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Kind: captions
Language: en
00:00:26.110 --> 00:00:55.080 align:start position:0%
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what<00:01:40.640> do<00:01:40.720> you<00:01:40.799> think
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you<00:01:52.640> must<00:01:52.880> be<00:01:52.960> richard<00:01:54.079> i'm<00:01:54.320> luke<00:01:54.640> this<00:01:54.799> is<00:01:54.880> my
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you must be richard i'm luke this is my
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you must be richard i'm luke this is my
wife<00:01:55.280> jennifer<00:01:55.600> sorry
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wife jennifer sorry
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wife jennifer sorry
three<00:01:56.479> bedrooms<00:01:57.280> one<00:01:57.520> and<00:01:57.600> a<00:01:57.680> half<00:01:58.000> baths
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three bedrooms one and a half baths
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three bedrooms one and a half baths
she's<00:01:59.360> old
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she's old
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she's old
but<00:02:00.960> she's<00:02:01.200> got<00:02:01.439> good<00:02:01.759> bones
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when<00:02:05.840> was<00:02:06.079> it<00:02:06.159> built<00:02:06.560> on<00:02:06.799> inside<00:02:07.280> and<00:02:07.360> take<00:02:07.520> a
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when was it built on inside and take a
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when was it built on inside and take a
look<00:02:07.920> around
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look around
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look around
you<00:02:09.280> let<00:02:09.440> me<00:02:09.599> know<00:02:09.840> if<00:02:09.920> you<00:02:10.080> find<00:02:10.319> any<00:02:10.560> problems
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you let me know if you find any problems
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you let me know if you find any problems
or<00:02:20.840> whatnot
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good<00:02:30.319> bones<00:02:30.720> huh
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comes<00:02:33.599> with<00:02:33.760> furniture<00:02:35.680> yeah
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comes with furniture yeah
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comes with furniture yeah
i<00:02:36.879> guess<00:02:37.519> richard<00:02:38.000> got<00:02:38.160> the<00:02:38.319> house<00:02:38.560> on<00:02:38.800> auction
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i guess richard got the house on auction
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i guess richard got the house on auction
he's<00:02:40.560> been<00:02:40.720> meaning<00:02:41.040> to<00:02:41.120> fix<00:02:41.360> it<00:02:41.519> up<00:02:41.680> a<00:02:41.760> bit<00:02:42.000> but
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he's been meaning to fix it up a bit but
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he's been meaning to fix it up a bit but
hasn't<00:02:43.360> gotten<00:02:43.680> around<00:02:43.920> to<00:02:44.080> it<00:02:44.160> yet
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hasn't gotten around to it yet
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hasn't gotten around to it yet
so<00:02:44.879> we<00:02:46.000> get<00:02:46.239> it<00:02:46.319> like<00:02:48.840> this
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so we get it like this
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so we get it like this
he's<00:02:51.519> giving<00:02:51.760> us<00:02:51.920> a<00:02:52.000> really<00:02:52.160> nice<00:02:52.480> deal
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hey<00:03:03.680> give<00:03:03.840> it<00:03:04.000> a<00:03:04.080> chance<00:03:04.319> huh
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hey give it a chance huh
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hey give it a chance huh
i<00:03:05.840> think<00:03:06.000> this<00:03:06.159> could<00:03:06.239> be<00:03:06.400> fun<00:03:07.200> you<00:03:07.360> know
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i think this could be fun you know
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i think this could be fun you know
playing<00:03:08.319> house<00:03:08.480> for<00:03:08.640> a<00:03:08.720> few<00:03:08.879> months
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i'll<00:03:17.519> go<00:03:17.680> get<00:03:17.760> rid<00:03:17.920> of<00:03:18.000> mr<00:03:18.640> personality
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a<00:03:28.239> few<00:03:30.840> months
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i<00:04:47.919> haven't<00:04:48.240> lived<00:04:48.479> in<00:04:48.639> a<00:04:48.720> house<00:04:48.960> since<00:04:49.280> i<00:04:49.440> left
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i haven't lived in a house since i left
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i haven't lived in a house since i left
our<00:04:51.199> apartment<00:04:52.800> i<00:04:52.880> think<00:04:53.040> it's<00:04:53.199> fit<00:04:53.440> into
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our apartment i think it's fit into
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our apartment i think it's fit into
these<00:04:53.919> two<00:04:54.840> rooms
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these two rooms
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these two rooms
it's<00:04:57.120> a<00:04:57.199> lot<00:04:57.360> of<00:04:57.440> house<00:04:59.360> it's<00:04:59.520> a<00:04:59.600> lot<00:04:59.759> to<00:04:59.919> get
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it's a lot of house it's a lot to get
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it's a lot of house it's a lot to get
used<00:05:00.320> to
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it's<00:05:04.000> only<00:05:04.240> for<00:05:04.400> now
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i<00:05:07.520> i<00:05:07.600> think<00:05:07.759> this<00:05:07.919> is<00:05:08.080> gonna<00:05:08.240> be<00:05:08.400> really<00:05:08.560> good
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i i think this is gonna be really good
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i i think this is gonna be really good
for<00:05:09.039> us
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and<00:05:12.240> once<00:05:12.479> things<00:05:12.720> have<00:05:12.880> settled<00:05:13.120> down
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chicago<00:05:16.160> will<00:05:16.320> still<00:05:16.560> be<00:05:16.720> there
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chicago will still be there
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chicago will still be there
promise<00:05:22.840> promise
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it's<00:05:26.160> a<00:05:26.240> nice<00:05:36.840> house
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hello<00:05:58.400> mom<00:05:58.800> oh<00:05:59.039> well<00:05:59.199> you<00:05:59.440> just<00:05:59.680> look<00:05:59.919> at<00:06:00.080> this
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hello mom oh well you just look at this
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hello mom oh well you just look at this
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it<00:06:01.759> is<00:06:02.000> so<00:06:02.240> good<00:06:02.479> to<00:06:02.639> have<00:06:02.800> you<00:06:03.039> back<00:06:03.440> jenny<00:06:04.160> you
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it is so good to have you back jenny you
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it is so good to have you back jenny you
have<00:06:04.560> no<00:06:04.880> idea<00:06:05.120> how<00:06:05.280> much<00:06:05.520> i've<00:06:05.680> missed
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have no idea how much i've missed
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have no idea how much i've missed
you<00:06:06.800> and<00:06:07.120> you<00:06:07.680> luke<00:06:08.560> handsome
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you and you luke handsome
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you and you luke handsome
as<00:06:09.360> ever<00:06:09.840> oh<00:06:10.240> welcome<00:06:10.800> home<00:06:11.440> welcome
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as ever oh welcome home welcome
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as ever oh welcome home welcome
oh<00:06:13.039> and<00:06:13.360> i've<00:06:13.840> brought<00:06:14.160> you<00:06:14.560> a<00:06:14.720> little
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oh and i've brought you a little
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oh and i've brought you a little
housewarming<00:06:15.680> gift<00:06:15.919> for<00:06:16.080> the<00:06:16.240> nursery
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housewarming gift for the nursery
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housewarming gift for the nursery
and<00:06:17.520> some<00:06:17.759> wraps<00:06:18.080> from<00:06:18.319> over<00:06:18.479> at<00:06:18.639> larry's
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and some wraps from over at larry's
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and some wraps from over at larry's
place<00:06:19.280> i<00:06:19.360> figured<00:06:19.600> you<00:06:19.680> must<00:06:19.919> be<00:06:20.080> starving
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place i figured you must be starving
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place i figured you must be starving
we<00:06:20.720> just<00:06:20.960> ordered<00:06:21.199> a<00:06:21.280> pizza<00:06:22.240> so<00:06:23.360> well<00:06:23.600> how<00:06:23.759> was
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we just ordered a pizza so well how was
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we just ordered a pizza so well how was
i<00:06:24.080> supposed<00:06:24.400> to<00:06:24.479> know<00:06:24.720> that
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i supposed to know that
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i supposed to know that
could<00:06:25.280> have<00:06:25.440> called<00:06:25.840> that<00:06:25.919> would<00:06:26.080> have<00:06:26.160> worked
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could have called that would have worked
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could have called that would have worked
honey<00:06:26.720> it's<00:06:26.960> okay<00:06:27.360> i'll<00:06:27.520> just<00:06:27.600> put<00:06:27.759> him<00:06:27.919> in<00:06:28.000> the
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honey it's okay i'll just put him in the
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honey it's okay i'll just put him in the
fridge<00:06:28.319> meredith<00:06:28.639> thank<00:06:28.800> you<00:06:28.960> that<00:06:29.039> was<00:06:29.199> very
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fridge meredith thank you that was very
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fridge meredith thank you that was very
thoughtful<00:06:29.680> well<00:06:29.919> i<00:06:30.080> figured<00:06:30.319> you<00:06:30.479> must<00:06:30.639> be
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thoughtful well i figured you must be
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thoughtful well i figured you must be
starved<00:06:31.280> no<00:06:31.440> really<00:06:31.600> we<00:06:31.759> are<00:06:31.919> here
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starved no really we are here
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starved no really we are here
come<00:06:33.280> in<00:06:33.360> excuse<00:06:33.680> me<00:06:34.800> oh
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i<00:06:40.240> see<00:06:40.400> you<00:06:40.560> just<00:06:40.880> started<00:06:41.280> to<00:06:41.520> unpack<00:06:42.160> we<00:06:42.319> got
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i see you just started to unpack we got
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i see you just started to unpack we got
here<00:06:42.639> this<00:06:42.880> afternoon
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here this afternoon
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here this afternoon
i<00:06:44.000> know<00:06:44.400> i<00:06:44.560> know<00:06:45.199> i'm<00:06:45.360> just<00:06:45.680> saying<00:06:46.319> you<00:06:46.560> have
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i know i know i'm just saying you have
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i know i know i'm just saying you have
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awfully<00:06:47.440> long<00:06:47.680> way<00:06:47.840> to<00:06:48.000> go<00:06:48.400> don't<00:06:48.639> you<00:06:49.120> yes
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it's<00:06:52.240> not<00:06:52.560> so<00:06:52.800> bad<00:06:53.039> i<00:06:53.120> was<00:06:53.280> telling<00:06:53.599> jennifer
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it's not so bad i was telling jennifer
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it's not so bad i was telling jennifer
earlier<00:06:54.240> how<00:06:54.400> exciting
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earlier how exciting
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earlier how exciting
yes<00:06:55.199> it's<00:06:55.440> terribly<00:06:56.000> terribly<00:06:56.560> exciting<00:06:57.919> well
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certainly<00:07:00.880> is<00:07:01.039> big<00:07:01.199> enough
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i'm<00:07:07.039> gonna<00:07:07.199> go<00:07:07.440> put<00:07:07.599> these<00:07:07.919> in<00:07:08.080> the<00:07:08.160> kitchen<00:07:08.639> uh
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i'm gonna go put these in the kitchen uh
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i'm gonna go put these in the kitchen uh
meredith<00:07:09.280> maybe<00:07:09.520> you<00:07:09.599> want<00:07:09.680> to<00:07:09.759> take<00:07:09.840> a<00:07:09.919> look
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meredith maybe you want to take a look
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meredith maybe you want to take a look
around<00:07:10.400> upstairs
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around upstairs
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around upstairs
sounds<00:07:11.280> lovely<00:07:11.919> yes
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sounds lovely yes
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sounds lovely yes
jenny<00:07:14.840> coming
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luke<00:07:27.280> seems<00:07:27.599> to<00:07:27.759> be<00:07:27.840> in<00:07:28.000> high<00:07:28.240> spirits<00:07:28.800> doesn't
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luke seems to be in high spirits doesn't
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luke seems to be in high spirits doesn't
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and<00:07:35.440> you<00:07:36.960> how<00:07:37.199> are<00:07:37.360> you
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and you how are you
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and you how are you
you<00:07:38.639> don't<00:07:38.800> have<00:07:38.960> to<00:07:39.120> tiptoe<00:07:39.599> around<00:07:39.919> me<00:07:40.080> mom
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you don't have to tiptoe around me mom
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you don't have to tiptoe around me mom
i'm<00:07:40.639> fine<00:07:41.039> please<00:07:41.360> don't<00:07:41.599> lie<00:07:41.919> jenny
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i'm fine please don't lie jenny
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i'm fine please don't lie jenny
it<00:07:42.479> doesn't<00:07:42.800> suit<00:07:43.120> you
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it doesn't suit you
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it doesn't suit you
what<00:07:45.840> do<00:07:45.919> you<00:07:46.080> want<00:07:46.560> i<00:07:46.720> want<00:07:46.960> you<00:07:47.120> to<00:07:47.199> be<00:07:47.440> happy
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what do you want i want you to be happy
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what do you want i want you to be happy
i'm<00:07:49.039> happy<00:07:49.840> things<00:07:50.160> are<00:07:50.240> great<00:07:50.560> well<00:07:50.800> i'm<00:07:50.960> glad
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i'm happy things are great well i'm glad
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i'm happy things are great well i'm glad
to<00:07:51.360> hear<00:07:51.680> that
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to hear that
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to hear that
after<00:07:52.960> all<00:07:53.120> the<00:07:53.199> help<00:07:53.440> i've<00:07:53.680> given<00:07:53.919> you<00:07:54.639> i
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after all the help i've given you i
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after all the help i've given you i
don't<00:07:54.960> need<00:07:55.199> your<00:07:55.360> help
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don't need your help
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don't need your help
well<00:07:56.879> i<00:07:57.120> beg<00:07:57.440> to<00:07:57.599> differ<00:07:58.400> where<00:07:58.560> would<00:07:58.720> you<00:07:58.879> be
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well i beg to differ where would you be
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well i beg to differ where would you be
if<00:07:59.280> i<00:07:59.360> hadn't<00:07:59.680> convinced<00:08:00.160> richard<00:08:00.479> about<00:08:00.720> this
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if i hadn't convinced richard about this
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if i hadn't convinced richard about this
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and<00:08:02.000> helped<00:08:02.240> luke<00:08:02.560> get<00:08:02.720> this<00:08:02.960> job<00:08:03.520> in<00:08:03.680> chicago
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and helped luke get this job in chicago
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and helped luke get this job in chicago
oh<00:08:05.440> yes<00:08:06.879> raising<00:08:07.360> a<00:08:07.520> family<00:08:07.919> on<00:08:08.080> a<00:08:08.160> bartender's
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oh yes raising a family on a bartender's
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oh yes raising a family on a bartender's
salary<00:08:09.520> alone
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salary alone
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salary alone
of<00:08:10.840> course<00:08:11.840> no<00:08:12.639> i<00:08:12.800> think<00:08:12.960> this<00:08:13.199> is<00:08:13.360> going<00:08:13.520> to<00:08:13.599> be
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of course no i think this is going to be
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of course no i think this is going to be
best<00:08:14.000> for<00:08:14.160> both<00:08:14.400> of<00:08:14.560> you
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best for both of you
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best for both of you
the<00:08:16.080> three<00:08:16.400> of<00:08:16.479> you<00:08:17.520> besides<00:08:18.080> it's<00:08:18.240> about<00:08:18.560> time
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the three of you besides it's about time
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the three of you besides it's about time
luke<00:08:19.199> did<00:08:19.440> something<00:08:19.680> with<00:08:19.919> his<00:08:20.080> degree
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and<00:08:23.599> you<00:08:23.919> can<00:08:24.160> we<00:08:24.240> not<00:08:24.400> do<00:08:24.560> this<00:08:24.720> right<00:08:24.879> now
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and you can we not do this right now
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and you can we not do this right now
still<00:08:25.280> haven't<00:08:25.520> talked<00:08:25.759> about<00:08:25.919> it<00:08:26.000> there's
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still haven't talked about it there's
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still haven't talked about it there's
nothing<00:08:26.720> to<00:08:26.879> talk<00:08:27.120> about<00:08:27.440> a<00:08:27.599> rational<00:08:28.080> little
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nothing to talk about a rational little
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nothing to talk about a rational little
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stop<00:08:29.599> mom<00:08:29.919> you<00:08:30.000> know<00:08:30.240> i<00:08:30.319> wasn't<00:08:30.639> exactly
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stop mom you know i wasn't exactly
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stop mom you know i wasn't exactly
thrilled<00:08:31.360> when<00:08:31.520> i<00:08:31.680> found<00:08:31.919> out<00:08:32.000> i<00:08:32.080> was<00:08:32.240> pregnant
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thrilled when i found out i was pregnant
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thrilled when i found out i was pregnant
with<00:08:32.800> you
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with you
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with you
but<00:08:34.159> i<00:08:34.240> managed<00:08:34.640> to<00:08:34.719> keep<00:08:34.959> it<00:08:35.039> together<00:08:35.360> didn't
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but i managed to keep it together didn't
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but i managed to keep it together didn't
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you<00:08:37.440> should<00:08:37.680> leave<00:08:38.320> i<00:08:38.479> didn't<00:08:38.800> act<00:08:38.959> like<00:08:39.200> a
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you should leave i didn't act like a
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you should leave i didn't act like a
spoiled<00:08:40.000> child<00:08:40.479> what<00:08:40.719> you<00:08:40.880> did<00:08:41.120> was
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spoiled child what you did was
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spoiled child what you did was
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embarrassing<00:08:43.279> really<00:08:43.680> get<00:08:43.919> out
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of<00:08:51.839> course<00:08:53.200> it's<00:08:53.360> none<00:08:53.519> of<00:08:53.600> my<00:08:53.760> business
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i'm<00:09:02.560> just<00:09:02.720> so<00:09:02.959> glad<00:09:03.360> everything's<00:09:03.839> all<00:09:06.839> right
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i'm just so glad everything's all right
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i'm just so glad everything's all right
it's<00:09:10.080> a<00:09:10.160> lovely<00:09:10.560> house
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leaving<00:09:22.160> already<00:09:22.640> i<00:09:22.880> should<00:09:23.040> be<00:09:23.120> going<00:09:23.680> let
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leaving already i should be going let
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leaving already i should be going let
you<00:09:24.080> two<00:09:24.320> finish<00:09:24.640> unpacking
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you two finish unpacking
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you two finish unpacking
good<00:09:25.839> night<00:09:26.160> luke<00:09:27.360> thanks<00:09:27.600> for<00:09:27.760> the<00:09:27.839> wraps
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good night luke thanks for the wraps
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good night luke thanks for the wraps
it<00:09:28.880> was<00:09:29.040> nice<00:09:29.360> to<00:09:29.519> see<00:09:29.680> you
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jenny<00:09:32.800> bye<00:09:33.040> mom<00:09:34.399> oh
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jenny bye mom oh
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jenny bye mom oh
i<00:09:35.440> forgot<00:09:35.760> to<00:09:36.000> tell<00:09:36.240> you<00:09:36.720> i'm<00:09:36.880> going<00:09:37.040> to<00:09:37.120> be
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i forgot to tell you i'm going to be
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i forgot to tell you i'm going to be
throwing<00:09:37.600> a<00:09:37.760> housewarming<00:09:38.399> party<00:09:38.720> for<00:09:38.880> you
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throwing a housewarming party for you
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throwing a housewarming party for you
here<00:09:39.279> this<00:09:39.440> weekend
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here this weekend
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here this weekend
i've<00:09:40.480> invited<00:09:40.880> all<00:09:41.120> of<00:09:41.200> my<00:09:41.519> friends<00:09:41.920> of<00:09:42.080> course
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i've invited all of my friends of course
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i've invited all of my friends of course
and<00:09:42.640> some<00:09:42.880> of<00:09:43.040> yours<00:09:43.440> what
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and some of yours what
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and some of yours what
i'm<00:09:43.920> going<00:09:44.160> to<00:09:44.240> make<00:09:44.399> a<00:09:44.480> few<00:09:44.800> appetizers<00:09:45.760> and
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i'm going to make a few appetizers and
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i'm going to make a few appetizers and
dips<00:09:46.160> and<00:09:46.320> the<00:09:46.480> like
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dips and the like
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dips and the like
but<00:09:47.040> you<00:09:47.200> should<00:09:47.360> probably<00:09:47.760> put<00:09:47.920> a<00:09:48.000> few<00:09:48.160> things
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but you should probably put a few things
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but you should probably put a few things
together<00:09:48.800> yourself<00:09:49.279> we<00:09:49.440> can't<00:09:49.839> oh
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together yourself we can't oh
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together yourself we can't oh
and<00:09:51.200> make<00:09:51.440> sure<00:09:51.680> you've<00:09:51.920> finished<00:09:52.320> unpacking
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and make sure you've finished unpacking
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and make sure you've finished unpacking
hmm<00:09:54.240> i<00:09:54.320> don't<00:09:54.480> want<00:09:54.640> anyone<00:09:54.959> to<00:09:55.040> get<00:09:55.200> a<00:09:55.279> bad
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hmm i don't want anyone to get a bad
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hmm i don't want anyone to get a bad
first<00:09:55.839> impression
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she<00:10:02.640> made<00:10:02.880> you<00:10:03.120> curtains<00:10:03.839> yes<00:10:04.720> oh<00:10:05.200> god<00:10:05.440> what
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she made you curtains yes oh god what
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she made you curtains yes oh god what
are<00:10:05.680> they<00:10:05.920> like
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are they like
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are they like
elephants<00:10:08.160> and<00:10:08.320> zebras<00:10:08.800> on<00:10:08.880> them<00:10:09.839> she<00:10:10.000> made
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elephants and zebras on them she made
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elephants and zebras on them she made
you<00:10:10.399> jungle<00:10:10.800> curtains
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you jungle curtains
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you jungle curtains
she<00:10:11.680> made<00:10:11.920> me<00:10:12.079> jungle<00:10:12.480> curtains<00:10:13.279> i<00:10:13.600> just<00:10:13.839> i
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she made me jungle curtains i just i
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she made me jungle curtains i just i
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you<00:10:15.519> have<00:10:15.680> to<00:10:15.760> put<00:10:15.920> them<00:10:16.160> up<00:10:17.040> absolutely<00:10:17.680> not
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you have to put them up absolutely not
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you have to put them up absolutely not
oh<00:10:18.720> come<00:10:18.880> on<00:10:19.040> you're<00:10:19.200> being<00:10:19.360> no<00:10:19.600> fun<00:10:20.640> no<00:10:20.959> i
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oh come on you're being no fun no i
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oh come on you're being no fun no i
already<00:10:21.440> explained<00:10:21.920> to<00:10:22.000> luke
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already explained to luke
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already explained to luke
putting<00:10:22.800> them<00:10:22.959> up<00:10:23.200> would<00:10:23.440> seem<00:10:23.680> too<00:10:23.920> permanent
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putting them up would seem too permanent
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putting them up would seem too permanent
next<00:10:25.040> thing<00:10:25.200> you<00:10:25.360> know<00:10:25.600> we're
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next thing you know we're
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next thing you know we're
painting<00:10:26.240> the<00:10:26.399> walls<00:10:26.800> to<00:10:26.880> imagine<00:10:27.200> getting
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painting the walls to imagine getting
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painting the walls to imagine getting
new<00:10:27.600> carpet<00:10:27.920> and<00:10:28.000> putting<00:10:28.240> a<00:10:28.320> pool<00:10:28.640> in<00:10:28.720> back
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new carpet and putting a pool in back
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new carpet and putting a pool in back
we're<00:10:29.200> not<00:10:29.360> gonna<00:10:29.519> be<00:10:29.680> here<00:10:29.839> that<00:10:30.079> long
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we're not gonna be here that long
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we're not gonna be here that long
ready<00:10:31.519> to<00:10:31.600> come<00:10:31.760> back<00:10:32.079> already<00:10:32.480> huh<00:10:33.360> yes
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ready to come back already huh yes
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ready to come back already huh yes
you're<00:10:34.959> not<00:10:35.200> enjoying<00:10:35.600> it<00:10:35.760> even<00:10:36.000> a<00:10:36.160> little<00:10:36.399> bit
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you're not enjoying it even a little bit
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you're not enjoying it even a little bit
my<00:10:37.360> life<00:10:37.600> is<00:10:37.760> in<00:10:37.839> chicago<00:10:38.399> lauren
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my life is in chicago lauren
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my life is in chicago lauren
you're<00:10:39.760> in<00:10:39.839> chicago<00:10:40.800> there's<00:10:41.120> nothing<00:10:41.440> for<00:10:41.600> me
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you're in chicago there's nothing for me
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you're in chicago there's nothing for me
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yeah<00:10:43.360> i<00:10:43.519> know<00:10:43.680> i<00:10:43.760> want<00:10:43.920> you<00:10:44.079> back<00:10:44.839> too
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yeah i know i want you back too
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yeah i know i want you back too
just<00:10:46.399> stay<00:10:46.640> positive<00:10:47.120> it'll<00:10:47.360> be<00:10:47.440> over<00:10:47.760> soon
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just stay positive it'll be over soon
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just stay positive it'll be over soon
it's<00:10:49.120> only<00:10:49.279> going<00:10:49.440> to<00:10:49.519> be<00:10:49.680> what<00:10:49.839> you<00:10:49.920> make<00:10:50.160> of
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it's only going to be what you make of
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it's only going to be what you make of
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yeah<00:10:51.600> yeah<00:10:51.920> i<00:10:52.079> know<00:10:54.000> honey<00:10:54.240> what<00:10:54.399> are<00:10:54.560> these
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yeah yeah i know honey what are these
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yeah yeah i know honey what are these
oh<00:10:56.320> yeah<00:10:56.640> turns<00:10:56.959> out<00:10:57.120> we<00:10:57.279> have<00:10:57.519> rats<00:10:58.560> hold<00:10:58.800> on
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oh yeah turns out we have rats hold on
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oh yeah turns out we have rats hold on
we<00:10:59.680> have<00:10:59.920> rats<00:11:00.480> yeah<00:11:01.120> down<00:11:01.279> in<00:11:01.360> the<00:11:01.440> crawl
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we have rats yeah down in the crawl
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we have rats yeah down in the crawl
space<00:11:02.079> uh<00:11:02.399> i<00:11:02.560> saw<00:11:02.720> some<00:11:02.959> droppings<00:11:03.360> this
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space uh i saw some droppings this
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space uh i saw some droppings this
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he<00:11:04.399> says<00:11:04.640> we<00:11:04.720> have<00:11:04.880> rats<00:11:05.120> in<00:11:05.200> the<00:11:05.279> crawl<00:11:05.519> space
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he says we have rats in the crawl space
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he says we have rats in the crawl space
rats<00:11:06.399> in<00:11:06.480> the<00:11:06.640> crawlspace
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rats in the crawlspace
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rats in the crawlspace
god<00:11:07.680> that's<00:11:08.000> awful<00:11:08.720> lisa<00:11:09.040> didn't<00:11:09.200> find<00:11:09.440> any
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god that's awful lisa didn't find any
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god that's awful lisa didn't find any
dead<00:11:09.839> bodies<00:11:10.320> that<00:11:10.480> would<00:11:10.640> be<00:11:10.720> a<00:11:10.800> deal<00:11:11.040> breaker
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dead bodies that would be a deal breaker
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dead bodies that would be a deal breaker
oh<00:11:11.920> yeah<00:11:12.720> i<00:11:12.880> forgot<00:11:13.120> to<00:11:13.279> mention<00:11:14.160> i<00:11:14.399> better<00:11:14.640> go
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oh yeah i forgot to mention i better go
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oh yeah i forgot to mention i better go
sorry<00:11:15.600> no<00:11:15.920> i<00:11:16.079> get<00:11:16.320> it<00:11:17.120> i<00:11:17.279> have<00:11:17.440> a<00:11:17.519> problem<00:11:17.839> with
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sorry no i get it i have a problem with
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sorry no i get it i have a problem with
my<00:11:18.240> own
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my own
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my own
anyways<00:11:19.440> brad's<00:11:19.839> been<00:11:20.000> drawing<00:11:20.240> on<00:11:20.399> the<00:11:20.480> walls
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anyways brad's been drawing on the walls
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anyways brad's been drawing on the walls
lately<00:11:21.200> and<00:11:21.360> he<00:11:21.519> just<00:11:21.680> ran<00:11:21.839> by<00:11:22.000> with<00:11:22.160> a<00:11:22.240> handful
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lately and he just ran by with a handful
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lately and he just ran by with a handful
of<00:11:22.720> markers
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of markers
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of markers
i'm<00:11:23.920> afraid<00:11:24.160> he's<00:11:24.320> feeling<00:11:24.560> artistic<00:11:25.120> again
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i'm afraid he's feeling artistic again
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i'm afraid he's feeling artistic again
rats<00:11:26.959> are<00:11:27.040> bad<00:11:27.200> try<00:11:27.440> dealing<00:11:27.680> with<00:11:27.839> a<00:11:27.920> toddler
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rats are bad try dealing with a toddler
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rats are bad try dealing with a toddler
something<00:11:29.200> to<00:11:29.279> look<00:11:29.440> forward<00:11:29.760> to
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come<00:11:32.320> visit<00:11:32.560> me<00:11:33.440> done<00:11:34.480> miss<00:11:34.720> you<00:11:34.800> love<00:11:34.959> you
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come visit me done miss you love you
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come visit me done miss you love you
missy<00:11:36.240> love<00:11:36.480> you<00:11:36.959> brad<00:11:37.279> i<00:11:37.440> swear<00:11:37.760> to<00:11:40.839> you
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i'm<00:12:14.320> gonna<00:12:14.480> go<00:12:14.639> to<00:12:14.720> my<00:12:14.880> mom's<00:12:15.440> get<00:12:15.600> those
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i'm gonna go to my mom's get those
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i'm gonna go to my mom's get those
things<00:12:16.000> for<00:12:16.160> tonight<00:12:16.639> she's<00:12:16.880> out<00:12:16.959> getting<00:12:17.200> her
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things for tonight she's out getting her
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things for tonight she's out getting her
hair<00:12:17.600> done
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hair done
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hair done
so<00:12:18.160> i<00:12:18.320> figured<00:12:18.560> that<00:12:18.639> was<00:12:18.720> the<00:12:18.800> best<00:12:19.040> time<00:12:20.959> you
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so i figured that was the best time you
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so i figured that was the best time you
want<00:12:21.279> me<00:12:21.440> to<00:12:21.519> go
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want me to go
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want me to go
no<00:12:22.880> i<00:12:23.360> want<00:12:23.519> to<00:12:23.600> get<00:12:23.760> out<00:12:23.839> of<00:12:23.920> the<00:12:24.079> house<00:12:25.440> cabin
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no i want to get out of the house cabin
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no i want to get out of the house cabin
fever<00:12:26.000> huh
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fever huh
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fever huh
i'm<00:12:26.720> just<00:12:27.120> starting<00:12:27.360> to<00:12:27.519> feel<00:12:27.680> a<00:12:27.760> bit<00:12:28.000> trapped
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i'm just starting to feel a bit trapped
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i'm just starting to feel a bit trapped
in<00:12:28.720> less<00:12:28.880> than<00:12:29.120> a<00:12:29.200> week<00:12:29.360> and<00:12:29.519> she's<00:12:29.680> already
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in less than a week and she's already
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in less than a week and she's already
running<00:12:30.240> our<00:12:30.399> lives
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running our lives
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running our lives
come<00:12:31.600> on<00:12:31.760> it's<00:12:31.920> not<00:12:32.079> that<00:12:32.320> bad<00:12:33.440> she<00:12:33.680> is
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come on it's not that bad she is
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come on it's not that bad she is
throwing<00:12:34.000> us<00:12:34.160> a<00:12:34.240> party
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throwing us a party
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throwing us a party
she's<00:12:35.200> throwing<00:12:35.519> herself<00:12:35.920> a<00:12:36.079> party<00:12:36.560> i<00:12:36.639> really
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she's throwing herself a party i really
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she's throwing herself a party i really
don't<00:12:37.120> think<00:12:37.120> this<00:12:37.279> isn't<00:12:37.519> about<00:12:37.839> us<00:12:38.000> luke
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don't think this isn't about us luke
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don't think this isn't about us luke
it's<00:12:38.320> about<00:12:38.639> her
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it's about her
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it's about her
it's<00:12:39.680> always<00:12:39.920> about<00:12:40.160> her<00:12:41.200> jennifer
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it's always about her jennifer
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it's always about her jennifer
come<00:12:43.440> here<00:12:45.600> come<00:12:45.839> here
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i'm<00:12:49.360> sorry<00:12:50.720> i'm<00:12:51.120> overreacting
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listen<00:12:55.120> if<00:12:55.279> you<00:12:55.360> go<00:12:55.519> into<00:12:55.760> it<00:12:55.839> with<00:12:56.000> a<00:12:56.079> negative
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listen if you go into it with a negative
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listen if you go into it with a negative
attitude<00:12:57.040> it's<00:12:57.360> going<00:12:57.600> to<00:12:57.760> be<00:12:57.920> bad
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it's<00:13:01.120> just<00:13:01.360> one<00:13:01.600> night<00:13:03.440> all<00:13:03.600> right<00:13:03.760> i'll<00:13:03.839> be
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it's just one night all right i'll be
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it's just one night all right i'll be
there<00:13:04.079> with<00:13:04.160> you<00:13:04.320> the<00:13:04.399> whole<00:13:04.839> time
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there with you the whole time
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there with you the whole time
i<00:13:07.279> love<00:13:07.519> you<00:13:08.480> i<00:13:08.639> love<00:13:08.800> you<00:13:08.959> too
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want<00:13:12.079> me<00:13:12.240> to<00:13:12.480> finish<00:13:12.800> unpacking<00:13:13.920> no<00:13:14.240> leave
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want me to finish unpacking no leave
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want me to finish unpacking no leave
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let<00:13:15.440> her<00:13:15.519> know<00:13:15.680> how<00:13:15.839> inconvenient<00:13:16.480> this<00:13:16.639> whole
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let her know how inconvenient this whole
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let her know how inconvenient this whole
thing<00:13:18.839> is
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and<00:14:41.120> so<00:14:41.360> my<00:14:41.519> mother<00:14:41.839> sees<00:14:42.079> me<00:14:42.320> on<00:14:42.399> the<00:14:42.480> floor
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and so my mother sees me on the floor
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and so my mother sees me on the floor
not<00:14:42.880> doing<00:14:43.120> this<00:14:43.360> my<00:14:43.519> brother's<00:14:43.760> not<00:14:44.000> clear<00:14:44.160> so
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not doing this my brother's not clear so
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not doing this my brother's not clear so
she<00:14:44.480> picks<00:14:44.720> me<00:14:44.880> up
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she picks me up
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she picks me up
she's<00:14:45.519> running<00:14:45.839> can<00:14:46.000> you<00:14:46.160> imagine<00:14:46.560> having
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she's running can you imagine having
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she's running can you imagine having
something<00:14:47.199> this<00:14:47.519> nice
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something this nice
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something this nice
and<00:14:48.639> let<00:14:48.800> me<00:14:48.880> tell<00:14:49.040> you<00:14:49.199> who's<00:14:49.360> delighted<00:14:49.920> is
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and let me tell you who's delighted is
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and let me tell you who's delighted is
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good<00:14:58.560> that's<00:15:10.839> good
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oh<00:15:22.959> my<00:15:23.199> goodness<00:15:24.839> hi
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about<00:15:29.920> seven<00:15:30.240> months<00:15:30.720> when<00:15:30.880> did<00:15:30.959> you<00:15:31.040> get<00:15:31.199> home
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about seven months when did you get home
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about seven months when did you get home
from<00:15:31.600> chicago<00:15:32.560> just<00:15:32.800> a<00:15:32.880> few<00:15:33.040> days<00:15:33.279> ago<00:15:33.600> if
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from chicago just a few days ago if
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from chicago just a few days ago if
you'll<00:15:34.079> excuse<00:15:34.399> me<00:15:34.560> i'm<00:15:34.800> so<00:15:34.959> sorry<00:15:35.199> i<00:15:35.279> just
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you'll excuse me i'm so sorry i just
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you'll excuse me i'm so sorry i just
take<00:15:35.519> care<00:15:35.680> of<00:15:35.839> a<00:15:35.920> few<00:15:36.079> things<00:15:36.320> it's<00:15:36.480> great<00:15:36.639> to
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take care of a few things it's great to
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take care of a few things it's great to
see<00:15:37.040> you
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see you
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see you
looks<00:15:38.839> amazing
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excuse<00:15:46.720> me<00:15:47.040> oh<00:15:47.839> oh<00:15:48.880> i'm<00:15:49.120> sorry
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excuse me oh oh i'm sorry
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excuse me oh oh i'm sorry
um<00:15:51.360> i<00:15:51.680> don't<00:15:51.839> believe<00:15:52.079> we've<00:15:52.480> met<00:15:52.959> i'm
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um i don't believe we've met i'm
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um i don't believe we've met i'm
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right<00:15:56.079> yes<00:15:56.480> i'm<00:15:56.800> walter<00:15:57.279> walter<00:15:57.759> vance<00:15:58.240> very
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right yes i'm walter walter vance very
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right yes i'm walter walter vance very
nice<00:15:58.639> to<00:15:58.800> meet<00:15:58.959> you
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nice to meet you
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nice to meet you
you're<00:15:59.920> a<00:16:00.000> friend<00:16:00.160> of<00:16:00.240> my<00:16:00.399> mother's<00:16:01.120> an<00:16:01.360> old
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you're a friend of my mother's an old
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you're a friend of my mother's an old
friend<00:16:01.920> yes<00:16:02.399> yes
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friend yes yes
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friend yes yes
i<00:16:03.920> must<00:16:04.240> say<00:16:04.480> jennifer<00:16:04.959> this<00:16:05.279> is<00:16:06.000> quite<00:16:06.320> the
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i must say jennifer this is quite the
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i must say jennifer this is quite the
house<00:16:06.800> you<00:16:06.959> have<00:16:07.120> here
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unique<00:16:10.720> well<00:16:10.959> very<00:16:11.279> unique<00:16:11.839> yes
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unique well very unique yes
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unique well very unique yes
yes<00:16:13.680> a<00:16:13.759> very<00:16:15.120> interesting<00:16:15.680> energy
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thank<00:16:19.040> you<00:16:21.360> is<00:16:21.519> there<00:16:21.680> anything<00:16:22.079> i'm<00:16:22.240> very
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thank you is there anything i'm very
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thank you is there anything i'm very
glad<00:16:22.720> to<00:16:22.800> hear<00:16:22.959> your<00:16:23.120> babies<00:16:23.519> doing<00:16:23.839> better
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it<00:16:27.040> was<00:16:27.279> very<00:16:27.519> close<00:16:27.839> wasn't<00:16:28.240> it<00:16:29.920> what<00:16:30.079> was<00:16:30.320> it
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it was very close wasn't it what was it
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it was very close wasn't it what was it
if<00:16:30.639> i<00:16:30.800> may<00:16:30.959> be<00:16:31.120> so<00:16:31.279> bold<00:16:31.600> was
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if i may be so bold was
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if i may be so bold was
the<00:16:32.160> baby<00:16:32.639> sick<00:16:33.440> were<00:16:33.680> you<00:16:33.839> sick
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the baby sick were you sick
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the baby sick were you sick
who<00:16:35.759> told<00:16:36.000> you<00:16:36.079> about<00:16:36.399> that<00:16:37.360> walter
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oh<00:16:40.320> there<00:16:40.639> you<00:16:40.880> are<00:16:41.279> walter<00:16:42.000> i've<00:16:42.240> been
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oh there you are walter i've been
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oh there you are walter i've been
looking<00:16:42.880> everywhere<00:16:43.519> for<00:16:43.680> you<00:16:43.920> hello
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looking everywhere for you hello
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looking everywhere for you hello
katherine<00:16:44.880> i<00:16:45.040> was<00:16:45.199> just<00:16:45.440> getting<00:16:45.600> to<00:16:45.759> know
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katherine i was just getting to know
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katherine i was just getting to know
jennifer<00:16:46.320> here<00:16:46.560> oh
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jennifer here oh
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jennifer here oh
jennifer<00:16:47.360> what<00:16:47.519> do<00:16:47.680> you<00:16:47.759> think<00:16:48.000> of<00:16:48.160> walter<00:16:48.720> hmm
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jennifer what do you think of walter hmm
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jennifer what do you think of walter hmm
he's<00:16:49.519> my<00:16:49.680> most
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he's my most
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he's my most
eccentric<00:16:50.880> friend<00:16:51.440> now<00:16:51.759> catherine<00:16:52.480> no<00:16:52.720> it's
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eccentric friend now catherine no it's
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eccentric friend now catherine no it's
true<00:16:53.920> walter<00:16:54.320> thinks<00:16:54.639> himself<00:16:54.959> a<00:16:55.040> bit<00:16:55.199> of<00:16:55.360> a
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true walter thinks himself a bit of a
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true walter thinks himself a bit of a
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or<00:16:57.120> is<00:16:57.279> it<00:16:57.600> medium<00:16:58.160> dear<00:16:58.639> is<00:16:58.800> that<00:16:58.880> what<00:16:59.120> you
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or is it medium dear is that what you
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or is it medium dear is that what you
call<00:16:59.519> yourself
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call yourself
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call yourself
neither<00:17:00.959> actually<00:17:01.600> pay<00:17:01.839> no<00:17:02.079> attention<00:17:02.560> to<00:17:02.800> her
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neither actually pay no attention to her
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neither actually pay no attention to her
i<00:17:04.240> pick<00:17:04.480> up<00:17:04.640> on<00:17:04.799> things<00:17:05.120> as<00:17:05.360> all<00:17:05.760> energy
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i pick up on things as all energy
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i pick up on things as all energy
but<00:17:06.880> i'm<00:17:07.039> a<00:17:07.120> chiropractor<00:17:07.839> by<00:17:08.079> profession
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but i'm a chiropractor by profession
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but i'm a chiropractor by profession
just<00:17:08.959> a<00:17:09.120> chiropractor<00:17:09.839> just
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just a chiropractor just
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just a chiropractor just
don't<00:17:10.720> be<00:17:10.959> silly<00:17:11.360> this<00:17:11.679> man<00:17:12.079> has<00:17:12.240> a<00:17:12.400> gift<00:17:13.120> now
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don't be silly this man has a gift now
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don't be silly this man has a gift now
if<00:17:13.520> you'll<00:17:13.760> excuse<00:17:14.240> us<00:17:14.480> jennifer
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if you'll excuse us jennifer
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if you'll excuse us jennifer
i<00:17:15.360> have<00:17:15.520> some<00:17:15.760> gossip<00:17:16.240> i<00:17:16.400> am<00:17:16.480> just<00:17:16.799> dying<00:17:17.280> to
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i have some gossip i am just dying to
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i have some gossip i am just dying to
tell<00:17:17.919> you<00:17:18.079> nice<00:17:18.319> to<00:17:18.400> meet<00:17:18.640> you<00:17:30.840> jennifer
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isn't<00:18:08.799> that<00:18:08.880> right<00:18:09.039> jennifer<00:18:10.480> i'm<00:18:10.640> sorry<00:18:11.360> i
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isn't that right jennifer i'm sorry i
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isn't that right jennifer i'm sorry i
said<00:18:11.679> we're
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said we're
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said we're
still<00:18:12.240> deciding<00:18:12.720> but<00:18:12.960> we're<00:18:13.360> thinking<00:18:13.679> maybe
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still deciding but we're thinking maybe
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still deciding but we're thinking maybe
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yes<00:18:16.400> that's<00:18:16.640> right<00:18:26.840> tyler
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you're<00:18:57.440> being<00:18:57.600> awfully<00:18:58.000> quiet<00:19:00.160> took<00:19:00.400> a<00:19:00.480> lot
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you're being awfully quiet took a lot
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you're being awfully quiet took a lot
out<00:19:00.880> of<00:19:00.960> me
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out of me
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out of me
what<00:19:02.559> did<00:19:02.720> she<00:19:02.960> say<00:19:03.919> what<00:19:04.080> didn't<00:19:04.400> she<00:19:04.559> say
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what did she say what didn't she say
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what did she say what didn't she say
oh<00:19:06.160> i'm<00:19:06.480> terribly<00:19:06.960> sorry<00:19:07.280> about<00:19:07.520> this<00:19:07.760> mess
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oh i'm terribly sorry about this mess
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oh i'm terribly sorry about this mess
terribly<00:19:10.080> terribly<00:19:10.640> sorry
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she<00:19:14.000> knows<00:19:14.240> we<00:19:14.320> haven't<00:19:14.480> hung<00:19:14.640> up<00:19:14.720> those<00:19:14.880> damn
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she knows we haven't hung up those damn
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she knows we haven't hung up those damn
curtains<00:19:15.440> yet<00:19:15.919> god<00:19:16.480> no<00:19:16.640> we<00:19:16.720> might<00:19:16.880> as<00:19:16.960> well
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curtains yet god no we might as well
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curtains yet god no we might as well
save<00:19:17.440> us<00:19:17.520> an<00:19:17.600> earful<00:19:17.919> elise
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save us an earful elise
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save us an earful elise
luke<00:19:19.039> they're<00:19:19.200> not<00:19:19.520> that<00:19:19.760> hideous<00:19:20.320> really<00:19:20.720> no
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luke they're not that hideous really no
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luke they're not that hideous really no
i'm<00:19:21.120> not<00:19:21.280> putting<00:19:21.600> them<00:19:22.840> up
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have<00:19:26.640> you<00:19:26.720> applied<00:19:27.039> for<00:19:27.200> anything<00:19:27.440> in<00:19:27.520> chicago
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have you applied for anything in chicago
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have you applied for anything in chicago
it's<00:19:29.280> been<00:19:29.440> a<00:19:29.520> week
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it's been a week
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it's been a week
so<00:19:30.640> no<00:19:33.280> we're<00:19:33.440> going<00:19:33.600> to<00:19:33.760> be<00:19:33.840> here<00:19:34.000> at<00:19:34.160> least
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so no we're going to be here at least
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so no we're going to be here at least
until<00:19:34.720> the<00:19:34.799> baby's<00:19:35.200> born
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until the baby's born
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until the baby's born
that<00:19:36.480> was<00:19:36.640> the<00:19:36.720> whole<00:19:36.880> point<00:19:37.120> of<00:19:37.200> this<00:19:37.440> you
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that was the whole point of this you
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that was the whole point of this you
know<00:19:37.760> that
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look<00:19:41.120> i'll<00:19:41.840> i'll<00:19:42.080> start<00:19:42.240> looking<00:19:42.640> soon<00:19:42.880> but
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look i'll i'll start looking soon but
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look i'll i'll start looking soon but
while<00:19:43.440> we're<00:19:43.600> here<00:19:43.679> you<00:19:43.760> should<00:19:43.919> at<00:19:43.919> least<00:19:44.160> try
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while we're here you should at least try
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while we're here you should at least try
to<00:19:44.400> give<00:19:44.559> it<00:19:44.640> a<00:19:44.720> chance
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to give it a chance
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to give it a chance
i<00:19:45.440> am<00:19:45.600> trying<00:19:46.320> we<00:19:46.480> hosted<00:19:46.799> the<00:19:46.880> party<00:19:47.200> we
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i am trying we hosted the party we
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i am trying we hosted the party we
didn't<00:19:47.520> talk<00:19:47.679> to<00:19:47.840> anybody
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didn't talk to anybody
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didn't talk to anybody
you<00:19:49.520> could<00:19:49.679> have<00:19:49.760> made<00:19:49.919> an<00:19:50.080> effort<00:19:50.240> with<00:19:50.400> these
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you could have made an effort with these
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you could have made an effort with these
people<00:19:50.720> try<00:19:50.880> to<00:19:51.039> make<00:19:51.120> some<00:19:51.360> friends
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people try to make some friends
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people try to make some friends
i<00:19:53.679> like<00:19:53.840> the<00:19:53.919> friends<00:19:54.160> i<00:20:04.840> have
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oh<00:20:35.200> sorry
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someone's<00:20:44.480> still<00:20:44.640> here<00:20:45.679> what<00:20:46.400> in<00:20:46.480> the
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someone's still here what in the
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someone's still here what in the
bathroom<00:20:47.039> there's<00:20:47.200> someone<00:20:47.520> there
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bathroom there's someone there
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bathroom there's someone there
we'll<00:20:48.880> get<00:20:49.039> rid<00:20:49.200> of<00:21:00.840> them
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00:21:07.420 --> 00:21:42.830 align:start position:0%
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you<00:21:48.720> leave<00:21:56.840> yeah
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i'm<00:22:00.960> sorry
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that<00:22:04.159> took<00:22:04.320> a<00:22:04.400> lot<00:22:04.559> out<00:22:04.640> of<00:22:04.720> me<00:22:04.880> too
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come<00:22:10.840> on
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late<00:22:32.159> yeah
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late yeah
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late yeah
i<00:22:33.360> forgot<00:22:33.679> what<00:22:33.760> it<00:22:33.840> feels<00:22:34.080> like<00:22:34.240> to<00:22:34.320> be<00:22:34.400> up
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i forgot what it feels like to be up
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i forgot what it feels like to be up
this<00:22:34.720> early
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wish<00:22:39.600> me<00:22:39.679> luck<00:22:40.159> good<00:22:40.320> luck<00:22:40.640> i<00:22:40.720> love<00:22:40.880> you<00:22:41.520> love
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00:22:52.840 --> 00:23:00.120 align:start position:0%
00:23:00.120 --> 00:23:00.130 align:start position:0%
00:23:00.130 --> 00:23:06.830 align:start position:0%
00:23:06.830 --> 00:23:06.840 align:start position:0%
00:23:06.840 --> 00:23:23.340 align:start position:0%
00:23:23.340 --> 00:23:23.350 align:start position:0%
00:23:23.350 --> 00:25:14.710 align:start position:0%
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yes<00:25:16.080> is<00:25:16.240> this<00:25:16.400> a<00:25:16.480> bad<00:25:16.720> time
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yes is this a bad time
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yes is this a bad time
no<00:25:19.600> can<00:25:19.840> i<00:25:19.919> help<00:25:20.159> you
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no can i help you
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no can i help you
i'm<00:25:21.440> marlene<00:25:22.400> i<00:25:23.200> live<00:25:23.440> next<00:25:23.679> door
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i'm marlene i live next door
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i'm marlene i live next door
oh<00:25:27.200> right<00:25:27.600> i'm<00:25:28.480> i'm<00:25:28.720> sorry<00:25:29.120> i'm<00:25:29.360> jennifer
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oh right i'm i'm sorry i'm jennifer
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oh right i'm i'm sorry i'm jennifer
i<00:25:31.600> thought<00:25:31.840> i'd<00:25:32.240> bring<00:25:32.480> you<00:25:32.640> these<00:25:33.760> welcome<00:25:34.080> to
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i thought i'd bring you these welcome to
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i thought i'd bring you these welcome to
the<00:25:34.320> neighborhood<00:25:34.799> all<00:25:34.960> that
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the neighborhood all that
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the neighborhood all that
thank<00:25:35.919> you<00:25:37.840> it's<00:25:38.080> very<00:25:38.400> thoughtful
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thank you it's very thoughtful
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thank you it's very thoughtful
you<00:25:40.320> from<00:25:40.480> around<00:25:40.799> here<00:25:41.440> chicago<00:25:42.080> actually<00:25:42.960> my
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you from around here chicago actually my
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you from around here chicago actually my
husband<00:25:43.440> luke<00:25:43.679> and<00:25:43.840> i<00:25:43.919> were<00:25:44.080> just<00:25:44.320> here<00:25:44.480> for<00:25:44.640> a
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husband luke and i were just here for a
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husband luke and i were just here for a
bit<00:25:45.039> i
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bit i
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bit i
grew<00:25:46.799> up<00:25:46.960> around<00:25:47.200> here<00:25:47.440> though<00:25:48.400> oh<00:25:49.360> welcome
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it's<00:25:56.400> a<00:25:56.480> blessing<00:25:58.320> i'm<00:25:58.480> sorry
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oh<00:26:03.039> thank<00:26:03.279> you
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would<00:26:09.360> you<00:26:09.520> like<00:26:09.600> to<00:26:09.679> come<00:26:09.919> inside<00:26:10.559> oh<00:26:10.720> no<00:26:10.960> i<00:26:11.360> i
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would you like to come inside oh no i i
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would you like to come inside oh no i i
have<00:26:11.760> to<00:26:11.840> be<00:26:12.000> going
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have to be going
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have to be going
i<00:26:13.520> just<00:26:14.000> wanted<00:26:14.320> to<00:26:14.400> say<00:26:14.559> hello
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i just wanted to say hello
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i just wanted to say hello
thank<00:26:17.120> you<00:26:17.200> for<00:26:17.360> the<00:26:17.440> cookies<00:26:18.640> nice<00:26:18.880> meeting
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00:27:22.510 --> 00:27:22.520 align:start position:0%
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00:27:32.830 --> 00:27:32.840 align:start position:0%
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he's<00:28:00.559> one<00:28:00.720> of<00:28:00.799> those<00:28:00.880> newer<00:28:01.120> supervisors<00:28:01.919> any
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he's one of those newer supervisors any
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he's one of those newer supervisors any
time<00:28:02.240> i<00:28:02.399> asked<00:28:02.480> him<00:28:02.559> a<00:28:02.720> question<00:28:03.039> he<00:28:03.120> just<00:28:03.279> gave
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time i asked him a question he just gave
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time i asked him a question he just gave
me<00:28:03.520> the<00:28:03.600> name<00:28:03.760> of<00:28:03.919> somebody<00:28:04.240> else<00:28:04.399> to<00:28:04.480> go<00:28:04.640> talk
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me the name of somebody else to go talk
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me the name of somebody else to go talk
to<00:28:05.039> later<00:28:05.360> on
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to later on
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to later on
i<00:28:06.240> don't<00:28:06.320> know<00:28:06.480> i<00:28:06.559> think<00:28:06.640> they<00:28:06.720> just<00:28:06.880> hired<00:28:07.120> him
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i don't know i think they just hired him
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i don't know i think they just hired him
because<00:28:07.360> he's<00:28:07.520> really<00:28:07.760> nice<00:28:08.799> you<00:28:09.039> look<00:28:09.200> bored
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because he's really nice you look bored
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because he's really nice you look bored
to<00:28:09.600> death
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to death
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to death
what<00:28:13.440> no<00:28:14.399> morgan<00:28:14.799> sounds<00:28:15.120> nice
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what no morgan sounds nice
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what no morgan sounds nice
he<00:28:16.320> sounds<00:28:16.559> really<00:28:18.640> nice
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i'm<00:28:22.480> sorry<00:28:23.120> i<00:28:23.919> had<00:28:24.080> a<00:28:24.240> weird<00:28:24.559> day<00:28:25.039> no<00:28:25.279> it's
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i'm sorry i had a weird day no it's
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i'm sorry i had a weird day no it's
boring<00:28:25.760> stuff
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boring stuff
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boring stuff
no<00:28:26.559> it's<00:28:26.799> not<00:28:27.120> really<00:28:27.679> i'm<00:28:27.919> sure<00:28:28.240> morgan<00:28:28.640> is
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no it's not really i'm sure morgan is
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no it's not really i'm sure morgan is
very<00:28:29.919> nice
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so<00:28:35.279> what's<00:28:35.520> up
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have<00:28:39.760> you<00:28:39.919> felt<00:28:40.159> anything<00:28:40.559> off<00:28:41.200> since<00:28:41.520> moving
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have you felt anything off since moving
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have you felt anything off since moving
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in<00:28:43.279> the<00:28:43.360> house<00:28:43.679> i<00:28:43.760> mean<00:28:44.960> off<00:28:45.279> home
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in the house i mean off home
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in the house i mean off home
well<00:28:47.520> today<00:28:49.200> these<00:28:49.520> boxes<00:28:50.000> moved
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well today these boxes moved
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well today these boxes moved
on<00:28:51.760> their<00:28:52.000> own<00:28:54.240> i<00:28:54.399> don't<00:28:54.559> know<00:28:54.799> i<00:28:54.960> just<00:28:55.120> felt
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on their own i don't know i just felt
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on their own i don't know i just felt
like<00:28:55.440> my<00:28:55.600> head<00:28:55.840> wasn't<00:28:56.159> on<00:28:56.840> right
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what<00:29:01.679> how<00:29:01.840> long<00:29:02.000> has<00:29:02.080> it<00:29:02.159> been<00:29:02.320> going<00:29:02.559> on<00:29:03.440> just
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what how long has it been going on just
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what how long has it been going on just
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it's<00:29:09.520> probably<00:29:10.000> nothing<00:29:10.720> never<00:29:11.039> mind
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it's probably nothing never mind
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it's probably nothing never mind
jennifer<00:29:12.159> if<00:29:12.240> you're<00:29:12.320> starting<00:29:12.480> to<00:29:12.559> feel
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jennifer if you're starting to feel
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jennifer if you're starting to feel
strange<00:29:13.039> again<00:29:13.360> it's<00:29:13.520> nothing
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strange again it's nothing
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strange again it's nothing
forget<00:29:15.279> i<00:29:15.440> said<00:29:15.679> it
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just<00:29:18.720> don't<00:29:18.960> like<00:29:19.120> being<00:29:19.279> here<00:29:19.440> alone<00:29:19.760> is<00:29:24.840> all
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00:29:38.840 --> 00:29:52.830 align:start position:0%
00:29:52.830 --> 00:29:52.840 align:start position:0%
00:29:52.840 --> 00:30:00.090 align:start position:0%
00:30:00.090 --> 00:30:00.100 align:start position:0%
00:30:00.100 --> 00:30:41.990 align:start position:0%
00:30:41.990 --> 00:30:42.000 align:start position:0%
00:30:42.000 --> 00:30:46.149 align:start position:0%
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very<00:30:48.840> funny
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what<00:31:01.279> are<00:31:01.360> you<00:31:02.840> doing
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i'm<00:31:08.559> almost<00:31:08.960> done<00:31:09.200> and<00:31:09.360> it's<00:31:09.519> all<00:31:16.840> yours
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not<00:31:20.880> now
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all<00:31:30.320> right<00:31:30.480> that's<00:31:30.840> enough
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sorry<00:31:40.159> i<00:31:40.799> i<00:31:40.960> appreciate<00:31:41.440> the<00:31:41.600> gesture<00:31:42.159> i
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sorry i i appreciate the gesture i
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sorry i i appreciate the gesture i
really<00:31:42.640> do
00:31:43.110 --> 00:31:43.120 align:start position:0%
really do
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really do
but<00:31:43.840> talking<00:31:44.080> to<00:31:44.840> yourself<00:31:46.080> keeping<00:31:46.320> the
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but talking to yourself keeping the
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but talking to yourself keeping the
water<00:31:46.559> warm<00:31:46.799> for<00:31:46.960> me
00:31:47.590 --> 00:31:47.600 align:start position:0%
water warm for me
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water warm for me
thanks<00:31:58.840> honey
00:32:05.909 --> 00:32:05.919 align:start position:0%
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luke<00:32:07.120> do<00:32:07.200> we<00:32:07.440> need<00:32:07.519> that<00:32:07.679> creamer<00:32:08.000> left
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luke do we need that creamer left
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luke do we need that creamer left
luke<00:32:10.640> here's<00:32:10.880> a<00:32:12.840> second
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00:32:17.700 --> 00:32:20.549 align:start position:0%
00:32:20.549 --> 00:32:20.559 align:start position:0%
00:32:20.559 --> 00:32:23.830 align:start position:0%
00:32:23.830 --> 00:32:23.840 align:start position:0%
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can<00:32:24.080> we<00:32:24.240> talk
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00:32:26.960 --> 00:32:31.590 align:start position:0%
yeah<00:32:27.120> what's<00:32:27.440> up
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there's<00:32:32.000> um<00:32:34.159> there's
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there's um there's
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there's um there's
something<00:32:36.240> hold<00:32:36.399> that<00:32:40.840> thought
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something hold that thought
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something hold that thought
i'm<00:32:43.200> sorry<00:32:43.519> what<00:32:43.679> were<00:32:43.760> you<00:32:43.840> saying
00:32:47.669 --> 00:32:47.679 align:start position:0%
00:32:47.679 --> 00:32:50.549 align:start position:0%
i<00:32:47.760> think<00:32:47.919> you're<00:32:48.080> gonna<00:32:48.240> want<00:32:48.320> to<00:32:48.399> get<00:32:48.559> that
00:32:50.549 --> 00:32:50.559 align:start position:0%
i think you're gonna want to get that
00:32:50.559 --> 00:32:51.909 align:start position:0%
i think you're gonna want to get that
00:32:51.909 --> 00:32:51.919 align:start position:0%
00:32:51.919 --> 00:32:57.669 align:start position:0%
go<00:32:52.159> on<00:32:52.399> get<00:32:54.840> it
00:32:57.669 --> 00:32:57.679 align:start position:0%
go on get it
00:32:57.679 --> 00:33:03.110 align:start position:0%
go on get it
what's<00:32:57.919> going<00:32:58.080> on<00:32:58.480> just<00:32:58.720> open<00:32:59.120> it
00:33:03.110 --> 00:33:03.120 align:start position:0%
00:33:03.120 --> 00:33:06.310 align:start position:0%
look<00:33:03.360> who's<00:33:03.760> in<00:33:03.919> town<00:33:05.919> oh
00:33:06.310 --> 00:33:06.320 align:start position:0%
look who's in town oh
00:33:06.320 --> 00:33:08.389 align:start position:0%
look who's in town oh
are<00:33:06.399> you<00:33:06.640> surprised<00:33:07.200> to<00:33:07.360> see<00:33:07.600> us<00:33:08.000> what<00:33:08.159> are<00:33:08.320> you
00:33:08.389 --> 00:33:08.399 align:start position:0%
are you surprised to see us what are you
00:33:08.399 --> 00:33:09.990 align:start position:0%
are you surprised to see us what are you
doing<00:33:08.720> here<00:33:09.120> i<00:33:09.279> was<00:33:09.360> gonna<00:33:09.519> wait<00:33:09.679> till<00:33:09.840> we<00:33:09.919> were
00:33:09.990 --> 00:33:10.000 align:start position:0%
doing here i was gonna wait till we were
00:33:10.000 --> 00:33:11.269 align:start position:0%
doing here i was gonna wait till we were
settled<00:33:10.240> but<00:33:10.399> the<00:33:10.480> train<00:33:10.720> is<00:33:10.799> cheap<00:33:10.960> and<00:33:11.039> i<00:33:11.120> had
00:33:11.269 --> 00:33:11.279 align:start position:0%
settled but the train is cheap and i had
00:33:11.279 --> 00:33:12.470 align:start position:0%
settled but the train is cheap and i had
nothing<00:33:11.600> to<00:33:11.760> do
00:33:12.470 --> 00:33:12.480 align:start position:0%
nothing to do
00:33:12.480 --> 00:33:14.310 align:start position:0%
nothing to do
and<00:33:12.720> i<00:33:12.880> missed<00:33:13.200> you<00:33:13.360> i<00:33:13.519> really<00:33:13.760> missed<00:33:14.080> it<00:33:14.240> i
00:33:14.310 --> 00:33:14.320 align:start position:0%
and i missed you i really missed it i
00:33:14.320 --> 00:33:15.909 align:start position:0%
and i missed you i really missed it i
can't<00:33:14.559> believe<00:33:14.960> you're<00:33:15.200> here<00:33:15.440> oh<00:33:15.679> it<00:33:15.840> was
00:33:15.909 --> 00:33:15.919 align:start position:0%
can't believe you're here oh it was
00:33:15.919 --> 00:33:17.430 align:start position:0%
can't believe you're here oh it was
luke's<00:33:16.240> idea<00:33:16.559> really<00:33:16.720> i'd<00:33:16.880> love<00:33:17.039> to<00:33:17.200> take<00:33:17.360> all
00:33:17.430 --> 00:33:17.440 align:start position:0%
luke's idea really i'd love to take all
00:33:17.440 --> 00:33:18.789 align:start position:0%
luke's idea really i'd love to take all
the<00:33:17.600> credit<00:33:17.919> but<00:33:18.000> i<00:33:18.080> guess<00:33:18.240> your<00:33:18.399> husband's
00:33:18.789 --> 00:33:18.799 align:start position:0%
the credit but i guess your husband's
00:33:18.799 --> 00:33:21.830 align:start position:0%
the credit but i guess your husband's
just<00:33:18.960> a<00:33:19.039> better<00:33:19.360> person<00:33:19.600> than<00:33:19.760> your<00:33:19.919> best<00:33:20.159> dude
00:33:21.830 --> 00:33:21.840 align:start position:0%
just a better person than your best dude
00:33:21.840 --> 00:33:24.549 align:start position:0%
just a better person than your best dude
oh<00:33:22.399> god<00:33:22.799> it<00:33:22.880> is<00:33:23.039> so<00:33:23.200> good<00:33:23.360> to<00:33:23.519> see<00:33:23.679> you<00:33:24.159> you<00:33:24.320> have
00:33:24.549 --> 00:33:24.559 align:start position:0%
oh god it is so good to see you you have
00:33:24.559 --> 00:33:35.110 align:start position:0%
oh god it is so good to see you you have
no<00:33:24.799> idea
00:33:35.110 --> 00:33:35.120 align:start position:0%
00:33:35.120 --> 00:33:37.110 align:start position:0%
no<00:33:35.360> i've<00:33:35.519> been<00:33:35.679> dying<00:33:36.000> to<00:33:36.159> see<00:33:36.399> this<00:33:36.640> place<00:33:37.039> i
00:33:37.110 --> 00:33:37.120 align:start position:0%
no i've been dying to see this place i
00:33:37.120 --> 00:33:38.230 align:start position:0%
no i've been dying to see this place i
love<00:33:37.360> it
00:33:38.230 --> 00:33:38.240 align:start position:0%
love it
00:33:38.240 --> 00:33:41.590 align:start position:0%
love it
by<00:33:38.399> the<00:33:38.559> way<00:33:39.519> it's<00:33:39.760> so<00:33:40.080> old
00:33:41.590 --> 00:33:41.600 align:start position:0%
by the way it's so old
00:33:41.600 --> 00:33:45.110 align:start position:0%
by the way it's so old
so<00:33:41.840> bizarre
00:33:45.110 --> 00:33:45.120 align:start position:0%
00:33:45.120 --> 00:33:48.710 align:start position:0%
okay<00:33:45.519> so<00:33:47.120> real<00:33:47.519> talk
00:33:48.710 --> 00:33:48.720 align:start position:0%
okay so real talk
00:33:48.720 --> 00:33:49.990 align:start position:0%
okay so real talk
i<00:33:48.799> know<00:33:48.960> you're<00:33:49.120> probably<00:33:49.360> tired<00:33:49.600> of<00:33:49.679> people
00:33:49.990 --> 00:33:50.000 align:start position:0%
i know you're probably tired of people
00:33:50.000 --> 00:33:52.470 align:start position:0%
i know you're probably tired of people
asking<00:33:50.840> but
00:33:52.470 --> 00:33:52.480 align:start position:0%
asking but
00:33:52.480 --> 00:33:56.149 align:start position:0%
asking but
how<00:33:52.720> are<00:33:52.880> you<00:33:53.039> feeling
00:33:56.149 --> 00:33:56.159 align:start position:0%
00:33:56.159 --> 00:33:58.870 align:start position:0%
can<00:33:56.320> i<00:33:56.480> tell<00:33:56.640> you<00:33:56.799> something<00:33:58.240> and<00:33:58.480> you<00:33:58.640> have<00:33:58.799> to
00:33:58.870 --> 00:33:58.880 align:start position:0%
can i tell you something and you have to
00:33:58.880 --> 00:34:00.870 align:start position:0%
can i tell you something and you have to
promise<00:33:59.279> to<00:33:59.360> keep<00:33:59.519> an<00:33:59.679> open<00:33:59.840> mind<00:34:00.080> about<00:34:00.399> it
00:34:00.870 --> 00:34:00.880 align:start position:0%
promise to keep an open mind about it
00:34:00.880 --> 00:34:08.389 align:start position:0%
promise to keep an open mind about it
yeah<00:34:01.279> sure<00:34:01.840> what<00:34:02.080> is<00:34:04.840> it
00:34:08.389 --> 00:34:08.399 align:start position:0%
00:34:08.399 --> 00:34:12.790 align:start position:0%
i<00:34:08.480> think<00:34:08.639> this<00:34:08.879> house<00:34:09.119> is<00:34:09.280> haunted
00:34:12.790 --> 00:34:12.800 align:start position:0%
00:34:12.800 --> 00:34:15.030 align:start position:0%
what<00:34:13.119> i<00:34:13.200> don't<00:34:13.359> know<00:34:13.520> for<00:34:13.760> sure<00:34:14.079> it's<00:34:14.399> just
00:34:15.030 --> 00:34:15.040 align:start position:0%
what i don't know for sure it's just
00:34:15.040 --> 00:34:16.869 align:start position:0%
what i don't know for sure it's just
some<00:34:15.679> weird<00:34:16.000> things<00:34:16.240> have<00:34:16.320> been<00:34:16.480> happening
00:34:16.869 --> 00:34:16.879 align:start position:0%
some weird things have been happening
00:34:16.879 --> 00:34:18.230 align:start position:0%
some weird things have been happening
recently<00:34:17.440> and
00:34:18.230 --> 00:34:18.240 align:start position:0%
recently and
00:34:18.240 --> 00:34:20.310 align:start position:0%
recently and
now<00:34:18.480> everything<00:34:19.040> feels<00:34:19.359> so<00:34:19.599> strange<00:34:19.919> and<00:34:20.079> luke
00:34:20.310 --> 00:34:20.320 align:start position:0%
now everything feels so strange and luke
00:34:20.320 --> 00:34:22.710 align:start position:0%
now everything feels so strange and luke
said<00:34:20.480> you've<00:34:20.639> been<00:34:20.800> feeling<00:34:21.119> weird
00:34:22.710 --> 00:34:22.720 align:start position:0%
said you've been feeling weird
00:34:22.720 --> 00:34:25.909 align:start position:0%
said you've been feeling weird
he<00:34:22.960> told<00:34:23.119> you<00:34:23.280> that<00:34:24.720> yeah<00:34:25.119> yeah<00:34:25.359> but<00:34:25.520> i<00:34:25.599> mean<00:34:25.760> he
00:34:25.909 --> 00:34:25.919 align:start position:0%
he told you that yeah yeah but i mean he
00:34:25.919 --> 00:34:26.629 align:start position:0%
he told you that yeah yeah but i mean he
didn't<00:34:26.159> mention
00:34:26.629 --> 00:34:26.639 align:start position:0%
didn't mention
00:34:26.639 --> 00:34:29.190 align:start position:0%
didn't mention
he<00:34:26.720> didn't<00:34:26.960> say<00:34:27.119> that<00:34:27.280> it<00:34:28.639> you<00:34:28.800> think<00:34:28.960> this
00:34:29.190 --> 00:34:29.200 align:start position:0%
he didn't say that it you think this
00:34:29.200 --> 00:34:29.750 align:start position:0%
he didn't say that it you think this
house<00:34:29.440> is
00:34:29.750 --> 00:34:29.760 align:start position:0%
house is
00:34:29.760 --> 00:34:33.430 align:start position:0%
house is
haunted<00:34:31.359> tell<00:34:31.599> me<00:34:31.760> everything
00:34:33.430 --> 00:34:33.440 align:start position:0%
haunted tell me everything
00:34:33.440 --> 00:34:38.149 align:start position:0%
haunted tell me everything
things<00:34:33.839> move<00:34:34.960> strange<00:34:35.440> noises
00:34:38.149 --> 00:34:38.159 align:start position:0%
00:34:38.159 --> 00:34:39.349 align:start position:0%
i<00:34:38.320> thought<00:34:38.480> someone<00:34:38.720> was<00:34:38.800> in<00:34:38.879> the<00:34:38.960> shower<00:34:39.280> with
00:34:39.349 --> 00:34:39.359 align:start position:0%
i thought someone was in the shower with
00:34:39.359 --> 00:34:41.589 align:start position:0%
i thought someone was in the shower with
me<00:34:39.520> this<00:34:39.679> morning<00:34:40.079> no<00:34:40.240> way
00:34:41.589 --> 00:34:41.599 align:start position:0%
me this morning no way
00:34:41.599 --> 00:34:43.349 align:start position:0%
me this morning no way
and<00:34:41.839> did<00:34:42.000> you<00:34:42.079> tell<00:34:42.320> luke<00:34:42.480> about<00:34:42.720> any<00:34:42.960> of<00:34:43.040> this
00:34:43.349 --> 00:34:43.359 align:start position:0%
and did you tell luke about any of this
00:34:43.359 --> 00:34:45.589 align:start position:0%
and did you tell luke about any of this
i<00:34:43.520> tried<00:34:44.320> but<00:34:44.560> the<00:34:44.639> moment<00:34:45.040> i<00:34:45.119> mentioned<00:34:45.440> i
00:34:45.589 --> 00:34:45.599 align:start position:0%
i tried but the moment i mentioned i
00:34:45.599 --> 00:34:48.149 align:start position:0%
i tried but the moment i mentioned i
felt<00:34:45.839> something<00:34:46.240> he<00:34:46.480> got<00:34:46.839> upset<00:34:47.760> i<00:34:47.839> mean<00:34:48.079> i
00:34:48.149 --> 00:34:48.159 align:start position:0%
felt something he got upset i mean i
00:34:48.159 --> 00:34:49.829 align:start position:0%
felt something he got upset i mean i
think<00:34:48.399> he<00:34:48.560> thought<00:34:48.720> it<00:34:48.800> was
00:34:49.829 --> 00:34:49.839 align:start position:0%
think he thought it was
00:34:49.839 --> 00:34:52.149 align:start position:0%
think he thought it was
the<00:34:49.919> whole<00:34:50.159> baby<00:34:50.560> thing<00:34:51.440> you're<00:34:51.679> sure<00:34:51.919> it's
00:34:52.149 --> 00:34:52.159 align:start position:0%
the whole baby thing you're sure it's
00:34:52.159 --> 00:34:53.829 align:start position:0%
the whole baby thing you're sure it's
00:34:53.829 --> 00:34:53.839 align:start position:0%
00:34:53.839 --> 00:34:56.550 align:start position:0%
what<00:34:54.720> i<00:34:54.800> mean<00:34:54.960> you're<00:34:55.119> sure<00:34:55.280> it's<00:34:55.440> not<00:34:56.079> stress
00:34:56.550 --> 00:34:56.560 align:start position:0%
what i mean you're sure it's not stress
00:34:56.560 --> 00:34:58.150 align:start position:0%
what i mean you're sure it's not stress
00:34:58.150 --> 00:34:58.160 align:start position:0%
00:34:58.160 --> 00:35:01.270 align:start position:0%
hormones<00:34:59.599> hormones<00:35:00.160> don't<00:35:00.400> open<00:35:00.720> doors<00:35:01.119> and
00:35:01.270 --> 00:35:01.280 align:start position:0%
hormones hormones don't open doors and
00:35:01.280 --> 00:35:02.069 align:start position:0%
hormones hormones don't open doors and
move<00:35:01.520> boxes
00:35:02.069 --> 00:35:02.079 align:start position:0%
move boxes
00:35:02.079 --> 00:35:05.990 align:start position:0%
move boxes
lauren<00:35:04.160> look
00:35:05.990 --> 00:35:06.000 align:start position:0%
lauren look
00:35:06.000 --> 00:35:09.190 align:start position:0%
lauren look
i<00:35:06.160> get<00:35:06.320> why<00:35:06.560> you<00:35:06.720> might<00:35:08.400> well<00:35:08.560> you<00:35:08.720> and<00:35:08.880> luke
00:35:09.190 --> 00:35:09.200 align:start position:0%
i get why you might well you and luke
00:35:09.200 --> 00:35:14.150 align:start position:0%
i get why you might well you and luke
might<00:35:09.440> not
00:35:14.150 --> 00:35:14.160 align:start position:0%
00:35:14.160 --> 00:35:15.670 align:start position:0%
things<00:35:14.480> got<00:35:14.640> really<00:35:14.880> confused<00:35:15.359> back<00:35:15.599> in
00:35:15.670 --> 00:35:15.680 align:start position:0%
things got really confused back in
00:35:15.680 --> 00:35:21.270 align:start position:0%
things got really confused back in
chicago<00:35:16.160> right<00:35:16.400> before
00:35:21.270 --> 00:35:21.280 align:start position:0%
00:35:21.280 --> 00:35:28.150 align:start position:0%
i<00:35:21.359> was<00:35:21.599> feeling<00:35:21.839> a<00:35:21.920> lot<00:35:22.079> of<00:35:22.160> things<00:35:23.440> and<00:35:24.160> i've
00:35:28.150 --> 00:35:28.160 align:start position:0%
00:35:28.160 --> 00:35:33.190 align:start position:0%
i<00:35:28.320> couldn't<00:35:28.720> handle<00:35:29.119> it
00:35:33.190 --> 00:35:33.200 align:start position:0%
00:35:33.200 --> 00:35:35.910 align:start position:0%
but<00:35:33.359> this<00:35:33.599> is<00:35:33.760> something<00:35:34.160> different<00:35:35.520> lauren
00:35:35.910 --> 00:35:35.920 align:start position:0%
but this is something different lauren
00:35:35.920 --> 00:35:37.670 align:start position:0%
but this is something different lauren
please<00:35:36.400> you<00:35:36.560> gotta<00:35:36.880> believe<00:35:37.200> me<00:35:37.359> this<00:35:37.599> is
00:35:37.670 --> 00:35:37.680 align:start position:0%
please you gotta believe me this is
00:35:37.680 --> 00:35:38.310 align:start position:0%
please you gotta believe me this is
something<00:35:38.000> else
00:35:38.310 --> 00:35:38.320 align:start position:0%
something else
00:35:38.320 --> 00:35:42.829 align:start position:0%
something else
i<00:35:38.400> believe<00:35:38.720> you
00:35:42.829 --> 00:35:42.839 align:start position:0%
00:35:42.839 --> 00:35:47.670 align:start position:0%
thanks<00:35:45.440> so
00:35:47.670 --> 00:35:47.680 align:start position:0%
thanks so
00:35:47.680 --> 00:35:52.150 align:start position:0%
thanks so
what<00:35:47.920> are<00:35:48.000> you<00:35:48.160> gonna<00:35:48.400> do<00:35:50.560> i<00:35:50.720> don't<00:35:50.880> know
00:35:52.150 --> 00:35:52.160 align:start position:0%
what are you gonna do i don't know
00:35:52.160 --> 00:35:53.750 align:start position:0%
what are you gonna do i don't know
i<00:35:52.320> mean<00:35:52.560> what<00:35:52.720> are<00:35:52.800> you<00:35:52.960> supposed<00:35:53.359> to<00:35:53.440> do<00:35:53.599> when
00:35:53.750 --> 00:35:53.760 align:start position:0%
i mean what are you supposed to do when
00:35:53.760 --> 00:35:55.270 align:start position:0%
i mean what are you supposed to do when
your<00:35:53.920> house<00:35:54.160> is<00:35:54.320> haunted
00:35:55.270 --> 00:35:55.280 align:start position:0%
your house is haunted
00:35:55.280 --> 00:36:02.230 align:start position:0%
your house is haunted
pull<00:35:55.440> it<00:35:55.520> a<00:35:55.599> ouija<00:35:55.920> board<00:35:56.480> call<00:35:56.640> a<00:35:56.839> medium
00:36:02.230 --> 00:36:02.240 align:start position:0%
00:36:02.240 --> 00:36:04.150 align:start position:0%
there<00:36:02.400> was<00:36:02.560> this<00:36:02.720> guy<00:36:02.960> at<00:36:03.119> our<00:36:03.200> party<00:36:03.680> my<00:36:03.839> mom's
00:36:04.150 --> 00:36:04.160 align:start position:0%
there was this guy at our party my mom's
00:36:04.160 --> 00:36:05.510 align:start position:0%
there was this guy at our party my mom's
00:36:05.510 --> 00:36:05.520 align:start position:0%
00:36:05.520 --> 00:36:09.190 align:start position:0%
his<00:36:05.760> friend<00:36:06.079> said<00:36:06.320> he<00:36:06.480> was<00:36:06.720> psychic
00:36:09.190 --> 00:36:09.200 align:start position:0%
00:36:09.200 --> 00:36:13.510 align:start position:0%
your<00:36:09.359> mom<00:36:09.599> knows<00:36:09.920> a<00:36:10.000> psychic<00:36:10.839> chiropractor
00:36:13.510 --> 00:36:13.520 align:start position:0%
your mom knows a psychic chiropractor
00:36:13.520 --> 00:36:17.109 align:start position:0%
your mom knows a psychic chiropractor
it's<00:36:13.760> just<00:36:15.760> oh
00:36:17.109 --> 00:36:17.119 align:start position:0%
it's just oh
00:36:17.119 --> 00:36:21.990 align:start position:0%
it's just oh
sounds<00:36:17.359> like<00:36:17.520> somebody's<00:36:17.920> awake
00:36:21.990 --> 00:36:22.000 align:start position:0%
00:36:22.000 --> 00:36:25.190 align:start position:0%
that<00:36:22.160> one
00:36:25.190 --> 00:36:25.200 align:start position:0%
00:36:25.200 --> 00:36:28.630 align:start position:0%
oh um<00:36:26.079> let's<00:36:26.320> take<00:36:26.560> this<00:36:26.800> one<00:36:27.119> off<00:36:27.680> there
00:36:28.630 --> 00:36:28.640 align:start position:0%
oh um let's take this one off there
00:36:28.640 --> 00:36:30.710 align:start position:0%
oh um let's take this one off there
i<00:36:28.800> can't<00:36:29.040> find<00:36:29.280> anything<00:36:29.680> at<00:36:29.760> this<00:36:30.000> address
00:36:30.710 --> 00:36:30.720 align:start position:0%
i can't find anything at this address
00:36:30.720 --> 00:36:32.069 align:start position:0%
i can't find anything at this address
and<00:36:30.800> there's<00:36:31.040> an<00:36:31.119> article<00:36:31.359> from<00:36:31.520> the<00:36:31.599> 70s
00:36:32.069 --> 00:36:32.079 align:start position:0%
and there's an article from the 70s
00:36:32.079 --> 00:36:33.589 align:start position:0%
and there's an article from the 70s
about<00:36:32.320> rezoning<00:36:32.880> but<00:36:33.040> that's<00:36:33.280> it
00:36:33.589 --> 00:36:33.599 align:start position:0%
about rezoning but that's it
00:36:33.599 --> 00:36:36.790 align:start position:0%
about rezoning but that's it
no<00:36:33.839> deaths<00:36:34.240> no<00:36:34.400> murders<00:36:34.800> nothing<00:36:36.000> so
00:36:36.790 --> 00:36:36.800 align:start position:0%
no deaths no murders nothing so
00:36:36.800 --> 00:36:38.790 align:start position:0%
no deaths no murders nothing so
so<00:36:36.960> it<00:36:37.040> doesn't<00:36:37.280> make<00:36:37.520> sense<00:36:38.240> i<00:36:38.320> mean<00:36:38.480> someone
00:36:38.790 --> 00:36:38.800 align:start position:0%
so it doesn't make sense i mean someone
00:36:38.800 --> 00:36:40.310 align:start position:0%
so it doesn't make sense i mean someone
had<00:36:38.880> to<00:36:39.040> die<00:36:39.280> here<00:36:39.440> for<00:36:39.599> there<00:36:39.680> to<00:36:39.760> be<00:36:39.839> a<00:36:39.920> ghost
00:36:40.310 --> 00:36:40.320 align:start position:0%
had to die here for there to be a ghost
00:36:40.320 --> 00:36:40.710 align:start position:0%
had to die here for there to be a ghost
00:36:40.710 --> 00:36:40.720 align:start position:0%
00:36:40.720 --> 00:36:42.550 align:start position:0%
i<00:36:40.800> don't<00:36:40.960> think<00:36:41.200> ghosts<00:36:41.440> have<00:36:41.680> rules<00:36:42.160> jennifer
00:36:42.550 --> 00:36:42.560 align:start position:0%
i don't think ghosts have rules jennifer
00:36:42.560 --> 00:36:46.069 align:start position:0%
i don't think ghosts have rules jennifer
i<00:36:42.640> mean<00:36:43.440> you're<00:36:43.599> thinking<00:36:43.920> too<00:36:44.079> small<00:36:44.480> what<00:36:44.720> if
00:36:46.069 --> 00:36:46.079 align:start position:0%
i mean you're thinking too small what if
00:36:46.079 --> 00:36:47.990 align:start position:0%
i mean you're thinking too small what if
what<00:36:46.320> if<00:36:46.640> your<00:36:46.800> house<00:36:47.040> is<00:36:47.200> cursed<00:36:47.599> or<00:36:47.760> it's<00:36:47.920> a
00:36:47.990 --> 00:36:48.000 align:start position:0%
what if your house is cursed or it's a
00:36:48.000 --> 00:36:50.870 align:start position:0%
what if your house is cursed or it's a
poltergeist<00:36:48.640> or<00:36:48.800> a<00:36:48.960> demon
00:36:50.870 --> 00:36:50.880 align:start position:0%
poltergeist or a demon
00:36:50.880 --> 00:36:53.510 align:start position:0%
poltergeist or a demon
great<00:36:52.079> i<00:36:52.240> have<00:36:52.400> an<00:36:52.560> idea<00:36:52.960> of<00:36:53.040> something<00:36:53.440> that
00:36:53.510 --> 00:36:53.520 align:start position:0%
great i have an idea of something that
00:36:53.520 --> 00:36:54.870 align:start position:0%
great i have an idea of something that
we<00:36:53.680> can<00:36:53.920> try
00:36:54.870 --> 00:36:54.880 align:start position:0%
we can try
00:36:54.880 --> 00:36:56.150 align:start position:0%
we can try
but<00:36:55.040> we'll<00:36:55.200> have<00:36:55.280> to<00:36:55.440> wait<00:36:55.599> till<00:36:55.760> tonight<00:36:56.079> when
00:36:56.150 --> 00:36:56.160 align:start position:0%
but we'll have to wait till tonight when
00:36:56.160 --> 00:36:57.990 align:start position:0%
but we'll have to wait till tonight when
brad's<00:36:56.480> in<00:36:56.640> bed<00:36:57.119> what<00:36:57.359> is<00:36:57.520> it
00:36:57.990 --> 00:36:58.000 align:start position:0%
brad's in bed what is it
00:36:58.000 --> 00:37:00.310 align:start position:0%
brad's in bed what is it
oh<00:36:58.240> i'm<00:36:58.320> not<00:36:58.400> going<00:36:58.560> to<00:36:58.640> ruin<00:36:58.880> the<00:36:58.960> surprise<00:37:00.079> i
00:37:00.310 --> 00:37:00.320 align:start position:0%
oh i'm not going to ruin the surprise i
00:37:00.320 --> 00:37:02.069 align:start position:0%
oh i'm not going to ruin the surprise i
have<00:37:00.480> to<00:37:00.800> pee
00:37:02.069 --> 00:37:02.079 align:start position:0%
have to pee
00:37:02.079 --> 00:37:08.710 align:start position:0%
have to pee
great<00:37:02.880> can<00:37:03.040> you<00:37:03.119> watch<00:37:03.359> him<00:37:03.680> yeah<00:37:06.839> thanks
00:37:08.710 --> 00:37:08.720 align:start position:0%
great can you watch him yeah thanks
00:37:08.720 --> 00:37:17.430 align:start position:0%
great can you watch him yeah thanks
00:37:17.430 --> 00:37:17.440 align:start position:0%
00:37:17.440 --> 00:37:22.870 align:start position:0%
hi<00:37:18.720> hi<00:37:20.839> brad
00:37:22.870 --> 00:37:22.880 align:start position:0%
hi hi brad
00:37:22.880 --> 00:37:28.150 align:start position:0%
hi hi brad
00:37:28.150 --> 00:37:28.160 align:start position:0%
00:37:28.160 --> 00:37:34.150 align:start position:0%
00:37:34.150 --> 00:37:34.160 align:start position:0%
00:37:34.160 --> 00:37:40.470 align:start position:0%
brad<00:37:34.400> who<00:37:34.480> are<00:37:34.640> you<00:37:34.720> talking<00:37:35.040> to<00:37:35.839> me
00:37:40.470 --> 00:37:40.480 align:start position:0%
00:37:40.480 --> 00:37:49.030 align:start position:0%
00:37:49.030 --> 00:37:49.040 align:start position:0%
00:37:49.040 --> 00:37:53.829 align:start position:0%
do<00:37:49.200> you<00:37:49.280> see<00:37:49.440> someone
00:37:53.829 --> 00:37:53.839 align:start position:0%
00:37:53.839 --> 00:37:57.910 align:start position:0%
what<00:37:54.000> do<00:37:54.079> you<00:37:54.240> see
00:37:57.910 --> 00:37:57.920 align:start position:0%
00:37:57.920 --> 00:38:07.349 align:start position:0%
it's<00:37:58.240> a<00:37:58.320> ghost<00:37:58.640> in<00:38:02.839> here
00:38:07.349 --> 00:38:07.359 align:start position:0%
00:38:07.359 --> 00:38:10.310 align:start position:0%
you<00:38:07.520> know<00:38:07.680> i<00:38:07.760> was<00:38:08.000> thinking<00:38:08.960> oh<00:38:10.000> you're<00:38:10.160> all
00:38:10.310 --> 00:38:10.320 align:start position:0%
you know i was thinking oh you're all
00:38:10.320 --> 00:38:11.430 align:start position:0%
you know i was thinking oh you're all
00:38:11.430 --> 00:38:11.440 align:start position:0%
00:38:11.440 --> 00:38:13.750 align:start position:0%
a<00:38:11.599> door<00:38:11.839> closed<00:38:12.079> upstairs<00:38:12.960> no<00:38:13.200> way<00:38:13.440> i<00:38:13.599> just
00:38:13.750 --> 00:38:13.760 align:start position:0%
a door closed upstairs no way i just
00:38:13.760 --> 00:38:14.630 align:start position:0%
a door closed upstairs no way i just
heard<00:38:14.000> it
00:38:14.630 --> 00:38:14.640 align:start position:0%
heard it
00:38:14.640 --> 00:38:16.390 align:start position:0%
heard it
oh<00:38:14.960> we<00:38:15.119> have<00:38:15.200> to<00:38:15.280> go<00:38:15.440> check<00:38:15.599> it<00:38:15.760> out<00:38:16.160> i'm<00:38:16.240> not
00:38:16.390 --> 00:38:16.400 align:start position:0%
oh we have to go check it out i'm not
00:38:16.400 --> 00:38:25.109 align:start position:0%
oh we have to go check it out i'm not
going<00:38:16.720> up<00:38:16.800> there<00:38:17.359> fine<00:38:17.839> i'll<00:38:18.079> go
00:38:25.109 --> 00:38:25.119 align:start position:0%
00:38:25.119 --> 00:38:44.829 align:start position:0%
there's<00:38:25.359> nothing<00:38:25.760> up<00:38:30.839> here
00:38:44.829 --> 00:38:44.839 align:start position:0%
00:38:44.839 --> 00:39:01.030 align:start position:0%
00:39:01.030 --> 00:39:01.040 align:start position:0%
00:39:01.040 --> 00:39:04.150 align:start position:0%
shut<00:39:01.200> the<00:39:01.359> door<00:39:02.240> why<00:39:03.359> we<00:39:03.520> have<00:39:03.680> to<00:39:03.760> block
00:39:04.150 --> 00:39:04.160 align:start position:0%
shut the door why we have to block
00:39:04.160 --> 00:39:08.950 align:start position:0%
shut the door why we have to block
any<00:39:04.400> drafts
00:39:08.950 --> 00:39:08.960 align:start position:0%
00:39:08.960 --> 00:39:10.310 align:start position:0%
this<00:39:09.200> is<00:39:09.280> what<00:39:09.440> i<00:39:09.520> used<00:39:09.760> to<00:39:09.839> do<00:39:09.920> when<00:39:10.079> we<00:39:10.240> were
00:39:10.310 --> 00:39:10.320 align:start position:0%
this is what i used to do when we were
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this is what i used to do when we were
kids<00:39:11.359> you<00:39:11.520> shut<00:39:11.760> the<00:39:11.839> door
00:39:12.310 --> 00:39:12.320 align:start position:0%
kids you shut the door
00:39:12.320 --> 00:39:15.910 align:start position:0%
kids you shut the door
the<00:39:12.480> windows<00:39:13.359> turn<00:39:13.599> off<00:39:13.760> the<00:39:14.000> air
00:39:15.910 --> 00:39:15.920 align:start position:0%
the windows turn off the air
00:39:15.920 --> 00:39:19.030 align:start position:0%
the windows turn off the air
and<00:39:16.079> then<00:39:16.240> you<00:39:16.400> ask<00:39:16.720> questions<00:39:18.480> and<00:39:18.720> if<00:39:18.800> the
00:39:19.030 --> 00:39:19.040 align:start position:0%
and then you ask questions and if the
00:39:19.040 --> 00:39:21.190 align:start position:0%
and then you ask questions and if the
flame<00:39:19.440> moves
00:39:21.190 --> 00:39:21.200 align:start position:0%
flame moves
00:39:21.200 --> 00:39:22.870 align:start position:0%
flame moves
it's<00:39:21.440> the<00:39:21.599> spirit<00:39:22.000> of<00:39:22.079> the<00:39:22.160> ghost<00:39:22.400> or<00:39:22.480> whatever
00:39:22.870 --> 00:39:22.880 align:start position:0%
it's the spirit of the ghost or whatever
00:39:22.880 --> 00:39:24.470 align:start position:0%
it's the spirit of the ghost or whatever
00:39:24.470 --> 00:39:24.480 align:start position:0%
00:39:24.480 --> 00:39:25.990 align:start position:0%
lauren<00:39:24.800> i<00:39:24.960> don't<00:39:25.040> know<00:39:25.200> no<00:39:25.359> come<00:39:25.520> on<00:39:25.599> here<00:39:25.920> to
00:39:25.990 --> 00:39:26.000 align:start position:0%
lauren i don't know no come on here to
00:39:26.000 --> 00:39:36.230 align:start position:0%
lauren i don't know no come on here to
put<00:39:26.160> your<00:39:26.240> hands<00:39:26.480> on<00:39:26.839> it
00:39:36.230 --> 00:39:36.240 align:start position:0%
00:39:36.240 --> 00:39:38.950 align:start position:0%
now<00:39:36.480> what<00:39:37.440> ask<00:39:37.760> something<00:39:38.400> i<00:39:38.560> don't<00:39:38.720> know<00:39:38.800> what
00:39:38.950 --> 00:39:38.960 align:start position:0%
now what ask something i don't know what
00:39:38.960 --> 00:39:40.950 align:start position:0%
now what ask something i don't know what
to<00:39:39.119> ask
00:39:40.950 --> 00:39:40.960 align:start position:0%
to ask
00:39:40.960 --> 00:39:45.430 align:start position:0%
to ask
fine<00:39:41.280> then<00:39:41.520> i'll<00:39:41.680> ask
00:39:45.430 --> 00:39:45.440 align:start position:0%
00:39:45.440 --> 00:39:47.670 align:start position:0%
is<00:39:45.680> there<00:39:46.240> somebody<00:39:46.960> down<00:39:47.200> here<00:39:47.440> in<00:39:47.520> the
00:39:47.670 --> 00:39:47.680 align:start position:0%
is there somebody down here in the
00:39:47.680 --> 00:39:48.630 align:start position:0%
is there somebody down here in the
basement<00:39:48.079> with<00:39:48.320> us
00:39:48.630 --> 00:39:48.640 align:start position:0%
basement with us
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basement with us
jesus<00:39:49.119> christ
00:39:53.349 --> 00:39:53.359 align:start position:0%
00:39:53.359 --> 00:39:58.230 align:start position:0%
is<00:39:53.599> there<00:39:54.480> somebody<00:39:55.119> or<00:39:56.000> something
00:39:58.230 --> 00:39:58.240 align:start position:0%
is there somebody or something
00:39:58.240 --> 00:40:04.309 align:start position:0%
is there somebody or something
here<00:39:58.560> with<00:39:58.800> us<00:39:59.119> now
00:40:04.309 --> 00:40:04.319 align:start position:0%
00:40:04.319 --> 00:40:09.030 align:start position:0%
if<00:40:04.560> there<00:40:04.880> is<00:40:06.160> something<00:40:06.800> in<00:40:06.960> this<00:40:07.280> house
00:40:09.030 --> 00:40:09.040 align:start position:0%
if there is something in this house
00:40:09.040 --> 00:40:15.270 align:start position:0%
if there is something in this house
please<00:40:10.880> make<00:40:11.119> yourself<00:40:11.599> known
00:40:15.270 --> 00:40:15.280 align:start position:0%
00:40:15.280 --> 00:40:18.710 align:start position:0%
show<00:40:15.520> us<00:40:15.680> that<00:40:15.839> you're<00:40:16.079> here
00:40:18.710 --> 00:40:18.720 align:start position:0%
00:40:18.720 --> 00:40:35.190 align:start position:0%
give<00:40:18.960> us<00:40:19.119> a<00:40:22.839> sign
00:40:35.190 --> 00:40:35.200 align:start position:0%
00:40:35.200 --> 00:40:39.510 align:start position:0%
you<00:40:35.599> jerk<00:40:36.640> i'm<00:40:36.800> sorry<00:40:37.040> it's<00:40:37.200> just<00:40:37.359> so
00:40:39.510 --> 00:40:39.520 align:start position:0%
you jerk i'm sorry it's just so
00:40:39.520 --> 00:40:42.950 align:start position:0%
you jerk i'm sorry it's just so
what<00:40:39.680> the<00:40:39.839> hell<00:40:40.079> was<00:40:40.319> that
00:40:42.950 --> 00:40:42.960 align:start position:0%
00:40:42.960 --> 00:40:44.309 align:start position:0%
lauren<00:40:43.200> where<00:40:43.359> are<00:40:43.359> you<00:40:43.520> going<00:40:43.839> oh<00:40:44.000> we<00:40:44.160> got<00:40:44.240> to
00:40:44.309 --> 00:40:44.319 align:start position:0%
lauren where are you going oh we got to
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lauren where are you going oh we got to
make<00:40:44.480> contact<00:40:44.960> wait<00:40:45.119> a<00:40:45.200> minute
00:40:48.150 --> 00:40:48.160 align:start position:0%
00:40:48.160 --> 00:40:50.870 align:start position:0%
lauren<00:40:48.560> stop<00:40:49.599> whatever<00:40:50.000> you<00:40:50.240> are<00:40:50.640> show
00:40:50.870 --> 00:40:50.880 align:start position:0%
lauren stop whatever you are show
00:40:50.880 --> 00:40:52.790 align:start position:0%
lauren stop whatever you are show
00:40:52.790 --> 00:40:52.800 align:start position:0%
00:40:52.800 --> 00:40:55.510 align:start position:0%
come<00:40:52.960> on<00:40:53.119> let's<00:40:53.280> just<00:40:53.440> go<00:40:53.599> outside
00:40:55.510 --> 00:40:55.520 align:start position:0%
come on let's just go outside
00:40:55.520 --> 00:40:58.710 align:start position:0%
come on let's just go outside
something's<00:40:55.920> coming
00:40:58.710 --> 00:40:58.720 align:start position:0%
00:40:58.720 --> 00:41:01.990 align:start position:0%
lauren<00:40:59.440> come<00:40:59.680> on<00:40:59.760> come<00:40:59.920> on<00:41:00.079> come<00:41:00.240> on<00:41:00.400> pour<00:41:00.720> it
00:41:01.990 --> 00:41:02.000 align:start position:0%
lauren come on come on come on pour it
00:41:02.000 --> 00:41:05.349 align:start position:0%
lauren come on come on come on pour it
out<00:41:03.520> holy<00:41:04.079> [ __ ]
00:41:05.349 --> 00:41:05.359 align:start position:0%
out holy [ __ ]
00:41:05.359 --> 00:41:07.190 align:start position:0%
out holy [ __ ]
oh<00:41:05.599> my<00:41:05.760> god<00:41:05.920> you<00:41:06.000> had<00:41:06.160> him<00:41:06.319> so<00:41:06.480> scared<00:41:06.960> yeah<00:41:07.119> i
00:41:07.190 --> 00:41:07.200 align:start position:0%
oh my god you had him so scared yeah i
00:41:07.200 --> 00:41:09.190 align:start position:0%
oh my god you had him so scared yeah i
can<00:41:07.440> see<00:41:07.680> that<00:41:08.079> what<00:41:08.240> are<00:41:08.319> you<00:41:08.480> doing<00:41:08.800> we<00:41:08.960> are
00:41:09.190 --> 00:41:09.200 align:start position:0%
can see that what are you doing we are
00:41:09.200 --> 00:41:10.630 align:start position:0%
can see that what are you doing we are
amateur<00:41:09.599> ghost<00:41:09.839> hunters<00:41:10.240> and<00:41:10.400> we<00:41:10.480> thought
00:41:10.630 --> 00:41:10.640 align:start position:0%
amateur ghost hunters and we thought
00:41:10.640 --> 00:41:11.910 align:start position:0%
amateur ghost hunters and we thought
that<00:41:10.800> you<00:41:10.960> were<00:41:11.040> our<00:41:11.200> ghost
00:41:11.910 --> 00:41:11.920 align:start position:0%
that you were our ghost
00:41:11.920 --> 00:41:13.670 align:start position:0%
that you were our ghost
ghost<00:41:12.240> hunter<00:41:12.640> oh<00:41:12.800> my<00:41:12.880> god<00:41:13.040> you<00:41:13.200> had<00:41:13.359> me<00:41:13.520> so
00:41:13.670 --> 00:41:13.680 align:start position:0%
ghost hunter oh my god you had me so
00:41:13.680 --> 00:41:15.109 align:start position:0%
ghost hunter oh my god you had me so
00:41:15.109 --> 00:41:15.119 align:start position:0%
00:41:15.119 --> 00:41:20.069 align:start position:0%
i<00:41:15.280> need<00:41:18.839> wine
00:41:20.069 --> 00:41:20.079 align:start position:0%
i need wine
00:41:20.079 --> 00:41:23.750 align:start position:0%
i need wine
you<00:41:20.240> were<00:41:20.480> hunting<00:41:20.880> ghosts<00:41:21.680> we<00:41:21.839> were
00:41:23.750 --> 00:41:23.760 align:start position:0%
you were hunting ghosts we were
00:41:23.760 --> 00:41:27.109 align:start position:0%
you were hunting ghosts we were
you<00:41:23.920> think<00:41:24.079> the<00:41:24.160> house<00:41:24.400> is<00:41:24.480> haunted
00:41:27.109 --> 00:41:27.119 align:start position:0%
00:41:27.119 --> 00:41:30.630 align:start position:0%
yes<00:41:28.400> why<00:41:28.560> didn't<00:41:28.800> you<00:41:28.960> tell<00:41:29.200> me
00:41:30.630 --> 00:41:30.640 align:start position:0%
yes why didn't you tell me
00:41:30.640 --> 00:41:35.270 align:start position:0%
yes why didn't you tell me
i<00:41:30.880> tried<00:41:31.680> i<00:41:31.760> don't<00:41:32.839> know
00:41:35.270 --> 00:41:35.280 align:start position:0%
i tried i don't know
00:41:35.280 --> 00:41:37.510 align:start position:0%
i tried i don't know
the<00:41:35.440> house<00:41:35.760> isn't<00:41:36.079> haunted<00:41:36.960> there's<00:41:37.119> no<00:41:37.280> such
00:41:37.510 --> 00:41:37.520 align:start position:0%
the house isn't haunted there's no such
00:41:37.520 --> 00:41:38.630 align:start position:0%
the house isn't haunted there's no such
thing<00:41:37.680> as<00:41:37.920> ghosts
00:41:38.630 --> 00:41:38.640 align:start position:0%
thing as ghosts
00:41:38.640 --> 00:41:40.230 align:start position:0%
thing as ghosts
oh<00:41:38.800> my<00:41:38.960> god<00:41:39.119> my<00:41:39.280> heart<00:41:39.520> is<00:41:39.599> just<00:41:39.839> beating<00:41:40.160> out
00:41:40.230 --> 00:41:40.240 align:start position:0%
oh my god my heart is just beating out
00:41:40.240 --> 00:41:42.470 align:start position:0%
oh my god my heart is just beating out
of<00:41:40.400> my<00:41:40.720> chest<00:41:41.599> seriously<00:41:42.160> i
00:41:42.470 --> 00:41:42.480 align:start position:0%
of my chest seriously i
00:41:42.480 --> 00:41:44.870 align:start position:0%
of my chest seriously i
if<00:41:42.800> you're<00:41:42.960> lucky<00:41:43.359> i<00:41:43.520> like<00:41:43.680> you<00:41:44.319> wait<00:41:44.560> that's
00:41:44.870 --> 00:41:44.880 align:start position:0%
if you're lucky i like you wait that's
00:41:44.880 --> 00:41:45.829 align:start position:0%
if you're lucky i like you wait that's
00:41:45.829 --> 00:41:45.839 align:start position:0%
00:41:45.839 --> 00:41:47.349 align:start position:0%
i<00:41:45.920> mean<00:41:46.079> we're<00:41:46.240> done<00:41:46.480> now<00:41:46.640> the<00:41:46.720> footsteps<00:41:47.119> were
00:41:47.349 --> 00:41:47.359 align:start position:0%
i mean we're done now the footsteps were
00:41:47.359 --> 00:41:51.270 align:start position:0%
i mean we're done now the footsteps were
luke<00:41:47.520> so<00:41:47.680> we're<00:41:47.760> done
00:41:51.270 --> 00:41:51.280 align:start position:0%
00:41:51.280 --> 00:41:53.589 align:start position:0%
jennifer<00:41:51.680> i've<00:41:51.839> been<00:41:52.000> here<00:41:52.240> all<00:41:52.480> day<00:41:52.800> and
00:41:53.589 --> 00:41:53.599 align:start position:0%
jennifer i've been here all day and
00:41:53.599 --> 00:41:54.630 align:start position:0%
jennifer i've been here all day and
nothing<00:41:54.000> has<00:41:54.160> happened
00:41:54.630 --> 00:41:54.640 align:start position:0%
nothing has happened
00:41:54.640 --> 00:41:57.670 align:start position:0%
nothing has happened
the<00:41:54.800> door<00:41:55.040> is<00:41:55.200> shut<00:41:55.440> by<00:41:55.680> itself<00:41:56.319> listen<00:41:57.280> i<00:41:57.440> get
00:41:57.670 --> 00:41:57.680 align:start position:0%
the door is shut by itself listen i get
00:41:57.680 --> 00:41:58.470 align:start position:0%
the door is shut by itself listen i get
00:41:58.470 --> 00:41:58.480 align:start position:0%
00:41:58.480 --> 00:42:00.550 align:start position:0%
new<00:41:58.640> houses<00:41:59.040> are<00:41:59.200> scary<00:41:59.920> believe<00:42:00.160> me<00:42:00.400> every
00:42:00.550 --> 00:42:00.560 align:start position:0%
new houses are scary believe me every
00:42:00.560 --> 00:42:02.390 align:start position:0%
new houses are scary believe me every
time<00:42:00.800> i<00:42:00.960> move<00:42:01.119> somewhere<00:42:01.440> i'm<00:42:01.680> convinced<00:42:02.240> it's
00:42:02.390 --> 00:42:02.400 align:start position:0%
time i move somewhere i'm convinced it's
00:42:02.400 --> 00:42:03.589 align:start position:0%
time i move somewhere i'm convinced it's
haunted<00:42:02.720> and<00:42:02.880> it<00:42:03.119> never
00:42:03.589 --> 00:42:03.599 align:start position:0%
haunted and it never
00:42:03.599 --> 00:42:06.950 align:start position:0%
haunted and it never
is<00:42:05.119> there's<00:42:05.599> always<00:42:05.920> an<00:42:06.079> explanation<00:42:06.720> for
00:42:06.950 --> 00:42:06.960 align:start position:0%
is there's always an explanation for
00:42:06.960 --> 00:42:11.829 align:start position:0%
is there's always an explanation for
everything<00:42:07.520> yeah
00:42:11.829 --> 00:42:11.839 align:start position:0%
00:42:11.839 --> 00:42:13.510 align:start position:0%
oh<00:42:12.160> um<00:42:12.560> did<00:42:12.720> we<00:42:12.800> leave<00:42:12.960> the<00:42:13.040> door<00:42:13.280> open
00:42:13.510 --> 00:42:13.520 align:start position:0%
oh um did we leave the door open
00:42:13.520 --> 00:43:03.900 align:start position:0%
oh um did we leave the door open
downstairs<00:42:14.079> i'll<00:42:14.160> get<00:42:14.839> it
00:43:03.900 --> 00:43:03.910 align:start position:0%
00:43:03.910 --> 00:43:08.550 align:start position:0%
00:43:08.550 --> 00:43:08.560 align:start position:0%
00:43:08.560 --> 00:43:20.230 align:start position:0%
well<00:43:08.800> obviously<00:43:09.280> it's<00:43:09.440> not<00:43:09.760> true
00:43:20.230 --> 00:43:20.240 align:start position:0%
00:43:20.240 --> 00:43:23.910 align:start position:0%
there's<00:43:20.400> a<00:43:20.480> hand<00:43:20.720> print<00:43:20.960> in<00:43:21.040> the<00:43:21.119> crawlspace
00:43:23.910 --> 00:43:23.920 align:start position:0%
00:43:23.920 --> 00:43:27.589 align:start position:0%
a<00:43:24.079> what<00:43:25.119> a<00:43:25.280> handprint
00:43:27.589 --> 00:43:27.599 align:start position:0%
a what a handprint
00:43:27.599 --> 00:43:30.630 align:start position:0%
a what a handprint
in<00:43:27.760> the<00:43:27.839> crawlspace
00:43:30.630 --> 00:43:30.640 align:start position:0%
00:43:30.640 --> 00:43:36.309 align:start position:0%
so<00:43:33.359> so<00:43:33.599> how<00:43:33.760> did<00:43:34.000> it<00:43:34.160> get<00:43:34.400> there
00:43:36.309 --> 00:43:36.319 align:start position:0%
so so how did it get there
00:43:36.319 --> 00:43:39.510 align:start position:0%
so so how did it get there
i<00:43:38.079> checked<00:43:38.319> the<00:43:38.480> traps<00:43:38.800> a<00:43:38.880> couple<00:43:39.119> days<00:43:39.359> ago
00:43:39.510 --> 00:43:39.520 align:start position:0%
i checked the traps a couple days ago
00:43:39.520 --> 00:43:42.150 align:start position:0%
i checked the traps a couple days ago
set<00:43:39.760> a<00:43:39.839> few<00:43:40.000> new<00:43:40.160> ones<00:43:40.319> it's<00:43:40.480> probably<00:43:40.800> mine
00:43:42.150 --> 00:43:42.160 align:start position:0%
set a few new ones it's probably mine
00:43:42.160 --> 00:43:43.829 align:start position:0%
set a few new ones it's probably mine
jennifer<00:43:42.560> stop<00:43:42.800> freaking<00:43:43.119> yourself<00:43:43.520> out<00:43:43.680> just
00:43:43.829 --> 00:43:43.839 align:start position:0%
jennifer stop freaking yourself out just
00:43:43.839 --> 00:43:46.309 align:start position:0%
jennifer stop freaking yourself out just
come<00:43:44.400> come<00:43:44.640> sit<00:43:44.800> with<00:43:45.040> us<00:43:45.200> and<00:43:45.280> talk<00:43:45.599> okay
00:43:46.309 --> 00:43:46.319 align:start position:0%
come come sit with us and talk okay
00:43:46.319 --> 00:43:47.750 align:start position:0%
come come sit with us and talk okay
luke<00:43:46.560> let's<00:43:46.720> just<00:43:46.880> tell<00:43:47.040> me<00:43:47.119> a<00:43:47.200> really<00:43:47.440> funny
00:43:47.750 --> 00:43:47.760 align:start position:0%
luke let's just tell me a really funny
00:43:47.760 --> 00:43:50.230 align:start position:0%
luke let's just tell me a really funny
joke<00:43:48.079> come<00:43:48.319> on<00:43:49.040> okay<00:43:49.280> so<00:43:49.520> the<00:43:49.680> two<00:43:49.839> hunters
00:43:50.230 --> 00:43:50.240 align:start position:0%
joke come on okay so the two hunters
00:43:50.240 --> 00:43:51.270 align:start position:0%
joke come on okay so the two hunters
they're<00:43:50.480> gun<00:43:50.640> meanwhile<00:43:51.040> the
00:43:51.270 --> 00:43:51.280 align:start position:0%
they're gun meanwhile the
00:43:51.280 --> 00:43:53.190 align:start position:0%
they're gun meanwhile the
amateur<00:43:51.680> hundreds<00:43:52.240> and<00:43:52.319> the<00:43:52.480> pro<00:43:52.720> hunter<00:43:53.040> they
00:43:53.190 --> 00:43:53.200 align:start position:0%
amateur hundreds and the pro hunter they
00:43:53.200 --> 00:44:20.829 align:start position:0%
amateur hundreds and the pro hunter they
already<00:43:53.440> shot<00:43:53.680> a<00:43:53.760> deer<00:43:53.920> and<00:43:54.000> they're<00:44:06.839> back
00:44:20.829 --> 00:44:20.839 align:start position:0%
00:44:20.839 --> 00:44:36.550 align:start position:0%
00:44:36.550 --> 00:44:36.560 align:start position:0%
00:44:36.560 --> 00:44:44.630 align:start position:0%
luke<00:44:38.400> what<00:44:38.560> are<00:44:38.640> you<00:44:38.720> doing<00:44:39.040> up
00:44:44.630 --> 00:44:44.640 align:start position:0%
00:44:44.640 --> 00:44:54.550 align:start position:0%
someone<00:44:45.040> is<00:44:45.200> laughing<00:44:45.599> up<00:44:48.839> there
00:44:54.550 --> 00:44:54.560 align:start position:0%
00:44:54.560 --> 00:44:57.990 align:start position:0%
00:44:57.990 --> 00:44:58.000 align:start position:0%
00:44:58.000 --> 00:45:04.790 align:start position:0%
they<00:44:58.160> keep<00:44:58.400> saying<00:44:58.720> your<00:45:02.839> name
00:45:04.790 --> 00:45:04.800 align:start position:0%
they keep saying your name
00:45:04.800 --> 00:45:11.349 align:start position:0%
they keep saying your name
what'd<00:45:05.040> you<00:45:05.200> say<00:45:07.599> you<00:45:07.760> heard<00:45:08.000> that
00:45:11.349 --> 00:45:11.359 align:start position:0%
00:45:11.359 --> 00:45:33.190 align:start position:0%
i<00:45:11.520> didn't<00:45:11.680> say<00:45:11.920> anything<00:45:12.560> it<00:45:12.720> wasn't<00:45:16.839> me
00:45:33.190 --> 00:45:33.200 align:start position:0%
00:45:33.200 --> 00:45:40.390 align:start position:0%
brad<00:45:35.520> what's<00:45:35.839> wrong<00:45:36.000> what<00:45:36.160> are<00:45:36.240> you<00:45:36.319> doing<00:45:36.640> up
00:45:40.390 --> 00:45:40.400 align:start position:0%
00:45:40.400 --> 00:45:45.109 align:start position:0%
brad<00:45:41.760> i<00:45:42.000> can't<00:45:42.240> see
00:45:45.109 --> 00:45:45.119 align:start position:0%
00:45:45.119 --> 00:45:52.200 align:start position:0%
why<00:45:45.359> not<00:45:46.720> i'm<00:45:47.040> scared
00:45:52.200 --> 00:45:52.210 align:start position:0%
00:45:52.210 --> 00:45:58.550 align:start position:0%
00:45:58.550 --> 00:45:58.560 align:start position:0%
00:45:58.560 --> 00:46:04.069 align:start position:0%
this<00:45:58.800> is
00:46:04.069 --> 00:46:04.079 align:start position:0%
00:46:04.079 --> 00:46:06.069 align:start position:0%
brad<00:46:04.319> what<00:46:04.480> is<00:46:04.640> it<00:46:05.280> is<00:46:05.520> it<00:46:05.599> what<00:46:05.680> you<00:46:05.839> saw
00:46:06.069 --> 00:46:06.079 align:start position:0%
brad what is it is it what you saw
00:46:06.079 --> 00:46:08.790 align:start position:0%
brad what is it is it what you saw
earlier<00:46:06.400> today
00:46:08.790 --> 00:46:08.800 align:start position:0%
00:46:08.800 --> 00:46:10.309 align:start position:0%
brad<00:46:09.119> look<00:46:09.280> at<00:46:09.359> me<00:46:09.440> what<00:46:09.599> is<00:46:09.760> it<00:46:09.839> what<00:46:10.000> did<00:46:10.160> you
00:46:10.309 --> 00:46:10.319 align:start position:0%
brad look at me what is it what did you
00:46:10.319 --> 00:46:12.870 align:start position:0%
brad look at me what is it what did you
see<00:46:10.720> come<00:46:10.960> on<00:46:11.599> what<00:46:11.760> did<00:46:11.920> you<00:46:12.079> see
00:46:12.870 --> 00:46:12.880 align:start position:0%
see come on what did you see
00:46:12.880 --> 00:46:15.349 align:start position:0%
see come on what did you see
brad<00:46:13.920> fred<00:46:14.240> look<00:46:14.400> at<00:46:14.480> me<00:46:14.720> what<00:46:14.880> is<00:46:15.040> it<00:46:15.200> fred
00:46:15.349 --> 00:46:15.359 align:start position:0%
brad fred look at me what is it fred
00:46:15.359 --> 00:46:16.069 align:start position:0%
brad fred look at me what is it fred
what<00:46:15.599> did<00:46:15.680> you<00:46:15.839> see
00:46:16.069 --> 00:46:16.079 align:start position:0%
what did you see
00:46:16.079 --> 00:46:26.829 align:start position:0%
what did you see
what<00:46:16.240> did<00:46:16.319> you<00:46:16.560> see<00:46:16.800> tell<00:46:16.960> me<00:46:17.200> what<00:46:17.359> did<00:46:17.599> you
00:46:26.829 --> 00:46:26.839 align:start position:0%
00:46:26.839 --> 00:46:37.910 align:start position:0%
00:46:37.910 --> 00:46:37.920 align:start position:0%
00:46:37.920 --> 00:46:40.390 align:start position:0%
what's<00:46:38.160> going<00:46:38.400> on<00:46:39.520> what's<00:46:39.760> going<00:46:40.000> on<00:46:40.240> what
00:46:40.390 --> 00:46:40.400 align:start position:0%
what's going on what's going on what
00:46:40.400 --> 00:46:41.030 align:start position:0%
what's going on what's going on what
00:46:41.030 --> 00:46:41.040 align:start position:0%
00:46:41.040 --> 00:46:42.550 align:start position:0%
there<00:46:41.200> was<00:46:41.280> something<00:46:41.599> out<00:46:41.760> here<00:46:41.920> why<00:46:42.079> is<00:46:42.240> brad
00:46:42.550 --> 00:46:42.560 align:start position:0%
there was something out here why is brad
00:46:42.560 --> 00:46:44.230 align:start position:0%
there was something out here why is brad
out<00:46:42.720> here<00:46:42.960> hey<00:46:43.280> i<00:46:43.359> heard<00:46:43.599> him<00:46:43.680> out<00:46:43.760> here<00:46:43.920> i<00:46:44.079> came
00:46:44.230 --> 00:46:44.240 align:start position:0%
out here hey i heard him out here i came
00:46:44.240 --> 00:46:45.829 align:start position:0%
out here hey i heard him out here i came
out<00:46:44.319> to<00:46:44.400> see<00:46:44.560> what<00:46:44.640> was<00:46:44.800> cool<00:46:45.040> he's<00:46:45.280> bleeding
00:46:45.829 --> 00:46:45.839 align:start position:0%
out to see what was cool he's bleeding
00:46:45.839 --> 00:46:47.589 align:start position:0%
out to see what was cool he's bleeding
what<00:46:46.000> is<00:46:46.160> he<00:46:46.319> okay<00:46:46.800> no<00:46:46.960> do<00:46:47.119> you<00:46:47.200> have<00:46:47.280> a<00:46:47.359> first
00:46:47.589 --> 00:46:47.599 align:start position:0%
what is he okay no do you have a first
00:46:47.599 --> 00:47:01.670 align:start position:0%
what is he okay no do you have a first
aid<00:46:47.760> kit<00:46:48.240> in<00:46:48.319> the<00:46:54.839> bathroom
00:47:01.670 --> 00:47:01.680 align:start position:0%
00:47:01.680 --> 00:47:05.030 align:start position:0%
luke<00:47:02.160> i<00:47:02.319> swear<00:47:02.800> stop
00:47:05.030 --> 00:47:05.040 align:start position:0%
luke i swear stop
00:47:05.040 --> 00:47:08.550 align:start position:0%
luke i swear stop
it's<00:47:05.200> three<00:47:05.440> in<00:47:05.520> the<00:47:05.599> morning
00:47:08.550 --> 00:47:08.560 align:start position:0%
00:47:08.560 --> 00:47:30.309 align:start position:0%
there<00:47:08.720> was<00:47:08.960> no<00:47:22.839> stop
00:47:30.309 --> 00:47:30.319 align:start position:0%
00:47:30.319 --> 00:47:32.069 align:start position:0%
are<00:47:30.400> you<00:47:30.559> sure<00:47:30.720> you're<00:47:30.800> gonna<00:47:30.960> be<00:47:31.119> okay<00:47:31.760> i<00:47:31.920> mean
00:47:32.069 --> 00:47:32.079 align:start position:0%
are you sure you're gonna be okay i mean
00:47:32.079 --> 00:47:33.430 align:start position:0%
are you sure you're gonna be okay i mean
i<00:47:32.240> i<00:47:32.400> can<00:47:32.559> stay<00:47:32.720> another<00:47:32.960> day
00:47:33.430 --> 00:47:33.440 align:start position:0%
i i can stay another day
00:47:33.440 --> 00:47:36.549 align:start position:0%
i i can stay another day
if<00:47:33.520> you<00:47:33.680> guys<00:47:33.839> want<00:47:34.160> no<00:47:35.119> it's<00:47:35.359> fine<00:47:35.680> really
00:47:36.549 --> 00:47:36.559 align:start position:0%
if you guys want no it's fine really
00:47:36.559 --> 00:47:40.470 align:start position:0%
if you guys want no it's fine really
thanks<00:47:36.800> for<00:47:36.960> coming<00:47:37.359> yeah<00:47:38.000> luke<00:47:38.559> thanks
00:47:40.470 --> 00:47:40.480 align:start position:0%
thanks for coming yeah luke thanks
00:47:40.480 --> 00:47:43.990 align:start position:0%
thanks for coming yeah luke thanks
come<00:47:40.640> here<00:47:40.880> bud<00:47:43.200> say<00:47:43.359> goodbye
00:47:43.990 --> 00:47:44.000 align:start position:0%
come here bud say goodbye
00:47:44.000 --> 00:47:49.030 align:start position:0%
come here bud say goodbye
bye<00:47:44.480> bye
00:47:49.030 --> 00:47:49.040 align:start position:0%
00:47:49.040 --> 00:47:52.549 align:start position:0%
no<00:47:49.280> we're<00:47:49.440> going<00:47:49.760> we're<00:47:50.839> going
00:47:52.549 --> 00:47:52.559 align:start position:0%
no we're going we're going
00:47:52.559 --> 00:48:10.470 align:start position:0%
no we're going we're going
miss<00:47:52.800> you<00:47:52.880> love<00:47:53.119> you<00:47:54.880> miss<00:47:55.119> you<00:47:55.280> love<00:48:04.839> you
00:48:10.470 --> 00:48:10.480 align:start position:0%
00:48:10.480 --> 00:48:19.589 align:start position:0%
what's<00:48:10.720> going<00:48:11.040> on<00:48:12.960> i<00:48:13.119> told<00:48:13.359> you
00:48:19.589 --> 00:48:19.599 align:start position:0%
00:48:19.599 --> 00:48:24.710 align:start position:0%
the<00:48:19.760> house<00:48:20.000> is<00:48:20.079> haunted
00:48:24.710 --> 00:48:24.720 align:start position:0%
00:48:24.720 --> 00:48:26.870 align:start position:0%
how<00:48:24.880> come<00:48:25.040> i<00:48:25.200> haven't<00:48:25.359> seen<00:48:25.599> anything<00:48:26.480> i<00:48:26.720> live
00:48:26.870 --> 00:48:26.880 align:start position:0%
how come i haven't seen anything i live
00:48:26.880 --> 00:48:29.030 align:start position:0%
how come i haven't seen anything i live
here<00:48:27.040> too<00:48:27.200> you<00:48:27.280> know<00:48:27.440> i<00:48:27.520> haven't<00:48:27.680> seen<00:48:27.920> a<00:48:28.079> thing
00:48:29.030 --> 00:48:29.040 align:start position:0%
here too you know i haven't seen a thing
00:48:29.040 --> 00:48:32.150 align:start position:0%
here too you know i haven't seen a thing
but<00:48:29.200> i<00:48:29.440> have
00:48:32.150 --> 00:48:32.160 align:start position:0%
00:48:32.160 --> 00:48:35.349 align:start position:0%
that<00:48:32.400> should<00:48:32.559> be<00:48:32.839> enough<00:48:34.880> well<00:48:35.040> what<00:48:35.200> do<00:48:35.280> you
00:48:35.349 --> 00:48:35.359 align:start position:0%
that should be enough well what do you
00:48:35.359 --> 00:48:36.950 align:start position:0%
that should be enough well what do you
suggest<00:48:35.760> we<00:48:35.839> do<00:48:36.079> i<00:48:36.160> want<00:48:36.319> to<00:48:36.480> move
00:48:36.950 --> 00:48:36.960 align:start position:0%
suggest we do i want to move
00:48:36.960 --> 00:48:39.030 align:start position:0%
suggest we do i want to move
honey<00:48:37.280> we<00:48:37.440> can't<00:48:37.839> move<00:48:38.160> then<00:48:38.400> i<00:48:38.480> want<00:48:38.640> to<00:48:38.720> call
00:48:39.030 --> 00:48:39.040 align:start position:0%
honey we can't move then i want to call
00:48:39.040 --> 00:48:40.630 align:start position:0%
honey we can't move then i want to call
someone<00:48:39.440> have<00:48:39.599> someone<00:48:39.920> come<00:48:40.160> in<00:48:40.240> here<00:48:40.480> and
00:48:40.630 --> 00:48:40.640 align:start position:0%
someone have someone come in here and
00:48:40.640 --> 00:48:42.069 align:start position:0%
someone have someone come in here and
figure<00:48:40.880> out<00:48:40.960> what's<00:48:41.200> going<00:48:41.440> on<00:48:41.680> jennifer
00:48:42.069 --> 00:48:42.079 align:start position:0%
figure out what's going on jennifer
00:48:42.079 --> 00:48:43.349 align:start position:0%
figure out what's going on jennifer
00:48:43.349 --> 00:48:43.359 align:start position:0%
00:48:43.359 --> 00:48:45.109 align:start position:0%
nothing<00:48:43.760> going<00:48:44.079> on<00:48:44.400> there<00:48:44.559> was<00:48:44.640> a<00:48:44.720> man<00:48:44.960> at<00:48:45.040> the
00:48:45.109 --> 00:48:45.119 align:start position:0%
nothing going on there was a man at the
00:48:45.119 --> 00:48:46.390 align:start position:0%
nothing going on there was a man at the
housewarming<00:48:45.599> party
00:48:46.390 --> 00:48:46.400 align:start position:0%
housewarming party
00:48:46.400 --> 00:48:47.829 align:start position:0%
housewarming party
a<00:48:46.559> friend<00:48:46.800> of<00:48:46.880> my<00:48:47.040> mother's<00:48:47.359> he<00:48:47.520> said<00:48:47.680> he
00:48:47.829 --> 00:48:47.839 align:start position:0%
a friend of my mother's he said he
00:48:47.839 --> 00:48:49.670 align:start position:0%
a friend of my mother's he said he
picked<00:48:48.079> up<00:48:48.240> on<00:48:48.400> things<00:48:48.960> and<00:48:49.119> that<00:48:49.280> her<00:48:49.440> house
00:48:49.670 --> 00:48:49.680 align:start position:0%
picked up on things and that her house
00:48:49.680 --> 00:48:51.109 align:start position:0%
picked up on things and that her house
has<00:48:49.839> an<00:48:50.079> interesting<00:48:50.559> energy
00:48:51.109 --> 00:48:51.119 align:start position:0%
has an interesting energy
00:48:51.119 --> 00:48:52.549 align:start position:0%
has an interesting energy
okay<00:48:51.440> so<00:48:51.599> our<00:48:51.680> house<00:48:51.920> has<00:48:52.000> an<00:48:52.160> interesting
00:48:52.549 --> 00:48:52.559 align:start position:0%
okay so our house has an interesting
00:48:52.559 --> 00:48:55.270 align:start position:0%
okay so our house has an interesting
energy<00:48:53.200> fine
00:48:55.270 --> 00:48:55.280 align:start position:0%
energy fine
00:48:55.280 --> 00:48:56.549 align:start position:0%
energy fine
did<00:48:55.440> he<00:48:55.520> say<00:48:55.760> get<00:48:55.920> out<00:48:56.000> of<00:48:56.079> the<00:48:56.160> house<00:48:56.400> there's
00:48:56.549 --> 00:48:56.559 align:start position:0%
did he say get out of the house there's
00:48:56.559 --> 00:48:58.069 align:start position:0%
did he say get out of the house there's
a<00:48:56.640> ghost<00:48:56.960> in<00:48:57.040> there<00:48:57.200> with<00:48:57.359> you<00:48:57.599> i'm<00:48:57.680> gonna<00:48:57.839> call
00:48:58.069 --> 00:48:58.079 align:start position:0%
a ghost in there with you i'm gonna call
00:48:58.079 --> 00:48:58.309 align:start position:0%
a ghost in there with you i'm gonna call
00:48:58.309 --> 00:48:58.319 align:start position:0%
00:48:58.319 --> 00:49:01.430 align:start position:0%
no<00:48:59.040> jennifer<00:48:59.440> you're<00:48:59.680> not<00:49:01.040> please<00:49:01.359> i'm
00:49:01.430 --> 00:49:01.440 align:start position:0%
no jennifer you're not please i'm
00:49:01.440 --> 00:49:02.950 align:start position:0%
no jennifer you're not please i'm
starting<00:49:01.680> to<00:49:01.760> get<00:49:01.839> a<00:49:01.920> little<00:49:02.079> worried<00:49:02.480> here
00:49:02.950 --> 00:49:02.960 align:start position:0%
starting to get a little worried here
00:49:02.960 --> 00:49:04.230 align:start position:0%
starting to get a little worried here
this<00:49:03.200> is<00:49:03.280> all<00:49:03.440> starting<00:49:03.680> to<00:49:03.760> sound<00:49:04.000> like<00:49:04.079> what
00:49:04.230 --> 00:49:04.240 align:start position:0%
this is all starting to sound like what
00:49:04.240 --> 00:49:11.030 align:start position:0%
this is all starting to sound like what
happened<00:49:04.480> in<00:49:04.559> chicago
00:49:11.030 --> 00:49:11.040 align:start position:0%
00:49:11.040 --> 00:49:16.630 align:start position:0%
i<00:49:11.280> saw<00:49:11.520> something<00:49:12.000> i<00:49:12.079> didn't<00:49:12.559> see<00:49:14.839> anything
00:49:16.630 --> 00:49:16.640 align:start position:0%
i saw something i didn't see anything
00:49:16.640 --> 00:49:19.910 align:start position:0%
i saw something i didn't see anything
glad<00:49:16.960> you're<00:49:17.119> stressed<00:49:19.200> your<00:49:19.359> mind's<00:49:19.599> playing
00:49:19.910 --> 00:49:19.920 align:start position:0%
glad you're stressed your mind's playing
00:49:19.920 --> 00:49:22.470 align:start position:0%
glad you're stressed your mind's playing
tricks<00:49:20.240> on<00:49:20.319> you<00:49:20.480> that's<00:49:20.720> all
00:49:22.470 --> 00:49:22.480 align:start position:0%
tricks on you that's all
00:49:22.480 --> 00:49:25.109 align:start position:0%
tricks on you that's all
look<00:49:22.720> it's<00:49:22.880> like<00:49:22.960> what<00:49:23.119> lauren<00:49:23.520> said<00:49:24.880> there's
00:49:25.109 --> 00:49:25.119 align:start position:0%
look it's like what lauren said there's
00:49:25.119 --> 00:49:28.549 align:start position:0%
look it's like what lauren said there's
an<00:49:25.280> explanation<00:49:25.839> for<00:49:26.079> everything
00:49:28.549 --> 00:49:28.559 align:start position:0%
an explanation for everything
00:49:28.559 --> 00:49:30.150 align:start position:0%
an explanation for everything
the<00:49:28.720> next<00:49:28.880> time<00:49:29.119> something<00:49:29.359> happens<00:49:29.760> confront
00:49:30.150 --> 00:49:30.160 align:start position:0%
the next time something happens confront
00:49:30.160 --> 00:49:33.589 align:start position:0%
the next time something happens confront
it<00:49:30.319> go<00:49:30.800> see<00:49:31.040> what<00:49:31.200> it<00:49:31.359> is
00:49:33.589 --> 00:49:33.599 align:start position:0%
00:49:33.599 --> 00:49:40.390 align:start position:0%
stay<00:49:33.839> calm<00:49:35.839> go<00:49:36.079> at<00:49:36.160> it<00:49:36.319> rationally
00:49:40.390 --> 00:49:40.400 align:start position:0%
00:49:40.400 --> 00:49:44.150 align:start position:0%
i<00:49:40.720> think<00:49:40.880> your<00:49:41.040> ghost<00:49:41.280> will<00:49:41.440> go<00:49:42.839> away
00:49:44.150 --> 00:49:44.160 align:start position:0%
i think your ghost will go away
00:49:44.160 --> 00:49:48.710 align:start position:0%
i think your ghost will go away
and<00:49:44.319> what<00:49:44.480> if<00:49:44.640> they<00:49:44.880> don't<00:49:46.400> they<00:49:46.640> will
00:49:48.710 --> 00:49:48.720 align:start position:0%
and what if they don't they will
00:49:48.720 --> 00:50:06.549 align:start position:0%
and what if they don't they will
give<00:49:48.960> it<00:49:49.040> a<00:49:49.119> few<00:49:49.359> days<00:49:50.800> i<00:49:56.839> promise
00:50:06.549 --> 00:50:06.559 align:start position:0%
00:50:06.559 --> 00:50:09.990 align:start position:0%
mrs<00:50:06.880> branny<00:50:08.400> yes<00:50:08.880> need<00:50:09.119> you<00:50:09.200> to<00:50:09.359> sign<00:50:09.599> here<00:50:09.839> for
00:50:09.990 --> 00:50:10.000 align:start position:0%
mrs branny yes need you to sign here for
00:50:10.000 --> 00:50:13.349 align:start position:0%
mrs branny yes need you to sign here for
me<00:50:10.839> please
00:50:13.349 --> 00:50:13.359 align:start position:0%
me please
00:50:13.359 --> 00:50:15.430 align:start position:0%
me please
need<00:50:13.520> help<00:50:13.760> carrying<00:50:14.079> this<00:50:14.319> in<00:50:14.880> no<00:50:15.040> thank<00:50:15.280> you
00:50:15.430 --> 00:50:15.440 align:start position:0%
need help carrying this in no thank you
00:50:15.440 --> 00:50:17.109 align:start position:0%
need help carrying this in no thank you
i'll<00:50:15.520> be<00:50:15.680> fine<00:50:16.079> well<00:50:16.240> don't<00:50:16.480> go<00:50:16.640> hauling<00:50:16.960> that
00:50:17.109 --> 00:50:17.119 align:start position:0%
i'll be fine well don't go hauling that
00:50:17.119 --> 00:50:19.670 align:start position:0%
i'll be fine well don't go hauling that
thing<00:50:17.359> upstairs<00:50:17.839> alone<00:50:18.160> now
00:50:19.670 --> 00:50:19.680 align:start position:0%
thing upstairs alone now
00:50:19.680 --> 00:50:38.829 align:start position:0%
thing upstairs alone now
get<00:50:19.839> your<00:50:19.920> husband<00:50:20.240> to<00:50:20.319> take<00:50:20.559> it<00:50:24.839> up
00:50:38.829 --> 00:50:38.839 align:start position:0%
00:50:38.839 --> 00:51:20.829 align:start position:0%
00:51:20.829 --> 00:51:20.839 align:start position:0%
00:51:20.839 --> 00:51:29.800 align:start position:0%
00:51:29.800 --> 00:51:29.810 align:start position:0%
00:51:29.810 --> 00:51:34.829 align:start position:0%
00:51:34.829 --> 00:51:34.839 align:start position:0%
00:51:34.839 --> 00:51:44.630 align:start position:0%
00:51:44.630 --> 00:51:44.640 align:start position:0%
00:51:44.640 --> 00:52:02.470 align:start position:0%
00:52:02.470 --> 00:52:02.480 align:start position:0%
00:52:02.480 --> 00:52:04.630 align:start position:0%
jennifer<00:52:03.040> my<00:52:03.280> dear<00:52:03.599> how<00:52:03.839> are<00:52:04.000> you<00:52:04.319> thank<00:52:04.480> you
00:52:04.630 --> 00:52:04.640 align:start position:0%
jennifer my dear how are you thank you
00:52:04.640 --> 00:52:05.510 align:start position:0%
jennifer my dear how are you thank you
for<00:52:04.720> coming<00:52:05.040> walter
00:52:05.510 --> 00:52:05.520 align:start position:0%
for coming walter
00:52:05.520 --> 00:52:08.150 align:start position:0%
for coming walter
not<00:52:05.760> at<00:52:05.920> all<00:52:06.720> i<00:52:06.880> must<00:52:07.119> say<00:52:07.359> i<00:52:07.599> was<00:52:07.839> a<00:52:07.920> bit
00:52:08.150 --> 00:52:08.160 align:start position:0%
not at all i must say i was a bit
00:52:08.160 --> 00:52:10.710 align:start position:0%
not at all i must say i was a bit
surprised<00:52:08.640> to<00:52:08.800> receive<00:52:09.119> your<00:52:09.280> call<00:52:09.599> but
00:52:10.710 --> 00:52:10.720 align:start position:0%
surprised to receive your call but
00:52:10.720 --> 00:52:13.829 align:start position:0%
surprised to receive your call but
delighted<00:52:11.280> though
00:52:13.829 --> 00:52:13.839 align:start position:0%
00:52:13.839 --> 00:52:21.670 align:start position:0%
and<00:52:14.079> you<00:52:14.319> must<00:52:14.640> be<00:52:16.839> luke
00:52:21.670 --> 00:52:21.680 align:start position:0%
00:52:21.680 --> 00:52:23.190 align:start position:0%
what<00:52:21.839> are<00:52:21.920> you<00:52:22.079> doing<00:52:22.319> here<00:52:22.720> i<00:52:22.880> heard<00:52:23.040> there
00:52:23.190 --> 00:52:23.200 align:start position:0%
what are you doing here i heard there
00:52:23.200 --> 00:52:24.870 align:start position:0%
what are you doing here i heard there
was<00:52:23.359> a<00:52:23.440> party<00:52:23.760> here<00:52:23.920> tonight<00:52:24.319> little<00:52:24.480> birdie
00:52:24.870 --> 00:52:24.880 align:start position:0%
was a party here tonight little birdie
00:52:24.880 --> 00:52:25.750 align:start position:0%
was a party here tonight little birdie
told<00:52:25.119> me
00:52:25.750 --> 00:52:25.760 align:start position:0%
told me
00:52:25.760 --> 00:52:29.990 align:start position:0%
told me
am<00:52:25.920> i<00:52:26.079> late
00:52:29.990 --> 00:52:30.000 align:start position:0%
00:52:30.000 --> 00:52:37.430 align:start position:0%
and<00:52:30.400> meredith<00:52:31.599> lovely<00:52:32.079> as<00:52:32.240> always
00:52:37.430 --> 00:52:37.440 align:start position:0%
00:52:37.440 --> 00:52:41.430 align:start position:0%
well<00:52:38.319> i<00:52:38.559> suppose<00:52:38.960> we<00:52:39.119> should<00:52:39.359> give<00:52:39.599> this<00:52:39.839> a<00:52:39.920> go
00:52:41.430 --> 00:52:41.440 align:start position:0%
well i suppose we should give this a go
00:52:41.440 --> 00:52:45.870 align:start position:0%
well i suppose we should give this a go
let's<00:52:41.760> head<00:52:42.000> upstairs<00:52:42.640> shall<00:52:44.839> we
00:52:45.870 --> 00:52:45.880 align:start position:0%
let's head upstairs shall we
00:52:45.880 --> 00:52:58.829 align:start position:0%
let's head upstairs shall we
00:52:58.829 --> 00:52:58.839 align:start position:0%
00:52:58.839 --> 00:53:22.680 align:start position:0%
00:53:22.680 --> 00:53:22.690 align:start position:0%
00:53:22.690 --> 00:53:27.030 align:start position:0%
00:53:27.030 --> 00:53:27.040 align:start position:0%
00:53:27.040 --> 00:53:29.670 align:start position:0%
luke<00:53:27.680> meredith<00:53:28.400> would<00:53:28.640> you<00:53:28.880> excuse<00:53:29.280> us<00:53:29.440> for<00:53:29.599> a
00:53:29.670 --> 00:53:29.680 align:start position:0%
luke meredith would you excuse us for a
00:53:29.680 --> 00:53:31.349 align:start position:0%
luke meredith would you excuse us for a
few<00:53:29.839> minutes
00:53:31.349 --> 00:53:31.359 align:start position:0%
few minutes
00:53:31.359 --> 00:53:33.030 align:start position:0%
few minutes
i<00:53:31.520> think<00:53:31.760> it<00:53:31.839> would<00:53:32.000> be<00:53:32.160> best<00:53:32.559> if<00:53:32.720> i<00:53:32.880> had<00:53:33.040> a
00:53:33.030 --> 00:53:33.040 align:start position:0%
i think it would be best if i had a
00:53:33.040 --> 00:53:34.470 align:start position:0%
i think it would be best if i had a
little<00:53:33.280> talk<00:53:33.520> with<00:53:33.680> jennifer
00:53:34.470 --> 00:53:34.480 align:start position:0%
little talk with jennifer
00:53:34.480 --> 00:53:38.069 align:start position:0%
little talk with jennifer
alone<00:53:36.240> wait<00:53:36.480> are<00:53:36.640> you<00:53:36.800> serious
00:53:38.069 --> 00:53:38.079 align:start position:0%
alone wait are you serious
00:53:38.079 --> 00:53:42.790 align:start position:0%
alone wait are you serious
i<00:53:38.319> think<00:53:38.640> it<00:53:38.720> would<00:53:38.960> be<00:53:39.200> best<00:53:41.040> let's<00:53:41.359> go<00:53:41.599> luke
00:53:42.790 --> 00:53:42.800 align:start position:0%
i think it would be best let's go luke
00:53:42.800 --> 00:53:48.309 align:start position:0%
i think it would be best let's go luke
he's<00:53:43.119> harmless<00:53:44.480> let<00:53:44.640> them<00:53:44.880> have<00:53:45.119> their<00:53:45.359> fun
00:53:48.309 --> 00:53:48.319 align:start position:0%
00:53:48.319 --> 00:53:56.630 align:start position:0%
we<00:53:48.480> won't<00:53:48.720> be<00:53:54.839> long
00:53:56.630 --> 00:53:56.640 align:start position:0%
we won't be long
00:53:56.640 --> 00:54:01.990 align:start position:0%
we won't be long
i'm<00:53:56.880> afraid<00:53:57.200> i<00:53:58.160> owe<00:53:58.400> you<00:53:58.559> a<00:53:58.640> bit<00:53:58.800> of<00:53:58.960> an<00:53:59.119> apology
00:54:01.990 --> 00:54:02.000 align:start position:0%
00:54:02.000 --> 00:54:05.190 align:start position:0%
an<00:54:02.160> apology<00:54:02.960> yes<00:54:04.880> i
00:54:05.190 --> 00:54:05.200 align:start position:0%
an apology yes i
00:54:05.200 --> 00:54:06.790 align:start position:0%
an apology yes i
should<00:54:05.440> have<00:54:05.520> been<00:54:05.680> more<00:54:05.920> clear<00:54:06.480> when
00:54:06.790 --> 00:54:06.800 align:start position:0%
should have been more clear when
00:54:06.800 --> 00:54:08.870 align:start position:0%
should have been more clear when
agreeing<00:54:07.119> to<00:54:07.280> see<00:54:07.520> you
00:54:08.870 --> 00:54:08.880 align:start position:0%
agreeing to see you
00:54:08.880 --> 00:54:10.950 align:start position:0%
agreeing to see you
your<00:54:09.119> expectations<00:54:09.920> may<00:54:10.079> not<00:54:10.240> be<00:54:10.480> met<00:54:10.720> this
00:54:10.950 --> 00:54:10.960 align:start position:0%
your expectations may not be met this
00:54:10.960 --> 00:54:13.349 align:start position:0%
your expectations may not be met this
00:54:13.349 --> 00:54:13.359 align:start position:0%
00:54:13.359 --> 00:54:15.750 align:start position:0%
i<00:54:13.520> don't<00:54:13.839> know<00:54:14.000> what<00:54:14.160> you're<00:54:14.240> talking<00:54:14.559> about
00:54:15.750 --> 00:54:15.760 align:start position:0%
i don't know what you're talking about
00:54:15.760 --> 00:54:17.270 align:start position:0%
i don't know what you're talking about
i'm<00:54:16.000> not<00:54:16.160> a<00:54:16.240> medium
00:54:17.270 --> 00:54:17.280 align:start position:0%
i'm not a medium
00:54:17.280 --> 00:54:20.150 align:start position:0%
i'm not a medium
jennifer<00:54:17.680> i'm<00:54:17.839> not<00:54:18.079> psychic<00:54:19.520> i've<00:54:19.760> never<00:54:20.000> done
00:54:20.150 --> 00:54:20.160 align:start position:0%
jennifer i'm not psychic i've never done
00:54:20.160 --> 00:54:22.309 align:start position:0%
jennifer i'm not psychic i've never done
anything<00:54:20.559> like<00:54:20.720> this<00:54:20.960> before<00:54:21.440> uh
00:54:22.309 --> 00:54:22.319 align:start position:0%
anything like this before uh
00:54:22.319 --> 00:54:25.589 align:start position:0%
anything like this before uh
reading<00:54:23.839> though<00:54:24.079> i<00:54:24.240> have<00:54:24.559> tried<00:54:24.960> in<00:54:25.040> the<00:54:25.200> past
00:54:25.589 --> 00:54:25.599 align:start position:0%
reading though i have tried in the past
00:54:25.599 --> 00:54:26.950 align:start position:0%
reading though i have tried in the past
00:54:26.950 --> 00:54:26.960 align:start position:0%
00:54:26.960 --> 00:54:30.710 align:start position:0%
contact<00:54:27.440> the<00:54:27.599> other<00:54:27.839> side<00:54:28.079> if<00:54:28.240> you<00:54:28.319> will<00:54:28.640> but
00:54:30.710 --> 00:54:30.720 align:start position:0%
contact the other side if you will but
00:54:30.720 --> 00:54:34.710 align:start position:0%
contact the other side if you will but
well<00:54:30.960> i<00:54:31.040> never<00:54:31.280> had<00:54:31.440> much<00:54:31.680> luck<00:54:31.920> with<00:54:32.079> that
00:54:34.710 --> 00:54:34.720 align:start position:0%
00:54:34.720 --> 00:54:36.470 align:start position:0%
you<00:54:34.880> see<00:54:35.040> most<00:54:35.280> people<00:54:35.599> expect<00:54:36.000> someone<00:54:36.319> like
00:54:36.470 --> 00:54:36.480 align:start position:0%
you see most people expect someone like
00:54:36.480 --> 00:54:38.789 align:start position:0%
you see most people expect someone like
me<00:54:36.640> to<00:54:36.799> come<00:54:36.960> in<00:54:37.119> and<00:54:37.200> tell<00:54:37.359> them
00:54:38.789 --> 00:54:38.799 align:start position:0%
me to come in and tell them
00:54:38.799 --> 00:54:41.270 align:start position:0%
me to come in and tell them
exactly<00:54:39.200> what's<00:54:39.440> going<00:54:39.680> on<00:54:39.920> in<00:54:40.000> their<00:54:40.160> house
00:54:41.270 --> 00:54:41.280 align:start position:0%
exactly what's going on in their house
00:54:41.280 --> 00:54:42.549 align:start position:0%
exactly what's going on in their house
who's<00:54:41.520> to<00:54:41.680> blame<00:54:42.160> a
00:54:42.549 --> 00:54:42.559 align:start position:0%
who's to blame a
00:54:42.559 --> 00:54:47.589 align:start position:0%
who's to blame a
name<00:54:42.960> a<00:54:43.119> face<00:54:44.640> what<00:54:44.799> they<00:54:44.960> can<00:54:45.119> do<00:54:45.280> to<00:54:45.440> stop<00:54:45.760> it
00:54:47.589 --> 00:54:47.599 align:start position:0%
name a face what they can do to stop it
00:54:47.599 --> 00:54:50.069 align:start position:0%
name a face what they can do to stop it
but<00:54:47.760> the<00:54:47.839> very<00:54:48.079> definition<00:54:48.720> of<00:54:48.880> paranormal<00:54:49.599> is
00:54:50.069 --> 00:54:50.079 align:start position:0%
but the very definition of paranormal is
00:54:50.079 --> 00:54:53.109 align:start position:0%
but the very definition of paranormal is
that<00:54:50.400> that<00:54:50.640> cannot<00:54:51.040> be<00:54:51.200> explained<00:54:51.680> or<00:54:51.760> defined
00:54:53.109 --> 00:54:53.119 align:start position:0%
that that cannot be explained or defined
00:54:53.119 --> 00:54:54.950 align:start position:0%
that that cannot be explained or defined
it<00:54:53.359> is<00:54:53.440> outside<00:54:53.839> of<00:54:54.000> our<00:54:54.160> knowledge<00:54:54.559> outside
00:54:54.950 --> 00:54:54.960 align:start position:0%
it is outside of our knowledge outside
00:54:54.960 --> 00:54:56.870 align:start position:0%
it is outside of our knowledge outside
of<00:54:55.119> our<00:54:55.920> understanding
00:54:56.870 --> 00:54:56.880 align:start position:0%
of our understanding
00:54:56.880 --> 00:55:01.589 align:start position:0%
of our understanding
of<00:54:56.960> the<00:54:57.119> world<00:54:58.880> see<00:54:59.200> unknown
00:55:01.589 --> 00:55:01.599 align:start position:0%
of the world see unknown
00:55:01.599 --> 00:55:03.190 align:start position:0%
of the world see unknown
which<00:55:01.839> i<00:55:01.920> suppose<00:55:02.400> is<00:55:02.640> why<00:55:02.880> it's<00:55:02.960> so
00:55:03.190 --> 00:55:03.200 align:start position:0%
which i suppose is why it's so
00:55:03.200 --> 00:55:07.349 align:start position:0%
which i suppose is why it's so
terrifying<00:55:04.839> huh
00:55:07.349 --> 00:55:07.359 align:start position:0%
terrifying huh
00:55:07.359 --> 00:55:09.589 align:start position:0%
terrifying huh
i'm<00:55:07.680> fairly<00:55:08.000> certain<00:55:08.319> there<00:55:08.559> is<00:55:08.799> something
00:55:09.589 --> 00:55:09.599 align:start position:0%
i'm fairly certain there is something
00:55:09.599 --> 00:55:12.150 align:start position:0%
i'm fairly certain there is something
going<00:55:09.839> on<00:55:10.079> in<00:55:10.160> your<00:55:10.400> house
00:55:12.150 --> 00:55:12.160 align:start position:0%
going on in your house
00:55:12.160 --> 00:55:15.349 align:start position:0%
going on in your house
i<00:55:12.319> felt<00:55:12.640> it<00:55:12.720> tonight<00:55:13.040> at<00:55:13.119> the<00:55:13.280> party<00:55:15.040> and<00:55:15.280> i
00:55:15.349 --> 00:55:15.359 align:start position:0%
i felt it tonight at the party and i
00:55:15.359 --> 00:55:16.470 align:start position:0%
i felt it tonight at the party and i
feel<00:55:15.680> it<00:55:15.760> now
00:55:16.470 --> 00:55:16.480 align:start position:0%
feel it now
00:55:16.480 --> 00:55:20.549 align:start position:0%
feel it now
here<00:55:16.880> in<00:55:16.960> this<00:55:17.200> room<00:55:17.520> with<00:55:18.839> us
00:55:20.549 --> 00:55:20.559 align:start position:0%
here in this room with us
00:55:20.559 --> 00:55:21.829 align:start position:0%
here in this room with us
but<00:55:20.720> i'm<00:55:20.880> afraid<00:55:21.200> that's<00:55:21.440> the<00:55:21.520> end<00:55:21.680> of<00:55:21.760> the
00:55:21.829 --> 00:55:21.839 align:start position:0%
but i'm afraid that's the end of the
00:55:21.839 --> 00:55:24.069 align:start position:0%
but i'm afraid that's the end of the
line<00:55:22.079> for<00:55:22.319> me
00:55:24.069 --> 00:55:24.079 align:start position:0%
line for me
00:55:24.079 --> 00:55:27.190 align:start position:0%
line for me
i<00:55:24.240> don't<00:55:24.480> know<00:55:24.799> what<00:55:25.040> it<00:55:25.200> is
00:55:27.190 --> 00:55:27.200 align:start position:0%
i don't know what it is
00:55:27.200 --> 00:55:32.829 align:start position:0%
i don't know what it is
and<00:55:27.359> i<00:55:27.520> don't<00:55:27.680> think<00:55:27.839> i<00:55:27.920> can<00:55:28.160> answer<00:55:28.480> your
00:55:32.829 --> 00:55:32.839 align:start position:0%
00:55:32.839 --> 00:55:34.549 align:start position:0%
00:55:34.549 --> 00:55:34.559 align:start position:0%
00:55:34.559 --> 00:55:37.990 align:start position:0%
so<00:55:34.799> that's<00:55:35.119> it<00:55:37.200> i<00:55:37.280> mean<00:55:37.520> you're<00:55:37.680> not<00:55:37.839> even
00:55:37.990 --> 00:55:38.000 align:start position:0%
so that's it i mean you're not even
00:55:38.000 --> 00:55:39.270 align:start position:0%
so that's it i mean you're not even
gonna<00:55:38.319> try
00:55:39.270 --> 00:55:39.280 align:start position:0%
gonna try
00:55:39.280 --> 00:55:40.789 align:start position:0%
gonna try
jennifer<00:55:39.760> right<00:55:40.000> there<00:55:40.240> so<00:55:40.400> you're<00:55:40.559> not<00:55:40.720> a
00:55:40.789 --> 00:55:40.799 align:start position:0%
jennifer right there so you're not a
00:55:40.799 --> 00:55:42.470 align:start position:0%
jennifer right there so you're not a
medium<00:55:41.440> fine<00:55:41.839> but
00:55:42.470 --> 00:55:42.480 align:start position:0%
medium fine but
00:55:42.480 --> 00:55:44.710 align:start position:0%
medium fine but
you<00:55:42.720> said<00:55:42.880> yourself<00:55:43.280> you<00:55:43.359> pick<00:55:43.599> up<00:55:43.760> on<00:55:44.000> things
00:55:44.710 --> 00:55:44.720 align:start position:0%
you said yourself you pick up on things
00:55:44.720 --> 00:55:46.150 align:start position:0%
you said yourself you pick up on things
and<00:55:44.880> you<00:55:45.040> feel<00:55:45.280> something<00:55:45.599> here<00:55:45.839> you<00:55:46.000> just
00:55:46.150 --> 00:55:46.160 align:start position:0%
and you feel something here you just
00:55:46.160 --> 00:55:47.510 align:start position:0%
and you feel something here you just
said<00:55:46.400> that<00:55:46.640> yes<00:55:47.040> but
00:55:47.510 --> 00:55:47.520 align:start position:0%
said that yes but
00:55:47.520 --> 00:55:51.910 align:start position:0%
said that yes but
then<00:55:47.839> try<00:55:49.040> please<00:55:49.599> just<00:55:50.480> ask<00:55:50.880> it
00:55:51.910 --> 00:55:51.920 align:start position:0%
then try please just ask it
00:55:51.920 --> 00:56:00.829 align:start position:0%
then try please just ask it
ask<00:55:52.240> it<00:55:52.319> what<00:55:52.559> it<00:55:52.720> is<00:55:52.880> what<00:55:53.040> it<00:55:53.119> wants<00:55:53.440> from<00:55:53.599> me
00:56:00.829 --> 00:56:00.839 align:start position:0%
00:56:00.839 --> 00:56:01.990 align:start position:0%
00:56:01.990 --> 00:56:02.000 align:start position:0%
00:56:02.000 --> 00:56:03.910 align:start position:0%
do<00:56:02.240> you<00:56:02.400> know<00:56:02.720> of<00:56:02.880> anyone<00:56:03.200> who<00:56:03.359> died<00:56:03.680> in<00:56:03.760> this
00:56:03.910 --> 00:56:03.920 align:start position:0%
do you know of anyone who died in this
00:56:03.920 --> 00:56:06.309 align:start position:0%
do you know of anyone who died in this
house<00:56:04.880> any<00:56:05.119> trauma<00:56:05.599> of<00:56:05.680> any<00:56:05.920> kind
00:56:06.309 --> 00:56:06.319 align:start position:0%
house any trauma of any kind
00:56:06.319 --> 00:56:08.150 align:start position:0%
house any trauma of any kind
no<00:56:06.640> i<00:56:06.960> looked<00:56:07.280> online<00:56:07.599> i<00:56:07.680> couldn't<00:56:07.920> find
00:56:08.150 --> 00:56:08.160 align:start position:0%
no i looked online i couldn't find
00:56:08.160 --> 00:56:11.190 align:start position:0%
no i looked online i couldn't find
anything<00:56:08.640> nor<00:56:08.960> i
00:56:11.190 --> 00:56:11.200 align:start position:0%
00:56:11.200 --> 00:56:14.870 align:start position:0%
this<00:56:11.440> is<00:56:11.839> just<00:56:12.160> a<00:56:12.240> house<00:56:12.640> jennifer
00:56:14.870 --> 00:56:14.880 align:start position:0%
this is just a house jennifer
00:56:14.880 --> 00:56:16.789 align:start position:0%
this is just a house jennifer
seemingly<00:56:15.359> no<00:56:15.599> reason<00:56:15.920> why<00:56:16.160> it<00:56:16.240> should<00:56:16.400> hold<00:56:16.720> a
00:56:16.789 --> 00:56:16.799 align:start position:0%
seemingly no reason why it should hold a
00:56:16.799 --> 00:56:18.870 align:start position:0%
seemingly no reason why it should hold a
00:56:18.870 --> 00:56:18.880 align:start position:0%
00:56:18.880 --> 00:56:23.430 align:start position:0%
don't<00:56:19.119> you<00:56:19.359> see<00:56:20.880> i<00:56:21.119> have<00:56:21.359> tried
00:56:23.430 --> 00:56:23.440 align:start position:0%
don't you see i have tried
00:56:23.440 --> 00:56:27.030 align:start position:0%
don't you see i have tried
whatever's<00:56:24.000> here<00:56:25.599> is<00:56:25.839> much<00:56:26.079> more<00:56:26.319> complicated
00:56:27.030 --> 00:56:27.040 align:start position:0%
whatever's here is much more complicated
00:56:27.040 --> 00:56:34.630 align:start position:0%
whatever's here is much more complicated
than<00:56:28.839> that
00:56:34.630 --> 00:56:34.640 align:start position:0%
00:56:34.640 --> 00:56:37.910 align:start position:0%
why<00:56:34.880> are<00:56:34.960> you<00:56:35.200> here<00:56:36.400> excuse<00:56:36.880> me
00:56:37.910 --> 00:56:37.920 align:start position:0%
why are you here excuse me
00:56:37.920 --> 00:56:40.549 align:start position:0%
why are you here excuse me
if<00:56:38.079> you<00:56:38.240> can't<00:56:38.559> help<00:56:38.799> me<00:56:39.040> at<00:56:39.200> all<00:56:40.079> why<00:56:40.240> did<00:56:40.400> you
00:56:40.549 --> 00:56:40.559 align:start position:0%
if you can't help me at all why did you
00:56:40.559 --> 00:56:46.549 align:start position:0%
if you can't help me at all why did you
even<00:56:40.799> agree<00:56:41.119> to<00:56:42.839> come
00:56:46.549 --> 00:56:46.559 align:start position:0%
00:56:46.559 --> 00:56:48.230 align:start position:0%
i've<00:56:46.799> tried<00:56:47.040> for<00:56:47.200> so<00:56:47.359> many<00:56:47.599> years<00:56:47.839> to<00:56:48.000> ignore
00:56:48.230 --> 00:56:48.240 align:start position:0%
i've tried for so many years to ignore
00:56:48.240 --> 00:56:51.270 align:start position:0%
i've tried for so many years to ignore
this<00:56:48.720> thing
00:56:51.270 --> 00:56:51.280 align:start position:0%
00:56:51.280 --> 00:56:52.789 align:start position:0%
i<00:56:51.440> guess<00:56:51.680> i<00:56:51.839> thought<00:56:52.079> maybe<00:56:52.400> coming<00:56:52.640> here
00:56:52.789 --> 00:56:52.799 align:start position:0%
i guess i thought maybe coming here
00:56:52.799 --> 00:56:55.349 align:start position:0%
i guess i thought maybe coming here
tonight<00:56:53.200> would<00:56:53.359> be<00:56:53.440> different<00:56:53.839> that
00:56:55.349 --> 00:56:55.359 align:start position:0%
tonight would be different that
00:56:55.359 --> 00:57:00.789 align:start position:0%
tonight would be different that
finally<00:56:55.760> i<00:56:55.920> could<00:56:56.839> help<00:56:57.839> i<00:56:58.000> was<00:56:58.240> curious
00:57:00.789 --> 00:57:00.799 align:start position:0%
00:57:00.799 --> 00:57:07.109 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:57:01.040> sorry<00:57:01.839> i<00:57:02.000> was<00:57:02.240> wrong
00:57:07.109 --> 00:57:07.119 align:start position:0%
00:57:07.119 --> 00:57:10.150 align:start position:0%
so<00:57:07.280> you're<00:57:07.440> wasting<00:57:07.839> my<00:57:08.079> time<00:57:09.440> jennifer<00:57:10.079> you
00:57:10.150 --> 00:57:10.160 align:start position:0%
so you're wasting my time jennifer you
00:57:10.160 --> 00:57:11.670 align:start position:0%
so you're wasting my time jennifer you
come<00:57:10.400> into<00:57:10.640> my<00:57:10.880> house
00:57:11.670 --> 00:57:11.680 align:start position:0%
come into my house
00:57:11.680 --> 00:57:14.069 align:start position:0%
come into my house
you<00:57:12.000> stare<00:57:12.400> at<00:57:12.480> my<00:57:12.640> staircase<00:57:13.280> all<00:57:13.440> mysterious
00:57:14.069 --> 00:57:14.079 align:start position:0%
you stare at my staircase all mysterious
00:57:14.079 --> 00:57:15.589 align:start position:0%
you stare at my staircase all mysterious
and<00:57:14.240> eerie<00:57:14.559> you<00:57:14.720> say<00:57:14.880> something<00:57:15.200> about<00:57:15.440> my
00:57:15.589 --> 00:57:15.599 align:start position:0%
and eerie you say something about my
00:57:15.599 --> 00:57:16.549 align:start position:0%
and eerie you say something about my
00:57:16.549 --> 00:57:16.559 align:start position:0%
00:57:16.559 --> 00:57:18.470 align:start position:0%
something<00:57:16.880> you<00:57:17.040> have<00:57:17.119> no<00:57:17.359> way<00:57:17.520> of<00:57:17.680> knowing<00:57:18.319> and
00:57:18.470 --> 00:57:18.480 align:start position:0%
something you have no way of knowing and
00:57:18.480 --> 00:57:20.069 align:start position:0%
something you have no way of knowing and
then<00:57:18.640> you<00:57:18.799> come<00:57:19.040> over<00:57:19.280> here<00:57:19.440> tonight<00:57:19.760> and<00:57:19.920> tell
00:57:20.069 --> 00:57:20.079 align:start position:0%
then you come over here tonight and tell
00:57:20.079 --> 00:57:21.750 align:start position:0%
then you come over here tonight and tell
me<00:57:20.240> that<00:57:20.319> what's<00:57:20.559> been<00:57:20.799> terrorizing<00:57:21.440> me
00:57:21.750 --> 00:57:21.760 align:start position:0%
me that what's been terrorizing me
00:57:21.760 --> 00:57:23.430 align:start position:0%
me that what's been terrorizing me
is<00:57:21.920> more<00:57:22.160> complicated<00:57:23.119> than<00:57:23.280> some
00:57:23.430 --> 00:57:23.440 align:start position:0%
is more complicated than some
00:57:23.440 --> 00:57:25.030 align:start position:0%
is more complicated than some
run-of-the-mill<00:57:24.000> ghost<00:57:24.319> and<00:57:24.480> also<00:57:24.720> there's
00:57:25.030 --> 00:57:25.040 align:start position:0%
run-of-the-mill ghost and also there's
00:57:25.040 --> 00:57:27.109 align:start position:0%
run-of-the-mill ghost and also there's
nothing<00:57:25.440> i<00:57:25.599> can<00:57:25.839> do<00:57:26.079> about<00:57:26.240> it
00:57:27.109 --> 00:57:27.119 align:start position:0%
nothing i can do about it
00:57:27.119 --> 00:57:29.990 align:start position:0%
nothing i can do about it
get<00:57:27.359> out<00:57:28.720> if<00:57:28.880> you<00:57:29.040> can't<00:57:29.200> help<00:57:29.440> me<00:57:29.599> you<00:57:29.680> need<00:57:29.839> to
00:57:29.990 --> 00:57:30.000 align:start position:0%
get out if you can't help me you need to
00:57:30.000 --> 00:57:31.750 align:start position:0%
get out if you can't help me you need to
leave<00:57:30.240> jennifer<00:57:30.720> please<00:57:31.040> i<00:57:31.119> need<00:57:31.359> to<00:57:31.520> figure
00:57:31.750 --> 00:57:31.760 align:start position:0%
leave jennifer please i need to figure
00:57:31.760 --> 00:57:33.190 align:start position:0%
leave jennifer please i need to figure
out<00:57:31.839> what's<00:57:32.160> going<00:57:32.400> on<00:57:32.559> here<00:57:32.880> do<00:57:33.040> you
00:57:33.190 --> 00:57:33.200 align:start position:0%
out what's going on here do you
00:57:33.200 --> 00:57:34.870 align:start position:0%
out what's going on here do you
00:57:34.870 --> 00:57:34.880 align:start position:0%
00:57:34.880 --> 00:57:39.030 align:start position:0%
i<00:57:35.119> have<00:57:35.280> a<00:57:35.359> real<00:57:35.760> problem<00:57:36.400> and<00:57:36.559> need<00:57:36.880> real<00:57:37.359> help
00:57:39.030 --> 00:57:39.040 align:start position:0%
i have a real problem and need real help
00:57:39.040 --> 00:57:52.829 align:start position:0%
i have a real problem and need real help
get<00:57:39.280> out<00:57:39.760> jennifer<00:57:40.480> get<00:57:40.720> out
00:57:52.829 --> 00:57:52.839 align:start position:0%
00:57:52.839 --> 00:57:58.700 align:start position:0%
00:57:58.700 --> 00:57:58.710 align:start position:0%
00:57:58.710 --> 00:58:04.630 align:start position:0%
00:58:04.630 --> 00:58:04.640 align:start position:0%
00:58:04.640 --> 00:58:06.829 align:start position:0%
i'll<00:58:04.880> be<00:58:05.040> off<00:58:05.359> now<00:58:05.760> walter<00:58:06.079> wait<00:58:06.240> what<00:58:06.400> just
00:58:06.829 --> 00:58:06.839 align:start position:0%
i'll be off now walter wait what just
00:58:06.839 --> 00:58:09.349 align:start position:0%
i'll be off now walter wait what just
happened<00:58:07.920> lovely<00:58:08.400> seeing<00:58:08.720> you<00:58:08.960> again
00:58:09.349 --> 00:58:09.359 align:start position:0%
happened lovely seeing you again
00:58:09.359 --> 00:58:10.630 align:start position:0%
happened lovely seeing you again
00:58:10.630 --> 00:58:10.640 align:start position:0%
00:58:10.640 --> 00:58:14.150 align:start position:0%
no<00:58:11.200> please<00:58:11.440> come<00:58:11.599> back<00:58:12.319> walter
00:58:14.150 --> 00:58:14.160 align:start position:0%
no please come back walter
00:58:14.160 --> 00:58:19.109 align:start position:0%
no please come back walter
no<00:58:15.520> stop<00:58:16.160> jennifer<00:58:16.720> stop<00:58:17.040> it
00:58:19.109 --> 00:58:19.119 align:start position:0%
no stop jennifer stop it
00:58:19.119 --> 00:58:31.030 align:start position:0%
no stop jennifer stop it
calm<00:58:19.359> down<00:58:20.799> i'll<00:58:21.119> call<00:58:21.359> you
00:58:31.030 --> 00:58:31.040 align:start position:0%
00:58:31.040 --> 00:58:33.510 align:start position:0%
are<00:58:31.119> you<00:58:31.280> trying<00:58:31.520> to<00:58:31.680> scare<00:58:31.920> me<00:58:33.040> is<00:58:33.200> that<00:58:33.359> what
00:58:33.510 --> 00:58:33.520 align:start position:0%
are you trying to scare me is that what
00:58:33.520 --> 00:58:34.870 align:start position:0%
are you trying to scare me is that what
this<00:58:33.760> is
00:58:34.870 --> 00:58:34.880 align:start position:0%
this is
00:58:34.880 --> 00:58:37.030 align:start position:0%
this is
you<00:58:35.040> want<00:58:35.200> to<00:58:35.280> go<00:58:35.359> back<00:58:35.520> to<00:58:35.599> chicago<00:58:36.160> so<00:58:36.400> bad
00:58:37.030 --> 00:58:37.040 align:start position:0%
you want to go back to chicago so bad
00:58:37.040 --> 00:58:38.230 align:start position:0%
you want to go back to chicago so bad
you're<00:58:37.200> trying<00:58:37.440> to<00:58:37.520> scare<00:58:37.839> me<00:58:38.000> out<00:58:38.079> of<00:58:38.160> this
00:58:38.230 --> 00:58:38.240 align:start position:0%
you're trying to scare me out of this
00:58:38.240 --> 00:58:39.589 align:start position:0%
you're trying to scare me out of this
house<00:58:38.559> aren't<00:58:38.720> you
00:58:39.589 --> 00:58:39.599 align:start position:0%
house aren't you
00:58:39.599 --> 00:58:41.910 align:start position:0%
house aren't you
what<00:58:40.000> i<00:58:40.160> can't<00:58:40.400> believe<00:58:40.720> this<00:58:41.520> i<00:58:41.599> should<00:58:41.760> have
00:58:41.910 --> 00:58:41.920 align:start position:0%
what i can't believe this i should have
00:58:41.920 --> 00:58:43.270 align:start position:0%
what i can't believe this i should have
never<00:58:42.160> agreed<00:58:42.480> to<00:58:42.559> this<00:58:42.720> there<00:58:42.799> was<00:58:42.960> no<00:58:43.040> reason
00:58:43.270 --> 00:58:43.280 align:start position:0%
never agreed to this there was no reason
00:58:43.280 --> 00:58:44.390 align:start position:0%
never agreed to this there was no reason
for<00:58:43.440> walter<00:58:43.760> to<00:58:43.920> come<00:58:44.079> in<00:58:44.160> here
00:58:44.390 --> 00:58:44.400 align:start position:0%
for walter to come in here
00:58:44.400 --> 00:58:46.390 align:start position:0%
for walter to come in here
close<00:58:44.640> the<00:58:44.720> door<00:58:45.520> how<00:58:45.680> are<00:58:45.839> you<00:58:45.839> gonna<00:58:46.079> explain
00:58:46.390 --> 00:58:46.400 align:start position:0%
close the door how are you gonna explain
00:58:46.400 --> 00:58:49.190 align:start position:0%
close the door how are you gonna explain
that<00:58:47.200> it's<00:58:47.359> an<00:58:47.520> old<00:58:47.839> house
00:58:49.190 --> 00:58:49.200 align:start position:0%
that it's an old house
00:58:49.200 --> 00:58:51.589 align:start position:0%
that it's an old house
it's<00:58:49.440> old<00:58:49.680> wood<00:58:49.920> it<00:58:50.000> was<00:58:50.880> humidity<00:58:51.440> these
00:58:51.589 --> 00:58:51.599 align:start position:0%
it's old wood it was humidity these
00:58:51.599 --> 00:58:53.589 align:start position:0%
it's old wood it was humidity these
things<00:58:51.920> happen<00:58:52.319> jennifer
00:58:53.589 --> 00:58:53.599 align:start position:0%
things happen jennifer
00:58:53.599 --> 00:58:55.270 align:start position:0%
things happen jennifer
i<00:58:53.760> mean<00:58:54.000> seriously<00:58:54.400> you<00:58:54.559> need<00:58:54.640> to<00:58:54.720> take<00:58:54.880> a<00:58:55.040> step
00:58:55.270 --> 00:58:55.280 align:start position:0%
i mean seriously you need to take a step
00:58:55.280 --> 00:58:59.109 align:start position:0%
i mean seriously you need to take a step
back<00:58:55.440> for<00:58:55.599> a<00:58:55.760> second<00:58:56.240> and<00:58:56.480> listen<00:58:56.799> to<00:58:57.040> yourself
00:58:59.109 --> 00:58:59.119 align:start position:0%
back for a second and listen to yourself
00:58:59.119 --> 00:59:02.230 align:start position:0%
back for a second and listen to yourself
ghosts<00:59:00.319> a<00:59:00.559> medium<00:59:00.960> for<00:59:01.119> christ's<00:59:01.520> sake<00:59:02.079> it's
00:59:02.230 --> 00:59:02.240 align:start position:0%
ghosts a medium for christ's sake it's
00:59:02.240 --> 00:59:04.069 align:start position:0%
ghosts a medium for christ's sake it's
all<00:59:02.400> just<00:59:02.559> a<00:59:02.839> little
00:59:04.069 --> 00:59:04.079 align:start position:0%
all just a little
00:59:04.079 --> 00:59:09.190 align:start position:0%
all just a little
what<00:59:06.079> it's<00:59:06.240> all<00:59:06.400> just<00:59:06.559> a<00:59:06.640> little<00:59:06.880> what
00:59:09.190 --> 00:59:09.200 align:start position:0%
00:59:09.200 --> 00:59:13.589 align:start position:0%
crazy<00:59:10.079> i<00:59:10.160> didn't<00:59:10.480> say<00:59:10.720> that
00:59:13.589 --> 00:59:13.599 align:start position:0%
00:59:13.599 --> 00:59:17.190 align:start position:0%
you<00:59:13.760> didn't<00:59:14.000> have<00:59:14.240> to<00:59:15.920> fine
00:59:17.190 --> 00:59:17.200 align:start position:0%
you didn't have to fine
00:59:17.200 --> 00:59:18.950 align:start position:0%
you didn't have to fine
if<00:59:17.359> that's<00:59:17.599> what<00:59:17.680> you<00:59:17.760> want<00:59:17.920> me<00:59:18.079> to<00:59:18.240> say<00:59:18.720> you're
00:59:18.950 --> 00:59:18.960 align:start position:0%
if that's what you want me to say you're
00:59:18.960 --> 00:59:21.349 align:start position:0%
if that's what you want me to say you're
right<00:59:19.920> you're<00:59:20.160> acting<00:59:20.480> crazy
00:59:21.349 --> 00:59:21.359 align:start position:0%
right you're acting crazy
00:59:21.359 --> 00:59:24.470 align:start position:0%
right you're acting crazy
walter<00:59:22.160> saw<00:59:22.559> something<00:59:23.520> luke
00:59:24.470 --> 00:59:24.480 align:start position:0%
walter saw something luke
00:59:24.480 --> 00:59:26.150 align:start position:0%
walter saw something luke
you<00:59:24.640> weren't<00:59:24.880> there<00:59:25.200> you<00:59:25.599> didn't<00:59:25.920> see<00:59:26.079> the
00:59:26.150 --> 00:59:26.160 align:start position:0%
you weren't there you didn't see the
00:59:26.160 --> 00:59:27.270 align:start position:0%
you weren't there you didn't see the
look<00:59:26.400> on<00:59:26.480> his<00:59:26.640> face<00:59:26.880> he<00:59:26.960> said<00:59:27.119> there's
00:59:27.270 --> 00:59:27.280 align:start position:0%
look on his face he said there's
00:59:27.280 --> 00:59:27.750 align:start position:0%
look on his face he said there's
00:59:27.750 --> 00:59:27.760 align:start position:0%
00:59:27.760 --> 00:59:29.750 align:start position:0%
complicated<00:59:28.400> going<00:59:28.640> on<00:59:28.880> here<00:59:29.200> enough<00:59:29.520> well
00:59:29.750 --> 00:59:29.760 align:start position:0%
complicated going on here enough well
00:59:29.760 --> 00:59:31.030 align:start position:0%
complicated going on here enough well
luke<00:59:30.160> listen<00:59:30.400> to<00:59:30.559> me
00:59:31.030 --> 00:59:31.040 align:start position:0%
luke listen to me
00:59:31.040 --> 00:59:35.349 align:start position:0%
luke listen to me
listen<00:59:31.359> to<00:59:31.520> me<00:59:33.839> if<00:59:34.000> you<00:59:34.240> came<00:59:34.480> to<00:59:34.640> me
00:59:35.349 --> 00:59:35.359 align:start position:0%
listen to me if you came to me
00:59:35.359 --> 00:59:36.710 align:start position:0%
listen to me if you came to me
and<00:59:35.520> told<00:59:35.680> me<00:59:35.839> you<00:59:36.000> thought<00:59:36.160> the<00:59:36.319> house<00:59:36.559> was
00:59:36.710 --> 00:59:36.720 align:start position:0%
and told me you thought the house was
00:59:36.720 --> 00:59:39.349 align:start position:0%
and told me you thought the house was
haunted<00:59:37.119> i'd<00:59:37.359> believe<00:59:37.760> you<00:59:38.079> or<00:59:38.240> at<00:59:38.400> least
00:59:39.349 --> 00:59:39.359 align:start position:0%
haunted i'd believe you or at least
00:59:39.359 --> 00:59:41.190 align:start position:0%
haunted i'd believe you or at least
listen<00:59:39.760> to<00:59:39.920> you<00:59:40.160> but<00:59:40.319> i'm<00:59:40.400> not<00:59:40.640> committed<00:59:41.119> with
00:59:41.190 --> 00:59:41.200 align:start position:0%
listen to you but i'm not committed with
00:59:41.200 --> 00:59:43.270 align:start position:0%
listen to you but i'm not committed with
any<00:59:41.440> of<00:59:41.520> that
00:59:43.270 --> 00:59:43.280 align:start position:0%
any of that
00:59:43.280 --> 00:59:45.670 align:start position:0%
any of that
because<00:59:43.599> i<00:59:43.680> don't<00:59:43.839> think<00:59:44.000> the<00:59:44.079> house<00:59:44.319> is<00:59:44.480> on<00:59:44.720> it
00:59:45.670 --> 00:59:45.680 align:start position:0%
because i don't think the house is on it
00:59:45.680 --> 00:59:46.950 align:start position:0%
because i don't think the house is on it
and<00:59:45.920> honestly
00:59:46.950 --> 00:59:46.960 align:start position:0%
and honestly
00:59:46.960 --> 00:59:48.230 align:start position:0%
and honestly
i<00:59:47.119> don't<00:59:47.200> think<00:59:47.359> there's<00:59:47.520> anything<00:59:47.839> to<00:59:47.920> figure
00:59:48.230 --> 00:59:48.240 align:start position:0%
i don't think there's anything to figure
00:59:48.240 --> 00:59:50.470 align:start position:0%
i don't think there's anything to figure
out<00:59:48.799> except<00:59:49.040> for<00:59:49.200> why<00:59:49.520> it's<00:59:49.680> so<00:59:50.000> hard<00:59:50.240> for<00:59:50.400> you
00:59:50.470 --> 00:59:50.480 align:start position:0%
out except for why it's so hard for you
00:59:50.480 --> 00:59:54.870 align:start position:0%
out except for why it's so hard for you
to<00:59:50.559> focus<00:59:50.880> on<00:59:50.960> anything<00:59:51.200> other<00:59:51.440> than<00:59:51.520> yourself
00:59:54.870 --> 00:59:54.880 align:start position:0%
00:59:54.880 --> 01:00:26.829 align:start position:0%
what<00:59:57.520> no<00:59:57.680> more<00:59:58.839> ghosts
01:00:26.829 --> 01:00:26.839 align:start position:0%
01:00:26.839 --> 01:01:08.829 align:start position:0%
01:01:08.829 --> 01:01:08.839 align:start position:0%
01:01:08.839 --> 01:01:36.829 align:start position:0%
01:01:36.829 --> 01:01:36.839 align:start position:0%
01:01:36.839 --> 01:01:50.829 align:start position:0%
01:01:50.829 --> 01:01:50.839 align:start position:0%
01:01:50.839 --> 01:02:06.630 align:start position:0%
01:02:06.630 --> 01:02:06.640 align:start position:0%
01:02:06.640 --> 01:02:11.430 align:start position:0%
jennifer<01:02:07.920> hi<01:02:08.240> marlene
01:02:11.430 --> 01:02:11.440 align:start position:0%
01:02:11.440 --> 01:02:22.309 align:start position:0%
can<01:02:11.680> i<01:02:11.760> come<01:02:18.839> in
01:02:22.309 --> 01:02:22.319 align:start position:0%
01:02:22.319 --> 01:02:28.390 align:start position:0%
thank<01:02:22.559> you
01:02:28.390 --> 01:02:28.400 align:start position:0%
01:02:28.400 --> 01:02:31.510 align:start position:0%
are<01:02:28.559> these<01:02:28.799> your<01:02:28.880> daughters
01:02:31.510 --> 01:02:31.520 align:start position:0%
01:02:31.520 --> 01:02:36.390 align:start position:0%
lucy<01:02:32.000> and<01:02:32.839> claire
01:02:36.390 --> 01:02:36.400 align:start position:0%
01:02:36.400 --> 01:02:41.190 align:start position:0%
you're<01:02:36.640> scared<01:02:39.359> what
01:02:41.190 --> 01:02:41.200 align:start position:0%
you're scared what
01:02:41.200 --> 01:02:51.990 align:start position:0%
you're scared what
you<01:02:41.359> look<01:02:46.839> scared
01:02:51.990 --> 01:02:52.000 align:start position:0%
01:02:52.000 --> 01:02:53.190 align:start position:0%
did<01:02:52.160> you<01:02:52.319> know<01:02:52.480> the<01:02:52.559> people<01:02:52.799> who<01:02:52.960> lived<01:02:53.119> in
01:02:53.190 --> 01:02:53.200 align:start position:0%
did you know the people who lived in
01:02:53.200 --> 01:02:55.829 align:start position:0%
did you know the people who lived in
that<01:02:53.359> house<01:02:53.599> before<01:02:53.839> we<01:02:54.000> did
01:02:55.829 --> 01:02:55.839 align:start position:0%
that house before we did
01:02:55.839 --> 01:03:02.870 align:start position:0%
that house before we did
a<01:02:56.079> family<01:02:58.000> nice<01:03:00.839> people
01:03:02.870 --> 01:03:02.880 align:start position:0%
a family nice people
01:03:02.880 --> 01:03:05.750 align:start position:0%
a family nice people
do<01:03:02.960> you<01:03:03.119> know<01:03:03.200> why<01:03:03.359> they<01:03:03.520> moved<01:03:05.359> just<01:03:05.599> had
01:03:05.750 --> 01:03:05.760 align:start position:0%
do you know why they moved just had
01:03:05.760 --> 01:03:07.510 align:start position:0%
do you know why they moved just had
somewhere<01:03:06.079> else<01:03:06.240> to<01:03:06.319> be<01:03:06.559> i<01:03:06.640> guess
01:03:07.510 --> 01:03:07.520 align:start position:0%
somewhere else to be i guess
01:03:07.520 --> 01:03:11.990 align:start position:0%
somewhere else to be i guess
happened<01:03:07.920> pretty<01:03:08.160> fast
01:03:11.990 --> 01:03:12.000 align:start position:0%
01:03:12.000 --> 01:03:15.510 align:start position:0%
do<01:03:12.160> you<01:03:12.240> know<01:03:12.400> if<01:03:12.480> they<01:03:12.720> experienced<01:03:13.359> anything
01:03:15.510 --> 01:03:15.520 align:start position:0%
do you know if they experienced anything
01:03:15.520 --> 01:03:19.990 align:start position:0%
do you know if they experienced anything
strange<01:03:16.319> in<01:03:16.480> the<01:03:16.559> house<01:03:18.079> strange
01:03:19.990 --> 01:03:20.000 align:start position:0%
strange in the house strange
01:03:20.000 --> 01:03:23.750 align:start position:0%
strange in the house strange
yeah<01:03:20.400> like
01:03:23.750 --> 01:03:23.760 align:start position:0%
01:03:23.760 --> 01:03:27.109 align:start position:0%
01:03:27.109 --> 01:03:27.119 align:start position:0%
01:03:27.119 --> 01:03:30.150 align:start position:0%
you<01:03:27.280> think<01:03:27.440> the<01:03:27.599> house<01:03:27.839> is<01:03:28.839> haunted
01:03:30.150 --> 01:03:30.160 align:start position:0%
you think the house is haunted
01:03:30.160 --> 01:03:33.190 align:start position:0%
you think the house is haunted
i<01:03:30.319> don't<01:03:30.480> know
01:03:33.190 --> 01:03:33.200 align:start position:0%
01:03:33.200 --> 01:03:36.309 align:start position:0%
yes<01:03:34.480> i<01:03:34.640> think
01:03:36.309 --> 01:03:36.319 align:start position:0%
yes i think
01:03:36.319 --> 01:03:41.910 align:start position:0%
yes i think
have<01:03:36.559> you<01:03:36.960> ever
01:03:41.910 --> 01:03:41.920 align:start position:0%
01:03:41.920 --> 01:03:43.670 align:start position:0%
i<01:03:42.079> guess<01:03:42.319> i<01:03:42.400> just<01:03:42.720> would<01:03:42.960> feel<01:03:43.200> better<01:03:43.440> if<01:03:43.599> i
01:03:43.670 --> 01:03:43.680 align:start position:0%
i guess i just would feel better if i
01:03:43.680 --> 01:03:44.789 align:start position:0%
i guess i just would feel better if i
knew<01:03:43.839> someone<01:03:44.079> else<01:03:44.240> had<01:03:44.319> gone<01:03:44.480> through<01:03:44.640> it
01:03:44.789 --> 01:03:44.799 align:start position:0%
knew someone else had gone through it
01:03:44.799 --> 01:03:47.270 align:start position:0%
knew someone else had gone through it
too<01:03:45.039> you<01:03:45.119> know
01:03:47.270 --> 01:03:47.280 align:start position:0%
too you know
01:03:47.280 --> 01:03:49.510 align:start position:0%
too you know
luke<01:03:47.440> doesn't<01:03:47.760> believe<01:03:48.000> me<01:03:48.960> he<01:03:49.119> thinks<01:03:49.359> it's
01:03:49.510 --> 01:03:49.520 align:start position:0%
luke doesn't believe me he thinks it's
01:03:49.520 --> 01:03:52.309 align:start position:0%
luke doesn't believe me he thinks it's
all<01:03:49.680> in<01:03:49.760> my<01:03:49.839> head
01:03:52.309 --> 01:03:52.319 align:start position:0%
01:03:52.319 --> 01:03:53.910 align:start position:0%
i<01:03:52.480> feel<01:03:52.640> like<01:03:52.880> everything<01:03:53.280> is<01:03:53.440> spinning<01:03:53.839> out
01:03:53.910 --> 01:03:53.920 align:start position:0%
i feel like everything is spinning out
01:03:53.920 --> 01:03:55.430 align:start position:0%
i feel like everything is spinning out
of<01:03:54.000> control<01:03:55.119> but
01:03:55.430 --> 01:03:55.440 align:start position:0%
of control but
01:03:55.440 --> 01:04:00.549 align:start position:0%
of control but
i<01:03:55.599> refuse<01:03:56.160> to<01:03:56.240> believe<01:03:56.640> that<01:03:56.839> it
01:04:00.549 --> 01:04:00.559 align:start position:0%
01:04:00.559 --> 01:04:03.910 align:start position:0%
i<01:04:00.720> mean<01:04:00.880> there<01:04:01.039> has<01:04:01.280> to<01:04:01.359> be<01:04:01.599> something<01:04:02.319> right
01:04:03.910 --> 01:04:03.920 align:start position:0%
i mean there has to be something right
01:04:03.920 --> 01:04:12.789 align:start position:0%
i mean there has to be something right
some<01:04:04.160> sort<01:04:04.400> of<01:04:10.839> answer
01:04:12.789 --> 01:04:12.799 align:start position:0%
some sort of answer
01:04:12.799 --> 01:04:21.109 align:start position:0%
some sort of answer
my<01:04:13.039> daughters<01:04:13.599> they<01:04:13.839> um<01:04:15.520> they<01:04:15.680> don't<01:04:15.920> talk
01:04:21.109 --> 01:04:21.119 align:start position:0%
01:04:21.119 --> 01:04:24.150 align:start position:0%
since<01:04:21.359> they<01:04:21.440> were<01:04:21.599> about<01:04:21.920> four<01:04:23.520> i<01:04:23.760> had<01:04:24.000> some
01:04:24.150 --> 01:04:24.160 align:start position:0%
since they were about four i had some
01:04:24.160 --> 01:04:26.069 align:start position:0%
since they were about four i had some
guests<01:04:24.839> over
01:04:26.069 --> 01:04:26.079 align:start position:0%
guests over
01:04:26.079 --> 01:04:29.510 align:start position:0%
guests over
they<01:04:26.240> made<01:04:26.480> a<01:04:26.559> game<01:04:26.799> out<01:04:26.960> of<01:04:27.039> it<01:04:28.960> i<01:04:29.119> won't<01:04:29.359> talk
01:04:29.510 --> 01:04:29.520 align:start position:0%
they made a game out of it i won't talk
01:04:29.520 --> 01:04:34.150 align:start position:0%
they made a game out of it i won't talk
to<01:04:29.680> mommy's<01:04:30.079> friends<01:04:30.400> if<01:04:30.559> you<01:04:30.720> don't
01:04:34.150 --> 01:04:34.160 align:start position:0%
01:04:34.160 --> 01:04:40.069 align:start position:0%
they<01:04:34.319> haven't<01:04:34.559> said<01:04:34.799> anything<01:04:38.839> since
01:04:40.069 --> 01:04:40.079 align:start position:0%
they haven't said anything since
01:04:40.079 --> 01:04:43.270 align:start position:0%
they haven't said anything since
it's<01:04:40.240> called<01:04:40.480> selective<01:04:40.960> mutism<01:04:42.559> there's
01:04:43.270 --> 01:04:43.280 align:start position:0%
it's called selective mutism there's
01:04:43.280 --> 01:04:46.309 align:start position:0%
it's called selective mutism there's
nothing<01:04:43.680> wrong<01:04:43.920> with<01:04:44.079> them<01:04:44.319> they<01:04:44.559> just
01:04:46.309 --> 01:04:46.319 align:start position:0%
nothing wrong with them they just
01:04:46.319 --> 01:04:49.349 align:start position:0%
nothing wrong with them they just
don't<01:04:46.640> talk
01:04:49.349 --> 01:04:49.359 align:start position:0%
01:04:49.359 --> 01:04:52.950 align:start position:0%
i<01:04:49.599> took<01:04:49.760> them<01:04:49.920> to<01:04:50.799> dozens<01:04:51.280> of<01:04:52.319> doctors<01:04:52.799> and
01:04:52.950 --> 01:04:52.960 align:start position:0%
i took them to dozens of doctors and
01:04:52.960 --> 01:04:55.670 align:start position:0%
i took them to dozens of doctors and
01:04:55.670 --> 01:04:55.680 align:start position:0%
01:04:55.680 --> 01:04:59.670 align:start position:0%
nobody<01:04:56.079> could<01:04:56.240> tell<01:04:56.400> me<01:04:56.720> anything
01:04:59.670 --> 01:04:59.680 align:start position:0%
01:04:59.680 --> 01:05:05.190 align:start position:0%
i<01:04:59.839> went<01:05:00.079> into<01:05:00.400> debt<01:05:02.240> i<01:05:02.400> got<01:05:02.559> obsessive
01:05:05.190 --> 01:05:05.200 align:start position:0%
i went into debt i got obsessive
01:05:05.200 --> 01:05:08.789 align:start position:0%
i went into debt i got obsessive
i<01:05:05.359> got<01:05:06.839> mean
01:05:08.789 --> 01:05:08.799 align:start position:0%
i got mean
01:05:08.799 --> 01:05:14.230 align:start position:0%
i got mean
i<01:05:08.960> let<01:05:09.119> my<01:05:09.280> marriage<01:05:09.599> fall<01:05:09.839> apart
01:05:14.230 --> 01:05:14.240 align:start position:0%
01:05:14.240 --> 01:05:16.630 align:start position:0%
and<01:05:14.319> then<01:05:14.559> about<01:05:14.799> a<01:05:14.880> year<01:05:15.039> ago<01:05:15.359> i<01:05:16.160> sat<01:05:16.480> them
01:05:16.630 --> 01:05:16.640 align:start position:0%
and then about a year ago i sat them
01:05:16.640 --> 01:05:18.150 align:start position:0%
and then about a year ago i sat them
01:05:18.150 --> 01:05:18.160 align:start position:0%
01:05:18.160 --> 01:05:21.190 align:start position:0%
tried<01:05:18.400> to<01:05:18.480> explain<01:05:18.880> things<01:05:19.200> to<01:05:19.440> them
01:05:21.190 --> 01:05:21.200 align:start position:0%
tried to explain things to them
01:05:21.200 --> 01:05:23.510 align:start position:0%
tried to explain things to them
they'd<01:05:21.359> never<01:05:21.599> get<01:05:21.839> a<01:05:22.000> job<01:05:22.799> never<01:05:23.119> start<01:05:23.359> a
01:05:23.510 --> 01:05:23.520 align:start position:0%
they'd never get a job never start a
01:05:23.520 --> 01:05:24.230 align:start position:0%
they'd never get a job never start a
01:05:24.230 --> 01:05:24.240 align:start position:0%
01:05:24.240 --> 01:05:30.390 align:start position:0%
if<01:05:24.400> they<01:05:25.920> didn't<01:05:26.240> talk
01:05:30.390 --> 01:05:30.400 align:start position:0%
01:05:30.400 --> 01:05:32.390 align:start position:0%
i<01:05:30.559> told<01:05:30.799> them<01:05:30.960> if<01:05:31.039> they<01:05:31.200> could<01:05:31.359> just<01:05:31.920> try<01:05:32.319> a
01:05:32.390 --> 01:05:32.400 align:start position:0%
i told them if they could just try a
01:05:32.400 --> 01:05:35.990 align:start position:0%
i told them if they could just try a
little<01:05:34.839> harder
01:05:35.990 --> 01:05:36.000 align:start position:0%
little harder
01:05:36.000 --> 01:05:39.990 align:start position:0%
little harder
help<01:05:36.240> me<01:05:36.400> out<01:05:36.559> a<01:05:36.640> little<01:05:36.880> bit
01:05:39.990 --> 01:05:40.000 align:start position:0%
01:05:40.000 --> 01:05:46.470 align:start position:0%
that<01:05:40.240> they<01:05:40.400> could<01:05:42.079> get<01:05:42.319> better
01:05:46.470 --> 01:05:46.480 align:start position:0%
01:05:46.480 --> 01:05:54.309 align:start position:0%
they<01:05:46.640> could<01:05:46.880> talk<01:05:48.839> again
01:05:54.309 --> 01:05:54.319 align:start position:0%
01:05:54.319 --> 01:05:57.109 align:start position:0%
and<01:05:54.400> then<01:05:54.640> lucy<01:05:55.039> looked<01:05:55.200> right<01:05:55.440> at<01:05:55.599> me<01:05:56.720> and<01:05:56.880> she
01:05:57.109 --> 01:05:57.119 align:start position:0%
and then lucy looked right at me and she
01:05:57.119 --> 01:05:58.870 align:start position:0%
and then lucy looked right at me and she
01:05:58.870 --> 01:05:58.880 align:start position:0%
01:05:58.880 --> 01:06:02.950 align:start position:0%
we<01:05:59.039> could<01:05:59.280> talk<01:05:59.599> if<01:05:59.760> we<01:05:59.839> wanted<01:06:00.160> to
01:06:02.950 --> 01:06:02.960 align:start position:0%
01:06:02.960 --> 01:06:07.670 align:start position:0%
first<01:06:03.200> thing<01:06:03.440> she'd<01:06:03.680> said<01:06:03.920> to<01:06:04.079> me<01:06:04.400> in<01:06:04.720> 10<01:06:05.119> years
01:06:07.670 --> 01:06:07.680 align:start position:0%
01:06:07.680 --> 01:06:16.309 align:start position:0%
we<01:06:07.920> could<01:06:08.079> talk<01:06:08.559> if<01:06:08.720> we<01:06:08.880> wanted<01:06:09.280> to
01:06:16.309 --> 01:06:16.319 align:start position:0%
01:06:16.319 --> 01:06:17.829 align:start position:0%
i<01:06:16.480> used<01:06:16.640> to<01:06:16.799> think<01:06:16.960> there<01:06:17.119> was<01:06:17.280> a<01:06:17.359> reason<01:06:17.680> for
01:06:17.829 --> 01:06:17.839 align:start position:0%
i used to think there was a reason for
01:06:17.839 --> 01:06:20.150 align:start position:0%
i used to think there was a reason for
all<01:06:18.000> of<01:06:18.160> it
01:06:20.150 --> 01:06:20.160 align:start position:0%
all of it
01:06:20.160 --> 01:06:23.829 align:start position:0%
all of it
now<01:06:20.400> i'm<01:06:20.480> not<01:06:20.720> sure
01:06:23.829 --> 01:06:23.839 align:start position:0%
01:06:23.839 --> 01:06:28.870 align:start position:0%
i<01:06:24.000> think<01:06:24.240> sometimes<01:06:24.960> things<01:06:25.280> just<01:06:25.520> happen
01:06:28.870 --> 01:06:28.880 align:start position:0%
01:06:28.880 --> 01:06:31.990 align:start position:0%
there's<01:06:29.119> no<01:06:29.280> use<01:06:30.720> ruining<01:06:31.119> your<01:06:31.359> life<01:06:31.680> looking
01:06:31.990 --> 01:06:32.000 align:start position:0%
there's no use ruining your life looking
01:06:32.000 --> 01:06:33.980 align:start position:0%
there's no use ruining your life looking
for<01:06:32.240> explanations
01:06:33.980 --> 01:06:33.990 align:start position:0%
for explanations
01:06:33.990 --> 01:06:43.109 align:start position:0%
for explanations
01:06:43.109 --> 01:06:43.119 align:start position:0%
01:06:43.119 --> 01:06:48.470 align:start position:0%
my<01:06:43.280> husband<01:06:43.599> should<01:06:43.760> be<01:06:43.920> getting<01:06:44.079> home<01:06:44.839> soon
01:06:48.470 --> 01:06:48.480 align:start position:0%
01:06:48.480 --> 01:06:54.710 align:start position:0%
i'll<01:06:48.640> walk<01:06:48.880> you<01:06:49.039> out
01:06:54.710 --> 01:06:54.720 align:start position:0%
01:06:54.720 --> 01:06:56.950 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:06:54.960> sorry<01:06:55.200> for<01:06:55.359> barging<01:06:55.760> in<01:06:55.839> like<01:06:56.079> that
01:06:56.950 --> 01:06:56.960 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry for barging in like that
01:06:56.960 --> 01:06:59.990 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry for barging in like that
you're<01:06:57.119> welcome<01:06:58.839> anytime
01:06:59.990 --> 01:07:00.000 align:start position:0%
you're welcome anytime
01:07:00.000 --> 01:07:04.069 align:start position:0%
you're welcome anytime
01:07:04.069 --> 01:07:04.079 align:start position:0%
01:07:04.079 --> 01:07:12.829 align:start position:0%
i<01:07:04.240> hope<01:07:04.400> you<01:07:04.559> find<01:07:04.720> what<01:07:04.880> you're<01:07:04.960> looking<01:07:05.280> for
01:07:12.829 --> 01:07:12.839 align:start position:0%
01:07:12.839 --> 01:07:20.630 align:start position:0%
luke<01:07:14.000> up<01:07:14.160> here
01:07:20.630 --> 01:07:20.640 align:start position:0%
01:07:20.640 --> 01:07:24.789 align:start position:0%
01:07:24.789 --> 01:07:24.799 align:start position:0%
01:07:24.799 --> 01:07:26.829 align:start position:0%
i<01:07:24.960> know<01:07:25.119> you<01:07:25.200> don't<01:07:25.359> want<01:07:25.440> to<01:07:25.520> talk<01:07:25.760> about<01:07:26.000> this
01:07:26.829 --> 01:07:26.839 align:start position:0%
i know you don't want to talk about this
01:07:26.839 --> 01:07:29.190 align:start position:0%
i know you don't want to talk about this
01:07:29.190 --> 01:07:29.200 align:start position:0%
01:07:29.200 --> 01:07:40.829 align:start position:0%
did<01:07:29.359> you<01:07:29.440> hear<01:07:29.680> that<01:07:32.000> luke
01:07:40.829 --> 01:07:40.839 align:start position:0%
01:07:40.839 --> 01:07:49.670 align:start position:0%
01:07:49.670 --> 01:07:49.680 align:start position:0%
01:07:49.680 --> 01:07:52.150 align:start position:0%
what<01:07:49.920> is<01:07:50.000> it<01:07:50.799> what's<01:07:51.039> going<01:07:51.280> on<01:07:51.359> what<01:07:51.520> is<01:07:51.680> it
01:07:52.150 --> 01:07:52.160 align:start position:0%
what is it what's going on what is it
01:07:52.160 --> 01:07:53.670 align:start position:0%
what is it what's going on what is it
are<01:07:52.319> you<01:07:52.480> okay
01:07:53.670 --> 01:07:53.680 align:start position:0%
are you okay
01:07:53.680 --> 01:07:58.470 align:start position:0%
are you okay
you<01:07:53.839> were<01:07:54.079> in<01:07:54.160> the<01:07:54.240> room<01:07:54.480> with<01:07:54.640> me<01:07:55.039> what
01:07:58.470 --> 01:07:58.480 align:start position:0%
01:07:58.480 --> 01:08:02.630 align:start position:0%
what's<01:07:58.799> happening<01:07:59.280> to<01:07:59.440> me
01:08:02.630 --> 01:08:02.640 align:start position:0%
01:08:02.640 --> 01:08:06.710 align:start position:0%
all<01:08:02.799> right<01:08:02.960> okay
01:08:06.710 --> 01:08:06.720 align:start position:0%
01:08:06.720 --> 01:08:10.230 align:start position:0%
you're<01:08:06.880> too<01:08:07.039> wound<01:08:07.359> up<01:08:09.520> just
01:08:10.230 --> 01:08:10.240 align:start position:0%
you're too wound up just
01:08:10.240 --> 01:08:22.470 align:start position:0%
you're too wound up just
01:08:22.470 --> 01:08:22.480 align:start position:0%
01:08:22.480 --> 01:08:41.189 align:start position:0%
it<01:08:22.719> opens<01:08:23.040> on<01:08:23.199> its<01:08:23.359> own
01:08:41.189 --> 01:08:41.199 align:start position:0%
01:08:41.199 --> 01:08:44.410 align:start position:0%
01:08:44.410 --> 01:08:44.420 align:start position:0%
01:08:44.420 --> 01:08:48.149 align:start position:0%
01:08:48.149 --> 01:08:48.159 align:start position:0%
01:08:48.159 --> 01:08:51.990 align:start position:0%
just<01:08:48.400> to<01:08:50.839> rest
01:08:51.990 --> 01:08:52.000 align:start position:0%
just to rest
01:08:52.000 --> 01:09:51.829 align:start position:0%
just to rest
stay<01:08:52.239> with<01:08:52.400> you<01:08:52.480> till<01:08:52.719> you<01:08:52.799> fall<01:09:04.839> asleep
01:09:51.829 --> 01:09:51.839 align:start position:0%
01:09:51.839 --> 01:09:56.070 align:start position:0%
oh<01:09:52.080> jenny<01:09:52.400> you're<01:09:52.640> up
01:09:56.070 --> 01:09:56.080 align:start position:0%
01:09:56.080 --> 01:09:59.669 align:start position:0%
what's<01:09:56.400> going<01:09:56.640> on<01:09:58.159> we<01:09:58.320> were<01:09:58.560> just<01:09:58.800> discussing
01:09:59.669 --> 01:09:59.679 align:start position:0%
what's going on we were just discussing
01:09:59.679 --> 01:10:02.070 align:start position:0%
what's going on we were just discussing
that<01:09:59.840> you've<01:10:00.000> been<01:10:00.159> a<01:10:00.239> bit<01:10:00.719> tired<01:10:01.120> recently
01:10:02.070 --> 01:10:02.080 align:start position:0%
that you've been a bit tired recently
01:10:02.080 --> 01:10:05.830 align:start position:0%
that you've been a bit tired recently
weren't<01:10:02.320> we
01:10:05.830 --> 01:10:05.840 align:start position:0%
01:10:05.840 --> 01:10:07.669 align:start position:0%
bonnie<01:10:06.159> why<01:10:06.320> don't<01:10:06.480> you<01:10:06.640> sit<01:10:06.800> down<01:10:07.120> one<01:10:07.360> of<01:10:07.440> you
01:10:07.669 --> 01:10:07.679 align:start position:0%
bonnie why don't you sit down one of you
01:10:07.679 --> 01:10:08.950 align:start position:0%
bonnie why don't you sit down one of you
please<01:10:08.080> tell<01:10:08.239> me
01:10:08.950 --> 01:10:08.960 align:start position:0%
please tell me
01:10:08.960 --> 01:10:11.990 align:start position:0%
please tell me
what's<01:10:09.280> going<01:10:09.600> on
01:10:11.990 --> 01:10:12.000 align:start position:0%
01:10:12.000 --> 01:10:14.550 align:start position:0%
we're<01:10:12.239> concerned<01:10:13.600> luke<01:10:13.840> told<01:10:14.080> me<01:10:14.239> you<01:10:14.400> gave
01:10:14.550 --> 01:10:14.560 align:start position:0%
we're concerned luke told me you gave
01:10:14.560 --> 01:10:16.709 align:start position:0%
we're concerned luke told me you gave
him<01:10:14.719> a<01:10:14.800> bit<01:10:14.960> of<01:10:15.040> a<01:10:15.120> scare<01:10:15.520> last<01:10:15.760> night
01:10:16.709 --> 01:10:16.719 align:start position:0%
him a bit of a scare last night
01:10:16.719 --> 01:10:18.630 align:start position:0%
him a bit of a scare last night
he<01:10:16.880> did<01:10:17.360> andy<01:10:17.760> mentioned<01:10:18.159> that<01:10:18.320> you<01:10:18.480> were
01:10:18.630 --> 01:10:18.640 align:start position:0%
he did andy mentioned that you were
01:10:18.640 --> 01:10:20.550 align:start position:0%
he did andy mentioned that you were
still<01:10:19.199> raving<01:10:19.679> about
01:10:20.550 --> 01:10:20.560 align:start position:0%
still raving about
01:10:20.560 --> 01:10:24.950 align:start position:0%
still raving about
ghosts<01:10:22.719> it's<01:10:23.040> just
01:10:24.950 --> 01:10:24.960 align:start position:0%
ghosts it's just
01:10:24.960 --> 01:10:27.830 align:start position:0%
ghosts it's just
well<01:10:26.400> this<01:10:26.560> has<01:10:26.719> been<01:10:26.880> going<01:10:27.199> on<01:10:27.360> for<01:10:27.600> quite
01:10:27.830 --> 01:10:27.840 align:start position:0%
well this has been going on for quite
01:10:27.840 --> 01:10:29.430 align:start position:0%
well this has been going on for quite
some<01:10:28.080> time<01:10:28.400> jenny
01:10:29.430 --> 01:10:29.440 align:start position:0%
some time jenny
01:10:29.440 --> 01:10:31.430 align:start position:0%
some time jenny
you've<01:10:29.600> been<01:10:29.840> acting<01:10:30.239> strange<01:10:30.960> ever<01:10:31.199> since
01:10:31.430 --> 01:10:31.440 align:start position:0%
you've been acting strange ever since
01:10:31.440 --> 01:10:33.430 align:start position:0%
you've been acting strange ever since
you<01:10:31.600> got<01:10:31.840> back<01:10:32.159> home
01:10:33.430 --> 01:10:33.440 align:start position:0%
you got back home
01:10:33.440 --> 01:10:34.950 align:start position:0%
you got back home
and<01:10:33.600> that<01:10:33.840> stunt<01:10:34.159> that<01:10:34.320> you<01:10:34.480> pulled<01:10:34.719> with
01:10:34.950 --> 01:10:34.960 align:start position:0%
and that stunt that you pulled with
01:10:34.960 --> 01:10:37.430 align:start position:0%
and that stunt that you pulled with
walter<01:10:35.679> stunt<01:10:36.159> and<01:10:36.239> the<01:10:36.320> hysterics<01:10:37.120> last
01:10:37.430 --> 01:10:37.440 align:start position:0%
walter stunt and the hysterics last
01:10:37.440 --> 01:10:38.229 align:start position:0%
walter stunt and the hysterics last
01:10:38.229 --> 01:10:38.239 align:start position:0%
01:10:38.239 --> 01:10:39.830 align:start position:0%
what<01:10:38.400> are<01:10:38.480> you<01:10:38.800> talking<01:10:39.199> about<01:10:39.440> well<01:10:39.600> it<01:10:39.679> all
01:10:39.830 --> 01:10:39.840 align:start position:0%
what are you talking about well it all
01:10:39.840 --> 01:10:45.590 align:start position:0%
what are you talking about well it all
seems<01:10:40.159> a<01:10:40.239> bit<01:10:40.480> crazy<01:10:40.880> don't<01:10:41.120> you<01:10:42.840> think
01:10:45.590 --> 01:10:45.600 align:start position:0%
seems a bit crazy don't you think
01:10:45.600 --> 01:10:48.070 align:start position:0%
seems a bit crazy don't you think
i'm<01:10:45.760> not<01:10:46.000> crazy<01:10:46.560> of<01:10:46.640> course<01:10:46.800> you're<01:10:46.960> not<01:10:47.199> jenny
01:10:48.070 --> 01:10:48.080 align:start position:0%
i'm not crazy of course you're not jenny
01:10:48.080 --> 01:10:49.830 align:start position:0%
i'm not crazy of course you're not jenny
but<01:10:48.239> you<01:10:48.400> can<01:10:48.560> understand<01:10:49.040> why<01:10:49.280> we<01:10:49.440> would<01:10:49.600> both
01:10:49.830 --> 01:10:49.840 align:start position:0%
but you can understand why we would both
01:10:49.840 --> 01:10:53.030 align:start position:0%
but you can understand why we would both
be<01:10:50.080> alarmed<01:10:50.640> right
01:10:53.030 --> 01:10:53.040 align:start position:0%
01:10:53.040 --> 01:10:58.070 align:start position:0%
there's<01:10:53.360> something<01:10:53.840> going<01:10:54.159> on<01:10:55.120> in<01:10:55.199> this<01:10:56.840> house
01:10:58.070 --> 01:10:58.080 align:start position:0%
there's something going on in this house
01:10:58.080 --> 01:11:01.910 align:start position:0%
there's something going on in this house
scares<01:10:58.560> me<01:11:00.640> and<01:11:00.800> it<01:11:00.960> scares<01:11:01.280> me<01:11:01.520> even<01:11:01.760> more
01:11:01.910 --> 01:11:01.920 align:start position:0%
scares me and it scares me even more
01:11:01.920 --> 01:11:02.550 align:start position:0%
scares me and it scares me even more
than<01:11:02.080> that
01:11:02.550 --> 01:11:02.560 align:start position:0%
than that
01:11:02.560 --> 01:11:04.709 align:start position:0%
than that
luke<01:11:02.880> hasn't<01:11:03.280> noticed<01:11:03.840> anything<01:11:04.400> out<01:11:04.560> of<01:11:04.640> the
01:11:04.709 --> 01:11:04.719 align:start position:0%
luke hasn't noticed anything out of the
01:11:04.719 --> 01:11:06.229 align:start position:0%
luke hasn't noticed anything out of the
ordinary<01:11:05.199> that<01:11:05.360> doesn't<01:11:05.600> mean<01:11:05.840> anything<01:11:06.159> i
01:11:06.229 --> 01:11:06.239 align:start position:0%
ordinary that doesn't mean anything i
01:11:06.239 --> 01:11:07.669 align:start position:0%
ordinary that doesn't mean anything i
don't<01:11:06.480> understand<01:11:06.880> we<01:11:07.040> don't<01:11:07.280> want<01:11:07.520> you
01:11:07.669 --> 01:11:07.679 align:start position:0%
don't understand we don't want you
01:11:07.679 --> 01:11:14.229 align:start position:0%
don't understand we don't want you
hurting<01:11:08.080> the<01:11:08.239> baby<01:11:10.840> again
01:11:14.229 --> 01:11:14.239 align:start position:0%
01:11:14.239 --> 01:11:16.630 align:start position:0%
now<01:11:15.360> i've<01:11:15.520> made<01:11:15.679> an<01:11:15.840> appointment<01:11:16.320> for<01:11:16.480> you
01:11:16.630 --> 01:11:16.640 align:start position:0%
now i've made an appointment for you
01:11:16.640 --> 01:11:18.550 align:start position:0%
now i've made an appointment for you
with<01:11:16.800> a<01:11:16.880> psychiatrist<01:11:17.679> next<01:11:18.000> week<01:11:18.239> he's<01:11:18.480> a
01:11:18.550 --> 01:11:18.560 align:start position:0%
with a psychiatrist next week he's a
01:11:18.560 --> 01:11:20.070 align:start position:0%
with a psychiatrist next week he's a
very<01:11:18.800> good<01:11:19.040> friend<01:11:19.280> of<01:11:19.440> mine
01:11:20.070 --> 01:11:20.080 align:start position:0%
very good friend of mine
01:11:20.080 --> 01:11:21.669 align:start position:0%
very good friend of mine
you'll<01:11:20.320> see<01:11:20.480> him<01:11:20.640> three<01:11:20.800> times<01:11:21.120> a<01:11:21.199> week<01:11:21.440> until
01:11:21.669 --> 01:11:21.679 align:start position:0%
you'll see him three times a week until
01:11:21.679 --> 01:11:24.830 align:start position:0%
you'll see him three times a week until
the<01:11:21.760> baby's<01:11:22.239> born<01:11:22.960> after<01:11:23.280> that<01:11:23.520> we'll
01:11:24.830 --> 01:11:24.840 align:start position:0%
the baby's born after that we'll
01:11:24.840 --> 01:11:27.430 align:start position:0%
the baby's born after that we'll
01:11:27.430 --> 01:11:27.440 align:start position:0%
01:11:27.440 --> 01:11:40.660 align:start position:0%
we<01:11:27.679> just<01:11:27.920> want<01:11:28.080> what's<01:11:28.400> best<01:11:28.640> for<01:11:38.840> you
01:11:40.660 --> 01:11:40.670 align:start position:0%
we just want what's best for you
01:11:40.670 --> 01:13:16.390 align:start position:0%
we just want what's best for you
01:13:16.390 --> 01:13:16.400 align:start position:0%
01:13:16.400 --> 01:13:46.070 align:start position:0%
what<01:13:16.560> do<01:13:16.719> you<01:13:16.960> want<01:13:17.280> from<01:13:17.520> me
01:13:46.070 --> 01:13:46.080 align:start position:0%
01:13:46.080 --> 01:13:49.350 align:start position:0%
is<01:13:46.239> your<01:13:46.320> mom<01:13:46.560> home
01:13:49.350 --> 01:13:49.360 align:start position:0%
01:13:49.360 --> 01:13:53.910 align:start position:0%
your<01:13:49.600> mom<01:13:50.320> marlene<01:13:50.800> is<01:13:50.880> she<01:13:51.040> home
01:13:53.910 --> 01:13:53.920 align:start position:0%
01:13:53.920 --> 01:13:58.390 align:start position:0%
01:13:58.390 --> 01:13:58.400 align:start position:0%
01:13:58.400 --> 01:14:01.189 align:start position:0%
please<01:13:58.719> i<01:13:58.800> need<01:13:58.960> to<01:13:59.120> be<01:13:59.280> disciplined<01:14:00.800> your<01:14:00.960> mom
01:14:01.189 --> 01:14:01.199 align:start position:0%
please i need to be disciplined your mom
01:14:01.199 --> 01:14:03.669 align:start position:0%
please i need to be disciplined your mom
where<01:14:01.440> is<01:14:01.520> she
01:14:03.669 --> 01:14:03.679 align:start position:0%
where is she
01:14:03.679 --> 01:14:07.590 align:start position:0%
where is she
where<01:14:03.920> is<01:14:04.080> she<01:14:06.480> do<01:14:06.640> you<01:14:06.719> not<01:14:06.960> understand<01:14:07.440> what
01:14:07.590 --> 01:14:07.600 align:start position:0%
where is she do you not understand what
01:14:07.600 --> 01:14:12.870 align:start position:0%
where is she do you not understand what
i'm<01:14:07.760> saying
01:14:12.870 --> 01:14:12.880 align:start position:0%
01:14:12.880 --> 01:14:15.110 align:start position:0%
hi<01:14:13.360> you<01:14:13.520> reached<01:14:13.840> walterman<01:14:14.719> i'm<01:14:14.960> not
01:14:15.110 --> 01:14:15.120 align:start position:0%
hi you reached walterman i'm not
01:14:15.120 --> 01:14:16.790 align:start position:0%
hi you reached walterman i'm not
available<01:14:15.600> at<01:14:15.679> the<01:14:15.760> moment<01:14:16.080> but<01:14:16.320> please<01:14:16.560> leave
01:14:16.790 --> 01:14:16.800 align:start position:0%
available at the moment but please leave
01:14:16.800 --> 01:14:32.620 align:start position:0%
available at the moment but please leave
a<01:14:26.840> message
01:14:32.620 --> 01:14:32.630 align:start position:0%
01:14:32.630 --> 01:14:39.270 align:start position:0%
01:14:39.270 --> 01:14:39.280 align:start position:0%
01:14:39.280 --> 01:14:42.310 align:start position:0%
jenny<01:14:40.080> what<01:14:40.320> are<01:14:40.400> you<01:14:40.480> doing<01:14:40.880> here<01:14:42.159> is
01:14:42.310 --> 01:14:42.320 align:start position:0%
jenny what are you doing here is
01:14:42.320 --> 01:14:47.270 align:start position:0%
jenny what are you doing here is
everything<01:14:42.719> okay
01:14:47.270 --> 01:14:47.280 align:start position:0%
01:14:47.280 --> 01:14:52.950 align:start position:0%
should<01:14:47.440> i<01:14:47.600> make<01:14:47.760> some<01:14:48.000> coffee<01:14:49.600> i<01:14:49.679> have<01:14:49.840> decaf
01:14:52.950 --> 01:14:52.960 align:start position:0%
01:14:52.960 --> 01:15:24.860 align:start position:0%
god<01:14:53.120> they<01:14:53.280> would<01:14:53.440> be<01:14:54.840> nice
01:15:24.860 --> 01:15:24.870 align:start position:0%
01:15:24.870 --> 01:15:27.990 align:start position:0%
01:15:27.990 --> 01:15:28.000 align:start position:0%
01:15:28.000 --> 01:15:29.830 align:start position:0%
i<01:15:28.320> i<01:15:28.480> know<01:15:28.719> you<01:15:28.880> and<01:15:28.960> luke<01:15:29.199> just<01:15:29.440> want<01:15:29.600> what's
01:15:29.830 --> 01:15:29.840 align:start position:0%
i i know you and luke just want what's
01:15:29.840 --> 01:15:30.740 align:start position:0%
i i know you and luke just want what's
best<01:15:30.080> for<01:15:30.239> me
01:15:30.740 --> 01:15:30.750 align:start position:0%
best for me
01:15:30.750 --> 01:15:32.149 align:start position:0%
best for me
01:15:32.149 --> 01:15:32.159 align:start position:0%
01:15:32.159 --> 01:15:45.110 align:start position:0%
i<01:15:32.400> haven't<01:15:32.719> i<01:15:32.880> know<01:15:33.199> jenny<01:15:33.840> i<01:15:36.840> know
01:15:45.110 --> 01:15:45.120 align:start position:0%
01:15:45.120 --> 01:16:01.430 align:start position:0%
this<01:15:45.360> is<01:15:45.520> nice<01:15:47.600> it<01:15:47.840> is<01:15:48.080> isn't<01:15:50.840> it
01:16:01.430 --> 01:16:01.440 align:start position:0%
01:16:01.440 --> 01:16:04.830 align:start position:0%
i<01:16:01.679> have<01:16:01.840> always<01:16:02.320> cherished<01:16:02.800> our<01:16:02.960> moments
01:16:04.830 --> 01:16:04.840 align:start position:0%
i have always cherished our moments
01:16:04.840 --> 01:16:06.950 align:start position:0%
i have always cherished our moments
01:16:06.950 --> 01:16:06.960 align:start position:0%
01:16:06.960 --> 01:16:11.590 align:start position:0%
remember<01:16:07.360> getting<01:16:07.600> ready<01:16:07.840> for<01:16:08.000> your<01:16:08.159> pageants
01:16:11.590 --> 01:16:11.600 align:start position:0%
01:16:11.600 --> 01:16:15.110 align:start position:0%
all<01:16:11.840> that<01:16:12.159> primping<01:16:12.880> and<01:16:13.120> praying
01:16:15.110 --> 01:16:15.120 align:start position:0%
all that primping and praying
01:16:15.120 --> 01:16:20.550 align:start position:0%
all that primping and praying
dolling<01:16:15.679> you<01:16:18.840> up
01:16:20.550 --> 01:16:20.560 align:start position:0%
dolling you up
01:16:20.560 --> 01:16:25.110 align:start position:0%
dolling you up
those<01:16:20.800> are<01:16:20.960> some<01:16:21.199> of<01:16:21.280> my<01:16:21.520> fondest<01:16:22.000> memories
01:16:25.110 --> 01:16:25.120 align:start position:0%
01:16:25.120 --> 01:16:29.430 align:start position:0%
you<01:16:25.360> and<01:16:25.520> me
01:16:29.430 --> 01:16:29.440 align:start position:0%
01:16:29.440 --> 01:16:37.830 align:start position:0%
all<01:16:29.679> that<01:16:30.080> beauty<01:16:30.800> and<01:16:32.840> promise
01:16:37.830 --> 01:16:37.840 align:start position:0%
01:16:37.840 --> 01:16:42.470 align:start position:0%
i<01:16:38.080> have<01:16:38.239> an<01:16:38.400> idea
01:16:42.470 --> 01:16:42.480 align:start position:0%
01:16:42.480 --> 01:16:50.950 align:start position:0%
you<01:16:42.640> have<01:16:42.880> always<01:16:43.280> had<01:16:43.520> the<01:16:43.679> most<01:16:44.000> lovely<01:16:46.840> hair
01:16:50.950 --> 01:16:50.960 align:start position:0%
01:16:50.960 --> 01:16:55.910 align:start position:0%
i<01:16:51.120> can't<01:16:51.360> believe<01:16:51.760> you're<01:16:52.000> here
01:16:55.910 --> 01:16:55.920 align:start position:0%
01:16:55.920 --> 01:16:58.149 align:start position:0%
luke's<01:16:56.239> in<01:16:56.400> for<01:16:56.640> quite<01:16:57.040> a<01:16:57.199> shock<01:16:57.600> tonight<01:16:58.000> when
01:16:58.149 --> 01:16:58.159 align:start position:0%
luke's in for quite a shock tonight when
01:16:58.159 --> 01:16:59.189 align:start position:0%
luke's in for quite a shock tonight when
you<01:16:58.320> get<01:16:58.560> home
01:16:59.189 --> 01:16:59.199 align:start position:0%
you get home
01:16:59.199 --> 01:17:09.669 align:start position:0%
you get home
looking<01:16:59.679> so<01:17:00.840> beautiful
01:17:09.669 --> 01:17:09.679 align:start position:0%
01:17:09.679 --> 01:17:15.750 align:start position:0%
i<01:17:09.840> really<01:17:10.159> am<01:17:10.320> glad<01:17:10.640> you're<01:17:10.800> back
01:17:15.750 --> 01:17:15.760 align:start position:0%
01:17:15.760 --> 01:17:22.070 align:start position:0%
i<01:17:15.840> don't<01:17:16.000> know<01:17:16.159> what<01:17:16.320> happened<01:17:16.640> with<01:17:16.880> us
01:17:22.070 --> 01:17:22.080 align:start position:0%
01:17:22.080 --> 01:17:24.709 align:start position:0%
but<01:17:22.239> with<01:17:22.480> the<01:17:22.640> baby<01:17:23.199> and<01:17:23.760> the<01:17:23.920> move<01:17:24.480> and
01:17:24.709 --> 01:17:24.719 align:start position:0%
but with the baby and the move and
01:17:24.719 --> 01:17:28.390 align:start position:0%
but with the baby and the move and
01:17:28.390 --> 01:17:28.400 align:start position:0%
01:17:28.400 --> 01:17:30.310 align:start position:0%
i<01:17:28.560> can't<01:17:28.800> help<01:17:29.040> but<01:17:29.280> see<01:17:29.440> it<01:17:29.600> as<01:17:29.840> a<01:17:29.920> second
01:17:30.310 --> 01:17:30.320 align:start position:0%
i can't help but see it as a second
01:17:30.320 --> 01:17:34.550 align:start position:0%
i can't help but see it as a second
01:17:34.550 --> 01:17:34.560 align:start position:0%
01:17:34.560 --> 01:17:38.229 align:start position:0%
and<01:17:34.800> who<01:17:35.040> knows<01:17:37.040> maybe<01:17:37.360> the<01:17:37.520> next<01:17:37.760> one<01:17:37.920> will<01:17:38.080> be
01:17:38.229 --> 01:17:38.239 align:start position:0%
and who knows maybe the next one will be
01:17:38.239 --> 01:17:40.150 align:start position:0%
and who knows maybe the next one will be
a<01:17:38.320> little<01:17:38.560> girl
01:17:40.150 --> 01:17:40.160 align:start position:0%
a little girl
01:17:40.160 --> 01:17:41.430 align:start position:0%
a little girl
01:17:41.430 --> 01:17:41.440 align:start position:0%
01:17:41.440 --> 01:17:44.950 align:start position:0%
i<01:17:41.679> have<01:17:41.840> to<01:17:41.920> use<01:17:42.080> the<01:17:42.239> restroom<01:17:43.440> okay
01:17:44.950 --> 01:17:44.960 align:start position:0%
i have to use the restroom okay
01:17:44.960 --> 01:18:18.790 align:start position:0%
i have to use the restroom okay
i'll<01:17:45.120> be<01:17:45.280> here<01:17:45.440> when<01:17:45.520> you<01:17:45.600> get<01:17:56.840> back
01:18:18.790 --> 01:18:18.800 align:start position:0%
01:18:18.800 --> 01:18:20.870 align:start position:0%
luke<01:18:19.040> just<01:18:19.360> called<01:18:19.760> i<01:18:20.000> should<01:18:20.159> get<01:18:20.320> going<01:18:20.719> we
01:18:20.870 --> 01:18:20.880 align:start position:0%
luke just called i should get going we
01:18:20.880 --> 01:18:22.070 align:start position:0%
luke just called i should get going we
haven't<01:18:21.120> finished<01:18:21.520> your<01:18:21.600> hair
01:18:22.070 --> 01:18:22.080 align:start position:0%
haven't finished your hair
01:18:22.080 --> 01:18:23.590 align:start position:0%
haven't finished your hair
oh<01:18:22.239> i<01:18:22.320> can<01:18:22.480> just<01:18:22.640> spin<01:18:22.880> this<01:18:23.040> back<01:18:23.280> it<01:18:23.440> sounded
01:18:23.590 --> 01:18:23.600 align:start position:0%
oh i can just spin this back it sounded
01:18:23.600 --> 01:18:33.350 align:start position:0%
oh i can just spin this back it sounded
like<01:18:23.760> he<01:18:23.840> had<01:18:23.920> a<01:18:24.000> hard<01:18:24.840> day
01:18:33.350 --> 01:18:33.360 align:start position:0%
01:18:33.360 --> 01:18:40.310 align:start position:0%
jenny<01:18:33.679> are<01:18:33.760> you<01:18:33.920> feeling<01:18:34.320> okay<01:18:38.840> yes
01:18:40.310 --> 01:18:40.320 align:start position:0%
jenny are you feeling okay yes
01:18:40.320 --> 01:18:43.430 align:start position:0%
jenny are you feeling okay yes
jenny<01:18:40.640> why<01:18:40.800> are<01:18:40.880> you<01:18:40.960> so<01:18:41.199> jumpy<01:18:42.880> jenny<01:18:43.199> what's
01:18:43.430 --> 01:18:43.440 align:start position:0%
jenny why are you so jumpy jenny what's
01:18:43.440 --> 01:18:45.750 align:start position:0%
jenny why are you so jumpy jenny what's
01:18:45.750 --> 01:18:45.760 align:start position:0%
01:18:45.760 --> 01:19:06.830 align:start position:0%
i<01:18:46.000> have<01:18:46.080> to<01:18:46.239> go<01:18:47.440> jenny
01:19:06.830 --> 01:19:06.840 align:start position:0%
01:19:06.840 --> 01:19:26.630 align:start position:0%
walter<01:19:09.120> monster<01:19:20.840> please
01:19:26.630 --> 01:19:26.640 align:start position:0%
01:19:26.640 --> 01:19:42.630 align:start position:0%
are<01:19:26.719> you<01:19:34.840> okay
01:19:42.630 --> 01:19:42.640 align:start position:0%
01:19:42.640 --> 01:19:47.350 align:start position:0%
get<01:19:42.880> out<01:19:43.040> of<01:19:43.199> my<01:19:43.440> head
01:19:47.350 --> 01:19:47.360 align:start position:0%
01:19:47.360 --> 01:19:51.189 align:start position:0%
get<01:19:47.679> out<01:19:49.840> jesus<01:19:50.320> christ
01:19:51.189 --> 01:19:51.199 align:start position:0%
get out jesus christ
01:19:51.199 --> 01:19:54.470 align:start position:0%
get out jesus christ
jennifer<01:19:52.000> jennifer<01:19:53.360> what's<01:19:53.520> going<01:19:53.760> on<01:19:54.159> what's
01:19:54.470 --> 01:19:54.480 align:start position:0%
jennifer jennifer what's going on what's
01:19:54.480 --> 01:19:54.950 align:start position:0%
jennifer jennifer what's going on what's
going<01:19:54.719> on
01:19:54.950 --> 01:19:54.960 align:start position:0%
going on
01:19:54.960 --> 01:19:57.270 align:start position:0%
going on
it's<01:19:55.199> the<01:19:55.440> house<01:19:56.480> we<01:19:56.640> need<01:19:56.719> to<01:19:56.800> get<01:19:56.960> you<01:19:57.040> to<01:19:57.120> a
01:19:57.270 --> 01:19:57.280 align:start position:0%
it's the house we need to get you to a
01:19:57.280 --> 01:19:58.790 align:start position:0%
it's the house we need to get you to a
doctor<01:19:57.600> no<01:19:57.920> no<01:19:58.159> it<01:19:58.400> isn't
01:19:58.790 --> 01:19:58.800 align:start position:0%
doctor no no it isn't
01:19:58.800 --> 01:20:11.910 align:start position:0%
doctor no no it isn't
it's<01:19:59.040> the<01:20:02.840> house
01:20:11.910 --> 01:20:11.920 align:start position:0%
01:20:11.920 --> 01:20:14.950 align:start position:0%
we'll<01:20:12.080> meet<01:20:12.239> you<01:20:12.320> there<01:20:13.840> jennifer
01:20:14.950 --> 01:20:14.960 align:start position:0%
we'll meet you there jennifer
01:20:14.960 --> 01:20:19.030 align:start position:0%
we'll meet you there jennifer
stay<01:20:16.840> here
01:20:19.030 --> 01:20:19.040 align:start position:0%
stay here
01:20:19.040 --> 01:20:20.629 align:start position:0%
stay here
i'm<01:20:19.199> gonna<01:20:19.360> get<01:20:19.440> you<01:20:19.520> out<01:20:19.600> of<01:20:19.679> the<01:20:19.840> house<01:20:20.480> i
01:20:20.629 --> 01:20:20.639 align:start position:0%
i'm gonna get you out of the house i
01:20:20.639 --> 01:20:22.229 align:start position:0%
i'm gonna get you out of the house i
just<01:20:20.800> need<01:20:20.960> to<01:20:21.040> call<01:20:21.280> the<01:20:21.360> doctor
01:20:22.229 --> 01:20:22.239 align:start position:0%
just need to call the doctor
01:20:22.239 --> 01:20:27.750 align:start position:0%
just need to call the doctor
it's<01:20:22.480> the<01:20:22.800> house<01:20:23.840> it's<01:20:24.080> in<01:20:24.159> my<01:20:24.400> head
01:20:27.750 --> 01:20:27.760 align:start position:0%
01:20:27.760 --> 01:20:30.830 align:start position:0%
it<01:20:27.920> wants<01:20:28.239> you<01:20:28.320> to<01:20:28.480> think<01:20:28.719> i'm<01:20:28.880> crazy<01:20:29.440> stay
01:20:30.830 --> 01:20:30.840 align:start position:0%
it wants you to think i'm crazy stay
01:20:30.840 --> 01:20:38.229 align:start position:0%
it wants you to think i'm crazy stay
01:20:38.229 --> 01:20:38.239 align:start position:0%
01:20:38.239 --> 01:20:58.830 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:20:38.480> here<01:20:40.400> tell<01:20:40.560> me<01:20:40.719> what<01:20:40.880> you<01:20:44.840> want
01:20:58.830 --> 01:20:58.840 align:start position:0%
01:20:58.840 --> 01:21:06.800 align:start position:0%
01:21:06.800 --> 01:21:06.810 align:start position:0%
01:21:06.810 --> 01:21:12.830 align:start position:0%
01:21:12.830 --> 01:21:12.840 align:start position:0%
01:21:12.840 --> 01:21:40.149 align:start position:0%
01:21:40.149 --> 01:21:40.159 align:start position:0%
01:21:40.159 --> 01:21:43.990 align:start position:0%
jenny<01:21:41.440> luke<01:21:41.920> she's<01:21:42.239> awake
01:21:43.990 --> 01:21:44.000 align:start position:0%
jenny luke she's awake
01:21:44.000 --> 01:21:46.310 align:start position:0%
jenny luke she's awake
no<01:21:44.159> no<01:21:44.320> sweetie<01:21:44.639> lay<01:21:44.880> down<01:21:45.199> lie<01:21:45.440> down<01:21:45.760> lie<01:21:46.000> down
01:21:46.310 --> 01:21:46.320 align:start position:0%
no no sweetie lay down lie down lie down
01:21:46.320 --> 01:21:49.669 align:start position:0%
no no sweetie lay down lie down lie down
you<01:21:46.400> need<01:21:46.560> to<01:21:46.800> rest
01:21:49.669 --> 01:21:49.679 align:start position:0%
01:21:49.679 --> 01:21:53.030 align:start position:0%
what<01:21:49.920> happened<01:21:50.480> you<01:21:50.719> had<01:21:50.880> an<01:21:51.040> accident
01:21:53.030 --> 01:21:53.040 align:start position:0%
what happened you had an accident
01:21:53.040 --> 01:21:56.229 align:start position:0%
what happened you had an accident
we<01:21:53.199> didn't<01:21:53.440> know<01:21:53.600> if<01:21:53.760> the<01:21:53.840> baby<01:21:54.840> was
01:21:56.229 --> 01:21:56.239 align:start position:0%
we didn't know if the baby was
01:21:56.239 --> 01:21:59.270 align:start position:0%
we didn't know if the baby was
everything's<01:21:56.800> stable<01:21:57.280> now<01:21:58.639> honey
01:21:59.270 --> 01:21:59.280 align:start position:0%
everything's stable now honey
01:21:59.280 --> 01:22:01.830 align:start position:0%
everything's stable now honey
you<01:21:59.520> just<01:21:59.840> tripped<01:22:01.120> it<01:22:01.280> could<01:22:01.440> have<01:22:01.600> happened
01:22:01.830 --> 01:22:01.840 align:start position:0%
you just tripped it could have happened
01:22:01.840 --> 01:22:03.110 align:start position:0%
you just tripped it could have happened
to<01:22:02.000> any<01:22:02.239> of<01:22:02.400> us
01:22:03.110 --> 01:22:03.120 align:start position:0%
to any of us
01:22:03.120 --> 01:22:06.229 align:start position:0%
to any of us
no<01:22:04.880> it<01:22:05.040> wasn't<01:22:05.360> an<01:22:05.520> accident
01:22:06.229 --> 01:22:06.239 align:start position:0%
no it wasn't an accident
01:22:06.239 --> 01:22:07.830 align:start position:0%
no it wasn't an accident
it<01:22:06.400> pushed<01:22:06.719> me<01:22:07.040> it<01:22:07.199> pushed<01:22:07.440> me<01:22:07.600> down<01:22:07.760> the
01:22:07.830 --> 01:22:07.840 align:start position:0%
it pushed me it pushed me down the
01:22:07.840 --> 01:22:10.790 align:start position:0%
it pushed me it pushed me down the
stairs<01:22:08.480> you<01:22:08.639> have<01:22:08.800> to
01:22:10.790 --> 01:22:10.800 align:start position:0%
stairs you have to
01:22:10.800 --> 01:22:13.669 align:start position:0%
stairs you have to
i'm<01:22:10.960> gonna<01:22:11.120> go<01:22:11.360> outside<01:22:13.040> i'm<01:22:13.199> gonna<01:22:13.360> let<01:22:13.520> you
01:22:13.669 --> 01:22:13.679 align:start position:0%
i'm gonna go outside i'm gonna let you
01:22:13.679 --> 01:22:19.510 align:start position:0%
i'm gonna go outside i'm gonna let you
two<01:22:13.840> be<01:22:14.000> alone<01:22:14.320> for<01:22:14.480> just<01:22:14.639> a<01:22:14.719> minute
01:22:19.510 --> 01:22:19.520 align:start position:0%
01:22:19.520 --> 01:22:31.030 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:22:19.679> just<01:22:19.840> so<01:22:20.000> glad<01:22:20.239> you're<01:22:22.840> okay
01:22:31.030 --> 01:22:31.040 align:start position:0%
01:22:31.040 --> 01:22:32.310 align:start position:0%
you<01:22:31.199> could<01:22:31.360> have<01:22:31.440> hurt<01:22:31.679> the<01:22:31.760> baby<01:22:32.000> you<01:22:32.159> could
01:22:32.310 --> 01:22:32.320 align:start position:0%
you could have hurt the baby you could
01:22:32.320 --> 01:22:33.430 align:start position:0%
you could have hurt the baby you could
push<01:22:32.560> me<01:22:32.719> down<01:22:32.880> this<01:22:32.960> time<01:22:33.120> you're<01:22:33.199> gonna<01:22:33.360> stay
01:22:33.430 --> 01:22:33.440 align:start position:0%
push me down this time you're gonna stay
01:22:33.440 --> 01:22:35.430 align:start position:0%
push me down this time you're gonna stay
in<01:22:33.520> meredith<01:22:33.920> for<01:22:34.080> a<01:22:34.159> while
01:22:35.430 --> 01:22:35.440 align:start position:0%
in meredith for a while
01:22:35.440 --> 01:22:40.310 align:start position:0%
in meredith for a while
look<01:22:35.840> why<01:22:36.080> are<01:22:36.239> you<01:22:36.480> doing<01:22:36.880> this
01:22:40.310 --> 01:22:40.320 align:start position:0%
01:22:40.320 --> 01:22:43.590 align:start position:0%
you<01:22:40.639> think<01:22:40.960> i<01:22:41.199> did<01:22:41.520> this
01:22:43.590 --> 01:22:43.600 align:start position:0%
you think i did this
01:22:43.600 --> 01:22:48.149 align:start position:0%
you think i did this
i<01:22:43.679> don't<01:22:43.840> know<01:22:44.000> what<01:22:44.159> i<01:22:44.320> think<01:22:46.400> i<01:22:46.639> [ __ ]<01:22:46.960> up
01:22:48.149 --> 01:22:48.159 align:start position:0%
i don't know what i think i [ __ ] up
01:22:48.159 --> 01:22:50.629 align:start position:0%
i don't know what i think i [ __ ] up
i<01:22:48.320> made<01:22:48.560> a<01:22:48.639> mistake<01:22:50.000> i<01:22:50.159> should<01:22:50.320> have<01:22:50.400> gotten
01:22:50.629 --> 01:22:50.639 align:start position:0%
i made a mistake i should have gotten
01:22:50.639 --> 01:22:51.830 align:start position:0%
i made a mistake i should have gotten
you<01:22:50.719> real<01:22:50.880> help<01:22:51.120> instead<01:22:51.360> of<01:22:51.440> bringing<01:22:51.760> you
01:22:51.830 --> 01:22:51.840 align:start position:0%
you real help instead of bringing you
01:22:51.840 --> 01:22:52.390 align:start position:0%
you real help instead of bringing you
down<01:22:52.080> here
01:22:52.390 --> 01:22:52.400 align:start position:0%
down here
01:22:52.400 --> 01:22:55.510 align:start position:0%
down here
that<01:22:52.639> house<01:22:53.040> please<01:22:53.520> stop
01:22:55.510 --> 01:22:55.520 align:start position:0%
that house please stop
01:22:55.520 --> 01:22:58.070 align:start position:0%
that house please stop
just<01:22:55.679> make<01:22:55.840> it<01:22:55.920> through<01:22:56.080> this<01:22:56.239> pregnancy<01:22:57.920> for
01:22:58.070 --> 01:22:58.080 align:start position:0%
just make it through this pregnancy for
01:22:58.080 --> 01:22:59.590 align:start position:0%
just make it through this pregnancy for
me<01:22:58.239> that's<01:22:58.480> all<01:22:58.639> i'm<01:22:58.800> asking
01:22:59.590 --> 01:22:59.600 align:start position:0%
me that's all i'm asking
01:22:59.600 --> 01:23:02.550 align:start position:0%
me that's all i'm asking
make<01:22:59.760> it<01:22:59.840> through<01:23:00.000> this<01:23:00.159> pregnancy<01:23:00.719> we<01:23:00.800> can<01:23:02.400> we
01:23:02.550 --> 01:23:02.560 align:start position:0%
make it through this pregnancy we can we
01:23:02.560 --> 01:23:08.310 align:start position:0%
make it through this pregnancy we can we
can<01:23:02.719> figure<01:23:02.960> things<01:23:03.199> out<01:23:03.360> after<01:23:04.840> that
01:23:08.310 --> 01:23:08.320 align:start position:0%
01:23:08.320 --> 01:23:12.149 align:start position:0%
i<01:23:08.480> know<01:23:08.719> it's<01:23:08.880> hard<01:23:10.639> but<01:23:10.880> i<01:23:10.960> really<01:23:11.199> think<01:23:11.440> that
01:23:12.149 --> 01:23:12.159 align:start position:0%
i know it's hard but i really think that
01:23:12.159 --> 01:23:13.669 align:start position:0%
i know it's hard but i really think that
once<01:23:12.400> you<01:23:12.560> see<01:23:12.719> the<01:23:12.880> baby<01:23:13.120> you'll<01:23:13.280> fall<01:23:13.520> in
01:23:13.669 --> 01:23:13.679 align:start position:0%
once you see the baby you'll fall in
01:23:13.679 --> 01:23:16.229 align:start position:0%
once you see the baby you'll fall in
love<01:23:14.080> everything<01:23:14.400> will<01:23:14.560> make<01:23:14.880> sense
01:23:16.229 --> 01:23:16.239 align:start position:0%
love everything will make sense
01:23:16.239 --> 01:23:21.110 align:start position:0%
love everything will make sense
you'll<01:23:16.560> see<01:23:18.880> why<01:23:19.040> don't<01:23:19.360> you<01:23:19.600> care
01:23:21.110 --> 01:23:21.120 align:start position:0%
you'll see why don't you care
01:23:21.120 --> 01:23:24.149 align:start position:0%
you'll see why don't you care
because<01:23:21.360> this<01:23:21.600> isn't<01:23:21.920> about<01:23:22.239> you<01:23:22.480> anymore
01:23:24.149 --> 01:23:24.159 align:start position:0%
because this isn't about you anymore
01:23:24.159 --> 01:23:25.590 align:start position:0%
because this isn't about you anymore
it's<01:23:24.320> about<01:23:24.560> what's<01:23:24.800> best<01:23:24.960> for<01:23:25.120> this<01:23:25.280> family
01:23:25.590 --> 01:23:25.600 align:start position:0%
it's about what's best for this family
01:23:25.600 --> 01:23:27.750 align:start position:0%
it's about what's best for this family
what's<01:23:25.840> best<01:23:26.080> for<01:23:26.320> us
01:23:27.750 --> 01:23:27.760 align:start position:0%
what's best for us
01:23:27.760 --> 01:23:29.110 align:start position:0%
what's best for us
and<01:23:27.920> if<01:23:28.000> you<01:23:28.080> really<01:23:28.400> think<01:23:28.560> you<01:23:28.639> can<01:23:28.800> get<01:23:28.960> me
01:23:29.110 --> 01:23:29.120 align:start position:0%
and if you really think you can get me
01:23:29.120 --> 01:23:31.189 align:start position:0%
and if you really think you can get me
back<01:23:29.280> to<01:23:29.360> chicago<01:23:30.080> with<01:23:30.400> ghosts
01:23:31.189 --> 01:23:31.199 align:start position:0%
back to chicago with ghosts
01:23:31.199 --> 01:23:33.590 align:start position:0%
back to chicago with ghosts
and<01:23:31.360> mediums<01:23:32.080> and<01:23:32.239> falling<01:23:32.560> down<01:23:32.800> the<01:23:32.880> stairs
01:23:33.590 --> 01:23:33.600 align:start position:0%
and mediums and falling down the stairs
01:23:33.600 --> 01:23:35.189 align:start position:0%
and mediums and falling down the stairs
let<01:23:33.760> me<01:23:33.920> just<01:23:34.080> remind<01:23:34.480> you<01:23:34.639> that<01:23:34.800> you<01:23:34.880> got<01:23:35.040> me
01:23:35.189 --> 01:23:35.199 align:start position:0%
let me just remind you that you got me
01:23:35.199 --> 01:23:36.070 align:start position:0%
let me just remind you that you got me
out<01:23:35.360> of<01:23:35.440> chicago
01:23:36.070 --> 01:23:36.080 align:start position:0%
out of chicago
01:23:36.080 --> 01:23:37.110 align:start position:0%
out of chicago
when<01:23:36.239> you<01:23:36.320> tried<01:23:36.480> to<01:23:36.560> give<01:23:36.719> yourself<01:23:37.040> an
01:23:37.110 --> 01:23:37.120 align:start position:0%
when you tried to give yourself an
01:23:37.120 --> 01:23:39.270 align:start position:0%
when you tried to give yourself an
abortion<01:23:37.679> but<01:23:37.920> i<01:23:38.080> didn't<01:23:38.400> do<01:23:38.639> it<01:23:38.800> but<01:23:39.040> you
01:23:39.270 --> 01:23:39.280 align:start position:0%
abortion but i didn't do it but you
01:23:39.280 --> 01:23:40.790 align:start position:0%
abortion but i didn't do it but you
would<01:23:39.600> have
01:23:40.790 --> 01:23:40.800 align:start position:0%
would have
01:23:40.800 --> 01:23:42.709 align:start position:0%
would have
if<01:23:41.040> i<01:23:41.120> hadn't<01:23:41.440> walked<01:23:41.760> into<01:23:42.000> that<01:23:42.239> room<01:23:42.480> you
01:23:42.709 --> 01:23:42.719 align:start position:0%
if i hadn't walked into that room you
01:23:42.719 --> 01:23:45.270 align:start position:0%
if i hadn't walked into that room you
would<01:23:42.960> have
01:23:45.270 --> 01:23:45.280 align:start position:0%
01:23:45.280 --> 01:23:46.709 align:start position:0%
and<01:23:45.440> really<01:23:45.760> there's<01:23:45.920> not<01:23:46.080> a<01:23:46.159> lot<01:23:46.320> more<01:23:46.560> in<01:23:46.639> the
01:23:46.709 --> 01:23:46.719 align:start position:0%
and really there's not a lot more in the
01:23:46.719 --> 01:23:49.110 align:start position:0%
and really there's not a lot more in the
way<01:23:46.880> of<01:23:46.960> scaring<01:23:47.280> me<01:23:47.440> that<01:23:47.520> you<01:23:47.679> can<01:23:47.840> do
01:23:49.110 --> 01:23:49.120 align:start position:0%
way of scaring me that you can do
01:23:49.120 --> 01:23:51.910 align:start position:0%
way of scaring me that you can do
so<01:23:49.280> just<01:23:49.600> drop<01:23:49.840> it<01:23:50.800> stop<01:23:51.120> wasting<01:23:51.520> your<01:23:51.679> time
01:23:51.910 --> 01:23:51.920 align:start position:0%
so just drop it stop wasting your time
01:23:51.920 --> 01:23:52.550 align:start position:0%
so just drop it stop wasting your time
and<01:23:52.080> mine
01:23:52.550 --> 01:23:52.560 align:start position:0%
and mine
01:23:52.560 --> 01:24:23.030 align:start position:0%
and mine
and<01:23:52.719> start<01:23:52.960> making<01:23:53.199> this<01:24:00.840> work
01:24:23.030 --> 01:24:23.040 align:start position:0%
01:24:23.040 --> 01:24:26.470 align:start position:0%
it's<01:24:23.280> nothing<01:24:24.239> she<01:24:24.480> doesn't<01:24:24.880> just<01:24:25.199> in<01:24:25.360> case
01:24:26.470 --> 01:24:26.480 align:start position:0%
it's nothing she doesn't just in case
01:24:26.480 --> 01:24:42.830 align:start position:0%
it's nothing she doesn't just in case
nothing<01:24:26.800> to<01:24:26.960> worry<01:24:27.280> about<01:24:29.199> i'm<01:24:29.440> moving<01:24:29.840> back
01:24:42.830 --> 01:24:42.840 align:start position:0%
01:24:42.840 --> 01:24:51.190 align:start position:0%
01:24:51.190 --> 01:24:51.200 align:start position:0%
01:24:51.200 --> 01:25:03.040 align:start position:0%
01:25:03.040 --> 01:25:03.050 align:start position:0%
01:25:03.050 --> 01:25:22.660 align:start position:0%
01:25:22.660 --> 01:25:22.670 align:start position:0%
01:25:22.670 --> 01:25:38.830 align:start position:0%
01:25:38.830 --> 01:25:38.840 align:start position:0%
01:25:38.840 --> 01:25:51.450 align:start position:0%
01:25:51.450 --> 01:25:51.460 align:start position:0%
01:25:51.460 --> 01:26:23.110 align:start position:0%
01:26:23.110 --> 01:26:23.120 align:start position:0%
01:26:23.120 --> 01:26:25.110 align:start position:0%
jenny<01:26:24.080> you<01:26:24.239> should<01:26:24.400> eat<01:26:24.560> your<01:26:24.719> food<01:26:24.960> it's
01:26:25.110 --> 01:26:25.120 align:start position:0%
jenny you should eat your food it's
01:26:25.120 --> 01:26:28.709 align:start position:0%
jenny you should eat your food it's
getting<01:26:25.440> cold
01:26:28.709 --> 01:26:28.719 align:start position:0%
01:26:28.719 --> 01:26:35.350 align:start position:0%
jenny<01:26:29.040> you're<01:26:29.120> biting<01:26:29.520> your<01:26:29.600> nails<01:26:30.000> again
01:26:35.350 --> 01:26:35.360 align:start position:0%
01:26:35.360 --> 01:26:38.550 align:start position:0%
are<01:26:35.520> you<01:26:35.679> feeling<01:26:36.000> she's<01:26:36.239> just<01:26:36.639> tired<01:26:38.239> drink
01:26:38.550 --> 01:26:38.560 align:start position:0%
are you feeling she's just tired drink
01:26:38.560 --> 01:26:48.830 align:start position:0%
are you feeling she's just tired drink
your<01:26:38.639> tea
01:26:48.830 --> 01:26:48.840 align:start position:0%
01:26:48.840 --> 01:26:56.790 align:start position:0%
01:26:56.790 --> 01:26:56.800 align:start position:0%
01:26:56.800 --> 01:26:59.030 align:start position:0%
so<01:26:57.520> luke<01:26:58.000> when<01:26:58.239> are<01:26:58.320> you<01:26:58.400> moving<01:26:58.719> into<01:26:58.880> your
01:26:59.030 --> 01:26:59.040 align:start position:0%
so luke when are you moving into your
01:26:59.040 --> 01:27:03.430 align:start position:0%
so luke when are you moving into your
new<01:26:59.280> office
01:27:03.430 --> 01:27:03.440 align:start position:0%
01:27:03.440 --> 01:27:07.350 align:start position:0%
new<01:27:03.679> office<01:27:04.480> for<01:27:04.639> the<01:27:04.719> promotion<01:27:06.400> promotion
01:27:07.350 --> 01:27:07.360 align:start position:0%
new office for the promotion promotion
01:27:07.360 --> 01:27:09.350 align:start position:0%
new office for the promotion promotion
look<01:27:07.679> what<01:27:07.840> promotion<01:27:08.480> i<01:27:08.639> was<01:27:08.800> waiting<01:27:09.040> for
01:27:09.350 --> 01:27:09.360 align:start position:0%
look what promotion i was waiting for
01:27:09.360 --> 01:27:10.950 align:start position:0%
look what promotion i was waiting for
we're<01:27:09.520> leaving<01:27:09.920> maybe<01:27:10.159> this<01:27:10.400> isn't<01:27:10.639> the<01:27:10.800> right
01:27:10.950 --> 01:27:10.960 align:start position:0%
we're leaving maybe this isn't the right
01:27:10.960 --> 01:27:11.830 align:start position:0%
we're leaving maybe this isn't the right
time<01:27:11.199> to<01:27:11.360> discuss
01:27:11.830 --> 01:27:11.840 align:start position:0%
time to discuss
01:27:11.840 --> 01:27:16.830 align:start position:0%
time to discuss
aren't<01:27:12.000> we
01:27:16.830 --> 01:27:16.840 align:start position:0%
01:27:16.840 --> 01:27:28.629 align:start position:0%
no<01:27:19.120> i<01:27:19.199> told<01:27:19.440> him<01:27:19.600> i'm<01:27:19.760> staying<01:27:20.000> on<01:27:20.159> jenny
01:27:28.629 --> 01:27:28.639 align:start position:0%
01:27:28.639 --> 01:27:32.229 align:start position:0%
i<01:27:28.800> like<01:27:29.040> it<01:27:29.120> here<01:27:29.840> i<01:27:29.920> have<01:27:30.159> friends<01:27:30.840> here
01:27:32.229 --> 01:27:32.239 align:start position:0%
i like it here i have friends here
01:27:32.239 --> 01:27:33.189 align:start position:0%
i like it here i have friends here
and<01:27:32.320> you<01:27:32.480> know<01:27:32.560> it's<01:27:32.719> not<01:27:32.800> the<01:27:32.880> perfect
01:27:33.189 --> 01:27:33.199 align:start position:0%
and you know it's not the perfect
01:27:33.199 --> 01:27:34.870 align:start position:0%
and you know it's not the perfect
situation<01:27:33.760> for<01:27:33.920> me<01:27:34.080> either<01:27:34.320> but<01:27:34.480> i'm<01:27:34.560> making
01:27:34.870 --> 01:27:34.880 align:start position:0%
situation for me either but i'm making
01:27:34.880 --> 01:27:38.310 align:start position:0%
situation for me either but i'm making
it<01:27:35.120> work
01:27:38.310 --> 01:27:38.320 align:start position:0%
01:27:38.320 --> 01:27:40.070 align:start position:0%
i<01:27:38.480> really<01:27:38.719> think<01:27:38.880> we<01:27:38.960> could<01:27:39.120> have<01:27:39.280> a<01:27:39.360> good<01:27:39.840> life
01:27:40.070 --> 01:27:40.080 align:start position:0%
i really think we could have a good life
01:27:40.080 --> 01:27:41.590 align:start position:0%
i really think we could have a good life
here<01:27:40.320> if<01:27:40.480> you<01:27:40.560> just<01:27:40.719> give<01:27:41.040> you<01:27:41.120> didn't<01:27:41.440> think
01:27:41.590 --> 01:27:41.600 align:start position:0%
here if you just give you didn't think
01:27:41.600 --> 01:27:42.709 align:start position:0%
here if you just give you didn't think
this<01:27:41.840> was<01:27:42.000> something<01:27:42.239> you<01:27:42.400> should<01:27:42.560> have
01:27:42.709 --> 01:27:42.719 align:start position:0%
this was something you should have
01:27:42.719 --> 01:27:44.149 align:start position:0%
this was something you should have
discussed<01:27:43.120> with<01:27:43.360> me
01:27:44.149 --> 01:27:44.159 align:start position:0%
discussed with me
01:27:44.159 --> 01:27:47.430 align:start position:0%
discussed with me
we<01:27:44.320> decided<01:27:44.960> it<01:27:45.040> would<01:27:45.199> be<01:27:45.360> best<01:27:45.600> we
01:27:47.430 --> 01:27:47.440 align:start position:0%
we decided it would be best we
01:27:47.440 --> 01:27:49.189 align:start position:0%
we decided it would be best we
luke<01:27:47.760> and<01:27:47.840> i<01:27:48.080> discussed<01:27:48.560> what<01:27:48.719> would<01:27:48.880> be<01:27:48.960> best
01:27:49.189 --> 01:27:49.199 align:start position:0%
luke and i discussed what would be best
01:27:49.199 --> 01:27:50.629 align:start position:0%
luke and i discussed what would be best
for<01:27:49.440> the<01:27:49.520> baby
01:27:50.629 --> 01:27:50.639 align:start position:0%
for the baby
01:27:50.639 --> 01:27:53.350 align:start position:0%
for the baby
a<01:27:50.800> stable<01:27:51.280> environment<01:27:52.719> just<01:27:52.960> for<01:27:53.040> a<01:27:53.120> couple
01:27:53.350 --> 01:27:53.360 align:start position:0%
a stable environment just for a couple
01:27:53.360 --> 01:27:55.030 align:start position:0%
a stable environment just for a couple
of<01:27:53.520> years<01:27:53.760> just<01:27:54.000> until<01:27:54.239> things<01:27:54.480> settle<01:27:54.800> down
01:27:55.030 --> 01:27:55.040 align:start position:0%
of years just until things settle down
01:27:55.040 --> 01:27:58.149 align:start position:0%
of years just until things settle down
then<01:27:55.280> we<01:27:55.360> can
01:27:58.149 --> 01:27:58.159 align:start position:0%
01:27:58.159 --> 01:28:00.550 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:27:58.560> feeling<01:27:58.960> tired<01:27:59.600> i'm<01:27:59.760> gonna<01:27:59.920> go<01:28:00.080> lie<01:28:00.239> down
01:28:00.550 --> 01:28:00.560 align:start position:0%
i'm feeling tired i'm gonna go lie down
01:28:00.560 --> 01:28:01.910 align:start position:0%
i'm feeling tired i'm gonna go lie down
okay<01:28:01.120> no
01:28:01.910 --> 01:28:01.920 align:start position:0%
okay no
01:28:01.920 --> 01:28:10.550 align:start position:0%
okay no
be<01:28:02.080> fine<01:28:02.239> on<01:28:02.320> my<01:28:02.480> own
01:28:10.550 --> 01:28:10.560 align:start position:0%
01:28:10.560 --> 01:28:12.790 align:start position:0%
hello<01:28:10.960> i'm<01:28:11.040> coming<01:28:11.280> to<01:28:11.440> chicago<01:28:12.159> jennifer<01:28:12.560> no
01:28:12.790 --> 01:28:12.800 align:start position:0%
hello i'm coming to chicago jennifer no
01:28:12.800 --> 01:28:14.709 align:start position:0%
hello i'm coming to chicago jennifer no
01:28:14.709 --> 01:28:14.719 align:start position:0%
01:28:14.719 --> 01:28:16.310 align:start position:0%
grabbing<01:28:14.960> a<01:28:15.040> few<01:28:15.280> things<01:28:15.520> and<01:28:15.679> driving<01:28:16.080> up<01:28:16.239> it
01:28:16.310 --> 01:28:16.320 align:start position:0%
grabbing a few things and driving up it
01:28:16.320 --> 01:28:17.750 align:start position:0%
grabbing a few things and driving up it
will<01:28:16.480> have<01:28:16.639> me<01:28:16.800> great<01:28:17.120> if<01:28:17.280> not<01:28:17.440> i'll<01:28:17.600> find
01:28:17.750 --> 01:28:17.760 align:start position:0%
will have me great if not i'll find
01:28:17.760 --> 01:28:20.310 align:start position:0%
will have me great if not i'll find
somewhere<01:28:18.159> else
01:28:20.310 --> 01:28:20.320 align:start position:0%
somewhere else
01:28:20.320 --> 01:28:40.830 align:start position:0%
somewhere else
i<01:28:20.480> just<01:28:20.639> called<01:28:20.800> to<01:28:20.880> let<01:28:21.040> you<01:28:26.840> know
01:28:40.830 --> 01:28:40.840 align:start position:0%
01:28:40.840 --> 01:28:56.350 align:start position:0%
01:28:56.350 --> 01:28:56.360 align:start position:0%
01:28:56.360 --> 01:29:08.229 align:start position:0%
01:29:08.229 --> 01:29:08.239 align:start position:0%
01:29:08.239 --> 01:29:20.990 align:start position:0%
where<01:29:08.480> are<01:29:08.560> you
01:29:20.990 --> 01:29:21.000 align:start position:0%
01:29:21.000 --> 01:29:22.830 align:start position:0%
01:29:22.830 --> 01:29:22.840 align:start position:0%
01:29:22.840 --> 01:29:35.510 align:start position:0%
01:29:35.510 --> 01:29:35.520 align:start position:0%
01:29:35.520 --> 01:29:39.669 align:start position:0%
you<01:29:35.600> need<01:29:35.760> to<01:29:35.840> get<01:29:36.840> outside<01:29:38.480> jennifer<01:29:38.880> please
01:29:39.669 --> 01:29:39.679 align:start position:0%
you need to get outside jennifer please
01:29:39.679 --> 01:29:41.430 align:start position:0%
you need to get outside jennifer please
take<01:29:39.920> a<01:29:40.000> deep<01:29:40.159> breath<01:29:40.400> okay<01:29:40.800> i'm<01:29:40.960> coming<01:29:41.280> you
01:29:41.430 --> 01:29:41.440 align:start position:0%
take a deep breath okay i'm coming you
01:29:41.440 --> 01:29:44.470 align:start position:0%
take a deep breath okay i'm coming you
need<01:29:41.600> to<01:29:41.760> get<01:29:42.000> outside
01:29:44.470 --> 01:29:44.480 align:start position:0%
need to get outside
01:29:44.480 --> 01:29:46.790 align:start position:0%
need to get outside
you<01:29:44.719> can't<01:29:45.679> you<01:29:45.840> can<01:29:46.239> all<01:29:46.400> right<01:29:46.560> there's
01:29:46.790 --> 01:29:46.800 align:start position:0%
you can't you can all right there's
01:29:46.800 --> 01:29:48.470 align:start position:0%
you can't you can all right there's
nothing<01:29:47.120> in<01:29:47.280> the<01:29:47.360> hall
01:29:48.470 --> 01:29:48.480 align:start position:0%
nothing in the hall
01:29:48.480 --> 01:29:50.310 align:start position:0%
nothing in the hall
jennifer<01:29:49.280> there<01:29:49.440> never<01:29:49.679> has<01:29:49.920> been<01:29:50.080> all<01:29:50.159> right
01:29:50.310 --> 01:29:50.320 align:start position:0%
jennifer there never has been all right
01:29:50.320 --> 01:29:52.149 align:start position:0%
jennifer there never has been all right
just<01:29:50.560> sick<01:29:50.840> honey
01:29:52.149 --> 01:29:52.159 align:start position:0%
just sick honey
01:29:52.159 --> 01:29:54.790 align:start position:0%
just sick honey
all<01:29:52.320> right<01:29:52.480> i'm<01:29:52.719> sorry<01:29:53.760> okay<01:29:54.080> i<01:29:54.159> really<01:29:54.480> am<01:29:54.639> i'm
01:29:54.790 --> 01:29:54.800 align:start position:0%
all right i'm sorry okay i really am i'm
01:29:54.800 --> 01:29:57.110 align:start position:0%
all right i'm sorry okay i really am i'm
sorry<01:29:55.120> but<01:29:55.280> this<01:29:55.440> is<01:29:55.679> all<01:29:55.920> in<01:29:56.080> your<01:29:56.239> head
01:29:57.110 --> 01:29:57.120 align:start position:0%
sorry but this is all in your head
01:29:57.120 --> 01:29:58.229 align:start position:0%
sorry but this is all in your head
all<01:29:57.280> right<01:29:57.440> you<01:29:57.600> have<01:29:57.760> to<01:29:57.840> believe<01:29:58.080> me
01:29:58.229 --> 01:29:58.239 align:start position:0%
all right you have to believe me
01:29:58.239 --> 01:30:01.669 align:start position:0%
all right you have to believe me
jennifer<01:29:59.120> please
01:30:01.669 --> 01:30:01.679 align:start position:0%
01:30:01.679 --> 01:30:06.310 align:start position:0%
jennifer<01:30:04.840> okay
01:30:06.310 --> 01:30:06.320 align:start position:0%
jennifer okay
01:30:06.320 --> 01:30:21.350 align:start position:0%
jennifer okay
okay<01:30:08.000> all<01:30:08.080> right<01:30:08.239> go<01:30:08.400> to<01:30:08.560> the<01:30:18.840> door
01:30:21.350 --> 01:30:21.360 align:start position:0%
okay all right go to the door
01:30:21.360 --> 01:30:24.629 align:start position:0%
okay all right go to the door
i'm<01:30:21.600> there<01:30:22.560> all<01:30:22.719> right<01:30:22.880> good<01:30:23.360> good<01:30:24.080> all<01:30:24.239> right
01:30:24.629 --> 01:30:24.639 align:start position:0%
i'm there all right good good all right
01:30:24.639 --> 01:30:28.629 align:start position:0%
i'm there all right good good all right
now<01:30:24.800> close<01:30:25.040> your<01:30:25.199> eyes<01:30:26.960> eyes<01:30:27.280> closed
01:30:28.629 --> 01:30:28.639 align:start position:0%
now close your eyes eyes closed
01:30:28.639 --> 01:30:32.950 align:start position:0%
now close your eyes eyes closed
great<01:30:28.960> that's<01:30:29.280> great<01:30:30.159> all<01:30:30.320> right<01:30:30.639> now<01:30:30.880> open<01:30:31.120> it
01:30:32.950 --> 01:30:32.960 align:start position:0%
great that's great all right now open it
01:30:32.960 --> 01:30:35.350 align:start position:0%
great that's great all right now open it
jennifer<01:30:33.360> you<01:30:33.520> can<01:30:33.760> all<01:30:33.840> right<01:30:34.000> honey<01:30:34.320> listen
01:30:35.350 --> 01:30:35.360 align:start position:0%
jennifer you can all right honey listen
01:30:35.360 --> 01:30:36.790 align:start position:0%
jennifer you can all right honey listen
listen<01:30:35.600> to<01:30:35.760> what<01:30:35.840> i<01:30:35.920> say<01:30:36.159> there's<01:30:36.320> nothing<01:30:36.639> out
01:30:36.790 --> 01:30:36.800 align:start position:0%
listen to what i say there's nothing out
01:30:36.800 --> 01:30:37.110 align:start position:0%
listen to what i say there's nothing out
01:30:37.110 --> 01:30:37.120 align:start position:0%
01:30:37.120 --> 01:30:38.629 align:start position:0%
all<01:30:37.199> right<01:30:37.440> i<01:30:37.600> promise<01:30:37.920> there's<01:30:38.239> nothing
01:30:38.629 --> 01:30:38.639 align:start position:0%
all right i promise there's nothing
01:30:38.639 --> 01:30:40.310 align:start position:0%
all right i promise there's nothing
there<01:30:39.040> say<01:30:39.199> it
01:30:40.310 --> 01:30:40.320 align:start position:0%
there say it
01:30:40.320 --> 01:30:43.669 align:start position:0%
there say it
there's<01:30:40.480> nothing<01:30:40.800> there<01:30:42.719> okay<01:30:43.199> all<01:30:43.280> right
01:30:43.669 --> 01:30:43.679 align:start position:0%
there's nothing there okay all right
01:30:43.679 --> 01:30:51.750 align:start position:0%
there's nothing there okay all right
open<01:30:43.920> the<01:30:46.840> door
01:30:51.750 --> 01:30:51.760 align:start position:0%
01:30:51.760 --> 01:30:53.590 align:start position:0%
all<01:30:51.920> right<01:30:52.080> open<01:30:52.320> your<01:30:52.480> eyes<01:30:52.960> on<01:30:53.120> the<01:30:53.280> count<01:30:53.440> of
01:30:53.590 --> 01:30:53.600 align:start position:0%
all right open your eyes on the count of
01:30:53.600 --> 01:30:55.750 align:start position:0%
all right open your eyes on the count of
01:30:55.750 --> 01:30:55.760 align:start position:0%
01:30:55.760 --> 01:31:04.550 align:start position:0%
one<01:30:57.199> two<01:31:00.840> three
01:31:04.550 --> 01:31:04.560 align:start position:0%
01:31:04.560 --> 01:31:08.550 align:start position:0%
everything<01:31:04.960> okay<01:31:06.800> yeah
01:31:08.550 --> 01:31:08.560 align:start position:0%
everything okay yeah
01:31:08.560 --> 01:31:13.110 align:start position:0%
everything okay yeah
but<01:31:09.600> anything<01:31:09.920> out<01:31:10.080> there
01:31:13.110 --> 01:31:13.120 align:start position:0%
01:31:13.120 --> 01:31:16.229 align:start position:0%
no<01:31:15.040> it's<01:31:15.280> empty
01:31:16.229 --> 01:31:16.239 align:start position:0%
no it's empty
01:31:16.239 --> 01:31:18.310 align:start position:0%
no it's empty
all<01:31:16.320> right<01:31:16.480> just<01:31:17.280> just<01:31:17.520> go<01:31:17.679> downstairs<01:31:18.159> and
01:31:18.310 --> 01:31:18.320 align:start position:0%
all right just just go downstairs and
01:31:18.320 --> 01:31:42.830 align:start position:0%
all right just just go downstairs and
outside<01:31:18.960> i'll<01:31:19.120> be<01:31:19.280> there<01:31:28.840> soon
01:31:42.830 --> 01:31:42.840 align:start position:0%
01:31:42.840 --> 01:31:56.830 align:start position:0%
01:31:56.830 --> 01:31:56.840 align:start position:0%
01:31:56.840 --> 01:31:59.660 align:start position:0%
01:31:59.660 --> 01:31:59.670 align:start position:0%
01:31:59.670 --> 01:32:07.100 align:start position:0%
01:32:07.100 --> 01:32:07.110 align:start position:0%
01:32:07.110 --> 01:32:10.830 align:start position:0%
01:32:10.830 --> 01:32:10.840 align:start position:0%
01:32:10.840 --> 01:32:24.830 align:start position:0%
01:32:24.830 --> 01:32:24.840 align:start position:0%
01:32:24.840 --> 01:33:07.830 align:start position:0%
01:33:07.830 --> 01:33:07.840 align:start position:0%
01:33:07.840 --> 01:34:12.070 align:start position:0%
01:34:12.070 --> 01:34:12.080 align:start position:0%
01:34:12.080 --> 01:34:16.830 align:start position:0%
you<01:34:12.239> want<01:34:12.320> to<01:34:12.400> show<01:34:12.560> him<01:34:12.719> his<01:34:12.800> room
01:34:16.830 --> 01:34:16.840 align:start position:0%
01:34:16.840 --> 01:35:12.830 align:start position:0%
01:35:12.830 --> 01:35:12.840 align:start position:0%
01:35:12.840 --> 01:35:26.710 align:start position:0%
01:35:26.710 --> 01:35:26.720 align:start position:0%
01:35:26.720 --> 01:35:59.590 align:start position:0%
01:35:59.590 --> 01:35:59.600 align:start position:0%
01:35:59.600 --> 01:36:03.430 align:start position:0%
01:36:03.430 --> 01:36:03.440 align:start position:0%
01:36:03.440 --> 01:36:05.350 align:start position:0%
pardon<01:36:03.760> my<01:36:04.000> mess<01:36:04.320> i'm<01:36:04.560> not<01:36:04.800> accustomed<01:36:05.199> to
01:36:05.350 --> 01:36:05.360 align:start position:0%
pardon my mess i'm not accustomed to
01:36:05.360 --> 01:36:17.189 align:start position:0%
pardon my mess i'm not accustomed to
having<01:36:06.320> much<01:36:08.840> company
01:36:17.189 --> 01:36:17.199 align:start position:0%
01:36:17.199 --> 01:36:19.910 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:36:17.360> sorry<01:36:17.679> for<01:36:17.840> how<01:36:18.000> i<01:36:18.239> acted<01:36:19.520> for<01:36:19.679> what<01:36:19.840> i
01:36:19.910 --> 01:36:19.920 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry for how i acted for what i
01:36:19.920 --> 01:36:20.229 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry for how i acted for what i
01:36:20.229 --> 01:36:20.239 align:start position:0%
01:36:20.239 --> 01:36:22.830 align:start position:0%
please<01:36:20.880> we're<01:36:21.040> both<01:36:21.280> adults<01:36:21.760> no<01:36:22.000> need<01:36:22.480> for
01:36:22.830 --> 01:36:22.840 align:start position:0%
please we're both adults no need for
01:36:22.840 --> 01:36:24.950 align:start position:0%
please we're both adults no need for
01:36:24.950 --> 01:36:24.960 align:start position:0%
01:36:24.960 --> 01:36:28.629 align:start position:0%
what<01:36:25.119> can<01:36:25.280> i<01:36:25.360> do<01:36:25.600> for<01:36:25.760> you
01:36:28.629 --> 01:36:28.639 align:start position:0%
01:36:28.639 --> 01:36:30.070 align:start position:0%
luke<01:36:28.880> and<01:36:29.040> my<01:36:29.119> mom<01:36:29.360> are<01:36:29.440> telling<01:36:29.679> me<01:36:29.840> that<01:36:30.000> the
01:36:30.070 --> 01:36:30.080 align:start position:0%
luke and my mom are telling me that the
01:36:30.080 --> 01:36:32.950 align:start position:0%
luke and my mom are telling me that the
pregnancy<01:36:30.639> was<01:36:30.960> too<01:36:31.119> much<01:36:31.360> for<01:36:31.520> me
01:36:32.950 --> 01:36:32.960 align:start position:0%
pregnancy was too much for me
01:36:32.960 --> 01:36:35.669 align:start position:0%
pregnancy was too much for me
at<01:36:33.119> this<01:36:33.440> point<01:36:34.159> i'm<01:36:34.400> willing<01:36:34.719> to<01:36:34.880> accept<01:36:35.280> that
01:36:35.669 --> 01:36:35.679 align:start position:0%
at this point i'm willing to accept that
01:36:35.679 --> 01:36:37.189 align:start position:0%
at this point i'm willing to accept that
there<01:36:35.840> are<01:36:35.920> just<01:36:36.159> a<01:36:36.239> few<01:36:36.480> things<01:36:36.800> that<01:36:36.880> keep
01:36:37.189 --> 01:36:37.199 align:start position:0%
there are just a few things that keep
01:36:37.199 --> 01:36:40.870 align:start position:0%
there are just a few things that keep
nagging<01:36:37.520> at<01:36:37.679> me
01:36:40.870 --> 01:36:40.880 align:start position:0%
01:36:40.880 --> 01:36:43.830 align:start position:0%
you<01:36:41.119> saw<01:36:41.360> something<01:36:42.880> didn't<01:36:43.199> you<01:36:43.600> right
01:36:43.830 --> 01:36:43.840 align:start position:0%
you saw something didn't you right
01:36:43.840 --> 01:36:47.109 align:start position:0%
you saw something didn't you right
before<01:36:44.080> you<01:36:44.239> left<01:36:44.560> no
01:36:47.109 --> 01:36:47.119 align:start position:0%
01:36:47.119 --> 01:36:50.709 align:start position:0%
i<01:36:47.360> saw<01:36:47.600> your<01:36:47.840> face<01:36:48.239> no<01:36:49.360> i<01:36:49.520> didn't
01:36:50.709 --> 01:36:50.719 align:start position:0%
i saw your face no i didn't
01:36:50.719 --> 01:36:54.149 align:start position:0%
i saw your face no i didn't
see<01:36:51.199> anything<01:36:53.199> something<01:36:53.600> just<01:36:53.760> started<01:36:54.080> to
01:36:54.149 --> 01:36:54.159 align:start position:0%
see anything something just started to
01:36:54.159 --> 01:36:56.870 align:start position:0%
see anything something just started to
make<01:36:54.320> sense<01:36:54.560> to<01:36:54.719> me<01:36:54.800> that's<01:36:55.119> all
01:36:56.870 --> 01:36:56.880 align:start position:0%
make sense to me that's all
01:36:56.880 --> 01:37:00.550 align:start position:0%
make sense to me that's all
01:37:00.550 --> 01:37:00.560 align:start position:0%
01:37:00.560 --> 01:37:02.629 align:start position:0%
i<01:37:00.639> don't<01:37:00.800> believe<01:37:01.119> in<01:37:01.280> god<01:37:01.679> jennifer<01:37:02.159> i<01:37:02.239> don't
01:37:02.629 --> 01:37:02.639 align:start position:0%
i don't believe in god jennifer i don't
01:37:02.639 --> 01:37:03.669 align:start position:0%
i don't believe in god jennifer i don't
believe<01:37:03.040> in
01:37:03.669 --> 01:37:03.679 align:start position:0%
believe in
01:37:03.679 --> 01:37:07.350 align:start position:0%
believe in
life<01:37:04.480> after<01:37:04.880> death<01:37:06.560> and<01:37:06.719> if<01:37:06.880> you<01:37:06.960> pressed<01:37:07.199> me
01:37:07.350 --> 01:37:07.360 align:start position:0%
life after death and if you pressed me
01:37:07.360 --> 01:37:09.590 align:start position:0%
life after death and if you pressed me
i'd<01:37:07.600> have<01:37:07.679> to<01:37:07.920> admit<01:37:08.239> i
01:37:09.590 --> 01:37:09.600 align:start position:0%
i'd have to admit i
01:37:09.600 --> 01:37:12.390 align:start position:0%
i'd have to admit i
don't<01:37:09.760> believe<01:37:10.080> in<01:37:10.239> ghosts<01:37:10.719> either<01:37:12.080> at<01:37:12.159> least
01:37:12.390 --> 01:37:12.400 align:start position:0%
don't believe in ghosts either at least
01:37:12.400 --> 01:37:15.910 align:start position:0%
don't believe in ghosts either at least
not<01:37:12.560> the<01:37:12.639> way<01:37:12.800> they're<01:37:12.960> generally<01:37:13.360> understood
01:37:15.910 --> 01:37:15.920 align:start position:0%
01:37:15.920 --> 01:37:19.270 align:start position:0%
i<01:37:16.080> stopped<01:37:16.480> believing<01:37:16.960> all<01:37:17.119> of<01:37:17.199> that<01:37:17.520> after
01:37:19.270 --> 01:37:19.280 align:start position:0%
i stopped believing all of that after
01:37:19.280 --> 01:37:21.750 align:start position:0%
i stopped believing all of that after
charlie<01:37:19.600> died<01:37:20.800> because<01:37:21.119> i<01:37:21.199> knew<01:37:21.440> that<01:37:21.600> if
01:37:21.750 --> 01:37:21.760 align:start position:0%
charlie died because i knew that if
01:37:21.760 --> 01:37:23.270 align:start position:0%
charlie died because i knew that if
there<01:37:21.840> was<01:37:22.000> an<01:37:22.159> afterlife<01:37:22.719> if<01:37:22.800> there<01:37:22.960> was<01:37:23.119> any
01:37:23.270 --> 01:37:23.280 align:start position:0%
there was an afterlife if there was any
01:37:23.280 --> 01:37:25.590 align:start position:0%
there was an afterlife if there was any
way<01:37:23.520> possible
01:37:25.590 --> 01:37:25.600 align:start position:0%
way possible
01:37:25.600 --> 01:37:30.390 align:start position:0%
way possible
he<01:37:25.760> would<01:37:25.920> contact<01:37:26.400> me<01:37:28.400> and<01:37:28.639> he<01:37:28.800> didn't
01:37:30.390 --> 01:37:30.400 align:start position:0%
he would contact me and he didn't
01:37:30.400 --> 01:37:33.990 align:start position:0%
he would contact me and he didn't
he<01:37:30.639> hasn't<01:37:30.960> not<01:37:31.199> once<01:37:31.440> in<01:37:31.760> over<01:37:32.000> 20<01:37:32.840> years<01:37:33.920> and
01:37:33.990 --> 01:37:34.000 align:start position:0%
he hasn't not once in over 20 years and
01:37:34.000 --> 01:37:43.109 align:start position:0%
he hasn't not once in over 20 years and
how<01:37:34.239> i<01:37:34.480> tried
01:37:43.109 --> 01:37:43.119 align:start position:0%
01:37:43.119 --> 01:37:47.189 align:start position:0%
but<01:37:43.280> you<01:37:43.520> said<01:37:43.760> you<01:37:43.920> pick<01:37:44.159> up<01:37:44.480> energies<01:37:45.760> yes
01:37:47.189 --> 01:37:47.199 align:start position:0%
but you said you pick up energies yes
01:37:47.199 --> 01:37:51.750 align:start position:0%
but you said you pick up energies yes
but<01:37:47.520> just<01:37:48.400> that
01:37:51.750 --> 01:37:51.760 align:start position:0%
01:37:51.760 --> 01:37:53.510 align:start position:0%
it's<01:37:51.920> a<01:37:52.000> lot<01:37:52.239> less<01:37:52.400> romantic<01:37:52.880> than<01:37:53.040> ghosts
01:37:53.510 --> 01:37:53.520 align:start position:0%
it's a lot less romantic than ghosts
01:37:53.520 --> 01:37:54.950 align:start position:0%
it's a lot less romantic than ghosts
isn't<01:37:53.760> it
01:37:54.950 --> 01:37:54.960 align:start position:0%
isn't it
01:37:54.960 --> 01:37:59.510 align:start position:0%
isn't it
it's<01:37:55.360> a<01:37:55.440> lot<01:37:55.600> less<01:37:57.199> comforting<01:37:57.840> too
01:37:59.510 --> 01:37:59.520 align:start position:0%
it's a lot less comforting too
01:37:59.520 --> 01:38:01.109 align:start position:0%
it's a lot less comforting too
but<01:37:59.679> that's<01:37:59.920> all<01:38:00.080> i<01:38:00.159> was<01:38:00.320> ever<01:38:00.560> able<01:38:00.800> to<01:38:00.880> pick
01:38:01.109 --> 01:38:01.119 align:start position:0%
but that's all i was ever able to pick
01:38:01.119 --> 01:38:02.950 align:start position:0%
but that's all i was ever able to pick
up<01:38:01.360> on
01:38:02.950 --> 01:38:02.960 align:start position:0%
up on
01:38:02.960 --> 01:38:05.910 align:start position:0%
up on
i<01:38:03.280> don't<01:38:03.440> think<01:38:03.600> there<01:38:03.760> is<01:38:03.920> anything<01:38:04.239> else
01:38:05.910 --> 01:38:05.920 align:start position:0%
i don't think there is anything else
01:38:05.920 --> 01:38:07.510 align:start position:0%
i don't think there is anything else
well<01:38:06.080> if<01:38:06.239> you<01:38:06.320> don't<01:38:06.480> think<01:38:06.719> it<01:38:06.800> was<01:38:07.040> a<01:38:07.119> ghost
01:38:07.510 --> 01:38:07.520 align:start position:0%
well if you don't think it was a ghost
01:38:07.520 --> 01:38:09.189 align:start position:0%
well if you don't think it was a ghost
then<01:38:07.679> what<01:38:07.920> was<01:38:08.080> it<01:38:08.320> you
01:38:09.189 --> 01:38:09.199 align:start position:0%
then what was it you
01:38:09.199 --> 01:38:11.910 align:start position:0%
then what was it you
have<01:38:09.600> an<01:38:09.840> energy<01:38:10.719> jennifer<01:38:11.280> i'm<01:38:11.440> picking<01:38:11.760> up
01:38:11.910 --> 01:38:11.920 align:start position:0%
have an energy jennifer i'm picking up
01:38:11.920 --> 01:38:13.590 align:start position:0%
have an energy jennifer i'm picking up
on<01:38:12.080> her<01:38:12.159> right<01:38:12.400> now
01:38:13.590 --> 01:38:13.600 align:start position:0%
on her right now
01:38:13.600 --> 01:38:17.750 align:start position:0%
on her right now
you're<01:38:13.760> afraid<01:38:14.840> frustrated<01:38:16.159> i<01:38:16.400> feel<01:38:16.639> that
01:38:17.750 --> 01:38:17.760 align:start position:0%
you're afraid frustrated i feel that
01:38:17.760 --> 01:38:20.310 align:start position:0%
you're afraid frustrated i feel that
and<01:38:17.920> whether<01:38:18.239> you're<01:38:18.400> aware<01:38:18.719> of<01:38:18.880> it<01:38:19.040> or<01:38:19.119> not
01:38:20.310 --> 01:38:20.320 align:start position:0%
and whether you're aware of it or not
01:38:20.320 --> 01:38:22.310 align:start position:0%
and whether you're aware of it or not
it's<01:38:20.560> bumping<01:38:20.960> up<01:38:21.119> against<01:38:21.520> my<01:38:21.840> energy<01:38:22.159> it's
01:38:22.310 --> 01:38:22.320 align:start position:0%
it's bumping up against my energy it's
01:38:22.320 --> 01:38:25.669 align:start position:0%
it's bumping up against my energy it's
physically<01:38:22.800> affecting<01:38:23.199> me<01:38:23.360> energy<01:38:23.679> does<01:38:24.000> that
01:38:25.669 --> 01:38:25.679 align:start position:0%
physically affecting me energy does that
01:38:25.679 --> 01:38:28.950 align:start position:0%
physically affecting me energy does that
all<01:38:26.080> places<01:38:27.760> have<01:38:28.080> energies<01:38:28.560> too
01:38:28.950 --> 01:38:28.960 align:start position:0%
all places have energies too
01:38:28.960 --> 01:38:31.510 align:start position:0%
all places have energies too
jennifer<01:38:29.440> houses<01:38:29.920> even<01:38:31.119> and<01:38:31.199> they<01:38:31.360> are
01:38:31.510 --> 01:38:31.520 align:start position:0%
jennifer houses even and they are
01:38:31.520 --> 01:38:34.870 align:start position:0%
jennifer houses even and they are
affected<01:38:32.000> in<01:38:32.159> just<01:38:32.560> the<01:38:32.719> same<01:38:32.960> way
01:38:34.870 --> 01:38:34.880 align:start position:0%
affected in just the same way
01:38:34.880 --> 01:38:38.149 align:start position:0%
affected in just the same way
let's<01:38:35.040> say<01:38:35.280> you<01:38:35.440> go<01:38:35.600> into<01:38:35.920> a<01:38:36.080> place<01:38:36.480> that<01:38:37.840> has<01:38:38.080> a
01:38:38.149 --> 01:38:38.159 align:start position:0%
let's say you go into a place that has a
01:38:38.159 --> 01:38:38.790 align:start position:0%
let's say you go into a place that has a
lot<01:38:38.400> of
01:38:38.790 --> 01:38:38.800 align:start position:0%
lot of
01:38:38.800 --> 01:38:43.510 align:start position:0%
lot of
energy<01:38:39.280> hanging<01:38:39.679> around<01:38:40.000> it<01:38:41.679> your<01:38:41.920> house<01:38:42.320> say
01:38:43.510 --> 01:38:43.520 align:start position:0%
energy hanging around it your house say
01:38:43.520 --> 01:38:45.830 align:start position:0%
energy hanging around it your house say
if<01:38:43.679> you<01:38:43.760> go<01:38:44.000> into<01:38:44.320> a<01:38:44.480> place<01:38:45.199> like<01:38:45.520> that<01:38:45.760> and
01:38:45.830 --> 01:38:45.840 align:start position:0%
if you go into a place like that and
01:38:45.840 --> 01:38:47.910 align:start position:0%
if you go into a place like that and
you're<01:38:46.000> going<01:38:46.320> through<01:38:46.560> something
01:38:47.910 --> 01:38:47.920 align:start position:0%
you're going through something
01:38:47.920 --> 01:38:51.189 align:start position:0%
you're going through something
stress<01:38:48.639> anger<01:38:50.000> a<01:38:50.080> lot<01:38:50.239> of<01:38:50.480> sorrow
01:38:51.189 --> 01:38:51.199 align:start position:0%
stress anger a lot of sorrow
01:38:51.199 --> 01:38:54.550 align:start position:0%
stress anger a lot of sorrow
regret<01:38:51.840> anything<01:38:53.520> well<01:38:53.840> all<01:38:54.000> that<01:38:54.239> energy
01:38:54.550 --> 01:38:54.560 align:start position:0%
regret anything well all that energy
01:38:54.560 --> 01:38:56.629 align:start position:0%
regret anything well all that energy
you're<01:38:54.880> pouring<01:38:55.280> out
01:38:56.629 --> 01:38:56.639 align:start position:0%
you're pouring out
01:38:56.639 --> 01:38:58.149 align:start position:0%
you're pouring out
is<01:38:56.800> going<01:38:56.960> to<01:38:57.040> bump<01:38:57.280> up<01:38:57.440> against<01:38:57.679> the<01:38:57.840> energy
01:38:58.149 --> 01:38:58.159 align:start position:0%
is going to bump up against the energy
01:38:58.159 --> 01:39:00.149 align:start position:0%
is going to bump up against the energy
that's<01:38:58.400> already<01:38:58.719> there
01:39:00.149 --> 01:39:00.159 align:start position:0%
that's already there
01:39:00.159 --> 01:39:01.910 align:start position:0%
that's already there
it's<01:39:00.400> going<01:39:00.480> to<01:39:00.719> rough<01:39:00.960> it<01:39:01.119> up<01:39:01.280> you<01:39:01.440> see<01:39:01.679> mess
01:39:01.910 --> 01:39:01.920 align:start position:0%
it's going to rough it up you see mess
01:39:01.920 --> 01:39:03.990 align:start position:0%
it's going to rough it up you see mess
with<01:39:02.159> it
01:39:03.990 --> 01:39:04.000 align:start position:0%
with it
01:39:04.000 --> 01:39:07.030 align:start position:0%
with it
and<01:39:04.159> then<01:39:05.600> that<01:39:05.920> energy<01:39:06.239> that<01:39:06.400> was<01:39:06.560> there<01:39:06.880> is
01:39:07.030 --> 01:39:07.040 align:start position:0%
and then that energy that was there is
01:39:07.040 --> 01:39:08.950 align:start position:0%
and then that energy that was there is
going<01:39:07.280> to<01:39:07.440> change
01:39:08.950 --> 01:39:08.960 align:start position:0%
going to change
01:39:08.960 --> 01:39:13.189 align:start position:0%
going to change
it's<01:39:09.119> going<01:39:09.280> to<01:39:10.840> react
01:39:13.189 --> 01:39:13.199 align:start position:0%
it's going to react
01:39:13.199 --> 01:39:15.030 align:start position:0%
it's going to react
i'm<01:39:13.360> not<01:39:13.600> saying<01:39:13.760> that's<01:39:14.080> exactly<01:39:14.800> what's
01:39:15.030 --> 01:39:15.040 align:start position:0%
i'm not saying that's exactly what's
01:39:15.040 --> 01:39:17.510 align:start position:0%
i'm not saying that's exactly what's
happening<01:39:15.440> in<01:39:15.520> your<01:39:15.679> house
01:39:17.510 --> 01:39:17.520 align:start position:0%
happening in your house
01:39:17.520 --> 01:39:19.270 align:start position:0%
happening in your house
but<01:39:17.679> i<01:39:17.840> am<01:39:18.080> saying<01:39:18.320> that<01:39:18.400> we<01:39:18.560> often<01:39:18.880> forget
01:39:19.270 --> 01:39:19.280 align:start position:0%
but i am saying that we often forget
01:39:19.280 --> 01:39:21.030 align:start position:0%
but i am saying that we often forget
that<01:39:19.440> we're<01:39:19.920> constantly<01:39:20.560> affecting
01:39:21.030 --> 01:39:21.040 align:start position:0%
that we're constantly affecting
01:39:21.040 --> 01:39:22.950 align:start position:0%
that we're constantly affecting
everything<01:39:21.520> around<01:39:21.840> us
01:39:22.950 --> 01:39:22.960 align:start position:0%
everything around us
01:39:22.960 --> 01:39:26.870 align:start position:0%
everything around us
people<01:39:24.840> environments
01:39:26.870 --> 01:39:26.880 align:start position:0%
people environments
01:39:26.880 --> 01:39:31.350 align:start position:0%
people environments
old<01:39:27.199> houses<01:39:27.679> in<01:39:27.920> kansas
01:39:31.350 --> 01:39:31.360 align:start position:0%
01:39:31.360 --> 01:39:35.510 align:start position:0%
you're<01:39:31.679> saying
01:39:35.510 --> 01:39:35.520 align:start position:0%
01:39:35.520 --> 01:39:37.350 align:start position:0%
you<01:39:35.760> think<01:39:36.000> this<01:39:36.159> was<01:39:36.400> all<01:39:36.560> my<01:39:36.800> fault<01:39:37.280> you
01:39:37.350 --> 01:39:37.360 align:start position:0%
you think this was all my fault you
01:39:37.360 --> 01:39:38.950 align:start position:0%
you think this was all my fault you
wanted<01:39:37.679> my<01:39:37.840> opinion<01:39:38.320> there<01:39:38.480> it<01:39:38.639> is
01:39:38.950 --> 01:39:38.960 align:start position:0%
wanted my opinion there it is
01:39:38.960 --> 01:39:40.550 align:start position:0%
wanted my opinion there it is
there's<01:39:39.280> got<01:39:39.440> to<01:39:39.520> be<01:39:39.600> another<01:39:39.920> explanation
01:39:40.550 --> 01:39:40.560 align:start position:0%
there's got to be another explanation
01:39:40.560 --> 01:39:42.310 align:start position:0%
there's got to be another explanation
there's<01:39:41.119> there's<01:39:41.360> something<01:39:41.679> else<01:39:41.920> i<01:39:42.080> won't
01:39:42.310 --> 01:39:42.320 align:start position:0%
there's there's something else i won't
01:39:42.320 --> 01:39:42.870 align:start position:0%
there's there's something else i won't
accept<01:39:42.560> that
01:39:42.870 --> 01:39:42.880 align:start position:0%
accept that
01:39:42.880 --> 01:39:45.669 align:start position:0%
accept that
of<01:39:42.960> course<01:39:43.280> not<01:39:44.239> you're<01:39:44.400> too<01:39:44.639> blinded<01:39:45.199> by<01:39:45.360> your
01:39:45.669 --> 01:39:45.679 align:start position:0%
of course not you're too blinded by your
01:39:45.679 --> 01:39:47.270 align:start position:0%
of course not you're too blinded by your
search<01:39:46.000> to<01:39:46.159> find<01:39:46.400> something<01:39:46.800> or<01:39:46.880> someone<01:39:47.119> else
01:39:47.270 --> 01:39:47.280 align:start position:0%
search to find something or someone else
01:39:47.280 --> 01:39:49.109 align:start position:0%
search to find something or someone else
to<01:39:47.440> blame<01:39:47.840> aren't<01:39:48.080> you
01:39:49.109 --> 01:39:49.119 align:start position:0%
to blame aren't you
01:39:49.119 --> 01:39:50.470 align:start position:0%
to blame aren't you
well<01:39:49.280> there<01:39:49.440> are<01:39:49.520> things<01:39:49.760> much<01:39:50.000> bigger<01:39:50.239> than
01:39:50.470 --> 01:39:50.480 align:start position:0%
well there are things much bigger than
01:39:50.480 --> 01:39:52.790 align:start position:0%
well there are things much bigger than
us<01:39:50.719> jennifer<01:39:51.679> things<01:39:51.920> that<01:39:52.080> aren't<01:39:52.159> so<01:39:52.400> easily
01:39:52.790 --> 01:39:52.800 align:start position:0%
us jennifer things that aren't so easily
01:39:52.800 --> 01:39:54.390 align:start position:0%
us jennifer things that aren't so easily
categorized<01:39:53.600> or
01:39:54.390 --> 01:39:54.400 align:start position:0%
categorized or
01:39:54.400 --> 01:39:57.270 align:start position:0%
categorized or
controlled<01:39:56.080> you<01:39:56.320> might<01:39:56.480> have<01:39:56.639> better<01:39:56.880> luck<01:39:57.119> if
01:39:57.270 --> 01:39:57.280 align:start position:0%
controlled you might have better luck if
01:39:57.280 --> 01:39:58.149 align:start position:0%
controlled you might have better luck if
01:39:58.149 --> 01:39:58.159 align:start position:0%
01:39:58.159 --> 01:39:59.830 align:start position:0%
stopped<01:39:58.719> trying<01:39:58.960> to<01:39:59.119> push<01:39:59.360> everything<01:39:59.679> the
01:39:59.830 --> 01:39:59.840 align:start position:0%
stopped trying to push everything the
01:39:59.840 --> 01:40:01.350 align:start position:0%
stopped trying to push everything the
way<01:40:00.000> you<01:40:00.080> wanted<01:40:00.400> it<01:40:00.480> to<01:40:00.639> go<01:40:00.880> and<01:40:01.040> started
01:40:01.350 --> 01:40:01.360 align:start position:0%
way you wanted it to go and started
01:40:01.360 --> 01:40:05.669 align:start position:0%
way you wanted it to go and started
looking<01:40:01.679> at<01:40:01.760> the<01:40:01.920> source
01:40:05.669 --> 01:40:05.679 align:start position:0%
01:40:05.679 --> 01:40:08.310 align:start position:0%
you<01:40:05.840> don't<01:40:06.080> know<01:40:06.320> anything<01:40:06.719> about<01:40:07.040> me<01:40:07.360> oh<01:40:08.080> but
01:40:08.310 --> 01:40:08.320 align:start position:0%
you don't know anything about me oh but
01:40:08.320 --> 01:40:08.870 align:start position:0%
you don't know anything about me oh but
i<01:40:08.560> do
01:40:08.870 --> 01:40:08.880 align:start position:0%
i do
01:40:08.880 --> 01:40:13.189 align:start position:0%
i do
my<01:40:09.119> dear<01:40:11.600> you<01:40:11.840> moved<01:40:12.159> into<01:40:12.320> that<01:40:12.639> house<01:40:13.040> and
01:40:13.189 --> 01:40:13.199 align:start position:0%
my dear you moved into that house and
01:40:13.199 --> 01:40:13.590 align:start position:0%
my dear you moved into that house and
01:40:13.590 --> 01:40:13.600 align:start position:0%
01:40:13.600 --> 01:40:17.189 align:start position:0%
hated<01:40:14.000> it<01:40:15.520> you<01:40:15.679> hated<01:40:16.080> this<01:40:16.400> town<01:40:16.719> you<01:40:16.880> hated
01:40:17.189 --> 01:40:17.199 align:start position:0%
hated it you hated this town you hated
01:40:17.199 --> 01:40:18.229 align:start position:0%
hated it you hated this town you hated
your<01:40:17.360> mother
01:40:18.229 --> 01:40:18.239 align:start position:0%
your mother
01:40:18.239 --> 01:40:19.750 align:start position:0%
your mother
you<01:40:18.400> hated<01:40:18.719> your<01:40:18.800> husband<01:40:19.199> for<01:40:19.360> bringing<01:40:19.600> you
01:40:19.750 --> 01:40:19.760 align:start position:0%
you hated your husband for bringing you
01:40:19.760 --> 01:40:21.590 align:start position:0%
you hated your husband for bringing you
here<01:40:20.000> and<01:40:20.159> most<01:40:20.400> of<01:40:20.560> all
01:40:21.590 --> 01:40:21.600 align:start position:0%
here and most of all
01:40:21.600 --> 01:40:24.229 align:start position:0%
here and most of all
you<01:40:21.760> hated<01:40:22.080> that<01:40:22.239> baby<01:40:22.639> inside<01:40:23.040> you<01:40:23.920> and<01:40:24.080> what
01:40:24.229 --> 01:40:24.239 align:start position:0%
you hated that baby inside you and what
01:40:24.239 --> 01:40:27.109 align:start position:0%
you hated that baby inside you and what
it<01:40:24.320> did<01:40:24.560> to<01:40:24.719> your<01:40:24.880> perfect<01:40:25.280> life
01:40:27.109 --> 01:40:27.119 align:start position:0%
it did to your perfect life
01:40:27.119 --> 01:40:29.430 align:start position:0%
it did to your perfect life
from<01:40:27.360> all<01:40:27.600> i<01:40:27.679> can<01:40:27.920> see<01:40:28.639> you've<01:40:28.880> done<01:40:29.119> nothing
01:40:29.430 --> 01:40:29.440 align:start position:0%
from all i can see you've done nothing
01:40:29.440 --> 01:40:31.750 align:start position:0%
from all i can see you've done nothing
but<01:40:29.679> hate
01:40:31.750 --> 01:40:31.760 align:start position:0%
but hate
01:40:31.760 --> 01:40:34.070 align:start position:0%
but hate
are<01:40:31.920> you<01:40:32.239> really<01:40:32.719> surprised<01:40:33.440> that<01:40:33.520> the<01:40:33.760> house
01:40:34.070 --> 01:40:34.080 align:start position:0%
are you really surprised that the house
01:40:34.080 --> 01:40:36.790 align:start position:0%
are you really surprised that the house
started<01:40:34.480> to<01:40:34.719> hate<01:40:35.119> back
01:40:36.790 --> 01:40:36.800 align:start position:0%
started to hate back
01:40:36.800 --> 01:40:37.990 align:start position:0%
started to hate back
i<01:40:36.960> shouldn't<01:40:37.280> have<01:40:37.360> come<01:40:37.520> to<01:40:37.600> you<01:40:37.760> i<01:40:37.840> should
01:40:37.990 --> 01:40:38.000 align:start position:0%
i shouldn't have come to you i should
01:40:38.000 --> 01:40:39.270 align:start position:0%
i shouldn't have come to you i should
have<01:40:38.080> known<01:40:38.320> you<01:40:38.400> wouldn't<01:40:38.639> help<01:40:39.040> what<01:40:39.199> are
01:40:39.270 --> 01:40:39.280 align:start position:0%
have known you wouldn't help what are
01:40:39.280 --> 01:40:41.109 align:start position:0%
have known you wouldn't help what are
you<01:40:39.440> even<01:40:39.760> doing<01:40:40.080> here
01:40:41.109 --> 01:40:41.119 align:start position:0%
you even doing here
01:40:41.119 --> 01:40:44.310 align:start position:0%
you even doing here
still<01:40:41.520> in<01:40:41.679> this<01:40:42.000> town<01:40:43.119> now<01:40:43.360> that<01:40:43.840> everything
01:40:44.310 --> 01:40:44.320 align:start position:0%
still in this town now that everything
01:40:44.320 --> 01:40:46.629 align:start position:0%
still in this town now that everything
is<01:40:44.400> settled<01:40:44.719> now<01:40:44.880> that<01:40:44.960> the<01:40:45.119> baby<01:40:45.440> is<01:40:45.600> born
01:40:46.629 --> 01:40:46.639 align:start position:0%
is settled now that the baby is born
01:40:46.639 --> 01:40:48.830 align:start position:0%
is settled now that the baby is born
i<01:40:46.800> don't<01:40:46.960> understand<01:40:47.360> why<01:40:47.520> don't<01:40:47.679> you<01:40:47.840> just
01:40:48.830 --> 01:40:48.840 align:start position:0%
i don't understand why don't you just
01:40:48.840 --> 01:40:53.030 align:start position:0%
i don't understand why don't you just
01:40:53.030 --> 01:40:53.040 align:start position:0%
01:40:53.040 --> 01:40:57.109 align:start position:0%
believe<01:40:53.360> me<01:40:53.600> that's<01:40:54.080> all<01:40:54.400> i<01:40:54.639> want
01:40:57.109 --> 01:40:57.119 align:start position:0%
01:40:57.119 --> 01:41:16.830 align:start position:0%
then<01:40:57.360> what's<01:40:57.679> stopping<01:41:02.840> you
01:41:16.830 --> 01:41:16.840 align:start position:0%
01:41:16.840 --> 01:41:23.109 align:start position:0%
01:41:23.109 --> 01:41:23.119 align:start position:0%
01:41:23.119 --> 01:41:30.830 align:start position:0%
01:41:30.830 --> 01:41:30.840 align:start position:0%
01:41:30.840 --> 01:42:04.040 align:start position:0%
01:42:04.040 --> 01:42:04.050 align:start position:0%
01:42:04.050 --> 01:42:12.830 align:start position:0%
01:42:12.830 --> 01:42:12.840 align:start position:0%
01:42:12.840 --> 01:42:26.830 align:start position:0%
01:42:26.830 --> 01:42:26.840 align:start position:0%
01:42:26.840 --> 01:42:31.240 align:start position:0%
01:42:31.240 --> 01:42:31.250 align:start position:0%
01:42:31.250 --> 01:43:07.510 align:start position:0%
01:43:07.510 --> 01:43:07.520 align:start position:0%
01:43:07.520 --> 01:43:33.260 align:start position:0%
01:43:33.260 --> 01:43:33.270 align:start position:0%
01:43:33.270 --> 01:44:46.830 align:start position:0%
01:44:46.830 --> 01:44:46.840 align:start position:0%
01:44:46.840 --> 01:44:52.870 align:start position:0%
01:44:52.870 --> 01:44:52.880 align:start position:0%
01:44:52.880 --> 01:45:02.950 align:start position:0%
grandma's<01:44:53.440> gonna<01:44:53.679> miss<01:44:54.000> you<01:44:54.239> so<01:45:00.840> much
01:45:02.950 --> 01:45:02.960 align:start position:0%
grandma's gonna miss you so much
01:45:02.960 --> 01:45:04.470 align:start position:0%
grandma's gonna miss you so much
are<01:45:03.119> you<01:45:03.280> sure<01:45:03.520> this<01:45:03.760> is<01:45:03.840> the<01:45:03.920> right<01:45:04.159> thing<01:45:04.320> to
01:45:04.470 --> 01:45:04.480 align:start position:0%
are you sure this is the right thing to
01:45:04.480 --> 01:45:06.149 align:start position:0%
are you sure this is the right thing to
01:45:06.149 --> 01:45:06.159 align:start position:0%
01:45:06.159 --> 01:45:07.750 align:start position:0%
if<01:45:06.239> you<01:45:06.400> live<01:45:06.639> closer<01:45:07.040> i<01:45:07.119> could<01:45:07.280> help<01:45:07.440> you<01:45:07.520> take
01:45:07.750 --> 01:45:07.760 align:start position:0%
if you live closer i could help you take
01:45:07.760 --> 01:45:10.870 align:start position:0%
if you live closer i could help you take
care<01:45:07.920> of<01:45:08.080> tyler
01:45:10.870 --> 01:45:10.880 align:start position:0%
01:45:10.880 --> 01:45:18.310 align:start position:0%
take<01:45:11.119> care<01:45:11.280> of<01:45:14.840> you
01:45:18.310 --> 01:45:18.320 align:start position:0%
01:45:18.320 --> 01:45:23.270 align:start position:0%
plan<01:45:18.719> was<01:45:18.800> always<01:45:19.040> to<01:45:19.199> go<01:45:19.280> back<01:45:19.440> to<01:45:19.520> chicago
01:45:23.270 --> 01:45:23.280 align:start position:0%
01:45:23.280 --> 01:45:26.629 align:start position:0%
your<01:45:23.679> plan
01:45:26.629 --> 01:45:26.639 align:start position:0%
01:45:26.639 --> 01:45:31.510 align:start position:0%
well<01:45:28.480> i'm<01:45:28.639> happy<01:45:29.040> for<01:45:29.199> you
01:45:31.510 --> 01:45:31.520 align:start position:0%
well i'm happy for you
01:45:31.520 --> 01:45:52.400 align:start position:0%
well i'm happy for you
at<01:45:31.600> least<01:45:31.840> you're<01:45:31.920> getting<01:45:32.159> what<01:45:32.320> you<01:45:42.840> wanted
01:45:52.400 --> 01:45:52.410 align:start position:0%
01:45:52.410 --> 01:46:52.830 align:start position:0%
01:46:52.830 --> 01:46:52.840 align:start position:0%
01:46:52.840 --> 01:47:01.100 align:start position:0%
01:47:01.100 --> 01:47:01.110 align:start position:0%
01:47:01.110 --> 01:47:06.830 align:start position:0%
01:47:06.830 --> 01:47:06.840 align:start position:0%
01:47:06.840 --> 01:47:08.050 align:start position:0%
01:47:08.050 --> 01:47:08.060 align:start position:0%
01:47:08.060 --> 01:47:08.870 align:start position:0%
01:47:08.870 --> 01:47:08.880 align:start position:0%
01:47:08.880 --> 01:47:14.850 align:start position:0%
01:47:14.850 --> 01:47:14.860 align:start position:0%
01:47:14.860 --> 01:47:20.830 align:start position:0%
01:47:20.830 --> 01:47:20.840 align:start position:0%
01:47:20.840 --> 01:47:23.990 align:start position:0%
01:47:23.990 --> 01:47:24.000 align:start position:0%
01:47:24.000 --> 01:47:31.430 align:start position:0%
01:47:31.430 --> 01:47:31.440 align:start position:0%
01:47:31.440 --> 01:47:38.480 align:start position:0%
01:47:38.480 --> 01:47:38.490 align:start position:0%
01:47:38.490 --> 01:47:48.890 align:start position:0%
01:47:48.890 --> 01:47:48.900 align:start position:0%
01:47:48.900 --> 01:48:08.410 align:start position:0%
01:48:08.410 --> 01:48:08.420 align:start position:0%
01:48:08.420 --> 01:48:25.060 align:start position:0%
01:48:25.060 --> 01:48:25.070 align:start position:0%
01:48:25.070 --> 01:48:30.830 align:start position:0%
01:48:30.830 --> 01:48:30.840 align:start position:0%
01:48:30.840 --> 01:48:41.790 align:start position:0%
01:48:41.790 --> 01:48:41.800 align:start position:0%
01:48:41.800 --> 01:48:59.830 align:start position:0%
01:48:59.830 --> 01:48:59.840 align:start position:0%
01:48:59.840 --> 01:49:21.390 align:start position:0%
01:49:21.390 --> 01:49:21.400 align:start position:0%
01:49:21.400 --> 01:49:29.270 align:start position:0%
01:49:29.270 --> 01:49:29.280 align:start position:0%
01:49:29.280 --> 01:50:00.830 align:start position:0%
01:50:00.830 --> 01:50:00.840 align:start position:0%
01:50:00.840 --> 01:50:19.030 align:start position:0%
01:50:19.030 --> 01:50:19.040 align:start position:0%
01:50:19.040 --> 01:50:22.830 align:start position:0%
01:50:22.830 --> 01:50:22.840 align:start position:0%
01:50:22.840 --> 01:50:33.950 align:start position:0%
01:50:33.950 --> 01:50:33.960 align:start position:0%
01:50:33.960 --> 01:50:52.030 align:start position:0%
01:50:52.030 --> 01:50:52.040 align:start position:0%
01:50:52.040 --> 01:50:58.290 align:start position:0%
01:50:58.290 --> 01:50:58.300 align:start position:0%
01:50:58.300 --> 01:51:14.130 align:start position:0%
01:51:14.130 --> 01:51:14.140 align:start position:0%
01:51:14.140 --> 01:51:35.450 align:start position:0%
01:51:35.450 --> 01:51:35.460 align:start position:0%
01:51:35.460 --> 01:51:44.260 align:start position:0%
01:51:44.260 --> 01:51:44.270 align:start position:0%
01:51:44.270 --> 01:51:51.090 align:start position:0%
01:51:51.090 --> 01:51:51.100 align:start position:0%
01:51:51.100 --> 01:52:27.270 align:start position:0%
01:52:27.270 --> 01:52:27.280 align:start position:0%
01:52:27.280 --> 01:52:29.360 align:start position:0%
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