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Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:00.980 --> 00:00:12.530 align:start position:0%
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okay<00:00:13.200> we<00:00:13.349> get<00:00:13.639> deaf<00:00:14.639> cameras<00:00:14.969> rolling<00:00:15.240> when
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okay we get deaf cameras rolling when
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okay we get deaf cameras rolling when
you<00:00:15.599> ready<00:00:16.369> guys
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you ready guys
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you ready guys
are<00:00:18.390> they<00:00:18.539> real<00:00:18.890> my<00:00:19.890> name<00:00:20.070> is<00:00:20.160> Ali<00:00:20.369> and<00:00:20.460> I'm<00:00:20.640> a
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are they real my name is Ali and I'm a
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are they real my name is Ali and I'm a
student<00:00:20.939> here<00:00:21.060> at<00:00:21.180> uni<00:00:21.390> I<00:00:21.480> say<00:00:21.750> along<00:00:22.079> with<00:00:22.140> my
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student here at uni I say along with my
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student here at uni I say along with my
cameraman<00:00:22.829> Paul<00:00:23.160> and<00:00:23.460> my<00:00:23.610> sound<00:00:23.970> recordist
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cameraman Paul and my sound recordist
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cameraman Paul and my sound recordist
Ned<00:00:24.539> for<00:00:25.410> our<00:00:25.500> media<00:00:25.680> assignment<00:00:26.039> we've
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Ned for our media assignment we've
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Ned for our media assignment we've
chosen<00:00:26.759> to<00:00:27.000> document<00:00:27.480> our<00:00:27.570> investigation
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chosen to document our investigation
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chosen to document our investigation
into<00:00:28.619> a<00:00:28.650> myth<00:00:28.890> that<00:00:29.189> surrounds<00:00:29.519> the<00:00:29.609> local
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into a myth that surrounds the local
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into a myth that surrounds the local
Railway<00:00:30.179> Museum<00:00:30.300> a<00:00:30.810> group<00:00:31.740> look<00:00:31.980> to<00:00:32.099> answer<00:00:32.339> a
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Railway Museum a group look to answer a
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Railway Museum a group look to answer a
question<00:00:32.640> that's<00:00:33.059> remained<00:00:33.390> unanswered<00:00:33.570> for
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question that's remained unanswered for
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question that's remained unanswered for
years<00:00:34.460> it's<00:00:35.460> the<00:00:35.519> local<00:00:35.730> railway<00:00:36.030> museum
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years it's the local railway museum
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years it's the local railway museum
haunted<00:00:37.579> that<00:00:38.579> was<00:00:38.699> good
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haunted that was good
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haunted that was good
now<00:00:39.600> what<00:00:39.780> do<00:00:39.839> you<00:00:39.900> think<00:00:40.110> yeah<00:00:40.440> seven<00:00:40.949> nice
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now what do you think yeah seven nice
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now what do you think yeah seven nice
okay<00:00:42.510> that's<00:00:42.720> the<00:00:42.870> injured<00:00:43.230> umin<00:00:43.559> yeah<00:00:46.820> good
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okay that's the injured umin yeah good
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okay that's the injured umin yeah good
my<00:00:47.969> job<00:00:48.180> now<00:00:48.590> yeah<00:00:49.590> I'm<00:00:49.920> so<00:00:50.250> much<00:00:50.430> better<00:00:50.460> at<00:00:50.699> it
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my job now yeah I'm so much better at it
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my job now yeah I'm so much better at it
look<00:00:51.030> I<00:00:51.739> am<00:00:52.739> so<00:00:53.640> uh<00:00:54.800> had<00:00:55.800> he<00:00:55.890> changed<00:00:56.190> the
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look I am so uh had he changed the
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look I am so uh had he changed the
aperture<00:00:59.480> okay<00:01:03.920> so<00:01:04.920> now<00:01:05.129> tell<00:01:05.429> the<00:01:05.580> people
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aperture okay so now tell the people
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aperture okay so now tell the people
what<00:01:06.090> you<00:01:06.240> called<00:01:06.539> that
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what you called that
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what you called that
this<00:01:08.400> thing<00:01:08.610> this<00:01:08.970> right<00:01:09.180> here's<00:01:09.390> my<00:01:09.540> cat
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this thing this right here's my cat
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this thing this right here's my cat
snowy<00:01:10.460> he<00:01:11.460> named<00:01:11.820> it<00:01:12.060> yeah<00:01:13.400> so<00:01:14.400> when<00:01:14.520> did<00:01:14.610> it
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snowy he named it yeah so when did it
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snowy he named it yeah so when did it
when<00:01:14.880> she<00:01:15.000> got<00:01:15.229> only<00:01:16.229> two<00:01:16.440> days<00:01:16.590> ago<00:01:17.750> how'd<00:01:18.750> you
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when she got only two days ago how'd you
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when she got only two days ago how'd you
go<00:01:19.020> good<00:01:19.920> the<00:01:20.190> museum's<00:01:20.700> howdy<00:01:21.000> for<00:01:21.180> us<00:01:21.240> to
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go good the museum's howdy for us to
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go good the museum's howdy for us to
start<00:01:21.540> shooting<00:01:21.750> at<00:01:21.960> about<00:01:22.050> 1:00<00:01:22.290> p.m.
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start shooting at about 1:00 p.m.
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start shooting at about 1:00 p.m.
hopefully<00:01:24.900> all<00:01:24.990> goes<00:01:25.110> well
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so<00:01:52.140> this<00:01:52.409> is<00:01:52.680> our<00:01:53.250> union<00:01:53.790> its<00:01:53.940> newly<00:01:54.240> buried
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so this is our union its newly buried
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so this is our union its newly buried
I'd<00:01:54.780> like<00:01:54.930> this<00:01:55.080> before<00:01:55.880> 8<00:01:56.880> a.m.
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who<00:02:09.680> is<00:02:09.979> this<00:02:10.250> best<00:02:12.940> sexy
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I<00:02:24.239> was<00:02:24.840> up
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I was up
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I was up
yeah<00:02:26.579> I'm<00:02:26.670> just<00:02:26.819> getting<00:02:27.650> started<00:02:28.650> some<00:02:28.860> shots
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yeah I'm just getting started some shots
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yeah I'm just getting started some shots
of<00:02:29.189> the<00:02:29.280> heat<00:02:30.739> in<00:02:31.739> there<00:02:31.920> change<00:02:32.159> your<00:02:32.280> shirt
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we'll<00:02:36.180> finish<00:02:36.420> up<00:02:36.660> and<00:02:36.900> I'll<00:02:37.010> be<00:02:38.010> done<00:02:38.160> a
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we'll finish up and I'll be done a
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we'll finish up and I'll be done a
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our<00:02:41.790> season<00:02:43.140> but
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know<00:02:58.650> so<00:02:58.920> go<00:02:59.610> check<00:02:59.880> this<00:03:00.000> out<00:03:01.010> in<00:03:02.010> 1985<00:03:02.790> a
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know so go check this out in 1985 a
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know so go check this out in 1985 a
tragic<00:03:03.420> accident<00:03:03.570> on<00:03:03.900> the<00:03:04.020> Carson<00:03:04.410> train<00:03:04.620> line
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tragic accident on the Carson train line
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tragic accident on the Carson train line
brought<00:03:05.040> upon<00:03:05.280> the<00:03:05.370> death<00:03:05.580> of<00:03:05.730> mass<00:03:06.000> murderer
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brought upon the death of mass murderer
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brought upon the death of mass murderer
Gordon<00:03:06.780> right
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Gordon right
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Gordon right
right<00:03:07.800> was<00:03:07.980> a<00:03:08.010> train<00:03:08.310> conductor<00:03:08.520> and
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right was a train conductor and
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right was a train conductor and
enthusiast<00:03:09.660> who<00:03:09.960> worked<00:03:10.230> in<00:03:10.290> the<00:03:10.380> railway
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enthusiast who worked in the railway
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enthusiast who worked in the railway
industry<00:03:10.920> between<00:03:11.280> 1979<00:03:12.150> and<00:03:12.500> 1985<00:03:13.790> despite
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industry between 1979 and 1985 despite
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industry between 1979 and 1985 despite
being<00:03:15.030> a<00:03:15.150> committed<00:03:15.510> railway<00:03:15.840> worker<00:03:16.080> right
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being a committed railway worker right
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being a committed railway worker right
abandoned<00:03:17.310> his<00:03:17.430> position<00:03:17.880> as<00:03:18.060> conductor
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abandoned his position as conductor
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abandoned his position as conductor
mid<00:03:18.960> 1985<00:03:19.800> and<00:03:20.100> disappeared<00:03:20.700> soon<00:03:21.510> after<00:03:21.900> his
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mid 1985 and disappeared soon after his
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mid 1985 and disappeared soon after his
disappearance<00:03:22.560> a<00:03:22.710> number<00:03:22.980> of<00:03:23.070> people<00:03:23.460> record
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disappearance a number of people record
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disappearance a number of people record
trains<00:03:24.120> travelling<00:03:24.540> along<00:03:24.840> the<00:03:25.080> Carson<00:03:25.500> line
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trains travelling along the Carson line
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trains travelling along the Carson line
were<00:03:26.160> found<00:03:26.460> dead<00:03:26.700> victims<00:03:27.690> of<00:03:27.780> murder<00:03:28.020> as
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were found dead victims of murder as
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were found dead victims of murder as
investigations<00:03:29.790> grew<00:03:30.060> suspicions<00:03:30.840> began<00:03:31.170> to
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investigations grew suspicions began to
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investigations grew suspicions began to
link<00:03:31.590> the<00:03:31.680> disappearance<00:03:32.280> of<00:03:32.370> gone<00:03:32.580> right<00:03:32.850> to
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link the disappearance of gone right to
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link the disappearance of gone right to
the<00:03:33.120> murder<00:03:33.330> cases<00:03:33.810> sighting<00:03:34.620> right<00:03:34.770> as<00:03:34.980> the
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the murder cases sighting right as the
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the murder cases sighting right as the
killer<00:03:36.200> on<00:03:37.200> August<00:03:37.500> 12<00:03:37.800> 1985<00:03:38.870> Wright<00:03:39.870> was
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killer on August 12 1985 Wright was
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killer on August 12 1985 Wright was
spotted<00:03:40.410> in<00:03:40.530> uniform<00:03:40.980> by<00:03:41.160> security<00:03:41.610> guards
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spotted in uniform by security guards
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spotted in uniform by security guards
late<00:03:42.150> at<00:03:42.300> night<00:03:42.770> dragging<00:03:43.770> the<00:03:43.860> body<00:03:44.040> of<00:03:44.190> a
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late at night dragging the body of a
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late at night dragging the body of a
female<00:03:44.460> victim<00:03:44.850> down<00:03:45.390> a<00:03:45.420> quiet<00:03:45.780> railway
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female victim down a quiet railway
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female victim down a quiet railway
station<00:03:46.890> refusing<00:03:47.880> to<00:03:47.970> record<00:03:48.300> right<00:03:48.630> threw
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station refusing to record right threw
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station refusing to record right threw
himself<00:03:49.020> onto<00:03:49.590> an<00:03:49.800> oncoming<00:03:50.040> train<00:03:50.400> ending
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himself onto an oncoming train ending
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himself onto an oncoming train ending
his<00:03:51.120> murder<00:03:51.420> spree<00:03:51.690> in<00:03:51.780> life<00:03:51.930> shortly<00:03:52.860> after
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his murder spree in life shortly after
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his murder spree in life shortly after
his<00:03:53.250> death<00:03:53.490> police<00:03:53.940> discovered<00:03:54.510> a<00:03:54.570> journal
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his death police discovered a journal
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his death police discovered a journal
owned<00:03:55.020> by<00:03:55.200> Wright<00:03:55.880> containing<00:03:56.880> recounts<00:03:57.360> of
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owned by Wright containing recounts of
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owned by Wright containing recounts of
his<00:03:57.570> murders<00:03:58.400> through<00:03:59.400> this
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his murders through this
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his murders through this
police<00:04:00.090> found<00:04:00.270> that<00:04:00.480> Wright<00:04:00.690> would<00:04:00.900> stalk
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police found that Wright would stalk
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police found that Wright would stalk
passages<00:04:01.710> departing<00:04:02.550> from<00:04:02.610> trains<00:04:02.940> at<00:04:03.060> late
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passages departing from trains at late
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passages departing from trains at late
hours<00:04:03.239> and<00:04:03.780> with<00:04:03.870> better<00:04:03.989> covers<00:04:04.410> victims
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hours and with better covers victims
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hours and with better covers victims
deep<00:04:05.700> between<00:04:05.820> the<00:04:06.090> lines<00:04:06.270> of<00:04:06.510> signs<00:04:06.750> of
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deep between the lines of signs of
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deep between the lines of signs of
depression<00:04:07.350> and<00:04:07.950> darkness<00:04:08.550> surrounding
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depression and darkness surrounding
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depression and darkness surrounding
right<00:04:09.150> as<00:04:10.020> he<00:04:10.290> is<00:04:10.380> passed
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right as he is passed
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right as he is passed
the<00:04:11.010> train<00:04:11.220> involved<00:04:11.790> in<00:04:11.880> the<00:04:12.000> incident<00:04:12.239> along
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the train involved in the incident along
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the train involved in the incident along
with<00:04:12.840> the<00:04:12.900> fuel<00:04:13.110> of<00:04:13.170> the<00:04:13.200> carriages<00:04:13.770> were<00:04:14.070> put
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with the fuel of the carriages were put
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with the fuel of the carriages were put
to<00:04:14.370> decease
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to decease
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to decease
some<00:04:15.900> of<00:04:16.020> them<00:04:16.169> currently<00:04:16.410> reside<00:04:16.859> in<00:04:16.890> the
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some of them currently reside in the
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some of them currently reside in the
under<00:04:17.370> growing<00:04:17.730> museum<00:04:18.090> of<00:04:18.209> South<00:04:18.390> Australia
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under growing museum of South Australia
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under growing museum of South Australia
around<00:04:19.290> the<00:04:19.500> rest<00:04:19.709> were<00:04:20.130> sent<00:04:21.000> off<00:04:21.180> to<00:04:21.209> become
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around the rest were sent off to become
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around the rest were sent off to become
okay<00:04:23.860> so<00:04:23.920> golden<00:04:24.310> right<00:04:24.520> is<00:04:24.670> a<00:04:24.700> mysterious<00:04:25.420> and
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okay so golden right is a mysterious and
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okay so golden right is a mysterious and
chilling<00:04:25.990> one<00:04:26.170> that<00:04:26.380> was<00:04:26.500> eventually<00:04:26.770> put<00:04:27.130> to
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chilling one that was eventually put to
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chilling one that was eventually put to
rest<00:04:27.460> the<00:04:28.390> motive<00:04:28.810> of<00:04:29.080> righteous<00:04:29.500> actions
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rest the motive of righteous actions
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rest the motive of righteous actions
however<00:04:30.430> remain<00:04:31.390> unknown<00:04:31.750> weird<00:04:34.380> yeah
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you<00:04:56.910> guys<00:04:57.060> missed<00:04:57.330> that<00:04:57.449> time<00:04:57.660> again<00:04:57.930> for
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you guys missed that time again for
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you guys missed that time again for
month<00:04:58.800> the<00:04:59.580> one<00:04:59.729> under<00:04:59.910> stock<00:05:00.229> yeah
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month the one under stock yeah
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month the one under stock yeah
Thomas<00:05:02.490> G<00:05:02.580> locks<00:05:02.790> week<00:05:03.030> closed<00:05:03.810> tomorrow
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hi<00:05:27.330> guys<00:05:27.599> trying<00:05:28.439> to<00:05:28.500> keep<00:05:28.650> you<00:05:28.740> waiting
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hi guys trying to keep you waiting
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hi guys trying to keep you waiting
I'm<00:05:29.610> building<00:05:29.879> I'm<00:05:30.449> Allie<00:05:30.780> this<00:05:31.229> is<00:05:31.530> Paul<00:05:32.129> at
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I'm building I'm Allie this is Paul at
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I'm building I'm Allie this is Paul at
net<00:05:32.759> there<00:05:33.060> you<00:05:33.120> go<00:05:33.210> there<00:05:33.509> you<00:05:33.539> go
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net there you go there you go
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net there you go there you go
sorry<00:05:35.490> good<00:05:35.819> to<00:05:35.909> go<00:05:36.030> yeah<00:05:36.750> Paul<00:05:36.990> do<00:05:37.289> you<00:05:37.349> want
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sorry good to go yeah Paul do you want
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sorry good to go yeah Paul do you want
to<00:05:37.530> get<00:05:37.620> the<00:05:37.710> Commerce<00:05:38.009> Act<00:05:38.189> so<00:05:39.060> I'll<00:05:39.300> just<00:05:39.539> be
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to get the Commerce Act so I'll just be
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to get the Commerce Act so I'll just be
asking<00:05:39.960> the<00:05:40.050> questions<00:05:40.409> and<00:05:40.710> you<00:05:40.919> get<00:05:41.039> an
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asking the questions and you get an
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asking the questions and you get an
answer<00:05:41.310> however<00:05:41.699> you<00:05:41.939> feel<00:05:42.120> comfortable<00:05:42.289> all
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answer however you feel comfortable all
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answer however you feel comfortable all
right<00:05:43.409> no<00:05:43.650> worries
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right no worries
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right no worries
John<00:05:44.729> we<00:05:44.789> look<00:05:44.939> at<00:05:45.060> you<00:05:45.180> or<00:05:45.419> the<00:05:45.449> camera<00:05:45.599> just
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John we look at you or the camera just
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John we look at you or the camera just
pass<00:05:46.800> the<00:05:46.919> camera<00:05:47.099> at<00:05:47.310> me<00:05:47.430> is<00:05:47.520> fine<00:05:47.729> okay<00:05:48.650> Paul
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pass the camera at me is fine okay Paul
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pass the camera at me is fine okay Paul
met<00:05:49.919> you<00:05:50.159> guys<00:05:50.340> good<00:05:51.259> so<00:05:52.259> just<00:05:52.349> start<00:05:52.650> by
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met you guys good so just start by
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met you guys good so just start by
introducing<00:05:53.189> yourself<00:05:53.580> and<00:05:54.030> telling<00:05:54.120> us
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introducing yourself and telling us
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introducing yourself and telling us
about<00:05:54.750> your<00:05:54.990> role<00:05:55.139> here<00:05:55.530> at<00:05:55.590> the<00:05:55.620> Museum<00:05:56.090> okay
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about your role here at the Museum okay
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about your role here at the Museum okay
hi<00:05:57.960> my<00:05:58.169> name<00:05:58.379> is<00:05:58.409> Bill<00:05:58.650> and<00:05:58.889> I'm<00:05:59.279> the<00:05:59.400> manager
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hi my name is Bill and I'm the manager
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hi my name is Bill and I'm the manager
here<00:05:59.789> at<00:05:59.939> the<00:06:00.000> La<00:06:00.240> Brea<00:06:00.300> museum<00:06:01.370> I've<00:06:02.370> been<00:06:02.520> a
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here at the La Brea museum I've been a
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here at the La Brea museum I've been a
manager<00:06:02.789> at<00:06:03.060> this<00:06:03.180> museum<00:06:03.599> for<00:06:04.080> close<00:06:04.259> to<00:06:04.289> 20
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manager at this museum for close to 20
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manager at this museum for close to 20
years<00:06:04.770> now<00:06:05.219> and<00:06:05.610> in<00:06:05.759> my<00:06:05.789> years<00:06:05.939> before<00:06:06.509> I
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years now and in my years before I
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years now and in my years before I
worked<00:06:06.870> was<00:06:06.990> a<00:06:07.020> trained<00:06:07.349> engineer<00:06:07.529> one<00:06:08.370> of<00:06:08.520> our
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worked was a trained engineer one of our
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worked was a trained engineer one of our
museum<00:06:09.180> first<00:06:09.629> opened<00:06:10.039> and<00:06:11.039> the<00:06:11.610> museum<00:06:12.029> was
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museum first opened and the museum was
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museum first opened and the museum was
opened<00:06:12.629> in<00:06:13.289> 1988<00:06:13.949> by<00:06:14.310> a<00:06:14.340> group<00:06:14.580> of<00:06:14.610> rail
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opened in 1988 by a group of rail
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opened in 1988 by a group of rail
enthusiasts<00:06:15.689> so<00:06:16.050> in<00:06:16.199> terms<00:06:16.500> of<00:06:16.620> business<00:06:17.129> how
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enthusiasts so in terms of business how
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enthusiasts so in terms of business how
things<00:06:17.669> here<00:06:17.879> at<00:06:17.969> the<00:06:18.000> museum
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things here at the museum
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things here at the museum
things<00:06:19.710> are<00:06:19.830> great<00:06:19.979> actually<00:06:20.219> we<00:06:21.090> get<00:06:21.210> a<00:06:21.270> lot
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things are great actually we get a lot
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things are great actually we get a lot
of<00:06:21.389> business<00:06:21.599> through<00:06:22.020> you<00:06:22.259> through<00:06:22.620> the
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of business through you through the
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of business through you through the
weekdays<00:06:23.099> we<00:06:23.279> get<00:06:23.430> a<00:06:23.460> lot<00:06:23.639> of<00:06:23.669> bookings<00:06:24.300> for
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weekdays we get a lot of bookings for
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weekdays we get a lot of bookings for
seniors<00:06:24.990> the<00:06:25.020> bus<00:06:25.439> tours<00:06:25.740> and<00:06:26.389> yeah<00:06:27.389> just<00:06:27.659> like
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seniors the bus tours and yeah just like
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seniors the bus tours and yeah just like
school<00:06:28.379> school<00:06:28.889> groups<00:06:29.190> and<00:06:29.490> things<00:06:29.879> like
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school school groups and things like
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school school groups and things like
that<00:06:30.060> so<00:06:30.419> we've<00:06:31.229> been<00:06:31.379> doing<00:06:31.770> a<00:06:31.860> bit<00:06:31.979> of
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that so we've been doing a bit of
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that so we've been doing a bit of
research<00:06:32.400> about<00:06:32.789> the<00:06:33.240> museum<00:06:33.569> ourselves<00:06:34.319> and
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research about the museum ourselves and
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research about the museum ourselves and
we've<00:06:34.889> come<00:06:35.370> across<00:06:35.610> a<00:06:35.639> few<00:06:35.819> stories<00:06:36.210> that<00:06:36.360> we
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we've come across a few stories that we
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we've come across a few stories that we
wanted<00:06:36.779> to<00:06:36.870> ask<00:06:36.990> you<00:06:37.229> about<00:06:37.490> okay<00:06:38.520> as<00:06:39.300> you<00:06:39.419> may
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wanted to ask you about okay as you may
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wanted to ask you about okay as you may
know<00:06:39.779> you<00:06:40.050> might<00:06:40.319> have<00:06:40.440> heard<00:06:40.620> there's<00:06:40.979> a<00:06:41.039> room
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know you might have heard there's a room
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know you might have heard there's a room
museum<00:06:42.380> but<00:06:42.680> the<00:06:43.009> place<00:06:43.220> may<00:06:43.699> in<00:06:43.819> fact<00:06:43.850> be
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museum but the place may in fact be
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museum but the place may in fact be
haunted<00:06:44.690> this<00:06:45.590> true<00:06:45.979> having<00:06:46.639> witness
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haunted this true having witness
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haunted this true having witness
anything<00:06:47.300> yourself<00:06:48.430> I<00:06:49.430> thought<00:06:50.000> you<00:06:50.180> was
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anything yourself I thought you was
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anything yourself I thought you was
doing<00:06:50.630> a<00:06:50.720> film<00:06:50.870> about<00:06:51.080> the<00:06:51.319> museum's<00:06:51.740> history
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doing a film about the museum's history
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doing a film about the museum's history
yeah<00:06:52.970> we<00:06:53.300> are<00:06:53.449> it's<00:06:53.690> just<00:06:53.960> this<00:06:54.620> is<00:06:54.770> one<00:06:54.919> of<00:06:55.009> the
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yeah we are it's just this is one of the
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yeah we are it's just this is one of the
things<00:06:55.310> you<00:06:55.460> came<00:06:55.639> across<00:06:55.880> and<00:06:56.180> I<00:06:56.240> wanted<00:06:56.449> to
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things you came across and I wanted to
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things you came across and I wanted to
address<00:06:56.780> let's<00:06:57.620> see<00:06:57.830> well<00:06:58.449> I've<00:06:59.449> never<00:06:59.630> seen
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address let's see well I've never seen
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address let's see well I've never seen
anything<00:07:00.169> but<00:07:00.530> the<00:07:00.620> place<00:07:00.830> is<00:07:01.039> old<00:07:01.250> and<00:07:01.460> at
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anything but the place is old and at
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anything but the place is old and at
night<00:07:02.030> can<00:07:02.270> be<00:07:02.300> a<00:07:02.419> little<00:07:03.130> eerie
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night can be a little eerie
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night can be a little eerie
what<00:07:05.780> about<00:07:05.870> Gordon<00:07:06.530> right<00:07:06.830> can<00:07:07.550> you<00:07:07.639> tell<00:07:07.940> us
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what about Gordon right can you tell us
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what about Gordon right can you tell us
something<00:07:08.240> about<00:07:08.360> him<00:07:08.780> look<00:07:08.990> I'm<00:07:09.259> not<00:07:09.380> sure
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something about him look I'm not sure
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something about him look I'm not sure
what<00:07:09.800> you<00:07:09.919> want<00:07:09.949> to<00:07:10.160> hear<00:07:10.430> but<00:07:10.729> all<00:07:10.880> that<00:07:11.030> Ghost
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what you want to hear but all that Ghost
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what you want to hear but all that Ghost
stuff<00:07:11.509> is<00:07:11.840> a<00:07:11.870> myth<00:07:12.280> men
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stuff is a myth men
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stuff is a myth men
he's<00:07:14.000> just<00:07:14.180> a<00:07:14.270> story<00:07:14.570> the<00:07:14.750> locals<00:07:15.110> are<00:07:15.199> made<00:07:15.349> of
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he's just a story the locals are made of
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he's just a story the locals are made of
a<00:07:15.560> scare<00:07:15.800> each<00:07:15.919> other<00:07:16.070> and<00:07:16.430> has<00:07:16.520> actually
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a scare each other and has actually
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a scare each other and has actually
causes<00:07:17.270> trouble<00:07:17.630> here<00:07:17.810> in<00:07:17.900> the<00:07:17.990> past<00:07:18.199> it<00:07:18.650> just
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causes trouble here in the past it just
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causes trouble here in the past it just
gives<00:07:19.039> us<00:07:19.130> a<00:07:19.160> bad<00:07:19.370> name<00:07:19.400> it<00:07:19.849> brings<00:07:20.060> a<00:07:20.120> lot<00:07:20.240> of
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gives us a bad name it brings a lot of
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gives us a bad name it brings a lot of
negativity<00:07:20.720> to<00:07:21.050> the<00:07:21.139> museum<00:07:21.590> I<00:07:22.960> look<00:07:23.960> it's
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negativity to the museum I look it's
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negativity to the museum I look it's
okay<00:07:24.620> it's<00:07:24.889> just<00:07:25.009> stories<00:07:25.639> like<00:07:25.849> they've
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okay it's just stories like they've
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okay it's just stories like they've
never<00:07:26.120> been<00:07:26.270> good<00:07:26.599> for<00:07:26.720> us<00:07:26.810> here<00:07:27.080> and<00:07:27.289> this
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never been good for us here and this
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never been good for us here and this
museum's<00:07:28.340> become<00:07:28.669> a<00:07:28.699> part<00:07:28.940> of<00:07:29.000> my<00:07:29.120> life<00:07:29.150> and
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museum's become a part of my life and
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museum's become a part of my life and
I'd<00:07:29.780> prefer<00:07:30.020> to<00:07:30.199> discuss<00:07:30.650> the<00:07:30.800> real<00:07:30.979> history
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I'd prefer to discuss the real history
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I'd prefer to discuss the real history
of<00:07:31.490> this<00:07:31.639> place<00:07:31.910> do<00:07:32.539> you<00:07:32.599> guys<00:07:32.810> want<00:07:33.080> to<00:07:33.229> head
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of this place do you guys want to head
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of this place do you guys want to head
out<00:07:33.620> to<00:07:33.650> the<00:07:33.830> museum<00:07:34.220> then<00:07:34.400> yeah
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okay<00:07:45.310> guys<00:07:45.550> this<00:07:46.420> is<00:07:46.480> it<00:07:46.830> feel<00:07:47.830> free<00:07:48.040> to<00:07:48.070> walk
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okay guys this is it feel free to walk
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okay guys this is it feel free to walk
through<00:07:48.760> and<00:07:49.120> have<00:07:49.210> a<00:07:49.240> look<00:07:49.270> for<00:07:49.390> any<00:07:49.630> of<00:07:49.720> the
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through and have a look for any of the
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through and have a look for any of the
exhibits<00:07:50.260> and<00:07:50.500> basically<00:07:50.980> make<00:07:51.250> yourself<00:07:51.550> at
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exhibits and basically make yourself at
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exhibits and basically make yourself at
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like<00:07:53.530> save<00:07:53.770> if<00:07:54.190> you<00:07:54.340> need<00:07:54.490> any<00:07:54.670> more<00:07:54.820> time<00:07:55.030> that
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like save if you need any more time that
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like save if you need any more time that
there's<00:07:55.540> no<00:07:55.660> problem<00:07:56.020> we<00:07:56.800> can<00:07:56.920> organize<00:07:57.250> it
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there's no problem we can organize it
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there's no problem we can organize it
just<00:07:58.570> about<00:07:58.750> any<00:07:58.960> time<00:07:59.200> as<00:07:59.380> long<00:07:59.530> as<00:07:59.650> it's
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just about any time as long as it's
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just about any time as long as it's
during<00:08:00.100> business<00:08:00.250> as<00:08:00.580> as<00:08:00.940> we<00:08:01.120> discussed<00:08:01.480> on
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during business as as we discussed on
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during business as as we discussed on
the<00:08:01.690> phone<00:08:01.840> I<00:08:01.900> can't<00:08:02.200> let<00:08:02.320> use<00:08:02.440> come<00:08:02.650> in<00:08:02.820> after
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the phone I can't let use come in after
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the phone I can't let use come in after
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well<00:08:04.390> after<00:08:04.660> closing<00:08:04.900> time<00:08:05.080> because<00:08:05.650> our
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well after closing time because our
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well after closing time because our
insurance<00:08:06.190> just<00:08:06.310> doesn't<00:08:06.670> cover<00:08:06.850> it<00:08:07.060> yeah
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insurance just doesn't cover it yeah
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insurance just doesn't cover it yeah
that's<00:08:07.870> okay<00:08:08.230> that<00:08:09.000> reminds<00:08:10.000> me<00:08:10.150> though<00:08:10.270> I
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that's okay that reminds me though I
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that's okay that reminds me though I
have<00:08:10.570> to<00:08:10.780> make<00:08:11.200> a<00:08:11.230> phone<00:08:11.650> call<00:08:11.920> sorry<00:08:12.310> yeah
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have to make a phone call sorry yeah
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have to make a phone call sorry yeah
well<00:08:12.940> you<00:08:13.030> might<00:08:13.120> be<00:08:13.270> better<00:08:13.420> off<00:08:13.510> going
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well you might be better off going
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well you might be better off going
outside<00:08:14.020> because<00:08:14.650> um<00:08:14.890> the<00:08:15.550> reception<00:08:15.970> in<00:08:16.060> he
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outside because um the reception in he
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outside because um the reception in he
is<00:08:16.240> really<00:08:16.510> really<00:08:16.750> bad
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is really really bad
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is really really bad
okay<00:08:17.650> thanks<00:08:18.100> I<00:08:18.160> worries<00:08:18.660> okay<00:08:19.660> I'll<00:08:19.900> leave
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okay thanks I worries okay I'll leave
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okay thanks I worries okay I'll leave
you<00:08:20.140> guys<00:08:20.290> to<00:08:20.350> it
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so<00:08:28.560> what<00:08:28.650> are<00:08:28.710> you<00:08:28.800> raking<00:08:29.569> not<00:08:30.569> long<00:08:30.780> means
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so what are you raking not long means
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so what are you raking not long means
you<00:08:31.590> can<00:08:31.680> we're<00:08:31.770> gonna<00:08:31.830> see<00:08:32.070> any<00:08:32.190> like<00:08:32.339> ghost
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you can we're gonna see any like ghost
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you can we're gonna see any like ghost
stuff<00:08:33.440> all<00:08:34.440> right<00:08:34.500> man<00:08:35.330> during<00:08:36.330> the<00:08:36.390> day
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stuff all right man during the day
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stuff all right man during the day
probably<00:08:37.200> not
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probably not
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probably not
okay<00:08:38.130> we<00:08:38.669> good<00:08:39.089> to<00:08:39.180> get<00:08:39.269> started<00:08:39.630> yeah<00:08:41.690> so
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okay we good to get started yeah so
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okay we good to get started yeah so
we're<00:08:42.870> now<00:08:42.990> inside<00:08:43.169> the<00:08:43.440> museum<00:08:43.800> and<00:08:44.010> the<00:08:44.339> crew
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we're now inside the museum and the crew
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we're now inside the museum and the crew
and<00:08:44.670> I<00:08:44.730> are<00:08:45.029> gonna<00:08:45.180> look<00:08:45.480> around<00:08:45.779> and<00:08:46.050> see<00:08:46.680> if
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and I are gonna look around and see if
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and I are gonna look around and see if
we<00:08:46.860> can<00:08:47.010> find<00:08:47.160> any<00:08:47.459> signs<00:08:47.940> of<00:08:48.180> paranormal
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we can find any signs of paranormal
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we can find any signs of paranormal
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wes<00:08:51.769> is<00:08:52.769> teaching<00:08:53.670> so<00:08:54.000> when<00:08:54.240> our<00:08:54.360> inside<00:08:54.630> the
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wes is teaching so when our inside the
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wes is teaching so when our inside the
oh<00:08:55.760> sorry<00:08:56.760> I<00:08:56.880> messed<00:08:57.060> up<00:08:57.180> so<00:08:57.420> we're<00:08:57.810> now<00:08:57.870> inside
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oh sorry I messed up so we're now inside
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oh sorry I messed up so we're now inside
the<00:08:58.290> museum<00:08:58.649> and<00:08:58.829> the<00:08:59.100> crew<00:08:59.250> and<00:08:59.370> I<00:08:59.459> are<00:08:59.490> gonna
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the museum and the crew and I are gonna
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the museum and the crew and I are gonna
look<00:09:00.000> around<00:09:00.300> and<00:09:00.420> see<00:09:00.570> if<00:09:00.600> we<00:09:00.720> can<00:09:00.870> say<00:09:02.089> find
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look around and see if we can say find
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look around and see if we can say find
Bari<00:09:04.260> yeah<00:09:06.709> okay<00:09:07.709> so<00:09:08.160> we're<00:09:08.339> now<00:09:08.430> inside<00:09:08.579> the
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Bari yeah okay so we're now inside the
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Bari yeah okay so we're now inside the
museum<00:09:09.180> and<00:09:09.329> the<00:09:09.630> crew<00:09:09.810> and<00:09:09.899> I<00:09:09.990> are<00:09:10.019> going<00:09:10.440> to
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museum and the crew and I are going to
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museum and the crew and I are going to
be<00:09:10.620> looking<00:09:10.890> around<00:09:11.010> for<00:09:11.430> any<00:09:11.579> signs<00:09:12.089> of
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be looking around for any signs of
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be looking around for any signs of
paranormal<00:09:12.750> activity
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the<00:09:51.850> state<00:09:52.120> lighting
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what<00:10:24.870> is<00:10:24.960> that<00:10:27.020> trapdoor<00:10:29.360> we<00:10:30.360> just<00:10:30.540> want
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what is that trapdoor we just want
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what is that trapdoor we just want
luggage<00:10:31.130> we're<00:10:32.130> did<00:10:32.340> parties<00:10:36.470> like<00:10:37.470> this<00:10:37.650> one
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luggage we're did parties like this one
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luggage we're did parties like this one
it's<00:10:40.140> cozy
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it<00:10:57.000> sounds<00:10:57.360> cool<00:10:57.540> there's<00:10:57.780> a<00:10:57.840> little<00:10:58.020> good
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it sounds cool there's a little good
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it sounds cool there's a little good
ambience<00:10:58.730> what<00:10:59.730> do<00:10:59.790> you<00:10:59.850> think<00:10:59.970> well<00:11:00.120> that
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ambience what do you think well that
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ambience what do you think well that
looks<00:11:00.690> good
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looks good
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looks good
being<00:11:01.770> old<00:11:02.100> the<00:11:02.640> carriages<00:11:03.090> have<00:11:03.330> a<00:11:03.360> kind<00:11:03.690> of
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being old the carriages have a kind of
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being old the carriages have a kind of
natural<00:11:04.230> eeriness<00:11:05.070> to<00:11:05.250> them<00:11:05.400> it'd<00:11:05.940> be<00:11:06.090> so<00:11:06.240> much
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natural eeriness to them it'd be so much
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natural eeriness to them it'd be so much
better<00:11:06.600> at<00:11:06.750> night<00:11:07.580> for
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you<00:11:16.890> just<00:11:17.220> say<00:11:17.400> guys<00:11:17.960> calm<00:11:18.960> down<00:11:19.290> uh-huh
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sorry<00:13:07.209> [ __ ]<00:13:09.279> yeah
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it<00:14:09.279> looks<00:14:09.430> good
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creepy<00:14:39.210> to<00:14:39.360> be<00:14:39.390> honest<00:14:39.750> yeah<00:14:40.680> it<00:14:40.860> is
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oh<00:15:27.149> hey<00:15:28.680> did<00:15:29.680> you<00:15:29.740> see<00:15:29.980> this<00:15:30.519> is<00:15:30.699> it
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this<00:16:13.330> courage<00:16:13.810> is<00:16:14.020> one<00:16:14.200> of<00:16:14.320> the<00:16:14.410> oldest<00:16:14.830> in<00:16:15.100> a
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this courage is one of the oldest in a
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this courage is one of the oldest in a
museum<00:16:15.370> and<00:16:15.810> even<00:16:16.810> during<00:16:16.960> the<00:16:17.140> day<00:16:17.350> it's
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museum and even during the day it's
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museum and even during the day it's
unnerving<00:16:20.130> cut<00:16:21.130> cut<00:16:21.760> it<00:16:23.310> was<00:16:24.310> one<00:16:24.430> with<00:16:24.550> that
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unnerving cut cut it was one with that
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unnerving cut cut it was one with that
feeling<00:16:26.020> the<00:16:26.230> vibe<00:16:26.500> like<00:16:27.040> during<00:16:27.460> the<00:16:27.520> day<00:16:27.610> I
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feeling the vibe like during the day I
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feeling the vibe like during the day I
can't<00:16:28.750> even<00:16:28.870> believe<00:16:29.440> what<00:16:29.800> I'm<00:16:29.920> saying
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can't even believe what I'm saying
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can't even believe what I'm saying
because<00:16:30.520> I<00:16:30.580> don't<00:16:30.760> even<00:16:30.880> feel<00:16:31.390> creeped<00:16:31.810> out
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because I don't even feel creeped out
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because I don't even feel creeped out
it's<00:16:32.260> like
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it's<00:16:49.230> not<00:16:49.470> the<00:16:49.709> atmosphere<00:16:50.639> that<00:16:50.790> I<00:16:50.850> want<00:16:51.060> like
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it's not the atmosphere that I want like
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it's not the atmosphere that I want like
it's<00:16:52.139> not<00:16:52.290> dark<00:16:52.649> this<00:16:53.040> doesn't<00:16:53.310> give<00:16:53.430> me<00:16:53.490> the
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it's not dark this doesn't give me the
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it's not dark this doesn't give me the
graph<00:16:53.879> a<00:16:54.240> lot<00:16:54.629> of<00:16:54.690> talking<00:16:55.050> postnatal<00:16:56.720> excuse
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graph a lot of talking postnatal excuse
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graph a lot of talking postnatal excuse
me<00:16:57.839> guys<00:16:58.079> just<00:16:58.589> let<00:16:58.709> you<00:16:58.800> know<00:16:58.829> I'm<00:16:59.040> closing<00:16:59.399> up
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me guys just let you know I'm closing up
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me guys just let you know I'm closing up
in<00:16:59.610> about<00:16:59.730> 10<00:17:00.000> minutes
00:17:00.379 --> 00:17:00.389 align:start position:0%
in about 10 minutes
00:17:00.389 --> 00:17:05.149 align:start position:0%
in about 10 minutes
yep<00:17:00.569> oh<00:17:00.720> good<00:17:00.990> yeah<00:17:02.870> just<00:17:03.870> asking<00:17:04.199> again<00:17:04.409> she's
00:17:05.149 --> 00:17:05.159 align:start position:0%
yep oh good yeah just asking again she's
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yep oh good yeah just asking again she's
already<00:17:05.339> told<00:17:05.549> me<00:17:05.730> twice<00:17:05.909> that<00:17:06.720> icon<00:17:07.079> you'll
00:17:07.880 --> 00:17:07.890 align:start position:0%
already told me twice that icon you'll
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already told me twice that icon you'll
be<00:17:07.980> fine
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we<00:17:35.190> could<00:17:35.370> literally<00:17:35.610> just<00:17:36.060> leave<00:17:36.600> it<00:17:36.780> open
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we could literally just leave it open
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we could literally just leave it open
and<00:17:37.470> come<00:17:38.010> back<00:17:38.190> at<00:17:38.340> night<00:17:38.460> to<00:17:38.640> get<00:17:38.760> the<00:17:38.850> shot
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and come back at night to get the shot
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and come back at night to get the shot
we<00:17:40.080> should<00:17:40.260> do<00:17:40.440> it<00:17:40.650> you<00:17:41.400> think<00:17:41.910> that's<00:17:42.030> it
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we should do it you think that's it
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we should do it you think that's it
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yeah<00:17:43.020> we're<00:17:43.290> not<00:17:43.580> like<00:17:44.580> yeah<00:17:44.730> I<00:17:44.760> mean<00:17:44.970> if<00:17:45.120> he's
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yeah we're not like yeah I mean if he's
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yeah we're not like yeah I mean if he's
not<00:17:45.270> even<00:17:45.630> here
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not even here
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not even here
every<00:17:46.800> wave<00:17:46.980> ever<00:17:49.070> yeah<00:17:50.070> but<00:17:50.810> okay<00:17:51.810> uh-huh
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every wave ever yeah but okay uh-huh
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every wave ever yeah but okay uh-huh
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typing<00:18:09.659> how<00:18:09.779> you<00:18:09.960> doing<00:18:11.179> it'll<00:18:12.179> be<00:18:12.269> fine
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whoa<00:18:20.880> check<00:18:21.180> this<00:18:21.240> out<00:18:22.040> hmm<00:18:23.040> I<00:18:23.430> was<00:18:23.790> going<00:18:24.420> the
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whoa check this out hmm I was going the
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whoa check this out hmm I was going the
footage<00:18:24.810> from<00:18:25.640> today<00:18:26.640> and<00:18:26.970> I<00:18:27.330> swear<00:18:27.600> I<00:18:27.750> saw
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footage from today and I swear I saw
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footage from today and I swear I saw
something<00:18:28.380> okay<00:18:29.130> check<00:18:30.060> this<00:18:30.480> out
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okay<00:18:42.909> yeah<00:18:43.539> just<00:18:43.960> keep<00:18:44.350> washing
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oh<00:18:57.739> hey<00:18:58.739> this<00:18:59.279> is<00:18:59.340> it<00:19:07.789> okay<00:19:08.789> yeah<00:19:09.559> well<00:19:10.559> someone
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oh hey this is it okay yeah well someone
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oh hey this is it okay yeah well someone
just<00:19:11.190> taken<00:19:11.700> it
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just taken it
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just taken it
that<00:19:12.779> was<00:19:12.869> not<00:19:13.019> real<00:19:13.759> that<00:19:14.759> was<00:19:14.909> literally<00:19:15.269> no
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that was not real that was literally no
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that was not real that was literally no
one<00:19:15.629> around<00:19:15.809> there<00:19:18.559> all<00:19:19.559> right<00:19:19.649> so<00:19:19.919> we've<00:19:20.070> got
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one around there all right so we've got
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one around there all right so we've got
two<00:19:20.429> here<00:19:20.700> this<00:19:20.940> one<00:19:21.179> is<00:19:21.360> for<00:19:21.769> net<00:19:22.769> and<00:19:23.399> this
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two here this one is for net and this
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two here this one is for net and this
one<00:19:24.450> is<00:19:24.690> the<00:19:26.090> one<00:19:27.090> for<00:19:27.299> the<00:19:27.359> camera<00:19:27.659> it's
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one is the one for the camera it's
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one is the one for the camera it's
pretty<00:19:28.080> bright<00:19:28.259> so<00:19:28.769> it<00:19:28.799> should<00:19:29.249> be<00:19:29.399> able<00:19:29.460> to
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pretty bright so it should be able to
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pretty bright so it should be able to
pick<00:19:29.700> up<00:19:30.230> everything
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pick up everything
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pick up everything
Oh<00:19:35.090> probably<00:19:36.090> gone
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Oh probably gone
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Oh probably gone
I<00:19:45.649> might<00:19:46.649> just<00:19:46.830> pull<00:19:46.980> up<00:19:47.009> here<00:19:47.269> yeah<00:19:48.269> that's
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I might just pull up here yeah that's
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I might just pull up here yeah that's
good<00:19:48.749> let's<00:19:49.649> do<00:19:49.830> this
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come<00:20:10.350> on<00:20:10.640> Jess<00:20:11.720> let's<00:20:12.720> go<00:20:12.920> all<00:20:13.920> right
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yeah<00:20:17.590> kinda
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okay<00:20:39.180> maybe
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make<00:21:13.840> sure<00:21:14.019> the<00:21:14.139> doors<00:21:14.380> lock<00:21:18.870> got<00:21:19.870> it
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make sure the doors lock got it
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make sure the doors lock got it
boy<00:21:24.419> I'll<00:21:25.419> believe<00:21:25.630> you<00:21:25.750> actually<00:21:25.870> I<00:21:26.080> mean
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smells<00:21:34.830> on<00:21:34.950> my<00:21:35.070> uncle<00:21:35.309> Larry's<00:21:35.640> house<00:21:35.820> a
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little<00:21:41.220> this<00:21:41.610> stuff
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look<00:21:48.720> uncle<00:21:49.350> Larry<00:21:49.530> dead<00:21:49.950> drink<00:21:50.190> no<00:21:55.790> there's<00:21:56.790> a
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look uncle Larry dead drink no there's a
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look uncle Larry dead drink no there's a
weird<00:21:57.980> creepy<00:22:07.490> not<00:22:08.490> alone<00:22:11.600> okay<00:22:12.890> one<00:22:13.890> let's<00:22:14.130> go
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weird creepy not alone okay one let's go
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weird creepy not alone okay one let's go
see<00:22:14.960> ya<00:22:17.929> real<00:22:18.929> quick<00:22:19.170> Cassandra<00:22:19.830> doctor<00:22:20.760> who
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see ya real quick Cassandra doctor who
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see ya real quick Cassandra doctor who
stretched<00:22:22.230> a<00:22:22.410> piece<00:22:22.620> of<00:22:22.800> skin<00:22:23.070> that's<00:22:23.309> nice
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stretched a piece of skin that's nice
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stretched a piece of skin that's nice
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let's<00:22:44.950> be<00:22:45.160> such<00:22:45.370> a<00:22:45.400> good<00:22:45.640> like
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so<00:23:18.700> sweet
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okay<00:23:26.560> yeah<00:23:27.780> this<00:23:28.780> carriage<00:23:29.260> in<00:23:29.530> particular<00:23:30.010> is
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okay yeah this carriage in particular is
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okay yeah this carriage in particular is
one<00:23:30.880> of<00:23:31.030> the<00:23:31.150> oldest<00:23:31.540> in<00:23:31.900> the<00:23:31.960> museum<00:23:32.500> and
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one of the oldest in the museum and
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one of the oldest in the museum and
being<00:23:34.060> here<00:23:34.240> at<00:23:34.300> night<00:23:34.420> is<00:23:34.770> unnerving<00:23:35.770> to<00:23:36.100> say
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being here at night is unnerving to say
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being here at night is unnerving to say
the<00:23:36.580> least
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the least
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the least
could<00:23:38.560> this<00:23:38.740> be<00:23:38.800> the<00:23:39.040> place<00:23:39.280> that<00:23:39.700> Gordon
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could this be the place that Gordon
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could this be the place that Gordon
right<00:23:40.300> Minister<00:23:40.870> My<00:23:41.670> giddy<00:23:42.670> be<00:23:42.940> with<00:23:43.120> us<00:23:43.240> right
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right Minister My giddy be with us right
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right Minister My giddy be with us right
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bit<00:23:46.840> cheesy<00:23:47.200> early<00:23:47.710> what<00:23:48.250> just<00:23:48.940> a<00:23:49.090> little<00:23:49.300> bit
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bit cheesy early what just a little bit
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bit cheesy early what just a little bit
just<00:23:50.190> okay<00:23:51.190> that<00:23:51.400> was<00:23:51.790> the<00:23:51.970> Sun<00:23:52.390> on<00:23:52.570> it<00:23:52.720> almost
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just okay that was the Sun on it almost
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just okay that was the Sun on it almost
six<00:23:53.680> a<00:23:53.800> grade<00:23:54.070> I<00:23:54.250> can<00:23:54.400> hear<00:23:54.550> everything
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six a grade I can hear everything
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six a grade I can hear everything
Marples<00:23:55.750> yes
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Marples yes
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Marples yes
just<00:23:58.510> quick<00:23:58.780> I'll<00:23:58.930> go<00:23:59.020> check<00:23:59.620> that<00:23:59.800> I<00:23:59.890> brought
00:24:00.090 --> 00:24:00.100 align:start position:0%
just quick I'll go check that I brought
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just quick I'll go check that I brought
the<00:24:00.280> extra<00:24:00.520> batteries<00:24:00.970> for<00:24:01.150> the<00:24:01.240> light<00:24:01.420> you
00:24:02.070 --> 00:24:02.080 align:start position:0%
the extra batteries for the light you
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the extra batteries for the light you
see<00:24:02.110> me<00:24:02.290> two<00:24:02.410> SEC's
00:24:05.150 --> 00:24:05.160 align:start position:0%
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all<00:24:06.160> right<00:24:06.280> you<00:24:06.400> guys<00:24:06.520> just<00:24:06.730> go<00:24:06.820> ahead<00:24:06.910> trust
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all right you guys just go ahead trust
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all right you guys just go ahead trust
me<00:24:07.810> one<00:24:08.320> minute
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00:24:58.840 --> 00:26:14.040 align:start position:0%
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hey<00:26:16.830> serve<00:26:17.830> you<00:26:17.980> right<00:26:18.360> Wow<00:26:19.770> why<00:26:20.770> I<00:26:21.660> thought
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hey serve you right Wow why I thought
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hey serve you right Wow why I thought
we're<00:26:22.810> gonna<00:26:22.900> be<00:26:23.080> what<00:26:23.350> professional
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come<00:26:27.460> on<00:26:27.610> guys<00:26:27.790> let's<00:26:28.030> just<00:26:28.060> get<00:26:28.270> on<00:26:28.390> with<00:26:28.420> it
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come on guys let's just get on with it
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come on guys let's just get on with it
do<00:26:31.270> you<00:26:31.360> rolling
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do you rolling
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do you rolling
that's<00:26:32.740> me<00:26:32.980> second<00:26:34.470> Ned<00:26:35.470> you<00:26:35.560> good<00:26:35.740> yeah<00:26:36.400> let's
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that's me second Ned you good yeah let's
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that's me second Ned you good yeah let's
do<00:26:36.700> it
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do it
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do it
so<00:26:37.930> we've<00:26:38.050> been<00:26:38.170> in<00:26:38.230> the<00:26:38.350> museum<00:26:39.130> for<00:26:39.310> about<00:26:39.490> an
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so we've been in the museum for about an
00:26:39.580 --> 00:26:42.420 align:start position:0%
so we've been in the museum for about an
hour<00:26:39.640> now<00:26:39.910> so<00:26:40.600> far<00:26:40.810> no<00:26:41.290> sign<00:26:41.560> of<00:26:41.590> anything<00:26:42.310> out
00:26:42.420 --> 00:26:42.430 align:start position:0%
hour now so far no sign of anything out
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hour now so far no sign of anything out
of<00:26:42.460> the<00:26:42.880> ordinary
00:26:43.610 --> 00:26:43.620 align:start position:0%
of the ordinary
00:26:43.620 --> 00:26:46.410 align:start position:0%
of the ordinary
but<00:26:44.620> there's<00:26:44.860> no<00:26:45.550> denying<00:26:45.910> that<00:26:46.090> there's
00:26:46.410 --> 00:26:46.420 align:start position:0%
but there's no denying that there's
00:26:46.420 --> 00:26:47.640 align:start position:0%
but there's no denying that there's
something<00:26:46.720> that<00:26:46.990> doesn't<00:26:47.260> feel<00:26:47.350> right<00:26:47.530> about
00:26:47.640 --> 00:26:47.650 align:start position:0%
something that doesn't feel right about
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something that doesn't feel right about
this<00:26:47.770> place<00:26:48.130> it<00:26:48.460> feels<00:26:49.420> is<00:26:49.600> like<00:26:49.780> we're<00:26:50.440> not
00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:50.650 align:start position:0%
this place it feels is like we're not
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this place it feels is like we're not
meant<00:26:50.920> to<00:26:51.010> be<00:26:51.100> here
00:26:56.210 --> 00:26:56.220 align:start position:0%
00:26:56.220 --> 00:27:23.400 align:start position:0%
videos<00:26:57.220> here<00:26:57.460> right<00:26:58.020> signal
00:27:23.400 --> 00:27:23.410 align:start position:0%
00:27:23.410 --> 00:27:34.860 align:start position:0%
00:27:34.860 --> 00:27:34.870 align:start position:0%
00:27:34.870 --> 00:27:42.299 align:start position:0%
let's<00:27:35.870> check<00:27:36.290> the<00:27:36.440> door
00:27:42.299 --> 00:27:42.309 align:start position:0%
00:27:42.309 --> 00:28:04.870 align:start position:0%
it's<00:27:43.309> luck
00:28:04.870 --> 00:28:04.880 align:start position:0%
00:28:04.880 --> 00:28:09.100 align:start position:0%
checking<00:28:05.630> it's<00:28:05.779> like<00:28:06.490> thank<00:28:07.490> forge<00:28:08.450> it<00:28:08.659> I<00:28:08.870> work
00:28:09.100 --> 00:28:09.110 align:start position:0%
checking it's like thank forge it I work
00:28:09.110 --> 00:28:11.110 align:start position:0%
checking it's like thank forge it I work
in<00:28:09.200> this<00:28:09.289> place<00:28:09.409> is<00:28:09.620> the<00:28:09.710> real<00:28:09.740> deal<00:28:10.070> I<00:28:10.309> mean
00:28:11.110 --> 00:28:11.120 align:start position:0%
in this place is the real deal I mean
00:28:11.120 --> 00:28:13.990 align:start position:0%
in this place is the real deal I mean
everyone<00:28:11.389> saw<00:28:11.509> that<00:28:11.659> didn't<00:28:11.929> they<00:28:12.130> yeah<00:28:13.130> your
00:28:13.990 --> 00:28:14.000 align:start position:0%
everyone saw that didn't they yeah your
00:28:14.000 --> 00:28:18.700 align:start position:0%
everyone saw that didn't they yeah your
hair<00:28:14.149> just<00:28:14.240> blew<00:28:14.509> back<00:28:15.820> even<00:28:16.820> safe<00:28:17.210> yeah<00:28:17.710> well
00:28:18.700 --> 00:28:18.710 align:start position:0%
hair just blew back even safe yeah well
00:28:18.710 --> 00:28:22.690 align:start position:0%
hair just blew back even safe yeah well
if<00:28:18.769> you<00:28:18.860> can<00:28:18.980> really<00:28:19.539> not<00:28:20.539> I<00:28:20.840> stay<00:28:21.610> no<00:28:22.610> we
00:28:22.690 --> 00:28:22.700 align:start position:0%
if you can really not I stay no we
00:28:22.700 --> 00:29:19.710 align:start position:0%
if you can really not I stay no we
should<00:28:22.820> stop<00:28:24.519> either<00:28:25.519> way<00:28:25.730> I<00:28:26.000> let<00:28:26.840> stuff
00:29:19.710 --> 00:29:19.720 align:start position:0%
00:29:19.720 --> 00:29:26.739 align:start position:0%
hey<00:29:24.580> keep<00:29:25.580> you<00:29:25.639> live<00:29:25.789> again<00:29:26.029> sound<00:29:26.509> really
00:29:26.739 --> 00:29:26.749 align:start position:0%
hey keep you live again sound really
00:29:26.749 --> 00:29:39.099 align:start position:0%
hey keep you live again sound really
neat<00:29:32.200> do<00:29:33.200> it<00:29:33.289> again<00:29:33.470> it<00:29:33.559> wasn't<00:29:33.979> the<00:29:34.039> same<00:29:38.080> okay
00:29:39.099 --> 00:29:39.109 align:start position:0%
neat do it again it wasn't the same okay
00:29:39.109 --> 00:29:41.619 align:start position:0%
neat do it again it wasn't the same okay
no<00:29:39.590> once<00:29:39.889> more<00:29:40.159> in<00:29:40.940> Sam<00:29:41.149> Sam
00:29:41.619 --> 00:29:41.629 align:start position:0%
no once more in Sam Sam
00:29:41.629 --> 00:29:43.659 align:start position:0%
no once more in Sam Sam
no<00:29:41.989> we<00:29:42.139> don't<00:29:42.320> have<00:29:42.409> time<00:29:42.559> for<00:29:42.619> this<00:29:42.919> just<00:29:43.519> come
00:29:43.659 --> 00:29:43.669 align:start position:0%
no we don't have time for this just come
00:29:43.669 --> 00:29:46.659 align:start position:0%
no we don't have time for this just come
on<00:29:43.729> listen<00:29:43.909> can't<00:29:44.720> do<00:29:44.779> it<00:29:44.840> once<00:29:44.989> more<00:29:45.669> we're
00:29:46.659 --> 00:29:46.669 align:start position:0%
on listen can't do it once more we're
00:29:46.669 --> 00:29:51.659 align:start position:0%
on listen can't do it once more we're
going<00:29:48.070> good<00:29:49.099> this<00:29:49.340> will<00:29:49.489> help<00:29:49.639> what's<00:29:50.090> going
00:29:51.659 --> 00:29:51.669 align:start position:0%
going good this will help what's going
00:29:51.669 --> 00:29:54.339 align:start position:0%
going good this will help what's going
you<00:29:52.669> guys<00:29:52.820> gotta<00:29:53.119> take<00:29:53.690> exam
00:29:54.339 --> 00:29:54.349 align:start position:0%
you guys gotta take exam
00:29:54.349 --> 00:30:00.909 align:start position:0%
you guys gotta take exam
seriously<00:29:55.309> Ned<00:29:55.460> yeah<00:29:56.029> this<00:29:56.599> guy<00:29:59.679> Holly<00:30:00.679> what
00:30:00.909 --> 00:30:00.919 align:start position:0%
seriously Ned yeah this guy Holly what
00:30:00.919 --> 00:30:06.729 align:start position:0%
seriously Ned yeah this guy Holly what
up<00:30:04.389> look<00:30:05.389> do<00:30:05.509> you<00:30:05.599> want<00:30:05.779> to<00:30:05.840> just<00:30:05.960> do<00:30:06.559> you<00:30:06.619> wanna
00:30:06.729 --> 00:30:06.739 align:start position:0%
up look do you want to just do you wanna
00:30:06.739 --> 00:30:08.529 align:start position:0%
up look do you want to just do you wanna
just<00:30:06.830> get<00:30:06.950> the<00:30:07.070> shot<00:30:07.279> the<00:30:07.489> mic<00:30:08.029> on<00:30:08.210> the<00:30:08.239> camera
00:30:08.529 --> 00:30:08.539 align:start position:0%
just get the shot the mic on the camera
00:30:08.539 --> 00:30:10.119 align:start position:0%
just get the shot the mic on the camera
should<00:30:08.690> be<00:30:08.749> able<00:30:09.169> to<00:30:09.289> pick<00:30:09.470> it<00:30:09.590> up<00:30:09.649> just<00:30:09.950> fine
00:30:10.119 --> 00:30:10.129 align:start position:0%
should be able to pick it up just fine
00:30:10.129 --> 00:30:13.810 align:start position:0%
should be able to pick it up just fine
let's<00:30:11.059> do<00:30:11.179> that<00:30:11.470> okay<00:30:12.470> yeah<00:30:12.889> we<00:30:13.159> can<00:30:13.309> splice<00:30:13.580> it
00:30:13.810 --> 00:30:13.820 align:start position:0%
let's do that okay yeah we can splice it
00:30:13.820 --> 00:30:16.830 align:start position:0%
let's do that okay yeah we can splice it
yeah<00:30:14.720> yeah<00:30:15.349> that's<00:30:15.499> all<00:30:15.919> right<00:30:16.070> let's<00:30:16.340> still
00:30:16.830 --> 00:30:16.840 align:start position:0%
yeah yeah that's all right let's still
00:30:16.840 --> 00:30:20.080 align:start position:0%
yeah yeah that's all right let's still
so<00:30:17.840> we've<00:30:18.129> experienced<00:30:19.129> strange<00:30:19.429> occurrences
00:30:20.080 --> 00:30:20.090 align:start position:0%
so we've experienced strange occurrences
00:30:20.090 --> 00:30:23.200 align:start position:0%
so we've experienced strange occurrences
we've<00:30:20.599> heard<00:30:20.869> things<00:30:21.080> and<00:30:21.970> whether<00:30:22.970> or<00:30:23.119> not
00:30:23.200 --> 00:30:23.210 align:start position:0%
we've heard things and whether or not
00:30:23.210 --> 00:30:24.580 align:start position:0%
we've heard things and whether or not
this<00:30:23.359> is<00:30:23.509> because<00:30:23.809> of<00:30:23.960> Gordon<00:30:24.229> rights
00:30:24.580 --> 00:30:24.590 align:start position:0%
this is because of Gordon rights
00:30:24.590 --> 00:30:27.639 align:start position:0%
this is because of Gordon rights
presents<00:30:25.190> we<00:30:25.580> don't<00:30:25.759> know<00:30:26.409> but<00:30:27.409> we<00:30:27.470> do<00:30:27.619> know
00:30:27.639 --> 00:30:27.649 align:start position:0%
presents we don't know but we do know
00:30:27.649 --> 00:30:30.430 align:start position:0%
presents we don't know but we do know
however<00:30:27.950> is<00:30:28.340> that<00:30:28.539> the<00:30:29.539> train<00:30:29.779> museum<00:30:29.869> is<00:30:30.259> not
00:30:30.430 --> 00:30:30.440 align:start position:0%
however is that the train museum is not
00:30:30.440 --> 00:30:33.190 align:start position:0%
however is that the train museum is not
only<00:30:30.619> home<00:30:30.979> to<00:30:31.009> a<00:30:31.729> range<00:30:32.419> of<00:30:32.690> historical
00:30:33.190 --> 00:30:33.200 align:start position:0%
only home to a range of historical
00:30:33.200 --> 00:30:36.339 align:start position:0%
only home to a range of historical
exhibits<00:30:33.979> but<00:30:34.419> perhaps<00:30:35.419> a<00:30:35.690> greater<00:30:35.929> unknown
00:30:36.339 --> 00:30:36.349 align:start position:0%
exhibits but perhaps a greater unknown
00:30:36.349 --> 00:30:43.229 align:start position:0%
exhibits but perhaps a greater unknown
force<00:30:36.940> be<00:30:37.940> it<00:30:37.970> benevolent<00:30:38.690> or<00:30:38.869> not<00:30:40.269> that's<00:30:41.269> it
00:30:43.229 --> 00:30:43.239 align:start position:0%
force be it benevolent or not that's it
00:30:43.239 --> 00:30:47.769 align:start position:0%
force be it benevolent or not that's it
you<00:30:44.239> should<00:30:44.389> probably<00:30:44.809> get<00:30:45.109> Ned<00:30:45.739> that's<00:30:46.779> not
00:30:47.769 --> 00:30:47.779 align:start position:0%
you should probably get Ned that's not
00:30:47.779 --> 00:30:54.490 align:start position:0%
you should probably get Ned that's not
attached<00:30:48.049> to<00:30:48.080> creep<00:30:48.440> me
00:30:54.490 --> 00:30:54.500 align:start position:0%
00:30:54.500 --> 00:31:02.769 align:start position:0%
is<00:30:55.500> that
00:31:02.769 --> 00:31:02.779 align:start position:0%
00:31:02.779 --> 00:31:14.210 align:start position:0%
just<00:31:03.779> nuts
00:31:14.210 --> 00:31:14.220 align:start position:0%
00:31:14.220 --> 00:31:20.810 align:start position:0%
00:31:20.810 --> 00:31:20.820 align:start position:0%
00:31:20.820 --> 00:31:46.880 align:start position:0%
00:31:46.880 --> 00:31:46.890 align:start position:0%
00:31:46.890 --> 00:31:58.040 align:start position:0%
yeah<00:31:47.940> wait<00:31:48.940> isn't<00:31:49.270> it
00:31:58.040 --> 00:31:58.050 align:start position:0%
00:31:58.050 --> 00:32:00.850 align:start position:0%
do<00:31:58.590> you<00:31:58.650> reckon<00:31:59.190> Jerry<00:31:59.670> he's<00:31:59.850> mocking<00:32:00.030> around
00:32:00.850 --> 00:32:00.860 align:start position:0%
do you reckon Jerry he's mocking around
00:32:00.860 --> 00:32:04.790 align:start position:0%
do you reckon Jerry he's mocking around
hey<00:32:02.270> this<00:32:03.270> stuff<00:32:03.300> he<00:32:03.960> wouldn't<00:32:04.200> go<00:32:04.320> as<00:32:04.440> far<00:32:04.470> as
00:32:04.790 --> 00:32:04.800 align:start position:0%
hey this stuff he wouldn't go as far as
00:32:04.800 --> 00:32:13.940 align:start position:0%
hey this stuff he wouldn't go as far as
the<00:32:04.980> breaks<00:32:05.640> headphones
00:32:13.940 --> 00:32:13.950 align:start position:0%
00:32:13.950 --> 00:32:47.310 align:start position:0%
Holly<00:32:15.470> can<00:32:16.470> you<00:32:16.530> see<00:32:22.790> what<00:32:23.790> is<00:32:23.940> that
00:32:47.310 --> 00:32:47.320 align:start position:0%
00:32:47.320 --> 00:32:57.270 align:start position:0%
method<00:32:48.320> another<00:32:48.530> light<00:32:48.800> was<00:32:49.040> coming<00:32:49.370> from
00:32:57.270 --> 00:32:57.280 align:start position:0%
00:32:57.280 --> 00:32:59.250 align:start position:0%
00:32:59.250 --> 00:32:59.260 align:start position:0%
00:32:59.260 --> 00:33:12.150 align:start position:0%
isn't<00:33:00.260> that<00:33:00.290> gliding<00:33:06.280> yeah
00:33:12.150 --> 00:33:12.160 align:start position:0%
00:33:12.160 --> 00:33:56.360 align:start position:0%
quilling<00:33:13.160> that's<00:33:13.370> not<00:33:13.580> in<00:33:13.730> here<00:33:20.559> no
00:33:56.360 --> 00:33:56.370 align:start position:0%
00:33:56.370 --> 00:34:00.630 align:start position:0%
is<00:33:57.370> that<00:33:58.740> that's<00:33:59.740> the<00:33:59.860> same<00:34:00.100> picture<00:34:00.370> from<00:34:00.550> the
00:34:00.630 --> 00:34:00.640 align:start position:0%
is that that's the same picture from the
00:34:00.640 --> 00:34:07.610 align:start position:0%
is that that's the same picture from the
website<00:34:03.570> alright<00:34:04.570> huh
00:34:07.610 --> 00:34:07.620 align:start position:0%
00:34:07.620 --> 00:34:10.919 align:start position:0%
why<00:34:08.669> would<00:34:09.669> that<00:34:09.850> be<00:34:10.000> a<00:34:10.030> picture<00:34:10.270> of<00:34:10.480> goldenrod
00:34:10.919 --> 00:34:10.929 align:start position:0%
why would that be a picture of goldenrod
00:34:10.929 --> 00:34:13.080 align:start position:0%
why would that be a picture of goldenrod
when<00:34:11.560> bill<00:34:12.280> didn't<00:34:12.640> even<00:34:12.820> want<00:34:13.030> to
00:34:13.080 --> 00:34:13.090 align:start position:0%
when bill didn't even want to
00:34:13.090 --> 00:34:58.130 align:start position:0%
when bill didn't even want to
acknowledge<00:34:13.210> his<00:34:13.660> existence
00:34:58.130 --> 00:34:58.140 align:start position:0%
00:34:58.140 --> 00:35:23.600 align:start position:0%
okay<00:34:59.140> can<00:34:59.380> we<00:34:59.410> find<00:34:59.740> that<00:34:59.860> and<00:35:00.040> get<00:35:00.190> out<00:35:00.610> yeah
00:35:23.600 --> 00:35:23.610 align:start position:0%
00:35:23.610 --> 00:35:50.600 align:start position:0%
what's<00:35:24.610> happening<00:35:29.310> is<00:35:30.310> that<00:35:32.490> one<00:35:33.490> needs<00:35:33.520> talk
00:35:50.600 --> 00:35:50.610 align:start position:0%
00:35:50.610 --> 00:36:29.960 align:start position:0%
net<00:35:53.780> so<00:35:54.780> where<00:35:54.930> to<00:35:54.990> go<00:35:55.140> this<00:35:55.850> is<00:35:56.850> no<00:36:24.530> Xena<00:36:28.970> check
00:36:29.960 --> 00:36:29.970 align:start position:0%
net so where to go this is no Xena check
00:36:29.970 --> 00:36:33.370 align:start position:0%
net so where to go this is no Xena check
the<00:36:30.120> other<00:36:30.270> side
00:36:33.370 --> 00:36:33.380 align:start position:0%
00:36:33.380 --> 00:36:57.190 align:start position:0%
Ned<00:36:34.970> Ned
00:36:57.190 --> 00:36:57.200 align:start position:0%
00:36:57.200 --> 00:36:59.450 align:start position:0%
yeah<00:36:58.200> this<00:36:58.380> is<00:36:58.500> getting<00:36:58.769> too<00:36:58.890> much<00:36:58.920> now<00:36:59.279> I'm
00:36:59.450 --> 00:36:59.460 align:start position:0%
yeah this is getting too much now I'm
00:36:59.460 --> 00:37:15.230 align:start position:0%
yeah this is getting too much now I'm
actually<00:37:00.390> scared<00:37:03.589> you<00:37:04.589> see<00:37:13.670> did<00:37:14.670> you<00:37:14.700> turn<00:37:15.119> the
00:37:15.230 --> 00:37:15.240 align:start position:0%
actually scared you see did you turn the
00:37:15.240 --> 00:37:17.359 align:start position:0%
actually scared you see did you turn the
light<00:37:15.390> off<00:37:15.420> I<00:37:15.809> didn't<00:37:16.079> know<00:37:16.829> what's<00:37:17.039> going<00:37:17.250> on
00:37:17.359 --> 00:37:17.369 align:start position:0%
light off I didn't know what's going on
00:37:17.369 --> 00:37:41.660 align:start position:0%
light off I didn't know what's going on
it's<00:37:17.519> just<00:37:40.010> do<00:37:41.010> you<00:37:41.069> want<00:37:41.250> to<00:37:41.309> try<00:37:41.430> to<00:37:41.490> come
00:37:41.660 --> 00:37:41.670 align:start position:0%
it's just do you want to try to come
00:37:41.670 --> 00:37:54.350 align:start position:0%
it's just do you want to try to come
back<00:37:41.789> at<00:37:42.029> all
00:37:54.350 --> 00:37:54.360 align:start position:0%
00:37:54.360 --> 00:38:05.779 align:start position:0%
keep<00:37:55.360> going
00:38:05.779 --> 00:38:05.789 align:start position:0%
00:38:05.789 --> 00:38:09.299 align:start position:0%
yeah<00:38:06.789> we<00:38:06.999> got<00:38:07.150> the<00:38:07.269> hell<00:38:07.299> out<00:38:07.509> of<00:38:07.569> here<00:38:08.309> which
00:38:09.299 --> 00:38:09.309 align:start position:0%
yeah we got the hell out of here which
00:38:09.309 --> 00:38:09.930 align:start position:0%
yeah we got the hell out of here which
is<00:38:09.459> cool
00:38:09.930 --> 00:38:09.940 align:start position:0%
is cool
00:38:09.940 --> 00:38:13.109 align:start position:0%
is cool
we<00:38:10.059> can't<00:38:10.269> leave<00:38:10.390> then<00:38:10.690> we<00:38:11.200> just<00:38:11.589> go<00:38:11.769> and<00:38:12.099> we<00:38:12.969> go
00:38:13.109 --> 00:38:13.119 align:start position:0%
we can't leave then we just go and we go
00:38:13.119 --> 00:38:14.430 align:start position:0%
we can't leave then we just go and we go
get<00:38:13.299> help<00:38:13.539> and<00:38:13.690> then<00:38:13.809> we<00:38:13.900> come<00:38:14.079> straight<00:38:14.410> back
00:38:14.430 --> 00:38:14.440 align:start position:0%
get help and then we come straight back
00:38:14.440 --> 00:38:17.219 align:start position:0%
get help and then we come straight back
oh<00:38:14.829> we<00:38:15.069> can't<00:38:15.279> just<00:38:15.549> oh<00:38:15.849> my<00:38:16.359> god<00:38:16.539> we<00:38:16.959> can't
00:38:17.219 --> 00:38:17.229 align:start position:0%
oh we can't just oh my god we can't
00:38:17.229 --> 00:38:19.349 align:start position:0%
oh we can't just oh my god we can't
leave<00:38:17.440> him<00:38:17.559> I<00:38:17.619> can't<00:38:17.950> I<00:38:18.130> can't<00:38:18.430> I<00:38:18.670> can't<00:38:19.209> deal
00:38:19.349 --> 00:38:19.359 align:start position:0%
leave him I can't I can't I can't deal
00:38:19.359 --> 00:38:21.329 align:start position:0%
leave him I can't I can't I can't deal
with<00:38:19.390> this<00:38:19.569> anymore<00:38:19.690> we<00:38:20.319> just<00:38:20.529> go<00:38:20.680> and<00:38:20.979> we<00:38:21.039> find
00:38:21.329 --> 00:38:21.339 align:start position:0%
with this anymore we just go and we find
00:38:21.339 --> 00:38:23.400 align:start position:0%
with this anymore we just go and we find
someone<00:38:21.729> and<00:38:21.880> we<00:38:21.969> come<00:38:22.180> back<00:38:22.359> what<00:38:22.930> do<00:38:23.049> you<00:38:23.200> got
00:38:23.400 --> 00:38:23.410 align:start position:0%
someone and we come back what do you got
00:38:23.410 --> 00:38:26.339 align:start position:0%
someone and we come back what do you got
we're<00:38:23.739> not<00:38:23.969> going<00:38:24.969> any<00:38:25.299> other<00:38:25.569> I'm<00:38:25.809> not<00:38:25.869> saying
00:38:26.339 --> 00:38:26.349 align:start position:0%
we're not going any other I'm not saying
00:38:26.349 --> 00:38:28.249 align:start position:0%
we're not going any other I'm not saying
that<00:38:26.529> I'm<00:38:26.859> not<00:38:26.950> saying<00:38:27.190> we<00:38:27.339> just<00:38:27.369> leave<00:38:27.729> him
00:38:28.249 --> 00:38:28.259 align:start position:0%
that I'm not saying we just leave him
00:38:28.259 --> 00:38:30.779 align:start position:0%
that I'm not saying we just leave him
I'm<00:38:29.259> just<00:38:29.469> saying<00:38:29.680> we<00:38:29.799> go<00:38:29.950> somewhere<00:38:30.339> and<00:38:30.670> we
00:38:30.779 --> 00:38:30.789 align:start position:0%
I'm just saying we go somewhere and we
00:38:30.789 --> 00:38:34.339 align:start position:0%
I'm just saying we go somewhere and we
just<00:38:30.969> find<00:38:31.150> some<00:38:31.450> help<00:38:31.660> and<00:38:31.900> bring<00:38:32.799> them<00:38:32.920> back
00:38:34.339 --> 00:38:34.349 align:start position:0%
just find some help and bring them back
00:38:34.349 --> 00:38:43.640 align:start position:0%
just find some help and bring them back
I'm<00:38:35.349> gonna<00:38:35.469> find<00:38:35.739> him
00:38:43.640 --> 00:38:43.650 align:start position:0%
00:38:43.650 --> 00:38:52.919 align:start position:0%
00:38:52.919 --> 00:38:52.929 align:start position:0%
00:38:52.929 --> 00:39:15.410 align:start position:0%
Ali<00:38:55.329> Ali<00:38:56.329> slow<00:38:57.139> down<00:39:08.049> now<00:39:09.079> doughnuts
00:39:15.410 --> 00:39:15.420 align:start position:0%
00:39:15.420 --> 00:39:27.860 align:start position:0%
00:39:27.860 --> 00:39:27.870 align:start position:0%
00:39:27.870 --> 00:39:32.190 align:start position:0%
00:39:32.190 --> 00:39:32.200 align:start position:0%
00:39:32.200 --> 00:39:36.380 align:start position:0%
00:39:36.380 --> 00:39:36.390 align:start position:0%
00:39:36.390 --> 00:39:39.650 align:start position:0%
it's<00:39:36.870> not<00:39:37.080> in<00:39:37.260> here<00:39:38.180> you<00:39:39.180> should<00:39:39.360> feel<00:39:39.540> the
00:39:39.650 --> 00:39:39.660 align:start position:0%
it's not in here you should feel the
00:39:39.660 --> 00:39:49.880 align:start position:0%
it's not in here you should feel the
carriages<00:39:40.050> oh<00:39:43.550> just<00:39:44.550> pull<00:39:44.760> it<00:39:48.230> hold<00:39:49.230> on<00:39:49.350> hold
00:39:49.880 --> 00:39:49.890 align:start position:0%
carriages oh just pull it hold on hold
00:39:49.890 --> 00:40:05.350 align:start position:0%
carriages oh just pull it hold on hold
on<00:39:53.420> hold<00:39:54.420> on<00:39:56.750> just<00:39:57.750> push<00:39:58.050> it
00:40:05.350 --> 00:40:05.360 align:start position:0%
00:40:05.360 --> 00:40:10.710 align:start position:0%
00:40:10.710 --> 00:40:10.720 align:start position:0%
00:40:10.720 --> 00:40:17.420 align:start position:0%
00:40:17.420 --> 00:40:17.430 align:start position:0%
00:40:17.430 --> 00:40:53.940 align:start position:0%
just<00:40:18.430> hold<00:40:18.610> on
00:40:53.940 --> 00:40:53.950 align:start position:0%
00:40:53.950 --> 00:41:08.420 align:start position:0%
00:41:08.420 --> 00:41:08.430 align:start position:0%
00:41:08.430 --> 00:43:31.000 align:start position:0%
00:43:31.000 --> 00:43:31.010 align:start position:0%
00:43:31.010 --> 00:44:43.120 align:start position:0%
00:44:43.120 --> 00:44:43.130 align:start position:0%
00:44:43.130 --> 00:44:45.190 align:start position:0%
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