Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
{575}{695}I know that most people decorate|tombs on the Day of the Dead,
{695}{767}but... my mother|loved Christmas.
{791}{959}Therefore, independently|of the weather, every Christmas, I go to|cemetery to decorate his grave.
{1294}{1342}Can people freeze|if they stay here?
{1342}{1438}-You're not from around here?|-I left a long time ago
{1534}{1582}Merry Christmas!
{1582}{1654}Merry Christmas!
{1750}{1846}If you believe, small miracles|can change your life.
{1870}{2037}A child who laughs, the car that needs|a repair, even a pair of shoes.
{2061}{2133}Nor did I know that I needed a|miracle, until it happened.
{2157}{2253}It was about fifteen years ago
{2277}{2349}What have I done to|deserve a beautiful girl?
{2373}{2469}She is amazing, fifty times|more intelligent than me.
{2493}{2541}Talented, clean your room.
{2565}{2613}It is excellent in the School.
{2661}{2733}So maybe you will not go|to my concert tonight?
{2781}{2829}- This time I will go.|- Maybe I should not go.
{2829}{2901}-What are you talking about?|-I feel a little dizzy.
{2925}{2997}You are very well,|sleep a little more.
{3044}{3116}Dad, when you come|tonight, bring me flowers.
{3164}{3188}You can bet.
{3332}{3380}-Robert, do you want to drink your coffee?|-No, I'm late.
{3404}{3452}- Hey, guess what.|-What?
{3452}{3500}Remember that Victorian mansion?
{3524}{3572}The mansion you were|drooling for having?
{3596}{3644}- As I remember you were the one who drooled!|-On sale.
{3692}{3764}- It's a great commitment!|- Let's fly higher
{3836}{3932}- You're coming tonight, right?|- Everyone puts me to the test today!
{3956}{4027}Buy some roses and|please do not be late.
{4027}{4123}I have clients from the agricultural|sector who are trying to keep the tubes
{4123}{4171}of irrigation. It's one thing,|I'm leaving the job now.
{4195}{4219}You talked to the farmers. true?
{4243}{4291}Everyone in the company is involved.|Tom prepares documents, Noggets
{4315}{4387}He does not stop talking with men on his|tractors like removers through his short nose.
{4387}{4435}They are experienced partners,|they always get what they want.
{4435}{4507}I am better at what I do.|And I work hard.
{4555}{4603}Gwen prepared this curriculum for you.
{4603}{4675}We need you again to teach|a course on Madson Hill.
{4699}{4771}I think Lilly is used|to staying at home?
{4795}{4843}Yes! But we agreed to do it...
{4867}{4939}I think we talk about it.
{5106}{5178}- See you at night.|- Very good
{6065}{6113}Is not my style!
{6449}{6473}I caught her
{6473}{6521}- Run Run!|- Have you heard, come on!
{6545}{6593}All right, I'm ready. Come on, strip
{6713}{6713}I am so sorry!
{6761}{6809}You hit my antenna, did not you|see me before throwing the ball?
{6809}{6881}I was just trying to teach|my son how to throw
{6905}{7000}Think it is so. Whatever.
{7072}{7120}I'd better take my coffee|before going to school.
{7144}{7192}- Crepes?|- Oh, boy, it's okay.
{7264}{7312}Come on mom, why|are you delaying?
{7336}{7384}I'm going, I'm going!
{7480}{7528}Well, check out the classifieds!
{7600}{7672}- Here it is.|- Bom!
{7696}{7744}- Not yet.
{7768}{7816}Let me see.
{7840}{7912}If you get a job as a|cook you will be rich.
{7912}{7960}Thank you!
{7984}{8007}Here, mom, I found it, I found it!
{8007}{8103}We are not going to have puppies.|No way!
{8151}{8199}Honey, you have more butter?
{8199}{8319}Why not! You did not|have a dog as a child?
{8319}{8391}- That's a good argument!|- Help.
{8391}{8463}I'll take care of him.|No, we do not have much money.
{8463}{8559}- It's the last thing we need.|- I need a puppy.
{8559}{8655}- Why can not I have a puppy?|- Why?
{8703}{8727}Wait a minute!
{8727}{8775}I do not know dear!
{8823}{8871}Well, remember my|friend's goldfish?
{8943}{8991}Two weeks ago they are|floating around the belly.
{9038}{9062}I did not want to bury him.
{9134}{9158}Have you finished all your homework?
{9206}{9254}- The majority?|- The teacher taught them to only do the majority?
{9302}{9350}- Yes!|- Yes, go to school!
{9446}{9494}This sucks!
{9566}{9662}- Do not you want to talk about the dog at least?|- Oh, dear, it's so irresponsible.
{9686}{9758}- It's just a boy.|- Children have to be responsible.
{9782}{9878}Your mother says that the dog was|exactly the cure for you|irresponsibility, okay?
{9926}{9974}-My mother said that?|-Yes.
{10237}{10285}- Any news from the doctor?|- Nothing new.
{10333}{10381}So... respect?
{10381}{10429}Regarding what?
{10453}{10501}To the puppies?
{10525}{10573}This is a dirty trick.
{10573}{10645}- It was not.|- It's not fun
{10645}{10693}-We'll talk later!|-Bye
{10717}{10765}I love you!
{11076}{11196}Andrews Mechanics Workshop
{11316}{11340}- Hi boss.|- How are you, Carl.
{11364}{11436}I was thinking about placing a
{11436}{11484}cappuccino machine, maybe that|will attract more customers
{11484}{11508}Maybe that will help!
{11508}{11580}Carl, do you know what a cappuccino is?
{11580}{11628}An Italian sports car.
{11700}{11796}We have Italian sports cars around|here, they're a lot of old cans.
{11820}{11844}Let's go to work!
{11892}{11940}A pair of magic shoes!
{11964}{12083}All night the girl put on her special|shoes and ran through the woods...
{12107}{12155}He danced, as if by magic, the entire night.
{12179}{12323}When he woke up at dawn,|the shoes were gone.
{12371}{12419}and she still could not walk.
{12515}{12563}Come here!
{12683}{12755}-Because you do not finish the story.|-Agree.
{12851}{12923}Finally, one day the girl woke up|and told her dream to her mother.
{12923}{13018}Lying on the bed and motionless, he said:|I do not want to have more dreams
{13018}{13066}Why? Asked his mother.
{13066}{13114}Well, I'm tired of dancing|alone, said the girl.
{13138}{13210}But you never danced alone, said her mother.
{13210}{13282}You were dancing with the angels.
{13402}{13426}I am sorry!
{13474}{13522}I wore a pair of shoes just like this one.
{13522}{13594}It, it seems dramatic, but
{13594}{13690}I had never started dancing,|and it was wonderful...
{13714}{13810}Well, someone got excited about the story.|Besides Mrs. Andrews?
{14001}{14049}Do not forget to finish|the art project!
{14049}{14145}And please do not forget|the concert tonight!
{14145}{14241}The choir members remember to arrive|half an hour early. Thank you!
{14409}{14457}Hey you know. You have|to finish your studies,
{14457}{14481}You could have a good|job here, Maggie.
{14481}{14577}No, I like to do it voluntarily.|Especially the music.
{14577}{14625}Yes, but think about the pay.
{14625}{14721}Well, I do not see myself going back to|studios now. Maybe in a few years...
{14721}{14793}- You would enter my place!|- You say the same thing every year
{14817}{14889}Next year I'll be in Florida!
{14889}{14961}-What are you going to do there?|-To have peace and quiet
{14961}{15008}I'll leave the problems to you.
{15128}{15152}How many farmers|involved so far?
{15176}{15224}So far we have twenty-eight, more...
{15224}{15296}- It bends but we're going to have to sweat the shirt.|- I have a list of names.
{15320}{15416}I need all the necessary hydrology|documentation of the area that you made,
{15416}{15512}they have water rights, until|the end of the 19th century.
{15512}{15560}- All.|- It is done!
{15560}{15680}I need a study of flora and fauna,|everything that lives: fish, plants. All
{15704}{15752}The lady who paid the|taxes checks my folder.
{15776}{15872}We still need your signature and|comments from Boswell Pharmaceutical
{15872}{15896}They confirmed the interview that|was requested with his wife.
{15991}{16039}I received a call from|John Cardwell, we have
{16039}{16087}the case of a complicated|farm, in your hands.
{16087}{16135}Yes, I do not blame them. If|you can testify on your way
{16135}{16183}There will be a farm|left in the city.
{16183}{16231}- And when will he testify?|- Morning.
{16255}{16303}This case is getting too long.
{16303}{16351}You should have anticipated it before,|not letting things go forward.
{16543}{16567}It's going to be OK!
{16591}{16639}Excuse me, Mrs. Andrews
{16663}{16711}What's up, Lily?
{16735}{16783}My nose is blocked|and my throat hurts.
{16807}{16879}I guess I will not sing tonight.
{16903}{16927}Let see your language.
{16951}{16998}Well, do you know what I think you have?
{17022}{17070}Anxiety, I'm the same too.
{17118}{17166}You know, after you start|singing, it will disappear.
{17190}{17238}I promise
{17262}{17310}We are going to be ready.
{17334}{17382}I will see you later!
{17406}{17478}Hi, I do not think we've met|before, I'm Lily's mother
{17478}{17526}I'm Maggie Andrews, it's a pleasure.
{17526}{17550}Pleasure in knowing her too.
{17574}{17598}Lily is just adorable.
{17622}{17694}-Where did you get that voice from?|-I assure you not of me.
{17718}{17766}- Can I help with these chairs?|- I would like to, thank you!
{17790}{17838}I studied music for|some time, but...
{17862}{17910}-You studied music?|-Yes.
{17934}{18005}Until I found my husband, he|went to law school and...
{18005}{18101}We had a mountain of accounts to pay and the|music did not seem to be very practical...
{18101}{18149}Then, I went to study|administration.
{18149}{18245}- When was your son born had to stop working?|- Something like that.
{18269}{18341}-And you?|-I am also a teacher... in my dreams.
{18413}{18461}-Your husband must be very proud of Lily?|-It is.
{18485}{18557}He is here?
{18581}{18581}Is coming.
{19180}{19228}How are you, Kate?|-Good and you?
{19300}{19396}- Robert is here?|-You know your son.
{19396}{19444}- How are you, Dalton?|- Well well. Thank you!
{19444}{19492}Do not you think I|should wear a tie?
{19516}{19540}Come on! You know I hate ties
{19684}{19756}You will be great!
{19852}{19924}Oh, dear, I'm sorry I created a fool for a son.
{19948}{19995}It's not his fault, he|can not stop working.
{20043}{20067}Like his father!
{20571}{20619}-Good luck, mom.|-I love you.
{20667}{20715}-Thank you!|-I love you so much.
{20739}{20787}Do not fall behind!
{20811}{20859}My Lord, let me do this work.
{20931}{20955}Thank you!
{21290}{21338}Thank you, Thank you|all for being here.
{21362}{21458}My name is Maggie Andrews, and|I'm the director of the Choir
{21482}{21578}We have a great show tonight, your|children are great. They worked a lot!
{21602}{21698}And for this reason, I have great news:|The city has chosen its children
{21722}{21818}to sing during the illumination of the|Christmas tree in the Plaza de la Ciudad.
{21938}{21985}The rehearsals will start next holiday|and it is better to be prepared!
{22177}{22297}OK, let's start. To kick off tonight,|we have a wonderful young singer.
{22345}{22369}Miss Lilly Layton.
{23112}{23136}Watch out!
{23184}{23256}Dalton, I still think you're driving too fast.
{23280}{23304}Silly stuff!
{23328}{23400}-And you should wear a tie.|-I never liked wearing ties.
{23472}{23544}He is very kind to bring me here.
{23568}{23616}I really live next door, so...
{23640}{23736}- Would you accept a tea?|- No no. I have to go.
{23760}{23832}Oh, Dalton, you can stay, I insist!|I want to talk about tonight.
{23856}{23904}I have to order a table full of papers|waiting for me. Anyway, thank you!
{23952}{23999}-Hey, Robert!|-Hi! How are you?
{24023}{24095}Dalton, who is this stranger in my house?|Do not wait, do not tell me.
{24143}{24191}Oh yes, my son, the lawyer!
{24215}{24263}- Why do not they put the correct name?|- The price of the company!
{24263}{24359}A hundred dollars per hour. Dalton, a mother|should not be on her son's side, right?
{24359}{24407}Mothers love their|children, good or bad.
{24431}{24455}There is a big difference.
{24455}{24527}- I need you to sign this.|- What is it.
{24551}{24575}Revised taxes.
{24575}{24647}- Work work work. He can not wait?|- Mom, hurry!
{24671}{24743}Dalton, do not tell me you're tired|it will be when you reach my age.
{24743}{24815}- Listen to your mother. Goodnight!|- Goodbye!
{24863}{24911}Sign it! Put it in your mailbox!
{24935}{25006}- I'm going!|- Robert, do not just think about work!
{25030}{25054}I already heard you!
{25054}{25126}- Remember!|- I'm listening!
{25750}{25846}I'm sorry, I had a lot of|cases to review for tomorrow.
{25870}{25918}And you had to be|until 08:30 PM?
{25942}{26061}You never had cases where you|stayed until 08:30 at night
{26061}{26109}All this because I did not|want to go to a concert.
{26157}{26229}I had 10 thousand phone calls!|Desktop routines
{26493}{26541}And then someone leaves|for some reason.
{26613}{26661}It seems to have no life.
{26733}{26757}I know you, Robert.
{26757}{26853}And I know that you are capable of|doing anything, even when you can not.
{26877}{26925}It's Lily who worries me.
{26973}{27044}She is awake?
{27404}{27476}I will not talk to you|I'm in the middle of the Show.
{27524}{27596}You should not have a|television in your room
{27596}{27644}-Who is that device?|-Of yours.
{27716}{27764}I assure you it is|the best for you
{27836}{27884}How was it?
{27908}{27932}I was pretty good
{27956}{28003}-The people asked me for|BIS, daddy -I bet that yes.
{28027}{28075}You really would|have liked the Show
{28099}{28171}But, Daddy... I wanted|you to be there
{28243}{28291}Next time I will go.
{28315}{28363}I promise.
{28603}{28699}I know you're tired of hearing the same thing,|but I did not have to be there to|feel proud of you
{29514}{29658}Is not it wonderful? We are all proud of Lily|Layton. How beautiful the future awaits you.
{29706}{29778}Doctor Mather, come in!
{29826}{29874}Excuse me, it's too late.
{29874}{29946}Did not know that the|doctors made visits?
{29970}{30017}Well, there are exceptions.
{30041}{30089}Please sit down!
{30185}{30233}Maggie, the exam results came.
{30257}{30305}And they are not good.
{30329}{30377}Your heart is not|pumping correctly.
{30401}{30449}That's why he has|difficulty breathing.
{30449}{30521}You have an incongruent|failure in the heart.
{30617}{30641}But how...
{30665}{30713}We thought it was|because of the flu.
{30737}{30785}It is an inflammation|of the myocardium.
{30785}{30881}It has the same symptoms, but...|it's not the flu.
{30881}{30953}I would have liked it to be so...|I really would have loved
{30953}{31024}We think it may be|caused by a virus.
{31072}{31096}What does it mean?
{31096}{31192}It means that Maggie's heart|muscle cells are being destroyed.
{31216}{31264}And this is getting worse.
{31264}{31312}And now, what are we going to do?
{31312}{31432}There is nothing more that can be done, I|want to send you to Boston, for more tests.
{31816}{31864}I can not do this!
{31888}{31936}Do you need the instruments to sing?
{31960}{31983}This looks good!
{32007}{32103}Maybe I'll take one or two for Maggie.|You know how much he loves Chocolate.
{32103}{32151}I also like Maggie, I wish|I had met her before.
{32175}{32223}I would have liked to help|her with the whole concert.
{32247}{32343}I'm feeling aromas, I'll have|to see where they come from
{32367}{32415}So this is what was driving|me crazy while shaving.
{32439}{32487}- Do not!|- I think you should return this to the store.
{32487}{32511}-Just one?|-Dad!
{32511}{32559}Dad, no!
{32583}{32631}I see that they are not for me.
{32631}{32679}They are for the choir!
{32703}{32751}And, you'll go to the Christmas Concert, right?
{32799}{32847}If there is a DAY in the year, what|can you count on me is Christmas.
{32847}{32943}And happily, without a shadow of a doubt,|it will be the last Christmas in this house
{32943}{33014}Next year we will|be in Madison Hill.
{33038}{33110}Why Madison Hill?|I do not want to live there.
{33110}{33182}You will love it, you|will have a large room.
{33182}{33230}You have an interview with Boswell|Pharmaceutical at 10 o'clock in the morning
{33230}{33278}Interview for what?
{33278}{33326}For a new job for mom.
{33326}{33374}I do not think Robert, I thought|we would talk about it.
{33374}{33446}- Talk?|- Forget this! I'm going to do the interview.
{33446}{33566}- I worked hard for this.|- Very good, good. Case closed, I will.
{33614}{33638}It is true!
{33997}{34045}If you are going to get that job
{34069}{34141}... I think I will|not see you either.
{34333}{34405}I called the parents so they did|not send me email after I left.
{34405}{34477}Doctors say I have to|go to a Heart Hospital
{34477}{34525}-You'll need a transplant?|-They say it's the only thing they can do
{34549}{34621}The good news is that they are|determined to make me live.
{34621}{34693}When they call, we have to go|to Boston as fast as possible
{34693}{34741}we have to carry these Beeper
{34789}{34813}Jack has one too.
{34837}{34909}If you need... of anything,|if I can help in any way.
{34933}{34980}Well, I was thinking, if you get a|call from school, maybe you could...
{35004}{35076}take care of Nathan, we'll hire|an assistant to be with him|while we are in Boston.
{35076}{35148}No, it will not be necessary, Nathan|can stay with me until they return
{35268}{35340}I have excellent neighbors who like children|who visit them and drink chocolate...
{35340}{35436}..if Nathan stays with me, rest|assured that he will do his homework
{35436}{35508}-Everything is set.|-Thank you
{35652}{35676}Oh, Lily!
{35868}{35892}Hello everyone!
{35940}{36011}All right, everyone,|let's get ready.
{36851}{36923}Well, everyone open their singing books.
{36923}{36994}We are going to work in groups.
{37090}{37138}You left it on the|kitchen table.
{37354}{37426}Maggie, is everything okay?
{37426}{37498}Do you want me to call a doctor?
{37498}{37570}I can not do this, I have no strength.
{37594}{37666}-Kate, can you do me a favor?|-Insurance!
{37690}{37738}-Continue the class.|-You mean now?
{37738}{37786}No, I mean the|Christmas Program.
{37786}{37858}Oh, Maggie, I can not... I|do not have experience...
{37858}{37930}-But you studied music.|-Yes, but it was a long time ago...
{37954}{38025}... I can not, I'm not capable.
{38025}{38073}But you have the heart.
{38121}{38169}It's just a joke.
{38241}{38265}Is that...
{38289}{38361}I have something today.
{38673}{38721}I do not get!
{38769}{38793}These children!
{39152}{39200}Where are the other Lily?
{39200}{39248}Oh! I know where they|are, I can in a second
{39272}{39320}Are here!
{39344}{39416}I think dad has gone crazy.|Fill out the form.
{39440}{39464}Why? do not!
{39488}{39560}Oh! Who does this here, your|father had to return it.
{39728}{39776}It is better to go up to your room.
{39944}{39991}What's happening, Kate?|You lost your interview.
{39991}{40039}Something came up at school
{40063}{40135}-What are you talking about.|-I'm going to do the Christmas Program.
{40231}{40303}This is not happening, you|did not leave everything.
{40327}{40447}Did you change the interview for a Christmas|program at school? This is a joke!
{40447}{40495}-Maggie, be sick.|Maggie?
{40519}{40591}The music teacher, Robert.|From the choir.
{40591}{40687}Have an Aspirin, that's|not your problem.
{40735}{40855}She is waiting for a heart transplant...|a heart transplant.
{40855}{40903}Something that you could consider.
{40998}{41070}You have the opportunity|to get a great job.
{41070}{41142}..in which anyone would do everything|to get it, and you do not want it?
{41166}{41238}By the way, because the School does not|place a substitute. Are not taxes for that?
{41262}{41310}It is a voluntary work. If Maggie does not...
{41310}{41406}... I did it, there would be no Choir,|and without Chorus, our daughter ..
{41406}{41478}..and the rest of the children, they would|not have experience singing for one ..
{41478}{41574}community. And I do not know why|I'm giving you explanations.
{41622}{41646}I think there must be|another volunteer.
{41670}{41718}There must be someone responsible.
{41742}{41766}Is that witchcraft?
{41790}{41838}Because you?
{41886}{41958}And, why not me, Robert?|why?
{41958}{42077}This is important for me, maybe it's|something that will make me feel good.
{42101}{42173}Look, I know this can interfere with
{42173}{42221}your plans to make money,|but what is best for you.
{42221}{42293}It's not about me,|it's about the family.
{42317}{42389}-Then, they are your dreams, you want me to follow you.|-You know what my dreams are?
{42413}{42509}My dreams are... I'll tell you: I'd|like to go to Dean's desk and ..
{42509}{42557}tell him to deliver the|cases to someone else.
{42581}{42677}But I'm not telling you, you know why?|because I have a family to support.
{42677}{42773}-I feel we are a burden!|- Oh please.
{42845}{42893}I just want to say that.
{43252}{43300}What I want to say is: You do|not know what my dreams are.
{43444}{43492}Robert, that's a problem...
{43516}{43564}for us two!
{44787}{44835}Nathan Andrews, what's happening?
{44931}{44955}Your heart...
{44955}{45050}... I wanted to know if it was still beating.
{45482}{45578}This will not work, this will not work!
{45626}{45674}I said, this would not work.
{45818}{45914}-Works at Wilson's. -Better,|I'm the owner, Tom Wilson.
{45914}{46009}This fell out of a delivery truck, I|tried to return it but it was closed.
{46009}{46033}I called, but a young man|said he was not there.
{46033}{46105}OK, most people|travel in this era
{46105}{46177}It seems that the shipping in our.
{46201}{46273}- It's not exactly your style, but I'll try.|- Very good. Thank you!
{46777}{46825}I'll call a crane for you.
{46825}{46873}No, I'll take it to the|one who sold it to me.
{46873}{46992}No, no, trust me, I know a man,|honest, decent and knows about cars
{47016}{47112}- I mean, it does not turn on. You will save time.|- Very well thanks.
{47280}{47352}Well, I'll give you a test, but...|It's probably electric.
{47376}{47424}Well, I want it as|quickly as possible.
{47448}{47496}-I will do what i can.|-All right.
{47520}{47616}Oh, please, put a blanket|over him tonight, okay?
{47664}{47712}All right.
{47760}{47832}That guy, he looks like|he drinks cappuccino.
{48047}{48095}I have to go.
{48455}{48527}Well, you have something for me, boy.
{48551}{48599}What do you say if we have an ice cream?
{48647}{48671}No thanks.
{48743}{48791}Have you met someone|who likes to hide?
{48887}{48911}Do not!
{49054}{49174}I bet you're hungry,|let's get out of here!
{49582}{49606}Please, can I have your|attention, children?
{49630}{49678}Attention please!
{50085}{50133}Hello everyone.
{50157}{50205}I'm Kate Layton, Lily's mom.
{50229}{50349}I'm here to replace Mrs.|Andrews while she's...
{50469}{50469}Well, listen, I'll need your...
{50493}{50565}help, I've never done this before, but Ms.|Andrews says that
{50565}{50709}you are the most, and I know that it is|true because I was in all the concerts
{50709}{50805}Including when Troy|vomited in the box.
{50877}{51020}This upcoming Christmas|concert will be great!
{51020}{51140}Mrs. Andrews is counting on you and|we will not disappoint her, right?
{51284}{51380}-True!|-True! Okay, so let's go|to page 33 of the book.
{51908}{52003}Dr. Lawrence, call 76. Dr.|Lawrence, room 76, please.
{52027}{52099}-What fast!|-We do it as quickly as possible.
{52099}{52123}Better put the seat belt.
{52123}{52195}-Doctor, who is the donor?|-A teenager.
{52219}{52267}Your poor mother.
{52339}{52387}I will leave as soon as I finish.
{52747}{52819}-Curtain lights.|-You like them, do you?
{52819}{52915}Mrs. Layton takes Christmas seriously.|It took a week to prepare these things
{52962}{52986}Here, come!
{53034}{53082}-Hello Ellen!|-Dalton!
{53106}{53154}-This is Nathan!|-Good good good...
{53202}{53250}- Hello!|- Will stay with me this|night. Maybe a couple of nights.
{53274}{53370}I knew you would come. Come with|me, I want to show you something.
{53490}{53538}Here it is!
{53802}{53874}- He has all the things that the Red Sox.|- My son!
{53874}{53946}-A long time ago.|- He must have been good.
{53946}{54065}It was, everything I did was|practice and practice...
{54089}{54137}He had to be the best.
{54137}{54209}-What is your favorite team?|-Oh The Red Sox.
{54209}{54257}Oh, this is not good.
{54305}{54353}Maybe you like this.
{54449}{54497}I'm sure it will work for you.
{54521}{54593}-Robert will not even know that I'll give it to you.|-Thank you
{54833}{54881}What is that?
{54929}{54976}Robert's lunch box.
{55000}{55048}Well, Cool!
{55816}{55983}Dear Robert, I was remembering|when you were a child
{56007}{56079}Jack and if the procedure did not work?
{56127}{56199}I do not know.
{56391}{56415}The news is not good.
{56439}{56487}We had problems with|the donor's heart
{56535}{56559}It was perfect for|your blood type.
{56607}{56655}But he was infected|with type B hepatitis.
{56679}{56727}I am so sorry!
{56751}{56823}And what do we do now? I mean,|there must be something I can do.
{56847}{56919}Maybe there is another donor, there|is always an opportunity, right?
{56919}{56966}As Maggie's immune|system is failing,
{56990}{57062}and her blood type is hard|to find, the odds are...
{57062}{57158}just for a miracle!
{57590}{57638}Jack, we must go home.
{57662}{57710}I'm not going to stay in a hospital.
{58045}{58093}I want to make an|offer for that house.
{58189}{58261}I thought you said you|could not pay it.
{58261}{58333}The Christmas program will end in a couple|of weeks, I will continue after that.
{58333}{58381}I do not know after that.
{58501}{58549}What are you trying to do
{58597}{58621}What is happening?
{58669}{58789}I like the School project, I|like to work with young people.
{58789}{58861}Maybe I want to teach.
{58861}{58933}- Go back to school.|- My teaching title is fine.
{58933}{59028}-When did this start?|-Robert, I'm trying to talk to you for months.
{59028}{59124}You are never here, the same as when you are,|it seems like I can not get your attention
{59124}{59196}I was just trying to|make a living, Kate.
{59364}{59412}What kind of support is that, Robert?
{59460}{59508}And at what price?
{59580}{59652}We were two people who|shared the same house.
{59700}{59724}and sometimes, the same bed.
{59820}{59844}There are no more options.
{60035}{60107}I guess you do not want|me to make a new offer.
{60299}{60347}Think about it a little!
{60707}{60755}Everything is alright?
{60755}{60803}If it is!
{60899}{60923}Oh, Kate!
{60923}{60994}Hi, Maggie, I did not know if it was all right,|maybe it would be better to come back later.
{60994}{61018}Nonsense, sit down!
{61042}{61066}-I will prepare lunch!|-Thank you!
{61090}{61138}I was dying to chat together|about Christmas music.
{61186}{61258}-How have the boys behaved?|-Excellent.
{61258}{61306}I need your advice, Maggie.
{61306}{61402}I thought, instead of singing on the Christmas|tree, maybe, singing in the streets.
{61426}{61498}-Resolved, I love it.|-Really?
{61498}{61522}If you could go from|house to house.
{61570}{61690}Well, Pierdy complains that almost 90|percent of the fish die at 81, 82 and 83.
{61690}{61786}Well, those claims are|incredible, ninety percent?
{61786}{61882}The highest water levels|were ten years ago, then no.
{61882}{61906}We are receiving more people
{61930}{61977}- Gwen?|- I'm trying.
{61977}{62049}Try again. And what about|the Woodshole expert?
{62049}{62097}It is available, but it was|never used as an expert.
{62121}{62217}Well if you wait a little longer,|you'll have the biologist who ..
{62217}{62265}He talked with David|about the Stanley case.
{62265}{62337}I can not use that type. get to|the Woodshole, he is the man.
{62409}{62433}Pierdy complains that the farmers...
{62433}{62505}... they consume a lot of water,|they will testify that the fish die
{62505}{62601}When the level of the lakes is higher, it|will kill him, Gwen bring them together.
{62745}{62769}- Mr. Layton?|-Yes!
{62793}{62865}- Rivercity real estate on line two,|and this was sent by his mother|- Thank you!
{63104}{63176}-Hello Jeanny.|- Mr. Layton, I was calling you
{63176}{63224}I had a long day...
{63248}{63344}It's about the Madison Hill house, I'm sorry|to inform you that there was another offer.
{63392}{63416}What do you mean, with another offer?
{63416}{63512}-Someone gave another higher offer.|-And they accepted?
{63512}{63560}I think so!
{63560}{63608}You promised me that I would|be the first to know.
{63632}{63680}I'm very sorry, Mr. Layton,|but I could not find it.
{63704}{63824}-All right, if this offer fails, let me know.|-I will do so.
{63872}{63943}No salt is tasty!
{64063}{64111}-You're good?|-I'm fine, go to work
{64159}{64231}Wherever you go, just in case.
{64351}{64375}go away! go away!
{64423}{64471}Bye! bye!
{64519}{64639}I do not remember when it was the last time|I saw my husband for lunch, dinner or...
{64663}{64711}... at the school parent meeting.
{64759}{64855}I know we live in the same house because|we have to brush our teeth in the morning.
{64855}{64903}and toothpaste mixed|in the middle.
{64974}{65022}You know what I think, I think they|are getting slower and slower.
{65118}{65190}How long are you going to hide that?
{65238}{65310}I do not know if I can|do more of that, Maggie.
{65478}{65526}How long are you married?
{65574}{65646}-Not enough.|-Oh, Maggie, I'm so sorry.
{65646}{65670}Is nothing.
{65790}{65838}The problem with Jack...
{65886}{65957}... he is not ready for|what is going to happen.
{65981}{66053}Not a little prepared
{66173}{66221}And Nathan!
{66269}{66365}I do not want to leave them Kate, I|do not want to leave them like that.
{66629}{66677}I am sorry!
{67012}{67108}If you need help with the lesson|at home let me know, okay?
{67156}{67228}Sometimes I'm afraid|to go home...
{67252}{67324}and not find my mom.
{67660}{67756}It's hard to imagine, but Jack and I met|in one of those dance studio classrooms
{67756}{67828}Jack, and you, kid!
{67947}{67995}-How is school going?|- A nuisance!
{68139}{68283}Well, anyway, since I was a girl|I loved dancing, but not Jack.
{68283}{68379}- His mother made him take dance lessons.|- Poor Jack!
{68379}{68451}- I think she thought about giving him a little pose.|- Or help with the girls.
{68475}{68523}-Exactly, it helped me.|-And you him.
{68571}{68667}So every year on our anniversary,|we get dressed and go dancing.
{68691}{68739}It is very romantic!
{68763}{68835}I used to have that|pair of dance shoes...
{68859}{68907}I do not know what happened to them...
{68931}{69026}every time I put them|on, I just felt so...
{69146}{69242}Those few hours once a year...
{69242}{69314}... they were magical.
{69554}{69674}Jack, I hated to dance,|but I did it for me.
{69770}{69794}How good!
{69842}{69914}It was not bad either,|with each of his hands.
{70417}{70441}Hey, take care little man!
{70753}{70849}Attention to all visitors, there is a special|discount on the sale of men's clothing.
{70849}{70921}Attention to all visitors, there is a special|discount on the sale of men's clothing.
{71616}{71640}$ 19.99-
{72239}{72287}Pa .. I need to work!
{72287}{72335}I need a job now, please!
{72335}{72455}Well dad, it's very important!
{72455}{72503}It is very very important!
{72503}{72575}A job, what are you talking|about, why are not you home?
{72575}{72671}Hey Boss, the capuchin man|wants to talk to you!
{72671}{72791}-All right!|-I need to earn some money.
{72791}{72839}Please daddy!
{72839}{72934}Nathan, I'm not going|to want puppies, okay?
{72934}{73006}Do you understand ?, without puppies
{73030}{73126}But dad, it's not about puppies.
{73174}{73222}You have my car since last week .. and ..
{73270}{73294}What accounts are these?
{73294}{73366}When Jack Andrews takes|an expensive car, sir...
{73486}{73558}Money is like tin, when you|get to like it, it ends.
{73918}{73965}You see, 5 cents is 5 cents.
{73989}{74037}You give me that can, dad!
{74421}{74493}You did not do well on your|last math test, little man!
{74493}{74517}I know!
{74541}{74589}-You can do much better.|- Hey, look at that!
{74613}{74661}-This is great!|-Great!
{74661}{74733}It's an empty, dirty can,|what are you talking about?
{74733}{74757}It's worth 5 cents.
{74781}{74853}If I get twenty I'll have a dollar,|and I'll pick up a lot more.
{74877}{74901}I'll make more money
{74925}{75020}and I can buy a special gift|for my mom at Christmas.
{75068}{75140}Well enter the car.
{75164}{75188}Good idea!
{75620}{75644}Hello, Jake
{75692}{75764}Mr. Layton, Ronald came.|Nobody else.
{75788}{75836}When I heard that he was coming,|some others waited to see him.
{75884}{75955}I know how important|water is for you.
{75955}{76003}That's it!
{76051}{76147}Well, I brought a camera, show me|the home of the famous remora.
{76795}{76891}Not all developers, or Pierdy|environmental groups have achieved it.
{76915}{76962}Are we going to lose our farms, Mr.|Layton?
{76962}{77034}Many of us here, we have our roots for|more than one hundred years on this earth
{77034}{77106}None of that would make a difference for a judge.
{77130}{77178}Why are they behind|people like us?
{77178}{77226}Because of fish that nobody wants|to fish and nobody wants to eat?
{77250}{77298}PIERDY companies like it.
{77322}{77370}They take advantage of the environment,|they do not care about the fish
{77394}{77418}They want their lands.
{77442}{77490}They cut the water, they lower|the prices they buy cheap and ..
{77514}{77562}It is then that they sell|for a much higher price
{77586}{77634}I think it's the fish|that are hurting us.
{77658}{77706}My grandfather was a farmer|during the Great Depression...
{77730}{77754}... the bank took away his land.
{77826}{77874}I do not know if we will achieve it...
{77898}{77945}... but let's fight.
{77993}{78041}I will talk to all the|experts personally.
{78065}{78137}whatever the argument they|have to block irrigation.
{78137}{78233}Well, if we do not win, we|will not be together next year
{78377}{78401}Thank you!
{78449}{78473}Thank you!
{78785}{78833}Nathan, come here!
{79168}{79216}Why are not you answering me?
{79240}{79264}I wanted to surprise|Mom with those lights.
{79264}{79336}Mom has to rest,|without surprises.
{79336}{79384}The dinner is ready
{79504}{79600}Thanks for the lights, they are beautiful!
{79624}{79672}You're welcome!
{79744}{79840}Your mom is right, the|lights are great son.
{80079}{80151}I think I'm going to get it, like that, ah?
{80199}{80295}Honey, talk to Nathan tonight.
{80583}{80655}-Canta!|-Don't sing this song!
{81158}{81206}Hello, Robert!|-We already took the dinner.
{81206}{81254}I'm sorry, I'm late|because of some clients.
{81254}{81278}We thought you would not come.
{81374}{81446}Well, sometimes I am|surprised by myself.
{81494}{81566}We knew you would come, we are going|to prepare something for dinner.
{81686}{81734}Sit down!
{81758}{81830}It smells good, everything smells good!
{81854}{81902}This is the test|of the pink tray.
{82117}{82141}This pink tray is the|improvement you have made.
{82141}{82237}Robert, I'm not blind|and I'm not stupid!
{82261}{82309}Something is wrong between you and Kate.
{82405}{82429}You're right.
{82453}{82549}You know, people actually go|through things that are very...
{82573}{82621}... more complicated!
{82621}{82669}It's when you put your|marriage in play.
{82693}{82813}And what are these things: power, prestige, taking|the account to see who is the first of the company.
{82861}{82980}I still remember your feet|after you got out of the crib.
{83004}{83052}And sometimes I remember...
{83076}{83124}... the smell of grass,|after cutting it.
{83172}{83292}Sixth grade... Oh, the man who became,|when he brought me the report card.
{83292}{83316}All outstanding.
{83340}{83388}... and your first deadly game.
{83412}{83436}Rivercity against the Redsox.
{83484}{83556}Oh, and when I saw the tears in|your eyes when they lost the game.
{83580}{83604}Thinking you|disappointed the team.
{83604}{83652}Common things, Robert.
{83652}{83748}Simple things, from day to day.
{83772}{83868}Your father failed, in|many of those things ..
{83868}{83939}... he never shared these memories.
{83939}{83987}At the end...
{84059}{84155}... And in the end I think that|you would like to share them too
{84443}{84515}They arrived separately,|they will split apart.
{84539}{84611}They do not realize how|much they love each other.
{84659}{84731}Sometimes the darkest|things are for some reason.
{84827}{84851}-Good evening, Dalton!|-Goodnight!
{85018}{85090}What things in the world, are|you doing with all those cans?
{85090}{85186}What's wrong with trying to make|a better world for someone.
{85378}{85426}Are you okay, do you look tired?
{85426}{85522}I'm fine, just worried.
{85666}{85714}Do you want me to help you|turn off all the lights?
{85714}{85810}No, I'm going to leave them like|that, I'm going to sit a little.
{85834}{85882}-Good, goodnight!|-Goodnight!
{86217}{86265}Is beautiful!
{86265}{86313}Your design is so smart.
{86385}{86433}I would like to put|angels in the front, mom.
{86481}{86529}I love the Angels.
{86697}{86745}Soon I will see a lot of Angels.
{86769}{86817}you will do it?
{86841}{86889}In the sky.
{86960}{87008}Why does God have to|take you to heaven?
{87008}{87080}I do not have all|the answers Nathan?
{87128}{87272}... It's not like, that He takes me...
{87296}{87392}..but it's ok that He is|receiving me in Heaven
{87416}{87536}-Exist animals in Heaven?|- I bet they have many animals.
{87536}{87608}-Children?|-Principally puppies.
{87680}{87776}Call me mom, I told dad... he would|not want to be taken to heaven!
{87824}{87872}No, he understands.
{87896}{87943}Let me know if he changes his mind.
{88015}{88063}You know...
{88087}{88207}.. Can you be somewhat angry with me sometimes, because I|have to go, but I want you to know that everything is fine.
{88255}{88303}But remember always...
{88351}{88399}... that you are my greatest joy.
{88471}{88519}And I love you very much.
{88663}{88735}Will the grandfather see?
{88735}{88783}He will meet me at the door.
{88807}{88831}Tell him one thing for me?
{88926}{89046}When I was alone, I found a|dollar in his dressing room...
{89046}{89070}and I took it!
{89118}{89262}And I ended up spending it. I'm sorry...|I'm really sorry.
{89262}{89334}I will tell that to him.
{89454}{89526}Do not go mom!
{89550}{89598}I do not want you to|leave, I need you.
{89622}{89694}I just have to go, dear. I have to...
{89694}{89718}Take me with you.
{89718}{89790}No, you need to stay|here with your daddy!
{89814}{89886}Nobody is going to take you out now|that you have to take care of him.
{90197}{90245}Even if mom has to leave...
{90293}{90341}you will always|know where mom is.
{90413}{90461}you promise me?
{90533}{90581}I promise.
{90653}{90701}Do you know mommy?
{90725}{90797}Every time I feel|my heart beating
{90821}{90869}I will remember You
{90916}{90964}Thank you!
{92043}{92091}Oh God!
{92283}{92331}The lights left out here.
{92571}{92619}You left all the|lights on outside.
{92643}{92691}It's going to cost|you a small fortune!
{92907}{92954}Oh no!
{93722}{93770}We had little time.
{93770}{93794}It was very fast.
{94201}{94273}She continues to live|inside of us, Robert.
{94944}{95016}Feel free to call, no|matter the time. Agree?
{95136}{95184}Do not delay, Jack.
{95208}{95256}I appreciate everything.
{95544}{95592}-Where are you going?|-I'm going out.
{95616}{95664}-With Dalton-True?
{95760}{95856}- Well, I think I'll have to see...|- I'm going to buy cereals.
{95904}{95951}I'm going to buy lunch, I'm|going to do a little ..
{95951}{95999}Tuna sandwich.
{96023}{96071}Dalton will arrive at any time.
{96191}{96263}- Surely you do not want to stay?|- It's Christmas Eve, Dad.
{96263}{96335}I have something important to do.
{96503}{96551}Do not be late!
{97462}{97486}Yes I know!
{97582}{97630}- I brought this lunch!|- Oh thanks
{97678}{97726}Let's go downtown!
{98301}{98397}This is the center of the river street.|You can find something here.
{98445}{98517}It's one of the most beautiful Christmas|trees I've seen, what do you think?
{98637}{98709}-Get one!|-Excellent.
{98733}{98757}Remember when I told you that ..
{98781}{98829}I had never lost|anyone close to me?
{98901}{98948}Well, I lied!
{98972}{99068}My wife died eleven years ago,|shortly before moving here.
{99092}{99140}Why did he lie?
{99164}{99236}Because it was painful|to talk about it.
{99260}{99332}And why do you talk about it now?|-Why...
{99332}{99404}... I know the pain does not go away...
{99404}{99476}... If you do not want to talk about it.
{99524}{99572}It's good to know that.
{99764}{99812}Let's cross here.
{99955}{100003}- Hey, another one!|- Yes!
{100027}{100075}- Another can!|-Yes!
{100147}{100195}- Check it out!|- What's going on here?
{100195}{100243}This is a gold mine!
{100243}{100339}- You were right, it's a great place|to find the cans.|- Yes
{100387}{100483}Each one is worth 5 cents, and there|are probably a hundred of them...
{100483}{100579}... then they are like 5 dollars.
{100603}{100651}They are many cans
{100651}{100723}And they are all mine. I'm|going to make a lot of money.
{100747}{100819}And what will you do with that pile of money?
{100843}{100938}I'll buy the Christmas|shoes for my mother.
{100962}{101010}Ok, let me help you.
{102497}{102545}Where is Robert?
{102737}{102785}Let's wake up to the city!
{103528}{103600}I have to go. It's Christmas Eve!
{103624}{103672}You should go too.
{103672}{103720}I beat him, Gwen.
{103720}{103792}Well, if no one can Robert, can
{103864}{103911}Merry Christmas!
{103959}{103983}-Thank you!
{104007}{104055}To you too.
{105686}{105758}You have to let me go.
{106045}{106069}I know.
{106261}{106309}About the puppy
{106477}{106525}I will have to accept it.
{106861}{106908}One more thing.
{107004}{107076}We can dance?
{107580}{107628}Ok, I have you!
{108851}{108922}Oh, no, no... no
{109018}{109090}It can not be|closed, it can not.
{109114}{109162}Open... Please!
{109354}{109426}-Excuse us sometimes we close the door|early.|-Thank you!
{109522}{109570}How old are you?
{109618}{109666}Excuse me, I'm looking for a...
{109666}{109738}Lonely doll, I think|they saved one for me?
{109762}{109858}We keep one until 6:00 p.m. It's|Christmas Eve, we had to sell it.
{109858}{109929}I could try Dealinger's, but|they sure sold everything, too.
{109977}{110025}Do not!
{110025}{110073}Do not!
{110217}{110289}Where is it?
{110313}{110385}Ladies and gentlemen, the store|will close in five minutes
{110529}{110625}Bring your purchases to the box, the|store will close in five minutes.
{110817}{110841}Merry Christmas, Chaoo!
{110865}{110889}Thank you!
{111008}{111080}Hey boy, do you find it nice?
{111080}{111104}Thank you Merry Christmas!
{111104}{111176}You would prefer a|baseball, right?
{111200}{111272}Well, I will find only child in the|world that does not reject such a gift.
{111536}{111704}Attention please, bring your purchases to|the cashier the store is already closed.
{111776}{111824}Excuse me!
{111824}{111872}Excuse me, sir, it|will be super fast.
{111967}{112015}Ten and nine and ninety-nine,|with the discount
{112135}{112183}Please hurry up.
{112471}{112495}Do not!
{112495}{112543}You are missing five|dollars and fifty cents
{112591}{112711}I stuttered, or something like that. You|have five dollars and fifty cents less.
{112759}{112807}Look boy...
{112807}{112926}You do not have enough money, you're|getting stuck, you come back next year.
{112926}{112998}Then it will be very late!
{112998}{113070}Very late!
{113430}{113478}Hey guy!
{113502}{113550}What is happening to you?
{113574}{113622}I do not have enough money, and...
{113646}{113694}My mom is really bad.
{113694}{113790}Hey, hey calm!
{113814}{113933}Sir, have you met someone|who was about to die.
{114101}{114149}This will be my mom's Last Christmas...
{114173}{114245}... And I wanted him to wear the shoes before...
{114293}{114341}I left for Heaven.
{114629}{114677}You can take them.
{114725}{114797}Oh, sir, it would help me,|I'll give it back, I promise.
{114845}{114892}Is about...
{114916}{114964}...it's for him.
{115036}{115084}Thank my Lord!
{115804}{115828}He went!
{115899}{115923}Do not!
{115947}{115995}No, I do not think it is.
{116787}{116835}I do not want to leave again?
{116906}{116954}Tonight you really need to|be taken, can you help me?
{117026}{117098}Almost a Miracle, is not it?|Snowing at Christmas.
{117146}{117194}Go to the concert?
{117194}{117290}-Yes.|-Come with me.
{117362}{117410}My father made me swear|that I did not...
{117410}{117458}would miss any Christmas concert
{117458}{117530}I thought it would be|behind Times Square.
{117530}{117578}It was, but everything changes, do not you think?
{117626}{117698}"Sir, I want to buy these shoes...
{117722}{117770}... For my mother please
{117794}{117913}It's Christmas Eve and they|are exactly your number.
{117985}{118033}Could you hurry, sir?
{118057}{118129}Dad says there's not much time.
{118153}{118249}You see, she has been|sick for some time
{118273}{118345}I know these shoes will make you smile
{118345}{118417}And I want it to be beautiful
{118441}{118489}I know mom will meet JESUS
{118681}{118729}You can hurry, sir
{118753}{118825}Dad says there is not much time
{118849}{118944}See you, I want her to look beautiful
{118944}{119040}If mom goes to meet JESUS
{119136}{119184}I arrived mom!
{119400}{119472}I bought you these shoes.
{119520}{119664}So you can use them in Heaven.
{120047}{120119}These are the most beautiful|shoes I have ever seen.
{120239}{120287}Can you place them for me?
{120839}{120886}Thank you!
{121126}{121174}Do not forget...
{121462}{121510}My dad loved music...
{121534}{121582}...a lot!
{121606}{121654}I know you're worried I know you.
{121702}{121726}We will be fine!
{121870}{121941}Do not care anymore!
{122661}{122709}Hello Dalton, have you seen Kate?
{122733}{122781}It's there!
{124483}{124531}I'm sorry about your friend!
{124579}{124627}I also.
{124723}{124771}This is your husband, ma'am?
{124867}{124938}I certainly appreciate all that Mr.|Layton has done for us.
{124962}{125034}You know, he's been working|late, and it's very difficult.
{125058}{125130}But we would be lost if|it were not for him.
{125154}{125202}Your husband has given|us hope this Christmas.
{125418}{125442}What happened to you tonight?
{125490}{125538}I went to Wilson to pick up the doll...
{125562}{125634}Of course, they had already sold it, and then...
{125730}{125778}I found that boy.
{125874}{125945}who showed me how much I love you
{126041}{126065}Do not!
{126065}{126113}It is true,
{126137}{126161}So much!
{126257}{126329}To you and Lily.
{126377}{126449}And I want you to teach,|you were born to teach.
{126449}{126521}And I'm not interested in buying the house,|and I do not care if you come back ..
{126521}{126569}to school, and I do not|care about anything else.
{126665}{126713}I've been so stupid!
{126833}{126880}I only want to make you happy.
{126976}{127048}You forgive me?
{127168}{127240}I already forgive you.
{128343}{128367}What do you say?
{128367}{128415}Very good!
{128439}{128511}-Where are you going, it's three thirty?|-I have to go to a game of Basketball
{128511}{128607}-Okay coach, give them hard!|-OK!
{129638}{129710}Dear Robert, I was remembering|when you were a child,
{129734}{129806}You had so much|passion for things.
{129830}{129901}you used to talk about the things|you would do when you were big
{129925}{130021}I just want to tell you that it does not|matter what difficulties you may face
{130045}{130069}GOD is there!
{130069}{130165}Maybe, it will be in Lily's|songs, or in Kate's laughter
{130165}{130261}In the simplest things, but|if you listen carefully...
{130285}{130357}you can hear it
{130501}{130549}I miss you, mom!
{130573}{130621}Kate is doing it for the best.
{130645}{130693}Lily too.
{130765}{130813}You would be proud.
{131004}{131052}He's the first person I see|around here at Christmas...
{131052}{131100}...in years
{131100}{131172}I was just thinking the same thing
{131220}{131292}Well, I have to go, the studios.
{131292}{131364}-College?|-Medicine School.
{131412}{131460}Merry Christmas
{131460}{131484}For you too!
{131556}{131580}Nice hat!
{131772}{131820}- Subtitle not translated -
{131844}{131915}If you are open to it, small|miracles can change your life.
{131939}{132059}The laughter of a child,|a dinner in a pink pot
{132083}{132179}A car that needs fixing
{132179}{132227}even a pair of shoes.
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