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Kind: captions
Language: en
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no<00:02:06.240> one<00:02:06.560> loves<00:02:06.880> me
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how<00:02:10.720> do<00:02:10.800> you<00:02:10.959> mean<00:02:11.120> no<00:02:11.360> one<00:02:12.080> wants<00:02:12.480> me
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i<00:02:33.360> know<00:02:33.519> the<00:02:33.680> fact<00:02:34.080> that<00:02:34.560> you<00:02:34.800> were<00:02:34.959> handsome
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i know the fact that you were handsome
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i know the fact that you were handsome
enough<00:02:35.920> um
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enough um
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enough um
worthy<00:02:38.080> to<00:02:38.239> be<00:02:38.400> loved<00:02:38.720> by<00:02:38.959> someone<00:02:39.760> but<00:02:40.000> who<00:02:40.160> is
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worthy to be loved by someone but who is
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worthy to be loved by someone but who is
this<00:02:40.480> person<00:02:40.720> that<00:02:40.800> doesn't<00:02:41.040> want<00:02:41.200> to<00:02:41.360> love
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this person that doesn't want to love
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this person that doesn't want to love
you<00:02:41.760> back<00:02:42.160> and<00:02:42.560> why
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this<00:02:46.560> is
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i<00:02:52.080> have<00:02:52.239> done<00:02:52.560> everything<00:02:52.959> possible<00:02:53.440> in<00:02:53.519> my
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i have done everything possible in my
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i have done everything possible in my
powers<00:02:54.400> to<00:02:54.640> get<00:02:55.040> the<00:02:55.200> attention<00:02:55.599> of<00:02:55.680> sister
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powers to get the attention of sister
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powers to get the attention of sister
rose<00:02:56.480> but<00:02:56.720> all<00:02:56.879> to<00:02:57.040> know<00:02:57.200> having<00:02:58.159> i<00:02:58.400> have<00:02:58.480> done
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rose but all to know having i have done
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rose but all to know having i have done
all<00:02:58.959> that<00:02:59.200> i<00:02:59.440> can
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all that i can
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all that i can
but<00:03:00.800> she<00:03:01.440> she's<00:03:01.680> not<00:03:01.840> stopping<00:03:02.239> on<00:03:02.319> my<00:03:02.840> side
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but she she's not stopping on my side
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but she she's not stopping on my side
the<00:03:04.000> last<00:03:04.239> time<00:03:04.480> i<00:03:04.560> confronted<00:03:05.120> i<00:03:05.200> tried<00:03:05.440> to
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the last time i confronted i tried to
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the last time i confronted i tried to
stop<00:03:06.000> her<00:03:06.400> she<00:03:06.560> gave<00:03:06.720> me<00:03:06.879> a<00:03:07.120> serious<00:03:07.440> warning
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stop her she gave me a serious warning
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stop her she gave me a serious warning
that<00:03:07.920> if<00:03:08.000> i<00:03:08.080> should<00:03:08.239> continue<00:03:08.640> with<00:03:08.800> this
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that if i should continue with this
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that if i should continue with this
character<00:03:09.599> that's<00:03:09.840> going<00:03:10.000> to<00:03:10.159> report<00:03:10.560> me<00:03:10.720> to
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character that's going to report me to
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character that's going to report me to
mother<00:03:11.519> superior
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how<00:03:15.040> can<00:03:15.200> you<00:03:15.360> even<00:03:15.760> think<00:03:16.080> of<00:03:16.720> roots<00:03:17.360> loving
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how can you even think of roots loving
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how can you even think of roots loving
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have<00:03:20.560> you<00:03:20.720> forgotten<00:03:21.360> where<00:03:21.519> you<00:03:21.760> are<00:03:22.080> and<00:03:22.239> who
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have you forgotten where you are and who
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have you forgotten where you are and who
she<00:03:22.800> is
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she is
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she is
she's<00:03:24.239> a<00:03:24.400> daughter<00:03:24.879> of<00:03:25.200> holy<00:03:25.599> virgin<00:03:26.000> mary
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she's a daughter of holy virgin mary
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she's a daughter of holy virgin mary
mother<00:03:26.799> of<00:03:26.959> peace
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mother of peace
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mother of peace
and<00:03:28.720> cannot<00:03:29.200> have<00:03:29.519> anything<00:03:29.920> to<00:03:30.080> do<00:03:30.239> with<00:03:30.640> any
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and cannot have anything to do with any
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and cannot have anything to do with any
man<00:03:32.319> you<00:03:32.480> should<00:03:32.640> know<00:03:32.879> that<00:03:33.120> by<00:03:33.360> now
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man you should know that by now
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man you should know that by now
i<00:03:35.200> love<00:03:35.599> sister<00:03:36.000> rose
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i love sister rose
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i love sister rose
i<00:03:37.599> love<00:03:37.840> her<00:03:37.920> with<00:03:38.239> everything<00:03:38.799> that<00:03:38.959> is
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i love her with everything that is
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i love her with everything that is
within<00:03:39.760> me<00:03:40.159> i<00:03:40.400> love<00:03:40.640> sister<00:03:40.959> with<00:03:41.280> my<00:03:41.599> life
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within me i love sister with my life
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within me i love sister with my life
i<00:03:44.000> love<00:03:44.239> her<00:03:44.720> i<00:03:44.879> can't<00:03:45.120> sleep<00:03:45.519> at<00:03:45.680> night
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i love her i can't sleep at night
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i love her i can't sleep at night
i<00:03:46.959> only<00:03:47.200> see<00:03:47.440> a<00:03:47.519> picture<00:03:47.840> in<00:03:47.920> my<00:03:48.159> mind<00:03:48.560> i<00:03:48.720> see
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i only see a picture in my mind i see
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i only see a picture in my mind i see
her<00:03:49.040> in<00:03:49.120> my<00:03:49.280> dreams<00:03:49.680> oh<00:03:49.920> every<00:03:50.239> day
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her in my dreams oh every day
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her in my dreams oh every day
see<00:03:52.239> the<00:03:52.480> fact<00:03:53.200> and<00:03:53.360> the<00:03:53.519> truth<00:03:53.840> is<00:03:54.080> that
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see the fact and the truth is that
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see the fact and the truth is that
you<00:03:56.000> said<00:03:56.239> that<00:03:56.319> she's<00:03:56.480> giving<00:03:56.640> me<00:03:56.799> a<00:03:57.040> yes<00:03:57.680> oh
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you said that she's giving me a yes oh
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you said that she's giving me a yes oh
we<00:03:58.000> don't<00:03:58.159> stand<00:03:58.640> up
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we don't stand up
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we don't stand up
take<00:04:01.760> always<00:04:02.239> your<00:04:02.640> love<00:04:02.959> someone<00:04:03.519> else
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take always your love someone else
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take always your love someone else
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take<00:04:07.599> it<00:04:07.680> to<00:04:07.840> your<00:04:08.080> house<00:04:08.400> and<00:04:08.720> die<00:04:09.120> well
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take it to your house and die well
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take it to your house and die well
not<00:04:10.560> here<00:04:11.040> too
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not here too
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not here too
you<00:04:12.959> see<00:04:13.200> all<00:04:13.280> these<00:04:13.519> girls<00:04:13.840> around<00:04:14.239> here<00:04:15.040> if
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you see all these girls around here if
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you see all these girls around here if
your<00:04:15.519> body<00:04:15.840> is<00:04:15.920> a<00:04:16.079> temple<00:04:16.400> of<00:04:16.639> god
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your body is a temple of god
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your body is a temple of god
so<00:04:17.840> the<00:04:18.000> earlier<00:04:18.400> you<00:04:18.560> get<00:04:18.799> that<00:04:19.120> the<00:04:19.280> better
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so the earlier you get that the better
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so the earlier you get that the better
for<00:04:19.840> you
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for you
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for you
so<00:04:21.840> it's<00:04:22.079> all<00:04:22.320> lies<00:04:22.720> they're<00:04:22.880> all<00:04:23.040> fallen
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so it's all lies they're all fallen
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so it's all lies they're all fallen
all<00:04:24.400> their<00:04:24.560> own<00:04:24.720> lives
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she<00:04:35.680> said<00:04:36.080> i<00:04:36.240> should<00:04:36.400> do<00:04:36.560> it<00:04:37.120> so<00:04:37.360> it's<00:04:37.600> because
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she said i should do it so it's because
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she said i should do it so it's because
of<00:04:38.080> your<00:04:38.320> mother's<00:04:38.800> pressure
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of your mother's pressure
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of your mother's pressure
that<00:04:40.080> is<00:04:40.240> why<00:04:40.400> you<00:04:40.560> think<00:04:40.800> you're<00:04:41.040> ready<00:04:41.280> for
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that is why you think you're ready for
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that is why you think you're ready for
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let<00:04:42.960> me<00:04:43.040> ask<00:04:43.280> you<00:04:43.360> one<00:04:43.600> question
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let me ask you one question
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let me ask you one question
how<00:04:45.199> prepared<00:04:45.680> are<00:04:45.840> you<00:04:46.080> for<00:04:46.320> this
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what<00:04:49.199> did<00:04:49.360> you<00:04:49.440> approach<00:04:49.759> my<00:04:50.000> daughter<00:04:50.320> about
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what did you approach my daughter about
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what did you approach my daughter about
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i<00:04:52.560> have<00:04:52.800> invented<00:04:53.280> apartments<00:04:53.919> for<00:04:54.080> myself
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i have invented apartments for myself
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i have invented apartments for myself
and<00:04:55.680> i<00:04:55.759> have<00:04:55.919> a<00:04:56.000> good<00:04:56.160> job<00:04:56.320> that<00:04:56.479> is<00:04:56.639> paying<00:04:56.800> me
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and i have a good job that is paying me
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and i have a good job that is paying me
good<00:04:57.120> salary
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good salary
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good salary
so<00:04:58.240> what<00:04:58.800> else<00:04:58.880> do<00:04:59.120> i<00:04:59.199> need<00:04:59.360> to<00:04:59.440> get<00:04:59.600> prepared
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so what else do i need to get prepared
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so what else do i need to get prepared
and<00:05:00.080> that's<00:05:00.240> not<00:05:00.400> watching<00:05:00.800> x
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you<00:05:05.919> think<00:05:06.320> having<00:05:06.720> a<00:05:06.800> rented<00:05:07.280> apartment
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you think having a rented apartment
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you think having a rented apartment
qualifies<00:05:08.800> once<00:05:09.120> readiness<00:05:09.840> marriage
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what<00:05:13.039> if<00:05:13.120> the<00:05:13.280> salary<00:05:13.680> stopped<00:05:14.080> coming<00:05:14.479> forth
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what if the salary stopped coming forth
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what if the salary stopped coming forth
how<00:05:16.000> then<00:05:16.320> will<00:05:16.479> you<00:05:16.639> sustain<00:05:17.199> your<00:05:17.440> family
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no<00:05:22.400> one<00:05:22.720> wants<00:05:22.960> to<00:05:23.120> suffer<00:05:23.520> hunger<00:05:23.840> in<00:05:24.000> a<00:05:24.080> man's
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no one wants to suffer hunger in a man's
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no one wants to suffer hunger in a man's
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the<00:05:30.639> bible<00:05:30.960> says
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people<00:05:35.600> are<00:05:35.759> missing<00:05:36.080> from<00:05:36.320> god<00:05:36.880> it<00:05:37.120> is
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people are missing from god it is
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people are missing from god it is
written<00:05:38.160> that's<00:05:38.560> true<00:05:39.280> i<00:05:39.520> agree<00:05:39.840> with<00:05:40.080> you
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written that's true i agree with you
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written that's true i agree with you
but<00:05:41.919> you<00:05:42.080> need<00:05:42.320> to<00:05:42.560> plan<00:05:43.039> it
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but you need to plan it
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but you need to plan it
and<00:05:44.080> work<00:05:44.320> it<00:05:44.479> out<00:05:44.800> first
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and work it out first
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and work it out first
before<00:05:46.160> you<00:05:46.320> obtain<00:05:46.800> that<00:05:47.199> favor
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before you obtain that favor
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before you obtain that favor
you<00:05:49.120> know<00:05:49.280> it<00:05:49.360> doesn't<00:05:49.680> come<00:05:49.840> from<00:05:50.000> the<00:05:50.160> sky
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you know it doesn't come from the sky
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you know it doesn't come from the sky
just<00:05:50.800> like<00:05:50.960> that<00:05:52.320> so<00:05:52.639> prepare<00:05:53.120> your<00:05:53.360> trouble
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just like that so prepare your trouble
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just like that so prepare your trouble
before<00:05:54.639> bringing<00:05:55.039> me<00:05:55.520> a<00:05:55.680> woman<00:05:56.080> into<00:05:56.400> your
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before bringing me a woman into your
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before bringing me a woman into your
home<00:05:56.960> as<00:05:57.199> a<00:05:57.440> wife
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home as a wife
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home as a wife
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i<00:06:11.440> met<00:06:11.759> a<00:06:12.000> sister<00:06:12.880> by<00:06:13.120> name<00:06:13.600> ethan<00:06:14.479> harrison
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if<00:06:17.840> you<00:06:18.160> see<00:06:18.400> the<00:06:18.639> kind<00:06:18.880> of<00:06:19.120> utterances
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if you see the kind of utterances
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if you see the kind of utterances
that<00:06:20.720> is<00:06:21.039> coming<00:06:21.360> out<00:06:21.520> of<00:06:21.600> this<00:06:21.840> girl's<00:06:22.160> mouth
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i<00:06:28.319> wonder<00:06:28.720> how<00:06:28.880> she<00:06:29.280> passes<00:06:29.840> through<00:06:30.080> the
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i wonder how she passes through the
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i wonder how she passes through the
gates<00:06:30.560> to<00:06:30.720> this<00:06:30.960> convent
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gates to this convent
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gates to this convent
you're<00:06:33.360> not<00:06:33.520> seeing<00:06:33.759> what<00:06:34.000> i<00:06:34.080> told<00:06:34.319> you<00:06:34.479> about
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you're not seeing what i told you about
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you're not seeing what i told you about
different<00:06:35.120> persons
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different persons
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different persons
here<00:06:36.720> with<00:06:36.960> different<00:06:37.280> characters
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how<00:06:41.759> did<00:06:41.919> you<00:06:42.080> scale<00:06:42.479> through<00:06:42.720> the<00:06:42.800> exams
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how did you scale through the exams
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how did you scale through the exams
are<00:06:44.479> the<00:06:44.720> authorities<00:06:45.280> here<00:06:45.520> not<00:06:45.759> seeing<00:06:46.080> our
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are the authorities here not seeing our
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are the authorities here not seeing our
ill<00:06:46.479> behaviors
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do<00:06:52.960> you<00:06:53.120> know<00:06:53.280> that<00:06:53.520> this<00:06:53.759> same<00:06:54.000> sister<00:06:54.400> if<00:06:54.639> he
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do you know that this same sister if he
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do you know that this same sister if he
approached<00:06:56.400> me
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approached me
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approached me
and<00:06:57.599> she<00:06:57.840> asked<00:06:58.080> me<00:06:58.319> to<00:06:58.560> join<00:06:58.880> this<00:06:59.120> year
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and she asked me to join this year
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and she asked me to join this year
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trust<00:07:13.120> me
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trust me
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trust me
i<00:07:14.880> gave<00:07:15.039> her<00:07:15.199> the<00:07:15.280> piece<00:07:15.520> of<00:07:15.599> my<00:07:15.919> mind<00:07:16.560> as<00:07:16.720> soon
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i gave her the piece of my mind as soon
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i gave her the piece of my mind as soon
as<00:07:17.199> possible<00:07:17.680> without<00:07:17.919> wasting<00:07:18.319> time
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she<00:07:23.840> disgusts<00:07:24.560> me
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okay<00:07:41.599> yeah
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okay yeah
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okay yeah
let's<00:07:42.880> go
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who<00:07:55.199> gave<00:07:55.440> himself<00:07:55.919> our<00:07:56.240> sins<00:07:57.039> that<00:07:57.360> he<00:07:57.599> might
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who gave himself our sins that he might
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who gave himself our sins that he might
deliver<00:07:58.479> us<00:07:58.800> from
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deliver us from
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deliver us from
this<00:08:00.160> present<00:08:00.800> evil<00:08:01.199> world
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this present evil world
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this present evil world
according<00:08:02.560> to<00:08:02.720> the<00:08:02.879> will<00:08:03.120> of<00:08:03.360> god
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according to the will of god
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according to the will of god
and<00:08:04.479> our<00:08:04.879> father
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and our father
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and our father
so<00:08:06.160> whom<00:08:06.479> be<00:08:06.720> glory<00:08:07.199> for<00:08:07.520> ever<00:08:07.840> and<00:08:08.000> ever
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so whom be glory for ever and ever
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so whom be glory for ever and ever
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you<00:08:10.479> see
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you see
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you see
god<00:08:12.800> the<00:08:13.039> father<00:08:13.440> gave<00:08:13.599> himself<00:08:14.160> just<00:08:14.400> for<00:08:14.560> our
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god the father gave himself just for our
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god the father gave himself just for our
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i<00:08:16.720> also<00:08:17.039> asked<00:08:17.280> a<00:08:17.360> christian<00:08:17.840> sister<00:08:18.479> yes<00:08:18.879> mr
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i also asked a christian sister yes mr
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i also asked a christian sister yes mr
mary<00:08:19.840> but<00:08:20.080> if<00:08:20.319> god<00:08:21.039> gave<00:08:21.280> himself<00:08:21.919> our<00:08:22.160> sins
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mary but if god gave himself our sins
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mary but if god gave himself our sins
why<00:08:23.680> then<00:08:23.919> do<00:08:24.240> men<00:08:24.960> all<00:08:25.120> over<00:08:25.360> the<00:08:25.520> world<00:08:25.759> still
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why then do men all over the world still
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why then do men all over the world still
sin<00:08:26.800> even<00:08:27.039> with<00:08:27.199> the<00:08:27.360> number<00:08:27.680> of<00:08:27.840> churches
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sin even with the number of churches
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sin even with the number of churches
springing<00:08:28.639> up<00:08:28.800> on<00:08:28.879> daily<00:08:29.199> basis
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springing up on daily basis
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springing up on daily basis
it's<00:08:30.960> because<00:08:31.520> the<00:08:31.759> world<00:08:32.240> is<00:08:32.479> full<00:08:32.880> of
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it's because the world is full of
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it's because the world is full of
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material<00:08:36.000> things<00:08:36.320> of<00:08:36.640> life<00:08:37.039> has<00:08:37.360> made<00:08:37.760> men<00:08:38.479> to
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material things of life has made men to
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material things of life has made men to
go<00:08:38.880> apart<00:08:39.360> from<00:08:39.599> them<00:08:40.159> from<00:08:40.399> that<00:08:40.719> which<00:08:40.959> they
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go apart from them from that which they
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go apart from them from that which they
were<00:08:41.279> created<00:08:41.760> for
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were created for
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were created for
which<00:08:43.839> is
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which is
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which is
to<00:08:45.760> serve<00:08:46.160> him<00:08:46.240> with<00:08:46.560> all<00:08:46.800> their<00:08:47.040> hearts
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to serve him with all their hearts
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to serve him with all their hearts
for<00:08:48.720> god<00:08:49.120> is<00:08:49.279> a<00:08:49.440> spirit<00:08:50.399> and<00:08:50.640> those<00:08:50.959> that
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for god is a spirit and those that
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for god is a spirit and those that
worship<00:08:51.600> him<00:08:51.839> should<00:08:52.160> worship<00:08:52.560> him<00:08:52.800> in<00:08:52.959> spirit
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worship him should worship him in spirit
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worship him should worship him in spirit
and<00:08:54.000> in<00:08:54.160> truth
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and in truth
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and in truth
if<00:08:55.680> truly<00:08:56.080> god<00:08:56.320> wants<00:08:56.560> us<00:08:56.720> to<00:08:56.959> serve<00:08:57.200> him
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if truly god wants us to serve him
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if truly god wants us to serve him
then<00:08:58.080> he<00:08:58.240> would<00:08:58.320> have<00:08:58.480> made<00:08:58.800> everything<00:08:59.440> easy
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then he would have made everything easy
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then he would have made everything easy
for<00:09:00.000> us<00:09:00.320> without<00:09:00.640> any<00:09:00.800> form<00:09:01.040> of<00:09:01.200> struggle
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if<00:09:04.399> god<00:09:04.720> has<00:09:04.959> made<00:09:05.200> everything<00:09:05.680> easy<00:09:06.000> for<00:09:06.240> us
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if god has made everything easy for us
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if god has made everything easy for us
we<00:09:06.640> wouldn't<00:09:07.040> have<00:09:07.200> valued<00:09:07.600> it<00:09:07.839> at<00:09:08.160> all
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why<00:09:22.880> are<00:09:22.959> you<00:09:23.040> disturbing<00:09:23.519> me
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why are you disturbing me
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why are you disturbing me
i<00:09:24.640> thought<00:09:25.200> i<00:09:25.279> would<00:09:25.440> call<00:09:25.600> you<00:09:25.680> at<00:09:25.760> my<00:09:25.920> own
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i thought i would call you at my own
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i thought i would call you at my own
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where<00:09:27.440> can<00:09:27.519> you<00:09:27.680> just<00:09:27.839> hear<00:09:28.000> the<00:09:28.080> simple
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where can you just hear the simple
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where can you just hear the simple
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i<00:09:37.839> see<00:09:38.080> you<00:09:38.160> want<00:09:38.240> to<00:09:38.320> become<00:09:38.560> a<00:09:38.720> hindrance<00:09:39.440> to
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i see you want to become a hindrance to
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i see you want to become a hindrance to
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success<00:09:41.760> my<00:09:41.920> success
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i<00:10:03.600> know<00:10:03.920> god<00:10:04.240> exists
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i know god exists
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i know god exists
i<00:10:05.920> believe<00:10:06.320> in<00:10:06.480> him<00:10:06.720> and<00:10:06.959> i<00:10:07.040> reference<00:10:07.519> his
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i believe in him and i reference his
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i believe in him and i reference his
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but<00:10:10.560> one<00:10:10.800> question<00:10:11.279> keeps<00:10:11.519> reading<00:10:11.839> in<00:10:11.920> my
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but one question keeps reading in my
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but one question keeps reading in my
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who<00:10:13.360> is<00:10:13.519> jesus<00:10:14.000> christ
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who is jesus christ
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who is jesus christ
many<00:10:15.600> things<00:10:16.000> have<00:10:16.240> i<00:10:16.399> heard<00:10:16.880> of<00:10:17.040> the<00:10:17.279> name
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many things have i heard of the name
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many things have i heard of the name
jesus<00:10:18.000> christ
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jesus christ
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jesus christ
at<00:10:19.440> the<00:10:19.600> same<00:10:19.839> time<00:10:20.079> my<00:10:20.240> brain<00:10:20.480> can<00:10:20.640> review<00:10:21.040> is
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at the same time my brain can review is
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at the same time my brain can review is
called<00:10:21.839> making<00:10:22.240> things<00:10:22.640> complicated
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i<00:10:26.560> understand<00:10:27.040> the<00:10:27.200> system
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i understand the system
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i understand the system
your<00:10:28.880> sound<00:10:29.200> is<00:10:29.440> so<00:10:29.920> based<00:10:30.320> on<00:10:30.399> today's
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your sound is so based on today's
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your sound is so based on today's
teaching<00:10:31.600> concerning<00:10:32.240> trinity<00:10:33.200> right
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teaching concerning trinity right
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teaching concerning trinity right
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because<00:10:35.680> the<00:10:35.920> english<00:10:36.240> connotation<00:10:37.200> simply
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because the english connotation simply
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because the english connotation simply
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a<00:10:38.720> group<00:10:39.279> or<00:10:39.519> a<00:10:39.680> set<00:10:39.920> of<00:10:40.240> three<00:10:40.560> people<00:10:41.120> all
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a group or a set of three people all
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a group or a set of three people all
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so<00:10:43.040> why<00:10:43.279> then<00:10:43.440> does<00:10:43.680> the<00:10:43.760> bible<00:10:44.079> turn<00:10:44.320> it
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so why then does the bible turn it
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so why then does the bible turn it
around<00:10:44.800> making<00:10:45.200> us<00:10:45.360> believe<00:10:45.760> that<00:10:46.079> god<00:10:46.399> is<00:10:46.480> the
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around making us believe that god is the
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around making us believe that god is the
father<00:10:47.279> the<00:10:47.440> son<00:10:47.760> and<00:10:47.839> the<00:10:48.000> holy<00:10:48.320> spirit
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father the son and the holy spirit
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father the son and the holy spirit
or<00:10:50.320> doesn't<00:10:50.720> mean
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or doesn't mean
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or doesn't mean
god<00:10:51.920> is<00:10:52.079> in<00:10:52.160> truth<00:10:52.480> please
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god is in truth please
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god is in truth please
jesus<00:10:54.560> christ
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jesus christ
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jesus christ
is<00:10:56.399> the<00:10:56.560> third<00:10:56.880> person<00:10:57.360> of<00:10:57.600> godhead
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is the third person of godhead
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is the third person of godhead
he<00:10:59.519> sits<00:10:59.839> at<00:11:00.000> the<00:11:00.079> right<00:11:00.320> hand<00:11:00.560> side<00:11:01.200> of<00:11:01.360> the
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he sits at the right hand side of the
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he sits at the right hand side of the
father<00:11:01.920> in<00:11:02.079> heavenly<00:11:02.640> places
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father in heavenly places
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father in heavenly places
he<00:11:04.320> represents<00:11:04.880> the<00:11:05.120> father<00:11:05.920> and<00:11:06.000> the<00:11:06.240> spirit
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he represents the father and the spirit
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he represents the father and the spirit
all<00:11:07.680> lived<00:11:08.240> in<00:11:08.399> him
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all lived in him
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all lived in him
christ<00:11:10.560> is<00:11:10.880> god<00:11:11.360> in<00:11:11.519> divinity
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christ is god in divinity
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christ is god in divinity
and<00:11:13.440> all<00:11:13.600> that<00:11:13.839> he<00:11:14.000> possesses<00:11:14.959> is<00:11:15.200> with<00:11:15.519> a<00:11:15.600> song
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and all that he possesses is with a song
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and all that he possesses is with a song
it's<00:11:17.920> not<00:11:18.079> yet<00:11:18.320> clear<00:11:18.560> to<00:11:18.800> me
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it's not yet clear to me
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it's not yet clear to me
don't<00:11:19.920> worry<00:11:20.320> sister
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don't worry sister
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don't worry sister
as<00:11:22.079> you<00:11:22.240> continue<00:11:22.720> your<00:11:22.880> studies<00:11:23.440> here<00:11:24.079> you
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as you continue your studies here you
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as you continue your studies here you
get<00:11:24.959> understand<00:11:25.839> all<00:11:26.240> that<00:11:26.480> you<00:11:26.800> want
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get understand all that you want
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get understand all that you want
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thank<00:11:29.760> you
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the<00:12:09.279> bible<00:12:09.920> itself<00:12:10.639> is<00:12:10.800> written
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the bible itself is written
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the bible itself is written
and<00:12:13.120> preachers<00:12:13.519> of<00:12:13.600> the<00:12:13.760> world<00:12:14.000> are<00:12:14.079> going
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and preachers of the world are going
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and preachers of the world are going
deep<00:12:14.720> into<00:12:14.959> you<00:12:15.120> to<00:12:15.360> understand<00:12:15.920> that<00:12:16.399> it's
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deep into you to understand that it's
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deep into you to understand that it's
something<00:12:17.040> you<00:12:17.440> always<00:12:18.160> get<00:12:18.320> to<00:12:18.480> do
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something you always get to do
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something you always get to do
understand<00:12:19.360> from<00:12:19.519> people<00:12:20.240> absolutely
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understand from people absolutely
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understand from people absolutely
and<00:12:21.760> he<00:12:21.920> cannot<00:12:22.240> come<00:12:22.399> here<00:12:22.639> and<00:12:22.720> destroy
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whatever<00:12:56.320> you<00:12:56.399> think
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stretch<00:13:10.560> your<00:13:10.720> legs
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if<00:13:33.120> you<00:13:33.279> wanna<00:13:33.600> play<00:13:33.920> tough<00:13:34.399> and<00:13:34.560> wanna<00:13:34.880> hate
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if you wanna play tough and wanna hate
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if you wanna play tough and wanna hate
this<00:13:35.600> i'll<00:13:35.839> always<00:13:36.160> show<00:13:36.560> up<00:13:36.880> and<00:13:37.040> make<00:13:37.279> a
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this i'll always show up and make a
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this i'll always show up and make a
statement<00:13:38.000> i<00:13:38.160> don't<00:13:38.399> ever<00:13:38.639> slow<00:13:39.120> up<00:13:39.440> no<00:13:39.680> i
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statement i don't ever slow up no i
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statement i don't ever slow up no i
don't<00:13:40.000> take<00:13:40.240> sh<00:13:40.639> i<00:13:40.880> got<00:13:41.199> no<00:13:41.519> love<00:13:42.079> for<00:13:42.240> the
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don't take sh i got no love for the
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don't take sh i got no love for the
greatness<00:13:43.120> if<00:13:43.279> you<00:13:43.360> wanna<00:13:43.680> play<00:13:44.000> tough<00:13:44.480> and
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greatness if you wanna play tough and
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greatness if you wanna play tough and
wanna<00:13:44.959> hate<00:13:45.279> this<00:13:45.680> i'll<00:13:46.000> always<00:13:46.240> show<00:13:46.639> up
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wanna hate this i'll always show up
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wanna hate this i'll always show up
everything<00:13:48.639> i<00:13:48.800> do<00:13:49.040> so<00:13:49.279> instinctive<00:13:49.760> and<00:13:49.839> so
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everything i do so instinctive and so
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everything i do so instinctive and so
passionate<00:13:50.720> every<00:13:50.959> word<00:13:51.199> i<00:13:51.360> move<00:13:51.600> so
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passionate every word i move so
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passionate every word i move so
descriptive<00:13:52.240> like<00:13:52.480> an<00:13:52.639> adjective<00:13:53.120> i<00:13:53.199> gotta
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descriptive like an adjective i gotta
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descriptive like an adjective i gotta
vent<00:13:53.839> better<00:13:54.240> against<00:13:54.639> people<00:13:54.880> who<00:13:55.120> patented
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vent better against people who patented
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vent better against people who patented
being<00:13:56.000> negative<00:13:56.639> when<00:13:56.800> you<00:13:56.959> should<00:13:57.120> be
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being negative when you should be
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being negative when you should be
getting<00:13:57.680> after<00:13:58.000> it
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getting after it
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getting after it
i<00:13:59.279> got<00:13:59.519> facts<00:13:59.839> over<00:14:00.160> facts<00:14:00.480> over<00:14:00.800> tracks<00:14:01.120> isn't
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i got facts over facts over tracks isn't
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i got facts over facts over tracks isn't
that<00:14:01.680> spitting<00:14:02.000> slow<00:14:02.240> speaking<00:14:02.639> fast<00:14:02.959> like<00:14:03.199> a
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that spitting slow speaking fast like a
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that spitting slow speaking fast like a
roast<00:14:03.680> i<00:14:03.760> could<00:14:03.920> gas<00:14:04.240> think<00:14:04.480> i'm<00:14:04.720> okay<00:14:05.120> at<00:14:05.199> last
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roast i could gas think i'm okay at last
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roast i could gas think i'm okay at last
but<00:14:05.760> i<00:14:05.839> don't<00:14:06.079> know<00:14:06.320> if<00:14:06.480> that<00:14:06.720> can<00:14:06.959> erase<00:14:07.440> all
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but i don't know if that can erase all
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but i don't know if that can erase all
the<00:14:07.760> past<00:14:08.079> and<00:14:08.160> the<00:14:08.320> pettiness<00:14:09.199> a<00:14:09.440> reflection
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the past and the pettiness a reflection
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the past and the pettiness a reflection
of<00:14:10.079> the<00:14:10.240> emptiness<00:14:10.800> hilarious<00:14:11.360> you<00:14:11.440> think
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of the emptiness hilarious you think
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of the emptiness hilarious you think
you're<00:14:11.760> with<00:14:12.000> my<00:14:12.160> time<00:14:12.399> you're<00:14:12.639> delirious
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you're with my time you're delirious
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you're with my time you're delirious
mysterious<00:14:13.920> because<00:14:14.160> you<00:14:14.399> are<00:14:14.480> behind<00:14:14.880> the
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mysterious because you are behind the
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mysterious because you are behind the
fake<00:14:15.199> exterior<00:14:15.839> inferior<00:14:16.399> you<00:14:16.560> know<00:14:16.720> i'll
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fake exterior inferior you know i'll
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fake exterior inferior you know i'll
always<00:14:17.199> be<00:14:17.360> a<00:14:17.440> bit<00:14:17.680> superior<00:14:18.320> get<00:14:18.560> off<00:14:18.800> of<00:14:18.959> me
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always be a bit superior get off of me
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always be a bit superior get off of me
this<00:14:19.440> ain't<00:14:19.600> no<00:14:19.760> humble<00:14:20.160> brag<00:14:20.560> i<00:14:20.720> want<00:14:20.959> you<00:14:21.120> to
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this ain't no humble brag i want you to
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this ain't no humble brag i want you to
hear<00:14:21.600> words<00:14:21.920> you<00:14:22.079> can<00:14:22.240> say<00:14:22.480> them<00:14:22.720> back<00:14:23.040> i<00:14:23.199> want
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hear words you can say them back i want
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hear words you can say them back i want
you<00:14:23.680> to<00:14:23.839> feel<00:14:24.160> free<00:14:24.399> from<00:14:24.560> the<00:14:24.800> chains<00:14:25.120> at<00:14:25.279> last
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you to feel free from the chains at last
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you to feel free from the chains at last
and<00:14:25.680> to<00:14:25.920> believe<00:14:26.240> in<00:14:26.320> what<00:14:26.480> you<00:14:26.720> got<00:14:26.959> it<00:14:27.120> was
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and to believe in what you got it was
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and to believe in what you got it was
built<00:14:27.600> to<00:14:27.839> last<00:14:28.240> yeah
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built to last yeah
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built to last yeah
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fake<00:14:43.440> news<00:14:43.760> if<00:14:43.920> you<00:14:44.000> wanna<00:14:44.320> play<00:14:44.639> tough<00:14:45.120> and
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fake news if you wanna play tough and
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fake news if you wanna play tough and
wanna<00:14:45.600> hate<00:14:45.920> this<00:14:46.320> i'll<00:14:46.639> always<00:14:46.880> show<00:14:47.279> up<00:14:47.600> and
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wanna hate this i'll always show up and
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wanna hate this i'll always show up and
make<00:14:48.000> a<00:14:48.079> statement<00:14:48.800> i<00:14:48.880> don't<00:14:49.120> ever<00:14:49.360> slow<00:14:49.839> up<00:14:50.160> no
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make a statement i don't ever slow up no
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make a statement i don't ever slow up no
i<00:14:50.480> don't<00:14:50.720> take<00:14:50.959> [ __ ]<00:14:51.360> i've<00:14:51.600> got<00:14:51.920> no<00:14:52.240> love<00:14:52.800> for
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i don't take [ __ ] i've got no love for
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i don't take [ __ ] i've got no love for
the<00:14:53.199> fakeness<00:14:53.839> if<00:14:54.000> you<00:14:54.160> wanna<00:14:54.399> play<00:14:54.720> tough<00:14:55.199> and
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the fakeness if you wanna play tough and
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the fakeness if you wanna play tough and
wanna<00:14:55.760> hate<00:14:56.079> this<00:14:56.480> i'll<00:14:56.720> always<00:14:57.040> show<00:14:57.360> up<00:14:57.760> and
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wanna hate this i'll always show up and
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wanna hate this i'll always show up and
make<00:14:58.079> a<00:14:58.240> statement<00:14:58.800> i'm<00:14:58.880> gonna<00:14:59.199> learn<00:14:59.360> the
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make a statement i'm gonna learn the
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make a statement i'm gonna learn the
consequence<00:15:00.160> of<00:15:00.320> being<00:15:00.639> incompetent<00:15:01.360> mental
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consequence of being incompetent mental
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consequence of being incompetent mental
health<00:15:01.920> is<00:15:02.000> confidence<00:15:02.639> dreams<00:15:03.040> and<00:15:03.120> some
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health is confidence dreams and some
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health is confidence dreams and some
honestness<00:15:03.920> i'm<00:15:04.079> not<00:15:04.240> here<00:15:04.399> to<00:15:04.560> save<00:15:04.800> the<00:15:04.880> day
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honestness i'm not here to save the day
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honestness i'm not here to save the day
that's<00:15:05.360> for<00:15:05.519> you<00:15:05.680> to<00:15:05.839> take<00:15:06.079> away<00:15:06.399> i<00:15:06.560> could<00:15:06.800> play
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that's for you to take away i could play
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that's for you to take away i could play
a<00:15:07.040> million<00:15:07.440> mind<00:15:07.680> games<00:15:08.000> but<00:15:08.240> instead<00:15:08.560> of
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a million mind games but instead of
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a million mind games but instead of
saying<00:15:08.959> something<00:15:09.279> not<00:15:09.519> illogical<00:15:10.240> something
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saying something not illogical something
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saying something not illogical something
that<00:15:10.839> is<00:15:11.519> rub<00:15:11.760> it<00:15:11.920> on<00:15:12.000> and<00:15:12.160> watch<00:15:12.399> it<00:15:12.480> go<00:15:12.720> make
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that is rub it on and watch it go make
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that is rub it on and watch it go make
yourself<00:15:13.279> unstoppable
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yourself unstoppable
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yourself unstoppable
irresponsible<00:15:15.279> but<00:15:15.440> they're<00:15:15.680> always
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irresponsible but they're always
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irresponsible but they're always
possible<00:15:16.560> if<00:15:16.720> you<00:15:16.880> just<00:15:17.040> believe<00:15:17.519> you<00:15:17.680> could
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possible if you just believe you could
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possible if you just believe you could
be<00:15:18.079> so<00:15:18.320> remarkable<00:15:19.120> thoughts<00:15:19.440> in<00:15:19.600> my<00:15:19.760> head<00:15:20.079> are
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be so remarkable thoughts in my head are
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be so remarkable thoughts in my head are
collagen<00:15:20.800> they<00:15:20.959> spread<00:15:21.279> i'll<00:15:21.440> be<00:15:21.600> great<00:15:21.920> one
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collagen they spread i'll be great one
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collagen they spread i'll be great one
day<00:15:22.560> going<00:15:22.959> off<00:15:23.199> of<00:15:23.360> my<00:15:23.519> meds<00:15:23.839> no<00:15:24.000> i'm<00:15:24.160> not
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day going off of my meds no i'm not
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day going off of my meds no i'm not
giving<00:15:24.880> up<00:15:25.040> no<00:15:25.279> i'm<00:15:25.440> not<00:15:25.680> giving<00:15:26.079> in<00:15:26.399> i<00:15:26.480> will
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giving up no i'm not giving in i will
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giving up no i'm not giving in i will
make<00:15:26.880> it<00:15:26.959> to<00:15:27.120> the<00:15:27.279> top<00:15:27.600> taking<00:15:28.000> off<00:15:28.240> in<00:15:28.399> the<00:15:28.639> end
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make it to the top taking off in the end
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make it to the top taking off in the end
i<00:15:28.880> gotta<00:15:29.199> make<00:15:29.600> it<00:15:29.920> i'm<00:15:30.079> saving<00:15:30.560> every<00:15:30.720> day<00:15:30.880> to
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i gotta make it i'm saving every day to
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i gotta make it i'm saving every day to
taste<00:15:31.440> it<00:15:31.600> i'm<00:15:31.759> patient<00:15:32.320> but<00:15:32.480> my<00:15:32.639> mind<00:15:32.959> it<00:15:33.120> can
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taste it i'm patient but my mind it can
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taste it i'm patient but my mind it can
already<00:15:33.600> take<00:15:33.920> it<00:15:34.079> i'm<00:15:34.240> chasing<00:15:34.720> a<00:15:34.880> driven<00:15:35.279> eye
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already take it i'm chasing a driven eye
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already take it i'm chasing a driven eye
that<00:15:35.600> for<00:15:35.839> several<00:15:36.240> ages<00:15:36.639> of<00:15:36.800> faking<00:15:37.360> modern
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that for several ages of faking modern
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that for several ages of faking modern
kingdom<00:15:38.320> for<00:15:38.480> the<00:15:38.720> taking
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i<00:15:52.240> got<00:15:52.560> no<00:15:52.880> love<00:15:53.440> for<00:15:53.600> the<00:15:53.839> fake<00:15:54.160> news<00:15:54.480> if<00:15:54.639> you
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i got no love for the fake news if you
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i got no love for the fake news if you
wanna<00:15:55.040> play<00:15:55.360> tough<00:15:55.839> and<00:15:56.000> wanna<00:15:56.399> hate<00:15:56.639> this
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wanna play tough and wanna hate this
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wanna play tough and wanna hate this
i'll<00:15:57.360> always<00:15:57.600> show<00:15:58.000> up<00:15:58.399> and<00:15:58.560> make<00:15:58.720> a<00:15:58.800> statement
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i'll always show up and make a statement
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i'll always show up and make a statement
i<00:15:59.680> don't<00:15:59.920> ever<00:16:00.079> slow<00:16:00.560> up<00:16:00.880> no<00:16:01.120> i<00:16:01.199> don't<00:16:01.440> take<00:16:01.680> sh
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i don't ever slow up no i don't take sh
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i don't ever slow up no i don't take sh
i<00:16:02.320> got<00:16:02.639> no<00:16:03.040> love<00:16:03.519> for<00:16:03.759> the<00:16:03.920> biggest<00:16:04.639> if<00:16:04.720> you
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i got no love for the biggest if you
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i got no love for the biggest if you
wanna<00:16:05.199> play<00:16:05.519> tough<00:16:05.920> and<00:16:06.160> wanna<00:16:06.480> hate<00:16:06.800> this
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i<00:16:16.240> wanna<00:16:16.560> hate<00:16:16.880> this
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i wanna hate this
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i wanna hate this
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what<00:16:25.440> happened
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what happened
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what happened
to<00:16:26.880> the<00:16:27.040> promise<00:16:27.519> we<00:16:27.759> made<00:16:28.000> to<00:16:28.240> each<00:16:28.399> other
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why<00:16:31.040> have<00:16:31.199> we<00:16:31.360> decided<00:16:31.839> to
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why have we decided to
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why have we decided to
betray<00:16:33.120> the<00:16:33.360> pride<00:16:34.079> and<00:16:34.320> dignity<00:16:34.880> of<00:16:35.040> our
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betray the pride and dignity of our
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betray the pride and dignity of our
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and<00:16:36.639> that<00:16:36.880> of<00:16:37.120> a<00:16:37.279> virgin<00:16:37.680> mary<00:16:38.240> the<00:16:38.399> mother<00:16:38.800> of
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and that of a virgin mary the mother of
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and that of a virgin mary the mother of
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i<00:16:41.600> had<00:16:41.839> a<00:16:42.000> dream
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i had a dream
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i had a dream
that<00:16:43.920> a<00:16:44.079> day<00:16:44.320> would<00:16:44.560> come<00:16:44.800> all<00:16:44.959> of<00:16:45.120> us<00:16:45.279> who
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that a day would come all of us who
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that a day would come all of us who
gather<00:16:45.839> to<00:16:46.160> pay<00:16:46.480> or<00:16:46.720> answer<00:16:47.199> for<00:16:47.360> our<00:16:47.600> sins
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gather to pay or answer for our sins
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gather to pay or answer for our sins
a<00:16:49.600> great<00:16:49.920> day<00:16:50.160> of<00:16:50.240> recording<00:16:50.800> i<00:16:50.959> see
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that's<00:16:53.680> the
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that's the
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that's the
the<00:16:55.519> shame
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the shame
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the shame
it's<00:16:57.519> not<00:16:57.759> going<00:16:57.920> to<00:16:58.079> be<00:16:58.240> easy<00:16:58.560> for<00:16:58.800> all<00:16:59.040> of<00:16:59.199> you
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it's not going to be easy for all of you
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it's not going to be easy for all of you
to<00:16:59.600> be
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stan<00:17:02.839> gazing<00:17:04.000> if<00:17:04.240> you<00:17:04.400> see<00:17:04.559> us<00:17:04.720> going<00:17:04.880> to<00:17:05.039> the
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stan gazing if you see us going to the
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stan gazing if you see us going to the
wrong<00:17:05.360> direction
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wrong direction
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wrong direction
why<00:17:07.039> can't<00:17:07.199> you<00:17:07.360> just<00:17:07.600> call<00:17:07.839> us<00:17:08.000> to<00:17:08.079> other
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why can't you just call us to other
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why can't you just call us to other
instead<00:17:09.600> of<00:17:09.679> doing<00:17:09.919> it<00:17:10.079> this<00:17:10.319> way
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instead of doing it this way
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instead of doing it this way
because<00:17:11.439> it<00:17:11.520> sounds<00:17:11.839> off<00:17:12.079> right<00:17:12.319> now
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a<00:17:16.160> clear<00:17:16.480> conscious<00:17:17.039> the<00:17:17.199> same<00:17:17.439> fears<00:17:17.839> no
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a clear conscious the same fears no
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a clear conscious the same fears no
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system<00:17:20.559> duchy
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system duchy
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system duchy
what<00:17:22.079> have<00:17:22.319> you<00:17:22.480> done<00:17:22.880> that<00:17:23.120> is<00:17:23.280> making<00:17:23.679> to<00:17:23.760> be
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what have you done that is making to be
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what have you done that is making to be
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your<00:17:26.000> sisters<00:17:26.720> needs<00:17:27.039> to<00:17:27.199> amend<00:17:27.600> your<00:17:27.839> ways
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your sisters needs to amend your ways
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your sisters needs to amend your ways
from<00:17:29.280> the<00:17:29.520> evil<00:17:29.919> parts
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from the evil parts
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from the evil parts
you<00:17:31.120> know<00:17:31.679> you're<00:17:31.919> going<00:17:32.320> astray
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retrace<00:17:35.600> back<00:17:35.840> from<00:17:36.160> those<00:17:36.559> things<00:17:36.880> you<00:17:37.039> are
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retrace back from those things you are
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retrace back from those things you are
doing<00:17:37.440> that<00:17:37.600> is<00:17:37.840> wrong
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doing that is wrong
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doing that is wrong
the<00:17:39.840> consequences
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the consequences
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the consequences
that<00:17:41.520> is<00:17:41.760> coming<00:17:42.240> is<00:17:42.400> not<00:17:42.559> going<00:17:42.799> to<00:17:42.960> be<00:17:43.120> easy
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that is coming is not going to be easy
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that is coming is not going to be easy
for<00:17:43.760> all<00:17:44.000> of<00:17:44.080> you
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and<00:17:54.000> you<00:17:54.160> seem<00:17:54.400> to<00:17:54.559> be<00:17:54.799> in<00:17:54.880> the<00:17:55.039> forefront<00:17:55.840> as
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and you seem to be in the forefront as
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and you seem to be in the forefront as
our<00:17:56.240> leader
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our leader
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our leader
so<00:17:58.080> if<00:17:58.240> you<00:17:58.480> seen<00:17:58.799> us<00:17:58.960> going<00:17:59.200> the<00:17:59.360> wrong<00:17:59.679> path
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so if you seen us going the wrong path
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so if you seen us going the wrong path
why<00:18:00.880> not<00:18:01.039> render<00:18:01.360> your<00:18:01.520> wise<00:18:01.840> concept<00:18:02.559> exactly
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why not render your wise concept exactly
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why not render your wise concept exactly
and<00:18:03.840> stop<00:18:04.080> making<00:18:04.400> you<00:18:04.559> speak<00:18:04.880> like<00:18:05.039> once
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and stop making you speak like once
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and stop making you speak like once
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as<00:18:09.440> the<00:18:09.520> spirit<00:18:10.000> leads
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as the spirit leads
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as the spirit leads
so<00:18:11.520> have<00:18:11.840> i<00:18:12.000> passed<00:18:12.320> the<00:18:12.400> message<00:18:12.960> over<00:18:13.200> to<00:18:13.440> you
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she's<00:18:22.880> someone<00:18:23.200> that<00:18:23.520> stole<00:18:24.000> she<00:18:24.240> knows<00:18:24.960> all
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she's someone that stole she knows all
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she's someone that stole she knows all
that<00:18:25.520> has<00:18:25.679> been<00:18:25.919> happening
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there's<00:18:29.440> certainly<00:18:30.000> no<00:18:30.320> hiding<00:18:30.799> place
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maybe<00:18:34.000> i<00:18:34.080> should<00:18:34.320> just<00:18:34.960> quit<00:18:35.520> and<00:18:35.679> return<00:18:36.240> home
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what<00:18:40.559> day<00:18:40.799> will<00:18:41.039> i<00:18:41.120> tell<00:18:41.440> my<00:18:41.600> parents
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why<00:18:47.120> have<00:18:47.360> i<00:18:47.600> made<00:18:47.840> myself<00:18:48.480> an<00:18:48.799> object<00:18:49.280> for<00:18:49.440> the
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why have i made myself an object for the
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why have i made myself an object for the
devil<00:18:50.320> chain
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devil chain
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devil chain
i<00:18:52.400> feel<00:18:52.720> nauseous<00:18:53.200> believe<00:18:53.679> me
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i feel nauseous believe me
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i feel nauseous believe me
never<00:18:54.799> had<00:18:55.039> a<00:18:55.120> lot<00:18:55.280> of<00:18:55.440> [ __ ]<00:18:55.840> come<00:18:56.240> easy<00:18:57.120> had<00:18:57.360> to
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never had a lot of [ __ ] come easy had to
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never had a lot of [ __ ] come easy had to
work<00:18:57.919> hard<00:18:58.160> struggle<00:18:58.640> just<00:18:58.799> to<00:18:58.960> be<00:18:59.280> me<00:19:00.000> had<00:19:00.160> to
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work hard struggle just to be me had to
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work hard struggle just to be me had to
rise<00:19:00.880> up<00:19:01.120> just<00:19:01.280> so<00:19:01.440> they<00:19:01.600> could<00:19:01.840> see<00:19:02.080> me
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rise up just so they could see me
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rise up just so they could see me
did<00:19:03.280> what<00:19:03.520> i<00:19:03.600> had<00:19:03.760> to<00:19:04.000> do<00:19:04.240> just<00:19:04.480> to<00:19:04.720> feed<00:19:04.960> me<00:19:05.200> and
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did what i had to do just to feed me and
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did what i had to do just to feed me and
what<00:19:05.520> was<00:19:05.760> left<00:19:06.080> over<00:19:06.480> i<00:19:06.640> put<00:19:06.880> towards<00:19:07.280> my
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what was left over i put towards my
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what was left over i put towards my
dreaming<00:19:08.480> but<00:19:08.720> the<00:19:08.960> only<00:19:09.200> thing<00:19:09.440> in<00:19:09.600> life<00:19:09.919> that
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dreaming but the only thing in life that
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dreaming but the only thing in life that
has<00:19:10.400> meaning<00:19:11.360> are<00:19:11.520> the<00:19:11.679> things<00:19:11.919> you<00:19:12.080> gotta
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has meaning are the things you gotta
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has meaning are the things you gotta
work<00:19:12.720> for<00:19:12.960> believe<00:19:13.440> me
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work for believe me
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work for believe me
take<00:19:14.799> into<00:19:15.039> your<00:19:15.280> hands<00:19:15.679> a<00:19:15.760> plan<00:19:16.160> your<00:19:16.400> own
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take into your hands a plan your own
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take into your hands a plan your own
hands<00:19:16.960> can<00:19:17.200> land<00:19:17.520> your<00:19:17.840> own<00:19:18.080> branding<00:19:18.640> down<00:19:19.280> i
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hands can land your own branding down i
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hands can land your own branding down i
feel<00:19:19.679> like<00:19:19.840> no<00:19:20.000> one<00:19:20.160> takes<00:19:20.480> accountability
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feel like no one takes accountability
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feel like no one takes accountability
they<00:19:21.600> want<00:19:21.760> the<00:19:22.000> credibility<00:19:22.840> convincingly
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they want the credibility convincingly
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they want the credibility convincingly
unwilling<00:19:24.080> to<00:19:24.240> put<00:19:24.480> in<00:19:24.640> the<00:19:25.200> hours<00:19:25.679> it<00:19:25.840> takes
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unwilling to put in the hours it takes
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unwilling to put in the hours it takes
to<00:19:26.160> get<00:19:26.320> some<00:19:26.640> power<00:19:27.200> so<00:19:27.440> we<00:19:27.760> can<00:19:28.000> sour<00:19:28.720> take<00:19:28.960> a
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to get some power so we can sour take a
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to get some power so we can sour take a
cold<00:19:29.360> shower<00:19:30.000> stream<00:19:30.320> until<00:19:30.640> you're<00:19:30.880> louder
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cold shower stream until you're louder
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cold shower stream until you're louder
work<00:19:31.760> until<00:19:32.000> you're<00:19:32.240> prouder<00:19:32.799> and<00:19:32.960> [ __ ]<00:19:33.360> all
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work until you're prouder and [ __ ] all
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work until you're prouder and [ __ ] all
the<00:19:33.679> doubters<00:19:34.320> they're<00:19:34.480> just<00:19:34.720> your<00:19:35.120> downers
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the doubters they're just your downers
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the doubters they're just your downers
i<00:19:37.440> swear<00:19:37.679> to<00:19:37.840> god<00:19:38.160> they<00:19:38.400> all<00:19:38.559> let<00:19:38.720> me<00:19:38.960> down
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i swear to god they all let me down
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i swear to god they all let me down
i<00:19:40.320> always<00:19:40.720> fought<00:19:41.039> just<00:19:41.200> to<00:19:41.360> wear<00:19:41.600> the<00:19:41.760> crown
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i always fought just to wear the crown
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i always fought just to wear the crown
i'm<00:19:43.440> dark<00:19:43.840> at<00:19:44.000> these<00:19:44.160> [ __ ]<00:19:44.559> clouds<00:19:45.520> who've
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i'm dark at these [ __ ] clouds who've
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i'm dark at these [ __ ] clouds who've
erupted<00:19:46.640> they<00:19:46.799> deserve<00:19:47.280> a<00:19:47.360> nouns
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erupted they deserve a nouns
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erupted they deserve a nouns
it's<00:19:48.799> only<00:19:49.120> worth<00:19:49.440> it<00:19:49.600> if<00:19:49.679> you<00:19:49.840> work<00:19:50.160> for<00:19:50.480> it
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it's only worth it if you work for it
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it's only worth it if you work for it
it's<00:19:51.600> only<00:19:51.919> worth<00:19:52.240> it<00:19:52.400> if<00:19:52.480> you<00:19:52.720> work<00:19:53.039> for<00:19:53.280> it
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it's only worth it if you work for it
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it's only worth it if you work for it
i<00:19:54.400> won't<00:19:54.720> stop<00:19:55.039> till<00:19:55.280> they<00:19:55.440> hear<00:19:55.679> me<00:19:55.840> now
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i won't stop till they hear me now
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i won't stop till they hear me now
i<00:19:57.200> won't<00:19:57.520> stop<00:19:57.919> till<00:19:58.160> i<00:19:58.320> wear<00:19:58.480> the<00:19:58.640> crown
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let's<00:20:21.200> go<00:20:21.840> i'm<00:20:22.080> just<00:20:22.320> telling<00:20:22.640> you<00:20:22.799> to<00:20:22.960> fight
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let's go i'm just telling you to fight
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let's go i'm just telling you to fight
for<00:20:23.520> your<00:20:23.679> dreams<00:20:24.080> but<00:20:24.240> it's<00:20:24.480> not<00:20:24.720> what<00:20:24.960> it
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for your dreams but it's not what it
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for your dreams but it's not what it
seems<00:20:25.440> man<00:20:25.679> it's<00:20:25.840> hard<00:20:26.159> to<00:20:26.320> be<00:20:26.559> seen
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what<00:20:48.400> do<00:20:48.480> you<00:20:48.559> say<00:20:48.720> is<00:20:48.880> wrong
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what do you say is wrong
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what do you say is wrong
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you<00:20:55.280> can<00:20:55.520> actually<00:20:55.760> show<00:20:55.919> that<00:20:56.080> you're
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you can actually show that you're
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you can actually show that you're
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no<00:20:57.520> i'm<00:20:57.760> not
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no i'm not
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no i'm not
you're<00:20:58.880> not<00:20:59.120> pregnant
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it's<00:21:09.039> just<00:21:09.600> a<00:21:09.679> change<00:21:10.000> of<00:21:10.159> environment<00:21:10.799> we
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it's just a change of environment we
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it's just a change of environment we
call<00:21:11.200> this<00:21:11.440> change<00:21:11.679> of<00:21:11.840> environment<00:21:12.480> yes<00:21:12.880> yes
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call this change of environment yes yes
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call this change of environment yes yes
ma'am<00:21:13.760> it's<00:21:14.000> fine
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ma'am it's fine
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ma'am it's fine
but<00:21:15.039> let's<00:21:15.280> just
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oh<00:21:41.280> my
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oh my
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oh my
god<00:21:44.000> hope<00:21:44.240> nothing<00:21:44.559> is<00:21:44.720> wrong<00:21:44.880> with<00:21:45.120> her
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god hope nothing is wrong with her
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god hope nothing is wrong with her
who<00:21:47.760> has<00:21:47.840> not<00:21:48.000> been<00:21:48.080> picking<00:21:48.400> my<00:21:48.559> call<00:21:48.799> since
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who has not been picking my call since
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who has not been picking my call since
yesterday<00:21:49.600> i<00:21:49.840> i<00:21:50.080> hope<00:21:50.320> something<00:21:50.559> has<00:21:50.720> not
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yesterday i i hope something has not
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yesterday i i hope something has not
gone<00:21:51.039> wrong
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gone wrong
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gone wrong
maybe<00:21:53.120> i<00:21:53.200> should<00:21:53.440> go<00:21:53.760> there<00:21:54.000> and<00:21:54.159> look<00:21:54.400> for<00:21:54.559> her
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maybe i should go there and look for her
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maybe i should go there and look for her
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the<00:21:57.039> last<00:21:57.200> time<00:21:57.440> i<00:21:57.520> went<00:21:57.679> there<00:21:57.840> she<00:21:58.000> was<00:21:58.080> not
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the last time i went there she was not
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the last time i went there she was not
happy<00:21:58.480> with<00:21:58.720> me
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happy with me
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happy with me
that's<00:22:00.640> the<00:22:00.720> most<00:22:00.880> reason<00:22:01.200> why<00:22:01.520> i<00:22:01.840> need<00:22:02.000> to
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that's the most reason why i need to
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that's the most reason why i need to
talk<00:22:02.240> to<00:22:02.400> her<00:22:02.559> she<00:22:02.720> has<00:22:02.880> to<00:22:02.960> pick<00:22:03.120> this<00:22:03.280> calling
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talk to her she has to pick this calling
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talk to her she has to pick this calling
just<00:22:05.520> to<00:22:05.600> pick<00:22:05.760> this<00:22:06.000> goal
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let's<00:22:21.039> talk
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i<00:22:26.400> will<00:22:26.640> only<00:22:26.880> keep<00:22:27.039> your<00:22:27.280> secret<00:22:27.679> on<00:22:28.000> one
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i will only keep your secret on one
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i will only keep your secret on one
condition<00:22:29.280> reaches<00:22:30.080> do<00:22:30.240> my<00:22:30.480> beating
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condition reaches do my beating
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condition reaches do my beating
which<00:22:32.159> is<00:22:32.240> your<00:22:32.400> belief
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which is your belief
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which is your belief
let<00:22:33.919> me<00:22:34.159> love<00:22:34.400> you
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let me love you
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let me love you
let<00:22:35.840> me<00:22:36.080> kiss<00:22:36.480> and<00:22:36.799> shoulder<00:22:37.280> all<00:22:37.440> of<00:22:37.520> your
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let me kiss and shoulder all of your
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let me kiss and shoulder all of your
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let<00:22:39.120> my<00:22:39.360> fingers<00:22:39.760> walk<00:22:40.080> through<00:22:40.320> your<00:22:40.480> medium
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let my fingers walk through your medium
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let my fingers walk through your medium
you<00:22:42.559> get<00:22:42.720> to<00:22:42.880> be<00:22:43.039> more<00:22:43.200> confusing<00:22:44.240> what's<00:22:44.720> that
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you get to be more confusing what's that
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you get to be more confusing what's that
not<00:22:45.120> to<00:22:45.440> understand
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not to understand
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not to understand
because<00:22:47.039> you've<00:22:47.200> been<00:22:47.360> speaking<00:22:47.679> in<00:22:47.760> videos
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because you've been speaking in videos
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because you've been speaking in videos
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let<00:22:55.440> me<00:22:55.679> love<00:22:55.919> you
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let me love you
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let me love you
i<00:22:57.520> shower<00:22:58.000> you<00:22:58.080> with<00:22:58.240> so<00:22:58.400> much<00:22:58.720> love<00:22:58.960> on
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i shower you with so much love on
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i shower you with so much love on
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show<00:23:01.360> that<00:23:01.679> all<00:23:01.919> of<00:23:02.000> your<00:23:02.159> body
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you're<00:23:06.000> a<00:23:06.159> pretty<00:23:06.480> girl<00:23:07.200> you<00:23:07.360> will<00:23:07.600> enjoy<00:23:07.919> it
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you're a pretty girl you will enjoy it
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you're a pretty girl you will enjoy it
and<00:23:08.240> at<00:23:08.400> the<00:23:08.480> end<00:23:08.720> you<00:23:08.799> have<00:23:08.960> peace<00:23:09.200> of<00:23:09.360> mind
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and at the end you have peace of mind
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and at the end you have peace of mind
now<00:23:11.280> i<00:23:11.440> understand<00:23:11.840> what<00:23:12.000> you're<00:23:12.159> going<00:23:12.400> to
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now i understand what you're going to
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now i understand what you're going to
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you're<00:23:13.600> trying<00:23:13.840> to<00:23:13.919> learn<00:23:14.159> me<00:23:14.320> through<00:23:14.480> this
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you're trying to learn me through this
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you're trying to learn me through this
relationship<00:23:15.440> exactly
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relationship exactly
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relationship exactly
you're<00:23:18.080> very<00:23:18.480> good<00:23:18.799> on<00:23:18.880> the<00:23:19.039> wise<00:23:19.280> gifts<00:23:19.520> of
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you're very good on the wise gifts of
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you're very good on the wise gifts of
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god<00:23:24.960> forbid<00:23:25.360> you<00:23:25.520> see
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god forbid you see
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god forbid you see
no<00:23:27.360> problem
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no problem
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no problem
then<00:23:28.799> get<00:23:29.120> ready<00:23:29.600> for<00:23:29.760> your<00:23:30.080> latest<00:23:30.400> secrets
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then get ready for your latest secrets
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then get ready for your latest secrets
to<00:23:31.120> be<00:23:31.280> told<00:23:31.520> by<00:23:31.679> everybody<00:23:32.080> please<00:23:32.400> ma'am<00:23:32.960> the
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to be told by everybody please ma'am the
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to be told by everybody please ma'am the
whole<00:23:33.360> world<00:23:33.600> is<00:23:33.679> going<00:23:33.840> to<00:23:34.080> hear<00:23:34.320> it<00:23:34.799> so
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whole world is going to hear it so
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whole world is going to hear it so
you're<00:23:35.200> pregnant<00:23:36.159> even<00:23:36.400> the<00:23:36.559> higher
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you're pregnant even the higher
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you're pregnant even the higher
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you<00:23:38.799> don't<00:23:38.960> want<00:23:39.039> me<00:23:39.120> to<00:23:39.280> do<00:23:39.360> that<00:23:39.760> then<00:23:39.919> you<00:23:40.080> do
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you don't want me to do that then you do
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you don't want me to do that then you do
my<00:23:40.640> bidding
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think<00:23:44.480> about<00:23:44.799> this
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i<00:24:03.840> see<00:24:04.000> if<00:24:04.159> i<00:24:04.400> knew<00:24:04.640> what<00:24:04.880> was<00:24:05.039> going<00:24:05.279> to<00:24:05.440> happen
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i see if i knew what was going to happen
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i see if i knew what was going to happen
like<00:24:06.480> nostradamus<00:24:07.600> a<00:24:07.919> man<00:24:08.240> who<00:24:08.480> sees<00:24:08.880> tomorrow
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like nostradamus a man who sees tomorrow
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like nostradamus a man who sees tomorrow
i<00:24:11.200> want<00:24:11.520> you<00:24:11.760> guys<00:24:12.080> udochi
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i want you guys udochi
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i want you guys udochi
i<00:24:13.840> warned<00:24:14.240> you<00:24:14.720> we<00:24:15.039> never<00:24:15.360> heard<00:24:15.600> to<00:24:15.679> my<00:24:15.919> advice
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i warned you we never heard to my advice
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i warned you we never heard to my advice
at<00:24:16.720> all
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at all
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at all
now<00:24:17.760> look<00:24:17.919> at<00:24:18.080> where<00:24:18.240> it<00:24:18.400> has<00:24:18.640> landed<00:24:19.039> you
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now look at where it has landed you
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now look at where it has landed you
your<00:24:20.080> sins<00:24:20.640> and<00:24:20.799> consequences<00:24:21.600> ever<00:24:21.840> before
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your sins and consequences ever before
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your sins and consequences ever before
looking<00:24:22.480> at<00:24:22.640> you<00:24:23.039> eyeball<00:24:23.600> to<00:24:23.679> eyeball
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please<00:24:26.480> tell<00:24:26.640> me<00:24:26.799> what<00:24:26.960> to<00:24:27.039> do
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your<00:24:30.320> situation<00:24:30.960> is<00:24:31.120> a<00:24:31.279> very<00:24:31.600> critical<00:24:32.159> one
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your situation is a very critical one
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your situation is a very critical one
and<00:24:32.960> should<00:24:33.120> be<00:24:33.279> handled<00:24:33.679> critically
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i<00:24:36.880> don't<00:24:37.360> i<00:24:37.520> don't<00:24:38.000> know<00:24:38.640> how<00:24:38.960> in<00:24:39.200> god's<00:24:39.600> name
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i don't i don't know how in god's name
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i don't i don't know how in god's name
did<00:24:39.919> you<00:24:40.080> end<00:24:40.320> up<00:24:40.480> in<00:24:40.640> this
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did you end up in this
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did you end up in this
big<00:24:41.760> mess
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if<00:24:47.039> i<00:24:47.200> had<00:24:47.440> known<00:24:48.159> i<00:24:48.320> would<00:24:48.480> have<00:24:48.559> stayed<00:24:48.799> in<00:24:48.960> my
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if i had known i would have stayed in my
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if i had known i would have stayed in my
house<00:24:49.520> with<00:24:49.600> my<00:24:49.840> life
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house with my life
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house with my life
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how<00:24:52.720> do<00:24:52.880> i<00:24:53.039> continue<00:24:53.440> in<00:24:53.520> this<00:24:53.679> holy<00:24:54.000> base
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how do i continue in this holy base
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how do i continue in this holy base
how<00:24:55.679> do<00:24:55.840> i<00:24:56.080> keep<00:24:56.240> my<00:24:56.480> face<00:24:56.880> and<00:24:57.039> explain<00:24:57.360> to<00:24:57.520> the
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how do i keep my face and explain to the
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how do i keep my face and explain to the
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that<00:24:59.120> i'm<00:24:59.279> pregnant<00:24:59.679> why<00:24:59.840> is<00:24:59.919> having<00:25:00.159> the<00:25:00.320> lord
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what<00:25:04.480> a<00:25:04.559> shameful<00:25:05.279> thing<00:25:05.600> for<00:25:05.840> the<00:25:06.080> ears<00:25:06.559> to
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what a shameful thing for the ears to
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what a shameful thing for the ears to
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00:25:08.720 --> 00:25:10.710 align:start position:0%
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i<00:25:10.799> mean<00:25:11.279> what<00:25:11.520> is<00:25:11.679> happening<00:25:12.240> here
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i mean what is happening here
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i mean what is happening here
how<00:25:14.159> did<00:25:14.240> you<00:25:14.480> end<00:25:14.640> up<00:25:14.799> like<00:25:15.039> this
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what<00:25:18.799> wait<00:25:19.520> why<00:25:19.760> would<00:25:20.080> ruben<00:25:20.480> do<00:25:20.640> this<00:25:20.880> to<00:25:21.039> you
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what wait why would ruben do this to you
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what wait why would ruben do this to you
eh<00:25:22.480> no<00:25:22.640> if<00:25:22.799> any<00:25:22.960> way<00:25:23.120> you<00:25:23.279> are<00:25:23.360> here<00:25:23.520> to<00:25:23.679> serve
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eh no if any way you are here to serve
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eh no if any way you are here to serve
the<00:25:24.080> lord
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the lord
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the lord
why<00:25:25.200> did<00:25:25.360> you<00:25:25.520> not<00:25:25.679> refuse<00:25:26.400> saying<00:25:26.720> no<00:25:26.960> to<00:25:27.120> him
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why did you not refuse saying no to him
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why did you not refuse saying no to him
in<00:25:27.440> capital<00:25:27.840> letter
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why<00:25:30.640> did<00:25:30.720> you<00:25:30.880> even<00:25:31.120> do<00:25:31.279> it<00:25:31.360> without<00:25:32.080> oh<00:25:32.320> my
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why did you even do it without oh my
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why did you even do it without oh my
goodness<00:25:33.039> what<00:25:33.200> am<00:25:33.279> i<00:25:33.440> even<00:25:33.760> saying<00:25:34.400> i'm<00:25:34.640> as
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goodness what am i even saying i'm as
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goodness what am i even saying i'm as
confused<00:25:35.279> as<00:25:35.440> you<00:25:35.600> i<00:25:35.840> don't<00:25:36.000> know<00:25:36.080> what<00:25:36.159> to
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confused as you i don't know what to
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confused as you i don't know what to
tell<00:25:36.640> you<00:25:36.960> i'm<00:25:37.120> just<00:25:37.440> out<00:25:37.679> of<00:25:37.919> words
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oh<00:25:41.279> my<00:25:41.520> god
00:25:42.549 --> 00:25:42.559 align:start position:0%
oh my god
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oh my god
how<00:25:42.799> do<00:25:42.960> i<00:25:43.039> cope<00:25:43.279> with<00:25:43.360> this<00:25:43.600> comparing
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how do i cope with this comparing
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how do i cope with this comparing
moments<00:25:44.400> now
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why<00:25:49.520> are<00:25:49.600> you<00:25:49.840> sounding<00:25:50.240> as<00:25:50.400> if<00:25:50.559> pregnancy<00:25:51.200> is
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why are you sounding as if pregnancy is
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why are you sounding as if pregnancy is
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i'm<00:25:52.480> not<00:25:52.640> feeling<00:25:53.120> bad<00:25:53.440> but<00:25:53.600> doesn't<00:25:54.080> invite
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i'm not feeling bad but doesn't invite
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i'm not feeling bad but doesn't invite
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in<00:25:56.400> as<00:25:56.640> much<00:25:56.960> as<00:25:57.120> the<00:25:57.279> timing<00:25:57.679> is<00:25:57.840> wrong
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in as much as the timing is wrong
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in as much as the timing is wrong
but<00:25:59.919> you<00:26:00.080> have<00:26:00.320> to<00:26:00.480> choose<00:26:00.720> between<00:26:01.120> serving
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but you have to choose between serving
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but you have to choose between serving
here<00:26:02.000> or<00:26:02.240> you<00:26:02.400> will<00:26:02.559> decide<00:26:03.120> what<00:26:03.360> you
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here or you will decide what you
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here or you will decide what you
or<00:26:04.480> what<00:26:05.279> you<00:26:05.440> think<00:26:05.679> i'll<00:26:05.840> be<00:26:05.919> here<00:26:06.080> with<00:26:06.240> this
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or what you think i'll be here with this
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or what you think i'll be here with this
baby<00:26:06.960> in<00:26:07.039> my<00:26:07.120> stomach<00:26:07.679> you<00:26:07.840> think<00:26:08.080> i'll<00:26:08.159> be
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baby in my stomach you think i'll be
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baby in my stomach you think i'll be
here<00:26:08.559> and<00:26:08.640> i<00:26:08.720> can't<00:26:08.960> commit<00:26:09.200> opportunity<00:26:09.919> i
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here and i can't commit opportunity i
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here and i can't commit opportunity i
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meaning<00:26:13.200> you're<00:26:13.360> going<00:26:13.520> to<00:26:13.600> give<00:26:13.760> birth<00:26:13.919> to<00:26:14.000> a
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meaning you're going to give birth to a
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meaning you're going to give birth to a
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of<00:26:17.360> course
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of course
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of course
which<00:26:19.360> which<00:26:19.679> money<00:26:20.000> are<00:26:20.080> going<00:26:20.240> to<00:26:20.480> be
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which which money are going to be
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which which money are going to be
training<00:26:20.960> the<00:26:21.039> child
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training the child
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training the child
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i'm<00:26:27.360> so<00:26:27.520> ashamed<00:26:28.000> of<00:26:28.080> you
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i'm so ashamed of you
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i'm so ashamed of you
i<00:26:29.120> can<00:26:29.360> see<00:26:29.520> you<00:26:29.600> don't<00:26:29.760> have<00:26:30.000> anything<00:26:31.279> to<00:26:31.520> say
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i can see you don't have anything to say
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i can see you don't have anything to say
i<00:26:32.320> can't<00:26:32.480> see<00:26:32.640> that<00:26:32.960> anything<00:26:33.279> we<00:26:33.440> need<00:26:33.520> to
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i can't see that anything we need to
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i can't see that anything we need to
first<00:26:33.840> talk<00:26:34.000> about
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is<00:26:37.039> it<00:26:37.200> now<00:26:37.440> a<00:26:37.600> crime<00:26:37.919> for<00:26:38.080> me<00:26:38.240> to<00:26:38.400> check<00:26:38.640> on<00:26:38.880> you
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is it now a crime for me to check on you
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is it now a crime for me to check on you
think<00:26:41.279> of<00:26:41.440> it<00:26:41.760> why<00:26:42.000> was<00:26:42.240> your<00:26:42.400> phone<00:26:42.559> off<00:26:42.720> the
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think of it why was your phone off the
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think of it why was your phone off the
other<00:26:43.120> day
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other day
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other day
it's<00:26:44.640> obvious<00:26:45.600> you're<00:26:45.760> not<00:26:45.919> even<00:26:46.080> concerned
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it's obvious you're not even concerned
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it's obvious you're not even concerned
about<00:26:46.720> my<00:26:46.880> situation
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where<00:26:51.360> are<00:26:51.360> you<00:26:51.520> going<00:26:51.760> to
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where are you going to
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where are you going to
come<00:26:53.440> let<00:26:53.600> us<00:26:53.760> talk<00:26:54.000> about<00:26:54.240> how<00:26:54.400> we're<00:26:54.559> going
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come let us talk about how we're going
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come let us talk about how we're going
to<00:26:54.720> take<00:26:54.880> care<00:26:55.039> of<00:26:55.120> our<00:26:55.200> baby<00:26:55.440> by<00:26:55.520> the<00:26:55.600> time<00:26:55.760> you
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to take care of our baby by the time you
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to take care of our baby by the time you
give<00:26:56.000> birth
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see<00:26:59.600> i<00:26:59.679> don't<00:26:59.840> know<00:26:59.919> how<00:27:00.080> you<00:27:00.159> could<00:27:00.320> draw<00:27:00.480> many
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see i don't know how you could draw many
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see i don't know how you could draw many
times<00:27:00.960> don't<00:27:01.120> enter<00:27:01.360> don't<00:27:01.520> enter<00:27:01.760> just<00:27:02.000> allow
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times don't enter don't enter just allow
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times don't enter don't enter just allow
that<00:27:02.720> making<00:27:02.960> group
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mind<00:27:19.520> who<00:27:19.679> uses<00:27:20.080> them<00:27:20.240> don't
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mind who uses them don't
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mind who uses them don't
let<00:27:21.600> this<00:27:21.919> sound<00:27:22.159> that<00:27:22.320> they<00:27:22.480> want<00:27:22.720> to<00:27:22.799> those
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let this sound that they want to those
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let this sound that they want to those
of<00:27:23.200> you<00:27:23.440> think<00:27:23.760> love<00:27:24.000> exists<00:27:24.960> you're<00:27:25.120> not<00:27:25.279> even
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of you think love exists you're not even
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of you think love exists you're not even
concerned<00:27:25.840> about<00:27:26.080> present<00:27:26.399> condition<00:27:26.960> but
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concerned about present condition but
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concerned about present condition but
bring<00:27:27.360> to<00:27:27.440> your<00:27:27.600> selfishness<00:27:28.240> and<00:27:28.320> emotions
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bring to your selfishness and emotions
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bring to your selfishness and emotions
but<00:27:30.240> i<00:27:30.399> have<00:27:30.640> my<00:27:30.799> eyes<00:27:31.200> on<00:27:31.520> you<00:27:31.919> please<00:27:32.240> stop
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but i have my eyes on you please stop
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but i have my eyes on you please stop
you're<00:27:33.120> increasing<00:27:33.440> the<00:27:33.520> position<00:27:33.919> in<00:27:34.000> my
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you're increasing the position in my
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you're increasing the position in my
head<00:27:34.399> i<00:27:34.480> can't<00:27:34.640> take<00:27:34.799> this<00:27:35.039> anymore<00:27:35.600> it's<00:27:35.760> not
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head i can't take this anymore it's not
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head i can't take this anymore it's not
all<00:27:36.080> you<00:27:36.159> have<00:27:36.320> to<00:27:36.399> say<00:27:37.039> oh<00:27:37.360> my<00:27:37.679> goodness
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all you have to say oh my goodness
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all you have to say oh my goodness
this<00:27:38.880> is<00:27:39.039> absolute<00:27:39.440> madness<00:27:39.919> everyone<00:27:40.080> would
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this is absolute madness everyone would
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this is absolute madness everyone would
have<00:27:40.480> been<00:27:40.559> in<00:27:40.640> my<00:27:40.720> room<00:27:41.039> mr<00:27:41.440> jane<00:27:41.600> i<00:27:41.679> can't<00:27:41.840> do
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have been in my room mr jane i can't do
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have been in my room mr jane i can't do
what<00:27:42.000> he<00:27:42.080> has<00:27:42.320> of<00:27:42.480> me<00:27:42.720> go<00:27:42.880> ahead<00:27:43.039> and<00:27:43.120> do
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what he has of me go ahead and do
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what he has of me go ahead and do
whatever<00:27:43.440> i<00:27:43.520> want<00:27:43.679> to<00:27:43.760> do
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whatever i want to do
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whatever i want to do
so<00:27:45.679> now<00:27:45.919> you<00:27:46.159> have<00:27:46.399> the<00:27:46.720> guts<00:27:47.120> to<00:27:47.440> shout<00:27:47.840> at<00:27:48.080> me
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so now you have the guts to shout at me
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so now you have the guts to shout at me
sister<00:27:49.760> jane<00:27:50.399> go<00:27:50.640> ahead<00:27:50.960> and<00:27:51.039> do<00:27:51.200> whatever<00:27:51.520> you
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sister jane go ahead and do whatever you
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sister jane go ahead and do whatever you
want<00:27:51.840> to<00:27:51.919> do<00:27:52.320> go<00:27:52.480> ahead<00:27:52.720> and<00:27:52.799> report<00:27:53.120> me<00:27:53.279> to<00:27:53.360> the
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want to do go ahead and report me to the
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want to do go ahead and report me to the
higher<00:27:53.679> authorities<00:27:54.080> if<00:27:54.240> that's<00:27:54.399> what<00:27:54.480> you
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higher authorities if that's what you
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higher authorities if that's what you
want<00:27:54.880> you<00:27:54.960> know<00:27:55.200> let<00:27:55.440> everybody<00:27:55.840> know<00:27:56.000> what
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want you know let everybody know what
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want you know let everybody know what
you've<00:27:56.240> been<00:27:56.399> lying<00:27:56.720> into
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you've been lying into
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you've been lying into
really<00:27:59.200> that's
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it's<00:28:18.640> no<00:28:18.799> longer<00:28:19.120> a<00:28:19.200> hidden<00:28:19.600> thing
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why<00:28:22.399> would<00:28:22.559> she<00:28:22.799> ask<00:28:23.039> her<00:28:23.200> to<00:28:23.440> join<00:28:23.760> her<00:28:24.080> in
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why would she ask her to join her in
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why would she ask her to join her in
doing<00:28:24.640> such<00:28:25.200> if<00:28:25.360> one<00:28:25.520> should<00:28:25.679> be<00:28:25.840> reported<00:28:26.240> to
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doing such if one should be reported to
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doing such if one should be reported to
those<00:28:26.640> in<00:28:26.799> charge
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those in charge
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those in charge
but<00:28:28.080> the<00:28:28.240> daughter<00:28:28.640> shouldn't<00:28:28.960> be<00:28:29.039> scared<00:28:29.760> but
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but the daughter shouldn't be scared but
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but the daughter shouldn't be scared but
confront<00:28:30.480> her<00:28:30.640> instead<00:28:31.200> exactly<00:28:32.000> my<00:28:32.240> point<00:28:33.120> is
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confront her instead exactly my point is
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confront her instead exactly my point is
exactly<00:28:33.679> what<00:28:33.840> i've<00:28:34.000> been<00:28:34.240> expecting<00:28:34.799> from
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exactly what i've been expecting from
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exactly what i've been expecting from
her<00:28:35.520> but<00:28:35.679> she's<00:28:35.919> acting<00:28:36.320> so<00:28:36.559> soft<00:28:37.360> that<00:28:37.520> she
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her but she's acting so soft that she
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her but she's acting so soft that she
thinks<00:28:37.919> she<00:28:38.000> cannot<00:28:38.320> do<00:28:38.480> anything
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thinks she cannot do anything
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thinks she cannot do anything
maybe<00:28:40.799> she's<00:28:41.039> respecting<00:28:41.679> her<00:28:41.840> being<00:28:42.080> ahead
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maybe she's respecting her being ahead
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maybe she's respecting her being ahead
of<00:28:42.559> us<00:28:43.120> a<00:28:43.279> position<00:28:43.760> she's<00:28:44.000> not<00:28:44.080> even
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of us a position she's not even
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of us a position she's not even
deserving<00:28:44.960> i<00:28:45.120> guess
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deserving i guess
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deserving i guess
but<00:28:46.799> this<00:28:47.039> whole<00:28:47.200> thing<00:28:47.440> is<00:28:47.600> getting<00:28:47.919> me
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but this whole thing is getting me
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but this whole thing is getting me
00:28:49.830 --> 00:28:49.840 align:start position:0%
00:28:49.840 --> 00:28:52.549 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:28:50.000> not<00:28:50.159> comfortable<00:28:50.880> anymore
00:28:52.549 --> 00:28:52.559 align:start position:0%
i'm not comfortable anymore
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i'm not comfortable anymore
i'm<00:28:52.720> not<00:28:52.880> seeing<00:28:53.200> anything<00:28:53.679> here<00:28:53.919> except
00:28:54.230 --> 00:28:54.240 align:start position:0%
i'm not seeing anything here except
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i'm not seeing anything here except
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for<00:28:56.320> one<00:28:56.559> who<00:28:56.720> is<00:28:56.799> having<00:28:57.120> the<00:28:57.360> lord<00:28:57.520> to<00:28:57.760> expect
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for one who is having the lord to expect
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for one who is having the lord to expect
challenges<00:28:59.279> at<00:28:59.600> any<00:28:59.840> time
00:29:01.990 --> 00:29:02.000 align:start position:0%
challenges at any time
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challenges at any time
for<00:29:02.240> salvation<00:29:02.960> is<00:29:03.120> no<00:29:03.279> bread<00:29:03.600> and<00:29:03.760> milk
00:29:04.870 --> 00:29:04.880 align:start position:0%
for salvation is no bread and milk
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for salvation is no bread and milk
yes<00:29:05.200> even<00:29:05.440> the<00:29:05.600> bible<00:29:06.000> said<00:29:06.240> it<00:29:06.320> that's
00:29:06.789 --> 00:29:06.799 align:start position:0%
yes even the bible said it that's
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yes even the bible said it that's
america<00:29:07.279> for<00:29:07.440> children<00:29:08.159> and<00:29:08.399> strong<00:29:08.799> bones
00:29:09.430 --> 00:29:09.440 align:start position:0%
america for children and strong bones
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america for children and strong bones
for<00:29:09.679> adults
00:29:11.590 --> 00:29:11.600 align:start position:0%
for adults
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for adults
so<00:29:11.840> my<00:29:12.080> sister<00:29:12.480> vivian
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so my sister vivian
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so my sister vivian
in<00:29:14.159> whatever<00:29:14.559> you're<00:29:14.720> doing<00:29:15.039> no<00:29:15.200> matter<00:29:15.600> what
00:29:15.830 --> 00:29:15.840 align:start position:0%
in whatever you're doing no matter what
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in whatever you're doing no matter what
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00:29:17.120 --> 00:29:35.029 align:start position:0%
do<00:29:17.279> not<00:29:17.520> relent<00:29:18.080> in<00:29:18.159> serving<00:29:18.480> the<00:29:18.640> lord
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please<00:29:35.919> someone<00:29:36.240> should<00:29:36.480> tell<00:29:36.640> me<00:29:36.799> where<00:29:37.039> you
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please someone should tell me where you
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please someone should tell me where you
go<00:29:37.279> from
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go from
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go from
and<00:29:38.559> what<00:29:38.799> do<00:29:38.960> i<00:29:39.120> do<00:29:39.279> now
00:29:41.269 --> 00:29:41.279 align:start position:0%
and what do i do now
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and what do i do now
how<00:29:41.440> can<00:29:41.679> you<00:29:41.840> be<00:29:42.000> so<00:29:42.159> curious<00:29:43.039> so<00:29:43.279> i'll<00:29:43.440> let
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how can you be so curious so i'll let
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how can you be so curious so i'll let
him<00:29:43.840> throw<00:29:44.080> this<00:29:44.320> to<00:29:44.559> you
00:29:47.909 --> 00:29:47.919 align:start position:0%
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i'm<00:29:48.159> sick<00:29:48.480> and<00:29:48.559> there<00:29:48.799> about<00:29:49.039> these<00:29:49.279> glimpse
00:29:50.310 --> 00:29:50.320 align:start position:0%
i'm sick and there about these glimpse
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i'm sick and there about these glimpse
and<00:29:50.559> i<00:29:50.640> want<00:29:50.799> to<00:29:50.880> hear<00:29:51.039> his<00:29:51.200> solution
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and i want to hear his solution
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and i want to hear his solution
and<00:29:52.720> where<00:29:52.880> we<00:29:52.799> have<00:29:52.960> a<00:29:53.039> little<00:29:53.360> situation
00:29:54.470 --> 00:29:54.480 align:start position:0%
and where we have a little situation
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and where we have a little situation
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at<00:29:56.480> this<00:29:56.880> point<00:29:57.200> there<00:29:57.440> is<00:29:57.600> nothing<00:29:58.000> we<00:29:58.159> know
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at this point there is nothing we know
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at this point there is nothing we know
we<00:29:58.480> can<00:29:58.640> do
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we can do
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we can do
in<00:30:00.080> fact<00:30:00.399> the<00:30:00.720> only<00:30:01.279> solution<00:30:01.760> to<00:30:02.000> this
00:30:02.149 --> 00:30:02.159 align:start position:0%
in fact the only solution to this
00:30:02.159 --> 00:30:05.190 align:start position:0%
in fact the only solution to this
situation<00:30:02.799> right<00:30:03.039> now<00:30:03.440> is<00:30:03.679> abortion
00:30:05.190 --> 00:30:05.200 align:start position:0%
situation right now is abortion
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situation right now is abortion
but<00:30:05.679> are<00:30:05.840> you<00:30:06.000> ready<00:30:06.320> for<00:30:06.559> it
00:30:10.389 --> 00:30:10.399 align:start position:0%
00:30:10.399 --> 00:30:15.350 align:start position:0%
please<00:30:10.640> tell<00:30:10.799> me<00:30:10.960> what<00:30:11.120> to<00:30:11.279> do
00:30:15.350 --> 00:30:15.360 align:start position:0%
00:30:15.360 --> 00:30:18.870 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:30:15.679> as<00:30:16.039> confused<00:30:17.279> as<00:30:17.760> ever
00:30:18.870 --> 00:30:18.880 align:start position:0%
i'm as confused as ever
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i'm as confused as ever
this<00:30:19.200> is<00:30:19.279> your<00:30:19.600> situation
00:30:21.110 --> 00:30:21.120 align:start position:0%
this is your situation
00:30:21.120 --> 00:30:22.870 align:start position:0%
this is your situation
i<00:30:21.279> don't<00:30:21.440> know<00:30:21.520> what<00:30:21.679> to<00:30:21.760> tell<00:30:22.080> you<00:30:22.480> the<00:30:22.640> whole
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i don't know what to tell you the whole
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i don't know what to tell you the whole
thing<00:30:23.120> is<00:30:23.200> getting<00:30:23.520> me<00:30:23.679> sick<00:30:24.159> honest
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ever<00:30:31.360> since<00:30:31.600> i<00:30:31.679> saw<00:30:31.840> her<00:30:32.000> eyes<00:30:32.159> on<00:30:32.240> me<00:30:32.399> on<00:30:32.480> these
00:30:32.630 --> 00:30:32.640 align:start position:0%
ever since i saw her eyes on me on these
00:30:32.640 --> 00:30:33.669 align:start position:0%
ever since i saw her eyes on me on these
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i<00:30:33.840> knew<00:30:34.159> you<00:30:34.240> had<00:30:34.399> another<00:30:34.720> agenda
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this<00:30:39.120> is<00:30:39.200> the<00:30:39.360> test<00:30:39.600> result<00:30:39.919> carried<00:30:40.240> out<00:30:40.480> on
00:30:40.549 --> 00:30:40.559 align:start position:0%
this is the test result carried out on
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this is the test result carried out on
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00:30:42.000 --> 00:30:43.990 align:start position:0%
and<00:30:42.240> it<00:30:42.399> shows
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and it shows
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and it shows
that<00:30:44.240> you're<00:30:44.480> pregnant
00:30:46.630 --> 00:30:46.640 align:start position:0%
that you're pregnant
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that you're pregnant
which<00:30:46.960> simply<00:30:47.360> means<00:30:47.919> you've<00:30:48.159> been
00:30:49.350 --> 00:30:49.360 align:start position:0%
which simply means you've been
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which simply means you've been
sneaking<00:30:50.080> us<00:30:50.320> to<00:30:50.480> see<00:30:50.720> men
00:30:51.830 --> 00:30:51.840 align:start position:0%
sneaking us to see men
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sneaking us to see men
or<00:30:52.080> a<00:30:52.240> man<00:30:52.640> isn't<00:30:52.960> it
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or a man isn't it
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or a man isn't it
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you<00:30:55.760> see<00:30:55.919> this<00:30:56.159> singular<00:30:56.559> out<00:30:56.720> of<00:30:56.880> yours
00:30:58.230 --> 00:30:58.240 align:start position:0%
you see this singular out of yours
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you see this singular out of yours
you<00:30:58.399> are<00:30:58.559> no<00:30:58.799> longer<00:30:59.519> accommodated<00:31:00.399> into
00:31:00.710 --> 00:31:00.720 align:start position:0%
you are no longer accommodated into
00:31:00.720 --> 00:31:01.750 align:start position:0%
you are no longer accommodated into
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00:31:01.760 --> 00:31:05.909 align:start position:0%
so<00:31:02.080> go<00:31:02.320> in<00:31:02.960> pack<00:31:03.279> your<00:31:03.519> things<00:31:04.159> and<00:31:04.559> leave
00:31:05.909 --> 00:31:05.919 align:start position:0%
so go in pack your things and leave
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so go in pack your things and leave
you<00:31:06.080> no<00:31:06.240> longer<00:31:06.559> have<00:31:06.799> any<00:31:07.039> contributions<00:31:08.159> or
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you no longer have any contributions or
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you no longer have any contributions or
any<00:31:08.640> services<00:31:09.120> to<00:31:09.200> this<00:31:09.440> comment<00:31:10.159> so
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any services to this comment so
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any services to this comment so
guarantee<00:31:11.360> package<00:31:12.000> and<00:31:12.240> leave
00:31:13.190 --> 00:31:13.200 align:start position:0%
guarantee package and leave
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guarantee package and leave
you<00:31:13.519> who<00:31:14.000> are<00:31:14.240> there
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you who are there
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you who are there
are<00:31:15.200> you<00:31:15.360> making<00:31:15.760> stuff
00:31:20.130 --> 00:31:20.140 align:start position:0%
00:31:20.140 --> 00:31:26.789 align:start position:0%
00:31:26.789 --> 00:31:26.799 align:start position:0%
00:31:26.799 --> 00:31:28.230 align:start position:0%
let's<00:31:27.039> go
00:31:28.230 --> 00:31:28.240 align:start position:0%
let's go
00:31:28.240 --> 00:31:32.710 align:start position:0%
let's go
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00:31:32.720 --> 00:31:35.190 align:start position:0%
what<00:31:33.039> happened<00:31:33.760> today
00:31:35.190 --> 00:31:35.200 align:start position:0%
what happened today
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what happened today
she<00:31:35.519> served<00:31:36.000> as<00:31:36.320> a<00:31:36.559> blessing<00:31:37.600> to<00:31:37.919> each<00:31:38.240> and
00:31:38.549 --> 00:31:38.559 align:start position:0%
she served as a blessing to each and
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she served as a blessing to each and
every<00:31:38.880> one<00:31:39.120> of<00:31:39.360> you
00:31:40.950 --> 00:31:40.960 align:start position:0%
every one of you
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every one of you
we<00:31:41.200> are<00:31:41.360> here<00:31:41.679> to<00:31:41.919> serve<00:31:42.320> god
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but<00:31:45.279> i<00:31:45.440> can<00:31:45.679> see
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but i can see
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but i can see
that<00:31:46.799> some<00:31:46.960> of<00:31:47.120> you<00:31:47.279> have<00:31:47.440> allowed<00:31:47.840> the<00:31:48.000> devil
00:31:48.230 --> 00:31:48.240 align:start position:0%
that some of you have allowed the devil
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that some of you have allowed the devil
to<00:31:48.399> take<00:31:48.640> more<00:31:49.039> of<00:31:49.120> your<00:31:49.360> life
00:31:53.269 --> 00:31:53.279 align:start position:0%
00:31:53.279 --> 00:31:56.230 align:start position:0%
forgetting<00:31:53.840> that<00:31:54.000> the<00:31:54.159> devil<00:31:54.480> came<00:31:54.720> to<00:31:54.880> steal
00:31:56.230 --> 00:31:56.240 align:start position:0%
forgetting that the devil came to steal
00:31:56.240 --> 00:31:57.110 align:start position:0%
forgetting that the devil came to steal
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00:31:57.120 --> 00:32:02.789 align:start position:0%
and<00:31:57.360> destroy
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00:32:02.799 --> 00:32:04.710 align:start position:0%
you<00:32:03.039> have<00:32:03.200> allowed<00:32:03.679> the<00:32:03.840> devil<00:32:04.159> to<00:32:04.240> take<00:32:04.480> hold
00:32:04.710 --> 00:32:04.720 align:start position:0%
you have allowed the devil to take hold
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you have allowed the devil to take hold
of<00:32:04.799> your<00:32:05.039> life
00:32:05.909 --> 00:32:05.919 align:start position:0%
of your life
00:32:05.919 --> 00:32:08.870 align:start position:0%
of your life
you<00:32:06.080> are<00:32:06.240> not<00:32:06.399> pleasing<00:32:06.880> him
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you are not pleasing him
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you are not pleasing him
forgetting<00:32:09.360> that<00:32:09.519> whatever<00:32:10.080> you<00:32:10.240> are<00:32:10.559> doing
00:32:11.590 --> 00:32:11.600 align:start position:0%
forgetting that whatever you are doing
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forgetting that whatever you are doing
is<00:32:11.840> seen<00:32:12.159> by<00:32:12.320> the<00:32:12.559> almighty<00:32:13.200> god
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is seen by the almighty god
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is seen by the almighty god
there<00:32:15.120> is<00:32:15.279> nothing<00:32:15.679> you<00:32:16.000> do
00:32:18.149 --> 00:32:18.159 align:start position:0%
there is nothing you do
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there is nothing you do
that<00:32:18.399> god<00:32:18.640> does<00:32:18.960> nothing
00:32:22.389 --> 00:32:22.399 align:start position:0%
00:32:22.399 --> 00:32:24.710 align:start position:0%
and<00:32:22.559> there<00:32:22.720> is<00:32:22.880> nothing<00:32:23.279> you<00:32:23.600> do<00:32:24.240> that<00:32:24.480> does
00:32:24.710 --> 00:32:24.720 align:start position:0%
and there is nothing you do that does
00:32:24.720 --> 00:32:25.909 align:start position:0%
and there is nothing you do that does
not<00:32:24.880> have
00:32:25.909 --> 00:32:25.919 align:start position:0%
not have
00:32:25.919 --> 00:32:29.029 align:start position:0%
not have
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00:32:29.039 --> 00:32:31.430 align:start position:0%
you<00:32:29.279> do<00:32:29.519> good<00:32:29.919> you<00:32:30.320> reap<00:32:30.640> good
00:32:31.430 --> 00:32:31.440 align:start position:0%
you do good you reap good
00:32:31.440 --> 00:32:35.590 align:start position:0%
you do good you reap good
you<00:32:31.679> do<00:32:31.919> bad<00:32:32.320> you<00:32:32.640> reap<00:32:32.960> bad
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00:32:35.600 --> 00:32:37.909 align:start position:0%
you<00:32:35.760> cannot<00:32:36.320> plant<00:32:36.799> maize<00:32:37.120> and<00:32:37.279> expect<00:32:37.679> to
00:32:37.909 --> 00:32:37.919 align:start position:0%
you cannot plant maize and expect to
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you cannot plant maize and expect to
harvest<00:32:38.399> cassava<00:32:39.039> it<00:32:39.200> is<00:32:39.279> not<00:32:39.440> possible
00:32:44.470 --> 00:32:44.480 align:start position:0%
00:32:44.480 --> 00:32:47.750 align:start position:0%
let's<00:32:44.799> allow<00:32:45.279> the<00:32:45.440> word<00:32:45.679> of<00:32:45.840> god<00:32:46.559> be<00:32:46.880> embedded
00:32:47.750 --> 00:32:47.760 align:start position:0%
let's allow the word of god be embedded
00:32:47.760 --> 00:32:53.830 align:start position:0%
let's allow the word of god be embedded
on<00:32:48.000> our<00:32:48.320> hearts
00:32:53.830 --> 00:32:53.840 align:start position:0%
00:32:53.840 --> 00:32:56.950 align:start position:0%
lost<00:32:54.240> our<00:32:54.480> lips
00:32:56.950 --> 00:32:56.960 align:start position:0%
lost our lips
00:32:56.960 --> 00:33:00.630 align:start position:0%
lost our lips
not<00:32:57.200> our<00:32:57.440> lives
00:33:00.630 --> 00:33:00.640 align:start position:0%
00:33:00.640 --> 00:33:02.310 align:start position:0%
let's<00:33:00.880> send<00:33:01.279> god
00:33:02.310 --> 00:33:02.320 align:start position:0%
let's send god
00:33:02.320 --> 00:33:04.950 align:start position:0%
let's send god
from<00:33:02.559> the<00:33:02.799> depth<00:33:03.039> of<00:33:03.200> our<00:33:03.519> hearts
00:33:04.950 --> 00:33:04.960 align:start position:0%
from the depth of our hearts
00:33:04.960 --> 00:33:11.990 align:start position:0%
from the depth of our hearts
not<00:33:05.200> only<00:33:05.519> lips
00:33:11.990 --> 00:33:12.000 align:start position:0%
00:33:12.000 --> 00:33:14.470 align:start position:0%
00:33:14.470 --> 00:33:14.480 align:start position:0%
00:33:14.480 --> 00:33:18.470 align:start position:0%
we<00:33:14.720> came<00:33:14.960> here<00:33:15.279> to<00:33:15.440> suck<00:33:15.760> god
00:33:18.470 --> 00:33:18.480 align:start position:0%
00:33:18.480 --> 00:33:20.630 align:start position:0%
and<00:33:18.720> your<00:33:18.960> coming<00:33:19.360> here<00:33:19.840> is<00:33:20.000> your<00:33:20.159> personal
00:33:20.630 --> 00:33:20.640 align:start position:0%
and your coming here is your personal
00:33:20.640 --> 00:33:22.630 align:start position:0%
and your coming here is your personal
00:33:22.630 --> 00:33:22.640 align:start position:0%
00:33:22.640 --> 00:33:27.590 align:start position:0%
personal<00:33:23.039> decisions
00:33:27.590 --> 00:33:27.600 align:start position:0%
00:33:27.600 --> 00:33:29.269 align:start position:0%
but<00:33:27.840> most<00:33:28.080> of<00:33:28.240> you<00:33:28.320> are<00:33:28.399> not<00:33:28.559> keeping<00:33:28.880> to<00:33:29.039> their
00:33:29.269 --> 00:33:29.279 align:start position:0%
but most of you are not keeping to their
00:33:29.279 --> 00:33:31.590 align:start position:0%
but most of you are not keeping to their
00:33:31.590 --> 00:33:31.600 align:start position:0%
00:33:31.600 --> 00:33:33.110 align:start position:0%
you're<00:33:31.760> not<00:33:31.919> giving<00:33:32.240> to<00:33:32.399> the<00:33:32.480> promise<00:33:32.960> you
00:33:33.110 --> 00:33:33.120 align:start position:0%
you're not giving to the promise you
00:33:33.120 --> 00:33:33.990 align:start position:0%
you're not giving to the promise you
00:33:33.990 --> 00:33:34.000 align:start position:0%
00:33:34.000 --> 00:33:36.310 align:start position:0%
of<00:33:34.240> serving<00:33:34.640> the<00:33:34.880> lord
00:33:36.310 --> 00:33:36.320 align:start position:0%
of serving the lord
00:33:36.320 --> 00:33:39.669 align:start position:0%
of serving the lord
00:33:39.669 --> 00:33:39.679 align:start position:0%
00:33:39.679 --> 00:33:44.870 align:start position:0%
00:33:44.870 --> 00:33:44.880 align:start position:0%
00:33:44.880 --> 00:33:47.669 align:start position:0%
this<00:33:45.279> incumbent
00:33:47.669 --> 00:33:47.679 align:start position:0%
this incumbent
00:33:47.679 --> 00:33:50.149 align:start position:0%
this incumbent
requires<00:33:48.320> submission
00:33:50.149 --> 00:33:50.159 align:start position:0%
requires submission
00:33:50.159 --> 00:33:54.470 align:start position:0%
requires submission
it<00:33:50.320> requires<00:33:51.120> discipline
00:33:54.470 --> 00:33:54.480 align:start position:0%
00:33:54.480 --> 00:33:56.710 align:start position:0%
and<00:33:54.720> if<00:33:54.799> you<00:33:55.039> feel<00:33:55.360> you<00:33:55.519> cannot<00:33:56.080> discipline
00:33:56.710 --> 00:33:56.720 align:start position:0%
and if you feel you cannot discipline
00:33:56.720 --> 00:33:58.630 align:start position:0%
and if you feel you cannot discipline
00:33:58.630 --> 00:33:58.640 align:start position:0%
00:33:58.640 --> 00:34:02.870 align:start position:0%
and<00:33:58.799> if<00:33:58.960> you<00:33:59.120> feel<00:33:59.440> you<00:33:59.519> cannot<00:34:00.000> submit
00:34:02.870 --> 00:34:02.880 align:start position:0%
00:34:02.880 --> 00:34:07.029 align:start position:0%
you<00:34:03.039> can<00:34:03.200> go<00:34:03.440> back<00:34:03.679> to<00:34:03.760> your<00:34:03.919> parents
00:34:07.029 --> 00:34:07.039 align:start position:0%
00:34:07.039 --> 00:34:10.710 align:start position:0%
or<00:34:07.200> you<00:34:07.279> may<00:34:07.519> as<00:34:07.840> well
00:34:10.710 --> 00:34:10.720 align:start position:0%
00:34:10.720 --> 00:34:13.270 align:start position:0%
go<00:34:10.960> and<00:34:11.119> do<00:34:11.359> something<00:34:11.760> with<00:34:12.000> your<00:34:12.240> life
00:34:13.270 --> 00:34:13.280 align:start position:0%
go and do something with your life
00:34:13.280 --> 00:34:14.950 align:start position:0%
go and do something with your life
something<00:34:13.839> meaningful
00:34:14.950 --> 00:34:14.960 align:start position:0%
something meaningful
00:34:14.960 --> 00:34:20.069 align:start position:0%
something meaningful
something<00:34:15.520> reasonable
00:34:20.069 --> 00:34:20.079 align:start position:0%
00:34:20.079 --> 00:34:21.750 align:start position:0%
did<00:34:20.320> no<00:34:20.480> no<00:34:20.639> no<00:34:20.879> do<00:34:21.040> you<00:34:21.200> think<00:34:21.359> you<00:34:21.520> are<00:34:21.599> the
00:34:21.750 --> 00:34:21.760 align:start position:0%
did no no no do you think you are the
00:34:21.760 --> 00:34:26.069 align:start position:0%
did no no no do you think you are the
saving<00:34:22.079> me<00:34:22.320> or<00:34:22.480> the<00:34:22.639> superior
00:34:26.069 --> 00:34:26.079 align:start position:0%
00:34:26.079 --> 00:34:29.510 align:start position:0%
or<00:34:26.320> the<00:34:26.480> parish<00:34:26.960> priest
00:34:29.510 --> 00:34:29.520 align:start position:0%
00:34:29.520 --> 00:34:32.069 align:start position:0%
or<00:34:29.760> your<00:34:29.919> colleagues
00:34:32.069 --> 00:34:32.079 align:start position:0%
or your colleagues
00:34:32.079 --> 00:34:35.190 align:start position:0%
or your colleagues
even<00:34:32.399> the<00:34:32.560> lordship
00:34:35.190 --> 00:34:35.200 align:start position:0%
even the lordship
00:34:35.200 --> 00:34:40.389 align:start position:0%
even the lordship
you<00:34:35.440> are<00:34:35.679> only<00:34:36.079> deceiving<00:34:36.879> yourself
00:34:40.389 --> 00:34:40.399 align:start position:0%
00:34:40.399 --> 00:34:47.190 align:start position:0%
you<00:34:40.560> only<00:34:40.800> deceiving<00:34:41.280> yourself
00:34:47.190 --> 00:34:47.200 align:start position:0%
00:34:47.200 --> 00:34:49.349 align:start position:0%
allow<00:34:47.520> the<00:34:47.679> wall<00:34:47.919> of<00:34:48.079> god<00:34:48.560> to<00:34:48.800> dwell<00:34:49.119> on<00:34:49.280> the
00:34:49.349 --> 00:34:49.359 align:start position:0%
allow the wall of god to dwell on the
00:34:49.359 --> 00:34:52.950 align:start position:0%
allow the wall of god to dwell on the
side<00:34:49.599> of<00:34:49.760> you
00:34:52.950 --> 00:34:52.960 align:start position:0%
00:34:52.960 --> 00:34:56.930 align:start position:0%
and<00:34:53.200> do<00:34:53.359> what<00:34:53.599> you<00:34:53.760> are<00:34:53.919> called<00:34:54.320> to<00:34:54.480> do
00:34:56.930 --> 00:34:56.940 align:start position:0%
00:34:56.940 --> 00:34:59.109 align:start position:0%
00:34:59.109 --> 00:34:59.119 align:start position:0%
00:34:59.119 --> 00:35:04.150 align:start position:0%
sister<00:34:59.520> udochi
00:35:04.150 --> 00:35:04.160 align:start position:0%
00:35:04.160 --> 00:35:10.150 align:start position:0%
for<00:35:04.400> this<00:35:05.079> repeatable<00:35:06.160> thing<00:35:06.480> you<00:35:06.720> have<00:35:07.040> done
00:35:10.150 --> 00:35:10.160 align:start position:0%
00:35:10.160 --> 00:35:19.109 align:start position:0%
you<00:35:10.400> have<00:35:10.560> a<00:35:10.800> cease<00:35:11.200> to<00:35:11.359> be<00:35:11.520> one<00:35:11.680> of<00:35:11.920> us
00:35:19.109 --> 00:35:19.119 align:start position:0%
00:35:19.119 --> 00:35:22.630 align:start position:0%
sister<00:35:19.599> james
00:35:22.630 --> 00:35:22.640 align:start position:0%
00:35:22.640 --> 00:35:24.870 align:start position:0%
i<00:35:22.800> am<00:35:23.040> ashamed<00:35:23.839> of<00:35:24.000> you
00:35:24.870 --> 00:35:24.880 align:start position:0%
i am ashamed of you
00:35:24.880 --> 00:35:28.829 align:start position:0%
i am ashamed of you
i<00:35:25.119> am<00:35:25.359> so<00:35:25.839> ashamed<00:35:26.640> of
00:35:28.829 --> 00:35:28.839 align:start position:0%
i am so ashamed of
00:35:28.839 --> 00:35:38.390 align:start position:0%
i am so ashamed of
you<00:35:29.920> i<00:35:30.160> am<00:35:30.400> so<00:35:30.640> disappointed
00:35:38.390 --> 00:35:38.400 align:start position:0%
00:35:38.400 --> 00:35:42.710 align:start position:0%
you<00:35:38.560> know<00:35:38.720> what
00:35:42.710 --> 00:35:42.720 align:start position:0%
00:35:42.720 --> 00:35:44.710 align:start position:0%
i<00:35:42.960> ever<00:35:43.359> explain<00:35:43.839> you
00:35:44.710 --> 00:35:44.720 align:start position:0%
i ever explain you
00:35:44.720 --> 00:35:48.550 align:start position:0%
i ever explain you
from<00:35:44.960> this<00:35:45.200> convent
00:35:48.550 --> 00:35:48.560 align:start position:0%
00:35:48.560 --> 00:35:49.910 align:start position:0%
go<00:35:48.800> in<00:35:48.880> there
00:35:49.910 --> 00:35:49.920 align:start position:0%
go in there
00:35:49.920 --> 00:35:56.550 align:start position:0%
go in there
pack<00:35:50.160> your<00:35:50.320> things<00:35:51.119> and<00:35:51.280> live
00:35:56.550 --> 00:35:56.560 align:start position:0%
00:35:56.560 --> 00:36:01.270 align:start position:0%
as<00:35:56.800> for<00:35:56.960> the<00:35:57.200> remaining<00:35:57.920> of<00:35:58.079> you
00:36:01.270 --> 00:36:01.280 align:start position:0%
00:36:01.280 --> 00:36:05.829 align:start position:0%
you<00:36:01.440> have<00:36:01.599> to<00:36:01.760> be<00:36:01.920> prayerful
00:36:05.829 --> 00:36:05.839 align:start position:0%
00:36:05.839 --> 00:36:10.950 align:start position:0%
you<00:36:06.000> have<00:36:06.160> to<00:36:06.240> allow<00:36:06.560> god<00:36:06.800> pass<00:36:07.119> through<00:36:07.440> you
00:36:10.950 --> 00:36:10.960 align:start position:0%
00:36:10.960 --> 00:36:12.790 align:start position:0%
you<00:36:11.119> have<00:36:11.280> to<00:36:11.359> allow<00:36:11.680> the<00:36:11.760> word<00:36:12.079> of<00:36:12.160> god<00:36:12.480> moved
00:36:12.790 --> 00:36:12.800 align:start position:0%
you have to allow the word of god moved
00:36:12.800 --> 00:36:17.270 align:start position:0%
you have to allow the word of god moved
00:36:17.270 --> 00:36:17.280 align:start position:0%
00:36:17.280 --> 00:36:20.230 align:start position:0%
and<00:36:17.520> i<00:36:17.680> pray
00:36:20.230 --> 00:36:20.240 align:start position:0%
00:36:20.240 --> 00:36:22.630 align:start position:0%
that<00:36:20.400> the<00:36:20.560> good<00:36:20.880> lord
00:36:22.630 --> 00:36:22.640 align:start position:0%
that the good lord
00:36:22.640 --> 00:36:24.710 align:start position:0%
that the good lord
will<00:36:22.800> give<00:36:22.960> you<00:36:23.119> this<00:36:23.440> truth
00:36:24.710 --> 00:36:24.720 align:start position:0%
will give you this truth
00:36:24.720 --> 00:36:26.390 align:start position:0%
will give you this truth
and<00:36:25.040> need<00:36:25.200> movement
00:36:26.390 --> 00:36:26.400 align:start position:0%
and need movement
00:36:26.400 --> 00:36:27.750 align:start position:0%
and need movement
to<00:36:26.640> serve<00:36:26.960> him
00:36:27.750 --> 00:36:27.760 align:start position:0%
to serve him
00:36:27.760 --> 00:36:29.990 align:start position:0%
to serve him
in<00:36:27.920> spirit<00:36:28.800> and<00:36:29.040> in<00:36:29.119> truth
00:36:29.990 --> 00:36:30.000 align:start position:0%
in spirit and in truth
00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:46.870 align:start position:0%
in spirit and in truth
in<00:36:30.160> the<00:36:30.240> name<00:36:30.480> of<00:36:30.560> god<00:36:30.720> the<00:36:30.880> father
00:36:46.870 --> 00:36:46.880 align:start position:0%
00:36:46.880 --> 00:36:49.589 align:start position:0%
your<00:36:47.200> service<00:36:47.920> here<00:36:48.240> at<00:36:48.400> the<00:36:48.560> cover
00:36:49.589 --> 00:36:49.599 align:start position:0%
your service here at the cover
00:36:49.599 --> 00:36:52.310 align:start position:0%
your service here at the cover
is<00:36:50.000> so<00:36:50.400> amazing
00:36:52.310 --> 00:36:52.320 align:start position:0%
is so amazing
00:36:52.320 --> 00:36:53.670 align:start position:0%
is so amazing
the<00:36:52.480> church
00:36:53.670 --> 00:36:53.680 align:start position:0%
the church
00:36:53.680 --> 00:36:56.390 align:start position:0%
the church
and<00:36:53.839> the<00:36:53.920> authorities<00:36:54.640> are<00:36:54.880> so<00:36:55.520> much<00:36:55.839> happy
00:36:56.390 --> 00:36:56.400 align:start position:0%
and the authorities are so much happy
00:36:56.400 --> 00:36:59.190 align:start position:0%
and the authorities are so much happy
with<00:36:56.640> your<00:36:56.960> efforts<00:36:57.920> very<00:36:58.160> good<00:36:58.400> lord<00:36:58.720> bless
00:36:59.190 --> 00:36:59.200 align:start position:0%
with your efforts very good lord bless
00:36:59.200 --> 00:37:01.670 align:start position:0%
with your efforts very good lord bless
you<00:36:59.760> thank<00:37:00.000> you<00:37:00.160> man<00:37:00.720> thank<00:37:00.960> you<00:37:01.280> mother
00:37:01.670 --> 00:37:01.680 align:start position:0%
you thank you man thank you mother
00:37:01.680 --> 00:37:04.790 align:start position:0%
you thank you man thank you mother
superior<00:37:02.640> i'm<00:37:02.960> overwhelmed<00:37:03.680> that<00:37:03.839> i'm<00:37:04.160> happy
00:37:04.790 --> 00:37:04.800 align:start position:0%
superior i'm overwhelmed that i'm happy
00:37:04.800 --> 00:37:06.710 align:start position:0%
superior i'm overwhelmed that i'm happy
for<00:37:05.040> the<00:37:05.119> world<00:37:05.440> of<00:37:05.599> encouragement<00:37:06.560> and
00:37:06.710 --> 00:37:06.720 align:start position:0%
for the world of encouragement and
00:37:06.720 --> 00:37:08.310 align:start position:0%
for the world of encouragement and
00:37:08.310 --> 00:37:08.320 align:start position:0%
00:37:08.320 --> 00:37:10.230 align:start position:0%
and<00:37:08.480> i<00:37:08.560> equally<00:37:08.960> thank<00:37:09.200> the<00:37:09.359> holy<00:37:09.680> virgin<00:37:10.000> mary
00:37:10.230 --> 00:37:10.240 align:start position:0%
and i equally thank the holy virgin mary
00:37:10.240 --> 00:37:12.069 align:start position:0%
and i equally thank the holy virgin mary
and<00:37:10.400> his<00:37:10.480> son<00:37:10.720> jesus<00:37:11.119> christ<00:37:11.520> who<00:37:11.680> has<00:37:11.839> given
00:37:12.069 --> 00:37:12.079 align:start position:0%
and his son jesus christ who has given
00:37:12.079 --> 00:37:14.710 align:start position:0%
and his son jesus christ who has given
me<00:37:12.240> this<00:37:12.480> spiritual<00:37:13.280> enablement
00:37:14.710 --> 00:37:14.720 align:start position:0%
me this spiritual enablement
00:37:14.720 --> 00:37:18.390 align:start position:0%
me this spiritual enablement
through<00:37:14.960> christ<00:37:15.280> our<00:37:15.520> lord<00:37:15.920> amen
00:37:18.390 --> 00:37:18.400 align:start position:0%
through christ our lord amen
00:37:18.400 --> 00:37:22.150 align:start position:0%
through christ our lord amen
00:37:22.150 --> 00:37:22.160 align:start position:0%
00:37:22.160 --> 00:37:24.710 align:start position:0%
yes<00:37:22.480> mother<00:37:22.880> superior<00:37:23.920> would<00:37:24.160> you<00:37:24.320> like<00:37:24.480> to
00:37:24.710 --> 00:37:24.720 align:start position:0%
yes mother superior would you like to
00:37:24.720 --> 00:37:27.030 align:start position:0%
yes mother superior would you like to
work<00:37:24.960> here<00:37:25.440> as<00:37:25.680> a<00:37:25.839> lecturer<00:37:26.480> after<00:37:26.800> your
00:37:27.030 --> 00:37:27.040 align:start position:0%
work here as a lecturer after your
00:37:27.040 --> 00:37:28.950 align:start position:0%
work here as a lecturer after your
00:37:28.950 --> 00:37:28.960 align:start position:0%
00:37:28.960 --> 00:37:32.310 align:start position:0%
because<00:37:29.599> honestly
00:37:32.310 --> 00:37:32.320 align:start position:0%
00:37:32.320 --> 00:37:34.390 align:start position:0%
what<00:37:32.560> i<00:37:32.800> saw<00:37:33.040> in<00:37:33.200> your<00:37:33.359> school<00:37:33.680> car<00:37:34.000> is<00:37:34.160> so
00:37:34.390 --> 00:37:34.400 align:start position:0%
what i saw in your school car is so
00:37:34.400 --> 00:37:37.270 align:start position:0%
what i saw in your school car is so
amazing<00:37:34.960> and<00:37:35.119> impressive<00:37:36.240> we<00:37:36.400> need<00:37:36.720> somebody
00:37:37.270 --> 00:37:37.280 align:start position:0%
amazing and impressive we need somebody
00:37:37.280 --> 00:37:38.710 align:start position:0%
amazing and impressive we need somebody
like<00:37:37.440> that<00:37:37.760> here
00:37:38.710 --> 00:37:38.720 align:start position:0%
like that here
00:37:38.720 --> 00:37:41.109 align:start position:0%
like that here
to<00:37:38.880> help<00:37:39.119> out<00:37:39.760> thank<00:37:40.000> you<00:37:40.160> man<00:37:40.560> thank<00:37:40.800> you
00:37:41.109 --> 00:37:41.119 align:start position:0%
to help out thank you man thank you
00:37:41.119 --> 00:37:44.790 align:start position:0%
to help out thank you man thank you
mother<00:37:41.839> superior<00:37:43.040> thank<00:37:43.440> you<00:37:43.839> it<00:37:44.079> has<00:37:44.400> been<00:37:44.640> my
00:37:44.790 --> 00:37:44.800 align:start position:0%
mother superior thank you it has been my
00:37:44.800 --> 00:37:47.510 align:start position:0%
mother superior thank you it has been my
greatest<00:37:45.359> desire<00:37:45.760> to<00:37:46.000> work<00:37:46.240> here
00:37:47.510 --> 00:37:47.520 align:start position:0%
greatest desire to work here
00:37:47.520 --> 00:37:49.910 align:start position:0%
greatest desire to work here
if<00:37:47.760> i'm<00:37:47.920> being<00:37:48.160> called<00:37:48.400> to<00:37:48.640> serve<00:37:48.960> here<00:37:49.440> i<00:37:49.520> will
00:37:49.910 --> 00:37:49.920 align:start position:0%
if i'm being called to serve here i will
00:37:49.920 --> 00:37:52.470 align:start position:0%
if i'm being called to serve here i will
gladly<00:37:50.480> accept<00:37:50.880> it<00:37:51.040> with<00:37:51.280> open<00:37:51.760> heart<00:37:52.160> thank
00:37:52.470 --> 00:37:52.480 align:start position:0%
gladly accept it with open heart thank
00:37:52.480 --> 00:37:54.710 align:start position:0%
gladly accept it with open heart thank
you<00:37:52.880> thank<00:37:53.119> you<00:37:53.359> man
00:37:54.710 --> 00:37:54.720 align:start position:0%
you thank you man
00:37:54.720 --> 00:37:57.349 align:start position:0%
you thank you man
thank<00:37:55.040> you<00:37:55.359> all<00:37:55.440> right<00:37:56.000> in<00:37:56.079> that<00:37:56.400> case
00:37:57.349 --> 00:37:57.359 align:start position:0%
thank you all right in that case
00:37:57.359 --> 00:37:59.190 align:start position:0%
thank you all right in that case
you<00:37:57.680> see<00:37:57.920> me<00:37:58.160> in<00:37:58.240> my<00:37:58.400> office<00:37:58.800> before<00:37:59.040> the
00:37:59.190 --> 00:37:59.200 align:start position:0%
you see me in my office before the
00:37:59.200 --> 00:38:01.030 align:start position:0%
you see me in my office before the
00:38:01.030 --> 00:38:01.040 align:start position:0%
00:38:01.040 --> 00:38:06.310 align:start position:0%
thank<00:38:01.280> you<00:38:01.599> thank<00:38:01.760> you
00:38:06.310 --> 00:38:06.320 align:start position:0%
00:38:06.320 --> 00:38:17.460 align:start position:0%
thank<00:38:06.560> you
00:38:17.460 --> 00:38:17.470 align:start position:0%
00:38:17.470 --> 00:38:42.580 align:start position:0%
00:38:42.580 --> 00:38:42.590 align:start position:0%
00:38:42.590 --> 00:39:12.350 align:start position:0%
00:39:12.350 --> 00:39:12.360 align:start position:0%
00:39:12.360 --> 00:39:22.050 align:start position:0%
00:39:22.050 --> 00:39:22.060 align:start position:0%
00:39:22.060 --> 00:39:29.130 align:start position:0%
00:39:29.130 --> 00:39:29.140 align:start position:0%
00:39:29.140 --> 00:39:39.240 align:start position:0%
00:39:39.240 --> 00:39:39.250 align:start position:0%
00:39:39.250 --> 00:39:50.760 align:start position:0%
00:39:50.760 --> 00:39:50.770 align:start position:0%
00:39:50.770 --> 00:40:16.750 align:start position:0%
00:40:16.750 --> 00:40:16.760 align:start position:0%
00:40:16.760 --> 00:40:30.630 align:start position:0%
00:40:30.630 --> 00:40:30.640 align:start position:0%
00:40:30.640 --> 00:40:32.720 align:start position:0%
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