Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.950 align:start position:0%
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i'm<00:00:12.639> enjoying<00:00:13.120> it
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i'm enjoying it
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i'm enjoying it
i<00:00:14.880> know<00:00:15.040> you<00:00:15.360> will
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i know you will
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i know you will
good<00:00:18.080> day<00:00:18.320> daddy<00:00:18.800> good<00:00:18.960> day<00:00:19.119> mommy<00:00:19.760> where<00:00:19.920> are
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good day daddy good day mommy where are
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good day daddy good day mommy where are
you<00:00:20.160> coming<00:00:20.480> from<00:00:21.199> um
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you coming from um
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you coming from um
i<00:00:22.640> went<00:00:22.960> for<00:00:23.680> early<00:00:24.000> morning<00:00:24.400> service<00:00:25.279> and
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i went for early morning service and
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i went for early morning service and
then<00:00:25.840> we<00:00:26.400> decided<00:00:26.960> to<00:00:27.199> have<00:00:27.439> a<00:00:27.599> little<00:00:28.080> song
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then we decided to have a little song
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then we decided to have a little song
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mommy<00:00:30.160> she<00:00:30.320> knew<00:00:30.480> when<00:00:30.720> i<00:00:30.880> left<00:00:31.279> sophie
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mommy she knew when i left sophie
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mommy she knew when i left sophie
you<00:00:32.719> mean<00:00:32.960> you<00:00:33.120> went<00:00:33.360> to<00:00:33.600> church<00:00:34.160> dressed<00:00:34.559> like
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you mean you went to church dressed like
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you mean you went to church dressed like
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and<00:00:36.239> your<00:00:36.480> pastor<00:00:37.280> or<00:00:37.440> choir<00:00:37.680> master<00:00:38.239> saw
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and your pastor or choir master saw
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and your pastor or choir master saw
nothing<00:00:38.800> wrong<00:00:38.960> with<00:00:39.200> it
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nothing wrong with it
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nothing wrong with it
mommy<00:00:40.480> but<00:00:40.800> what<00:00:41.040> is<00:00:41.200> wrong<00:00:41.440> with<00:00:41.680> how<00:00:41.840> i'm
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mommy but what is wrong with how i'm
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mommy but what is wrong with how i'm
dressed<00:00:42.879> everything<00:00:43.440> is<00:00:43.600> wrong<00:00:43.760> with<00:00:43.920> what
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dressed everything is wrong with what
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dressed everything is wrong with what
you're<00:00:44.320> dressed<00:00:44.800> with
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you're dressed with
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you're dressed with
everything<00:00:46.079> is<00:00:46.160> going<00:00:46.399> the<00:00:46.480> way<00:00:46.640> you<00:00:46.719> are
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everything is going the way you are
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everything is going the way you are
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and<00:00:49.680> then<00:00:49.840> listen
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and then listen
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and then listen
a<00:00:51.760> child<00:00:52.160> can<00:00:52.399> play
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a child can play
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a child can play
with<00:00:53.600> the<00:00:53.680> mother's<00:00:54.079> breast
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with the mother's breast
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with the mother's breast
but<00:00:55.199> not<00:00:55.360> with<00:00:55.600> his<00:00:55.680> father's<00:00:56.079> balls
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but not with his father's balls
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but not with his father's balls
testicles<00:00:57.920> you<00:00:58.079> are<00:00:58.160> getting<00:00:58.480> to<00:00:59.120> involve
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testicles you are getting to involve
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testicles you are getting to involve
into<00:00:59.840> this<00:01:00.320> unless<00:01:00.719> you<00:01:00.879> are<00:01:01.039> blessing<00:01:01.840> i<00:01:02.000> will
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into this unless you are blessing i will
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into this unless you are blessing i will
start<00:01:02.559> doubting<00:01:02.960> activities<00:01:03.760> study<00:01:04.559> excuse
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start doubting activities study excuse
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start doubting activities study excuse
me<00:01:05.680> it's<00:01:05.920> all<00:01:06.080> right
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me it's all right
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me it's all right
go<00:01:07.600> in<00:01:07.760> and<00:01:07.840> drop<00:01:08.000> your<00:01:08.159> bible<00:01:08.880> so<00:01:09.040> you<00:01:09.119> can<00:01:09.280> go
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go in and drop your bible so you can go
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go in and drop your bible so you can go
to<00:01:09.600> the<00:01:09.760> shop<00:01:10.000> and<00:01:10.080> do<00:01:10.240> some<00:01:10.400> works<00:01:10.640> for<00:01:10.799> me
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to the shop and do some works for me
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to the shop and do some works for me
okay<00:01:11.600> mommy<00:01:12.000> let<00:01:12.159> me<00:01:12.560> quickly<00:01:12.960> freshen<00:01:13.439> up<00:01:13.600> and
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okay mommy let me quickly freshen up and
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okay mommy let me quickly freshen up and
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do<00:01:15.119> that's<00:01:15.360> going<00:01:15.680> fast<00:01:16.479> do<00:01:16.720> it<00:01:16.880> fast
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do that's going fast do it fast
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do that's going fast do it fast
but<00:01:19.200> you<00:01:19.360> know<00:01:19.520> she's<00:01:19.759> a<00:01:19.920> good<00:01:20.159> kid
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but you know she's a good kid
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but you know she's a good kid
if<00:01:21.759> he's<00:01:22.000> one<00:01:22.240> let<00:01:22.479> her<00:01:22.640> prove<00:01:22.880> it<00:01:23.360> a<00:01:23.600> good<00:01:23.759> gig
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if he's one let her prove it a good gig
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if he's one let her prove it a good gig
will<00:01:24.159> no<00:01:24.400> go<00:01:24.640> against<00:01:24.960> the<00:01:25.040> instruction<00:01:25.520> of
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will no go against the instruction of
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will no go against the instruction of
the<00:01:25.759> parents
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the parents
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the parents
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a<00:01:28.400> good<00:01:28.640> girl<00:01:28.880> will<00:01:29.040> respect<00:01:29.439> the<00:01:29.680> parents<00:01:30.320> and
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a good girl will respect the parents and
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a good girl will respect the parents and
their<00:01:30.640> opinions
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their opinions
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their opinions
excuse<00:01:32.320> me<00:01:32.960> i<00:01:33.200> know
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excuse me i know
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excuse me i know
but<00:01:34.240> it<00:01:34.320> should<00:01:34.479> be<00:01:34.720> proud<00:01:35.040> to<00:01:35.200> have<00:01:35.360> a
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but it should be proud to have a
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but it should be proud to have a
daughter<00:01:36.400> who<00:01:36.640> serves<00:01:37.119> god<00:01:37.600> with<00:01:37.920> all<00:01:38.079> the
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daughter who serves god with all the
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daughter who serves god with all the
strength<00:01:38.560> in<00:01:38.840> her<00:01:39.840> at<00:01:40.079> her<00:01:40.240> age<00:01:40.479> she's<00:01:40.640> willing
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strength in her at her age she's willing
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strength in her at her age she's willing
to<00:01:41.040> give<00:01:41.200> up<00:01:41.360> everything<00:01:41.759> to<00:01:41.920> suffer<00:01:42.320> baker
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to give up everything to suffer baker
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to give up everything to suffer baker
you<00:01:43.920> can't<00:01:44.159> easily<00:01:44.479> find<00:01:44.720> her
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you can't easily find her
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you can't easily find her
a<00:01:46.000> kind
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a kind
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a kind
who<00:01:47.520> is<00:01:47.759> real<00:01:48.320> even<00:01:48.720> in<00:01:48.799> the<00:01:48.960> secret
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who<00:01:51.840> is<00:01:52.000> real<00:01:52.159> name<00:01:52.399> secret<00:01:52.880> or<00:01:53.119> in<00:01:53.280> open
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secrets<00:01:56.560> good
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secrets good
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secrets good
and<00:01:58.079> let<00:01:58.240> me<00:01:58.399> tell<00:01:58.560> you<00:01:58.719> something
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and let me tell you something
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and let me tell you something
i<00:02:01.280> don't<00:02:01.520> go<00:02:01.759> to<00:02:01.920> church
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i don't go to church
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i don't go to church
i<00:02:03.759> respect
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i respect
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i respect
our<00:02:05.200> ancestors<00:02:06.320> you<00:02:06.479> remember<00:02:06.880> what<00:02:07.119> i<00:02:07.280> told
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our ancestors you remember what i told
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our ancestors you remember what i told
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when<00:02:08.560> you<00:02:08.720> put<00:02:08.959> your<00:02:09.119> ears<00:02:09.759> on<00:02:09.920> the<00:02:10.080> ground
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when you put your ears on the ground
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when you put your ears on the ground
you<00:02:11.520> will<00:02:11.840> hear<00:02:12.239> the<00:02:12.480> sound<00:02:13.200> and<00:02:13.440> noise
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you will hear the sound and noise
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you will hear the sound and noise
of<00:02:14.720> our<00:02:15.040> ancestors<00:02:16.160> they<00:02:16.480> don't<00:02:16.879> deceive<00:02:17.360> us
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of our ancestors they don't deceive us
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of our ancestors they don't deceive us
they<00:02:18.400> speak<00:02:18.879> loud
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they speak loud
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they speak loud
only<00:02:21.120> that<00:02:21.440> is<00:02:21.599> your<00:02:21.760> way
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only that is your way
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only that is your way
but<00:02:22.800> don't<00:02:23.040> force<00:02:23.360> another<00:02:23.840> into<00:02:24.080> your<00:02:24.239> own
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but don't force another into your own
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but don't force another into your own
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eat<00:02:25.760> your<00:02:25.840> food<00:02:26.000> before<00:02:26.239> it<00:02:26.319> gets<00:02:26.560> cold<00:02:26.959> get<00:02:27.120> me
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eat your food before it gets cold get me
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eat your food before it gets cold get me
a<00:02:27.360> bottle<00:02:27.680> of<00:02:27.840> wine<00:02:28.239> i'm<00:02:28.400> getting<00:02:28.879> it<00:02:29.280> you
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a bottle of wine i'm getting it you
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a bottle of wine i'm getting it you
always<00:02:29.760> complain
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always complain
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always complain
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it's<00:02:40.640> good<00:02:40.879> to<00:02:41.040> marry<00:02:41.360> a<00:02:41.519> good<00:02:41.760> wife
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now<00:02:46.959> what<00:02:47.200> are<00:02:47.280> you<00:02:47.440> saying
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now what are you saying
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now what are you saying
how<00:02:49.200> would<00:02:49.360> you<00:02:49.440> want<00:02:49.680> her<00:02:49.840> dress
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how would you want her dress
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how would you want her dress
well<00:02:51.840> i'm<00:02:51.920> not<00:02:52.239> against<00:02:52.640> uh
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if<00:02:55.280> she<00:02:55.440> chooses<00:02:55.760> to<00:02:56.000> serve<00:02:56.239> whoever<00:02:56.640> she
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if she chooses to serve whoever she
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if she chooses to serve whoever she
wants<00:02:57.120> to<00:02:57.280> serve<00:02:57.680> i'm<00:02:57.840> not<00:02:58.080> against<00:02:58.480> it<00:02:59.040> when
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wants to serve i'm not against it when
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wants to serve i'm not against it when
you<00:02:59.360> watch<00:02:59.599> your<00:02:59.920> lines
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you watch your lines
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you watch your lines
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our<00:03:02.319> daughter<00:03:02.720> is<00:03:02.800> serving<00:03:03.120> the<00:03:03.200> maker<00:03:03.519> of
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our daughter is serving the maker of
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our daughter is serving the maker of
heaven<00:03:04.000> and<00:03:04.159> earth<00:03:04.959> and<00:03:05.120> not<00:03:05.360> whoever<00:03:06.239> as<00:03:06.480> we
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heaven and earth and not whoever as we
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heaven and earth and not whoever as we
put<00:03:06.879> it
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put it
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put it
i<00:03:08.720> agree<00:03:09.120> with<00:03:09.360> you<00:03:09.840> you<00:03:10.000> can<00:03:10.159> defend<00:03:10.560> them<00:03:10.720> for
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i agree with you you can defend them for
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i agree with you you can defend them for
all<00:03:11.040> you<00:03:11.200> like
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all you like
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all you like
but<00:03:12.720> let<00:03:13.040> us<00:03:13.360> start<00:03:13.599> to<00:03:13.840> wear<00:03:14.159> long<00:03:14.400> girls
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but let us start to wear long girls
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but let us start to wear long girls
girls<00:03:16.560> that<00:03:17.040> can<00:03:17.280> even<00:03:17.599> sweep<00:03:17.920> the<00:03:18.080> floor<00:03:18.879> when
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girls that can even sweep the floor when
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girls that can even sweep the floor when
she's<00:03:19.360> walking
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she's walking
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she's walking
look<00:03:21.040> at<00:03:21.280> those<00:03:21.519> girls<00:03:21.760> that<00:03:22.000> follows<00:03:22.400> her
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look at those girls that follows her
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look at those girls that follows her
don't<00:03:23.200> you<00:03:23.360> see<00:03:23.519> the<00:03:23.680> addresses
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that<00:03:26.720> dresses<00:03:27.200> outside<00:03:27.519> the<00:03:27.680> bruises<00:03:28.239> oh
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that dresses outside the bruises oh
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that dresses outside the bruises oh
please<00:03:28.959> pay<00:03:29.120> me<00:03:29.360> that
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please pay me that
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please pay me that
defense<00:03:31.120> such<00:03:31.440> dressing<00:03:31.840> does<00:03:32.000> not<00:03:32.159> depict
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defense such dressing does not depict
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defense such dressing does not depict
someone's<00:03:32.799> character
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someone's character
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someone's character
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or<00:03:35.360> religious<00:03:35.760> commitments
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or religious commitments
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or religious commitments
most<00:03:37.599> people<00:03:38.159> dress<00:03:38.480> distantly<00:03:39.440> but<00:03:39.760> are
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most people dress distantly but are
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most people dress distantly but are
completely<00:03:40.640> something<00:03:41.040> else<00:03:41.280> in<00:03:41.440> character
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completely something else in character
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completely something else in character
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don't<00:03:46.879> forget
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don't forget
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don't forget
the<00:03:48.239> way<00:03:48.400> you<00:03:48.560> dress
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the way you dress
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the way you dress
is<00:03:50.000> the<00:03:50.239> way<00:03:50.879> you'll<00:03:51.040> be<00:03:51.280> addressed
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is the way you'll be addressed
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is the way you'll be addressed
you<00:03:52.560> see
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you see
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you see
i<00:03:54.319> don't<00:03:54.480> go<00:03:54.640> to<00:03:54.799> church
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i don't go to church
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i don't go to church
but<00:03:57.040> most<00:03:57.280> of<00:03:57.519> you<00:03:57.840> so-called<00:03:58.720> go<00:03:58.879> as
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very<00:04:01.760> very<00:04:02.080> wicked<00:04:02.799> very<00:04:03.120> cool
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very very wicked very cool
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very very wicked very cool
they<00:04:04.400> are<00:04:04.560> so<00:04:04.799> great<00:04:05.040> that<00:04:05.200> even<00:04:05.439> the<00:04:05.599> devil
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they are so great that even the devil
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they are so great that even the devil
fears<00:04:06.319> them
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fears them
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fears them
fear<00:04:08.000> our<00:04:08.239> daughter<00:04:08.560> differs<00:04:08.879> from<00:04:09.040> some
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fear our daughter differs from some
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fear our daughter differs from some
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he<00:04:11.040> is<00:04:11.200> just<00:04:11.680> good<00:04:12.480> in<00:04:12.720> and<00:04:13.040> out
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he is just good in and out
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he is just good in and out
letter<00:04:14.959> dresses<00:04:15.360> define<00:04:15.840> her
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letter dresses define her
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letter dresses define her
let<00:04:17.040> her<00:04:17.120> just<00:04:17.359> say<00:04:17.440> different<00:04:17.759> questions
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let her just say different questions
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let her just say different questions
no<00:04:19.759> no<00:04:20.160> fixing
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no no fixing
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no no fixing
no<00:04:21.919> q<00:04:22.160> tags
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no q tags
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no q tags
no<00:04:23.759> earrings<00:04:24.800> i<00:04:24.960> mean
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no earrings i mean
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no earrings i mean
dressing<00:04:27.520> is<00:04:27.840> okay
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dressing is okay
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dressing is okay
she's<00:04:29.120> a<00:04:29.199> nice<00:04:29.520> girl<00:04:29.840> she's<00:04:30.160> just<00:04:30.479> good
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she's a nice girl she's just good
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she's a nice girl she's just good
but<00:04:31.680> she<00:04:31.840> makes<00:04:32.160> her<00:04:32.240> hair<00:04:32.800> ah
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but she makes her hair ah
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but she makes her hair ah
my<00:04:35.199> husband<00:04:36.080> my<00:04:36.320> darling<00:04:36.880> i<00:04:37.040> love<00:04:37.280> this<00:04:37.600> girl
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my husband my darling i love this girl
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my husband my darling i love this girl
let's<00:04:38.720> hurry<00:04:39.600> um
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let's hurry um
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let's hurry um
let<00:04:41.040> me<00:04:41.199> tell<00:04:41.360> you<00:04:41.520> something
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let me tell you something
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let me tell you something
when<00:04:43.120> you<00:04:43.280> put<00:04:43.520> your<00:04:43.759> ears<00:04:44.160> on<00:04:44.320> the<00:04:44.479> ground
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when you put your ears on the ground
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when you put your ears on the ground
very<00:04:46.800> well<00:04:47.520> you<00:04:47.759> will<00:04:47.919> hear<00:04:48.240> the<00:04:48.639> silent
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very well you will hear the silent
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very well you will hear the silent
noise<00:04:50.880> of<00:04:51.199> ancestors
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noise of ancestors
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noise of ancestors
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loud<00:04:54.479> and<00:04:54.800> clear
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loud and clear
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loud and clear
put<00:04:55.919> your<00:04:56.080> ears<00:04:56.479> down
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oh<00:05:16.560> you're<00:05:16.720> here<00:05:17.280> i'm<00:05:17.520> off<00:05:17.680> to<00:05:17.840> the<00:05:17.919> shop
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oh you're here i'm off to the shop
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oh you're here i'm off to the shop
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i<00:05:21.039> thought<00:05:21.280> uh<00:05:21.600> sofia<00:05:22.080> is<00:05:22.160> going<00:05:22.320> to<00:05:22.479> be<00:05:22.639> in<00:05:22.720> the
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i thought uh sofia is going to be in the
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i thought uh sofia is going to be in the
shop<00:05:23.120> for<00:05:23.280> you<00:05:23.440> today
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shop for you today
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shop for you today
um<00:05:25.199> she's<00:05:25.520> going<00:05:25.759> for<00:05:25.919> her<00:05:26.080> church<00:05:26.320> activities
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um she's going for her church activities
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um she's going for her church activities
by<00:05:27.039> 4<00:05:27.280> p.m<00:05:28.080> and<00:05:28.320> it's<00:05:28.560> almost<00:05:28.880> 4.
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by 4 p.m and it's almost 4.
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by 4 p.m and it's almost 4.
i<00:05:29.840> wouldn't<00:05:30.080> want<00:05:30.240> her<00:05:30.400> to<00:05:30.560> miss<00:05:30.800> that
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all<00:05:35.199> the<00:05:35.360> best
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all the best
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all the best
thank<00:05:36.720> you<00:05:38.080> let<00:05:38.240> me<00:05:38.400> go<00:05:38.560> and<00:05:38.639> replace<00:05:39.120> her
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thank you let me go and replace her
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thank you let me go and replace her
i'll<00:05:40.479> see<00:05:40.639> you<00:05:40.720> when<00:05:40.880> i<00:05:40.960> get<00:05:41.199> back
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i'll see you when i get back
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i'll see you when i get back
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daddy<00:06:19.120> yes<00:06:19.440> sophie
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daddy yes sophie
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daddy yes sophie
hey<00:06:20.880> you're<00:06:21.120> welcome<00:06:21.520> daddy<00:06:21.840> good<00:06:22.000> afternoon
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so<00:06:43.120> amanda<00:06:43.600> i'll<00:06:43.759> see<00:06:43.840> you<00:06:43.919> when<00:06:44.080> i<00:06:44.160> get<00:06:44.319> back
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so amanda i'll see you when i get back
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so amanda i'll see you when i get back
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daddy<00:06:48.880> you<00:06:48.960> already<00:06:49.280> know<00:06:49.440> where<00:06:49.599> i'm<00:06:49.759> going
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daddy you already know where i'm going
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daddy you already know where i'm going
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no<00:06:51.919> no<00:06:52.080> no<00:06:52.240> no
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no no no no
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no no no no
i<00:06:53.520> already<00:06:53.840> know<00:06:54.000> where<00:06:54.240> you're<00:06:54.400> going
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i already know where you're going
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i already know where you're going
you<00:06:55.680> don't<00:06:55.919> answer<00:06:56.240> questions
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you don't answer questions
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you don't answer questions
okay<00:06:57.919> that<00:06:58.080> is<00:06:58.240> sorry
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okay that is sorry
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okay that is sorry
i'm<00:06:59.520> going<00:06:59.759> for<00:06:59.919> evangelism<00:07:00.720> please<00:07:01.039> i<00:07:01.120> have
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i'm going for evangelism please i have
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i'm going for evangelism please i have
to<00:07:01.440> go<00:07:01.680> i'm<00:07:01.919> running<00:07:02.240> late<00:07:02.720> please<00:07:03.440> and<00:07:03.599> now
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to go i'm running late please and now
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to go i'm running late please and now
i'm<00:07:04.000> not<00:07:04.160> listen<00:07:04.560> listen
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i'm not listen listen
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i'm not listen listen
it's<00:07:05.919> only<00:07:06.240> the<00:07:06.400> song<00:07:06.639> that<00:07:06.800> resembles<00:07:07.360> the
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it's only the song that resembles the
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it's only the song that resembles the
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and<00:07:08.639> not<00:07:08.800> the<00:07:08.960> other<00:07:09.199> way<00:07:09.360> around
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and not the other way around
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and not the other way around
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try<00:07:12.319> to<00:07:12.479> be<00:07:12.720> like<00:07:12.880> your<00:07:13.120> father<00:07:13.840> daddy<00:07:14.080> can<00:07:14.240> we
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try to be like your father daddy can we
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try to be like your father daddy can we
talk<00:07:14.479> about<00:07:14.720> that<00:07:14.880> when<00:07:15.120> i<00:07:15.199> get<00:07:15.360> back<00:07:15.680> please
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talk about that when i get back please
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talk about that when i get back please
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dad<00:07:20.720> you<00:07:20.880> already<00:07:21.199> know<00:07:21.440> sophia<00:07:22.000> she<00:07:22.319> and
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dad you already know sophia she and
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dad you already know sophia she and
church<00:07:22.880> she<00:07:23.120> can't<00:07:23.360> change<00:07:24.160> don't<00:07:24.319> worry
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church she can't change don't worry
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church she can't change don't worry
about<00:07:24.880> her<00:07:25.120> who<00:07:25.599> is<00:07:25.759> getting<00:07:26.160> online<00:07:26.560> now
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about her who is getting online now
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about her who is getting online now
you<00:07:27.840> forget<00:07:28.240> about<00:07:28.840> sofia<00:07:30.000> so
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you forget about sofia so
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you forget about sofia so
that<00:07:31.840> girl<00:07:32.080> is<00:07:32.240> something<00:07:32.720> else
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that girl is something else
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that girl is something else
i<00:07:34.720> sincerely<00:07:35.360> hope<00:07:35.520> she'll<00:07:35.759> get<00:07:35.919> married<00:07:36.240> to
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i sincerely hope she'll get married to
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i sincerely hope she'll get married to
him<00:07:37.039> a<00:07:37.280> nice<00:07:37.599> person
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him a nice person
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him a nice person
go<00:07:39.360> and<00:07:39.520> freshen<00:07:39.919> up<00:07:40.319> then<00:07:40.479> you<00:07:40.639> come<00:07:40.880> down
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go and freshen up then you come down
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go and freshen up then you come down
with<00:07:41.280> tacos
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with tacos
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with tacos
holy<00:07:44.720> spirit
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one<00:07:48.879> is<00:07:49.120> good
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one is good
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one is good
my<00:07:50.240> friends
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my friends
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my friends
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look<00:08:05.840> at<00:08:05.919> the<00:08:06.080> time<00:08:06.240> what<00:08:06.479> is<00:08:06.639> still<00:08:06.800> keeping
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look at the time what is still keeping
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look at the time what is still keeping
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here<00:08:13.680> comes<00:08:13.919> our<00:08:14.240> all<00:08:14.479> right<00:08:14.960> sophia<00:08:15.599> i'm<00:08:15.840> so
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here comes our all right sophia i'm so
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here comes our all right sophia i'm so
sorry<00:08:16.720> so<00:08:16.960> sorry<00:08:17.360> i<00:08:17.520> came<00:08:17.919> late<00:08:18.800> please<00:08:19.520> okay
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sorry so sorry i came late please okay
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sorry so sorry i came late please okay
can<00:08:20.400> we<00:08:20.560> go<00:08:20.720> now
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can we go now
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can we go now
is<00:08:22.560> that<00:08:22.720> all<00:08:22.879> he<00:08:22.960> can<00:08:23.120> say
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is that all he can say
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is that all he can say
for<00:08:24.080> keeping<00:08:24.479> us<00:08:24.560> waiting<00:08:24.879> for<00:08:24.960> here<00:08:25.199> for<00:08:25.280> over
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for keeping us waiting for here for over
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for keeping us waiting for here for over
an<00:08:25.680> hour
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an hour
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an hour
but<00:08:27.840> i<00:08:27.919> just<00:08:28.160> said<00:08:28.400> i'm<00:08:28.639> sorry<00:08:28.960> i<00:08:29.120> just
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but i just said i'm sorry i just
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but i just said i'm sorry i just
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enough<00:08:33.519> enough
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enough enough
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enough enough
sisters<00:08:35.360> i<00:08:35.440> listen<00:08:35.760> to<00:08:35.919> everything<00:08:36.320> you<00:08:36.479> said
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sisters i listen to everything you said
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sisters i listen to everything you said
back<00:08:36.959> from<00:08:37.120> there
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back from there
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back from there
listen<00:08:38.479> there<00:08:38.640> are<00:08:38.800> things<00:08:39.599> that<00:08:39.760> are
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listen there are things that are
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listen there are things that are
expected<00:08:40.320> of<00:08:40.479> weird<00:08:40.640> christians<00:08:41.519> you<00:08:41.680> don't
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expected of weird christians you don't
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expected of weird christians you don't
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say<00:08:42.959> words<00:08:43.200> for<00:08:43.360> saying<00:08:43.680> sick
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say words for saying sick
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say words for saying sick
there<00:08:44.800> are<00:08:44.959> things<00:08:45.200> that<00:08:45.360> you<00:08:45.440> should<00:08:45.600> not<00:08:45.839> say
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there are things that you should not say
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there are things that you should not say
evangelists<00:08:48.320> we<00:08:48.480> are<00:08:48.560> sorry
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evangelists we are sorry
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evangelists we are sorry
okay<00:08:50.399> if<00:08:50.560> you<00:08:50.720> say<00:08:50.959> so<00:08:51.600> let's<00:08:51.839> go<00:08:52.080> let's<00:08:52.240> go
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okay if you say so let's go let's go
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okay if you say so let's go let's go
it's<00:08:52.880> okay<00:08:53.040> let's<00:08:53.200> go
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it's okay let's go
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it's okay let's go
evangelist<00:08:55.440> peter
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evangelist peter
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evangelist peter
is<00:08:57.279> sophia<00:08:57.680> following<00:08:58.080> us<00:08:58.320> to
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is sophia following us to
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is sophia following us to
win<00:09:00.080> so<00:09:00.720> dressed<00:09:01.200> like<00:09:01.360> this
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win so dressed like this
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win so dressed like this
can't<00:09:03.440> you<00:09:03.680> see<00:09:03.920> what<00:09:04.080> she's<00:09:04.320> wearing<00:09:04.800> his
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can't you see what she's wearing his
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can't you see what she's wearing his
shots<00:09:05.680> what's<00:09:05.920> wrong<00:09:06.160> with<00:09:06.800> what<00:09:07.440> i'm<00:09:07.760> wearing
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shots what's wrong with what i'm wearing
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shots what's wrong with what i'm wearing
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did<00:09:09.760> you<00:09:09.920> just<00:09:10.080> ask<00:09:10.320> that<00:09:10.560> question
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did you just ask that question
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did you just ask that question
sofia<00:09:12.000> everything<00:09:12.399> is<00:09:12.560> wrong<00:09:12.720> with<00:09:12.880> what
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sofia everything is wrong with what
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sofia everything is wrong with what
you're<00:09:13.279> wearing<00:09:13.680> exactly<00:09:14.160> because<00:09:14.480> how<00:09:14.720> short
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you're wearing exactly because how short
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you're wearing exactly because how short
your<00:09:15.120> skirt<00:09:15.600> is<00:09:16.320> i<00:09:16.399> mean<00:09:16.640> who<00:09:16.800> will<00:09:16.880> listen<00:09:17.200> to
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your skirt is i mean who will listen to
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your skirt is i mean who will listen to
you<00:09:17.760> i<00:09:17.920> said<00:09:18.160> enough<00:09:18.880> sisters<00:09:19.600> what<00:09:19.920> has<00:09:20.240> gone
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you i said enough sisters what has gone
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you i said enough sisters what has gone
wrong<00:09:20.800> with<00:09:21.040> you<00:09:21.200> people<00:09:22.240> listen
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wrong with you people listen
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wrong with you people listen
the<00:09:23.279> bible<00:09:23.600> to<00:09:23.760> teach<00:09:24.000> us<00:09:24.160> not<00:09:24.320> to<00:09:24.560> church
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the bible to teach us not to church
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the bible to teach us not to church
people<00:09:25.040> said<00:09:25.200> i<00:09:25.279> wouldn't<00:09:25.600> be<00:09:25.760> judged
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i<00:09:29.200> said<00:09:29.519> enough
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i said enough
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i said enough
let's<00:09:30.800> go<00:09:31.440> okay
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let's go okay
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let's go okay
it's<00:09:33.279> all<00:09:33.360> right
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it's all right
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it's all right
let's<00:09:34.240> go
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listen<00:10:01.200> to<00:10:01.279> him<00:10:01.440> and<00:10:01.519> hear<00:10:01.680> what<00:10:01.760> he<00:10:01.920> has<00:10:02.000> to
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listen to him and hear what he has to
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listen to him and hear what he has to
say<00:10:02.320> for<00:10:02.480> us<00:10:02.560> what<00:10:02.720> you<00:10:02.880> think<00:10:02.959> he<00:10:03.120> has<00:10:03.279> to<00:10:03.440> say
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say for us what you think he has to say
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say for us what you think he has to say
what<00:10:04.240> exactly<00:10:04.640> do<00:10:04.720> you<00:10:04.800> think<00:10:04.959> he<00:10:05.120> has<00:10:05.279> to<00:10:05.360> say
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what exactly do you think he has to say
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what exactly do you think he has to say
on<00:10:05.680> you<00:10:05.920> he<00:10:06.000> has<00:10:06.079> something<00:10:06.399> to<00:10:06.560> tell<00:10:06.880> do<00:10:07.040> you
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on you he has something to tell do you
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on you he has something to tell do you
think<00:10:07.360> he<00:10:07.519> has<00:10:07.680> to<00:10:07.760> say<00:10:08.160> what<00:10:08.399> is<00:10:08.480> this<00:10:08.720> mr<00:10:09.040> man
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think he has to say what is this mr man
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think he has to say what is this mr man
i<00:10:09.680> desire
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i desire
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i desire
my<00:10:11.120> love
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my love
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my love
please<00:10:12.720> hear<00:10:12.959> me<00:10:13.200> out<00:10:13.519> sophia
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please hear me out sophia
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please hear me out sophia
be<00:10:14.720> my<00:10:14.959> girl<00:10:15.440> i<00:10:15.600> don't<00:10:15.760> want<00:10:15.920> to<00:10:16.079> be<00:10:16.160> your<00:10:16.399> girl
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be my girl i don't want to be your girl
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be my girl i don't want to be your girl
i<00:10:17.040> don't<00:10:17.279> love<00:10:17.519> you<00:10:18.079> please<00:10:18.399> i<00:10:18.480> don't<00:10:18.640> love<00:10:18.880> you
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i don't love you please i don't love you
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i don't love you please i don't love you
go<00:10:19.200> and<00:10:19.360> love<00:10:19.600> god<00:10:19.839> and<00:10:19.920> don't<00:10:20.160> love<00:10:20.480> me<00:10:20.880> i
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go and love god and don't love me i
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go and love god and don't love me i
don't<00:10:21.279> love<00:10:21.600> you<00:10:21.920> what<00:10:22.160> is<00:10:22.320> it<00:10:22.560> leave<00:10:22.720> me<00:10:22.880> alone
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don't love you what is it leave me alone
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don't love you what is it leave me alone
sophia<00:10:23.680> calm<00:10:23.920> down<00:10:24.079> sophia<00:10:24.480> wait<00:10:24.800> he's<00:10:24.959> not<00:10:25.120> my
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sophia calm down sophia wait he's not my
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sophia calm down sophia wait he's not my
father<00:10:25.519> i<00:10:25.600> love<00:10:25.760> you<00:10:26.160> this<00:10:26.320> is<00:10:26.480> nature<00:10:26.880> i<00:10:27.120> love
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father i love you this is nature i love
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father i love you this is nature i love
you<00:10:27.600> i<00:10:27.680> don't<00:10:27.839> love<00:10:28.000> you<00:10:28.160> back<00:10:28.720> so<00:10:28.880> if<00:10:29.040> i<00:10:29.120> wanted
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you i don't love you back so if i wanted
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you i don't love you back so if i wanted
to<00:10:29.440> be<00:10:29.600> my<00:10:29.839> kid<00:10:30.000> no<00:10:30.240> i<00:10:30.320> don't<00:10:30.399> want<00:10:30.560> to<00:10:30.640> be<00:10:30.800> a
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to be my kid no i don't want to be a
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to be my kid no i don't want to be a
girl<00:10:31.279> think<00:10:31.440> god<00:10:31.680> love<00:10:31.440> god<00:10:32.079> and<00:10:32.160> stop<00:10:32.399> loving
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girl think god love god and stop loving
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girl think god love god and stop loving
me<00:10:32.880> what<00:10:33.040> is<00:10:33.200> it<00:10:33.440> i<00:10:33.600> don't<00:10:33.680> want<00:10:33.839> to<00:10:33.920> be<00:10:34.079> your
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me what is it i don't want to be your
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me what is it i don't want to be your
girlfriend<00:10:34.640> i'm<00:10:34.800> not<00:10:34.959> interested<00:10:36.000> what<00:10:36.240> is<00:10:36.480> it
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girlfriend i'm not interested what is it
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girlfriend i'm not interested what is it
sophia<00:10:37.680> listen<00:10:38.079> girlfriend<00:10:38.640> and<00:10:38.800> boyfriend
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sophia listen girlfriend and boyfriend
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sophia listen girlfriend and boyfriend
situation<00:10:40.000> is<00:10:40.160> a<00:10:40.320> sin<00:10:40.720> is<00:10:40.880> it<00:10:41.040> complete<00:10:41.519> total
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situation is a sin is it complete total
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situation is a sin is it complete total
sin<00:10:42.160> unto<00:10:42.480> god<00:10:42.720> i<00:10:42.800> don't<00:10:42.959> want<00:10:43.120> to<00:10:43.200> be<00:10:43.279> involved
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sin unto god i don't want to be involved
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sin unto god i don't want to be involved
in<00:10:43.760> it<00:10:43.920> i'm<00:10:44.000> not<00:10:44.240> interested<00:10:44.800> what<00:10:45.040> is<00:10:45.200> this
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in it i'm not interested what is this
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in it i'm not interested what is this
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if<00:10:48.160> you'll<00:10:48.320> be<00:10:48.480> my<00:10:48.720> killer<00:10:49.279> i<00:10:49.360> will<00:10:49.519> make<00:10:49.680> sure
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if you'll be my killer i will make sure
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if you'll be my killer i will make sure
i<00:10:49.920> give<00:10:50.079> you<00:10:50.240> virtually<00:10:50.640> anything<00:10:50.959> you<00:10:51.120> want
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i give you virtually anything you want
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i give you virtually anything you want
please<00:10:52.079> make<00:10:52.160> sure<00:10:52.240> i<00:10:52.320> take<00:10:52.480> you<00:10:52.560> like<00:10:52.720> a<00:10:52.959> queen
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please make sure i take you like a queen
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please make sure i take you like a queen
may<00:10:53.760> god<00:10:53.920> have<00:10:54.079> mercy<00:10:54.480> on<00:10:54.560> you<00:10:55.040> may<00:10:55.360> god
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may god have mercy on you may god
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may god have mercy on you may god
almighty<00:10:56.079> have<00:10:56.399> mercy<00:10:56.800> on<00:10:56.959> you<00:10:57.200> amen
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almighty have mercy on you amen
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almighty have mercy on you amen
leave<00:10:59.279> me<00:10:59.360> alone<00:10:59.920> just<00:11:00.160> leave<00:11:00.320> me<00:11:00.399> alone<00:11:00.720> i<00:11:00.880> am
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leave me alone just leave me alone i am
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leave me alone just leave me alone i am
not<00:11:01.200> interested<00:11:01.839> how<00:11:02.000> many<00:11:02.240> times<00:11:02.399> did<00:11:02.640> i<00:11:02.720> tell
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not interested how many times did i tell
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not interested how many times did i tell
you<00:11:03.040> that<00:11:03.200> i'm<00:11:03.360> not<00:11:03.519> interested<00:11:04.000> leave<00:11:04.160> me
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you that i'm not interested leave me
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you that i'm not interested leave me
alone<00:11:04.720> sofia<00:11:05.040> can't<00:11:05.200> leave<00:11:05.360> you<00:11:05.440> i<00:11:05.600> love<00:11:05.760> you
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alone sofia can't leave you i love you
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alone sofia can't leave you i love you
i<00:11:06.640> love<00:11:06.880> you
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why<00:11:10.160> is<00:11:10.399> that<00:11:10.560> boy<00:11:10.880> always<00:11:11.279> disturbing<00:11:11.920> my
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why is that boy always disturbing my
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why is that boy always disturbing my
life<00:11:12.640> here<00:11:13.200> what<00:11:13.760> you<00:11:13.920> just<00:11:14.079> need<00:11:14.240> to<00:11:14.399> stop
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life here what you just need to stop
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life here what you just need to stop
pretending<00:11:15.600> don't<00:11:15.760> post<00:11:16.079> about<00:11:16.320> this<00:11:16.480> only
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pretending don't post about this only
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pretending don't post about this only
only<00:11:16.880> everything<00:11:17.279> i<00:11:17.360> don't<00:11:17.519> like<00:11:17.760> it<00:11:18.399> that<00:11:18.560> guy
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only everything i don't like it that guy
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only everything i don't like it that guy
loves<00:11:19.120> you<00:11:19.200> try<00:11:19.440> to<00:11:19.519> give<00:11:19.680> him<00:11:19.839> a<00:11:19.920> chance
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loves you try to give him a chance
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loves you try to give him a chance
you<00:11:21.519> too<00:11:21.760> what's<00:11:22.000> on<00:11:22.160> your<00:11:22.320> youtube<00:11:22.720> my<00:11:22.959> god
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you too what's on your youtube my god
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you too what's on your youtube my god
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what<00:11:26.079> do<00:11:26.079> you<00:11:26.240> expect<00:11:26.480> me<00:11:26.640> to<00:11:26.800> do<00:11:26.959> do<00:11:27.040> you<00:11:27.279> want
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what do you expect me to do do you want
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what do you expect me to do do you want
me<00:11:27.600> to<00:11:28.240> start<00:11:28.560> messing<00:11:28.880> around<00:11:29.120> with<00:11:29.200> that
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me to start messing around with that
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me to start messing around with that
which<00:11:30.160> one<00:11:30.320> is<00:11:30.399> messing<00:11:30.800> around
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which one is messing around
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which one is messing around
i<00:11:31.839> don't<00:11:32.000> understand<00:11:32.720> look<00:11:32.959> at<00:11:33.040> this<00:11:33.279> one
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i don't understand look at this one
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i don't understand look at this one
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by<00:11:35.040> the<00:11:35.360> fruits<00:11:35.680> which<00:11:35.839> are<00:11:36.000> not<00:11:36.240> there
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by the fruits which are not there
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by the fruits which are not there
now<00:11:37.200> people<00:11:37.440> like<00:11:37.680> your<00:11:37.760> way<00:11:37.920> to<00:11:38.079> pass<00:11:38.320> a<00:11:38.480> big
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now people like your way to pass a big
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now people like your way to pass a big
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my<00:11:48.640> friend<00:11:49.440> my<00:11:49.760> teacher<00:11:50.800> and<00:11:51.279> my<00:11:51.519> strength<00:11:52.560> the
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my friend my teacher and my strength the
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my friend my teacher and my strength the
very<00:11:53.440> life<00:11:53.760> of<00:11:53.920> god
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very life of god
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very life of god
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my<00:12:05.519> friend<00:12:06.320> my<00:12:06.639> teacher<00:12:07.680> and<00:12:08.079> my<00:12:08.320> strengths
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my friend my teacher and my strengths
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my friend my teacher and my strengths
the<00:12:09.680> very<00:12:10.240> life<00:12:10.560> of<00:12:10.800> god<00:12:11.600> in<00:12:11.760> me
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this<00:12:15.040> is<00:12:15.200> nothing<00:12:15.600> else<00:12:15.760> let<00:12:15.920> me<00:12:16.000> tell<00:12:16.160> you<00:12:16.720> i
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this is nothing else let me tell you i
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this is nothing else let me tell you i
hate<00:12:17.440> pretenders<00:12:18.079> i<00:12:18.160> do<00:12:18.320> the<00:12:18.480> worst
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hate pretenders i do the worst
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hate pretenders i do the worst
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now<00:12:20.639> sophia<00:12:21.040> thinks<00:12:21.279> he's<00:12:21.440> a<00:12:21.519> saint<00:12:21.839> and<00:12:21.920> we
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now sophia thinks he's a saint and we
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now sophia thinks he's a saint and we
are<00:12:22.240> the<00:12:22.399> sinners
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are the sinners
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are the sinners
sent<00:12:24.880> my<00:12:25.279> food<00:12:26.000> who<00:12:26.160> is<00:12:26.240> that<00:12:26.399> scent<00:12:26.800> sofia
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sent my food who is that scent sofia
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sent my food who is that scent sofia
sofia<00:12:28.480> can<00:12:28.720> never<00:12:29.040> be<00:12:29.200> a<00:12:29.440> sense
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sofia can never be a sense
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sofia can never be a sense
i<00:12:30.399> believe<00:12:30.800> somebody<00:12:31.279> like<00:12:31.519> her<00:12:31.920> we<00:12:32.160> have<00:12:32.399> up
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i believe somebody like her we have up
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i believe somebody like her we have up
to<00:12:32.720> three<00:12:32.959> boyfriends
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to three boyfriends
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to three boyfriends
at<00:12:34.880> least<00:12:35.120> five<00:12:35.360> boys<00:12:35.600> oh<00:12:36.160> my<00:12:36.399> sister<00:12:37.279> and
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at least five boys oh my sister and
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at least five boys oh my sister and
still<00:12:37.839> be<00:12:38.079> pretending<00:12:38.639> like<00:12:38.880> nothing<00:12:39.279> they
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still be pretending like nothing they
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still be pretending like nothing they
happen<00:12:40.320> that's<00:12:40.560> the<00:12:40.720> kind<00:12:40.959> of<00:12:41.040> person<00:12:41.440> she<00:12:41.680> is
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happen that's the kind of person she is
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happen that's the kind of person she is
i<00:12:42.399> may<00:12:42.560> see<00:12:43.040> ah<00:12:43.440> what<00:12:43.680> i<00:12:43.760> agree<00:12:44.079> with<00:12:44.320> you
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i may see ah what i agree with you
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i may see ah what i agree with you
if<00:12:45.920> it's<00:12:46.079> all<00:12:46.240> about<00:12:46.480> boyfriend<00:12:47.279> sophia
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if it's all about boyfriend sophia
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if it's all about boyfriend sophia
doesn't<00:12:47.920> have<00:12:48.160> anyone
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doesn't have anyone
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doesn't have anyone
i'll<00:12:49.600> try<00:12:49.839> being<00:12:50.079> close<00:12:50.240> to<00:12:50.399> her<00:12:50.480> at<00:12:50.560> least<00:12:50.800> to
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i'll try being close to her at least to
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i'll try being close to her at least to
learn<00:12:51.040> from<00:12:51.279> her<00:12:51.360> secrets<00:12:52.320> but<00:12:52.639> she<00:12:52.800> seems<00:12:53.040> not
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learn from her secrets but she seems not
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learn from her secrets but she seems not
to<00:12:53.279> have<00:12:53.440> any<00:12:53.680> at<00:12:53.839> all
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to have any at all
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to have any at all
we<00:12:55.279> are<00:12:55.360> not<00:12:55.600> close<00:12:55.839> enough<00:12:56.480> we<00:12:56.560> are<00:12:56.639> not
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we are not close enough we are not
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we are not close enough we are not
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listen<00:12:59.360> let<00:12:59.519> me<00:12:59.760> lecture<00:13:00.240> you
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listen let me lecture you
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listen let me lecture you
people<00:13:01.600> like<00:13:01.839> sophia<00:13:02.639> only<00:13:03.040> allows<00:13:03.440> you<00:13:03.600> to
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people like sophia only allows you to
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people like sophia only allows you to
see<00:13:04.160> what<00:13:04.320> they<00:13:04.560> want<00:13:04.720> you<00:13:04.880> to<00:13:05.120> say<00:13:06.240> you<00:13:06.399> don't
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see what they want you to say you don't
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see what they want you to say you don't
have<00:13:06.800> to<00:13:06.959> know<00:13:07.200> their<00:13:07.440> secrets<00:13:07.920> but<00:13:08.160> they<00:13:08.320> know
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have to know their secrets but they know
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have to know their secrets but they know
their<00:13:08.720> secrets<00:13:09.360> all<00:13:09.600> by<00:13:09.839> themselves
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their secrets all by themselves
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their secrets all by themselves
you<00:13:11.680> want<00:13:11.839> to<00:13:12.000> tell<00:13:12.160> me<00:13:12.320> somebody<00:13:12.800> as
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you want to tell me somebody as
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you want to tell me somebody as
beautiful<00:13:13.440> as<00:13:13.680> sofia<00:13:14.639> we<00:13:14.959> shun<00:13:15.440> all<00:13:15.839> the
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beautiful as sofia we shun all the
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beautiful as sofia we shun all the
beautiful<00:13:16.480> things<00:13:16.959> in<00:13:17.120> this<00:13:17.519> world<00:13:18.320> and<00:13:18.560> um<00:13:19.200> we
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beautiful things in this world and um we
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beautiful things in this world and um we
come<00:13:19.680> and<00:13:19.920> clink<00:13:20.399> to<00:13:20.639> god<00:13:20.959> alone<00:13:21.600> please<00:13:21.920> tell
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come and clink to god alone please tell
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come and clink to god alone please tell
me<00:13:22.320> something<00:13:23.120> that<00:13:23.360> guy<00:13:23.519> has<00:13:23.760> more<00:13:23.920> than
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me something that guy has more than
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me something that guy has more than
three<00:13:24.399> boyfriends<00:13:24.959> and<00:13:25.200> i'm<00:13:25.440> very<00:13:25.680> certain
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three boyfriends and i'm very certain
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three boyfriends and i'm very certain
i'm<00:13:27.519> sure<00:13:27.839> they<00:13:28.000> will<00:13:28.079> be<00:13:28.240> up<00:13:28.320> to<00:13:28.480> fight
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i'm sure they will be up to fight
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i'm sure they will be up to fight
that<00:13:30.160> is<00:13:30.240> inclusive
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i<00:13:33.040> don't<00:13:33.200> understand<00:13:33.920> why<00:13:34.160> who<00:13:34.399> is<00:13:34.480> she
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i don't understand why who is she
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i don't understand why who is she
dressing<00:13:34.959> like<00:13:35.120> that<00:13:35.279> to<00:13:35.440> impress<00:13:35.839> i<00:13:36.000> i<00:13:36.079> know
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dressing like that to impress i i know
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dressing like that to impress i i know
you<00:13:36.480> know<00:13:36.720> one<00:13:36.880> thing<00:13:37.040> you<00:13:37.120> know<00:13:37.200> one<00:13:37.360> thing
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you know one thing you know one thing
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you know one thing you know one thing
i've<00:13:37.760> discovered<00:13:38.240> about<00:13:38.480> her<00:13:39.040> she<00:13:39.360> sees
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i've discovered about her she sees
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i've discovered about her she sees
herself<00:13:40.320> differently<00:13:40.800> from<00:13:41.040> the<00:13:41.120> way<00:13:41.279> she
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herself differently from the way she
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herself differently from the way she
sees<00:13:41.680> us
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sees us
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sees us
but<00:13:42.560> i<00:13:42.639> think<00:13:42.800> i<00:13:42.880> know<00:13:43.040> what<00:13:43.199> to<00:13:43.360> do<00:13:43.600> are<00:13:43.760> you
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but i think i know what to do are you
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but i think i know what to do are you
serious<00:13:44.480> yes<00:13:44.800> now
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serious yes now
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serious yes now
tell<00:13:45.760> me
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tell me
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tell me
tell<00:13:46.880> me
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this<00:14:02.000> one<00:14:02.160> you're<00:14:02.320> in<00:14:02.480> my<00:14:02.720> house<00:14:03.040> where<00:14:03.199> are
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this one you're in my house where are
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this one you're in my house where are
you<00:14:03.440> coming<00:14:03.839> from<00:14:04.079> and<00:14:04.240> where<00:14:04.399> are<00:14:04.480> you<00:14:04.639> going
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you coming from and where are you going
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you coming from and where are you going
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how<00:14:06.399> come<00:14:06.800> you<00:14:07.040> are<00:14:07.279> in<00:14:07.440> my<00:14:07.680> house
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how come you are in my house
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how come you are in my house
you're<00:14:09.199> my<00:14:09.360> friend<00:14:09.600> now<00:14:09.839> can't<00:14:10.079> i<00:14:10.240> visit<00:14:10.560> you
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you're my friend now can't i visit you
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you're my friend now can't i visit you
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and<00:14:11.839> you<00:14:12.000> know<00:14:12.079> my<00:14:12.240> sister<00:14:12.480> in<00:14:12.560> the<00:14:12.720> lord<00:14:12.959> again
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and you know my sister in the lord again
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and you know my sister in the lord again
anyways<00:14:15.920> sofia<00:14:16.399> please<00:14:16.800> i<00:14:16.959> need<00:14:17.120> you<00:14:17.199> to<00:14:17.360> help
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anyways sofia please i need you to help
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anyways sofia please i need you to help
me<00:14:17.600> do<00:14:17.760> something
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me do something
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me do something
please<00:14:19.199> don't<00:14:19.440> say<00:14:19.680> no<00:14:20.079> i<00:14:20.160> want<00:14:20.399> to<00:14:20.560> say
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please don't say no i want to say
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please don't say no i want to say
i<00:14:21.519> mean<00:14:21.839> i'm<00:14:22.079> sure<00:14:22.320> if<00:14:22.480> it's<00:14:22.639> something<00:14:22.959> i<00:14:23.120> can
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i mean i'm sure if it's something i can
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i mean i'm sure if it's something i can
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i<00:14:24.240> will<00:14:24.399> not<00:14:24.639> say<00:14:24.880> no<00:14:25.199> so<00:14:25.360> tell<00:14:25.600> me<00:14:25.920> okay
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i will not say no so tell me okay
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i will not say no so tell me okay
see<00:14:27.360> actually<00:14:28.320> i<00:14:28.560> told<00:14:28.720> my<00:14:28.880> mom<00:14:29.120> i<00:14:29.199> was<00:14:29.279> going
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see actually i told my mom i was going
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see actually i told my mom i was going
to<00:14:29.600> church<00:14:30.000> but<00:14:30.160> i<00:14:30.240> went<00:14:30.480> somewhere<00:14:30.880> else
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to church but i went somewhere else
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to church but i went somewhere else
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i<00:14:34.880> know<00:14:35.040> she<00:14:35.199> will<00:14:35.360> come<00:14:35.600> to<00:14:35.680> you<00:14:35.839> to<00:14:36.079> ask<00:14:36.320> you
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i know she will come to you to ask you
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i know she will come to you to ask you
please<00:14:37.279> just
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please just
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please just
cover<00:14:38.399> me<00:14:38.639> okay<00:14:39.440> let<00:14:39.600> me<00:14:39.839> tell<00:14:40.079> her<00:14:40.240> that<00:14:40.480> say
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cover me okay let me tell her that say
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cover me okay let me tell her that say
we<00:14:40.959> went<00:14:41.120> to<00:14:41.279> church<00:14:41.519> together<00:14:41.760> and<00:14:41.920> we
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we went to church together and we
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we went to church together and we
dismissed<00:14:42.480> very<00:14:42.639> late<00:14:42.959> if<00:14:43.120> not<00:14:43.279> she<00:14:43.440> was
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dismissed very late if not she was
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dismissed very late if not she was
killing<00:14:43.839> me<00:14:44.079> i<00:14:44.160> like<00:14:44.720> oh<00:14:45.040> you<00:14:45.199> know<00:14:45.360> my<00:14:45.519> mom<00:14:45.760> now
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i<00:14:52.000> can't<00:14:52.160> do<00:14:52.399> it
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i can't do it
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i can't do it
i<00:14:54.160> can't<00:14:54.399> lie
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i can't lie
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i can't lie
i<00:14:56.240> don't<00:14:56.399> know<00:14:56.480> how<00:14:56.720> to<00:14:56.959> lie<00:14:57.279> even<00:14:57.600> if<00:14:57.760> i<00:14:57.920> tried
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i don't know how to lie even if i tried
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i don't know how to lie even if i tried
i'm<00:14:59.440> sorry<00:14:59.839> i<00:15:00.000> can't<00:15:00.240> do<00:15:00.399> it<00:15:00.959> if<00:15:01.279> there's
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i'm sorry i can't do it if there's
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i'm sorry i can't do it if there's
anything<00:15:02.240> else<00:15:02.480> you<00:15:02.639> want<00:15:02.800> me<00:15:02.959> to<00:15:03.120> do<00:15:03.360> i<00:15:03.440> can't
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anything else you want me to do i can't
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anything else you want me to do i can't
do<00:15:04.800> it<00:15:04.959> but<00:15:05.440> is<00:15:05.680> he<00:15:05.839> lying
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do it but is he lying
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do it but is he lying
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no<00:15:09.760> it's<00:15:10.000> just<00:15:10.240> to<00:15:10.639> save<00:15:10.880> me<00:15:11.040> from<00:15:11.199> being
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no it's just to save me from being
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no it's just to save me from being
beaten<00:15:11.839> just<00:15:12.160> small<00:15:12.480> light<00:15:12.720> to<00:15:12.800> cover<00:15:13.040> me<00:15:13.279> up
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beaten just small light to cover me up
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beaten just small light to cover me up
what<00:15:13.440> you're<00:15:13.600> doing<00:15:13.920> is<00:15:14.079> ask<00:15:14.240> me<00:15:14.399> to<00:15:14.560> sing
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what you're doing is ask me to sing
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what you're doing is ask me to sing
you're<00:15:15.040> asking<00:15:15.360> me<00:15:15.519> to<00:15:15.760> lie
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you're asking me to lie
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you're asking me to lie
i<00:15:16.720> can't<00:15:17.040> lie
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i can't lie
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i can't lie
i<00:15:18.000> can't<00:15:18.320> sing<00:15:18.639> please<00:15:19.120> lying<00:15:19.360> is<00:15:19.519> a<00:15:19.680> sin<00:15:20.000> unto
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i can't sing please lying is a sin unto
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i can't sing please lying is a sin unto
god<00:15:20.880> i<00:15:21.040> cannot<00:15:21.360> do<00:15:21.600> it<00:15:21.760> i'm<00:15:21.839> sorry<00:15:22.240> simi<00:15:22.720> if
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god i cannot do it i'm sorry simi if
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god i cannot do it i'm sorry simi if
there's<00:15:23.120> anything<00:15:23.519> else<00:15:23.760> you<00:15:23.839> want<00:15:24.000> me<00:15:24.160> to<00:15:24.320> do
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there's anything else you want me to do
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there's anything else you want me to do
how<00:15:25.600> do<00:15:25.839> it
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how do it
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how do it
but<00:15:27.040> if<00:15:27.120> you<00:15:27.279> see<00:15:27.519> lying<00:15:27.920> no<00:15:28.160> i<00:15:28.240> don't<00:15:28.399> know<00:15:28.560> how
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but if you see lying no i don't know how
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but if you see lying no i don't know how
to<00:15:28.880> like<00:15:29.040> what<00:15:29.199> i<00:15:29.279> think<00:15:29.440> you<00:15:29.600> should<00:15:29.759> do<00:15:30.000> is
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to like what i think you should do is
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to like what i think you should do is
talk<00:15:30.880> to<00:15:31.040> your<00:15:31.279> mom<00:15:31.600> tell<00:15:31.839> her<00:15:32.000> the<00:15:32.240> truth<00:15:32.560> tell
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talk to your mom tell her the truth tell
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talk to your mom tell her the truth tell
her<00:15:32.880> where<00:15:33.040> you<00:15:33.199> went<00:15:33.360> to<00:15:33.519> i'm<00:15:33.680> sure<00:15:33.839> she'll
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her where you went to i'm sure she'll
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her where you went to i'm sure she'll
certainly<00:15:34.560> forgive<00:15:34.959> you<00:15:35.120> oh<00:15:35.360> please<00:15:35.839> just
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certainly forgive you oh please just
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certainly forgive you oh please just
just<00:15:36.320> shut<00:15:36.560> up<00:15:37.120> holy<00:15:37.519> mother<00:15:37.839> mary<00:15:38.320> so<00:15:38.480> you
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just shut up holy mother mary so you
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just shut up holy mother mary so you
will<00:15:38.720> not<00:15:38.880> help<00:15:39.040> me<00:15:39.360> it's<00:15:39.519> not<00:15:39.680> about<00:15:39.920> being
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will not help me it's not about being
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will not help me it's not about being
holy<00:15:40.560> if<00:15:40.720> there's<00:15:40.959> anything<00:15:41.360> else<00:15:41.519> that<00:15:41.759> you
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holy if there's anything else that you
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holy if there's anything else that you
want<00:15:42.000> me<00:15:42.160> to<00:15:42.240> help<00:15:42.399> you<00:15:42.560> with<00:15:42.800> i<00:15:42.959> can't<00:15:43.120> believe
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want me to help you with i can't believe
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want me to help you with i can't believe
oh<00:15:43.519> please<00:15:43.680> tell<00:15:43.839> yourself
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oh please tell yourself
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oh please tell yourself
why<00:15:44.880> are<00:15:44.959> you<00:15:45.040> always<00:15:45.279> forming<00:15:45.680> over<00:15:45.920> right
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why are you always forming over right
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why are you always forming over right
it's<00:15:46.480> not<00:15:46.639> about<00:15:46.880> righteousness<00:15:47.920> lying<00:15:48.320> is<00:15:48.480> a
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it's not about righteousness lying is a
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it's not about righteousness lying is a
sin<00:15:49.040> i<00:15:49.120> don't<00:15:49.279> know<00:15:49.440> how<00:15:49.600> to<00:15:49.839> lie<00:15:50.079> he<00:15:50.240> said<00:15:50.399> sin
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sin i don't know how to lie he said sin
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sin i don't know how to lie he said sin
not<00:15:50.800> to<00:15:51.040> god
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not to god
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not to god
oh<00:15:52.639> please<00:15:53.040> don't<00:15:53.279> i'm<00:15:53.440> sorry<00:15:53.680> i'm<00:15:53.839> going
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oh please don't i'm sorry i'm going
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oh please don't i'm sorry i'm going
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i<00:15:55.839> cannot<00:15:56.240> do<00:15:56.480> it
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you<00:16:00.000> went<00:16:00.240> somewhere<00:16:00.639> and<00:16:00.800> came<00:16:00.959> back<00:16:01.279> instead
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you went somewhere and came back instead
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you went somewhere and came back instead
of<00:16:01.680> you<00:16:01.759> to<00:16:01.920> tell<00:16:02.079> your<00:16:02.240> mother<00:16:02.560> and<00:16:02.639> then<00:16:02.880> ask
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of you to tell your mother and then ask
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of you to tell your mother and then ask
her<00:16:03.199> to<00:16:03.360> forgive<00:16:03.759> you<00:16:04.000> and<00:16:04.399> it's<00:16:04.560> just<00:16:04.800> as
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her to forgive you and it's just as
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her to forgive you and it's just as
simple<00:16:05.199> as<00:16:05.360> that<00:16:05.600> i<00:16:05.680> don't<00:16:05.839> know<00:16:06.000> why<00:16:06.560> people
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simple as that i don't know why people
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simple as that i don't know why people
like<00:16:07.040> to<00:16:07.440> complicate<00:16:08.079> life
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like to complicate life
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like to complicate life
not<00:16:09.279> me<00:16:09.600> please<00:16:09.920> as<00:16:10.079> a<00:16:10.160> christian<00:16:10.560> we
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not me please as a christian we
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not me please as a christian we
shouldn't<00:16:11.040> be<00:16:11.199> lying<00:16:11.680> we<00:16:11.839> should<00:16:12.000> be<00:16:12.240> open<00:16:12.560> and
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shouldn't be lying we should be open and
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shouldn't be lying we should be open and
tell<00:16:13.120> each<00:16:13.360> other<00:16:13.680> everything
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tell each other everything
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tell each other everything
please<00:16:15.440> don't<00:16:15.600> come<00:16:15.759> to<00:16:15.920> my<00:16:16.079> house<00:16:16.320> again
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please don't come to my house again
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please don't come to my house again
telling<00:16:16.880> me<00:16:17.040> to<00:16:17.120> call<00:16:17.279> my<00:16:17.440> life
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telling me to call my life
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telling me to call my life
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please<00:16:31.120> can<00:16:31.279> i<00:16:31.440> speak<00:16:31.680> to<00:16:31.759> you<00:16:31.920> for<00:16:32.079> a<00:16:32.160> second
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please can i speak to you for a second
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please can i speak to you for a second
please<00:16:33.279> sophia<00:16:33.839> not<00:16:34.079> now<00:16:34.320> i'm<00:16:34.480> actually<00:16:34.800> in
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please sophia not now i'm actually in
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please sophia not now i'm actually in
hills<00:16:35.360> and<00:16:35.519> i<00:16:35.600> can't<00:16:35.759> afford<00:16:36.000> to<00:16:36.160> miss<00:16:36.399> it<00:16:36.560> it
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hills and i can't afford to miss it it
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hills and i can't afford to miss it it
won't<00:16:36.959> take<00:16:37.199> much<00:16:37.519> of<00:16:37.680> your<00:16:37.920> time<00:16:38.320> i<00:16:38.480> just<00:16:38.639> said
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won't take much of your time i just said
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won't take much of your time i just said
a<00:16:39.040> second<00:16:39.600> sofia<00:16:39.920> what<00:16:40.160> is<00:16:40.320> it<00:16:40.959> that's<00:16:41.279> it
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a second sofia what is it that's it
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a second sofia what is it that's it
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you're<00:16:52.560> my<00:16:52.800> sister
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you're my sister
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you're my sister
i<00:16:55.199> cannot<00:16:55.600> see<00:16:55.839> you<00:16:56.079> walking<00:16:56.560> into<00:16:57.040> june<00:16:57.519> and<00:16:57.680> i
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i cannot see you walking into june and i
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i cannot see you walking into june and i
will<00:16:58.000> allow<00:16:58.399> that
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will allow that
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will allow that
the<00:17:00.720> way<00:17:00.959> you're<00:17:01.279> running<00:17:01.680> after<00:17:02.160> victor
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the way you're running after victor
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the way you're running after victor
it's<00:17:04.799> wrong<00:17:05.439> you<00:17:05.600> don't<00:17:05.839> throw<00:17:06.079> yourself<00:17:06.640> any
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it's wrong you don't throw yourself any
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it's wrong you don't throw yourself any
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that's<00:17:08.160> not<00:17:08.400> the<00:17:08.559> way
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that's not the way
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that's not the way
it's<00:17:10.319> not
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what's<00:17:15.199> this<00:17:15.360> supposed<00:17:15.679> to<00:17:15.839> mean
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what's this supposed to mean
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what's this supposed to mean
my<00:17:18.559> sister
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my sister
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my sister
the<00:17:20.240> bible<00:17:20.799> has<00:17:21.039> made<00:17:21.280> me<00:17:21.439> to<00:17:21.679> understand<00:17:22.400> that
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the bible has made me to understand that
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the bible has made me to understand that
fornication<00:17:23.919> is<00:17:24.160> a<00:17:24.319> sin<00:17:25.120> is<00:17:25.280> an<00:17:25.439> iniquity<00:17:26.240> unto
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fornication is a sin is an iniquity unto
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fornication is a sin is an iniquity unto
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you<00:17:29.440> mean<00:17:29.600> you<00:17:29.840> actually<00:17:30.240> stopped<00:17:30.799> me<00:17:30.880> from
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you mean you actually stopped me from
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you mean you actually stopped me from
where<00:17:31.200> i<00:17:31.280> was<00:17:31.440> going<00:17:31.600> to<00:17:31.760> just<00:17:32.000> to<00:17:32.160> preach<00:17:32.480> this
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where i was going to just to preach this
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where i was going to just to preach this
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no<00:17:34.720> i<00:17:34.880> don't<00:17:35.039> mean<00:17:35.200> to<00:17:35.360> offend<00:17:35.679> you<00:17:35.919> but<00:17:36.400> i<00:17:36.559> mean
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no i don't mean to offend you but i mean
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no i don't mean to offend you but i mean
look<00:17:36.960> at<00:17:37.039> what<00:17:37.200> you're<00:17:37.440> wearing<00:17:37.840> now<00:17:38.400> yeah
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look at what you're wearing now yeah
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look at what you're wearing now yeah
this<00:17:39.039> is<00:17:39.120> something<00:17:39.520> you<00:17:39.600> should<00:17:39.760> wear<00:17:39.919> in<00:17:40.000> the
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this is something you should wear in the
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this is something you should wear in the
bedroom<00:17:40.480> as<00:17:40.640> a<00:17:40.720> lingerie<00:17:41.360> or<00:17:41.600> something<00:17:42.000> it's
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bedroom as a lingerie or something it's
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bedroom as a lingerie or something it's
not<00:17:42.400> like<00:17:43.039> look<00:17:43.280> at<00:17:43.679> i<00:17:43.840> know<00:17:44.080> now
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not like look at i know now
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not like look at i know now
your<00:17:46.000> mind<00:17:46.240> your<00:17:46.400> business<00:17:47.280> how<00:17:47.520> i<00:17:47.679> choose<00:17:47.919> to
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your mind your business how i choose to
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your mind your business how i choose to
live<00:17:48.240> my<00:17:48.480> life<00:17:48.880> it's<00:17:49.039> none<00:17:49.280> of<00:17:49.360> your<00:17:49.520> business
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live my life it's none of your business
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live my life it's none of your business
i'll<00:17:50.400> only<00:17:50.720> leave<00:17:50.960> mine
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i'll only leave mine
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i'll only leave mine
you<00:17:53.120> will<00:17:53.360> not<00:17:53.520> be<00:17:53.679> don't<00:17:53.840> be<00:17:54.000> angry<00:17:54.240> but<00:17:54.480> it's
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you will not be don't be angry but it's
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you will not be don't be angry but it's
just<00:17:54.880> that<00:17:55.360> i<00:17:55.520> want<00:17:55.679> to<00:17:55.840> tell<00:17:56.080> you<00:17:56.320> men<00:17:56.960> don't
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just that i want to tell you men don't
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just that i want to tell you men don't
respect<00:17:57.679> women<00:17:58.000> without<00:17:58.320> pride<00:17:58.640> i<00:17:58.720> mean<00:17:58.799> look
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respect women without pride i mean look
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respect women without pride i mean look
at<00:17:59.039> what<00:17:59.200> you're<00:17:59.360> wearing<00:17:59.600> your<00:17:59.760> breast<00:18:00.000> is
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at what you're wearing your breast is
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at what you're wearing your breast is
all<00:18:00.480> out<00:18:01.039> oh<00:18:01.200> dude
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all out oh dude
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all out oh dude
luxury<00:18:02.640> you're<00:18:02.799> wearing<00:18:03.120> it<00:18:03.360> don't<00:18:03.520> take<00:18:03.679> this
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luxury you're wearing it don't take this
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luxury you're wearing it don't take this
insult<00:18:04.480> i<00:18:04.559> won't<00:18:04.720> have<00:18:04.880> you<00:18:05.039> insult<00:18:05.679> me<00:18:06.320> all
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insult i won't have you insult me all
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insult i won't have you insult me all
right<00:18:07.280> sofia<00:18:07.919> deputy<00:18:08.400> jesus
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right sofia deputy jesus
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right sofia deputy jesus
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i<00:18:11.520> know
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i know
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i know
you<00:18:12.559> are<00:18:12.640> obviously<00:18:13.200> jealous
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you are obviously jealous
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you are obviously jealous
i<00:18:14.880> mean<00:18:15.120> how<00:18:15.280> could<00:18:15.520> i<00:18:15.600> have<00:18:15.760> not<00:18:15.919> figured<00:18:16.240> that
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i mean how could i have not figured that
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i mean how could i have not figured that
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jealous<00:18:18.640> of<00:18:18.799> what<00:18:19.280> what<00:18:19.440> could<00:18:19.679> i<00:18:19.760> be<00:18:20.400> jealous
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jealous of what what could i be jealous
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jealous of what what could i be jealous
of<00:18:21.280> what<00:18:21.919> jealous<00:18:22.320> of<00:18:22.480> what<00:18:23.039> let<00:18:23.200> me<00:18:23.360> refresh
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of what jealous of what let me refresh
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of what jealous of what let me refresh
your<00:18:23.760> memory
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your memory
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your memory
you<00:18:25.120> left<00:18:25.440> victor<00:18:26.080> i<00:18:26.320> chose<00:18:26.640> him<00:18:28.080> was<00:18:28.320> i<00:18:28.400> the
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you left victor i chose him was i the
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you left victor i chose him was i the
one<00:18:28.640> that<00:18:28.799> asked<00:18:28.960> you<00:18:29.039> to<00:18:29.200> reject<00:18:29.679> him<00:18:30.320> did<00:18:30.640> i
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one that asked you to reject him did i
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one that asked you to reject him did i
ask<00:18:31.120> you<00:18:31.200> to<00:18:31.360> reject<00:18:31.760> him
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ask you to reject him
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ask you to reject him
stay<00:18:33.440> out<00:18:33.600> of<00:18:33.760> my<00:18:33.919> business
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stay out of my business
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stay out of my business
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may<00:18:36.320> god<00:18:36.559> have<00:18:36.720> mercy<00:18:37.039> on<00:18:37.200> you<00:18:37.360> then<00:18:37.520> you<00:18:37.600> look
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may god have mercy on you then you look
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may god have mercy on you then you look
at<00:18:37.840> what<00:18:38.080> you're<00:18:38.240> wearing<00:18:38.480> and<00:18:38.559> you<00:18:38.720> two<00:18:38.960> says
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at what you're wearing and you two says
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at what you're wearing and you two says
very<00:18:39.840> soon<00:18:40.080> they'll<00:18:40.240> stank<00:18:40.559> your<00:18:40.720> ass
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now<00:18:54.559> i've<00:18:54.880> never
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now i've never
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now i've never
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i<00:19:10.880> want<00:19:11.120> to<00:19:11.280> be<00:19:11.440> very<00:19:11.760> brief<00:19:12.080> on<00:19:12.320> this<00:19:12.559> meeting
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i want to be very brief on this meeting
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i want to be very brief on this meeting
very<00:19:14.160> very<00:19:14.400> brief
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very very brief
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very very brief
you<00:19:16.240> see
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you see
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you see
the<00:19:18.320> youth<00:19:18.880> can<00:19:19.120> walk<00:19:19.760> faster<00:19:20.160> than<00:19:20.320> the<00:19:20.480> elder
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the youth can walk faster than the elder
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the youth can walk faster than the elder
but<00:19:21.360> the<00:19:21.520> elder<00:19:21.840> know<00:19:22.080> the
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but the elder know the
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but the elder know the
road<00:19:23.840> more<00:19:24.000> than<00:19:24.240> the<00:19:24.400> youth
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road more than the youth
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road more than the youth
you<00:19:25.840> can<00:19:26.080> test
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two<00:19:29.120> legs<00:19:29.440> inside<00:19:29.760> river
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two legs inside river
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two legs inside river
you<00:19:30.960> will<00:19:31.120> drown
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you will drown
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you will drown
you<00:19:32.880> get<00:19:33.120> 27<00:19:33.679> years<00:19:33.919> yesterday<00:19:34.559> sophie
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you get 27 years yesterday sophie
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you get 27 years yesterday sophie
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sure<00:19:37.280> italy
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sure italy
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sure italy
and<00:19:38.880> uh
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and uh
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and uh
do<00:19:41.120> you<00:19:41.280> want<00:19:41.600> to<00:19:41.760> become
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do you want to become
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do you want to become
otanaka<00:19:44.240> in<00:19:44.400> my<00:19:44.559> house
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you<00:19:47.440> want
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you want
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you want
to<00:19:48.559> end<00:19:49.200> your<00:19:49.440> entire<00:19:49.919> life
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to end your entire life
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to end your entire life
in<00:19:51.120> my<00:19:51.360> house<00:19:52.000> as<00:19:52.160> a<00:19:52.320> liability
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in my house as a liability
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in my house as a liability
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because<00:19:55.200> i'm<00:19:55.360> a<00:19:55.440> man<00:19:55.679> of<00:19:55.840> tradition
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because i'm a man of tradition
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because i'm a man of tradition
and<00:19:57.039> you're<00:19:57.280> breaking<00:19:57.600> away<00:19:57.840> from<00:19:58.000> your
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and you're breaking away from your
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and you're breaking away from your
junior<00:19:58.480> ones
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junior ones
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junior ones
after<00:19:59.760> my<00:19:59.919> first<00:20:00.240> child<00:20:00.640> my<00:20:00.799> first
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after my first child my first
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after my first child my first
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pressure<00:20:03.280> should<00:20:03.440> be<00:20:03.600> married
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pressure should be married
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pressure should be married
do<00:20:04.880> you<00:20:04.960> want<00:20:05.200> to<00:20:05.280> get<00:20:05.440> married<00:20:05.679> when<00:20:05.840> you're
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do you want to get married when you're
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do you want to get married when you're
40<00:20:06.400> years<00:20:06.799> old
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see<00:20:11.520> sophie
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see sophie
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see sophie
what<00:20:13.039> your<00:20:13.200> father<00:20:13.520> is<00:20:13.600> trying<00:20:13.840> to<00:20:14.000> say<00:20:14.240> is
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what your father is trying to say is
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what your father is trying to say is
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you<00:20:15.600> are<00:20:15.679> not<00:20:15.840> getting<00:20:16.159> any<00:20:16.400> younger
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you are not getting any younger
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you are not getting any younger
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i<00:20:19.840> will<00:20:20.000> not<00:20:20.240> see<00:20:20.480> you<00:20:20.720> close<00:20:20.960> to<00:20:21.200> any<00:20:21.520> man<00:20:21.919> in<00:20:22.080> a
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i will not see you close to any man in a
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i will not see you close to any man in a
very<00:20:22.400> long<00:20:22.720> time
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very long time
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very long time
and<00:20:24.640> i<00:20:24.720> want<00:20:24.880> to<00:20:25.039> ask<00:20:25.360> you
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and i want to ask you
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and i want to ask you
are<00:20:27.200> you<00:20:27.360> even
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are you even
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are you even
planning<00:20:28.559> to<00:20:28.720> get<00:20:28.880> married<00:20:29.280> at<00:20:29.520> all
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planning to get married at all
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planning to get married at all
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i'm<00:20:34.080> surprised<00:20:34.960> you<00:20:35.200> both<00:20:35.520> are<00:20:35.679> saying<00:20:36.080> this
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i'm surprised you both are saying this
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i'm surprised you both are saying this
yes<00:20:37.840> do<00:20:38.000> you<00:20:38.159> want<00:20:38.320> to<00:20:38.400> get<00:20:38.559> mine<00:20:38.799> at<00:20:38.880> the<00:20:38.960> age
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yes do you want to get mine at the age
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yes do you want to get mine at the age
of<00:20:39.280> 14<00:20:39.600> years<00:20:39.840> in<00:20:39.919> my<00:20:40.080> house
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of 14 years in my house
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of 14 years in my house
daddy<00:20:42.400> do<00:20:42.559> you<00:20:42.720> expect<00:20:43.039> me<00:20:43.200> to<00:20:43.280> be<00:20:43.440> running
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daddy do you expect me to be running
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daddy do you expect me to be running
around<00:20:44.159> with<00:20:44.400> men<00:20:44.960> messing<00:20:45.360> around<00:20:45.679> with<00:20:45.840> them
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around with men messing around with them
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around with men messing around with them
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i<00:20:48.240> have<00:20:48.400> not<00:20:48.559> brought<00:20:48.880> any<00:20:49.120> man<00:20:49.440> home<00:20:49.919> because
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i have not brought any man home because
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i have not brought any man home because
god<00:20:50.640> is<00:20:50.880> yet<00:20:51.120> to
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god is yet to
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god is yet to
provide<00:20:52.400> me<00:20:52.559> with<00:20:52.799> my<00:20:53.200> own<00:20:53.520> man<00:20:54.159> my<00:20:54.480> rightful
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provide me with my own man my rightful
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provide me with my own man my rightful
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and<00:20:56.720> until<00:20:57.120> then<00:20:57.520> please<00:20:58.080> i<00:20:58.159> don't<00:20:58.320> have<00:20:58.480> any
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and until then please i don't have any
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and until then please i don't have any
business<00:20:59.039> with<00:20:59.360> men
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business with men
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business with men
okay<00:21:00.799> you<00:21:01.039> have<00:21:01.280> no<00:21:01.440> business<00:21:01.840> with<00:21:02.000> men<00:21:02.320> not
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okay you have no business with men not
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okay you have no business with men not
in<00:21:02.640> my<00:21:02.799> house
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you<00:21:05.360> must<00:21:05.600> get<00:21:05.760> married
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i<00:21:15.039> have<00:21:15.200> no<00:21:15.440> problem<00:21:15.760> with<00:21:15.919> the<00:21:16.240> kind<00:21:16.480> of<00:21:16.720> life
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i have no problem with the kind of life
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i have no problem with the kind of life
you<00:21:17.120> choose<00:21:17.360> to<00:21:17.520> live
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but<00:21:20.559> in<00:21:20.720> this<00:21:20.880> case
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but in this case
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but in this case
i<00:21:22.240> am<00:21:22.320> 100
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i am 100
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i am 100
in<00:21:23.520> support<00:21:23.840> with<00:21:24.000> what<00:21:24.240> your<00:21:24.400> father<00:21:24.720> said
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in support with what your father said
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in support with what your father said
see<00:21:27.360> if<00:21:27.600> i<00:21:27.679> hadn't<00:21:27.840> gotten<00:21:28.159> married<00:21:28.400> to<00:21:28.559> your
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see if i hadn't gotten married to your
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see if i hadn't gotten married to your
father<00:21:29.280> at<00:21:29.440> an<00:21:29.600> early<00:21:29.919> age
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father at an early age
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father at an early age
i<00:21:31.120> wouldn't<00:21:31.520> have<00:21:31.840> gotten<00:21:32.320> a<00:21:32.400> child<00:21:32.640> of<00:21:32.799> your
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i wouldn't have gotten a child of your
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i wouldn't have gotten a child of your
age<00:21:33.440> as<00:21:33.600> my<00:21:33.840> first<00:21:34.080> child
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age as my first child
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age as my first child
and<00:21:35.520> still<00:21:35.760> be<00:21:35.919> this<00:21:36.240> young
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and still be this young
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and still be this young
my<00:21:38.240> dear
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my dear
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my dear
go<00:21:39.440> and<00:21:39.679> get<00:21:40.000> married
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go and get married
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go and get married
it's<00:21:41.520> very<00:21:41.840> simple<00:21:42.640> oh<00:21:42.960> mommy<00:21:43.840> that's<00:21:44.080> a<00:21:44.240> love
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it's very simple oh mommy that's a love
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it's very simple oh mommy that's a love
god<00:21:44.799> provide
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god provide
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god provide
god's<00:21:46.640> time<00:21:46.880> is<00:21:47.039> the<00:21:47.200> best<00:21:47.600> now
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god's time is the best now
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god's time is the best now
if<00:21:48.799> you<00:21:48.799> say
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if you say
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if you say
i<00:21:50.000> break<00:21:50.240> your<00:21:50.400> mind<00:21:50.880> this<00:21:51.120> is<00:21:51.280> the<00:21:51.360> ghost<00:21:51.679> time
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i break your mind this is the ghost time
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i break your mind this is the ghost time
two<00:21:52.400> weeks<00:21:52.640> from<00:21:52.880> now
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two weeks from now
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two weeks from now
you<00:21:54.000> must<00:21:54.240> bring<00:21:54.400> your<00:21:54.559> mom<00:21:54.799> here<00:21:55.280> whether<00:21:55.679> it
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you must bring your mom here whether it
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you must bring your mom here whether it
is<00:21:56.000> a<00:21:56.080> creepy<00:21:56.400> woman
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is a creepy woman
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is a creepy woman
whether<00:21:57.600> it's<00:21:57.679> wakanda<00:21:58.159> man<00:21:58.880> whether<00:21:59.280> it's
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whether it's wakanda man whether it's
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whether it's wakanda man whether it's
kkk<00:21:59.679> man<00:22:00.159> somebody<00:22:00.480> must<00:22:00.720> matter<00:22:01.039> you<00:22:01.360> if<00:22:01.679> not
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kkk man somebody must matter you if not
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kkk man somebody must matter you if not
i<00:22:02.480> want<00:22:02.640> me
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well<00:22:05.840> mother<00:22:06.159> mary<00:22:06.960> i<00:22:07.280> beg<00:22:07.440> you<00:22:07.520> in<00:22:07.679> the<00:22:07.760> name
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well mother mary i beg you in the name
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well mother mary i beg you in the name
of<00:22:08.480> that<00:22:08.720> same<00:22:09.039> god<00:22:09.440> you<00:22:09.600> worship<00:22:10.000> an<00:22:10.159> adult
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of that same god you worship an adult
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of that same god you worship an adult
please<00:22:11.679> don't<00:22:12.000> do<00:22:12.159> yourself<00:22:12.480> out<00:22:12.640> of<00:22:12.799> this
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please don't do yourself out of this
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please don't do yourself out of this
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so<00:22:14.080> i<00:22:14.240> can<00:22:14.480> shine<00:22:14.720> in<00:22:14.880> peace<00:22:15.200> be<00:22:15.360> cool
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so i can shine in peace be cool
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so i can shine in peace be cool
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that's<00:22:18.080> too<00:22:18.240> harsh
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i<00:22:21.760> know<00:22:21.919> god<00:22:22.159> will<00:22:22.320> provide<00:22:22.880> until<00:22:23.280> then<00:22:23.520> let's
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i know god will provide until then let's
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i know god will provide until then let's
allow<00:22:24.000> god<00:22:24.240> provide
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allow god provide
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allow god provide
time<00:22:26.000> is<00:22:26.159> the<00:22:26.320> best<00:22:26.559> though<00:22:27.200> i<00:22:27.280> don't<00:22:27.440> know<00:22:27.520> why
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time is the best though i don't know why
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time is the best though i don't know why
people<00:22:27.840> are<00:22:28.000> talking<00:22:28.320> like<00:22:28.559> this<00:22:29.360> shut<00:22:29.600> up
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people are talking like this shut up
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people are talking like this shut up
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don't<00:22:30.799> let<00:22:30.960> me<00:22:31.120> break<00:22:31.280> your<00:22:31.440> mouth<00:22:31.679> with<00:22:31.840> my
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don't let me break your mouth with my
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don't let me break your mouth with my
snipers<00:22:32.960> ghost<00:22:33.280> time<00:22:33.919> because
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i<00:22:37.919> love<00:22:38.320> you<00:22:38.960> first<00:22:39.280> time<00:22:39.840> i<00:22:40.000> will<00:22:40.080> not<00:22:40.240> marry
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i love you first time i will not marry
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i love you first time i will not marry
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you<00:22:43.600> will<00:22:43.760> wait<00:22:44.080> out<00:22:44.400> now<00:22:45.039> do<00:22:45.360> it<00:22:45.760> you<00:22:45.919> walk<00:22:46.080> it
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you will wait out now do it you walk it
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you will wait out now do it you walk it
out<00:22:46.400> for<00:22:46.480> a<00:22:46.559> man<00:22:46.799> to<00:22:46.960> see<00:22:47.120> you<00:22:47.280> and<00:22:47.440> marry<00:22:47.760> you
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out for a man to see you and marry you
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out for a man to see you and marry you
do<00:22:48.320> it<00:22:48.720> and<00:22:48.799> give<00:22:48.960> me<00:22:49.120> grandchildren
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do it and give me grandchildren
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do it and give me grandchildren
the<00:22:50.480> other<00:22:50.640> side<00:22:50.880> of<00:22:51.039> me
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the other side of me
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the other side of me
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there<00:23:11.520> is<00:23:11.840> no<00:23:12.159> place<00:23:12.880> for<00:23:13.520> acumen
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there is no place for acumen
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there is no place for acumen
you<00:23:16.320> are<00:23:16.559> god<00:23:17.280> all<00:23:17.679> by<00:23:18.159> yourself
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um<00:23:21.520> sisters<00:23:22.000> at<00:23:22.080> this<00:23:22.320> point<00:23:22.640> yeah<00:23:22.880> i<00:23:22.960> think<00:23:23.120> we
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um sisters at this point yeah i think we
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um sisters at this point yeah i think we
should<00:23:23.520> split<00:23:23.840> ourselves
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should split ourselves
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should split ourselves
you<00:23:25.360> know<00:23:25.600> in<00:23:25.760> sharing<00:23:26.080> the<00:23:26.240> gospel<00:23:27.200> um<00:23:27.440> sister
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you know in sharing the gospel um sister
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you know in sharing the gospel um sister
samia<00:23:28.159> you<00:23:28.240> will<00:23:28.400> have<00:23:28.559> to<00:23:28.640> go<00:23:28.799> with<00:23:28.960> sister
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samia you will have to go with sister
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samia you will have to go with sister
sofia<00:23:29.760> to<00:23:30.000> allah<00:23:30.240> street
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sofia to allah street
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sofia to allah street
while<00:23:31.760> i<00:23:32.320> evangelist<00:23:32.960> peter<00:23:33.600> sorry<00:23:33.840> to<00:23:34.080> object
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while i evangelist peter sorry to object
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while i evangelist peter sorry to object
you<00:23:34.640> okay
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you okay
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you okay
please<00:23:35.760> i<00:23:35.840> don't<00:23:36.000> want<00:23:36.159> to<00:23:36.320> have<00:23:36.559> anything<00:23:36.880> to
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please i don't want to have anything to
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please i don't want to have anything to
do<00:23:37.120> with<00:23:37.360> pretenders<00:23:38.400> huh<00:23:38.960> please<00:23:39.760> pay<00:23:39.919> me
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do with pretenders huh please pay me
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do with pretenders huh please pay me
with<00:23:40.240> someone<00:23:40.480> else<00:23:41.200> especially
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with someone else especially
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with someone else especially
what<00:23:42.880> did<00:23:42.960> you<00:23:43.039> just<00:23:43.279> call<00:23:43.440> me<00:23:43.600> now
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what did you just call me now
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what did you just call me now
a<00:23:45.120> pretender
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a pretender
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a pretender
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listen<00:23:49.919> how<00:23:50.559> dare<00:23:50.799> you<00:23:51.360> refer<00:23:51.760> to<00:23:51.919> another
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listen how dare you refer to another
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listen how dare you refer to another
sister<00:23:52.559> as<00:23:53.120> a<00:23:53.200> pretender<00:23:54.000> oh<00:23:54.320> god<00:23:55.039> what<00:23:55.279> is
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sister as a pretender oh god what is
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sister as a pretender oh god what is
happening<00:23:55.840> to<00:23:56.000> you
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happening to you
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happening to you
as<00:23:57.200> a<00:23:57.279> christian<00:23:57.760> you<00:23:57.840> should<00:23:58.000> watch<00:23:58.240> your
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as a christian you should watch your
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as a christian you should watch your
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anyway<00:24:00.799> and<00:24:01.039> it's<00:24:01.279> amazing<00:24:02.000> that<00:24:02.240> place<00:24:02.480> you
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anyway and it's amazing that place you
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anyway and it's amazing that place you
should<00:24:02.799> go<00:24:02.960> with<00:24:03.279> uh<00:24:03.440> sister<00:24:04.159> sofia<00:24:05.120> to
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should go with uh sister sofia to
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should go with uh sister sofia to
illustrate<00:24:05.919> why<00:24:06.080> like<00:24:06.720> hey<00:24:07.440> sir<00:24:07.919> sir<00:24:08.159> please
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illustrate why like hey sir sir please
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illustrate why like hey sir sir please
please<00:24:09.440> i<00:24:09.679> i<00:24:09.840> don't<00:24:10.080> mean<00:24:10.320> to<00:24:10.799> disrespect<00:24:11.520> you
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please i i don't mean to disrespect you
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please i i don't mean to disrespect you
but<00:24:12.880> i<00:24:13.039> can't<00:24:13.360> go<00:24:13.520> to<00:24:13.760> evangelism<00:24:14.880> with<00:24:15.200> sister
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but i can't go to evangelism with sister
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but i can't go to evangelism with sister
sophia<00:24:16.000> looking<00:24:16.320> this<00:24:16.480> way<00:24:17.039> look<00:24:17.279> at<00:24:17.360> look<00:24:17.600> at
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sophia looking this way look at look at
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sophia looking this way look at look at
her<00:24:17.919> now
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her now
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her now
the<00:24:19.120> the<00:24:19.360> discus<00:24:19.760> she's<00:24:20.080> wearing<00:24:20.400> is
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the the discus she's wearing is
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the the discus she's wearing is
obviously<00:24:21.200> short<00:24:21.840> i<00:24:22.080> i<00:24:22.480> i<00:24:22.640> don't<00:24:22.880> want<00:24:23.039> people
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obviously short i i i don't want people
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obviously short i i i don't want people
to<00:24:23.760> think<00:24:24.320> they<00:24:24.960> think
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to think they think
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to think they think
you<00:24:25.919> know
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you know
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you know
we<00:24:27.279> are<00:24:27.679> from<00:24:27.919> the<00:24:28.080> other<00:24:28.320> side<00:24:28.559> of<00:24:28.640> the<00:24:28.799> world
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we are from the other side of the world
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we are from the other side of the world
when<00:24:29.520> we<00:24:29.679> are<00:24:29.760> supposed<00:24:30.080> to<00:24:30.240> be<00:24:30.400> an<00:24:30.559> example<00:24:31.039> to
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when we are supposed to be an example to
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when we are supposed to be an example to
people<00:24:31.520> out<00:24:31.679> there<00:24:32.320> i<00:24:32.480> can't<00:24:32.799> though<00:24:33.440> please
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people out there i can't though please
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people out there i can't though please
that's<00:24:34.080> okay<00:24:34.480> please<00:24:34.880> but
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that's okay please but
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that's okay please but
this<00:24:36.400> is<00:24:36.799> not<00:24:37.120> the<00:24:37.279> same<00:24:37.520> skill<00:24:37.760> that<00:24:38.320> all<00:24:38.559> of
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this is not the same skill that all of
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this is not the same skill that all of
us<00:24:38.880> are<00:24:39.039> wearing<00:24:39.440> the<00:24:39.600> same<00:24:39.840> sketch<00:24:40.159> how<00:24:40.400> is<00:24:40.559> it
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us are wearing the same sketch how is it
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us are wearing the same sketch how is it
the<00:24:40.720> same<00:24:40.960> sketch
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the same sketch
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the same sketch
see<00:24:43.360> your<00:24:43.600> house<00:24:43.919> is<00:24:44.080> showing<00:24:44.320> you<00:24:44.480> now<00:24:44.799> and
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see your house is showing you now and
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see your house is showing you now and
you<00:24:45.200> are<00:24:45.279> fair<00:24:45.600> that<00:24:45.760> is<00:24:46.000> enough<00:24:46.799> i'm<00:24:47.120> sister
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you are fair that is enough i'm sister
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you are fair that is enough i'm sister
sophia<00:24:47.840> i<00:24:48.000> think<00:24:48.159> i<00:24:48.320> agree<00:24:48.559> with<00:24:48.720> them<00:24:48.880> on<00:24:49.039> this
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sophia i think i agree with them on this
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sophia i think i agree with them on this
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00:24:50.000 --> 00:24:51.830 align:start position:0%
i<00:24:50.159> mean<00:24:50.320> look<00:24:50.480> at<00:24:50.559> your<00:24:50.799> legs<00:24:51.440> they<00:24:51.600> are<00:24:51.679> all
00:24:51.830 --> 00:24:51.840 align:start position:0%
i mean look at your legs they are all
00:24:51.840 --> 00:24:53.350 align:start position:0%
i mean look at your legs they are all
00:24:53.350 --> 00:24:53.360 align:start position:0%
00:24:53.360 --> 00:24:55.750 align:start position:0%
your<00:24:53.600> mood<00:24:53.840> of<00:24:54.000> dressing<00:24:54.400> should<00:24:54.559> depict<00:24:55.279> your
00:24:55.750 --> 00:24:55.760 align:start position:0%
your mood of dressing should depict your
00:24:55.760 --> 00:24:57.830 align:start position:0%
your mood of dressing should depict your
your<00:24:56.000> christian<00:24:56.400> life
00:24:57.830 --> 00:24:57.840 align:start position:0%
your christian life
00:24:57.840 --> 00:24:59.430 align:start position:0%
your christian life
huh<00:24:58.320> yes
00:24:59.430 --> 00:24:59.440 align:start position:0%
huh yes
00:24:59.440 --> 00:25:01.350 align:start position:0%
huh yes
he<00:24:59.600> should<00:24:59.840> dress<00:25:00.240> like<00:25:00.480> a<00:25:00.640> ribbon<00:25:01.120> again
00:25:01.350 --> 00:25:01.360 align:start position:0%
he should dress like a ribbon again
00:25:01.360 --> 00:25:02.710 align:start position:0%
he should dress like a ribbon again
00:25:02.710 --> 00:25:02.720 align:start position:0%
00:25:02.720 --> 00:25:05.909 align:start position:0%
is<00:25:02.880> all<00:25:03.039> day<00:25:03.360> enough
00:25:05.909 --> 00:25:05.919 align:start position:0%
00:25:05.919 --> 00:25:07.269 align:start position:0%
well<00:25:06.480> i
00:25:07.269 --> 00:25:07.279 align:start position:0%
well i
00:25:07.279 --> 00:25:09.269 align:start position:0%
well i
this<00:25:07.520> is<00:25:07.679> asking<00:25:07.919> me<00:25:08.559> you<00:25:08.880> and<00:25:08.960> sister
00:25:09.269 --> 00:25:09.279 align:start position:0%
this is asking me you and sister
00:25:09.279 --> 00:25:11.190 align:start position:0%
this is asking me you and sister
engineer<00:25:10.000> with<00:25:10.240> just<00:25:10.480> a<00:25:10.559> message<00:25:10.960> you<00:25:11.039> come
00:25:11.190 --> 00:25:11.200 align:start position:0%
engineer with just a message you come
00:25:11.200 --> 00:25:12.310 align:start position:0%
engineer with just a message you come
with<00:25:11.360> me
00:25:12.310 --> 00:25:12.320 align:start position:0%
with me
00:25:12.320 --> 00:25:14.630 align:start position:0%
with me
um<00:25:13.039> sister<00:25:13.360> sofia<00:25:13.760> please
00:25:14.630 --> 00:25:14.640 align:start position:0%
um sister sofia please
00:25:14.640 --> 00:25:17.350 align:start position:0%
um sister sofia please
you<00:25:14.799> should<00:25:15.520> look<00:25:15.679> for<00:25:15.919> a<00:25:16.000> place<00:25:16.320> to<00:25:16.559> go<00:25:17.200> you
00:25:17.350 --> 00:25:17.360 align:start position:0%
you should look for a place to go you
00:25:17.360 --> 00:25:20.870 align:start position:0%
you should look for a place to go you
know<00:25:18.000> see<00:25:18.320> what<00:25:18.480> you<00:25:18.640> can<00:25:18.799> cover<00:25:19.600> um
00:25:20.870 --> 00:25:20.880 align:start position:0%
know see what you can cover um
00:25:20.880 --> 00:25:23.590 align:start position:0%
know see what you can cover um
may<00:25:21.039> the<00:25:21.279> goodness<00:25:21.679> of<00:25:21.760> god<00:25:21.919> go<00:25:22.080> with<00:25:22.240> you<00:25:22.559> amen
00:25:23.590 --> 00:25:23.600 align:start position:0%
may the goodness of god go with you amen
00:25:23.600 --> 00:25:25.830 align:start position:0%
may the goodness of god go with you amen
let's<00:25:23.840> go<00:25:24.000> amen
00:25:25.830 --> 00:25:25.840 align:start position:0%
let's go amen
00:25:25.840 --> 00:25:28.070 align:start position:0%
let's go amen
i<00:25:25.919> hope<00:25:26.159> when<00:25:26.640> you're<00:25:26.799> talking
00:25:28.070 --> 00:25:28.080 align:start position:0%
i hope when you're talking
00:25:28.080 --> 00:25:29.590 align:start position:0%
i hope when you're talking
if<00:25:28.159> you<00:25:28.320> tell<00:25:28.559> them<00:25:28.720> to<00:25:28.880> dress<00:25:29.200> the<00:25:29.279> way<00:25:29.520> you
00:25:29.590 --> 00:25:29.600 align:start position:0%
if you tell them to dress the way you
00:25:29.600 --> 00:25:31.350 align:start position:0%
if you tell them to dress the way you
want<00:25:29.840> to<00:25:29.919> be<00:25:30.080> addressed<00:25:30.480> they<00:25:30.640> will<00:25:30.799> not<00:25:30.960> hear
00:25:31.350 --> 00:25:31.360 align:start position:0%
want to be addressed they will not hear
00:25:31.360 --> 00:25:32.310 align:start position:0%
want to be addressed they will not hear
00:25:32.310 --> 00:25:32.320 align:start position:0%
00:25:32.320 --> 00:25:34.020 align:start position:0%
00:25:34.020 --> 00:25:34.030 align:start position:0%
00:25:34.030 --> 00:25:36.310 align:start position:0%
00:25:36.310 --> 00:25:36.320 align:start position:0%
00:25:36.320 --> 00:25:39.669 align:start position:0%
i<00:25:36.559> set<00:25:37.120> my<00:25:37.440> heart<00:25:38.159> on<00:25:38.480> fire
00:25:39.669 --> 00:25:39.679 align:start position:0%
i set my heart on fire
00:25:39.679 --> 00:25:40.710 align:start position:0%
i set my heart on fire
00:25:40.710 --> 00:25:40.720 align:start position:0%
00:25:40.720 --> 00:25:42.360 align:start position:0%
00:25:42.360 --> 00:25:42.370 align:start position:0%
00:25:42.370 --> 00:25:53.430 align:start position:0%
00:25:53.430 --> 00:25:53.440 align:start position:0%
00:25:53.440 --> 00:25:56.120 align:start position:0%
there's<00:25:53.919> my<00:25:54.240> life
00:25:56.120 --> 00:25:56.130 align:start position:0%
there's my life
00:25:56.130 --> 00:26:11.350 align:start position:0%
there's my life
00:26:11.350 --> 00:26:11.360 align:start position:0%
00:26:11.360 --> 00:26:14.310 align:start position:0%
thank<00:26:11.600> you<00:26:11.919> jesus<00:26:12.960> thank<00:26:13.200> you<00:26:13.440> mighty<00:26:13.840> king<00:26:14.159> of
00:26:14.310 --> 00:26:14.320 align:start position:0%
thank you jesus thank you mighty king of
00:26:14.320 --> 00:26:15.350 align:start position:0%
thank you jesus thank you mighty king of
00:26:15.350 --> 00:26:15.360 align:start position:0%
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thank<00:26:15.600> you<00:26:16.000> ashamed<00:26:16.640> of<00:26:16.799> days<00:26:17.679> because<00:26:18.000> there
00:26:18.230 --> 00:26:18.240 align:start position:0%
thank you ashamed of days because there
00:26:18.240 --> 00:26:21.600 align:start position:0%
thank you ashamed of days because there
is<00:26:18.400> no<00:26:18.640> one<00:26:18.880> like<00:26:19.120> you<00:26:19.200> being<00:26:19.360> awake
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