Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
Kind: captions
Language: en
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all<00:00:10.080> throughout<00:00:10.480> the<00:00:10.719> service<00:00:11.200> in<00:00:11.280> the<00:00:11.519> church
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all throughout the service in the church
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all throughout the service in the church
i<00:00:12.799> notice<00:00:13.280> you've<00:00:13.599> not<00:00:13.759> been<00:00:14.000> yourself
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i notice you've not been yourself
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i notice you've not been yourself
what<00:00:15.920> is<00:00:16.160> it<00:00:16.320> that<00:00:16.560> is<00:00:16.720> troubling<00:00:17.199> you
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what is it that is troubling you
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what is it that is troubling you
talk<00:00:19.199> to<00:00:19.439> me
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talk to me
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talk to me
what<00:00:21.600> is<00:00:21.760> happening<00:00:22.240> with<00:00:22.480> you
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what is happening with you
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what is happening with you
talk<00:00:23.760> to<00:00:23.920> me<00:00:24.080> you<00:00:24.240> can't<00:00:24.560> confide<00:00:25.119> in<00:00:25.359> me
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talk to me you can't confide in me
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talk to me you can't confide in me
what<00:00:26.880> is<00:00:27.119> it
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what is it
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what is it
why<00:00:28.160> are<00:00:28.320> you<00:00:28.400> looking<00:00:28.800> for<00:00:28.960> me
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why are you looking for me
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why are you looking for me
are<00:00:31.359> you<00:00:31.519> looking<00:00:31.760> for<00:00:31.920> me<00:00:32.160> so<00:00:32.320> that<00:00:32.960> you<00:00:33.200> girls
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are you looking for me so that you girls
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are you looking for me so that you girls
can<00:00:33.840> continue<00:00:34.320> from<00:00:34.559> where<00:00:34.719> you<00:00:34.880> stopped
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can continue from where you stopped
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can continue from where you stopped
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you<00:00:37.200> guys<00:00:37.440> can<00:00:37.600> continue<00:00:38.000> from<00:00:38.160> where<00:00:38.320> you
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you guys can continue from where you
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you guys can continue from where you
stop<00:00:38.640> by<00:00:38.879> telling<00:00:39.120> me<00:00:39.680> how<00:00:40.000> imperfect<00:00:40.719> i<00:00:40.879> am
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stop by telling me how imperfect i am
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stop by telling me how imperfect i am
and<00:00:41.200> how<00:00:41.680> perfect<00:00:42.239> you<00:00:42.559> all
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and how perfect you all
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and how perfect you all
oh<00:00:43.920> sister<00:00:44.399> why<00:00:44.559> you're<00:00:44.719> looking<00:00:45.039> for<00:00:45.200> me
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oh sister why you're looking for me
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oh sister why you're looking for me
sophia<00:00:47.280> i'm<00:00:47.520> so<00:00:47.760> so<00:00:48.000> sorry
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sophia i'm so so sorry
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sophia i'm so so sorry
i<00:00:49.760> know<00:00:49.920> i've<00:00:50.000> not<00:00:50.239> been<00:00:50.399> a<00:00:50.559> good<00:00:50.800> friend<00:00:51.120> to
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i know i've not been a good friend to
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i know i've not been a good friend to
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i<00:00:52.800> know<00:00:53.120> when<00:00:53.280> you<00:00:53.440> needed<00:00:54.000> me<00:00:54.320> the<00:00:54.559> most<00:00:54.960> i
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i know when you needed me the most i
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i know when you needed me the most i
backed<00:00:55.680> down<00:00:56.000> on<00:00:56.160> you
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backed down on you
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backed down on you
see<00:00:58.079> i<00:00:58.239> was<00:00:58.480> influenced<00:00:59.280> by<00:00:59.520> simiano<00:01:00.079> nina
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see i was influenced by simiano nina
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see i was influenced by simiano nina
i<00:01:01.600> know<00:01:01.840> i<00:01:01.920> shouldn't<00:01:02.320> have<00:01:02.480> been<00:01:02.719> influenced
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i know i shouldn't have been influenced
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i know i shouldn't have been influenced
by<00:01:03.760> them<00:01:04.239> i<00:01:04.479> know<00:01:04.720> i<00:01:04.960> shouldn't<00:01:05.439> be<00:01:05.680> making
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by them i know i shouldn't be making
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by them i know i shouldn't be making
excuses<00:01:07.040> for<00:01:07.200> my<00:01:07.760> errors<00:01:08.320> and<00:01:08.479> my<00:01:08.640> behaviors
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excuses for my errors and my behaviors
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excuses for my errors and my behaviors
but<00:01:10.880> i<00:01:11.119> am<00:01:11.360> sincerely<00:01:12.000> sorry<00:01:12.720> messi
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but i am sincerely sorry messi
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but i am sincerely sorry messi
i<00:01:15.200> know<00:01:15.520> your<00:01:15.840> regular<00:01:16.320> activities
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i know your regular activities
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i know your regular activities
i<00:01:18.400> know<00:01:18.640> them
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i know them
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i know them
but<00:01:20.159> i<00:01:20.240> have<00:01:20.560> never<00:01:21.200> for<00:01:21.520> one<00:01:21.840> day
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but i have never for one day
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but i have never for one day
judged<00:01:23.600> you<00:01:23.920> or<00:01:24.080> condemned<00:01:24.720> you<00:01:26.159> the<00:01:26.320> only
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judged you or condemned you the only
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judged you or condemned you the only
thing<00:01:26.880> i<00:01:27.040> do<00:01:27.280> is<00:01:27.360> to<00:01:27.600> call<00:01:27.840> you<00:01:28.159> out
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thing i do is to call you out
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thing i do is to call you out
speak<00:01:29.520> to<00:01:29.759> you
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speak to you
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speak to you
and<00:01:30.640> tell<00:01:30.799> you<00:01:30.960> to<00:01:31.119> do<00:01:31.360> right<00:01:31.680> by<00:01:32.000> god
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and tell you to do right by god
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and tell you to do right by god
but<00:01:34.000> you<00:01:34.240> girls<00:01:34.799> every<00:01:35.200> day<00:01:35.680> peek<00:01:36.000> on<00:01:36.240> me
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but you girls every day peek on me
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but you girls every day peek on me
like<00:01:37.840> like<00:01:38.079> some
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like like some
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like like some
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i<00:01:41.280> am<00:01:41.520> sorry<00:01:41.840> i<00:01:42.079> see
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i am sorry i see
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i am sorry i see
i've<00:01:43.280> secretly<00:01:43.920> asked<00:01:44.240> god<00:01:44.479> for<00:01:44.720> forgiveness
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i've secretly asked god for forgiveness
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i've secretly asked god for forgiveness
and<00:01:46.479> i'm<00:01:46.720> asking<00:01:47.119> you<00:01:47.360> for<00:01:47.520> forgiveness<00:01:48.399> right
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and i'm asking you for forgiveness right
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and i'm asking you for forgiveness right
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see<00:01:50.320> i<00:01:50.479> want<00:01:50.640> to<00:01:50.880> make<00:01:51.280> peace<00:01:51.600> with<00:01:51.840> myself<00:01:52.960> i
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see i want to make peace with myself i
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see i want to make peace with myself i
want<00:01:53.360> to<00:01:53.520> live<00:01:53.840> a<00:01:53.920> normal<00:01:54.399> life<00:01:54.799> again
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want to live a normal life again
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want to live a normal life again
i<00:01:56.079> want<00:01:56.320> to<00:01:56.399> start<00:01:56.719> afresh<00:01:57.360> with<00:01:57.600> you<00:01:57.920> i<00:01:58.159> want
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i want to start afresh with you i want
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i want to start afresh with you i want
to<00:01:58.880> turn<00:01:59.200> it<00:01:59.360> new<00:01:59.680> leave
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to turn it new leave
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to turn it new leave
i<00:02:01.360> want<00:02:01.600> to<00:02:01.759> be<00:02:02.000> a<00:02:02.159> better<00:02:02.640> person<00:02:03.200> for<00:02:03.439> you<00:02:03.759> for
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i want to be a better person for you for
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i want to be a better person for you for
us<00:02:04.640> for<00:02:04.799> this<00:02:05.040> friendship<00:02:05.759> to<00:02:06.000> last<00:02:06.840> please<00:02:07.920> i
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us for this friendship to last please i
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us for this friendship to last please i
need<00:02:08.319> you<00:02:08.479> back<00:02:08.800> in<00:02:08.879> my<00:02:09.119> life
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need you back in my life
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need you back in my life
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i<00:02:12.239> mean
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if<00:02:15.440> god
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if god
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if god
can<00:02:16.879> forgive<00:02:17.280> us<00:02:17.599> each<00:02:17.920> time<00:02:18.080> we<00:02:18.319> sing<00:02:18.640> against
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can forgive us each time we sing against
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can forgive us each time we sing against
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who<00:02:21.120> am<00:02:21.360> i
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who am i
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who am i
i<00:02:24.000> forgive<00:02:24.400> you
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i forgive you
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i forgive you
i'm<00:02:26.480> so<00:02:26.720> sorry<00:02:27.360> i'm<00:02:27.680> so<00:02:27.920> sorry
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thank<00:02:33.920> you<00:02:34.160> jesus<00:02:34.959> thank<00:02:35.200> you<00:02:35.440> lord
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thank you jesus thank you lord
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thank you jesus thank you lord
thank<00:02:36.879> you<00:02:37.120> for<00:02:37.280> forgiving<00:02:37.920> me
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because<00:02:41.519> you're<00:02:41.760> the<00:02:41.920> father<00:02:42.640> forgiveness
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thank<00:02:46.560> you<00:02:46.800> so<00:02:47.040> much<00:02:47.519> sister<00:02:47.920> messi<00:02:48.480> you're
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thank you so much sister messi you're
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thank you so much sister messi you're
welcome<00:02:49.120> for<00:02:49.280> coming
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welcome for coming
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welcome for coming
home<00:02:50.640> what<00:02:50.879> are<00:02:51.040> friends<00:02:51.519> for<00:02:51.840> i<00:02:52.000> know<00:02:52.720> i<00:02:52.959> know
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home what are friends for i know i know
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home what are friends for i know i know
thank<00:02:53.519> you<00:02:53.840> see
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thank you see
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thank you see
i<00:02:54.720> want<00:02:54.959> you<00:02:55.120> to<00:02:55.360> understand<00:02:55.920> and<00:02:56.080> know<00:02:56.239> that
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i want you to understand and know that
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i want you to understand and know that
god<00:02:57.599> is<00:02:57.760> with<00:02:58.000> you<00:02:58.560> yeah<00:02:58.879> you're<00:02:59.040> a<00:02:59.120> strong
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god is with you yeah you're a strong
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god is with you yeah you're a strong
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okay<00:03:01.120> whatever<00:03:01.599> you're<00:03:01.840> going<00:03:02.239> through<00:03:02.959> just
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okay whatever you're going through just
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okay whatever you're going through just
know<00:03:03.360> that<00:03:03.599> god<00:03:03.920> is<00:03:04.080> watching<00:03:04.879> he<00:03:05.040> will<00:03:05.200> not
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know that god is watching he will not
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know that god is watching he will not
leave<00:03:05.680> you<00:03:05.920> he<00:03:06.080> will<00:03:06.159> not<00:03:06.400> abandon<00:03:06.959> you<00:03:07.200> sure
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leave you he will not abandon you sure
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leave you he will not abandon you sure
sure<00:03:08.000> okay<00:03:08.480> thank<00:03:08.720> you<00:03:09.120> thank<00:03:09.360> you<00:03:09.599> all<00:03:09.760> right
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sure okay thank you thank you all right
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sure okay thank you thank you all right
whenever<00:03:10.800> you're<00:03:11.120> down<00:03:11.599> whatever<00:03:12.080> it<00:03:12.239> is<00:03:12.400> that
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whenever you're down whatever it is that
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whenever you're down whatever it is that
is<00:03:12.640> weighing<00:03:12.959> you<00:03:13.200> down
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is weighing you down
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is weighing you down
please<00:03:14.720> don't<00:03:15.200> allow<00:03:15.599> it<00:03:15.760> to<00:03:15.920> weigh<00:03:16.080> you<00:03:16.239> down
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please don't allow it to weigh you down
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please don't allow it to weigh you down
any<00:03:16.800> longer<00:03:17.519> no<00:03:17.519> no<00:03:17.680> no<00:03:18.080> you<00:03:18.239> have<00:03:18.480> a<00:03:18.560> god<00:03:18.800> that
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any longer no no no you have a god that
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any longer no no no you have a god that
never<00:03:19.360> fails<00:03:19.680> my<00:03:19.840> sister<00:03:20.159> messi<00:03:20.560> i<00:03:20.720> remember
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never fails my sister messi i remember
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never fails my sister messi i remember
that<00:03:21.599> i'm<00:03:21.840> fine<00:03:22.239> i'm<00:03:22.480> completely<00:03:23.040> okay<00:03:23.680> okay
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that i'm fine i'm completely okay okay
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that i'm fine i'm completely okay okay
yes<00:03:24.480> i'm<00:03:24.640> good<00:03:24.959> all<00:03:25.040> right<00:03:25.200> i'm<00:03:25.360> good<00:03:25.599> thank
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yes i'm good all right i'm good thank
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yes i'm good all right i'm good thank
you<00:03:25.920> let<00:03:26.080> me<00:03:26.239> run<00:03:26.480> along<00:03:26.959> yes<00:03:27.280> all<00:03:27.360> right<00:03:27.599> god
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you let me run along yes all right god
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you let me run along yes all right god
bless<00:03:28.159> you<00:03:28.400> looking<00:03:28.799> for<00:03:28.959> me<00:03:29.200> yes<00:03:29.599> god<00:03:29.760> bless
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bless you looking for me yes god bless
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bless you looking for me yes god bless
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now<00:03:45.920> i'll<00:03:46.280> never<00:03:47.360> be
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now i'll never be
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now i'll never be
alone<00:03:49.680> because<00:03:50.760> lives<00:03:51.760> in<00:03:52.239> me
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my<00:04:26.400> friends
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my friends
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my friends
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so<00:04:37.120> in<00:04:37.199> that<00:04:37.440> my<00:04:37.680> dream
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so in that my dream
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so in that my dream
amanda<00:04:41.040> was<00:04:41.280> standing<00:04:41.840> beside<00:04:42.320> the<00:04:42.479> ocean
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amanda was standing beside the ocean
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amanda was standing beside the ocean
and<00:04:44.320> then<00:04:44.639> victor
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and then victor
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and then victor
was<00:04:47.040> pretending<00:04:47.680> as<00:04:47.919> if<00:04:48.400> he<00:04:48.560> had<00:04:48.800> something<00:04:49.120> to
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was pretending as if he had something to
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was pretending as if he had something to
show<00:04:49.600> her
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show her
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show her
in<00:04:50.479> the<00:04:50.960> river
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next<00:04:53.680> thing
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next thing
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next thing
victor<00:04:55.600> pushed<00:04:56.000> her<00:04:56.560> into<00:04:56.800> the<00:04:56.960> river
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victor pushed her into the river
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victor pushed her into the river
and<00:04:58.560> then<00:04:58.800> he<00:04:58.960> stood<00:04:59.199> there<00:04:59.440> and<00:04:59.520> was<00:04:59.759> laughing
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and then he stood there and was laughing
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and then he stood there and was laughing
then<00:05:02.240> i<00:05:02.400> woke<00:05:02.639> up<00:05:02.960> it<00:05:03.199> is<00:05:03.520> you<00:05:03.840> your<00:05:04.160> miserable
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then i woke up it is you your miserable
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then i woke up it is you your miserable
future<00:05:04.960> husband<00:05:05.280> will<00:05:05.520> push<00:05:05.680> into<00:05:05.919> a<00:05:06.000> gingivic
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future husband will push into a gingivic
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future husband will push into a gingivic
ocean<00:05:06.800> and<00:05:06.880> not<00:05:07.120> me
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ocean and not me
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ocean and not me
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i<00:05:09.919> saw<00:05:10.160> this<00:05:10.400> dream<00:05:10.720> cleo
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i saw this dream cleo
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i saw this dream cleo
it's<00:05:11.919> a<00:05:12.080> dream<00:05:12.400> and<00:05:12.560> i<00:05:12.720> saw<00:05:13.039> it<00:05:13.199> it<00:05:13.280> was<00:05:13.600> clear
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it's a dream and i saw it it was clear
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it's a dream and i saw it it was clear
you<00:05:15.680> know<00:05:15.840> how<00:05:16.000> my<00:05:16.160> dreams<00:05:16.560> happen
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you know how my dreams happen
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you know how my dreams happen
i<00:05:18.240> don't<00:05:18.320> know<00:05:18.479> why<00:05:18.720> people<00:05:19.039> are<00:05:19.039> not<00:05:19.199> taking
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i don't know why people are not taking
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i don't know why people are not taking
these<00:05:19.680> things<00:05:20.000> seriously<00:05:20.560> because<00:05:20.880> you<00:05:21.120> made
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these things seriously because you made
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these things seriously because you made
it<00:05:21.440> up<00:05:21.600> yourself
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it up yourself
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it up yourself
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just<00:05:25.199> to<00:05:25.360> scare<00:05:25.600> your<00:05:25.759> sister
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just to scare your sister
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just to scare your sister
to<00:05:27.440> cancel<00:05:27.840> her<00:05:27.919> introduction
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to cancel her introduction
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to cancel her introduction
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you<00:05:31.759> can<00:05:31.919> do<00:05:32.080> better<00:05:32.320> than<00:05:32.560> that<00:05:32.880> mama<00:05:33.199> how<00:05:33.280> can
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you can do better than that mama how can
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you can do better than that mama how can
you<00:05:33.600> say<00:05:33.840> a<00:05:34.000> meditation<00:05:34.639> why<00:05:34.800> are<00:05:34.880> you<00:05:35.039> like
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you say a meditation why are you like
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you say a meditation why are you like
this<00:05:35.759> can<00:05:35.919> you<00:05:36.160> say<00:05:36.320> that<00:05:36.479> it<00:05:36.639> was<00:05:36.720> a<00:05:36.880> dream
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this can you say that it was a dream
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this can you say that it was a dream
that<00:05:37.280> i<00:05:37.360> saw<00:05:37.600> it<00:05:37.680> was<00:05:37.919> crystal<00:05:38.320> clear<00:05:38.639> i<00:05:38.880> saw<00:05:39.280> it
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that i saw it was crystal clear i saw it
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that i saw it was crystal clear i saw it
and<00:05:40.160> you<00:05:40.240> people<00:05:40.639> you<00:05:40.800> should<00:05:40.960> take<00:05:41.199> this
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and you people you should take this
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and you people you should take this
serious<00:05:42.080> to<00:05:42.240> be<00:05:42.400> honest<00:05:43.120> mom
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serious to be honest mom
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serious to be honest mom
i<00:05:44.160> think<00:05:44.400> we<00:05:44.560> should<00:05:44.720> listen<00:05:45.039> to<00:05:45.280> her
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i think we should listen to her
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i think we should listen to her
as<00:05:46.400> in<00:05:46.639> this<00:05:46.880> dream<00:05:47.120> seems<00:05:47.440> scary<00:05:47.840> mom
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as in this dream seems scary mom
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as in this dream seems scary mom
it<00:05:49.120> seems<00:05:49.440> scary<00:05:50.000> to<00:05:50.160> you
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it seems scary to you
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it seems scary to you
not<00:05:51.280> to<00:05:51.520> us<00:05:52.320> scary<00:05:52.800> games<00:05:53.199> god<00:05:53.520> please
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not to us scary games god please
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not to us scary games god please
don't<00:05:54.960> let<00:05:55.199> this<00:05:55.440> dream<00:05:55.759> come<00:05:56.080> to<00:05:56.319> pass
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don't let this dream come to pass
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don't let this dream come to pass
evangelism<00:05:59.440> a<00:05:59.600> sweet<00:06:00.600> sweet<00:06:01.680> holy<00:06:02.400> spirit<00:06:03.520> you
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evangelism a sweet sweet holy spirit you
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evangelism a sweet sweet holy spirit you
live<00:06:04.400> inside
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my<00:06:08.000> friend<00:06:08.720> my<00:06:09.039> teacher<00:06:10.160> and<00:06:10.560> my<00:06:10.800> strengths<00:06:11.600> it
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my friend my teacher and my strengths it
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my friend my teacher and my strengths it
was<00:06:12.000> crystal<00:06:12.639> clay<00:06:13.199> i<00:06:13.440> saw<00:06:13.840> it
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was crystal clay i saw it
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was crystal clay i saw it
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we<00:06:39.520> greet<00:06:39.759> you<00:06:39.919> we<00:06:40.160> say<00:06:40.479> thank<00:06:40.720> you<00:06:40.960> jesus
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we greet you we say thank you jesus
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we greet you we say thank you jesus
thank<00:06:41.840> you<00:06:42.080> for<00:06:42.319> everything<00:06:42.960> you<00:06:43.120> have<00:06:43.280> been
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thank you for everything you have been
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thank you for everything you have been
doing<00:06:43.840> in<00:06:44.000> our<00:06:44.160> lives<00:06:44.720> thank<00:06:44.960> you<00:06:45.120> for<00:06:45.280> the
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doing in our lives thank you for the
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doing in our lives thank you for the
lives<00:06:45.680> of<00:06:45.840> this<00:06:46.080> my<00:06:46.240> breading<00:06:46.720> seated<00:06:47.120> here
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lives of this my breading seated here
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lives of this my breading seated here
everybody<00:06:48.319> under<00:06:48.639> the<00:06:48.800> anointing<00:06:49.360> of<00:06:49.440> my
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everybody under the anointing of my
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everybody under the anointing of my
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thank<00:06:50.800> you<00:06:51.120> jesus<00:06:51.840> for<00:06:52.000> our<00:06:52.160> brother<00:06:52.800> brother
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thank you jesus for our brother brother
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thank you jesus for our brother brother
benjamin<00:06:53.759> seated<00:06:54.160> here<00:06:54.720> thank<00:06:54.960> you<00:06:55.120> jesus<00:06:55.520> for
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benjamin seated here thank you jesus for
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benjamin seated here thank you jesus for
all<00:06:55.759> that<00:06:55.919> you're<00:06:56.160> doing<00:06:56.560> in<00:06:56.639> his<00:06:57.039> life<00:06:57.680> thank
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all that you're doing in his life thank
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all that you're doing in his life thank
you<00:06:58.080> for<00:06:58.240> making<00:06:58.560> him<00:06:58.720> forget<00:06:59.120> all<00:06:59.280> his<00:06:59.599> sins
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you for making him forget all his sins
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you for making him forget all his sins
and<00:07:00.479> follow<00:07:00.880> you<00:07:01.199> god<00:07:01.840> and<00:07:02.160> give<00:07:02.400> his<00:07:02.639> life<00:07:02.880> to
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and follow you god and give his life to
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and follow you god and give his life to
christ<00:07:03.759> i<00:07:04.000> thank<00:07:04.160> you<00:07:04.400> for<00:07:04.639> everyone<00:07:05.120> sitting
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christ i thank you for everyone sitting
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christ i thank you for everyone sitting
here<00:07:05.759> under<00:07:06.000> the<00:07:06.160> anointing<00:07:06.720> of<00:07:06.800> my<00:07:07.039> voice
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here under the anointing of my voice
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here under the anointing of my voice
that<00:07:08.000> today<00:07:08.400> they<00:07:08.560> will<00:07:08.720> give<00:07:08.960> their<00:07:09.280> life<00:07:09.599> to
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that today they will give their life to
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that today they will give their life to
you<00:07:10.479> in<00:07:10.880> jesus<00:07:11.680> mighty<00:07:12.080> name<00:07:12.479> i've<00:07:12.639> prayed
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you in jesus mighty name i've prayed
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you in jesus mighty name i've prayed
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oh<00:07:16.479> boy<00:07:17.199> you<00:07:17.360> don't<00:07:17.520> finish<00:07:17.840> that<00:07:18.000> one
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brenda<00:07:22.080> benjamin
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brenda benjamin
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brenda benjamin
say<00:07:23.440> amen
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say amen
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say amen
what<00:07:26.240> say<00:07:26.479> amen<00:07:26.720> so<00:07:26.880> that<00:07:27.039> the<00:07:27.199> prayer<00:07:27.440> with
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what say amen so that the prayer with
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what say amen so that the prayer with
your<00:07:27.759> spirit<00:07:28.160> can<00:07:28.400> walk<00:07:29.039> join<00:07:29.360> your<00:07:29.599> face<00:07:29.840> with
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your spirit can walk join your face with
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your spirit can walk join your face with
mine<00:07:30.479> and<00:07:30.639> say<00:07:30.880> amen
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and<00:07:37.840> so<00:07:38.160> shall<00:07:38.479> it<00:07:38.639> be<00:07:39.280> in<00:07:39.759> jesus<00:07:40.479> mighty<00:07:40.960> name
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and so shall it be in jesus mighty name
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and so shall it be in jesus mighty name
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wow<00:07:46.080> thank<00:07:46.319> you<00:07:46.639> so<00:07:46.879> much<00:07:47.360> for<00:07:47.759> giving<00:07:48.080> me
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wow thank you so much for giving me
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wow thank you so much for giving me
listening<00:07:48.639> ears<00:07:48.960> once<00:07:49.280> again
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listening ears once again
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listening ears once again
and<00:07:50.800> i<00:07:51.039> shall<00:07:51.280> take<00:07:51.440> my<00:07:51.680> leave<00:07:51.919> now
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and i shall take my leave now
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and i shall take my leave now
thank<00:07:52.879> you<00:07:53.120> so<00:07:53.360> much
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thank you so much
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thank you so much
bregen<00:07:54.720> for<00:07:54.879> your<00:07:55.120> time
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bregen for your time
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bregen for your time
thank<00:07:56.479> you<00:07:56.720> i'll<00:07:56.960> see<00:07:57.120> you<00:07:57.360> again<00:07:57.680> oh<00:07:58.160> okay
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thank you i'll see you again oh okay
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thank you i'll see you again oh okay
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benjamin<00:08:01.280> you<00:08:01.440> have<00:08:01.599> to<00:08:02.080> be<00:08:02.319> slow<00:08:03.039> on<00:08:03.280> the
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benjamin you have to be slow on the
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benjamin you have to be slow on the
smoking<00:08:04.240> you<00:08:04.319> have<00:08:04.479> to<00:08:04.639> start<00:08:05.039> smoking
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smoking you have to start smoking
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smoking you have to start smoking
one<00:08:06.960> go<00:08:07.199> in<00:08:07.280> your<00:08:07.360> wine
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which<00:08:24.560> can<00:08:24.800> give<00:08:24.960> me<00:08:25.120> this
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which can give me this
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which can give me this
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find<00:08:28.720> gear<00:08:28.960> whether<00:08:29.280> like<00:08:29.440> this<00:08:29.759> would<00:08:29.919> they
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find gear whether like this would they
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find gear whether like this would they
carry<00:08:30.319> bible<00:08:30.560> condition<00:08:31.440> neighborhood<00:08:32.320> yeah
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carry bible condition neighborhood yeah
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carry bible condition neighborhood yeah
which<00:08:33.039> kind<00:08:33.200> of<00:08:33.279> gave<00:08:33.440> me<00:08:33.599> this<00:08:33.839> now
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hey<00:08:38.800> come
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if<00:08:44.000> you<00:08:44.080> still<00:08:44.399> need
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if you still need
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if you still need
another<00:08:45.760> one
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another one
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another one
my<00:08:46.959> brother
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sister<00:08:57.279> sofia
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sister sofia
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sister sofia
are<00:08:58.640> you<00:08:58.720> sure<00:08:58.959> you<00:08:59.040> don't<00:08:59.200> want<00:08:59.519> anything
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are you sure you don't want anything
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are you sure you don't want anything
this<00:09:00.399> is<00:09:00.480> the<00:09:00.640> first<00:09:00.880> time<00:09:01.040> you're<00:09:01.200> coming<00:09:01.519> to
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this is the first time you're coming to
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this is the first time you're coming to
my<00:09:01.839> house<00:09:02.320> i<00:09:02.560> know<00:09:02.959> brother<00:09:03.279> benjamin<00:09:03.839> but
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my house i know brother benjamin but
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my house i know brother benjamin but
i<00:09:05.040> don't<00:09:05.200> want<00:09:05.440> anything<00:09:06.080> thank<00:09:06.320> you
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i don't want anything thank you
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i don't want anything thank you
okay<00:09:08.080> if<00:09:08.160> you<00:09:08.320> say<00:09:08.480> so
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okay if you say so
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okay if you say so
let<00:09:10.240> us<00:09:10.399> pray
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let us pray
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let us pray
let's<00:09:12.000> bow<00:09:12.240> our<00:09:12.320> heads<00:09:12.640> in<00:09:12.720> prayers
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don't<00:09:19.440> ask<00:09:19.600> me<00:09:19.760> to<00:09:20.160> pray
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don't ask me to pray
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don't ask me to pray
it's<00:09:22.000> okay
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it's okay
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it's okay
in<00:09:23.279> jesus<00:09:23.760> name<00:09:24.160> thank<00:09:24.320> you<00:09:24.480> lord<00:09:24.720> for<00:09:24.880> today
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in jesus name thank you lord for today
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in jesus name thank you lord for today
thank<00:09:27.040> you<00:09:27.200> for<00:09:27.360> bringing<00:09:27.760> me<00:09:27.920> here<00:09:28.080> to<00:09:28.240> share
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thank you for bringing me here to share
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thank you for bringing me here to share
the<00:09:28.640> word<00:09:28.880> of<00:09:29.040> god<00:09:29.360> with<00:09:29.680> brother<00:09:30.080> benjamin
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brother<00:09:42.320> benjamin<00:09:42.880> i<00:09:43.040> want<00:09:43.200> you<00:09:43.360> to<00:09:43.519> know
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brother benjamin i want you to know
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brother benjamin i want you to know
today<00:09:44.240> that
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today that
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today that
god<00:09:45.279> loves<00:09:45.600> you
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god loves you
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god loves you
god<00:09:47.360> loves<00:09:47.680> you
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god loves you
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god loves you
what<00:09:48.640> did<00:09:48.800> you<00:09:48.880> say
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what did you say
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what did you say
i<00:09:49.920> said<00:09:50.240> god<00:09:50.640> loves<00:09:50.959> you
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i said god loves you
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i said god loves you
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i<00:09:54.240> love<00:09:54.480> you<00:09:54.720> too
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i love you too
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i love you too
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you're<00:09:57.279> beginning<00:09:57.600> to<00:09:57.760> think<00:09:58.000> too<00:09:58.160> much<00:09:58.959> i
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you're beginning to think too much i
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you're beginning to think too much i
don't<00:09:59.279> want<00:09:59.440> you<00:09:59.519> to<00:09:59.680> have<00:09:59.760> that<00:10:00.000> attack
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the<00:10:04.399> sister<00:10:04.959> is<00:10:05.200> giving<00:10:05.519> me<00:10:05.760> concern
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the sister is giving me concern
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the sister is giving me concern
to<00:10:07.120> think
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to think
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to think
about<00:10:08.480> her<00:10:08.640> for<00:10:08.800> sure
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about her for sure
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about her for sure
every<00:10:10.160> day<00:10:10.320> she's<00:10:10.640> in<00:10:10.720> the<00:10:10.959> church
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every day she's in the church
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every day she's in the church
does<00:10:12.480> she<00:10:12.720> ever<00:10:12.959> think<00:10:13.200> of<00:10:13.440> getting<00:10:13.920> married
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i<00:10:19.440> didn't<00:10:19.600> see<00:10:19.760> anything<00:10:20.079> wrong<00:10:20.240> with<00:10:20.480> that
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i didn't see anything wrong with that
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i didn't see anything wrong with that
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when<00:10:22.079> the<00:10:22.240> time<00:10:22.560> comes<00:10:22.800> she's<00:10:23.040> going<00:10:23.200> to<00:10:23.279> marry
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when the time comes she's going to marry
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when the time comes she's going to marry
the<00:10:23.600> right<00:10:23.839> man<00:10:24.079> for<00:10:24.320> her
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the right man for her
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the right man for her
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yes<00:10:27.040> don't<00:10:27.279> get<00:10:27.519> that
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yes don't get that
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yes don't get that
get<00:10:29.040> out<00:10:29.200> there<00:10:29.839> get<00:10:30.079> out<00:10:30.640> i<00:10:30.800> love
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you<00:10:53.519> know<00:10:54.000> serving<00:10:54.320> god<00:10:54.560> is<00:10:54.720> not<00:10:54.880> easy<00:10:55.120> but<00:10:55.360> it
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you know serving god is not easy but it
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you know serving god is not easy but it
is<00:10:55.680> easy<00:10:56.399> because<00:10:56.720> we<00:10:56.800> are<00:10:56.959> enjoying<00:10:57.360> it<00:10:57.760> once
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is easy because we are enjoying it once
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is easy because we are enjoying it once
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the<00:11:22.000> very<00:11:22.560> life<00:11:22.880> of<00:11:23.040> god
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the very life of god
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the very life of god
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the<00:11:38.880> very<00:11:39.360> life<00:11:39.680> of<00:11:39.920> god
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the very life of god
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the very life of god
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that's<00:11:47.839> my
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brother<00:12:08.880> benjamin<00:12:10.240> sophia
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brother benjamin sophia
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brother benjamin sophia
how<00:12:11.360> are<00:12:11.440> you<00:12:11.600> today
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how are you today
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how are you today
you<00:12:12.639> made<00:12:12.880> it
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the<00:12:37.120> holy<00:12:37.519> bible
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the holy bible
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the holy bible
wow<00:12:40.720> the<00:12:40.959> old<00:12:41.279> and<00:12:41.440> new<00:12:41.600> testament<00:12:42.320> this<00:12:42.480> will
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wow the old and new testament this will
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wow the old and new testament this will
help<00:12:42.800> you<00:12:42.959> meditate<00:12:43.680> every<00:12:44.000> day
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help you meditate every day
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help you meditate every day
and<00:12:45.120> every<00:12:45.440> night
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and every night
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and every night
and<00:12:47.519> it<00:12:47.600> will<00:12:47.839> also<00:12:48.160> help<00:12:48.560> your<00:12:48.880> spiritual
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and it will also help your spiritual
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and it will also help your spiritual
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thank<00:12:51.440> you<00:12:51.680> so<00:12:52.000> much<00:12:52.560> you're<00:12:52.720> welcome
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thank you so much you're welcome
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thank you so much you're welcome
what<00:12:55.040> do<00:12:55.200> i<00:12:55.360> offer<00:12:55.600> you
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what do i offer you
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what do i offer you
nothing<00:12:57.120> i'm<00:12:57.279> fine<00:12:57.920> no<00:12:58.079> no<00:12:58.240> no<00:12:58.480> no<00:12:58.639> no<00:12:59.200> i<00:12:59.360> would
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nothing i'm fine no no no no no i would
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nothing i'm fine no no no no no i would
not<00:12:59.680> accept<00:13:00.000> that
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not accept that
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not accept that
you<00:13:00.959> know<00:13:01.200> the<00:13:01.279> other<00:13:01.519> time<00:13:01.760> you<00:13:01.839> came<00:13:02.079> to<00:13:02.160> my
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you know the other time you came to my
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you know the other time you came to my
house<00:13:02.560> and<00:13:02.720> you<00:13:02.800> refused<00:13:03.120> to<00:13:03.200> take<00:13:03.600> something
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house and you refused to take something
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house and you refused to take something
you<00:13:04.639> must<00:13:04.880> take<00:13:05.120> something<00:13:05.839> today
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you must take something today
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you must take something today
if<00:13:08.000> you<00:13:08.079> insist
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if you insist
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if you insist
thank<00:13:09.920> you<00:13:10.240> yeah<00:13:10.639> you<00:13:10.800> can<00:13:11.120> give<00:13:11.360> me<00:13:11.760> anything
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thank you yeah you can give me anything
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thank you yeah you can give me anything
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sister<00:13:16.880> sofia<00:13:17.839> something<00:13:18.320> soft<00:13:18.720> something
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sister sofia something soft something
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sister sofia something soft something
soft<00:13:20.240> is<00:13:20.399> it<00:13:20.480> because<00:13:20.720> you're<00:13:21.040> something<00:13:21.360> yeah
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soft is it because you're something yeah
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soft is it because you're something yeah
no<00:13:22.480> i<00:13:22.639> mean
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no i mean
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no i mean
soft<00:13:23.839> drink<00:13:24.399> soft<00:13:24.800> drinks<00:13:25.440> okay
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okay<00:13:29.839> just<00:13:30.079> give<00:13:30.240> me<00:13:30.399> one<00:13:30.639> minute<00:13:31.200> sure<00:13:31.760> please
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okay just give me one minute sure please
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okay just give me one minute sure please
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the<00:13:36.959> word<00:13:37.360> of<00:13:37.519> god<00:13:38.000> has<00:13:38.399> really<00:13:38.959> really
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the word of god has really really
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the word of god has really really
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on<00:13:41.600> his<00:13:42.000> life
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on his life
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on his life
his<00:13:44.720> old<00:13:45.279> lifestyle
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his old lifestyle
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his old lifestyle
has<00:13:47.920> faded<00:13:48.320> away
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has faded away
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has faded away
he's<00:13:50.160> gradually<00:13:50.560> becoming<00:13:51.040> a<00:13:51.120> new<00:13:51.440> person
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i<00:13:56.560> will<00:13:56.800> not<00:13:57.040> stop<00:13:57.519> until<00:13:57.839> i<00:13:58.000> have<00:13:58.320> completely
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i will not stop until i have completely
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i will not stop until i have completely
won<00:13:59.199> him<00:13:59.519> over<00:13:59.839> to<00:14:00.240> jesus<00:14:00.839> christ<00:14:02.160> son<00:14:02.480> of<00:14:02.720> god
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won him over to jesus christ son of god
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won him over to jesus christ son of god
yes<00:14:03.600> and<00:14:03.760> i'm<00:14:03.920> sure<00:14:04.079> this<00:14:04.320> bible<00:14:04.639> will<00:14:04.800> help
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yes and i'm sure this bible will help
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yes and i'm sure this bible will help
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it's<00:14:07.600> true
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it's true
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it's true
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this<00:14:12.320> is<00:14:12.480> the<00:14:12.560> same<00:14:12.959> you're<00:14:13.120> back<00:14:13.519> yes
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i<00:14:17.519> got<00:14:17.760> you<00:14:17.920> this<00:14:18.480> okay
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brother<00:14:21.360> benjamin<00:14:21.920> you<00:14:22.079> didn't<00:14:22.240> have<00:14:22.399> to<00:14:22.560> go
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brother benjamin you didn't have to go
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brother benjamin you didn't have to go
all<00:14:22.959> that<00:14:23.279> far
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all that far
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all that far
well<00:14:25.839> thank<00:14:26.160> you<00:14:26.560> thank<00:14:26.720> you<00:14:26.959> so<00:14:27.120> much<00:14:27.440> okay
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well thank you thank you so much okay
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well thank you thank you so much okay
so<00:14:28.800> let's<00:14:29.199> get<00:14:30.240> on<00:14:30.560> with<00:14:30.880> the<00:14:31.199> business<00:14:31.760> of
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so let's get on with the business of
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so let's get on with the business of
today<00:14:32.560> but<00:14:32.800> first<00:14:33.519> let's
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today but first let's
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today but first let's
say<00:14:34.880> our<00:14:35.120> opening<00:14:35.440> prayer
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say our opening prayer
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say our opening prayer
ah<00:14:37.120> sister<00:14:37.440> sophia
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ah sister sophia
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ah sister sophia
take<00:14:39.360> your<00:14:39.519> drink<00:14:40.240> we<00:14:40.399> have<00:14:40.639> the<00:14:40.800> whole<00:14:41.040> day
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take your drink we have the whole day
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take your drink we have the whole day
even<00:14:43.279> me<00:14:43.760> i'm<00:14:44.079> fully<00:14:44.480> prepared<00:14:45.600> for<00:14:45.760> this
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even me i'm fully prepared for this
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even me i'm fully prepared for this
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okay<00:14:49.199> so<00:14:49.360> you<00:14:49.519> want<00:14:49.680> me<00:14:49.839> to<00:14:50.000> drink<00:14:50.399> first
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okay so you want me to drink first
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okay so you want me to drink first
before<00:14:51.120> we
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before we
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before we
start<00:14:52.720> yes
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start yes
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start yes
just<00:14:54.639> okay<00:14:55.199> i<00:14:55.440> wanted<00:14:55.839> to<00:14:56.399> start<00:14:56.880> while<00:14:57.120> i
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just okay i wanted to start while i
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just okay i wanted to start while i
drink<00:14:57.760> so<00:14:58.000> but<00:14:58.240> it's<00:14:58.399> okay
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drink so but it's okay
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drink so but it's okay
if<00:14:59.680> it<00:14:59.760> will<00:14:59.920> make<00:15:00.160> you<00:15:00.320> happy
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if it will make you happy
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if it will make you happy
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so<00:15:10.079> i<00:15:10.160> was<00:15:10.320> going<00:15:10.480> to<00:15:10.639> start
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so i was going to start
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so i was going to start
from<00:15:11.839> the<00:15:12.000> book<00:15:12.320> of
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matthew<00:15:15.920> can<00:15:16.079> you<00:15:16.240> turn<00:15:16.480> over<00:15:16.720> with<00:15:16.959> me<00:15:17.120> please
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matthew can you turn over with me please
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matthew can you turn over with me please
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as<00:15:23.360> a<00:15:23.680> person
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as a person
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as a person
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that's<00:15:30.800> of<00:15:30.959> a<00:15:31.120> puzzle<00:15:31.519> you<00:15:32.079> read<00:15:32.480> the<00:15:32.959> jesus
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that's of a puzzle you read the jesus
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that's of a puzzle you read the jesus
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sister<00:15:42.720> sofia
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sister sofia
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sister sofia
are<00:15:43.839> you<00:15:44.000> okay
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you're<00:15:47.120> fine
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okay<00:15:52.320> i'm<00:15:52.480> listening
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this<00:16:00.880> is<00:16:00.959> sophia<00:16:01.759> yes
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this is sophia yes
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this is sophia yes
cesar<00:16:03.680> sofia
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is<00:16:08.399> a<00:16:08.480> severe
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is a severe
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is a severe
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are<00:17:25.600> you<00:17:25.839> done
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are you done
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are you done
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well<00:17:31.600> you've<00:17:32.000> done<00:17:32.320> this
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well you've done this
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well you've done this
what<00:17:34.240> have<00:17:34.400> you<00:17:34.799> done
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and<00:17:42.960> you've<00:17:43.360> made<00:17:43.840> me
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you<00:17:57.679> took<00:17:58.000> my<00:17:58.320> dignity
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i<00:18:06.080> don't<00:18:06.240> know<00:18:06.400> that<00:18:06.559> you're<00:18:06.799> a<00:18:06.880> virgin
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too<00:18:54.960> much<00:18:56.000> you're<00:18:56.240> the<00:18:56.480> bad<00:18:56.880> guy
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too much you're the bad guy
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too much you're the bad guy
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if<00:19:03.520> you<00:19:03.600> grown<00:19:03.919> up
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if you grown up
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if you grown up
lady<00:19:05.280> like<00:19:05.440> this
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lady like this
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lady like this
is<00:19:07.280> still<00:19:07.520> a<00:19:07.600> virgin
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is still a virgin
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is still a virgin
hi<00:19:09.440> she's<00:19:09.679> your<00:19:09.840> wife<00:19:10.080> material
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hi she's your wife material
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hi she's your wife material
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but<00:19:15.440> i<00:19:15.600> get<00:19:16.080> [ __ ]
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but i get [ __ ]
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but i get [ __ ]
you<00:19:17.120> should<00:19:17.440> die
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oh<00:19:22.400> whoa
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sets<00:19:32.559> my<00:19:32.880> heart<00:19:33.600> on<00:19:33.840> fire<00:19:35.120> for
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sets my heart on fire for
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sets my heart on fire for
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he<00:19:45.039> said<00:19:45.520> he<00:19:45.600> hates<00:19:45.919> my<00:19:46.240> natural<00:19:46.799> outlook<00:19:47.520> at
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he said he hates my natural outlook at
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he said he hates my natural outlook at
least<00:19:47.840> i<00:19:47.919> should<00:19:48.080> be<00:19:48.160> making<00:19:48.400> up<00:19:48.559> a<00:19:48.640> bit<00:19:48.880> for
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least i should be making up a bit for
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least i should be making up a bit for
him<00:19:49.600> wait<00:19:49.919> is<00:19:50.080> that<00:19:50.160> why<00:19:50.320> you're<00:19:50.559> wearing
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him wait is that why you're wearing
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him wait is that why you're wearing
makeup<00:19:51.120> today<00:19:51.440> yes<00:19:51.679> not<00:19:51.919> let<00:19:52.080> me<00:19:52.160> look<00:19:52.320> good
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makeup today yes not let me look good
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makeup today yes not let me look good
for<00:19:52.640> him<00:19:52.799> so<00:19:53.039> don't<00:19:53.200> miss<00:19:53.440> him
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for him so don't miss him
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for him so don't miss him
no<00:19:54.480> one<00:19:54.799> dare<00:19:54.960> i<00:19:55.039> was<00:19:55.280> wrong
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are<00:20:18.559> you<00:20:18.720> okay
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are you okay
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are you okay
something<00:20:21.919> terrible<00:20:22.320> might<00:20:22.559> have<00:20:22.640> happened
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i<00:20:59.280> don't<00:20:59.520> understand
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i<00:21:04.799> wonder<00:21:05.120> what<00:21:05.280> happened<00:21:05.520> to<00:21:05.679> her<00:21:06.320> hey
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i wonder what happened to her hey
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i wonder what happened to her hey
whatever<00:21:07.280> it<00:21:07.440> is<00:21:07.600> must<00:21:07.840> really<00:21:08.159> hurt<00:21:08.400> her<00:21:08.559> so
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whatever it is must really hurt her so
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whatever it is must really hurt her so
much<00:21:08.960> i've<00:21:09.120> never<00:21:09.360> seen<00:21:09.520> her<00:21:09.679> like<00:21:09.840> this<00:21:10.480> did
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much i've never seen her like this did
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much i've never seen her like this did
you<00:21:10.799> look<00:21:11.039> at<00:21:11.120> her<00:21:11.360> eyes<00:21:12.000> you're<00:21:12.159> so<00:21:12.400> reddish
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you look at her eyes you're so reddish
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you look at her eyes you're so reddish
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i<00:21:29.600> hope<00:21:29.840> it's<00:21:29.919> not<00:21:30.080> what<00:21:30.240> i'm<00:21:30.400> thinking
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i hope it's not what i'm thinking
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i hope it's not what i'm thinking
maybe<00:21:32.080> who<00:21:32.320> knows<00:21:33.120> you<00:21:33.280> know<00:21:33.440> where<00:21:33.600> you<00:21:33.840> jump
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maybe who knows you know where you jump
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maybe who knows you know where you jump
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something<00:21:39.520> all<00:21:39.679> right
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my<00:22:04.880> friend<00:22:05.600> my<00:22:05.919> teacher
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this<00:22:52.320> happened<00:22:52.799> to
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there<00:23:03.120> is<00:23:03.280> nothing<00:23:03.679> to<00:23:03.919> live<00:23:04.159> for<00:23:04.400> anymore
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there is nothing to live for anymore
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there is nothing to live for anymore
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are<00:23:47.600> you<00:23:47.919> ready<00:23:48.720> to
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