor. Si nu este amuzant,|o sa incerc sa ajut. La noapte, Am dansat la...
{22096}{22222}- Unde?|- Nu conteaza. Si tine-te departe de mine!
{22230}{22332} Acolo te duci din nou.| �nc? vorbesc despre vechiul Baker.
{22340}{22472} Noul Baker este un model destul de constant. Ce|harm could there be in giving me a tryout?
{22480}{22570}Iti spun ceva. Da.| Voi sta �n Londra. Au nevoie de piloti.
{22577}{22682}Au nevoie de piloti in RAF.| Dar e greu in linia dvs.
{22690}{22792}Daca imi amintesc corect, vezi negru| la mai pu?in de o mie pe luna.
{22799}{22960} De ce nu-mi dai credit? Am idei.|Am mai multe idei as the next fellow.
{22970}{23105}Ai spus gresit. Vorbesti|despre idei, si ale tale nu vor merge.
{23114}{23231}- Aw, draga, san u fie asa.|- (sighs)
{23239}{23362}- Nu m-am uitat la o alt? fat?.|- Bine, M-am uitat la al?i b?rba?i.
{23371}{23506}Poate, dar nu �n acela?i fel te-ai uitat |la mine in prima noapte in Kansas.
{23514}{23577}Iti amintesti?
{23583}{23706}Tu ai fost in est, eu am fost in vest. Atunci|am vazut fiecare si am fost si eu in est.
{23715}{23772} Aceasta sc�nteie veche e �nc? acolo.
{23777}{23911}Sure, we've been off-course a few times,|but we can get back on again. Why fight ita
{23920}{23995}Young man, what are you trying to doa
{24001}{24067}I'm trying to kiss her.
{24073}{24166}Apparently, the seriousness|of our work has escaped you.
{24173}{24233}I'm sorry, Lady Fitzhugh.
{24239}{24350}You really should be ashamed|of yourself, young man.
{24358}{24424}What time do you go off duty, m'ladya
{24430}{24481}I... Really!
{24667}{24727}(lively swing music)
{25773}{25848}I'm sorry, sir. This table is reserved.
{25855}{25921}- For whoma|- Lord Delby, sir.
{25927}{26043}Oh. His Lordship prefers|something less conspicuous.
{26051}{26156}You might give him the table|you were going to give me.
{26163}{26223}(d "Hiya, Love")
{28163}{28265}- Frightfully good, isn't shea|- Yeah. Frightfully.
{28272}{28338}Would you like me to introduce youa
{28344}{28446}Awfully decent of you, old chap,|but I already know her.
{28510}{28606}Then would you mind introducing mea
{28613}{28745}- What are your intentionsa|- Nothing good, I'm afraid.
{28754}{28859}Then you can see how impossible it is|for me to do anything for you.
{28867}{28927}Absolutely. Would you like a drinka
{28932}{29004}No, thank you, I'm on my way to call for her.
{29010}{29088}I envy you. If there's a lull|in the conversation,
{29095}{29182}you might put in a good word|for Flying Officer Roger Pillby.
{29189}{29305}If there's a lull in the conversation,|it'll be no time for recommendations.
{29313}{29373}Thank you.
{29776}{29818}- Darling.|- How are youa
{29823}{29925}- Carl, dear, I'd like you to meet Miss Jones.|- Oh, how do you doa
{29932}{30007}Miss Lynn, may I present Captain Dearinga
{30013}{30100}- Miss Jones, Captain Dearing.|- How do you doa
{30388}{30466}I, uh... I beg your pardon.
{30469}{30526}Has Miss Brown come out yeta
{30531}{30660}Well, uh, she must've left some time ago.
{30725}{30794}Uh, just a minute.
{30894}{30990}- What are your plansa|- I had a tentative engagement, but...
{30997}{31072}- Something both of us could doa|- I don't mind.
{31079}{31109}(door opens)
{31141}{31225}OK. We'll do it in a fortnight.
{31266}{31382}- What are you doing herea|- Waiting to take you to supper.
{31390}{31444}I mean in that uniform.
{31450}{31570}Oh, I'm just breaking it in|for a friend. Come on.
{31578}{31680}Didn't I make it clear I don't want|anything more to do with youa
{31688}{31781}You don't have to have anything|to do with me in a restaurant.
{31788}{31878}We'll just eat, tip the waiter|and go our separate ways.
{31885}{32059}- How'd you find out where I was workinga|- I've a friend in the Ministry of Information.
{32069}{32264}All right. Only cos I wanna know how you got|that uniform. We'll keep the table between us.
{32275}{32389}A splendid idea. We'll have the waiter|put food on it, too, huha
{32397}{32543}An interesting supper. Every time I moved my|chair closer to yours, you moved yours away.
{32553}{32625}We must've looked like a merry-go-round.
{32631}{32760}You still haven't told me|what you're doing in that uniform.
{32769}{32844}Well, that ought to be perfectly clear.
{32850}{33003}I want to go where you go,|do what you do and be where you be.
{33013}{33130}Come on, warm up. We're in the same army.|That ought to make it official.
{33138}{33183}Driver, right here.
{33291}{33435}- Tim, you needn't bother to get out.|- I'll just see you to your door.
{33509}{33605}- That's all, cabby. Cheerio.|- Thank you, guv'nor.
{33612}{33702}- Good night.|- I said I'll see you to your door.
{33709}{33793}There's no harm in that, is therea
{34209}{34353}You said you wanted to say goodbye like a|gentleman. This is your chance. Goodbye.
{34363}{34516}Hadn't I better come in and open a windowa|Or, if the windows are open, turn on the heata
{34525}{34656}You've been turning it on all evening,|but it's not going to do you any good.
{34665}{34785}I give up. Here I am,|acting like a gentleman - the perfect escort.
{34793}{34868}Thoughtful, considerate...
{34918}{34996}Oh, gee, but you're beautiful.
{35031}{35088}Goodbye, honey.
{35275}{35350}Oh, Tim.
{35397}{35469}You worm.
{36018}{36099}- What the...|- Why don't you look where you're...
{36106}{36181}l-I'm awfully sorry.
{36296}{36356}All right, go ahead.
{36468}{36573}- It was definitely our fault.|- Oh, no, no, I'm sure it was mine.
{36581}{36667}We shouldn't have backed out|without warning you.
{36674}{36743}- That's kind...|- I trust you're not shaken up.
{36749}{36866}Oh, no, not at all. I hope I haven't|done you any damage either.
{36874}{37012}- Of course not. We're perfectly all right.|- Oh, well, thank you.
{37434}{37500}We must be going.
{37562}{37622}All right, get in.
{37681}{37779}Run along without me.|I just remembered I must see Richardson.
{37786}{37909}- An excellent idea. Wish I'd remembered too.|- Give him our love. (laughs)
{38709}{38798}Well, this is a surprise.|Did I forget my dinner paila
{38805}{38895}No, I'm here on official business|for Lady Fitzhugh.
{38901}{38982}Wella Which one's yoursa
{38986}{39079}Oh, stop kidding. These are|Lockheed Hudsons. Bombers.
{39086}{39155}Where are all those cute little Spitfiresa
{39161}{39227}That's what I've been trying to find out.
{39233}{39326}Can you imaginea|They put me in school. Me!
{39333}{39450}Operational training. Teaching me|to fly under wartime conditions.
{39458}{39560}I've forgotten more about an airplane|than they'll ever know.
{39568}{39724}Didn't you tell them about all the experience|you'd had testing and flying the maila
{39733}{39805}- Sure, it's no secret.|- Well, what'd they saya
{39812}{39916}They were very polite about it.|They said that with all my experience,
{39923}{40022}I wouldn't have any difficulty catching on.
{40029}{40104}Meanwhile I suppose I won't see you at all.
{40111}{40228}Of course you will. I'll pick you up tonight|after the show, backstage.
{40236}{40341}Now I'm a schoolboy, I need somebody|to help with my homework.
{40348}{40423}I can't wait.
{40430}{40520}I better go. I don't want to be tardy.|I'm going to a lecture. Bye.
{40527}{40635}Goodbye. And don't be|too difficult with teacher.
{40642}{40807}This Messerschmitt 109 was shot down last|week. Before I show you its vulnerabilities,
{40818}{40982}I have here a report made by the pilot|of the Spitfire which brought it down.
{40992}{41067}It seems that he was at 30,000 feet...
{41073}{41199}Mr Baker. If I were you,|I'd listen rather carefully to this.
{41207}{41297}You might want some information|on a 109 in a hurry one day.
{41304}{41382}Yes, sir. That's all right, go ahead.|I'm listening.
{41470}{41593}(engine churns but does not start)
{41783}{41873}It'll start better with this in place.
{41905}{41988}- What's thata|- The rotor off your distributor.
{41991}{42141}- Oh, did it fall offa|- No, I took it off. You know the regulationa
{42151}{42301}I know there's one about taking something|off your car so parachutists can't drive it,
{42310}{42397}but I never knew what it was|you were supposed to take off.
{42404}{42575}This is it. You just lift it out. I did it for you|so the police wouldn't catch you.
{42586}{42742}- That's very nice of you.|- If anyone catches you, I want to be the one.
{42751}{42862}- Do you catch many this waya|- I never tried before.
{42870}{42960}- Reallya|- In fact, I never thought about it before.
{42967}{43059}You couldn't have done better|if you'd spent hours working it out.
{43066}{43150}You suppose you could put it back as easilya
{43154}{43220}If you insist.
{43226}{43337}Maybe I'd better watch|so I can do it myself next time.
{43345}{43441}If you ever lose it, apply to|the nearest German parachutist.
{43448}{43526}They undoubtedly carry duplicates.
{43532}{43616}- They're quite thorough, you know.|- So I've heard.
{43623}{43737}- I'm afraid I've botched this.|- How far did you expect to get on one rotora
{43745}{43829}- I hoped to learn your name.|- Whya I don't know yours.
{43836}{43956}- I'm John Morley.|- How do you do, Mr Morleya Goodbye.
{44004}{44100}Goodbye, licence BHX 528.
{44210}{44261}Friend of yours, Morleya
{44266}{44377}My cousin, sir, from Glasgow.|She's going to spend a few days in London.
{44385}{44448}When your cousin spends|a few days in London,
{44454}{44577}does she usually dance and sing with eight|beautiful girls at the Regency Housea
{44585}{44729}You don't say, sir. I'm afraid|my aunt will be terribly upset.
{44970}{45120}Very sorry, sir, but they're all reserved.|I can give you something not too far back.
{45129}{45230}That won't do, Louis. I want to get|a close look at the chorus.
{45238}{45331}That's what everybody wants, sir,|a close look at the chorus.
{45338}{45434}There must be something you can do.|This is an important occasion.
{45441}{45519}There is a flying officer|at one of our best tables.
{45525}{45651}- And I'm a squadron leader.|- So you are, sir. This way, please.
{45966}{46137}Sir, there is a mistake in the reservations.|Would you let me find you another tablea
{46148}{46214}Definitely not.
{46220}{46360}Excuse me, sir, but I'm sure the squadron|leader will consider it a personal favour.
{46369}{46423}It's rather important to me.
{46428}{46575}I'm afraid you can't use your rank to exert|pressure. I'm not ambitious in a military way.
{46585}{46693}- I'm sorry, sir.|- But if you share my table, I've no objection.
{46700}{46766}Oh, thank you.
{46772}{46880}Thank you, sir. And thank you too, sir.
{46894}{46993}(d "Another Little Dream|Won"t Do Us Any Harm")
{48822}{48879}- Good, isn't shea|- Very good.
{48884}{48944}- The singer, I mean.|- So do I.
{48950}{49022}Reallya Would you like me|to introduce you, sira
{49028}{49109}- Thank you, but I already know her.|- You doa
{49116}{49221}How is it everybody knows her but mea|Would you like to introduce mea
{49228}{49321}No. Anyone who creates|competition for himself is an ass.
{49328}{49438}- I agree, but I thought I'd try.|- Thanks for the use of your table.
{49446}{49506}- You're going to meet her nowa|- Yes.
{49512}{49602}If opportunity knocks, shove in|a good word for Roger Pillby.
{49609}{49711}If opportunity knocks, I'll be speechless.
{49718}{49766}Thank you.
{49831}{49918}(both whisper)
{50040}{50133}- Hello there.|- Hello.
{50141}{50222}I hate to seem persistent.
{50228}{50339}- Well, let's face facts. You are.|- Yes, so I am.
{50347}{50428}Now we've run into each other,|we can have supper.
{50434}{50559}Oh, I'd like to very much, but...|I'm afraid my husband wouldn't like it.
{50568}{50646}Your... Oh, reallya You're marrieda
{50652}{50733}That's the way one usually gets a husband.
{50740}{50896}It's rather stupid of me. I suppose I should've|considered that possibility, but I didn't.
{50906}{50993}He wouldn't like me|dismantling your distributor.
{51000}{51048}No, I'm afraid he wouldn't.
{51053}{51146}There's nothing wrong with what I did.|That car's as good as ever.
{51153}{51240}Better, now I know its innermost secrets. Bye.
{51247}{51304}- May I see you homea|- Uh, no.
{51309}{51402}No, thank you,|my husband will be along directly.
{51409}{51496}I see I've made a botch of this all over again.
{51503}{51586}But I've enjoyed meeting|you once more. Goodbye.
{51590}{51644}- Goodbye.|- However,
{51649}{51805}on second thought, since your husband|isn't here yet, I may as well have a cigarette.
{51815}{51902}I wish you wouldn't.|He might misunderstand.
{51909}{52080}Oh, I don't see how he could. I'd rather|imagine he'd think the joke was on me.
{52090}{52162}- Will you have a cigarettea|- No, no, thank you.
{52168}{52258}- Do you mind if I doa|- Hma Oh, no.
{52381}{52453}Perhaps I will have one.
{52777}{52882}He, uh... he might have fallen asleep.
{53024}{53096}- He works days.|- Reallya
{53155}{53248}- I'm afraid something's detained him.|- Possibly.
{53255}{53372}- Perhaps I had better run along.|- I'd be delighted to drive you.
{53381}{53504}- No, that won't be necessary.|- Not necessary, but very pleasant.
{53599}{53706}(man) Air raid. Take cover,|everybody, the alert is sounded.
{53714}{53822}Take cover. Take cover, please. Air raid.
{53830}{53920}- The alert's sounded, sir. Take cover.|- Thank you.
{53927}{54035}Not at all, sir.|Air raid. Take cover.
{54043}{54130}The alert is sounded. Please take cover.
{54136}{54229}Shall we go in that churcha|It looks quite unperturbed.
{54236}{54296}All right.
{54337}{54469}From what I read in the papers,|a church is the one thing they never miss.
{54727}{54786}A few others seem to have had the same idea.
{54792}{54912}There's lots of room in front,|among the sinners.
{55095}{55218}Shall we sit herea I knew that old boy.|He was quite a stickler.
{55227}{55329}Went to his grave convinced|the Lord made only two kinds of people -
{55336}{55444}his kind, and the rest of the world.
{55452}{55539}If he were here tonight,|he wouldn't approve of all this.
{55546}{55639}- I take it this is a fashionable church.|- Indisputably.
{55646}{55757}Some of our very best people|have been married here.
{55765}{55878}- By the way, were you married in a churcha|- No.
{55886}{55970}- Judge's chambersa|- No.
{55976}{56021}Registry officea
{56026}{56116}Why all this sudden interest|in my vital statisticsa
{56123}{56207}You may as well know, Miss Brown,|I'm vitally interested.
{56214}{56361}- You may as well know I'm not married.|- You don't say.
{56370}{56529}- I only told you that to discourage you.|- Well, it worked perfectly. I was discouraged.
{56539}{56650}Then you might as well also know|I think you're very attractive.
{56658}{56721}- Ah.|- But a little late.
{56727}{56790}I see. There's someone else.
{56796}{56921}But there must be some hope.|You say I'm attractive. You aren't married.
{56929}{57052}Unless your wedding's arranged within|the next half-hour, I have a sporting chance.
{57061}{57151}You must be terribly in love with him.
{57157}{57268}- Insane.|- I wonder if he knows how lucky he is.
{57276}{57369}- I... I think so.|- (siren)
{57408}{57477}- There's the all clear.|- Then I must go.
{57483}{57567}Of course, they... they may come back.
{57623}{57725}General feeling seems to be that they won't.
{57733}{57853}Dull fellows. No feeling|whatever for romance.
{58038}{58077}Good night.
{58082}{58166}Shall we say the Ivy,|about one on Thursdaya
{58173}{58239}- What fora|- Lunch.
{58245}{58341}- There's no purpose in it.|- There's no harm in it either.
{58348}{58420}All right. The Ivy at one. Good night.
{58426}{58564}I hope you believe me when I tell you this is|the first air raid I've ever actually enjoyed.
{58573}{58642}No doubt the spiritual effect of the church.
{58648}{58708}Good night, Miss Brown.
{59448}{59508}Oh, hello.
{59567}{59684}- It's almost two. I'm due back at school.|- I hope I didn't upset your plans.
{59692}{59794}No, no, it was my fault.|I'm sorry I stood you up.
{59801}{59891}It's quite all right. How was kindergartena
{59898}{60000}Jolly. Some jerk gave us|a lecture on fundamentals.
{60008}{60103}Over and over again, the same things.|I nearly went nuts.
{60110}{60212}So I came here to take a nap|rather than going to the Regency House.
{60219}{60351}- It really doesn't matter.|- Now, don't be like that.
{60360}{60474}- At least I wasn't out with anybody else.|- Reallya
{60482}{60566}I was. He was very charming.
{60573}{60687}If I'd known you were here,|I'd have asked him in.
{60735}{60843}Oh, so that's it, hma|Trying to make me burn.
{60851}{60998}Not at all. Just bringing you up to date.|I'm having lunch with him Thursday.
{61244}{61337}I believe you were out with somebody else.
{61507}{61612}I know, honey. I'm a worm.
{61744}{61912}Gentlemen, you've completed your training|and you're now ready for active service.
{61923}{62007}And you've got a pretty tough job|in front of you.
{62013}{62106}But I want to thank you all|for the keenness you've shown
{62113}{62199}that has helped make my job|such an easy one.
{62206}{62383}Your appointments will be posted on the|notice board. Congratulations and good luck.
{63035}{63101}Come in.
{63303}{63366}- Yesa|- Pilot Officer Baker, sir.
{63372}{63465}- Oh, the American.|- I've been assigned to your flight, sir.
{63472}{63571}That's right. I'm glad to have you, Baker.|Take a seat.
{63578}{63632}Thank you.
{63638}{63740}I've just been going over your record.|It's excellent.
{63747}{63831}If it's so good, why wasn't I|assigned to a fighter squadrona
{63838}{63973}Each man in the RAF is assigned to where|he's most needed and is best qualified to fit.
{63982}{64072}I think you'll find a bomber has its points.
{64079}{64166}Perhaps, for those who like|that sort of thing, sir.
{64172}{64324}But frankly, grousing along over the Ruhr|in a bomber isn't my idea of excitement.
{64334}{64427}Aren't you labouring under|a slight misapprehension, Bakera
{64434}{64560}Flying a fighter in a scramble is one thing.|You can go up and get it over with.
{64568}{64697}It's something else to be five hours|in a bomber, making a target of yourself.
{64706}{64844}Maybe, sir. But I'm not, as they say,|constitutionally suited to it.
{64853}{64961}I'm the nervous type. I don't like|to brood over anything for five hours.
{64969}{65095}We'll try to see you get enough action|in this squadron to keep you happy.
{65103}{65199}Oh, come in, Wales.
{65206}{65323}This is Pilot Officer Baker, just posted|to our squadron. Flying Officer Wales.
{65332}{65377}- How do you doa|- How do you doa
{65382}{65459}- I'm sure you'll find itjolly here.|- Yeah. Jolly.
{65465}{65555}Come along. I want you to meet the others.
{65781}{65871}This is Pilot Officer Baker,|our new squadron member.
{65878}{65983}- Flight Officer Starling-Richardson.|- How are you, Bakera
{65990}{66062}- Flying Officer Graves.|- How do you doa
{66069}{66156}- Pilot Officer Thorndyke.|- Baker.
{66184}{66232}And Flying Officer Watson.
{66238}{66322}- (Tim) How do you do, Watsona|- Hello, Baker.
{66328}{66433}- And Flying Officer Pillby.|- Oh, hello.
{66441}{66512}- How do you doa|- I know you.
{66518}{66656}- You wouldn't introduce me to Carol Brown.|- Sure, I remember. How are youa
{66665}{66767}This is remarkable.|Morley wouldn't introduce me to her either.
{66774}{66855}All the men who wouldn't introduce me|in one room.
{66862}{66937}Seems we have more|in common that I thought, sir.
{66943}{67018}- Apparently.|- Have you known her longa
{67025}{67100}- Not very.|- I haven't seen much of her lately.
{67106}{67214}Been confined with that operational|training they hand you over here.
{67222}{67276}- How is shea|- Oh, splendid.
{67281}{67374}Perhaps you'd like to see the placea|This is the Blue Room.
{67381}{67521}And over here is the Hall of Mirrors,|where we hold all our soirees.
{67530}{67671}Let me see, Baker. B-A-K-E-R.|Yes, that'll fit in just nicely.
{67680}{67773}I do the carving myself.|Rather neat, don't you thinka
{67780}{67831}(phone rings)
{67837}{67906}I'll take it.
{67981}{68032}Yes, sir.
{68037}{68118}- We're wanted in the Operations Room.|- Let's go.
{68124}{68301}I haven't had a chance to add Wilson's name|yet. He's the lad you're replacing, you know.
{68409}{68487}And your objective tonight is Berlin.
{68522}{68695}Men, you've received your operations orders.|In addition, I want reconnaissance reports.
{68705}{68786}Observe particularly landmarks, lights,
{68793}{68898}and concentrations of troops and equipment|that are not indicated.
{68905}{69064}Each aircraft will carry 200,000 leaflets|to be scattered thoroughly over the city.
{69140}{69221}Yes, Baker. Leaflets.
{69227}{69317}Any further questions, gentlemena
{69324}{69423}Zero hour, 1800 hours.
{69431}{69518}Synchronise your watches, gentlemen.
{69553}{69702}It will be exactly 15.32... now.
{69711}{69783}- Good luck.|- Thank you, sir.
{69961}{70081}I'm not in a war.|I'm back carrying the mail.
{70305}{70371}- Can I help you, sira|- No, thank you.
{70377}{70452}But see if there's anything|you can do for Mr Baker.
{70459}{70549}- Mr Baker, sira|- Yeah, that's me.
{70555}{70636}Bomb aimer, navigator,|second cook and bottle washer.
{70643}{70741}I'm like the friend who went along|on the honeymoon just for the ride.
{70748}{70874}This is a coincidence, you might say,|seeing as how my name is Baker too.
{70883}{70967}Harry Baker. I wonder if we could be related.
{70974}{71085}- Could be. Do you spell it with a Ba|- Oh, yes, sir.
{71092}{71149}B-A-K-E-R. Baker.
{72411}{72504}- Take over for a while, Baker.|- Yes, sir.
{73020}{73101}We're nearing our objective. I'll take over.
{73483}{73525}Stand by.
{74545}{74701}- Those guys aren't kidding, even if we are.|- Go aft and give Corporal Baker a hand.
{74711}{74774}Yes, sir.
{75207}{75288}Oh, no, no, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
{75295}{75367}That's not the way to do it.
{75373}{75430}You do it like this.
{75435}{75519}Sir, we're supposed to open|them up so they can read 'em.
{75526}{75625}Well, I think they'll make|more of an impression this way.
{75748}{75877}You just pass them to me|and I'll make the deliveries.
{75886}{75982}D I been workin' on the railroad
{75989}{76096}d All the livelong day
{76104}{76182}d I been workin' on the railroad
{76188}{76290}d Just to pass the time away
{76297}{76381}d Can't you hear that whistle blowin'...
{76423}{76528}D So early in the morna
{76535}{76592}D I been...
{76804}{76915}d I've been labouring on the railway
{76923}{76983}d All the bloody afternoon
{76989}{77079}- That's all right. That's all. Close it up.|- Yes, sir.
{77085}{77154}Oh, wait a minute.
{77160}{77214}No, no, no, sir.
{77219}{77315}That was only supposed|to be used in case of fire, sir.
{77322}{77391}- Close it up.|- Yes, sir.
{77741}{77828}(phone ringing)
{78004}{78124}All right, all right,|I'm hurrying as fast as I can.
{78234}{78303}(knocking on door)
{78309}{78378}Just a minute, Tim.|Helloa
{78385}{78514}Hello, Tim. Just a minute, just a minute.
{78522}{78597}Just a moment, please.|Helloa
{78603}{78702}Listen, honey, I'm afraid|I'm gonna be a little late.
{78710}{78785}We got held up by a traffic light in Berlin.
{78791}{78899}I had to have a few hours sleep|so I could look my best. Do you minda
{78907}{79012}No, no, of course I don't mind.|How long will you bea
{79019}{79115}45 minutes on the dot. OKa
{79123}{79168}Of course it's OK.
{79240}{79345}But don't be late, Tim. Bye.
{79512}{79566}Oh! Oh, goodness.
{79572}{79710}- Hello. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.|- You caught me in the shower, that's all.
{79719}{79836}Well, give me a minute.|Count three, then come on in.
{79882}{79963}One, two, three. Here I come.
{80013}{80109}I was only 30 streets away|so I decided to drop in.
{80141}{80225}- I'll be out in a minute.|- I knew you had no show today,
{80232}{80378}and as I have 48 hours' leave, I hoped you'd|drive to my father's place in Kent with me.
{80387}{80513}Sorry, I would have loved it,|but I already have a date.
{80522}{80621}Nothing you could ignorea
{80628}{80709}I'm afraid not.
{80716}{80827}Sometimes, being rude at the right moment|makes a social career.
{80834}{80945}- Or wrecks one.|- Well, there's something to that.
{80953}{81016}You've completely ruined my weekend.
{81022}{81103}- Can't you go anywaya|- No.
{81128}{81257}I hope you'll forgive the way I look,|but I was trying to hurry.
{81396}{81519}There's nothing for it but to go to the club|and grumble about staying in London.
{81528}{81633}- I'll be getting along.|- Oh, you needn't hurry.
{81671}{81767}Why should I tantalise myselfa
{81775}{81856}It's much better to make it|a quick, clean wound and go.
{81862}{81952}But I'll try again next week... earlier.
{81959}{82034}- Goodbye.|- Goodbye.
{82228}{82336}- You're sure you won't...|- Mm-mm.
{82344}{82478}You've no idea how lovely it can be|in Kent at this time of year.
{82487}{82559}Then I expect it is goodbye.
{82565}{82631}- Goodbye.|- Goodbye.
{82865}{82925}- (knock on door)|- Come in.
{82968}{83025}- Hello, old boy.|- Hello, Roger.
{83031}{83115}- Where are you bound fora|- London.
{83122}{83188}- To meet hera|- Rather.
{83193}{83289}I'm going to London too.|Is there any possibility...
{83297}{83357}Not the slightest, old boy.
{83362}{83461}Your esprit de corps|is practically nonexistent.
{83468}{83531}How does a fella get to London in a hurrya
{83536}{83629}Fellows who haven't got cars|walk to the village and get a train.
{83637}{83709}The journey takes approximately three hours.
{83715}{83805}That's just dandy.|I told her I'd be there in 45 minutes.
{83812}{83929}Then you'll be exactly two hours and|15 minutes late, if the train's on time.
{83937}{84075}- Well, come on, let's hurry.|- I'm not taking the train. I've a car. Cheerio.
{84084}{84213}Oh boy, a car!|That's what I call a break, you having a car.
{84221}{84350}No. It won't do you a bit of good|dropping all those hints around, old man.
{84359}{84523}If you won't share your female with me, then|I certainly won't share my Austin with you.
{84533}{84599}Oh... Now, look here.
{84605}{84716}There's nothing I'd rather do|than introduce you to Miss Brown.
{84724}{84799}Then I'd be delighted|to drive you to town. Get in.
{84805}{84865}Thank you. I'm in.
{85043}{85127}Hey, Al! Al Bennett!
{85134}{85197}Tim! Hey, Tim!
{85202}{85364}Stop, Roger. That's Al Bennett, a friend of|mine from America. I want you to meet him.
{85374}{85431}Come on, back up.
{85471}{85540}- Hello, Al.|- Tim! How are youa
{85546}{85620}- What are you doing in Englanda|- Ferry service.
{85627}{85744}- At the moment I'm looking for the beam.|- They've another name for it here.
{85752}{85827}- What are you doinga|- I inherited a dukedom.
{85833}{85953}A provision of the will was that I join the RAF.|Roger Pillby, Al Bennett.
{85961}{85997}- How do you doa|- Swell.
{86002}{86137}- We oughta preserve this reunion in alcohol.|- It's no coincidence you're outside a saloon.
{86146}{86224}- They call it "pub" over here.|- Oh. Come on, Roger.
{86230}{86323}I'd like to some other time,|but we've got an engagement in town.
{86330}{86417}It'll only take a minute.|We'll still beat that train.
{86424}{86532}- When did you get in, Ala|- Yesterday. Pushed up a new record.
{86540}{86656}- Eight hours and 12 minutes.|- Eight hours and... Say, that tops my time.
{86708}{86822}Look at that. That's a lot of hot air.|They'll never try that again.
{86830}{86896}- Hello, sister.|- Good evening, gentlemen.
{86902}{86953}- Three Bass beers.|- Yes, sir.
{86958}{86997}Bitter for me, miss.
{87002}{87062}When you ask for whisky, you get Scotch.
{87067}{87133}And when you ask for ice,|you get hot water.
{87139}{87226}- How's it goinga|- Still flying them across. Three a month.
{87233}{87317}I'd be a wealthy man|if my wife wasn't attaching my salary.
{87324}{87408}- Yeah, that's good dough.|- How much do you geta
{87415}{87520}- Mea They pay me off in stamps.|- I don't savvy.
{87527}{87596}- One and elevenpence, please, sir.|- Righto.
{87602}{87724}- Shall we say to Miss Browna|- Browna Carol Browna Is she over herea
{87732}{87825}- You know her tooa|- Sure. I knew her when Tim knew her.
{87833}{87899}Everybody in the world knows her but me.
{87904}{88069}But this is my day. I mean night. Tonight,|at last, Miss Brown and I will find each other.
{88080}{88215}- Wait a minute. You're only meeting her.|- I know, but the war being what it is, old boy,
{88223}{88319}if there should be any sudden sadness,|she'll have me to cry on.
{88327}{88444}- She might even receive the Pillby ring.|- What's that, a telephone numbera
{88452}{88545}It's a gold ring in frightful taste,|worth absolutely nothing,
{88552}{88672}but the family tradition is that|it must always go to the right woman.
{88680}{88776}- How do you knowa|- I never carry it with me. I don't trust myself.
{88783}{88863}But it might be in the cards|that Miss Brown gets it.
{88870}{88999}That is, of course, if you cooperate|and don't get silly ideas about living forever.
{89007}{89049}- Three more.|- No, really.
{89054}{89147}He's ordered them.|We might as well drink them.
{89154}{89262}- What's happened to all the boysa|- Still ferrying. All but Heck Newman.
{89270}{89372}- He crack upa|- No, he got food poisoning at a picnic.
{89380}{89506}Did you hear Slip Mason's herea He married|a dame with a title and a lot of money.
{89514}{89556}- Slipa|- Yeah.
{89561}{89684}Gee, I'd like to see him. Slip flew|upside down from St Louis to New York.
{89689}{89767}- You know what the time isa|- I'm on my way there.
{89774}{89840}- You two can drop me.|- No, thanks. Really.
{89846}{89953}- I'd like to, but I've got to get to London.|- It's right on the way.
{89960}{90062}You can just run in and run out.|Slip would be glad to see you.
{90070}{90175}Well, OK, butjust for a minute.|We can still beat that train.
{90182}{90326}- That's what the hare said to the tortoise.|- Oh, is Hare over here tooa
{90364}{90406}Here we are.
{90411}{90486}- You're sure this is ita|- I swear it.
{90492}{90588}- Will it be all right for me to come upa|- Sure.
{90595}{90751}Here it is, 4am and you said it would take|a minute and that he lived on the way.
{90761}{90827}Slip lives nearer Glasgow than London.
{90833}{90916}We couldn't refuse Slip|when he asked us to dinner.
{90919}{91036}It wasn't dinner. It was telling|the life story of every pilot in America.
{91044}{91191}I didn't know America had as many pilots.|I thought you were unprepared.
{91357}{91423}- Is this the...|- Shh.
{92613}{92682}Yoo-hoo. Honeya
{92954}{93082}- Carol!|- Shh. She's gone to bed.
{93091}{93220}- But we had a date. Why should shea|- Perhaps she was sleepy.
{93228}{93363}- I'll wake her up.|- Tell her not to go to any trouble for me.
{93679}{93772}- She's not home.|- Well, she must be.
{93779}{93872}How do you like thata|Just because we're a little late.
{93879}{93945}All that hurry for nothing.
{93951}{94020}She couldn't have misunderstood me.
{94026}{94124}I talked to her on the phone.|She knew we had a date.
{94131}{94221}Perhaps she's on an errand.
{94228}{94303}Pardon me. Will you have a drinka
{94310}{94364}- You gonna have onea|- I am.
{94369}{94453}I wouldn't think of letting you|drink alone, old boy.
{94460}{94535}I can't believe that she'd just walk out.
{94541}{94643}There's usually a simple explanation|everyone laughs at once it's out.
{94650}{94746}But this isn't like her.|She's so dependable.
{94754}{94826}- Is she the coy typea|- What do you meana
{94832}{94964}- Hiding under the bed.|- No. Nobody could get under her bed.
{95428}{95557}Everything's so lovely down here.|You'd never believe there's a war on.
{95566}{95695}I wouldn't be too sure. Dad and his home|guard might pop out of a bush any moment.
{95703}{95799}- Parachutists, you know.|- (car horn)
{95938}{96046}Shall we take the short cut backa|It's likely to prove the longest way.
{96054}{96114}By all means.
{96119}{96221}I wonder if you can possibly realise|what all this has meant to me -
{96229}{96315}staying in that house that looks as if|it's been there forever.
{96321}{96450}It has. The part you were in|last night's the new part. It was built in 1748.
{96459}{96603}The other wing dates back to the Norman|Conquest. But nobody's been in it for years.
{96612}{96771}- Maybe it's still full of Normans.|- That's always been one of my pet theories.
{96916}{97090}And to think, back home I lived in|the oldest house in town. It was 32 years old.
{97100}{97235}- I'll wager the plumbing was better.|- It didn't have plumbing. It was in Oklahoma.
{97244}{97375}- You must have been through a great deal.|- You don't know anything.
{97384}{97573}We moved to Kansas and had a lovely house|with hot and cold water and steam heat.
{97584}{97710}And along came a big wind|and blew the roof off.
{97718}{97787}And there you were, out in the cold again.
{97793}{97886}Of course, I'm giving you|a one-sided picture of my life.
{97894}{97990}I once had a house in New Rochelle|and nothing happened at all.
{97997}{98087}It must have been a very wonderful house.
{98213}{98285}Somehow I prefer this one.
{98380}{98458}It's yours if you want it to be.
{98524}{98593}I mean that, Carol.
{98699}{98795}What is it people saya "This is so sudden"a
{98900}{99047}It would have been suddener if I'd asked|when I wanted to, in that church.
{99056}{99128}Marry me, Carol.
{99250}{99328}- I can't.|- Why nota
{99334}{99423}Oh, lots of reasons.
{99493}{99562}Hold this, will youa
{99596}{99698}What about your fathera
{99705}{99849}Does he know that we've seen|each other exactly six timesa
{99859}{99931}That I'm a dancer at the Regency Housea
{99937}{100036}Yes. And I must admit he was|a little difficult about that.
{100043}{100136}Kept asking "Is she a good dancera"
{100143}{100206}And that my family came from Oklahomaa
{100212}{100317}Of course, it might be better|to break Oklahoma to him by degrees.
{100325}{100400}Does that clear up everythinga
{100511}{100571}No, it doesn't.
{100577}{100649}It wouldn't be Baker, would ita
{100711}{100852}- How did you knowa|- The best possible source - the man himself.
{100899}{100947}Well, that's it.
{100952}{101066}- Are you going to marry hima|- Oh, let's drop it.
{101356}{101428}I don't love him.
{101462}{101551}I don't know that I ever have or ever will.
{101655}{101766}But when I'm with him|I can't seem to remember that.
{101802}{101940}Once I didn't see him for a whole year|and I thought that...
{101971}{102031}When I did it was...
{102077}{102128}just the same.
{102133}{102193}I see.
{102330}{102492}You're the one I ought to love.|You're everything that Tim isn't.
{102502}{102609}Then you should marry me|at once, by all means.
{102617}{102713}- You still want me toa|- Of course.
{102720}{102894}Baker happened before you knew me.|That's merely poor timing on fate's part.
{102905}{102965}I couldn't.
{102999}{103074}When I'm not even sure of myself.
{104371}{104446}Well, it's about time.
{104496}{104559}What are you doing herea
{104564}{104696}- We had a date, didn't wea|- Yes. We had a date yesterday.
{104705}{104800}I know, honey. I'm sorry|about standing you up, but...
{104807}{104867}It's all right.
{104979}{105039}Here. Let me.
{105045}{105114}I'll get it.
{105120}{105204}I don't have an excuse either.|I just ran into Al Bennett.
{105211}{105316}We did some hangar flying|and I just lost track of the time.
{105323}{105401}That might happen to anybody.
{105445}{105523}Here, let me. I'll get that.
{105752}{105868}- These are pretty. Where'd you find thema|- In the country.
{105876}{105960}- You been to the country, huha|- Mm-hm.
{106023}{106092}- Alonea|- No.
{106139}{106217}- Did you have a good timea|- Wonderful.
{106295}{106385}- Who'd you go witha|- A friend of mine.
{106605}{106746}I know I'm a heel and I'm sorry.|Will you forgive mea
{106755}{106863}But there's nothing to forgive.|I've had a lovely time.
{106869}{106944}I just don't want you to feel hurt.
{106951}{107017}But I'm not hurt.
{107048}{107117}I guess I'd better be getting back.
{107123}{107204}Yes, I think you had. It's rather late.
{107210}{107291}- Goodbye, Carol.|- Goodbye.
{107988}{108162}I said I was sorry, didn't Ia I crawled.|I apologised. When do I get reliefa
{108172}{108271}But what have I said or donea|I'm not mad, really I'm not.
{108279}{108375}Stop needling me. Why don't you|bawl me out and get it over witha
{108382}{108481}But why should I bawl you outa
{108488}{108608}- I'm glad you didn't show up.|- Look here. What's this all abouta
{108617}{108683}Nothing, except we're through.
{108742}{108832}Notjust again, but through for keeps.
{109222}{109309}- That must have been some weekend.|- It was.
{109332}{109434}He couldn't have spent all his time|picking flowers.
{109441}{109582}He didn't. He did something|that would never occur to you.
{109591}{109690}Something you couldn't even understand.
{109726}{109795}He asked me to marry him.
{109829}{109910}So that's what's bothering you.
{109917}{110040}Why didn't you say soa If you really|wanna get married, I'll marry you.
{110134}{110248}You mean you'd make|that great sacrifice just for mea
{110272}{110356}Sure. I'll marry you tonight if you say so.
{110478}{110556}That's awfully sweet of you, Tim.
{110644}{110740}Your proposal was beautiful.
{110872}{110929}Everything a girl could want it to be.
{111038}{111187}But for your personal and private|information, I'd rather marry a...
{111269}{111395}I'm very grateful, but I can't accept.|Now please go.
{111538}{111598}Get out!
{111778}{111898}And get that tramp friend of yours|out of my bed!
{112010}{112067}Did, er...
{112072}{112156}- Did somebody come ina|- No. Somebody went out.
{112163}{112231}- Not hera|- Yes, her.
{112237}{112327}Oh, dash it all. I muffed it again.
{112372}{112531}... sources of large-scale German troop|concentrations along the Dutch frontier.
{112540}{112657}Advices filtering in from the lowlands|appear to confirm the suspicion
{112666}{112738}- that some sudden military action...|- Hello.
{112744}{112867}- Have you fellows heard the newsa|- Sure. I could have told you that months ago.
{112875}{112980}- Reallya|- American cunning. Positively a genius for it.
{112988}{113102}All leave is cancelled and the flight|commander has orders for us to stand by.
{113110}{113179}You had better let him know you're back.
{113185}{113298}Maybe they're gonna let us drop|welcome mats on the Low Countries.
{113321}{113402}You look a little faded. Strenuous weekenda
{113409}{113550}If you must know I spent my whole leave|in a certain flat. If you must know.
{113559}{113607}(knock on door)
{113612}{113684}Come in.
{113690}{113870}Wales said you were worried about me, so I|rushed over to say the problem child's home.
{114009}{114138}Then I suggest you do what I'm doing.|Get into uniform.
{114228}{114297}- That's funny.|- What's funnya
{114340}{114436}We both seem to go in for|the same kind of flowers.
{114443}{114509}Yes, it is, rather.
{114531}{114621}As a matter of fact, we seem to|go in for a lot of the same things.
{114628}{114700}We have more in common|than we've realised.
{114706}{114808}Yeah, that may be,|but Carol's not one of them!
{114815}{114911}Sir, the CO wishes to speak with you|on the phone right away.
{114918}{114978}Thank you, Roger.
{115015}{115144}There's a flap on. We're wanted at Operations.|Better get changed.
{115153}{115249}Your objective tonight is the|marshalling yard at Dortmund.
{115256}{115370}There are heavy concentrations|of mechanised units and material.
{115378}{115482}Undoubtedly, you will encounter|heavy anti-aircraft opposition,
{115490}{115592}and for some of you this will be|the first time under fire.
{115599}{115707}But I see by your faces that|you're not averse to the idea.
{115715}{115856}That's all. The intelligence officer will|give you the latest details from his reports.
{115865}{115934}- Good luck.|- Thank you, sir.
{115978}{116146}Gentlemen, the advance of the enemy|has been far greater than was anticipated.
{116156}{116294}It appears that the flank of the Peel Line|has already been turned.
{116303}{116396}Your mission, therefore,|is of extreme importance.
{120211}{120289}Six minutes on this course|to reach our objective.
{120295}{120352}Right. Corporala
{120414}{120456}Stand by.
{120857}{120998}I'll try to get below this muck.|We'll make our run-up at 2,000 feet.
{121779}{121857}- Bomb doors open.|- Right.
{122101}{122161}Go on.
{122664}{122709}Nice shooting, Baker.
{123620}{123665}What's the mattera
{123876}{123950}Pull her up. Climb out of these searchlights.
{123957}{124128}Considering that we're on one engine,|this aircraft is performing exceptionally well.
{124179}{124293}That chap's in trouble down there.|He'll never get out of those lights.
{124301}{124391}I'd better go down|and see if I can't turn one of them off.
{124398}{124539}Old boy, you've been in the spotlight|long enough. I'm coming to give you a hand.
{124548}{124671}Stay out of this, Roger. Stay out!|Job's completed. Return to base.
{124679}{124742}Too late, sir. I'm on my way down.
{124823}{124999}How bloody considerate of them to keep|those lights on. Never did like the dark.
{125010}{125166}Even as a child, used to complain bitterly.|Regular tantrums.
{125175}{125316}Refused to be put in a room|with the lights out. Never got over it.
{125325}{125436}Probably explains my passion|for nightclub life.
{125444}{125507}Take that, you dirty!
{125820}{125880}(engine spluttering)
{125960}{126046}Well, at last we're out of that.
{126053}{126122}Yes, but Roger isn't.
{126256}{126334}Bale out, boys, we're in a dead duck.
{126688}{126787}(Morley) Pillby! Pillby!
{126851}{126935}- Do you see hima|- Yes, in flames.
{126941}{127078}I heard him tell the crew|to bale out, but there wasn't time.
{127506}{127596}(engine spluttering)
{127778}{127856}(engine runs normally again)
{128431}{128500}Stand by to bale out.
{128506}{128626}Go up, Baker, with the others,|and get ready to bale out.
{128947}{129031}We're at 2,000 feet. Bale out.
{129128}{129173}After you.
{129178}{129273}- Cheerio.|- So long, matey.
{129381}{129522}- Baker, bale out. We're losing height fast.|- Not me. I'd rather ride than walk any day.
{129531}{129603}I won't take a chance there's any ceiling.
{129609}{129735}All right, you bale out. I don't call it a chance|when I can see a perfectly good beach.
{129744}{129855}- Whata|- Blimey! There's the seaside, right under us!
{130128}{130188}Sit down, Corporal.
{131437}{131536}- Jolly good show, Baker. Congratulations.|- Thanks.
{131543}{131618}- Where are wea|- Holland. That's a bloody windmill.
{131624}{131735}There's a stroke of luck,|coming down in a neutral country
{131743}{131896}when I was all ready to be concentrated|in a German concentration camp.
{131906}{131981}- Get out, Corporal.|- Yes, sir.
{131987}{132107}Stand clear, both of you.|I'll join you in a moment.
{132250}{132313}Look, everything but the tulips.
{132318}{132449}This is real luck. Boat, sea, and perhaps some|genial Dutchman to steer us to England.
{132458}{132575}Blimey! Look! What's thema
{132583}{132700}(shouting in German)
{132708}{132786}- Jerries.|- Jerriesa
{132793}{132910}- What are they doing here in Hollanda|- Head for that house, and keep down.
{132918}{132975}- Hurry, Corporal.|- Yes, sir.
{133062}{133149}(shouting in German)
{133156}{133324}Corporal, throw that blasted parachute away.|Stay down. Into the house. Hurry!
{133443}{133535}- What's thisa|- A wireless. Somebody's just been here...
{133542}{133617}H�nde hoch!
{133674}{133719}H�nde hoch!
{133724}{133826}- What's he saya|- Better put your hands up.
{134246}{134378}Move forward, or you're liable to get|shot in the back. They're noted for that.
{134427}{134499}He says "turn around".
{134592}{134661}Wie kommt ihr hierhera
{134667}{134742}- What's he say nowa|- He asked how we got here.
{134748}{134823}I'll tell him.|It's a tough break, squarehead.
{134830}{134989}There's a couple of other British planes|down on this beach. General Gort's in one.
{135111}{135201}Just what I thought.|He doesn't understand a word of English.
{135208}{135340}If we can keep him from letting the others|know, we can get to that boat and beat it.
{135349}{135451}You two make a break for it.|Leave him to me.
{135483}{135585}Oh, so that's it, huha A hero to the last.
{135592}{135667}Well, get this - we all go or we all stay.
{135673}{135772}I'm still in command here.|When I jump him, you go.
{135780}{135951}Very interesting debate, gentlemen.|Unfortunately, you are not going anywhere.
{136067}{136124}Go on, sir, run for the boat!
{136130}{136229}(shouting in German)
{136314}{136404}There's nothing more we can do for him.
{136552}{136612}Come on.
{136760}{136853}Stand back. They're coming.
{136861}{136945}We must get to that boat. Come on.
{137111}{137162}Get back.
{137167}{137242}Make a break for it.
{137577}{137643}Cast her off, sir.
{137854}{137953}Aw, come on, roll over. Get going, Maggie.
{138132}{138228}Can't you get it starteda|They're too close for comfort.
{138236}{138296}Well, I'm trying bloody hard, sir.
{138439}{138499}(engine starts)
{138586}{138691}Do you mind moving over|on the other side, sira
{139367}{139454}(wheels rolling and footsteps)
{140592}{140664}Hey, Miss, come here.
{140670}{140772}- Where is thisa|- It was the maternity ward.
{140779}{140848}The maternity warda|What's the matter with mea
{140854}{140967}Nothing to worry about. Exposure, mostly.|Lie down. Open your mouth.
{140975}{141047}Put this under your tongue.
{141110}{141227}- How long have I been herea|- You've been asleep almost 40 hours.
{141235}{141322}Keep it under your tongue, please.
{141516}{141612}Say, you're kind of cute.
{141823}{141868}Here are your clothes.
{141873}{141974}Listen. What happened to that officer|that was brought in with mea
{141981}{142053}- Squadron Leader Morleya|- That's him.
{142059}{142164}He's all right.|He was discharged about an hour ago.
{142172}{142325}Orderly, this bed is available, ready|to change. Hurry and dress, please.
{142335}{142386}What's all the rusha
{142391}{142520}I heard the head lady say how they're|expecting a lot of new ones. Evacuees.
{142529}{142631}My, this is a handy little garment, isn't ita
{142785}{142845}(knock on door)
{143228}{143357}- Are you all righta|- Oh, sure, sure. It's nothing at all.
{143366}{143486}Of course, I won't do much elbow-bending|with this broken wing for a while.
{143494}{143581}- Won't you come ina|- Oh, thanks.
{143753}{143831}Have you seen Morleya
{143838}{143967}No, but he telephoned me.|I'm meeting him at the Savoy for tea.
{144007}{144099}Mind if I sit downa|I'm still kind of shaky, you know.
{144106}{144256}Oh, I'm sorry, Tim. Here, sit over here|in this chair by the window.
{144487}{144544}Here, I'll take it.
{144550}{144730}- Would you like something under your foota|- Yes, it might relieve the pressure a bit.
{145003}{145117}- Is that bettera|- Yes, that's much better, thanks.
{145125}{145226}Morley said you were still|in the hospital when he left.
{145234}{145315}Do you think you should be|up and around so soona
{145321}{145447}Oh, just seeing you is doing me a lot|more good than any hospital ever could.
{145456}{145585}You know, it's funny. When I woke up,|the first thing the nurse said to me was:
{145593}{145722}"You've been raving about a Carol.|Who is she, your wifea"
{145731}{145926}I don't know why, but I said yes. Maybe that's|because it's what I want more than anything.
{145934}{145994}We're not going into that again.
{146000}{146129}Oh, I can't say that I blame you,|after the way I've acted,
{146138}{146204}but I can't hurt someone I love so much.
{146210}{146293}- Tim, I've got to go now.|- No, wait a minute.
{146296}{146425}Look, maybe this'll convince you. I had this|for you the other day when you threw me out.
{146434}{146503}That's why I was so late for our date.
{146509}{146644}Now, I may be dumb, but I'm not that dumb.|You said you were with Al Bennett.
{146653}{146749}Sure, but I was just covering up|so that I could surprise you.
{146756}{146864}When I got to the store, the jeweller|had closed up. I had to track him home.
{146872}{146950}It's true, honey. Come on, put it on and we'II...
{146956}{147076}Oop, I dropped it.|Here, wait a minute, I'll get it.
{147346}{147475}Of all the contemptible, dirty,|low-down things you've ever done!
{147483}{147543}- Listen to me!|- Get out. Get out!
{147549}{147627}I love you. I wouldn't|go to this bother if I didn't.
{147634}{147688}(phone ringing)
{147746}{147839}Hello. I'm sorry, I was held up.|I'll be ready in a minute.
{147846}{147921}No, no, Carol, don't. I can't meet you.
{147928}{148042}There's a flap on. All leaves are cancelled.|I've reported for duty.
{148050}{148137}I understand.
{148143}{148209}I'll be waiting.
{148243}{148333}Good luck, darling. Goodbye.
{148386}{148506}I know you're only a shattered hulk of a man,|but you'd better report for duty.
{148514}{148703}All leave is cancelled, and your CO won't be|taken in by a broken wing as easily as I was.
{148715}{148814}All right, I'll go. But not until|you wish me good luck, too.
{148821}{148917}- Good luck and goodbye.|- Now, you listen to me.
{148955}{149063}That guy can phone you every day.|You can call him "darling" all you want.
{149071}{149164}But it won't do you any good.|You're mine and you'll stay mine.
{149171}{149249}Let go of me, you're hurting.
{149384}{149524}- If I've got to knock...|- No, I won't. (gasps)
{149533}{149611}There you are, my bride.
{149764}{149860}And when I come back, I'll make it official.
{149955}{150051}Come back here and take this thing with you!
{150058}{150136}Don't cry, darling. Don't worry about me.
{150143}{150227}I'll be back. Nothing ever happens to me.
{150249}{150336}He would get the wrong size!
{150415}{150510}Hello, Falcon Leader.|Hello, Falcon Leader.
{150517}{150697}Message acknowledged. Rearm, refuel.|Emergency landing ground five two.
{150708}{150804}Further orders follow. Over.
{150811}{150907}The Falcon Leader calling.|The Falcon Leader calling.
{150914}{151019}The message understood.|The message understood. Over.
{151027}{151120}32 Squadron returning, sir.|Three aircraft missing.
{151127}{151298}54 Squadron, six aircraft missing.|87 Squadron, four missing. 93 Squadron...
{151308}{151434}- Order replacements from the reserve pool.|- Quite so, quite so.
{151443}{151571}There's no time to rest. There's never been|a situation in history comparable to this.
{151579}{151681}325,000 men, the heart and core|of our army, are at Dunkirk,
{151689}{151830}being bombed and strafed every moment|by the enemy, who outnumber us four to one.
{151839}{151932}The navy has every vessel afloat|waiting to bring the men off.
{151939}{152014}The air force must see that they do it.
{152020}{152137}We must put every available man into action|to wrest control of the air.
{152145}{152232}That's 32 Squadron coming in to land now.
{152289}{152358}Yes. Yes, yes, definitely...
{153682}{153826}We engaged the enemy just south|of Dunkirk, sir. About 12,000 feet.
{153835}{153958}One formation, 20 Heinkels,|18 Messerschmitts about 3,000 feet above.
{153967}{154081}We used number three attack. We got|five Heinkel and three Messerschmitt.
{154089}{154170}Good. We're holding them,|in spite of their numbersa
{154176}{154245}- I think so, sir.|- How did you get on, Walkera
{154251}{154398}I got a four-second burst at a Heinkel at 200|yards, sir. He went out of control in flames.
{154408}{154549}- Then I attacked two Messerschmitts.|- These might be our replacements now.
{155558}{155705}Johnson shot down two Heinkels then lost|control. I watched him land in the water.
{155714}{155783}There was a launch.|I expect he was picked up.
{155789}{155899}Get some coffee while you're being refuelled.
{156076}{156163}Pilot Officer Carson, sir,|from the reserve pool.
{156169}{156295}- Pilot Officer Baker, sir.|- Sergeant Johnson, sir.
{156304}{156367}Good. Report to 32 Squadron.
{156373}{156535}I expect you'll have just about time for a spot|of coffee with the others before getting away.
{156545}{156605}Yes, sir.
{156801}{156887}- What's it really like over therea|- Cloudy.
{156938}{157010}32 Squadron. 32 Squadron.
{157016}{157106}Report for takeoff at once.|Report for takeoff at once.
{160075}{160159}If you get through, tell them|the enemy has our position.
{160165}{160324}Enemy aircraft are bombing and strafing our|embarkation point. We need aircraft help.
{162274}{162403}Look, sir, they're coming over the Channel!|Spitfires! Spitfires! Spitfires!
{162700}{162763}All right, chaps. All seta
{162768}{162804}Kern. All set, sir.
{162809}{162860}Benson. All set, sir.
{162865}{162901}McKay. All set, sir.
{162906}{162957}O'Brien. All set, sir.
{162962}{163004}Baker. All set, sir.
{163006}{163099}- Tally-ho!|- Tally-ho! I'm with you, Johnny.
{165096}{165168}That's for Roger.
{165353}{165427}That's for the corporal.
{166212}{166290}This one's just for me.
{167415}{167499}(band plays "Hiya, Love")
{167692}{167794}Just a minute. Yesa
{167801}{167915}Call me back at this number|if you hear anything.
{167923}{167992}- Any word at alla|- He's still missing.
{167999}{168140}They just brought in one of his squadron,|O'Brien, who baled out south of Dunkirk.
{168149}{168239}He saw Tim shoot down two MEs|and then get a burst himself.
{168246}{168414}O'Brien thinks he might have baled out. I've|checked every place I can. You'll have to wait.
{168424}{168535}If Tim baled out, he'll get back.
{168543}{168650}I know it. I'm sure of it!
{168657}{168735}Why, he's had a hundred forced landings.
{168742}{168835}Once he was lost in a snowstorm|for a whole week.
{168842}{168968}Everybody said he couldn't be alive.|They gave up the search.
{168976}{169132}Then one day he was brought into town|on a sled by a couple of Indian squaws.
{169142}{169223}Another time, at the state fair,|he was skywriting.
{169230}{169329}All of a sudden, the motor fell out|of his plane. People screamed.
{169336}{169444}He made a perfect landing|right in front of the governor's grandstand.
{169452}{169542}Why, nothing ever happens to Tim.
{169592}{169660}He has luck.
{169698}{169785}He certainly has. And that isn't all he has.
{169792}{169888}From the first, I was afraid|I couldn't shake you free of him.
{169895}{169973}Helloa Yes, speaking.
{170029}{170080}Thank you. Goodbye.
{170086}{170215}In half an hour they'll be bringing in|another boatload. It'll be the last of them.
{170223}{170340}Wait for me outside.|I'll be dressed in a minute.
{170523}{170583}(man) Oh, Peter! Peter!
{170589}{170649}Dad! Dad!
{170704}{170800}- My boy! Are you all righta|- I'm all right.
{170954}{171035}- Did we miss hima|- They just started coming off.
{171042}{171141}- Then where could he bea|- Carol, there are 1,000 men on this boat.
{171148}{171247}- We could have missed him.|- But you said we saw the first of them.
{171254}{171335}It's easy to overlook someone|in a crowd like this.
{171342}{171429}Stay near this gangplank.|I'll go nearer the other one.
{171436}{171487}All right.
{171988}{172042}Tim! Tim!
{172141}{172225}- Tim...|- (mouths)
{172635}{172689}Darling, are you hurta
{172695}{172817}Thisa Oh, this is just a new fad collar|I picked up on the other side of the Channel.
{172825}{172912}Oh, Tim, I knew nothing|would happen to you.
{172919}{172997}Sure you did. I told you, didn't Ia
{173003}{173099}Oh, it's so good|to hold you in my arms again.
{173107}{173206}All the time I was floating in the Channel,|I was thinking of you.
{173213}{173285}Look. Look, Tim.
{173291}{173366}I couldn't get it off.
{173401}{173497}Congratulations, Baker.|Getting through and all that.
{173504}{173597}- Thank you, sir.|- Mr Bakera
{173604}{173649}Our car is ready.
{173654}{173786}I won't need it. Some friends have met me|unexpectedly. Thank you for all your trouble.
{173795}{173849}You won't forget Thursdaya
{173854}{174000}Oh, no, no. I'll change the bandage.|And thank you for your blanket.
{174110}{174158}- Tima|- I know, honey.
{174163}{174235}I'm a worm.
{174275}{174675}Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org
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