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Eߣ�B��B��B�B�B��matroskaB��B��S�g ��M�t�M��S��I�fS��M��S��T�kS����O� I�f@�*ױ�B@M��libebml v1.2.3 + libmatroska v1.3.0WA�mkvmerge v5.3.0 ('I could have danced') built on Feb 9 2012 10:38:07D��AA�� Da� �*#6ߌ s����P�@'ST��
�s%PT�k���ׁsń����� �� ��S_TEXT/UTF8Sn�English [SDH]�D! C�u@�������� Previously
onBlood & Treasure...��
� What do you know about Violet?��������x She was going
after a bounty���C�u��&����� the Khan put out on the Banner.������ She's definitely
up to something.��J����� [grunting]�� ZC�u@��E\����� VIOLET:
I just killed Kate.�� ����� / There's a very big chance
the Banner's actually here,��̠����' underneath the Museum��EC�u@��Z������ of Mongolian Artifacts.��p������ DANNY:
The Soul of Genghis Khan.��Ҡ����
� Put the CIA on me, Danny?������ LEXI:
You're working���C�u��rj����� for the Khan?��������� I don't work for anybody.�������
She is the Khan.��F�����x I knew.���C�u@�炆Р���� You knew?
And you didn't tell me?��v������ I guess we both have
our secrets.��{�š��H If I can get her alone, I can
get her to give up her plan.��
3C�u@�炟w����� Take me with you.I always thought��)�����T we'd end up doing this together.��������~ I'm not leaving Lexi behind!��C�u�炵:����� [automatic gunfire]���C�u�������� ♪��OC�u��i����� [sighs]��������� Congratulations.��̠����� Banner inside, carefully.Yes, sir.���C�u@��!Z����� Quite the operation
you have here.��#�����O [quietly]: Please
don't talk to me.����
n You're gonna get us
both killed.��C�u@��5����� [quietly]:
Wasn't talking to you,
first off.��נ���� [normal voice]:
I mean it.��J�����y It's impressive.��EC�u@��I������ Oh, stop it.������ Stop what?��q�����
� Stop pretending.��Ǡ����~ You're just here to show
me the error of my ways,�� C�u��c������ or spy on me
if you can't.��J�����v Let's not lie to each other.��{����� Yeah, let's not.��KC�u��x9����� You want me
to be straight with you?�� ����� . What the hell is wrong with you?��U������ This is insane.���C�u���꠸��� Everything I've done,
I've done for a reason.��
ᠥ���W I'm gonna change the world.���C�u���?����� You can be right by my
side if you want to.�� ܠ����
[sighs]��������+ [scoffs]��qC�u���?����� Mr. Atwell, how are we
looking on time?��������$ On schedule.
T-minus 15 hours.��
�C�u@��虠���� On schedule for what, exactly?��
� You don't have to dig
for information.������� I'll give it to you.��C�u���ޠ���� As long as I know
we can trust each other.��KC�u�������� I can't ever trust you again.��
nC�u��(ܠ���� So who can you trust?��)�����U Danny?�������� Who lied to you about me,
kept you in the dark?���C�u@��>������ See, you have been trying
to pull us apart��������� since the moment you came back
into my life.��������� I haven't had to do anything.��C�u��S1����� He's done it all by himself.��Ƞ����� Simon.��qC�u@��v������ I assume that you came here��������� with some kind of plan
for survival.��)�����" I sincerely hope for your sake
that wasn't it.��
C�u��㇠���� [muted chatter]��
DANNY [muted, distorted]:
Chuck?��UC�u��������� Chuck?��J�����
� [normal voice]:
Chuck, can you hear me?��{C�u�������� Yeah, uh,
Violet is the Great Khan.���C�u��+q����� And she killed Kate.��{������ Look, I'm so sorry, Chuck.�������
� I wanted to tell you in person.���C�u@��@.����� I just didn't want you
to hear it from anybody else.�������K And, Chuck, listen,
it's my fault.��i������ I didn't trust Violet,
and told Kate to look into her.��tC�u��a������ No, it's my fault.��$�����P If she stayed with me,
she'd still be alive.��
nC�u��zS����� Um... are you okay?��
� I haven't really had time
to process everything yet.��iC�u���ɠ���� What about Lexi?��q������ She's...��E�����
with Violet.�� ����� Violet kidnapped her?���C�u��������� Not exactly.�� ����� Lexi kind of went willingly.��