Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
Kind: captions
Language: en
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thank<00:01:24.840> you
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i'm<00:01:28.240> just<00:01:28.400> gonna<00:01:28.640> grab<00:01:29.040> this<00:01:29.360> one<00:01:29.680> right<00:01:30.000> here
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i'm just gonna grab this one right here
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i'm just gonna grab this one right here
thanks<00:01:31.040> save<00:01:31.200> me<00:01:31.360> the<00:01:31.439> heavy<00:01:31.680> one
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thanks save me the heavy one
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thanks save me the heavy one
of<00:01:32.799> course<00:01:35.360> i<00:01:35.439> told<00:01:35.600> you<00:01:35.759> we<00:01:35.840> should<00:01:36.079> have<00:01:36.159> a
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of course i told you we should have a
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of course i told you we should have a
garage<00:01:36.560> sale
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garage sale
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garage sale
ah<00:01:38.079> you'll<00:01:38.400> be<00:01:38.840> fine<00:01:39.920> thank<00:01:40.240> god<00:01:40.400> in<00:01:40.479> here<00:01:40.640> is
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ah you'll be fine thank god in here is
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ah you'll be fine thank god in here is
this<00:01:40.960> your<00:01:41.119> rock<00:01:41.360> collection
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this your rock collection
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this your rock collection
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let's<00:01:46.240> get<00:01:46.399> the<00:01:46.479> kitchen<00:01:46.720> or<00:01:46.960> is<00:01:47.040> this
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hey<00:01:49.920> no<00:01:51.360> i<00:01:51.520> mean<00:01:52.240> i<00:01:52.399> saw<00:01:52.560> it<00:01:52.640> first
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hey no i mean i saw it first
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hey no i mean i saw it first
so<00:01:54.560> this<00:01:54.880> one's<00:01:55.280> mine
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i<00:01:57.920> hope<00:01:58.159> you<00:01:58.240> don't<00:01:58.399> throw<00:01:58.640> your<00:01:58.799> back<00:01:59.119> out<00:01:59.840> why
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i hope you don't throw your back out why
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i hope you don't throw your back out why
you<00:02:00.079> want<00:02:00.159> to<00:02:00.240> give<00:02:00.320> me<00:02:00.399> a<00:02:00.479> massage
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she's<00:02:04.159> a<00:02:04.240> little<00:02:04.479> young<00:02:04.719> themed<00:02:06.840> pinhead
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i'm<00:02:12.000> not<00:02:12.239> just<00:02:12.480> standing<00:02:20.840> around
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get<00:04:40.400> away<00:04:40.560> from<00:04:40.720> the<00:04:40.800> door<00:04:41.040> maddie
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get away from the door maddie
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get away from the door maddie
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here<00:04:59.199> you<00:04:59.360> go<00:05:00.479> thanks<00:05:00.800> mrs<00:05:01.120> ryan<00:05:01.440> but<00:05:01.840> this<00:05:02.080> is
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here you go thanks mrs ryan but this is
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here you go thanks mrs ryan but this is
more<00:05:02.320> than<00:05:02.479> we<00:05:02.639> agreed<00:05:02.960> on
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more than we agreed on
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more than we agreed on
i<00:05:03.759> know<00:05:03.919> but<00:05:04.080> you<00:05:04.240> guys<00:05:04.479> did<00:05:04.720> an<00:05:04.880> amazing<00:05:05.919> job
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i know but you guys did an amazing job
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i know but you guys did an amazing job
all<00:05:07.120> righty<00:05:07.440> well<00:05:07.759> thank<00:05:08.160> you<00:05:08.639> yes<00:05:09.120> and<00:05:09.360> thank
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all righty well thank you yes and thank
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all righty well thank you yes and thank
you<00:05:09.840> mrs<00:05:10.240> r
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you mrs r
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you mrs r
we<00:05:10.960> also<00:05:11.280> do<00:05:11.440> home<00:05:11.600> repair<00:05:13.280> basement<00:05:13.680> door
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we also do home repair basement door
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we also do home repair basement door
we<00:05:14.800> also<00:05:15.039> do<00:05:15.199> free<00:05:15.440> home<00:05:15.600> inspections<00:05:16.080> in<00:05:16.160> a
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we also do free home inspections in a
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we also do free home inspections in a
pest<00:05:16.639> removal
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thank<00:05:20.000> you<00:05:21.199> good<00:05:21.440> to<00:05:21.600> know<00:05:22.840> fellas
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i'm<00:05:31.280> in<00:05:31.360> the<00:05:36.840> garage
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oh<00:05:44.639> hi<00:05:44.800> there<00:05:45.039> neighbor<00:05:46.880> welcome<00:05:47.199> to<00:05:47.360> the
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oh hi there neighbor welcome to the
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oh hi there neighbor welcome to the
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hi<00:05:50.639> i'm<00:05:50.880> bill<00:05:51.120> lawford
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hi i'm bill lawford
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hi i'm bill lawford
this<00:05:51.919> here's<00:05:52.160> my<00:05:52.320> wife<00:05:52.560> penny<00:05:53.199> some<00:05:53.440> handshake
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this here's my wife penny some handshake
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this here's my wife penny some handshake
you<00:05:54.000> got<00:05:54.160> there
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you got there
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you got there
i<00:05:55.600> hope<00:05:55.840> your<00:05:56.000> family<00:05:56.319> likes<00:05:56.639> chocolate<00:05:56.960> chip
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i hope your family likes chocolate chip
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i hope your family likes chocolate chip
cookies<00:05:57.680> it's<00:05:57.840> our<00:05:58.000> favorite<00:05:58.319> recipe
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cookies it's our favorite recipe
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cookies it's our favorite recipe
no<00:06:00.479> in<00:06:00.560> my<00:06:00.720> family<00:06:01.199> they'll<00:06:01.360> never<00:06:01.600> see
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no in my family they'll never see
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no in my family they'll never see
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so<00:06:05.360> uh<00:06:05.600> that's<00:06:05.919> a<00:06:06.000> real<00:06:06.240> shame<00:06:06.560> about<00:06:06.720> the
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so uh that's a real shame about the
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so uh that's a real shame about the
previous<00:06:07.280> owners<00:06:07.680> huh
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previous owners huh
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previous owners huh
i'm<00:06:08.960> sorry<00:06:09.199> i'm<00:06:09.440> not<00:06:09.600> sure<00:06:09.919> i<00:06:10.000> know<00:06:10.160> what<00:06:10.240> you
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i'm sorry i'm not sure i know what you
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i'm sorry i'm not sure i know what you
mean<00:06:11.360> uh<00:06:11.759> well
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mean uh well
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mean uh well
you<00:06:12.160> know<00:06:12.319> the<00:06:12.479> misses<00:06:12.960> and<00:06:13.039> her<00:06:13.680> breakdown
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you know the misses and her breakdown
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you know the misses and her breakdown
well<00:06:14.720> i<00:06:14.880> i<00:06:14.960> guess<00:06:15.199> that's<00:06:15.440> what<00:06:15.680> it<00:06:15.759> was
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well i i guess that's what it was
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well i i guess that's what it was
penny<00:06:16.560> does<00:06:17.600> were<00:06:17.919> such<00:06:18.160> a<00:06:18.240> lovely<00:06:18.800> couple
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penny does were such a lovely couple
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penny does were such a lovely couple
you<00:06:19.520> know<00:06:19.919> and<00:06:20.080> she<00:06:20.240> was<00:06:20.479> always<00:06:20.720> outside
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you know and she was always outside
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you know and she was always outside
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and<00:06:22.479> then<00:06:22.639> little<00:06:22.880> by<00:06:23.039> little<00:06:23.360> she<00:06:23.680> stopped
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and then little by little she stopped
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and then little by little she stopped
coming<00:06:24.319> outside<00:06:24.800> she<00:06:24.960> didn't<00:06:25.120> even<00:06:25.280> get<00:06:25.440> the
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coming outside she didn't even get the
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coming outside she didn't even get the
mail<00:06:25.919> oh
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mail oh
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mail oh
no<00:06:27.039> something<00:06:27.520> sure<00:06:27.840> happened<00:06:28.160> to<00:06:28.400> her<00:06:28.880> i
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no something sure happened to her i
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no something sure happened to her i
thought<00:06:29.360> they<00:06:29.600> moved<00:06:29.840> cause<00:06:30.160> mr<00:06:30.479> harris<00:06:30.800> got<00:06:30.960> a
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thought they moved cause mr harris got a
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thought they moved cause mr harris got a
job<00:06:31.360> transfer
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job transfer
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job transfer
oh<00:06:32.160> that<00:06:32.400> is<00:06:32.560> partially<00:06:33.039> true<00:06:33.280> he<00:06:33.440> did<00:06:33.600> get<00:06:33.759> a
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oh that is partially true he did get a
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oh that is partially true he did get a
job<00:06:34.160> transfer<00:06:34.639> however
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job transfer however
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job transfer however
that<00:06:35.520> was<00:06:35.759> after<00:06:36.000> the<00:06:36.160> missus<00:06:36.479> moved<00:06:36.800> out
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it<00:06:41.039> was<00:06:41.120> a<00:06:41.199> pleasure<00:06:41.440> meeting<00:06:41.759> oh<00:06:41.919> yeah<00:06:42.479> thank
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it was a pleasure meeting oh yeah thank
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it was a pleasure meeting oh yeah thank
you<00:06:42.880> yeah<00:06:43.039> you're<00:06:43.120> welcome<00:06:43.440> i<00:06:43.520> plenty<00:06:43.759> more<00:06:44.000> oh
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you yeah you're welcome i plenty more oh
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you yeah you're welcome i plenty more oh
you<00:06:44.240> know<00:06:44.319> what<00:06:44.560> i<00:06:44.639> have<00:06:44.800> an<00:06:44.960> idea
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you know what i have an idea
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you know what i have an idea
why<00:06:45.919> don't<00:06:46.080> they<00:06:46.319> come<00:06:46.560> for<00:06:46.720> a<00:06:46.800> barbecue<00:06:47.360> next
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why don't they come for a barbecue next
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why don't they come for a barbecue next
sunday<00:06:47.919> and<00:06:48.000> this<00:06:48.080> way<00:06:48.240> we<00:06:48.400> can<00:06:48.479> meet<00:06:48.639> your
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sunday and this way we can meet your
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sunday and this way we can meet your
wife<00:06:49.120> and<00:06:49.280> your<00:06:49.440> daughter
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wife and your daughter
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wife and your daughter
hey<00:06:51.360> i'll<00:06:51.599> check<00:06:51.759> with<00:06:51.919> the<00:06:52.000> wife<00:06:52.560> you're<00:06:52.720> a
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hey i'll check with the wife you're a
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hey i'll check with the wife you're a
smart<00:06:53.120> man<00:06:53.360> michael
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you<00:06:57.120> talk<00:06:57.360> too<00:06:57.520> damn<00:06:57.759> much<00:06:58.319> oops<00:06:59.840> help
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you talk too damn much oops help
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you talk too damn much oops help
me<00:07:01.919> well<00:07:03.199> wait<00:07:03.520> for<00:07:03.759> me
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me well wait for me
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me well wait for me
hang<00:07:14.840> on
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where<00:07:22.080> have<00:07:22.240> you<00:07:22.479> been<00:07:23.680> i<00:07:23.840> met<00:07:24.000> the<00:07:24.160> new
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where have you been i met the new
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where have you been i met the new
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wife<00:07:25.440> made<00:07:25.599> us<00:07:25.680> cookies<00:07:27.520> that's<00:07:27.919> nice
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wife made us cookies that's nice
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wife made us cookies that's nice
what<00:07:29.199> are<00:07:29.280> they<00:07:29.520> like<00:07:30.880> the<00:07:31.039> cookies
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what are they like the cookies
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what are they like the cookies
no<00:07:32.400> silly<00:07:32.800> the<00:07:33.039> neighbors<00:07:34.960> seem<00:07:35.280> fine
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hey<00:07:41.440> what's<00:07:41.680> wrong<00:07:41.919> with<00:07:42.000> you<00:07:43.120> i<00:07:43.280> hope<00:07:43.440> the
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hey what's wrong with you i hope the
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hey what's wrong with you i hope the
neighbors<00:07:43.919> aren't
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neighbors aren't
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neighbors aren't
like<00:07:45.440> rosemary's<00:07:46.240> baby
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like rosemary's baby
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like rosemary's baby
very<00:07:47.919> funny
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the<00:07:51.680> harrises<00:07:52.160> were<00:07:52.319> selling<00:07:52.639> this<00:07:52.800> place
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the harrises were selling this place
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the harrises were selling this place
because<00:07:53.759> he<00:07:53.919> got<00:07:54.080> a<00:07:54.160> job<00:07:54.400> transfer<00:07:54.800> right
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because he got a job transfer right
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because he got a job transfer right
yeah<00:07:56.479> that's<00:07:56.720> what<00:07:56.879> the<00:07:56.960> realtor<00:07:57.360> said<00:07:58.319> hmm
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yeah that's what the realtor said hmm
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yeah that's what the realtor said hmm
my<00:08:00.319> wife<00:08:00.560> said<00:08:00.800> that<00:08:00.960> uh<00:08:01.440> mrs<00:08:01.759> harris<00:08:02.000> was
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my wife said that uh mrs harris was
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my wife said that uh mrs harris was
already<00:08:02.319> out<00:08:02.479> of<00:08:02.560> the<00:08:02.639> house
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already out of the house
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already out of the house
really<00:08:05.440> well<00:08:05.919> what<00:08:06.160> happened<00:08:06.400> to<00:08:06.560> her
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really well what happened to her
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really well what happened to her
i<00:08:07.919> don't<00:08:08.080> know<00:08:08.879> didn't<00:08:09.039> get<00:08:09.199> to<00:08:09.360> it
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i don't know didn't get to it
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i don't know didn't get to it
well<00:08:11.360> at<00:08:11.440> least<00:08:11.599> we<00:08:11.759> got<00:08:11.919> some<00:08:12.000> cookies<00:08:12.400> out<00:08:12.560> of
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well at least we got some cookies out of
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well at least we got some cookies out of
the<00:08:12.720> deal<00:08:13.520> that's<00:08:13.759> the<00:08:13.840> most<00:08:14.080> important<00:08:14.319> part
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the deal that's the most important part
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the deal that's the most important part
of<00:08:14.560> the<00:08:14.639> whole<00:08:14.800> deal<00:08:14.960> don't<00:08:15.120> you<00:08:15.280> think
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of the whole deal don't you think
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of the whole deal don't you think
yep<00:08:18.400> michael
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you<00:08:21.120> forgot<00:08:21.440> to<00:08:21.520> go<00:08:21.759> set<00:08:21.919> this<00:08:22.160> out<00:08:22.240> for<00:08:22.319> the
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you forgot to go set this out for the
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you forgot to go set this out for the
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jesus<00:08:25.280> you're<00:08:25.440> sure<00:08:25.680> right<00:08:26.720> i'll<00:08:26.879> go<00:08:27.039> do<00:08:27.120> it
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jesus you're sure right i'll go do it
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jesus you're sure right i'll go do it
right<00:08:27.360> now
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right now
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right now
thank<00:08:28.160> you
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excuse<00:08:35.919> me<00:08:37.680> i'm<00:08:37.839> michael<00:08:38.159> ryan
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excuse me i'm michael ryan
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excuse me i'm michael ryan
your<00:08:39.279> new<00:08:39.440> neighbor<00:08:42.000> yep<00:08:42.320> i<00:08:42.399> noticed<00:08:42.719> you
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your new neighbor yep i noticed you
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your new neighbor yep i noticed you
moving<00:08:43.200> in
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moving in
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moving in
i<00:08:45.360> have<00:08:45.440> to<00:08:45.600> tell<00:08:45.760> you<00:08:45.839> we<00:08:46.080> sure<00:08:46.240> like<00:08:46.480> it<00:08:46.560> here
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i have to tell you we sure like it here
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i have to tell you we sure like it here
you<00:08:47.839> lived<00:08:48.000> here<00:08:48.160> alone
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you lived here alone
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you lived here alone
i'm<00:08:49.600> an<00:08:49.760> original<00:08:50.160> homeowner
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you don't<00:08:53.600> see<00:08:53.760> that<00:08:53.920> often<00:08:56.320> real<00:08:56.560> shame<00:08:56.720> what
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you don't see that often real shame what
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you don't see that often real shame what
happened<00:08:57.120> to<00:08:57.200> mrs<00:08:57.440> harris<00:08:57.760> huh
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happened to mrs harris huh
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happened to mrs harris huh
sure<00:08:59.279> as<00:08:59.360> hell<00:08:59.680> was<00:09:01.279> you<00:09:01.440> don't<00:09:01.680> end<00:09:01.839> up<00:09:01.920> in<00:09:02.000> a
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sure as hell was you don't end up in a
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sure as hell was you don't end up in a
state<00:09:02.480> hospital
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state hospital
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state hospital
that's<00:09:03.760> for<00:09:03.920> damn<00:09:04.240> sure
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don<00:09:07.760> archer
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state<00:09:15.920> hospital<00:09:20.839> huh
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wow<00:09:28.800> somebody's<00:09:29.200> been<00:09:29.360> busy
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ah<00:09:34.160> bless<00:09:34.480> you<00:09:35.120> how'd<00:09:35.279> you<00:09:35.440> know
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did<00:09:46.160> you<00:09:46.240> sleep<00:09:46.480> okay<00:09:46.720> last<00:09:46.959> night<00:09:47.680> you're
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did you sleep okay last night you're
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did you sleep okay last night you're
moving<00:09:48.080> around<00:09:48.320> a<00:09:48.399> lot
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moving around a lot
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moving around a lot
no<00:09:49.680> not<00:09:49.920> great<00:09:51.200> i<00:09:51.360> had<00:09:51.600> the<00:09:51.760> same<00:09:52.000> stupid
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no not great i had the same stupid
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no not great i had the same stupid
nightmare<00:09:52.720> that<00:09:52.880> someone<00:09:53.120> was<00:09:53.360> chasing<00:09:53.760> me
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oh<00:09:57.120> there's<00:09:57.360> a<00:09:57.440> happy<00:09:57.760> camper<00:09:59.279> dad
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oh there's a happy camper dad
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oh there's a happy camper dad
don't<00:10:00.320> start<00:10:01.040> i<00:10:01.279> am<00:10:01.440> not<00:10:01.600> in<00:10:01.680> the<00:10:01.760> mood<00:10:02.000> all
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don't start i am not in the mood all
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don't start i am not in the mood all
right<00:10:02.800> i
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right i
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right i
barely<00:10:03.360> slept<00:10:03.600> last<00:10:03.920> night<00:10:05.920> why<00:10:06.079> couldn't<00:10:06.320> you
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barely slept last night why couldn't you
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barely slept last night why couldn't you
sleep<00:10:06.720> sweetheart
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sleep sweetheart
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sleep sweetheart
kept<00:10:08.560> hearing<00:10:08.959> something<00:10:09.200> in<00:10:09.360> the<00:10:09.519> walls<00:10:10.959> dad
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kept hearing something in the walls dad
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kept hearing something in the walls dad
we<00:10:11.360> have<00:10:11.519> rats
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we have rats
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we have rats
kristen<00:10:13.040> we<00:10:13.200> don't<00:10:13.360> have<00:10:13.519> rats<00:10:14.240> you<00:10:14.320> know<00:10:14.480> what
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kristen we don't have rats you know what
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kristen we don't have rats you know what
i<00:10:14.800> thought<00:10:14.959> i<00:10:15.040> heard<00:10:15.279> something<00:10:15.600> too
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i thought i heard something too
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i thought i heard something too
i'll<00:10:17.040> call<00:10:17.200> adam<00:10:17.519> the<00:10:17.600> mover<00:10:18.320> to<00:10:18.480> come<00:10:18.640> over
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i'll call adam the mover to come over
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i'll call adam the mover to come over
and<00:10:18.959> check<00:10:19.200> it<00:10:19.279> out
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and check it out
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and check it out
he<00:10:20.480> did<00:10:20.800> say<00:10:21.040> they<00:10:21.279> do<00:10:21.440> free<00:10:21.680> pest<00:10:22.000> inspections
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he did say they do free pest inspections
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he did say they do free pest inspections
fine<00:10:24.959> i'm<00:10:25.120> gonna<00:10:25.279> go<00:10:25.440> shave
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mom<00:10:32.880> something<00:10:33.279> doesn't<00:10:33.519> seem<00:10:33.839> right
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mom something doesn't seem right
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mom something doesn't seem right
oh<00:10:35.760> nonsense<00:10:36.959> there's<00:10:37.200> nothing<00:10:37.440> wrong<00:10:37.600> with
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oh nonsense there's nothing wrong with
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oh nonsense there's nothing wrong with
this<00:10:38.000> house
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this house
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this house
good<00:10:39.680> morning<00:10:40.000> ryan<00:10:40.480> family
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where's<00:10:44.399> dad<00:10:45.040> he's<00:10:45.360> upstairs<00:10:46.800> mom<00:10:47.040> britney's
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where's dad he's upstairs mom britney's
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where's dad he's upstairs mom britney's
coming<00:10:47.680> over<00:10:47.920> after<00:10:48.160> school<00:10:48.480> today
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coming over after school today
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coming over after school today
what's<00:10:50.079> for<00:10:50.240> breakfast
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mom<00:10:56.720> that's<00:10:56.959> not<00:10:58.839> funny
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maddie<00:12:37.279> you<00:12:37.440> left<00:12:37.680> the<00:12:37.760> basement<00:12:38.160> a<00:12:38.240> mess
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maddie you left the basement a mess
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maddie you left the basement a mess
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no<00:12:39.760> i<00:12:39.920> didn't<00:12:40.399> everything<00:12:40.720> was<00:12:40.959> fine<00:12:41.680> honest
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no i didn't everything was fine honest
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no i didn't everything was fine honest
dad<00:12:42.959> it's<00:12:43.200> maddie<00:12:43.680> i<00:12:43.839> haven't<00:12:44.160> been<00:12:44.399> in<00:12:44.480> the
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dad it's maddie i haven't been in the
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dad it's maddie i haven't been in the
basement<00:12:45.200> it<00:12:45.360> wasn't<00:12:45.680> me
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basement it wasn't me
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basement it wasn't me
kristen<00:12:46.959> well<00:12:47.200> somebody<00:12:47.680> left<00:12:47.920> it<00:12:48.000> a<00:12:48.079> mess<00:12:48.480> and
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kristen well somebody left it a mess and
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kristen well somebody left it a mess and
whose<00:12:48.959> box<00:12:49.279> is<00:12:49.440> that<00:12:49.600> with<00:12:49.760> the<00:12:49.839> ouija<00:12:50.240> board
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whose box is that with the ouija board
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whose box is that with the ouija board
what<00:12:51.360> ouija<00:12:51.760> board<00:12:52.320> the<00:12:52.399> one<00:12:52.639> i<00:12:52.720> just<00:12:52.880> found<00:12:53.120> in
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what ouija board the one i just found in
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what ouija board the one i just found in
the<00:12:53.360> basement
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the basement
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the basement
it's<00:12:54.800> probably<00:12:55.200> the<00:12:55.360> harrises<00:12:57.120> well<00:12:57.279> you<00:12:57.440> need
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it's probably the harrises well you need
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it's probably the harrises well you need
to<00:12:57.680> call<00:12:57.839> the<00:12:58.079> realtor
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to call the realtor
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to call the realtor
i<00:12:58.880> don't<00:12:59.040> want<00:12:59.200> that<00:12:59.360> kind<00:12:59.519> of<00:12:59.600> stuff<00:12:59.839> in<00:12:59.920> our
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i don't want that kind of stuff in our
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i don't want that kind of stuff in our
house<00:13:00.959> and<00:13:01.120> call<00:13:01.279> a<00:13:01.360> damn<00:13:01.680> rat<00:13:04.839> guy
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house and call a damn rat guy
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house and call a damn rat guy
this<00:13:07.360> stupid<00:13:07.680> thing<00:13:07.839> is<00:13:07.920> broken<00:13:08.399> not<00:13:08.639> so<00:13:08.880> loud
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this stupid thing is broken not so loud
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this stupid thing is broken not so loud
you<00:13:09.600> know<00:13:09.760> we're<00:13:09.920> not<00:13:10.079> supposed<00:13:10.320> to<00:13:10.320> be<00:13:10.560> down
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you know we're not supposed to be down
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you know we're not supposed to be down
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how<00:13:12.240> can<00:13:12.399> it<00:13:12.480> be<00:13:12.639> broken<00:13:14.800> duh
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how can it be broken duh
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how can it be broken duh
because<00:13:15.440> it<00:13:15.519> doesn't<00:13:15.839> move<00:13:18.839> madison
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because it doesn't move madison
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because it doesn't move madison
what<00:13:20.320> do<00:13:20.480> you<00:13:20.639> two<00:13:20.800> think<00:13:20.959> you're<00:13:21.200> doing<00:13:21.440> down
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what do you two think you're doing down
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what do you two think you're doing down
here<00:13:22.959> we<00:13:23.120> were<00:13:23.279> just<00:13:23.440> playing<00:13:23.680> with<00:13:23.839> it<00:13:23.920> that's
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here we were just playing with it that's
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here we were just playing with it that's
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well<00:13:25.360> both<00:13:25.600> of<00:13:25.760> you<00:13:25.920> guys<00:13:26.160> know<00:13:26.320> better<00:13:26.480> than
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well both of you guys know better than
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well both of you guys know better than
to<00:13:26.800> be<00:13:26.959> playing<00:13:27.120> with<00:13:27.279> this<00:13:27.440> thing
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to be playing with this thing
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to be playing with this thing
it's<00:13:29.279> supposed<00:13:29.600> to<00:13:29.680> be<00:13:29.839> possessed<00:13:30.480> right<00:13:31.519> of
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it's supposed to be possessed right of
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it's supposed to be possessed right of
course<00:13:32.160> not<00:13:32.399> that's<00:13:32.839> ridiculous
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course not that's ridiculous
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course not that's ridiculous
now<00:13:35.279> both<00:13:35.519> of<00:13:35.600> you<00:13:35.760> guys<00:13:36.480> get<00:13:36.720> upstairs
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are<00:13:56.959> you<00:14:00.839> possessed
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madison<00:16:24.880> this<00:16:25.120> isn't<00:16:34.839> funny
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what<00:16:38.639> are<00:16:38.720> you<00:16:38.880> looking<00:16:39.279> for<00:16:40.320> kristen
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i<00:16:43.040> heard<00:16:43.279> some<00:16:43.519> sounds<00:16:44.079> from<00:16:44.320> upstairs
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i heard some sounds from upstairs
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i heard some sounds from upstairs
thought<00:16:45.920> it<00:16:46.000> was<00:16:46.160> maddie
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thought it was maddie
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thought it was maddie
running<00:16:48.839> around
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running around
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running around
don't<00:16:50.160> be<00:16:50.320> silly<00:16:52.240> everything's<00:16:52.800> fine
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don't be silly everything's fine
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don't be silly everything's fine
it<00:16:54.639> was<00:16:54.800> just<00:16:55.040> your<00:16:55.279> imagination
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large<00:17:00.800> houses<00:17:01.279> tend<00:17:01.519> to<00:17:01.680> have<00:17:01.920> a<00:17:02.000> life<00:17:02.240> of
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large houses tend to have a life of
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large houses tend to have a life of
their<00:17:02.639> own<00:17:02.800> at<00:17:02.959> night
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supposed<00:17:20.640> to<00:17:20.720> see<00:17:20.880> you<00:17:20.959> up<00:17:21.039> so<00:17:21.199> early<00:17:22.480> i<00:17:22.720> know
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supposed to see you up so early i know
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supposed to see you up so early i know
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where's<00:17:25.039> mom<00:17:26.319> she's<00:17:26.559> always<00:17:26.799> the<00:17:26.880> first<00:17:27.120> one
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where's mom she's always the first one
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where's mom she's always the first one
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still<00:17:28.079> sleeping<00:17:28.319> i<00:17:28.480> guess<00:17:30.000> i<00:17:30.080> don't<00:17:30.160> think<00:17:30.320> she
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still sleeping i guess i don't think she
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still sleeping i guess i don't think she
slept<00:17:30.720> very<00:17:30.880> well<00:17:31.039> last<00:17:31.200> night
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slept very well last night
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slept very well last night
sleeping<00:17:33.200> in<00:17:34.320> mom<00:17:34.640> never<00:17:35.039> sleeps<00:17:35.440> in
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dad<00:17:39.600> can<00:17:39.840> i<00:17:39.919> ask<00:17:40.080> you<00:17:40.240> something
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dad can i ask you something
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dad can i ask you something
maybe<00:17:42.720> you<00:17:42.880> seem<00:17:43.120> so<00:17:44.840> serious
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maybe you seem so serious
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maybe you seem so serious
does<00:17:47.360> mom<00:17:47.760> seem<00:17:49.520> okay<00:17:49.840> to<00:17:50.000> you
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does mom seem okay to you
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does mom seem okay to you
of<00:17:51.360> course<00:17:51.600> it<00:17:51.760> is<00:17:52.160> why<00:17:53.760> well
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of course it is why well
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of course it is why well
when<00:17:55.039> i<00:17:55.120> got<00:17:55.280> home<00:17:55.520> last<00:17:55.840> night<00:17:56.480> i<00:17:56.640> was<00:17:57.120> in<00:17:57.200> the
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when i got home last night i was in the
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when i got home last night i was in the
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and<00:17:58.880> isn't<00:17:59.200> this<00:17:59.520> nice<00:18:00.000> little
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and isn't this nice little
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and isn't this nice little
father-daughter<00:18:00.960> time
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so<00:18:05.919> what's<00:18:06.160> for<00:18:06.320> breakfast<00:18:08.559> a<00:18:08.799> normal<00:18:09.120> human
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so what's for breakfast a normal human
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so what's for breakfast a normal human
would<00:18:09.840> just<00:18:10.000> make<00:18:10.240> themselves<00:18:10.720> something<00:18:10.960> to
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would just make themselves something to
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would just make themselves something to
eat<00:18:11.760> a<00:18:12.080> little<00:18:12.320> brat
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eat a little brat
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eat a little brat
kristen<00:18:15.840> jeez<00:18:16.320> what's<00:18:16.559> her<00:18:16.720> problem
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finish<00:18:19.760> her<00:18:19.840> chat<00:18:20.080> later<00:18:20.320> okay<00:18:21.440> whatever
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finish her chat later okay whatever
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finish her chat later okay whatever
maddie<00:18:24.559> you<00:18:24.720> know<00:18:26.840> better
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that<00:18:35.200> we<00:18:35.360> go<00:18:35.520> on<00:18:35.600> a<00:18:35.679> family<00:18:36.000> hike<00:18:36.240> today
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that we go on a family hike today
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that we go on a family hike today
regular<00:18:37.919> family<00:18:38.240> adventure
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michael<00:18:42.720> don't<00:18:44.320> that'll<00:18:44.640> make<00:18:44.880> it<00:18:44.960> way<00:18:45.120> too
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michael don't that'll make it way too
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michael don't that'll make it way too
bright<00:18:45.600> in<00:18:45.679> here
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you<00:18:55.840> feeling<00:18:56.160> okay<00:18:57.120> yeah
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you feeling okay yeah
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you feeling okay yeah
i<00:18:59.200> think<00:18:59.440> it'd<00:18:59.520> be<00:18:59.679> nice<00:19:00.559> for<00:19:00.720> you<00:19:00.880> and<00:19:00.960> the
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i think it'd be nice for you and the
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i think it'd be nice for you and the
girls<00:19:01.360> to<00:19:01.360> spend<00:19:01.600> some<00:19:01.840> quality<00:19:02.400> time
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girls to spend some quality time
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girls to spend some quality time
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besides<00:19:05.679> i<00:19:05.919> still<00:19:06.080> have<00:19:06.400> so<00:19:06.559> many<00:19:06.880> things<00:19:07.200> to
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besides i still have so many things to
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besides i still have so many things to
do<00:19:07.520> around<00:19:07.840> this<00:19:08.000> house
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do around this house
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do around this house
come<00:19:09.360> on<00:19:09.520> katie<00:19:10.400> that<00:19:10.640> stuff<00:19:10.799> can<00:19:10.960> wait<00:19:11.280> we'll
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come on katie that stuff can wait we'll
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come on katie that stuff can wait we'll
do<00:19:11.520> it<00:19:11.600> later
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no<00:19:17.360> michael<00:19:18.720> he<00:19:18.880> said<00:19:19.120> i<00:19:19.200> need<00:19:19.360> to<00:19:22.840> stay
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fine<00:19:28.880> stay<00:19:29.120> here<00:19:29.280> then
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what'd<00:19:35.840> you<00:19:35.919> mean<00:19:36.080> this<00:19:36.240> morning<00:19:36.559> about<00:19:36.720> your
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what'd you mean this morning about your
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what'd you mean this morning about your
mom<00:19:37.679> it's<00:19:37.919> nothing
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mom it's nothing
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mom it's nothing
no<00:19:39.679> nothing<00:19:40.000> me<00:19:40.320> young<00:19:40.559> lady<00:19:41.039> you<00:19:41.200> forgetting
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no nothing me young lady you forgetting
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no nothing me young lady you forgetting
who<00:19:41.600> you're<00:19:41.760> talking<00:19:42.000> to
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who you're talking to
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who you're talking to
no<00:19:43.360> i'm<00:19:43.520> not<00:19:43.679> forgetting<00:19:44.080> who<00:19:44.240> i'm<00:19:44.480> talking<00:19:44.880> to
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no i'm not forgetting who i'm talking to
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no i'm not forgetting who i'm talking to
it's<00:19:46.000> just
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it's just
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it's just
weird<00:19:46.720> dad<00:19:46.960> all<00:19:47.120> right<00:19:48.080> when<00:19:48.240> i<00:19:48.320> got<00:19:48.480> home<00:19:48.640> from
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weird dad all right when i got home from
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weird dad all right when i got home from
work<00:19:49.280> i<00:19:49.440> was<00:19:49.600> in<00:19:49.679> the<00:19:49.840> kitchen
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work i was in the kitchen
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work i was in the kitchen
i<00:19:50.559> thought<00:19:50.720> i<00:19:50.799> heard<00:19:51.039> something<00:19:51.919> running<00:19:52.160> down
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i thought i heard something running down
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i thought i heard something running down
the<00:19:52.480> hall<00:19:53.039> up<00:19:53.200> the<00:19:53.360> stairs
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the hall up the stairs
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the hall up the stairs
what<00:19:54.799> do<00:19:54.799> you<00:19:54.880> mean<00:19:55.039> running<00:19:55.280> down<00:19:55.440> the<00:19:55.520> hall
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what do you mean running down the hall
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what do you mean running down the hall
and<00:19:55.840> up<00:19:56.000> the<00:19:56.080> stairs<00:19:56.960> it<00:19:57.120> was<00:19:57.360> like
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and up the stairs it was like
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and up the stairs it was like
footsteps<00:19:58.720> and<00:19:58.880> voices<00:19:59.679> and<00:19:59.840> someone<00:20:00.400> running
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footsteps and voices and someone running
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footsteps and voices and someone running
around<00:20:01.039> upstairs
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around upstairs
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around upstairs
i<00:20:02.320> thought<00:20:02.480> it<00:20:02.559> was<00:20:02.720> maddie<00:20:03.200> so<00:20:03.440> i<00:20:03.520> went<00:20:03.679> to
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i thought it was maddie so i went to
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i thought it was maddie so i went to
check<00:20:04.080> on<00:20:04.159> her<00:20:04.320> right<00:20:04.960> and<00:20:05.120> she<00:20:05.280> was<00:20:05.440> asleep
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check on her right and she was asleep
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check on her right and she was asleep
i<00:20:06.559> turned<00:20:06.799> around<00:20:07.200> and<00:20:07.360> bam<00:20:08.000> almost<00:20:08.400> standing
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i turned around and bam almost standing
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i turned around and bam almost standing
right<00:20:08.960> in<00:20:09.120> front<00:20:09.280> of<00:20:09.360> me
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right in front of me
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right in front of me
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well<00:20:12.559> it<00:20:12.640> was<00:20:12.880> late<00:20:13.200> and<00:20:13.360> you<00:20:13.520> were<00:20:13.679> tired<00:20:14.000> i
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well it was late and you were tired i
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well it was late and you were tired i
mean<00:20:14.799> you<00:20:14.960> probably<00:20:15.200> just<00:20:15.440> thought<00:20:15.600> you<00:20:15.679> heard
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mean you probably just thought you heard
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mean you probably just thought you heard
something<00:20:16.400> and
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something and
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something and
see<00:20:17.440> this<00:20:17.600> is<00:20:17.760> exactly<00:20:18.159> why<00:20:18.320> i<00:20:18.320> don't<00:20:18.480> want<00:20:18.640> to
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see this is exactly why i don't want to
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see this is exactly why i don't want to
say<00:20:18.880> anything<00:20:19.520> i<00:20:19.679> knew<00:20:19.840> you<00:20:20.000> would<00:20:20.159> just<00:20:20.320> blow
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say anything i knew you would just blow
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say anything i knew you would just blow
this<00:20:20.799> off<00:20:20.960> like<00:20:21.120> you<00:20:21.200> always<00:20:21.520> do
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this off like you always do
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this off like you always do
making<00:20:22.320> me<00:20:22.480> look<00:20:22.640> like<00:20:22.799> i'm<00:20:22.960> crazy<00:20:24.080> that's<00:20:24.320> not
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making me look like i'm crazy that's not
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making me look like i'm crazy that's not
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okay<00:20:30.720> let's<00:20:30.960> just<00:20:31.280> family<00:20:31.600> hike<00:20:31.919> that<00:20:32.159> okay
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okay let's just family hike that okay
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okay let's just family hike that okay
we<00:20:33.039> go<00:20:33.200> home<00:20:33.440> now<00:20:34.320> it's<00:20:34.640> hard<00:20:34.880> and<00:20:34.960> thirsty
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yeah<00:20:39.760> i<00:20:39.840> think<00:20:40.000> we're<00:20:40.240> all<00:20:40.400> over<00:20:40.559> this<00:20:40.720> family
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yeah i think we're all over this family
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yeah i think we're all over this family
hike<00:20:41.360> thing
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you<00:20:44.960> gotta<00:20:45.120> wait<00:20:45.360> on<00:20:46.840> it
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careful<00:20:58.880> kristen
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careful kristen
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careful kristen
go<00:21:00.559> tell<00:21:00.720> your<00:21:00.880> mom<00:21:01.039> we're<00:21:01.200> back<00:21:01.440> please
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go tell your mom we're back please
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go tell your mom we're back please
it's<00:21:03.919> all<00:21:04.000> right<00:21:04.320> i'll<00:21:04.480> get<00:21:04.640> you<00:21:04.720> to<00:21:04.880> the<00:21:04.960> couch
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it's all right i'll get you to the couch
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it's all right i'll get you to the couch
and<00:21:05.360> put<00:21:05.440> your<00:21:05.600> leg<00:21:05.840> up
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mom<00:21:15.360> i<00:21:15.440> can't<00:21:15.679> find<00:21:15.919> mom
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help<00:21:18.960> your<00:21:28.840> sister
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kitty<00:21:52.720> okay<00:21:53.280> you<00:21:53.440> down<00:21:53.600> here
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what<00:21:57.280> the<00:21:57.360> hell<00:21:57.520> are<00:21:57.600> you<00:21:57.679> doing<00:21:58.400> come<00:21:58.640> here
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let's<00:22:03.520> play<00:22:03.679> with<00:22:03.840> this<00:22:04.159> tonight<00:22:04.640> after<00:22:04.880> the
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let's play with this tonight after the
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let's play with this tonight after the
girls<00:22:05.280> go<00:22:05.440> to<00:22:05.600> bed
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girls go to bed
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girls go to bed
hell<00:22:07.840> no<00:22:09.679> michael
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hell no michael
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hell no michael
how<00:22:10.960> would<00:22:11.039> you<00:22:11.120> get<00:22:11.280> rid<00:22:11.440> of<00:22:11.520> this<00:22:11.679> damn<00:22:11.919> thing
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how would you get rid of this damn thing
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how would you get rid of this damn thing
being<00:22:12.480> such<00:22:12.720> a<00:22:12.880> [ __ ]<00:22:13.679> that's<00:22:13.919> gotten<00:22:14.159> into
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being such a [ __ ] that's gotten into
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being such a [ __ ] that's gotten into
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it'll<00:22:15.840> be<00:22:16.000> fun<00:22:17.840> then<00:22:18.000> maybe<00:22:18.320> you'll<00:22:18.400> get<00:22:18.559> some
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it'll be fun then maybe you'll get some
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it'll be fun then maybe you'll get some
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dad<00:22:24.240> kristen<00:22:24.720> needs<00:22:25.039> you
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dad kristen needs you
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dad kristen needs you
i'll<00:22:27.520> be<00:22:27.679> right<00:22:27.919> there<00:22:28.960> it's<00:22:29.200> enough<00:22:29.440> of<00:22:29.520> this
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i'll be right there it's enough of this
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i'll be right there it's enough of this
come<00:22:38.840> on
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you<00:24:48.159> need<00:24:48.320> to<00:24:48.400> come<00:24:48.640> to<00:24:58.840> bed
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good<00:25:06.960> morning<00:25:07.279> all<00:25:07.840> good<00:25:08.000> morning<00:25:12.840> sweetheart
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good morning all good morning sweetheart
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good morning all good morning sweetheart
hurry<00:25:14.159> up<00:25:14.320> slow<00:25:14.559> folk
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hurry up slow folk
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hurry up slow folk
nicole's<00:25:16.320> waiting<00:25:16.799> we're<00:25:16.960> gonna<00:25:17.120> make<00:25:17.279> us
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nicole's waiting we're gonna make us
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nicole's waiting we're gonna make us
late<00:25:18.080> i'm<00:25:18.240> not<00:25:18.400> the<00:25:18.559> boss<00:25:18.799> christine
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hi<00:25:26.840> girls
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thanks<00:25:41.919> sorry<00:25:42.159> if<00:25:42.240> i<00:25:42.320> woke<00:25:42.559> you<00:25:42.640> last<00:25:42.880> night
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thanks sorry if i woke you last night
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thanks sorry if i woke you last night
what<00:25:44.559> are<00:25:44.640> you<00:25:44.799> talking<00:25:45.200> about<00:25:45.440> i<00:25:45.520> slept<00:25:45.840> like
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what are you talking about i slept like
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what are you talking about i slept like
a<00:25:46.159> log
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you<00:25:49.039> don't<00:25:49.200> remember<00:25:49.600> visiting<00:25:50.000> me<00:25:50.159> last
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you don't remember visiting me last
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you don't remember visiting me last
night<00:25:51.279> what<00:25:51.440> do<00:25:51.520> you<00:25:51.600> mean
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night what do you mean
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night what do you mean
visiting<00:25:53.840> visiting<00:25:54.240> me<00:25:54.480> at<00:25:54.640> the<00:25:54.720> top<00:25:54.960> of<00:25:55.039> the
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visiting visiting me at the top of the
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visiting visiting me at the top of the
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michael<00:25:58.480> i<00:25:58.640> did<00:25:59.039> no<00:25:59.279> such<00:25:59.679> thing
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michael i did no such thing
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michael i did no such thing
you<00:26:01.600> certainly<00:26:02.000> did<00:26:02.960> you<00:26:03.120> scared<00:26:03.440> the<00:26:03.520> hell
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you certainly did you scared the hell
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you certainly did you scared the hell
out<00:26:03.840> of<00:26:03.919> me
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what<00:26:06.720> in<00:26:06.880> the<00:26:06.960> world<00:26:07.279> are<00:26:07.440> you<00:26:07.600> talking<00:26:08.840> about
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what in the world are you talking about
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what in the world are you talking about
maybe<00:26:12.000> you<00:26:12.080> were<00:26:12.240> dreaming
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and<00:26:15.679> what<00:26:15.840> were<00:26:16.000> you<00:26:16.080> doing<00:26:16.400> up<00:26:16.559> last<00:26:16.799> night
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well<00:26:20.320> i<00:26:20.480> wasn't<00:26:22.840> dreaming
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maybe<00:26:29.919> you're<00:26:30.000> right<00:26:30.960> maybe<00:26:31.200> it<00:26:31.279> was<00:26:31.440> a<00:26:31.600> dream
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i<00:26:34.240> got<00:26:34.400> a<00:26:34.480> scoot<00:26:34.720> i<00:26:34.799> got<00:26:34.960> a<00:26:35.039> 9<00:26:35.200> 30<00:26:35.440> board<00:26:36.840> meeting
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excuse<00:27:05.600> me<00:27:06.400> bill
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bill<00:27:19.679> hey<00:27:19.919> neighbor
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bill hey neighbor
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bill hey neighbor
how<00:27:22.080> you<00:27:22.240> doing<00:27:22.960> all<00:27:23.120> right<00:27:24.720> good<00:27:24.880> seeing<00:27:25.120> you
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how you doing all right good seeing you
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how you doing all right good seeing you
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okay<00:27:27.679> all<00:27:27.840> right<00:27:28.720> hey<00:27:29.120> um
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okay all right hey um
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okay all right hey um
i<00:27:30.159> was<00:27:30.240> wondering<00:27:30.559> if<00:27:30.720> you<00:27:31.120> might<00:27:31.440> know<00:27:32.000> how
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i was wondering if you might know how
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i was wondering if you might know how
mrs<00:27:32.559> harris<00:27:32.880> ended<00:27:33.200> up<00:27:33.279> in<00:27:33.360> the<00:27:33.440> state
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mrs harris ended up in the state
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mrs harris ended up in the state
00:27:35.669 --> 00:27:35.679 align:start position:0%
00:27:35.679 --> 00:27:37.909 align:start position:0%
not<00:27:36.159> really<00:27:36.799> other<00:27:37.120> i<00:27:37.200> know<00:27:37.360> she's<00:27:37.600> seeing<00:27:37.840> a
00:27:37.909 --> 00:27:37.919 align:start position:0%
not really other i know she's seeing a
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not really other i know she's seeing a
priest<00:27:38.159> for<00:27:38.320> some<00:27:38.480> mentally<00:27:38.799> she's<00:27:39.120> a<00:27:39.279> um
00:27:40.950 --> 00:27:40.960 align:start position:0%
priest for some mentally she's a um
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priest for some mentally she's a um
what<00:27:41.120> the<00:27:41.360> hell<00:27:41.600> is<00:27:41.840> his<00:27:41.919> name<00:27:42.159> michael<00:27:42.480> it's
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what the hell is his name michael it's
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what the hell is his name michael it's
uh<00:27:43.919> hold<00:27:44.159> on
00:27:45.430 --> 00:27:45.440 align:start position:0%
uh hold on
00:27:45.440 --> 00:27:49.350 align:start position:0%
uh hold on
hold<00:27:45.760> on<00:27:47.360> it's<00:27:47.600> a<00:27:47.760> father<00:27:48.320> father
00:27:49.350 --> 00:27:49.360 align:start position:0%
hold on it's a father father
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hold on it's a father father
father<00:27:49.760> bob<00:27:50.799> i<00:27:50.880> forgot<00:27:51.200> to<00:27:51.360> give<00:27:51.520> this<00:27:51.679> to<00:27:51.840> you
00:27:52.789 --> 00:27:52.799 align:start position:0%
father bob i forgot to give this to you
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father bob i forgot to give this to you
he<00:27:52.960> said<00:27:53.120> be<00:27:53.279> sure<00:27:53.440> to<00:27:53.520> give<00:27:53.679> that<00:27:53.840> to<00:27:53.919> whoever
00:27:54.149 --> 00:27:54.159 align:start position:0%
he said be sure to give that to whoever
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he said be sure to give that to whoever
takes<00:27:54.399> over<00:27:54.559> the<00:27:54.720> house
00:27:55.990 --> 00:27:56.000 align:start position:0%
takes over the house
00:27:56.000 --> 00:27:58.710 align:start position:0%
takes over the house
whoever<00:27:56.480> takes<00:27:56.720> over<00:27:56.880> the<00:27:56.960> house<00:27:57.679> i<00:27:58.000> know<00:27:58.559> made
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whoever takes over the house i know made
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whoever takes over the house i know made
no<00:27:58.960> sense<00:27:59.200> to<00:27:59.279> me<00:27:59.520> i
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no sense to me i
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no sense to me i
i<00:28:00.080> thought<00:28:00.240> he's<00:28:00.399> making<00:28:00.640> a<00:28:00.720> joke<00:28:01.039> or
00:28:01.110 --> 00:28:01.120 align:start position:0%
i thought he's making a joke or
00:28:01.120 --> 00:28:04.070 align:start position:0%
i thought he's making a joke or
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00:28:04.080 --> 00:28:06.389 align:start position:0%
you<00:28:04.240> mind<00:28:04.399> if<00:28:04.559> i<00:28:04.640> keep<00:28:04.799> this<00:28:05.279> no<00:28:05.679> have<00:28:05.919> it<00:28:06.240> it's
00:28:06.389 --> 00:28:06.399 align:start position:0%
you mind if i keep this no have it it's
00:28:06.399 --> 00:28:07.909 align:start position:0%
you mind if i keep this no have it it's
00:28:07.909 --> 00:28:07.919 align:start position:0%
00:28:07.919 --> 00:28:11.430 align:start position:0%
thanks<00:28:08.640> welcome<00:28:10.000> yeah<00:28:10.399> good<00:28:10.640> seeing<00:28:10.880> you<00:28:10.960> pal
00:28:11.430 --> 00:28:11.440 align:start position:0%
thanks welcome yeah good seeing you pal
00:28:11.440 --> 00:28:25.669 align:start position:0%
thanks welcome yeah good seeing you pal
you<00:28:14.840> too
00:28:25.669 --> 00:28:25.679 align:start position:0%
00:28:25.679 --> 00:28:31.830 align:start position:0%
mom<00:28:26.159> we're<00:28:28.840> home
00:28:31.830 --> 00:28:31.840 align:start position:0%
mom we're home
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mom we're home
mom<00:28:32.559> we're<00:28:32.799> home
00:28:43.669 --> 00:28:43.679 align:start position:0%
00:28:43.679 --> 00:28:46.549 align:start position:0%
go<00:28:43.840> tell<00:28:44.080> mom<00:28:44.320> we're<00:28:44.480> home<00:28:45.760> why<00:28:46.000> can't<00:28:46.240> you<00:28:46.399> do
00:28:46.549 --> 00:28:46.559 align:start position:0%
go tell mom we're home why can't you do
00:28:46.559 --> 00:28:52.950 align:start position:0%
go tell mom we're home why can't you do
00:28:52.950 --> 00:28:52.960 align:start position:0%
00:28:52.960 --> 00:28:56.149 align:start position:0%
maddie<00:28:54.640> fine<00:28:55.120> kristen
00:28:56.149 --> 00:28:56.159 align:start position:0%
maddie fine kristen
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maddie fine kristen
we<00:28:56.320> do<00:28:56.840> everything
00:29:04.789 --> 00:29:04.799 align:start position:0%
00:29:04.799 --> 00:29:26.630 align:start position:0%
mom<00:29:05.039> are<00:29:05.120> you<00:29:05.200> awake<00:29:10.840> mom
00:29:26.630 --> 00:29:26.640 align:start position:0%
00:29:26.640 --> 00:29:29.510 align:start position:0%
so<00:29:26.799> you're<00:29:26.880> just<00:29:27.039> gonna<00:29:27.279> sit<00:29:27.520> there<00:29:29.200> she's
00:29:29.510 --> 00:29:29.520 align:start position:0%
so you're just gonna sit there she's
00:29:29.520 --> 00:29:31.110 align:start position:0%
so you're just gonna sit there she's
00:29:31.110 --> 00:29:31.120 align:start position:0%
00:29:31.120 --> 00:29:33.510 align:start position:0%
sleeping<00:29:32.320> it's<00:29:32.559> in<00:29:32.640> the<00:29:32.720> middle<00:29:33.200> of<00:29:33.360> the
00:29:33.510 --> 00:29:33.520 align:start position:0%
sleeping it's in the middle of the
00:29:33.520 --> 00:29:35.269 align:start position:0%
sleeping it's in the middle of the
00:29:35.269 --> 00:29:35.279 align:start position:0%
00:29:35.279 --> 00:29:38.389 align:start position:0%
she's<00:29:35.520> sick<00:29:37.360> i<00:29:37.440> don't<00:29:37.600> know<00:29:37.760> kristin
00:29:38.389 --> 00:29:38.399 align:start position:0%
she's sick i don't know kristin
00:29:38.399 --> 00:29:39.669 align:start position:0%
she's sick i don't know kristin
why<00:29:38.559> don't<00:29:38.720> you<00:29:38.799> go<00:29:38.960> check<00:29:39.200> yourself<00:29:39.600> if
00:29:39.669 --> 00:29:39.679 align:start position:0%
why don't you go check yourself if
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why don't you go check yourself if
you're<00:29:39.919> so<00:29:40.159> interested
00:29:47.669 --> 00:29:47.679 align:start position:0%
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no<00:29:47.919> it's<00:29:48.080> cool<00:29:48.320> girls
00:29:51.110 --> 00:29:51.120 align:start position:0%
00:29:51.120 --> 00:29:56.789 align:start position:0%
fine<00:29:53.200> i'm<00:29:53.440> going<00:29:53.600> to<00:29:53.679> go<00:29:53.760> do<00:29:54.000> my<00:29:54.159> homework
00:29:56.789 --> 00:29:56.799 align:start position:0%
00:29:56.799 --> 00:30:01.430 align:start position:0%
earth<00:29:57.279> maddie<00:29:58.480> how<00:29:58.720> was<00:29:58.880> school
00:30:01.430 --> 00:30:01.440 align:start position:0%
00:30:01.440 --> 00:30:05.510 align:start position:0%
it's<00:30:01.600> okay<00:30:01.919> i<00:30:02.080> guess
00:30:05.510 --> 00:30:05.520 align:start position:0%
00:30:05.520 --> 00:30:17.010 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:30:05.679> going<00:30:06.840> outside
00:30:17.010 --> 00:30:17.020 align:start position:0%
00:30:17.020 --> 00:30:42.960 align:start position:0%
00:30:42.960 --> 00:30:42.970 align:start position:0%
00:30:42.970 --> 00:30:48.830 align:start position:0%
00:30:48.830 --> 00:30:48.840 align:start position:0%
00:30:48.840 --> 00:30:54.560 align:start position:0%
00:30:54.560 --> 00:30:54.570 align:start position:0%
00:30:54.570 --> 00:31:06.310 align:start position:0%
00:31:06.310 --> 00:31:06.320 align:start position:0%
00:31:06.320 --> 00:31:10.070 align:start position:0%
what<00:31:08.720> you<00:31:08.880> look<00:31:09.039> like<00:31:09.279> you've<00:31:09.440> just<00:31:09.679> seen<00:31:09.919> a
00:31:10.070 --> 00:31:10.080 align:start position:0%
what you look like you've just seen a
00:31:10.080 --> 00:31:11.430 align:start position:0%
what you look like you've just seen a
00:31:11.430 --> 00:31:11.440 align:start position:0%
00:31:11.440 --> 00:31:13.990 align:start position:0%
i<00:31:11.919> thought<00:31:12.159> i<00:31:12.240> heard<00:31:12.559> someone<00:31:13.440> talking<00:31:13.840> in<00:31:13.919> the
00:31:13.990 --> 00:31:14.000 align:start position:0%
i thought i heard someone talking in the
00:31:14.000 --> 00:31:15.190 align:start position:0%
i thought i heard someone talking in the
00:31:15.190 --> 00:31:15.200 align:start position:0%
00:31:15.200 --> 00:31:17.430 align:start position:0%
well<00:31:15.760> obviously<00:31:16.320> there<00:31:16.559> isn't<00:31:16.960> anybody
00:31:17.430 --> 00:31:17.440 align:start position:0%
well obviously there isn't anybody
00:31:17.440 --> 00:31:22.789 align:start position:0%
well obviously there isn't anybody
talking<00:31:17.760> in<00:31:17.919> the<00:31:18.000> kitchen
00:31:22.789 --> 00:31:22.799 align:start position:0%
00:31:22.799 --> 00:31:26.389 align:start position:0%
help<00:31:23.039> me<00:31:23.200> fill<00:31:23.360> some<00:31:23.519> potatoes<00:31:24.559> it'll<00:31:24.880> be<00:31:25.039> fun
00:31:26.389 --> 00:31:26.399 align:start position:0%
help me fill some potatoes it'll be fun
00:31:26.399 --> 00:31:30.830 align:start position:0%
help me fill some potatoes it'll be fun
i<00:31:26.559> want<00:31:26.799> potatoes<00:31:27.360> for<00:31:27.519> dinner<00:31:27.760> tonight
00:31:30.830 --> 00:31:30.840 align:start position:0%
00:31:30.840 --> 00:31:54.630 align:start position:0%
potatoes<00:31:31.760> we<00:31:32.000> never<00:31:32.240> have<00:31:44.840> potatoes
00:31:54.630 --> 00:31:54.640 align:start position:0%
00:31:54.640 --> 00:31:57.830 align:start position:0%
what's<00:31:54.880> with<00:31:55.039> all<00:31:55.200> the<00:31:55.279> potatoes<00:31:57.360> mom<00:31:57.600> wants
00:31:57.830 --> 00:31:57.840 align:start position:0%
what's with all the potatoes mom wants
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what's with all the potatoes mom wants
potatoes<00:31:58.320> for<00:31:58.840> dinner
00:32:00.950 --> 00:32:00.960 align:start position:0%
potatoes for dinner
00:32:00.960 --> 00:32:07.029 align:start position:0%
potatoes for dinner
potatoes<00:32:02.240> crusts<00:32:02.640> i<00:32:02.720> hate<00:32:02.960> potatoes
00:32:07.029 --> 00:32:07.039 align:start position:0%
00:32:07.039 --> 00:32:09.909 align:start position:0%
i<00:32:07.200> need<00:32:07.279> to<00:32:07.360> go<00:32:07.600> upstairs<00:32:08.080> for<00:32:08.159> a<00:32:08.240> while<00:32:09.760> you
00:32:09.909 --> 00:32:09.919 align:start position:0%
i need to go upstairs for a while you
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i need to go upstairs for a while you
two<00:32:10.080> can<00:32:12.840> finish
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00:32:18.799 --> 00:32:21.509 align:start position:0%
kristen<00:32:19.120> what's<00:32:19.360> with<00:32:19.600> mom<00:32:21.039> she's<00:32:21.279> starting
00:32:21.509 --> 00:32:21.519 align:start position:0%
kristen what's with mom she's starting
00:32:21.519 --> 00:32:23.269 align:start position:0%
kristen what's with mom she's starting
to<00:32:21.679> scare<00:32:22.000> me<00:32:22.240> and
00:32:23.269 --> 00:32:23.279 align:start position:0%
to scare me and
00:32:23.279 --> 00:32:25.110 align:start position:0%
to scare me and
i<00:32:23.360> think<00:32:23.519> you<00:32:23.679> need<00:32:23.840> to<00:32:23.919> talk<00:32:24.080> to<00:32:24.320> dad<00:32:24.640> i<00:32:24.799> heard
00:32:25.110 --> 00:32:25.120 align:start position:0%
i think you need to talk to dad i heard
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i think you need to talk to dad i heard
that<00:32:25.360> young<00:32:26.840> lady
00:32:28.470 --> 00:32:28.480 align:start position:0%
that young lady
00:32:28.480 --> 00:32:44.310 align:start position:0%
that young lady
i'll<00:32:28.640> talk<00:32:28.799> to<00:32:28.960> dad<00:32:29.120> when<00:32:29.200> he<00:32:29.279> gets<00:32:40.840> home
00:32:44.310 --> 00:32:44.320 align:start position:0%
00:32:44.320 --> 00:32:48.630 align:start position:0%
hey<00:32:44.480> girls
00:32:48.630 --> 00:32:48.640 align:start position:0%
00:32:48.640 --> 00:32:51.750 align:start position:0%
what's<00:32:48.880> with<00:32:49.039> the<00:32:49.120> potatoes<00:32:50.720> mom
00:32:51.750 --> 00:32:51.760 align:start position:0%
what's with the potatoes mom
00:32:51.760 --> 00:32:56.310 align:start position:0%
what's with the potatoes mom
yummy<00:32:52.240> right<00:32:53.760> i<00:32:53.919> don't<00:32:54.080> get<00:32:54.840> it
00:32:56.310 --> 00:32:56.320 align:start position:0%
yummy right i don't get it
00:32:56.320 --> 00:32:58.310 align:start position:0%
yummy right i don't get it
mom<00:32:56.559> wanted<00:32:56.880> us<00:32:57.039> to<00:32:57.279> peel<00:32:57.679> all<00:32:57.760> those<00:32:58.000> stupid
00:32:58.310 --> 00:32:58.320 align:start position:0%
mom wanted us to peel all those stupid
00:32:58.320 --> 00:33:00.389 align:start position:0%
mom wanted us to peel all those stupid
potatoes<00:32:58.799> for<00:32:58.960> dinner
00:33:00.389 --> 00:33:00.399 align:start position:0%
potatoes for dinner
00:33:00.399 --> 00:33:03.509 align:start position:0%
potatoes for dinner
why<00:33:01.279> dad<00:33:01.679> i<00:33:01.760> don't<00:33:02.000> know<00:33:02.799> but<00:33:02.960> you<00:33:03.039> need<00:33:03.200> to<00:33:03.360> do
00:33:03.509 --> 00:33:03.519 align:start position:0%
why dad i don't know but you need to do
00:33:03.519 --> 00:33:04.789 align:start position:0%
why dad i don't know but you need to do
00:33:04.789 --> 00:33:04.799 align:start position:0%
00:33:04.799 --> 00:33:08.830 align:start position:0%
she's<00:33:05.039> acting<00:33:05.440> really<00:33:05.760> weird<00:33:07.519> where<00:33:07.760> is<00:33:07.840> she
00:33:08.830 --> 00:33:08.840 align:start position:0%
she's acting really weird where is she
00:33:08.840 --> 00:33:11.750 align:start position:0%
she's acting really weird where is she
upstairs<00:33:10.240> she's<00:33:10.399> been<00:33:10.640> up<00:33:10.720> there<00:33:10.960> for<00:33:11.120> a<00:33:11.360> long
00:33:11.750 --> 00:33:11.760 align:start position:0%
upstairs she's been up there for a long
00:33:11.760 --> 00:33:14.710 align:start position:0%
upstairs she's been up there for a long
00:33:14.710 --> 00:33:14.720 align:start position:0%
00:33:14.720 --> 00:33:27.669 align:start position:0%
i'll<00:33:14.880> go<00:33:15.039> check<00:33:15.279> on<00:33:22.840> her
00:33:27.669 --> 00:33:27.679 align:start position:0%
00:33:27.679 --> 00:33:29.269 align:start position:0%
didn't<00:33:27.919> anyone<00:33:28.399> ever<00:33:28.559> tell<00:33:28.720> you<00:33:28.880> it's<00:33:29.039> not
00:33:29.269 --> 00:33:29.279 align:start position:0%
didn't anyone ever tell you it's not
00:33:29.279 --> 00:33:31.509 align:start position:0%
didn't anyone ever tell you it's not
polite<00:33:29.600> to<00:33:29.840> eavesdrop
00:33:31.509 --> 00:33:31.519 align:start position:0%
polite to eavesdrop
00:33:31.519 --> 00:33:35.110 align:start position:0%
polite to eavesdrop
i<00:33:31.679> wasn't<00:33:32.000> eavesdropping<00:33:34.240> sure<00:33:34.559> you<00:33:34.720> were<00:33:34.880> you
00:33:35.110 --> 00:33:35.120 align:start position:0%
i wasn't eavesdropping sure you were you
00:33:35.120 --> 00:33:43.190 align:start position:0%
i wasn't eavesdropping sure you were you
silly<00:33:36.840> goat
00:33:43.190 --> 00:33:43.200 align:start position:0%
00:33:43.200 --> 00:33:45.669 align:start position:0%
don't<00:33:43.440> ever<00:33:43.679> lie<00:33:43.840> to<00:33:44.000> me<00:33:44.159> michael<00:33:44.799> you<00:33:45.200> never
00:33:45.669 --> 00:33:45.679 align:start position:0%
don't ever lie to me michael you never
00:33:45.679 --> 00:33:47.590 align:start position:0%
don't ever lie to me michael you never
know<00:33:45.840> what<00:33:46.080> i<00:33:46.159> might<00:33:46.480> do
00:33:47.590 --> 00:33:47.600 align:start position:0%
know what i might do
00:33:47.600 --> 00:33:52.549 align:start position:0%
know what i might do
besides<00:33:49.360> lying<00:33:49.760> doesn't<00:33:50.080> suit<00:33:50.840> you
00:33:52.549 --> 00:33:52.559 align:start position:0%
besides lying doesn't suit you
00:33:52.559 --> 00:34:18.829 align:start position:0%
besides lying doesn't suit you
hurry<00:33:52.880> up<00:33:53.919> i'm<00:34:04.840> starving
00:34:18.829 --> 00:34:18.839 align:start position:0%
00:34:18.839 --> 00:34:27.669 align:start position:0%
00:34:27.669 --> 00:34:27.679 align:start position:0%
00:34:27.679 --> 00:34:31.349 align:start position:0%
why<00:34:27.919> is<00:34:28.079> there<00:34:28.480> so<00:34:28.960> many<00:34:29.280> potatoes
00:34:31.349 --> 00:34:31.359 align:start position:0%
why is there so many potatoes
00:34:31.359 --> 00:34:35.589 align:start position:0%
why is there so many potatoes
because<00:34:31.679> you<00:34:31.919> asked<00:34:32.240> us<00:34:32.399> to<00:34:32.560> peel<00:34:32.839> them
00:34:35.589 --> 00:34:35.599 align:start position:0%
because you asked us to peel them
00:34:35.599 --> 00:34:39.109 align:start position:0%
because you asked us to peel them
no<00:34:36.320> i<00:34:36.480> asked<00:34:36.800> you<00:34:36.960> to<00:34:37.119> peel<00:34:37.359> a<00:34:37.520> few
00:34:39.109 --> 00:34:39.119 align:start position:0%
no i asked you to peel a few
00:34:39.119 --> 00:34:42.550 align:start position:0%
no i asked you to peel a few
you<00:34:39.280> went<00:34:39.679> way<00:34:40.079> beyond<00:34:40.639> peeling<00:34:41.679> missy
00:34:42.550 --> 00:34:42.560 align:start position:0%
you went way beyond peeling missy
00:34:42.560 --> 00:34:46.829 align:start position:0%
you went way beyond peeling missy
mom<00:34:42.879> you<00:34:43.040> said<00:34:43.359> to<00:34:43.520> peel<00:34:43.839> the<00:34:44.000> potatoes
00:34:46.829 --> 00:34:46.839 align:start position:0%
00:34:46.839 --> 00:34:50.230 align:start position:0%
sweetheart<00:34:48.159> how<00:34:48.399> was<00:34:48.480> your<00:34:48.639> day
00:34:50.230 --> 00:34:50.240 align:start position:0%
sweetheart how was your day
00:34:50.240 --> 00:34:53.510 align:start position:0%
sweetheart how was your day
it<00:34:50.399> was<00:34:50.639> good
00:34:53.510 --> 00:34:53.520 align:start position:0%
00:34:53.520 --> 00:34:54.950 align:start position:0%
what's<00:34:53.679> a<00:34:53.760> good<00:34:53.919> day<00:34:54.079> look<00:34:54.240> like<00:34:54.399> in<00:34:54.480> my<00:34:54.639> last
00:34:54.950 --> 00:34:54.960 align:start position:0%
what's a good day look like in my last
00:34:54.960 --> 00:35:00.310 align:start position:0%
what's a good day look like in my last
00:35:00.310 --> 00:35:00.320 align:start position:0%
00:35:00.320 --> 00:35:03.030 align:start position:0%
what's<00:35:00.560> a<00:35:00.640> day<00:35:00.880> look<00:35:01.040> like<00:35:01.200> in<00:35:01.359> my<00:35:01.599> world<00:35:02.880> are
00:35:03.030 --> 00:35:03.040 align:start position:0%
what's a day look like in my world are
00:35:03.040 --> 00:35:03.430 align:start position:0%
what's a day look like in my world are
00:35:03.430 --> 00:35:03.440 align:start position:0%
00:35:03.440 --> 00:35:06.470 align:start position:0%
kidding<00:35:03.760> me<00:35:05.200> well<00:35:05.359> i<00:35:05.520> don't<00:35:05.839> sit<00:35:06.079> on<00:35:06.160> my
00:35:06.470 --> 00:35:06.480 align:start position:0%
kidding me well i don't sit on my
00:35:06.480 --> 00:35:07.829 align:start position:0%
kidding me well i don't sit on my
ass<00:35:06.800> all<00:35:06.960> day<00:35:07.200> if<00:35:07.280> that's<00:35:07.440> what<00:35:07.599> you're
00:35:07.829 --> 00:35:07.839 align:start position:0%
ass all day if that's what you're
00:35:07.839 --> 00:35:22.870 align:start position:0%
ass all day if that's what you're
insinuating<00:35:14.839> mister
00:35:22.870 --> 00:35:22.880 align:start position:0%
00:35:22.880 --> 00:35:25.349 align:start position:0%
00:35:25.349 --> 00:35:25.359 align:start position:0%
00:35:25.359 --> 00:35:26.710 align:start position:0%
you<00:35:25.440> guys<00:35:25.680> should<00:35:25.920> have<00:35:26.000> seen<00:35:26.240> the<00:35:26.320> look<00:35:26.560> on
00:35:26.710 --> 00:35:26.720 align:start position:0%
you guys should have seen the look on
00:35:26.720 --> 00:35:29.190 align:start position:0%
you guys should have seen the look on
all<00:35:26.880> of<00:35:27.040> your<00:35:27.280> faces<00:35:28.320> you
00:35:29.190 --> 00:35:29.200 align:start position:0%
all of your faces you
00:35:29.200 --> 00:35:32.710 align:start position:0%
all of your faces you
you<00:35:30.160> and<00:35:30.400> you
00:35:32.710 --> 00:35:32.720 align:start position:0%
00:35:32.720 --> 00:35:42.829 align:start position:0%
priceless<00:35:34.640> absolutely
00:35:42.829 --> 00:35:42.839 align:start position:0%
00:35:42.839 --> 00:35:55.589 align:start position:0%
00:35:55.589 --> 00:35:55.599 align:start position:0%
00:35:55.599 --> 00:35:58.710 align:start position:0%
i<00:35:55.760> need<00:35:56.000> to<00:35:56.079> go<00:35:56.160> to<00:35:56.240> the<00:35:56.839> neighbors<00:35:58.320> finish
00:35:58.710 --> 00:35:58.720 align:start position:0%
i need to go to the neighbors finish
00:35:58.720 --> 00:36:10.829 align:start position:0%
i need to go to the neighbors finish
up<00:35:59.200> you<00:35:59.280> know<00:36:01.200> you<00:36:01.359> can<00:36:01.440> text<00:36:01.680> me<00:36:01.760> if<00:36:01.920> you<00:36:02.000> need
00:36:10.829 --> 00:36:10.839 align:start position:0%
00:36:10.839 --> 00:36:23.109 align:start position:0%
00:36:23.109 --> 00:36:23.119 align:start position:0%
00:36:23.119 --> 00:36:25.270 align:start position:0%
well<00:36:23.280> i'm<00:36:23.440> sure<00:36:23.599> you've<00:36:23.839> met<00:36:24.079> don<00:36:24.880> everyone
00:36:25.270 --> 00:36:25.280 align:start position:0%
well i'm sure you've met don everyone
00:36:25.280 --> 00:36:27.750 align:start position:0%
well i'm sure you've met don everyone
around<00:36:25.520> here<00:36:25.760> knows<00:36:26.000> him<00:36:26.079> as<00:36:26.240> a<00:36:26.320> professor
00:36:27.750 --> 00:36:27.760 align:start position:0%
around here knows him as a professor
00:36:27.760 --> 00:36:29.910 align:start position:0%
around here knows him as a professor
yeah<00:36:27.920> i'm<00:36:28.079> just<00:36:28.320> a<00:36:28.400> little<00:36:28.640> surprised<00:36:29.119> to<00:36:29.440> uh
00:36:29.910 --> 00:36:29.920 align:start position:0%
yeah i'm just a little surprised to uh
00:36:29.920 --> 00:36:31.589 align:start position:0%
yeah i'm just a little surprised to uh
see<00:36:30.079> him<00:36:30.160> here<00:36:30.400> a<00:36:30.400> lot<00:36:30.560> of<00:36:30.640> surprises<00:36:31.280> in<00:36:31.359> this
00:36:31.589 --> 00:36:31.599 align:start position:0%
see him here a lot of surprises in this
00:36:31.599 --> 00:36:32.390 align:start position:0%
see him here a lot of surprises in this
00:36:32.390 --> 00:36:32.400 align:start position:0%
00:36:32.400 --> 00:36:34.950 align:start position:0%
hi<00:36:32.720> michael<00:36:34.000> can<00:36:34.160> i<00:36:34.240> get<00:36:34.400> you<00:36:34.560> something<00:36:34.800> to
00:36:34.950 --> 00:36:34.960 align:start position:0%
hi michael can i get you something to
00:36:34.960 --> 00:36:37.349 align:start position:0%
hi michael can i get you something to
drink<00:36:35.280> oh<00:36:35.599> no<00:36:35.839> thanks
00:36:37.349 --> 00:36:37.359 align:start position:0%
drink oh no thanks
00:36:37.359 --> 00:36:48.069 align:start position:0%
drink oh no thanks
have<00:36:37.599> a<00:36:37.680> seat<00:36:38.839> michael
00:36:48.069 --> 00:36:48.079 align:start position:0%
00:36:48.079 --> 00:36:52.630 align:start position:0%
so<00:36:48.240> michael<00:36:48.640> what<00:36:48.800> do<00:36:48.960> we<00:36:49.119> owe<00:36:49.280> the<00:36:49.359> pleasure
00:36:52.630 --> 00:36:52.640 align:start position:0%
00:36:52.640 --> 00:36:54.310 align:start position:0%
you<00:36:52.800> know<00:36:52.960> what<00:36:53.440> this<00:36:53.599> is<00:36:53.680> not<00:36:53.920> really<00:36:54.079> a<00:36:54.160> good
00:36:54.310 --> 00:36:54.320 align:start position:0%
you know what this is not really a good
00:36:54.320 --> 00:36:55.829 align:start position:0%
you know what this is not really a good
time<00:36:54.640> i<00:36:54.720> should<00:36:54.880> just<00:36:55.040> come<00:36:55.200> back<00:36:55.520> oh
00:36:55.829 --> 00:36:55.839 align:start position:0%
time i should just come back oh
00:36:55.839 --> 00:36:57.829 align:start position:0%
time i should just come back oh
michael<00:36:56.240> don't<00:36:56.480> be<00:36:56.720> silly<00:36:57.119> you're<00:36:57.359> amongst
00:36:57.829 --> 00:36:57.839 align:start position:0%
michael don't be silly you're amongst
00:36:57.839 --> 00:36:59.270 align:start position:0%
michael don't be silly you're amongst
friends<00:36:58.320> have<00:36:58.560> a<00:36:58.720> seat
00:36:59.270 --> 00:36:59.280 align:start position:0%
friends have a seat
00:36:59.280 --> 00:37:07.750 align:start position:0%
friends have a seat
have<00:36:59.520> a<00:36:59.680> drink<00:37:00.400> you're<00:37:00.560> gonna<00:37:00.800> need<00:37:01.040> it
00:37:07.750 --> 00:37:07.760 align:start position:0%
00:37:07.760 --> 00:37:13.670 align:start position:0%
so<00:37:08.000> michael<00:37:09.200> what's<00:37:09.440> on<00:37:09.599> your<00:37:09.680> mind
00:37:13.670 --> 00:37:13.680 align:start position:0%
00:37:13.680 --> 00:37:16.390 align:start position:0%
actually<00:37:14.000> it's<00:37:14.560> it's<00:37:14.800> about<00:37:15.119> the<00:37:15.280> harrises<00:37:16.160> oh
00:37:16.390 --> 00:37:16.400 align:start position:0%
actually it's it's about the harrises oh
00:37:16.400 --> 00:37:18.870 align:start position:0%
actually it's it's about the harrises oh
this<00:37:16.560> is<00:37:16.640> gonna<00:37:16.800> be<00:37:16.960> good
00:37:18.870 --> 00:37:18.880 align:start position:0%
this is gonna be good
00:37:18.880 --> 00:37:22.470 align:start position:0%
this is gonna be good
sure<00:37:20.000> go<00:37:20.839> ahead
00:37:22.470 --> 00:37:22.480 align:start position:0%
sure go ahead
00:37:22.480 --> 00:37:25.670 align:start position:0%
sure go ahead
well<00:37:22.720> it's<00:37:22.880> about<00:37:23.359> miss<00:37:23.599> harris<00:37:24.160> um
00:37:25.670 --> 00:37:25.680 align:start position:0%
well it's about miss harris um
00:37:25.680 --> 00:37:28.230 align:start position:0%
well it's about miss harris um
you<00:37:25.920> said<00:37:26.079> that<00:37:26.320> she<00:37:26.480> was<00:37:26.640> very<00:37:26.960> social<00:37:28.079> at
00:37:28.230 --> 00:37:28.240 align:start position:0%
you said that she was very social at
00:37:28.240 --> 00:37:29.510 align:start position:0%
you said that she was very social at
first<00:37:28.560> and
00:37:29.510 --> 00:37:29.520 align:start position:0%
first and
00:37:29.520 --> 00:37:32.950 align:start position:0%
first and
she<00:37:29.760> changed<00:37:30.160> over<00:37:30.400> time
00:37:32.950 --> 00:37:32.960 align:start position:0%
00:37:32.960 --> 00:37:39.109 align:start position:0%
why<00:37:34.640> why<00:37:34.800> do<00:37:34.880> you<00:37:34.960> think<00:37:35.119> she<00:37:35.359> changed
00:37:39.109 --> 00:37:39.119 align:start position:0%
00:37:39.119 --> 00:37:40.870 align:start position:0%
honestly<00:37:39.680> michael<00:37:40.240> i<00:37:40.400> think<00:37:40.640> it<00:37:40.720> has
00:37:40.870 --> 00:37:40.880 align:start position:0%
honestly michael i think it has
00:37:40.880 --> 00:37:42.790 align:start position:0%
honestly michael i think it has
something<00:37:41.200> to<00:37:41.359> do<00:37:41.520> with<00:37:41.760> your<00:37:41.920> house<00:37:42.240> oh<00:37:42.480> damn
00:37:42.790 --> 00:37:42.800 align:start position:0%
something to do with your house oh damn
00:37:42.800 --> 00:37:44.310 align:start position:0%
something to do with your house oh damn
it<00:37:42.960> penny<00:37:43.280> don't<00:37:43.440> start<00:37:43.680> with<00:37:43.760> that<00:37:44.000> house
00:37:44.310 --> 00:37:44.320 align:start position:0%
it penny don't start with that house
00:37:44.320 --> 00:37:44.710 align:start position:0%
it penny don't start with that house
00:37:44.710 --> 00:37:44.720 align:start position:0%
00:37:44.720 --> 00:37:46.310 align:start position:0%
well<00:37:44.960> that's<00:37:45.119> right<00:37:45.440> and<00:37:45.520> that<00:37:45.680> goes<00:37:45.920> for<00:37:46.079> you
00:37:46.310 --> 00:37:46.320 align:start position:0%
well that's right and that goes for you
00:37:46.320 --> 00:37:47.829 align:start position:0%
well that's right and that goes for you
too<00:37:46.960> it's<00:37:47.280> okay<00:37:47.520> bill
00:37:47.829 --> 00:37:47.839 align:start position:0%
too it's okay bill
00:37:47.839 --> 00:37:51.109 align:start position:0%
too it's okay bill
what<00:37:48.000> do<00:37:48.000> you<00:37:48.839> mean<00:37:50.400> don't<00:37:50.560> look<00:37:50.800> at<00:37:50.880> me<00:37:51.040> you
00:37:51.109 --> 00:37:51.119 align:start position:0%
what do you mean don't look at me you
00:37:51.119 --> 00:37:54.630 align:start position:0%
what do you mean don't look at me you
got<00:37:51.280> yourself<00:37:51.680> into<00:37:51.920> this
00:37:54.630 --> 00:37:54.640 align:start position:0%
00:37:54.640 --> 00:37:56.310 align:start position:0%
at<00:37:54.800> the<00:37:54.880> risk<00:37:55.119> of<00:37:55.200> sounding<00:37:55.520> like<00:37:55.760> a<00:37:55.839> wacko<00:37:56.240> i'm
00:37:56.310 --> 00:37:56.320 align:start position:0%
at the risk of sounding like a wacko i'm
00:37:56.320 --> 00:37:58.470 align:start position:0%
at the risk of sounding like a wacko i'm
just<00:37:56.480> gonna<00:37:56.720> say<00:37:56.960> it<00:37:57.520> michael<00:37:57.920> your<00:37:58.160> house
00:37:58.470 --> 00:37:58.480 align:start position:0%
just gonna say it michael your house
00:37:58.480 --> 00:38:01.349 align:start position:0%
just gonna say it michael your house
creeps<00:37:58.800> me<00:37:58.960> out
00:38:01.349 --> 00:38:01.359 align:start position:0%
00:38:01.359 --> 00:38:02.950 align:start position:0%
it<00:38:01.440> wasn't<00:38:01.839> always<00:38:02.079> that<00:38:02.240> way<00:38:02.480> the<00:38:02.640> original
00:38:02.950 --> 00:38:02.960 align:start position:0%
it wasn't always that way the original
00:38:02.960 --> 00:38:04.710 align:start position:0%
it wasn't always that way the original
owners<00:38:03.359> the<00:38:03.440> russells<00:38:03.920> they<00:38:04.000> were<00:38:04.160> a<00:38:04.320> truly
00:38:04.710 --> 00:38:04.720 align:start position:0%
owners the russells they were a truly
00:38:04.720 --> 00:38:06.790 align:start position:0%
owners the russells they were a truly
lovely<00:38:05.200> elder<00:38:05.599> couple
00:38:06.790 --> 00:38:06.800 align:start position:0%
lovely elder couple
00:38:06.800 --> 00:38:08.630 align:start position:0%
lovely elder couple
and<00:38:07.040> they<00:38:07.280> bought<00:38:07.440> the<00:38:07.599> house<00:38:07.920> but<00:38:08.079> they<00:38:08.320> tore
00:38:08.630 --> 00:38:08.640 align:start position:0%
and they bought the house but they tore
00:38:08.640 --> 00:38:10.470 align:start position:0%
and they bought the house but they tore
it<00:38:08.720> down
00:38:10.470 --> 00:38:10.480 align:start position:0%
it down
00:38:10.480 --> 00:38:12.630 align:start position:0%
it down
left<00:38:10.720> the<00:38:10.880> basement<00:38:11.520> and<00:38:11.680> then<00:38:12.000> built<00:38:12.240> another
00:38:12.630 --> 00:38:12.640 align:start position:0%
left the basement and then built another
00:38:12.640 --> 00:38:14.310 align:start position:0%
left the basement and then built another
one<00:38:12.880> for<00:38:13.040> their<00:38:13.280> grandkids<00:38:13.760> to<00:38:13.839> come<00:38:14.079> visit
00:38:14.310 --> 00:38:14.320 align:start position:0%
one for their grandkids to come visit
00:38:14.320 --> 00:38:16.069 align:start position:0%
one for their grandkids to come visit
for<00:38:14.480> the<00:38:14.560> summer
00:38:16.069 --> 00:38:16.079 align:start position:0%
for the summer
00:38:16.079 --> 00:38:18.069 align:start position:0%
for the summer
but<00:38:16.400> mr<00:38:16.800> russell<00:38:17.119> died<00:38:17.440> within<00:38:17.680> the<00:38:17.839> first
00:38:18.069 --> 00:38:18.079 align:start position:0%
but mr russell died within the first
00:38:18.079 --> 00:38:19.349 align:start position:0%
but mr russell died within the first
year<00:38:18.320> of<00:38:18.400> moving<00:38:18.800> in
00:38:19.349 --> 00:38:19.359 align:start position:0%
year of moving in
00:38:19.359 --> 00:38:23.589 align:start position:0%
year of moving in
he<00:38:19.599> died<00:38:20.320> yeah<00:38:21.359> it<00:38:21.520> was<00:38:21.839> so<00:38:22.240> sad
00:38:23.589 --> 00:38:23.599 align:start position:0%
he died yeah it was so sad
00:38:23.599 --> 00:38:25.910 align:start position:0%
he died yeah it was so sad
he<00:38:23.920> fell<00:38:24.160> down<00:38:24.400> the<00:38:24.560> basement<00:38:25.040> stairs<00:38:25.599> i<00:38:25.680> was
00:38:25.910 --> 00:38:25.920 align:start position:0%
he fell down the basement stairs i was
00:38:25.920 --> 00:38:27.430 align:start position:0%
he fell down the basement stairs i was
00:38:27.430 --> 00:38:27.440 align:start position:0%
00:38:27.440 --> 00:38:31.589 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:38:27.680> sorry<00:38:28.560> what<00:38:28.720> was<00:38:28.880> that<00:38:29.280> ah<00:38:29.520> never<00:38:29.839> mind
00:38:31.589 --> 00:38:31.599 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry what was that ah never mind
00:38:31.599 --> 00:38:35.270 align:start position:0%
i'm sorry what was that ah never mind
anyway<00:38:32.960> yeah
00:38:35.270 --> 00:38:35.280 align:start position:0%
anyway yeah
00:38:35.280 --> 00:38:36.950 align:start position:0%
anyway yeah
he<00:38:35.440> fell<00:38:35.599> down<00:38:35.760> the<00:38:35.839> basement<00:38:36.240> stairs<00:38:36.720> broke
00:38:36.950 --> 00:38:36.960 align:start position:0%
he fell down the basement stairs broke
00:38:36.960 --> 00:38:38.870 align:start position:0%
he fell down the basement stairs broke
his<00:38:37.119> neck<00:38:37.359> and<00:38:37.520> died<00:38:38.160> and<00:38:38.320> it<00:38:38.400> was<00:38:38.560> shortly
00:38:38.870 --> 00:38:38.880 align:start position:0%
his neck and died and it was shortly
00:38:38.880 --> 00:38:43.990 align:start position:0%
his neck and died and it was shortly
thereafter<00:38:39.359> the<00:38:39.520> missus<00:38:39.839> sold<00:38:40.079> the<00:38:40.240> house
00:38:43.990 --> 00:38:44.000 align:start position:0%
00:38:44.000 --> 00:38:47.030 align:start position:0%
now<00:38:44.960> it<00:38:45.119> was<00:38:45.280> the<00:38:45.520> next<00:38:45.839> couple<00:38:46.160> that<00:38:46.400> moved<00:38:46.800> in
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now it was the next couple that moved in
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now it was the next couple that moved in
when<00:38:47.359> things<00:38:47.760> started<00:38:48.240> getting<00:38:48.640> strained
00:38:49.750 --> 00:38:49.760 align:start position:0%
when things started getting strained
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when things started getting strained
what<00:38:50.000> what<00:38:50.160> do<00:38:50.160> you<00:38:50.240> mean<00:38:50.480> getting<00:38:50.800> strange<00:38:52.320> it
00:38:52.470 --> 00:38:52.480 align:start position:0%
what what do you mean getting strange it
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what what do you mean getting strange it
was<00:38:52.640> a<00:38:52.800> couple
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was a couple
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was a couple
don<00:38:54.640> what<00:38:54.800> was<00:38:54.960> their<00:38:55.200> name<00:38:55.440> again<00:38:55.920> devlin<00:38:56.800> ah
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don what was their name again devlin ah
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don what was their name again devlin ah
devlin<00:38:57.680> was<00:38:57.839> the<00:38:58.079> family<00:38:58.640> name
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devlin was the family name
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devlin was the family name
that's<00:38:59.359> it<00:38:59.839> devlin
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kathy<00:39:07.119> don's<00:39:07.440> dearly<00:39:07.760> departed<00:39:08.160> wife<00:39:08.480> my<00:39:08.640> best
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kathy don's dearly departed wife my best
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kathy don's dearly departed wife my best
friend<00:39:09.200> mind<00:39:09.440> you
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friend mind you
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friend mind you
well<00:39:10.400> because<00:39:10.720> of<00:39:10.800> her<00:39:11.119> he<00:39:11.359> knows<00:39:11.599> some<00:39:12.720> dirty
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well because of her he knows some dirty
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well because of her he knows some dirty
little<00:39:13.440> secrets
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little secrets
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little secrets
if<00:39:14.079> you<00:39:14.240> know<00:39:14.400> what<00:39:14.640> i<00:39:14.800> mean<00:39:15.599> i<00:39:15.760> mean<00:39:15.920> i
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if you know what i mean i mean i
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if you know what i mean i mean i
remember<00:39:16.480> a<00:39:16.560> time<00:39:16.800> when<00:39:16.960> the<00:39:17.119> three<00:39:17.280> of<00:39:17.440> us<00:39:17.520> and
00:39:17.589 --> 00:39:17.599 align:start position:0%
remember a time when the three of us and
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remember a time when the three of us and
he<00:39:17.839> was<00:39:18.000> called
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he was called
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he was called
kenny<00:39:19.839> let<00:39:20.079> her<00:39:20.240> talk<00:39:20.800> all<00:39:21.040> right<00:39:21.680> you<00:39:21.920> too
00:39:22.390 --> 00:39:22.400 align:start position:0%
kenny let her talk all right you too
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kenny let her talk all right you too
all<00:39:22.720> right<00:39:23.119> both<00:39:23.440> of<00:39:23.520> you
00:39:26.470 --> 00:39:26.480 align:start position:0%
00:39:26.480 --> 00:39:28.310 align:start position:0%
they<00:39:26.640> kept<00:39:26.880> to<00:39:27.040> themselves<00:39:27.760> and<00:39:27.920> i<00:39:28.000> thought<00:39:28.240> it
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they kept to themselves and i thought it
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they kept to themselves and i thought it
was<00:39:28.480> kind<00:39:28.640> of<00:39:28.800> strange<00:39:29.280> that<00:39:29.359> they<00:39:29.520> bought
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was kind of strange that they bought
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was kind of strange that they bought
such<00:39:30.000> a<00:39:30.079> big<00:39:30.240> house<00:39:30.480> because<00:39:30.720> they<00:39:30.800> had<00:39:31.040> no
00:39:31.270 --> 00:39:31.280 align:start position:0%
such a big house because they had no
00:39:31.280 --> 00:39:31.910 align:start position:0%
such a big house because they had no
00:39:31.910 --> 00:39:31.920 align:start position:0%
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they<00:39:32.079> were<00:39:32.240> anti-social<00:39:33.359> the<00:39:33.520> best<00:39:33.760> you<00:39:33.839> could
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they were anti-social the best you could
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they were anti-social the best you could
get<00:39:34.160> out<00:39:34.320> of<00:39:34.400> them<00:39:34.560> was<00:39:34.800> a<00:39:35.040> nod<00:39:35.520> or<00:39:35.760> a
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get out of them was a nod or a
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get out of them was a nod or a
wave<00:39:36.960> and<00:39:37.119> that<00:39:37.280> was<00:39:37.520> if<00:39:37.680> you<00:39:37.839> made<00:39:38.160> eye
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wave and that was if you made eye
00:39:38.480 --> 00:39:40.829 align:start position:0%
wave and that was if you made eye
00:39:40.829 --> 00:39:40.839 align:start position:0%
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anyway<00:39:41.839> on<00:39:42.000> the<00:39:42.079> weekends<00:39:43.280> they<00:39:43.520> would<00:39:43.680> have
00:39:44.069 --> 00:39:44.079 align:start position:0%
anyway on the weekends they would have
00:39:44.079 --> 00:39:44.630 align:start position:0%
anyway on the weekends they would have
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looked<00:39:44.880> like<00:39:45.119> these<00:39:45.760> parties
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looked like these parties
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looked like these parties
that<00:39:48.240> consisted<00:39:48.800> of<00:39:48.880> about<00:39:49.200> i<00:39:49.280> don't<00:39:49.440> know<00:39:49.760> six
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that consisted of about i don't know six
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that consisted of about i don't know six
to<00:39:50.160> eight<00:39:50.320> people<00:39:50.720> for<00:39:50.880> god's<00:39:51.200> sakes<00:39:51.520> michael
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to eight people for god's sakes michael
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to eight people for god's sakes michael
doesn't<00:39:52.079> have<00:39:52.320> all<00:39:52.560> night<00:39:52.720> for<00:39:52.880> this
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doesn't have all night for this
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doesn't have all night for this
ah<00:39:53.680> let<00:39:53.839> her<00:39:54.079> talk<00:39:54.640> that<00:39:54.800> goes<00:39:55.040> for<00:39:55.200> you<00:39:55.359> too
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ah let her talk that goes for you too
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ah let her talk that goes for you too
both<00:39:55.920> of<00:39:56.079> you
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both of you
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both of you
excuse<00:39:57.040> me
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the<00:40:00.560> martins<00:40:00.880> that<00:40:01.040> lived<00:40:01.200> to<00:40:01.359> the<00:40:01.520> right<00:40:01.760> of
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the martins that lived to the right of
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the martins that lived to the right of
you<00:40:02.320> well<00:40:02.480> mrs<00:40:02.880> martin
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you well mrs martin
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you well mrs martin
kathy<00:40:04.000> don's<00:40:04.319> wife<00:40:04.560> and<00:40:04.720> myself<00:40:05.280> we<00:40:05.440> wanted<00:40:05.680> to
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kathy don's wife and myself we wanted to
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kathy don's wife and myself we wanted to
know<00:40:06.000> what<00:40:06.160> was<00:40:06.319> happening<00:40:06.720> in<00:40:06.880> those<00:40:07.200> parties
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know what was happening in those parties
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know what was happening in those parties
um<00:40:10.079> and<00:40:10.240> i'm<00:40:10.400> not<00:40:10.880> very<00:40:11.119> proud<00:40:11.440> of<00:40:11.599> this
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um and i'm not very proud of this
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um and i'm not very proud of this
but<00:40:13.200> one<00:40:13.520> night<00:40:14.880> we<00:40:15.040> were<00:40:15.200> looking<00:40:15.520> out
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but one night we were looking out
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but one night we were looking out
through<00:40:16.000> the<00:40:16.160> main<00:40:16.480> bedroom<00:40:16.880> window
00:40:17.829 --> 00:40:17.839 align:start position:0%
through the main bedroom window
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through the main bedroom window
as<00:40:18.079> god<00:40:18.319> as<00:40:18.480> my<00:40:18.720> witness<00:40:19.599> we<00:40:19.760> saw<00:40:20.000> a<00:40:20.079> circle<00:40:20.480> of
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as god as my witness we saw a circle of
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as god as my witness we saw a circle of
people<00:40:20.880> wearing<00:40:21.200> black<00:40:21.599> robes
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people wearing black robes
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people wearing black robes
with<00:40:22.640> hoods<00:40:23.040> on<00:40:23.200> them<00:40:23.839> and<00:40:23.920> they<00:40:24.160> were<00:40:24.319> having
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with hoods on them and they were having
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with hoods on them and they were having
what<00:40:24.800> appeared<00:40:25.119> to<00:40:25.280> be<00:40:25.440> a
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what appeared to be a
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what appeared to be a
seance<00:40:27.520> and<00:40:27.760> at<00:40:27.920> one<00:40:28.160> point
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seance and at one point
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seance and at one point
one<00:40:29.040> of<00:40:29.119> them<00:40:29.359> looked<00:40:29.599> dead<00:40:29.839> on<00:40:30.079> at<00:40:30.160> me<00:40:30.480> penny
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one of them looked dead on at me penny
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one of them looked dead on at me penny
will<00:40:30.880> you<00:40:30.960> just<00:40:31.119> get<00:40:31.200> to<00:40:31.359> the<00:40:31.520> damn<00:40:31.920> point<00:40:32.240> just
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will you just get to the damn point just
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will you just get to the damn point just
tell<00:40:32.800> him
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tell him
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tell him
tell<00:40:34.160> him<00:40:34.400> i<00:40:36.839> am
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tell him i am
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tell him i am
there<00:40:38.400> was<00:40:38.560> no<00:40:38.720> way<00:40:38.880> they<00:40:39.040> could<00:40:39.200> have<00:40:39.359> seen
00:40:39.589 --> 00:40:39.599 align:start position:0%
there was no way they could have seen
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there was no way they could have seen
this<00:40:39.760> because<00:40:39.920> we<00:40:40.079> were<00:40:40.240> in<00:40:40.319> the<00:40:40.480> dark
00:40:41.349 --> 00:40:41.359 align:start position:0%
this because we were in the dark
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this because we were in the dark
but<00:40:41.520> that<00:40:41.680> was<00:40:41.839> enough<00:40:42.079> to<00:40:42.160> get<00:40:42.319> us<00:40:42.400> to<00:40:42.560> stop
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but that was enough to get us to stop
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but that was enough to get us to stop
doing<00:40:43.119> that<00:40:43.839> anyway
00:40:44.630 --> 00:40:44.640 align:start position:0%
doing that anyway
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doing that anyway
shortly<00:40:45.680> they<00:40:45.920> sold<00:40:46.240> the<00:40:46.319> house<00:40:47.280> that's
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shortly they sold the house that's
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shortly they sold the house that's
when<00:40:48.079> the<00:40:48.319> harrises<00:40:49.119> moved<00:40:49.440> in<00:40:50.480> now<00:40:50.839> michael
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when the harrises moved in now michael
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when the harrises moved in now michael
for<00:40:52.319> the<00:40:52.640> really<00:40:53.119> freaky<00:40:53.760> part
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for the really freaky part
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for the really freaky part
let<00:40:55.440> me<00:40:55.680> tell<00:40:55.920> you<00:40:56.960> the<00:40:57.200> day<00:40:57.359> that<00:40:57.520> they<00:40:57.760> moved
00:40:58.069 --> 00:40:58.079 align:start position:0%
let me tell you the day that they moved
00:40:58.079 --> 00:40:58.790 align:start position:0%
let me tell you the day that they moved
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00:40:58.800 --> 00:41:02.870 align:start position:0%
as<00:40:58.960> soon<00:40:59.200> as<00:41:00.000> oh<00:41:01.280> i<00:41:01.359> wonder<00:41:01.599> who<00:41:01.760> that<00:41:01.920> could<00:41:02.000> be
00:41:02.870 --> 00:41:02.880 align:start position:0%
as soon as oh i wonder who that could be
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as soon as oh i wonder who that could be
more<00:41:03.119> surprises<00:41:03.839> probably<00:41:04.839> huh
00:41:14.550 --> 00:41:14.560 align:start position:0%
00:41:14.560 --> 00:41:19.030 align:start position:0%
who's<00:41:14.800> here
00:41:19.030 --> 00:41:19.040 align:start position:0%
00:41:19.040 --> 00:41:23.030 align:start position:0%
hi<00:41:19.520> i'm<00:41:19.839> penny<00:41:21.200> and
00:41:23.030 --> 00:41:23.040 align:start position:0%
hi i'm penny and
00:41:23.040 --> 00:41:26.630 align:start position:0%
hi i'm penny and
um<00:41:23.680> well<00:41:23.920> we<00:41:24.079> were<00:41:24.480> um
00:41:26.630 --> 00:41:26.640 align:start position:0%
um well we were um
00:41:26.640 --> 00:41:28.309 align:start position:0%
um well we were um
your<00:41:26.880> husband<00:41:27.359> here<00:41:27.520> was<00:41:27.680> saying<00:41:27.920> so<00:41:28.079> many
00:41:28.309 --> 00:41:28.319 align:start position:0%
your husband here was saying so many
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your husband here was saying so many
lovely<00:41:28.640> things<00:41:28.880> about<00:41:29.119> you<00:41:29.359> i<00:41:29.440> was<00:41:29.599> beginning
00:41:29.910 --> 00:41:29.920 align:start position:0%
lovely things about you i was beginning
00:41:29.920 --> 00:41:32.950 align:start position:0%
lovely things about you i was beginning
to<00:41:30.000> think<00:41:30.160> maybe<00:41:30.400> you<00:41:30.560> could<00:41:30.720> walk<00:41:30.960> on<00:41:31.119> water
00:41:32.950 --> 00:41:32.960 align:start position:0%
to think maybe you could walk on water
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to think maybe you could walk on water
i<00:41:33.119> think<00:41:33.359> you<00:41:33.440> may<00:41:33.599> have<00:41:33.839> me<00:41:34.000> confused<00:41:34.400> for
00:41:34.550 --> 00:41:34.560 align:start position:0%
i think you may have me confused for
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i think you may have me confused for
somebody<00:41:34.960> else
00:41:37.829 --> 00:41:37.839 align:start position:0%
00:41:37.839 --> 00:41:40.309 align:start position:0%
well<00:41:38.160> this<00:41:38.400> is<00:41:38.560> dawn<00:41:39.520> he's<00:41:39.839> one<00:41:40.000> of<00:41:40.160> our
00:41:40.309 --> 00:41:40.319 align:start position:0%
well this is dawn he's one of our
00:41:40.319 --> 00:41:42.150 align:start position:0%
well this is dawn he's one of our
neighbors<00:41:40.720> he<00:41:40.880> used<00:41:41.119> to<00:41:41.200> teach<00:41:41.520> theology<00:41:42.079> at
00:41:42.150 --> 00:41:42.160 align:start position:0%
neighbors he used to teach theology at
00:41:42.160 --> 00:41:43.109 align:start position:0%
neighbors he used to teach theology at
the<00:41:42.319> university
00:41:43.109 --> 00:41:43.119 align:start position:0%
the university
00:41:43.119 --> 00:41:46.870 align:start position:0%
the university
sweetheart<00:41:43.839> is<00:41:44.079> everything<00:41:44.560> okay<00:41:45.680> yeah
00:41:46.870 --> 00:41:46.880 align:start position:0%
sweetheart is everything okay yeah
00:41:46.880 --> 00:41:48.790 align:start position:0%
sweetheart is everything okay yeah
maddie's<00:41:47.280> toilet<00:41:47.680> has<00:41:47.839> stopped<00:41:48.160> up<00:41:48.560> and<00:41:48.720> i
00:41:48.790 --> 00:41:48.800 align:start position:0%
maddie's toilet has stopped up and i
00:41:48.800 --> 00:41:50.630 align:start position:0%
maddie's toilet has stopped up and i
think<00:41:48.960> it's<00:41:49.119> going<00:41:49.280> to<00:41:49.440> overflow
00:41:50.630 --> 00:41:50.640 align:start position:0%
think it's going to overflow
00:41:50.640 --> 00:41:54.790 align:start position:0%
think it's going to overflow
i<00:41:50.800> thought<00:41:50.960> that's<00:41:51.119> why<00:41:51.280> we<00:41:51.440> had<00:41:51.599> craigslist
00:41:54.790 --> 00:41:54.800 align:start position:0%
00:41:54.800 --> 00:41:57.190 align:start position:0%
um<00:41:55.119> anyway<00:41:55.599> we<00:41:55.760> were<00:41:56.000> asking<00:41:56.400> your<00:41:56.720> plumber
00:41:57.190 --> 00:41:57.200 align:start position:0%
um anyway we were asking your plumber
00:41:57.200 --> 00:41:58.710 align:start position:0%
um anyway we were asking your plumber
here<00:41:57.440> perhaps<00:41:57.760> maybe<00:41:58.079> sometime<00:41:58.400> next<00:41:58.560> week
00:41:58.710 --> 00:41:58.720 align:start position:0%
here perhaps maybe sometime next week
00:41:58.720 --> 00:42:00.829 align:start position:0%
here perhaps maybe sometime next week
you'd<00:41:58.880> like<00:41:59.040> to<00:41:59.119> come<00:41:59.280> to<00:41:59.440> dinner
00:42:00.829 --> 00:42:00.839 align:start position:0%
you'd like to come to dinner
00:42:00.839 --> 00:42:17.349 align:start position:0%
you'd like to come to dinner
00:42:17.349 --> 00:42:17.359 align:start position:0%
00:42:17.359 --> 00:42:20.390 align:start position:0%
uh<00:42:18.079> so<00:42:19.359> friday
00:42:20.390 --> 00:42:20.400 align:start position:0%
uh so friday
00:42:20.400 --> 00:43:01.070 align:start position:0%
uh so friday
maybe<00:42:21.280> okay<00:42:21.680> six<00:42:28.839> o'clock
00:43:01.070 --> 00:43:01.080 align:start position:0%
00:43:01.080 --> 00:43:07.730 align:start position:0%
00:43:07.730 --> 00:43:07.740 align:start position:0%
00:43:07.740 --> 00:43:21.030 align:start position:0%
00:43:21.030 --> 00:43:21.040 align:start position:0%
00:43:21.040 --> 00:43:26.230 align:start position:0%
so<00:43:21.200> did<00:43:21.440> you<00:43:21.599> fix<00:43:21.839> the<00:43:24.839> toilet
00:43:26.230 --> 00:43:26.240 align:start position:0%
so did you fix the toilet
00:43:26.240 --> 00:43:30.230 align:start position:0%
so did you fix the toilet
toilet<00:43:26.560> it's<00:43:26.720> fine<00:43:27.520> was<00:43:27.760> it<00:43:27.839> clogged
00:43:30.230 --> 00:43:30.240 align:start position:0%
toilet it's fine was it clogged
00:43:30.240 --> 00:43:37.430 align:start position:0%
toilet it's fine was it clogged
oh<00:43:30.480> you<00:43:30.560> must<00:43:30.800> have<00:43:31.119> magic<00:43:31.520> touch
00:43:37.430 --> 00:43:37.440 align:start position:0%
00:43:37.440 --> 00:43:39.030 align:start position:0%
did<00:43:37.680> you<00:43:37.760> know<00:43:37.920> that<00:43:38.079> the<00:43:38.240> original<00:43:38.720> owner
00:43:39.030 --> 00:43:39.040 align:start position:0%
did you know that the original owner
00:43:39.040 --> 00:44:07.430 align:start position:0%
did you know that the original owner
died<00:43:39.359> in<00:43:39.440> this<00:43:39.599> house
00:44:07.430 --> 00:44:07.440 align:start position:0%
00:44:07.440 --> 00:44:13.829 align:start position:0%
00:44:13.829 --> 00:44:13.839 align:start position:0%
00:44:13.839 --> 00:44:18.150 align:start position:0%
hi<00:44:14.079> mrs<00:44:14.480> ryan<00:44:16.800> hi<00:44:17.040> nick<00:44:17.359> how<00:44:17.599> are<00:44:17.760> you<00:44:17.920> this
00:44:18.150 --> 00:44:18.160 align:start position:0%
hi mrs ryan hi nick how are you this
00:44:18.160 --> 00:44:21.270 align:start position:0%
hi mrs ryan hi nick how are you this
00:44:21.270 --> 00:44:21.280 align:start position:0%
00:44:21.280 --> 00:44:26.069 align:start position:0%
what's<00:44:21.520> with<00:44:21.680> your<00:44:21.920> mom<00:44:24.079> what<00:44:24.240> do<00:44:24.319> you<00:44:24.400> mean
00:44:26.069 --> 00:44:26.079 align:start position:0%
what's with your mom what do you mean
00:44:26.079 --> 00:44:27.750 align:start position:0%
what's with your mom what do you mean
well<00:44:26.319> your<00:44:26.480> mom<00:44:26.640> called<00:44:26.880> me<00:44:27.040> nick<00:44:27.280> she's<00:44:27.520> never
00:44:27.750 --> 00:44:27.760 align:start position:0%
well your mom called me nick she's never
00:44:27.760 --> 00:44:32.790 align:start position:0%
well your mom called me nick she's never
called<00:44:28.000> me<00:44:28.160> that<00:44:28.880> and<00:44:29.200> she<00:44:29.359> was<00:44:29.599> rude
00:44:32.790 --> 00:44:32.800 align:start position:0%
00:44:32.800 --> 00:44:35.109 align:start position:0%
remember<00:44:33.119> when<00:44:33.280> i<00:44:33.440> told<00:44:33.680> you<00:44:34.480> she<00:44:34.640> hasn't<00:44:34.880> been
00:44:35.109 --> 00:44:35.119 align:start position:0%
remember when i told you she hasn't been
00:44:35.119 --> 00:44:36.950 align:start position:0%
remember when i told you she hasn't been
acting<00:44:35.440> right
00:44:36.950 --> 00:44:36.960 align:start position:0%
acting right
00:44:36.960 --> 00:44:39.670 align:start position:0%
acting right
yeah<00:44:38.400> and<00:44:38.640> i'm<00:44:38.720> sorry<00:44:38.960> i<00:44:39.040> sort<00:44:39.200> of<00:44:39.280> blew<00:44:39.520> you
00:44:39.670 --> 00:44:39.680 align:start position:0%
yeah and i'm sorry i sort of blew you
00:44:39.680 --> 00:44:41.190 align:start position:0%
yeah and i'm sorry i sort of blew you
00:44:41.190 --> 00:44:41.200 align:start position:0%
00:44:41.200 --> 00:44:43.829 align:start position:0%
it's<00:44:41.440> okay<00:44:42.720> but<00:44:42.880> this<00:44:43.040> is<00:44:43.119> what<00:44:43.280> i<00:44:43.359> was<00:44:43.520> talking
00:44:43.829 --> 00:44:43.839 align:start position:0%
it's okay but this is what i was talking
00:44:43.839 --> 00:44:46.309 align:start position:0%
it's okay but this is what i was talking
00:44:46.309 --> 00:44:46.319 align:start position:0%
00:44:46.319 --> 00:44:47.670 align:start position:0%
well<00:44:46.480> what<00:44:46.640> does<00:44:46.720> your<00:44:46.880> dad<00:44:47.200> say<00:44:47.359> about<00:44:47.599> all
00:44:47.670 --> 00:44:47.680 align:start position:0%
well what does your dad say about all
00:44:47.680 --> 00:44:51.030 align:start position:0%
well what does your dad say about all
this<00:44:49.280> oh<00:44:49.520> i<00:44:49.599> don't<00:44:49.760> know
00:44:51.030 --> 00:44:51.040 align:start position:0%
this oh i don't know
00:44:51.040 --> 00:44:56.470 align:start position:0%
this oh i don't know
you<00:44:51.200> know<00:44:51.359> my<00:44:51.599> dad
00:44:56.470 --> 00:44:56.480 align:start position:0%
00:44:56.480 --> 00:44:57.829 align:start position:0%
do<00:44:56.640> you<00:44:56.720> think<00:44:56.880> this<00:44:57.119> has<00:44:57.280> anything<00:44:57.599> to<00:44:57.680> do
00:44:57.829 --> 00:44:57.839 align:start position:0%
do you think this has anything to do
00:44:57.839 --> 00:44:59.270 align:start position:0%
do you think this has anything to do
with<00:44:58.000> the<00:44:58.079> ouija<00:44:58.400> board<00:44:58.640> that<00:44:58.800> your<00:44:58.880> dad<00:44:59.119> found
00:44:59.270 --> 00:44:59.280 align:start position:0%
with the ouija board that your dad found
00:44:59.280 --> 00:45:01.109 align:start position:0%
with the ouija board that your dad found
in<00:44:59.359> the<00:44:59.440> basement
00:45:01.109 --> 00:45:01.119 align:start position:0%
in the basement
00:45:01.119 --> 00:45:04.470 align:start position:0%
in the basement
no<00:45:02.160> why<00:45:02.319> would<00:45:02.480> you<00:45:02.640> say<00:45:02.839> that
00:45:04.470 --> 00:45:04.480 align:start position:0%
no why would you say that
00:45:04.480 --> 00:45:09.270 align:start position:0%
no why would you say that
well<00:45:06.400> spirits
00:45:09.270 --> 00:45:09.280 align:start position:0%
00:45:09.280 --> 00:45:11.430 align:start position:0%
or<00:45:09.520> other<00:45:09.760> demons<00:45:10.400> they<00:45:10.560> attach<00:45:10.960> to<00:45:11.119> ouija
00:45:11.430 --> 00:45:11.440 align:start position:0%
or other demons they attach to ouija
00:45:11.440 --> 00:45:12.630 align:start position:0%
or other demons they attach to ouija
00:45:12.630 --> 00:45:12.640 align:start position:0%
00:45:12.640 --> 00:45:16.470 align:start position:0%
have<00:45:12.880> you<00:45:12.960> been<00:45:13.200> playing<00:45:13.440> with<00:45:13.680> it<00:45:15.040> hell<00:45:15.359> no
00:45:16.470 --> 00:45:16.480 align:start position:0%
have you been playing with it hell no
00:45:16.480 --> 00:45:22.069 align:start position:0%
have you been playing with it hell no
what<00:45:16.640> about<00:45:16.880> your<00:45:17.040> sister<00:45:18.240> how<00:45:18.400> would<00:45:18.560> i<00:45:18.720> know
00:45:22.069 --> 00:45:22.079 align:start position:0%
00:45:22.079 --> 00:45:25.829 align:start position:0%
what<00:45:22.240> about<00:45:22.480> your<00:45:22.640> mom<00:45:24.560> no
00:45:25.829 --> 00:45:25.839 align:start position:0%
what about your mom no
00:45:25.839 --> 00:45:29.109 align:start position:0%
what about your mom no
my<00:45:26.000> mom<00:45:26.160> wouldn't<00:45:26.480> do<00:45:26.720> that<00:45:27.599> are<00:45:27.760> you<00:45:27.920> sure
00:45:29.109 --> 00:45:29.119 align:start position:0%
my mom wouldn't do that are you sure
00:45:29.119 --> 00:45:31.750 align:start position:0%
my mom wouldn't do that are you sure
yes<00:45:29.359> nicole<00:45:29.760> i'm<00:45:29.920> sure<00:45:30.880> stop<00:45:31.200> asking<00:45:31.520> me<00:45:31.599> about
00:45:31.750 --> 00:45:31.760 align:start position:0%
yes nicole i'm sure stop asking me about
00:45:31.760 --> 00:45:33.349 align:start position:0%
yes nicole i'm sure stop asking me about
that<00:45:31.920> stupid<00:45:32.319> board<00:45:32.560> all<00:45:32.640> right
00:45:33.349 --> 00:45:33.359 align:start position:0%
that stupid board all right
00:45:33.359 --> 00:45:35.270 align:start position:0%
that stupid board all right
you're<00:45:33.520> supposed<00:45:33.839> to<00:45:33.920> be<00:45:34.000> here<00:45:34.160> for<00:45:34.319> homework
00:45:35.270 --> 00:45:35.280 align:start position:0%
you're supposed to be here for homework
00:45:35.280 --> 00:45:37.430 align:start position:0%
you're supposed to be here for homework
00:45:37.430 --> 00:45:37.440 align:start position:0%
00:45:37.440 --> 00:45:40.710 align:start position:0%
okay<00:45:38.079> it's<00:45:38.319> just<00:45:38.640> trying<00:45:38.880> to<00:45:38.960> help<00:45:40.319> well<00:45:40.560> that
00:45:40.710 --> 00:45:40.720 align:start position:0%
okay it's just trying to help well that
00:45:40.720 --> 00:45:50.650 align:start position:0%
okay it's just trying to help well that
kind<00:45:40.880> of<00:45:40.960> help<00:45:41.119> i<00:45:41.200> don't<00:45:44.839> need
00:45:50.650 --> 00:45:50.660 align:start position:0%
00:45:50.660 --> 00:45:59.829 align:start position:0%
00:45:59.829 --> 00:45:59.839 align:start position:0%
00:45:59.839 --> 00:47:27.180 align:start position:0%
00:47:27.180 --> 00:47:27.190 align:start position:0%
00:47:27.190 --> 00:47:42.150 align:start position:0%
00:47:42.150 --> 00:47:42.160 align:start position:0%
00:47:42.160 --> 00:48:19.829 align:start position:0%
00:48:19.829 --> 00:48:19.839 align:start position:0%
00:48:19.839 --> 00:48:46.829 align:start position:0%
00:48:46.829 --> 00:48:46.839 align:start position:0%
00:48:46.839 --> 00:49:00.829 align:start position:0%
00:49:00.829 --> 00:49:00.839 align:start position:0%
00:49:00.839 --> 00:49:14.829 align:start position:0%
00:49:14.829 --> 00:49:14.839 align:start position:0%
00:49:14.839 --> 00:49:23.340 align:start position:0%
00:49:23.340 --> 00:49:23.350 align:start position:0%
00:49:23.350 --> 00:49:28.829 align:start position:0%
00:49:28.829 --> 00:49:28.839 align:start position:0%
00:49:28.839 --> 00:49:33.800 align:start position:0%
00:49:33.800 --> 00:49:33.810 align:start position:0%
00:49:33.810 --> 00:49:56.829 align:start position:0%
00:49:56.829 --> 00:49:56.839 align:start position:0%
00:49:56.839 --> 00:50:05.880 align:start position:0%
00:50:05.880 --> 00:50:05.890 align:start position:0%
00:50:05.890 --> 00:50:32.210 align:start position:0%
00:50:32.210 --> 00:50:32.220 align:start position:0%
00:50:32.220 --> 00:50:50.180 align:start position:0%
00:50:50.180 --> 00:50:50.190 align:start position:0%
00:50:50.190 --> 00:50:52.829 align:start position:0%
00:50:52.829 --> 00:50:52.839 align:start position:0%
00:50:52.839 --> 00:50:54.010 align:start position:0%
00:50:54.010 --> 00:50:54.020 align:start position:0%
00:50:54.020 --> 00:51:07.030 align:start position:0%
00:51:07.030 --> 00:51:07.040 align:start position:0%
00:51:07.040 --> 00:51:10.390 align:start position:0%
it's<00:51:07.200> okay<00:51:07.520> man
00:51:10.390 --> 00:51:10.400 align:start position:0%
00:51:10.400 --> 00:51:14.549 align:start position:0%
i<00:51:10.559> could<00:51:10.720> hear<00:51:10.880> you<00:51:11.040> all<00:51:11.200> the<00:51:11.280> way<00:51:11.440> in<00:51:11.520> my<00:51:11.680> room
00:51:14.549 --> 00:51:14.559 align:start position:0%
00:51:14.559 --> 00:51:16.549 align:start position:0%
do<00:51:14.720> you<00:51:14.800> have<00:51:14.880> another<00:51:15.200> nightmare<00:51:16.160> i<00:51:16.319> wasn't
00:51:16.549 --> 00:51:16.559 align:start position:0%
do you have another nightmare i wasn't
00:51:16.559 --> 00:51:18.630 align:start position:0%
do you have another nightmare i wasn't
having<00:51:16.880> a<00:51:16.960> nightmare
00:51:18.630 --> 00:51:18.640 align:start position:0%
having a nightmare
00:51:18.640 --> 00:51:24.230 align:start position:0%
having a nightmare
yes<00:51:18.960> maddie<00:51:21.359> what<00:51:21.520> was<00:51:21.839> it
00:51:24.230 --> 00:51:24.240 align:start position:0%
00:51:24.240 --> 00:51:25.829 align:start position:0%
i<00:51:24.400> think<00:51:24.640> she<00:51:24.800> probably<00:51:25.119> had<00:51:25.359> one<00:51:25.520> of<00:51:25.599> her
00:51:25.829 --> 00:51:25.839 align:start position:0%
i think she probably had one of her
00:51:25.839 --> 00:51:28.710 align:start position:0%
i think she probably had one of her
silly<00:51:26.160> nightmares<00:51:26.720> again
00:51:28.710 --> 00:51:28.720 align:start position:0%
silly nightmares again
00:51:28.720 --> 00:51:32.549 align:start position:0%
silly nightmares again
it's<00:51:28.880> okay<00:51:30.960> please<00:51:31.280> don't<00:51:31.599> leave<00:51:31.839> me<00:51:32.079> daddy
00:51:32.549 --> 00:51:32.559 align:start position:0%
it's okay please don't leave me daddy
00:51:32.559 --> 00:51:34.950 align:start position:0%
it's okay please don't leave me daddy
please<00:51:32.880> don't<00:51:33.119> leave
00:51:34.950 --> 00:51:34.960 align:start position:0%
please don't leave
00:51:34.960 --> 00:51:37.349 align:start position:0%
please don't leave
i'm<00:51:35.200> right<00:51:35.440> here me<00:51:36.000> okay<00:51:36.800> i'm<00:51:36.960> not<00:51:37.119> going
00:51:37.349 --> 00:51:37.359 align:start position:0%
i'm right here me okay i'm not going
00:51:37.359 --> 00:51:38.710 align:start position:0%
i'm right here me okay i'm not going
00:51:38.710 --> 00:51:38.720 align:start position:0%
00:51:38.720 --> 00:51:48.069 align:start position:0%
i'm<00:51:38.960> here<00:51:39.119> as<00:51:39.200> long<00:51:39.440> as<00:51:39.440> she<00:51:39.680> ate<00:51:39.760> me
00:51:48.069 --> 00:51:48.079 align:start position:0%
00:51:48.079 --> 00:51:55.430 align:start position:0%
where<00:51:48.319> were<00:51:48.839> you
00:51:55.430 --> 00:51:55.440 align:start position:0%
00:51:55.440 --> 00:52:24.770 align:start position:0%
you<00:51:55.599> need<00:51:55.760> to<00:51:55.839> go<00:51:56.000> back<00:51:56.160> to<00:52:02.839> bed
00:52:24.770 --> 00:52:24.780 align:start position:0%
00:52:24.780 --> 00:52:30.829 align:start position:0%
00:52:30.829 --> 00:52:30.839 align:start position:0%
00:52:30.839 --> 00:52:44.309 align:start position:0%
00:52:44.309 --> 00:52:44.319 align:start position:0%
00:52:44.319 --> 00:52:47.910 align:start position:0%
yeah<00:52:45.760> hello<00:52:46.319> uh<00:52:46.640> is<00:52:46.800> this<00:52:47.040> uh
00:52:47.910 --> 00:52:47.920 align:start position:0%
yeah hello uh is this uh
00:52:47.920 --> 00:52:51.510 align:start position:0%
yeah hello uh is this uh
father<00:52:48.319> robert<00:52:48.720> cressman<00:52:49.839> yes<00:52:50.240> fellow<00:52:50.480> bob
00:52:51.510 --> 00:52:51.520 align:start position:0%
father robert cressman yes fellow bob
00:52:51.520 --> 00:52:54.950 align:start position:0%
father robert cressman yes fellow bob
father<00:52:51.839> bob<00:52:52.319> yes<00:52:52.800> um<00:52:54.079> my<00:52:54.400> neighbor<00:52:54.640> gave<00:52:54.800> me
00:52:54.950 --> 00:52:54.960 align:start position:0%
father bob yes um my neighbor gave me
00:52:54.960 --> 00:52:55.270 align:start position:0%
father bob yes um my neighbor gave me
00:52:55.270 --> 00:52:55.280 align:start position:0%
00:52:55.280 --> 00:52:59.990 align:start position:0%
bill<00:52:58.079> how<00:52:58.240> did<00:52:58.319> you<00:52:58.400> know<00:52:58.559> it<00:52:58.559> was<00:52:58.839> bill
00:52:59.990 --> 00:53:00.000 align:start position:0%
bill how did you know it was bill
00:53:00.000 --> 00:53:03.109 align:start position:0%
bill how did you know it was bill
i<00:53:00.240> asked<00:53:00.480> him<00:53:00.559> to<00:53:01.040> give<00:53:01.280> it<00:53:01.359> to<00:53:01.520> the<00:53:01.599> new<00:53:01.839> owner
00:53:03.109 --> 00:53:03.119 align:start position:0%
i asked him to give it to the new owner
00:53:03.119 --> 00:53:04.549 align:start position:0%
i asked him to give it to the new owner
i'd<00:53:03.280> like<00:53:03.440> to<00:53:03.520> come<00:53:03.680> bless<00:53:04.000> your<00:53:04.079> house<00:53:04.400> meet
00:53:04.549 --> 00:53:04.559 align:start position:0%
i'd like to come bless your house meet
00:53:04.559 --> 00:53:06.230 align:start position:0%
i'd like to come bless your house meet
your<00:53:04.720> wife<00:53:05.839> yes
00:53:06.230 --> 00:53:06.240 align:start position:0%
your wife yes
00:53:06.240 --> 00:53:09.349 align:start position:0%
your wife yes
um<00:53:07.119> katie<00:53:07.839> how's<00:53:08.079> your<00:53:08.240> wife
00:53:09.349 --> 00:53:09.359 align:start position:0%
um katie how's your wife
00:53:09.359 --> 00:53:11.270 align:start position:0%
um katie how's your wife
i<00:53:09.440> don't<00:53:09.599> know<00:53:09.839> um<00:53:10.480> she<00:53:10.640> hasn't<00:53:10.880> really<00:53:11.040> been
00:53:11.270 --> 00:53:11.280 align:start position:0%
i don't know um she hasn't really been
00:53:11.280 --> 00:53:14.790 align:start position:0%
i don't know um she hasn't really been
herself<00:53:11.520> lately<00:53:12.839> um
00:53:14.790 --> 00:53:14.800 align:start position:0%
herself lately um
00:53:14.800 --> 00:53:16.309 align:start position:0%
herself lately um
can<00:53:14.960> you<00:53:15.119> come<00:53:15.359> over<00:53:15.599> for<00:53:15.760> dinner<00:53:16.079> tomorrow
00:53:16.309 --> 00:53:16.319 align:start position:0%
can you come over for dinner tomorrow
00:53:16.319 --> 00:53:19.270 align:start position:0%
can you come over for dinner tomorrow
night<00:53:17.280> i<00:53:17.440> suppose<00:53:17.760> tomorrow<00:53:18.079> soon<00:53:18.319> enough
00:53:19.270 --> 00:53:19.280 align:start position:0%
night i suppose tomorrow soon enough
00:53:19.280 --> 00:53:22.710 align:start position:0%
night i suppose tomorrow soon enough
let's<00:53:19.599> say<00:53:19.920> seven<00:53:21.599> seven
00:53:22.710 --> 00:53:22.720 align:start position:0%
let's say seven seven
00:53:22.720 --> 00:53:40.829 align:start position:0%
let's say seven seven
all<00:53:26.839> right
00:53:40.829 --> 00:53:40.839 align:start position:0%
00:53:40.839 --> 00:54:03.910 align:start position:0%
00:54:03.910 --> 00:54:03.920 align:start position:0%
00:54:03.920 --> 00:54:08.630 align:start position:0%
trying<00:54:04.079> to<00:54:04.160> give<00:54:04.240> me<00:54:04.400> a<00:54:04.480> heart<00:54:04.640> attack
00:54:08.630 --> 00:54:08.640 align:start position:0%
00:54:08.640 --> 00:54:11.910 align:start position:0%
i<00:54:08.880> forgot<00:54:09.200> to<00:54:09.359> tell<00:54:09.520> you<00:54:11.040> father<00:54:11.359> bob<00:54:11.680> from<00:54:11.839> the
00:54:11.910 --> 00:54:11.920 align:start position:0%
i forgot to tell you father bob from the
00:54:11.920 --> 00:54:13.670 align:start position:0%
i forgot to tell you father bob from the
local<00:54:12.240> diocese<00:54:12.800> is<00:54:12.880> coming<00:54:13.200> over
00:54:13.670 --> 00:54:13.680 align:start position:0%
local diocese is coming over
00:54:13.680 --> 00:54:17.270 align:start position:0%
local diocese is coming over
dinner<00:54:14.000> tomorrow<00:54:14.319> night
00:54:17.270 --> 00:54:17.280 align:start position:0%
00:54:17.280 --> 00:54:20.390 align:start position:0%
why<00:54:18.400> what<00:54:18.640> business<00:54:18.960> does<00:54:19.119> he<00:54:19.200> have<00:54:19.359> here<00:54:20.160> he's
00:54:20.390 --> 00:54:20.400 align:start position:0%
why what business does he have here he's
00:54:20.400 --> 00:54:24.470 align:start position:0%
why what business does he have here he's
coming<00:54:20.640> over<00:54:20.800> to<00:54:20.880> give<00:54:21.040> the<00:54:21.119> house<00:54:21.359> a<00:54:22.839> blessing
00:54:24.470 --> 00:54:24.480 align:start position:0%
coming over to give the house a blessing
00:54:24.480 --> 00:54:28.230 align:start position:0%
coming over to give the house a blessing
what's<00:54:24.800> the<00:54:24.960> attitude<00:54:26.880> a<00:54:27.040> blessing
00:54:28.230 --> 00:54:28.240 align:start position:0%
what's the attitude a blessing
00:54:28.240 --> 00:54:31.030 align:start position:0%
what's the attitude a blessing
we<00:54:28.400> don't<00:54:28.559> need<00:54:28.720> a<00:54:28.880> blessing<00:54:30.400> this<00:54:30.640> house<00:54:30.880> is
00:54:31.030 --> 00:54:31.040 align:start position:0%
we don't need a blessing this house is
00:54:31.040 --> 00:54:32.230 align:start position:0%
we don't need a blessing this house is
fine<00:54:31.280> as<00:54:31.520> is
00:54:32.230 --> 00:54:32.240 align:start position:0%
fine as is
00:54:32.240 --> 00:54:34.150 align:start position:0%
fine as is
and<00:54:32.400> i'm<00:54:32.640> pretty<00:54:32.800> sure<00:54:33.040> that<00:54:33.200> this<00:54:33.520> father<00:54:33.839> bob
00:54:34.150 --> 00:54:34.160 align:start position:0%
and i'm pretty sure that this father bob
00:54:34.160 --> 00:54:35.990 align:start position:0%
and i'm pretty sure that this father bob
character<00:54:34.880> has<00:54:35.119> better<00:54:35.359> things<00:54:35.599> to<00:54:35.680> do<00:54:35.839> with
00:54:35.990 --> 00:54:36.000 align:start position:0%
character has better things to do with
00:54:36.000 --> 00:54:38.309 align:start position:0%
character has better things to do with
his<00:54:36.839> time
00:54:38.309 --> 00:54:38.319 align:start position:0%
his time
00:54:38.319 --> 00:54:41.430 align:start position:0%
his time
what<00:54:38.480> are<00:54:38.559> you<00:54:38.720> talking<00:54:39.040> about<00:54:40.960> this<00:54:41.200> is<00:54:41.280> what
00:54:41.430 --> 00:54:41.440 align:start position:0%
what are you talking about this is what
00:54:41.440 --> 00:55:24.680 align:start position:0%
what are you talking about this is what
priests<00:54:50.839> do
00:55:24.680 --> 00:55:24.690 align:start position:0%
00:55:24.690 --> 00:55:32.829 align:start position:0%
00:55:32.829 --> 00:55:32.839 align:start position:0%
00:55:32.839 --> 00:55:46.829 align:start position:0%
00:55:46.829 --> 00:55:46.839 align:start position:0%
00:55:46.839 --> 00:55:53.990 align:start position:0%
00:55:53.990 --> 00:55:54.000 align:start position:0%
00:55:54.000 --> 00:55:56.870 align:start position:0%
geez<00:55:54.400> dad<00:55:55.040> it's<00:55:55.280> saturday<00:55:55.760> morning<00:55:56.640> why<00:55:56.799> are
00:55:56.870 --> 00:55:56.880 align:start position:0%
geez dad it's saturday morning why are
00:55:56.880 --> 00:55:58.789 align:start position:0%
geez dad it's saturday morning why are
you<00:55:57.040> up<00:55:57.200> so<00:55:57.440> early
00:55:58.789 --> 00:55:58.799 align:start position:0%
you up so early
00:55:58.799 --> 00:56:02.630 align:start position:0%
you up so early
say<00:55:58.960> the<00:55:59.040> same<00:55:59.280> thing<00:55:59.440> about<00:56:00.839> you
00:56:02.630 --> 00:56:02.640 align:start position:0%
say the same thing about you
00:56:02.640 --> 00:56:06.630 align:start position:0%
say the same thing about you
decided<00:56:03.119> we<00:56:03.200> needed<00:56:03.520> a<00:56:03.599> road<00:56:03.839> trip<00:56:05.280> oh<00:56:05.599> joy
00:56:06.630 --> 00:56:06.640 align:start position:0%
decided we needed a road trip oh joy
00:56:06.640 --> 00:56:09.589 align:start position:0%
decided we needed a road trip oh joy
don't<00:56:06.880> sound<00:56:07.119> so<00:56:07.280> excited<00:56:08.720> who's<00:56:09.119> making<00:56:09.520> all
00:56:09.589 --> 00:56:09.599 align:start position:0%
don't sound so excited who's making all
00:56:09.599 --> 00:56:12.470 align:start position:0%
don't sound so excited who's making all
the<00:56:09.839> noise<00:56:10.319> down<00:56:10.559> here
00:56:12.470 --> 00:56:12.480 align:start position:0%
the noise down here
00:56:12.480 --> 00:56:16.470 align:start position:0%
the noise down here
dad's<00:56:12.880> planning<00:56:13.280> a<00:56:13.440> family<00:56:13.839> road<00:56:14.079> trip<00:56:15.280> great
00:56:16.470 --> 00:56:16.480 align:start position:0%
dad's planning a family road trip great
00:56:16.480 --> 00:56:18.230 align:start position:0%
dad's planning a family road trip great
last<00:56:16.640> time<00:56:16.880> i<00:56:16.960> got<00:56:17.200> carsick<00:56:17.599> and<00:56:17.680> threw<00:56:17.839> up<00:56:18.079> all
00:56:18.230 --> 00:56:18.240 align:start position:0%
last time i got carsick and threw up all
00:56:18.240 --> 00:56:19.670 align:start position:0%
last time i got carsick and threw up all
over<00:56:18.400> the<00:56:18.559> back<00:56:18.799> seat
00:56:19.670 --> 00:56:19.680 align:start position:0%
over the back seat
00:56:19.680 --> 00:56:22.710 align:start position:0%
over the back seat
ah<00:56:20.480> don't<00:56:20.720> remind<00:56:21.119> me<00:56:21.760> i<00:56:21.920> got<00:56:22.079> stuck<00:56:22.400> having<00:56:22.640> to
00:56:22.710 --> 00:56:22.720 align:start position:0%
ah don't remind me i got stuck having to
00:56:22.720 --> 00:56:24.309 align:start position:0%
ah don't remind me i got stuck having to
clean<00:56:22.960> it<00:56:23.040> up<00:56:23.200> remember
00:56:24.309 --> 00:56:24.319 align:start position:0%
clean it up remember
00:56:24.319 --> 00:56:27.750 align:start position:0%
clean it up remember
dad<00:56:24.480> do<00:56:24.640> i<00:56:24.799> have<00:56:24.960> to<00:56:25.119> go<00:56:27.280> of<00:56:27.359> course
00:56:27.750 --> 00:56:27.760 align:start position:0%
dad do i have to go of course
00:56:27.760 --> 00:56:30.549 align:start position:0%
dad do i have to go of course
why<00:56:27.920> wouldn't<00:56:28.160> you<00:56:29.200> i<00:56:29.440> woke<00:56:29.680> up<00:56:29.760> with<00:56:30.160> terrible
00:56:30.549 --> 00:56:30.559 align:start position:0%
why wouldn't you i woke up with terrible
00:56:30.559 --> 00:56:31.589 align:start position:0%
why wouldn't you i woke up with terrible
00:56:31.589 --> 00:56:31.599 align:start position:0%
00:56:31.599 --> 00:56:33.109 align:start position:0%
and<00:56:31.760> i<00:56:31.920> have<00:56:32.079> to<00:56:32.480> you<00:56:32.559> know<00:56:32.640> work<00:56:32.880> on<00:56:32.960> this
00:56:33.109 --> 00:56:33.119 align:start position:0%
and i have to you know work on this
00:56:33.119 --> 00:56:36.150 align:start position:0%
and i have to you know work on this
homework<00:56:33.520> project<00:56:33.920> that's<00:56:34.240> uh<00:56:34.559> due<00:56:34.720> monday
00:56:36.150 --> 00:56:36.160 align:start position:0%
homework project that's uh due monday
00:56:36.160 --> 00:56:39.829 align:start position:0%
homework project that's uh due monday
seriously<00:56:36.640> kristin<00:56:37.359> yeah<00:56:37.839> seriously
00:56:39.829 --> 00:56:39.839 align:start position:0%
seriously kristin yeah seriously
00:56:39.839 --> 00:56:42.829 align:start position:0%
seriously kristin yeah seriously
fine<00:56:40.640> dad<00:56:40.799> that's<00:56:41.040> not<00:56:41.280> fair<00:56:42.079> it's<00:56:42.319> totally
00:56:42.829 --> 00:56:42.839 align:start position:0%
fine dad that's not fair it's totally
00:56:42.839 --> 00:56:48.950 align:start position:0%
fine dad that's not fair it's totally
00:56:48.950 --> 00:56:48.960 align:start position:0%
00:56:48.960 --> 00:56:51.109 align:start position:0%
what's<00:56:49.200> wrong<00:56:49.440> sweetheart<00:56:50.000> talk<00:56:50.240> with<00:56:50.480> dad
00:56:51.109 --> 00:56:51.119 align:start position:0%
what's wrong sweetheart talk with dad
00:56:51.119 --> 00:56:55.030 align:start position:0%
what's wrong sweetheart talk with dad
he's<00:56:51.359> planning<00:56:51.599> a<00:56:51.760> family<00:56:52.160> road<00:56:52.400> trip
00:56:55.030 --> 00:56:55.040 align:start position:0%
00:56:55.040 --> 00:56:58.549 align:start position:0%
michael<00:56:55.920> what<00:56:56.160> in<00:56:56.240> the<00:56:56.559> world<00:56:57.440> is<00:56:57.839> going<00:56:58.160> on<00:56:58.400> in
00:56:58.549 --> 00:56:58.559 align:start position:0%
michael what in the world is going on in
00:56:58.559 --> 00:56:59.349 align:start position:0%
michael what in the world is going on in
00:56:59.349 --> 00:56:59.359 align:start position:0%
00:56:59.359 --> 00:57:02.069 align:start position:0%
we<00:56:59.520> are<00:56:59.760> long<00:57:00.160> overdue<00:57:00.880> for<00:57:01.040> a<00:57:01.119> family<00:57:01.520> outing
00:57:02.069 --> 00:57:02.079 align:start position:0%
we are long overdue for a family outing
00:57:02.079 --> 00:57:02.710 align:start position:0%
we are long overdue for a family outing
00:57:02.710 --> 00:57:02.720 align:start position:0%
00:57:02.720 --> 00:57:06.150 align:start position:0%
i<00:57:02.880> thought<00:57:03.040> i'd<00:57:03.200> put<00:57:03.280> some<00:57:03.440> snacks<00:57:03.839> together
00:57:06.150 --> 00:57:06.160 align:start position:0%
i thought i'd put some snacks together
00:57:06.160 --> 00:57:08.549 align:start position:0%
i thought i'd put some snacks together
and<00:57:06.400> we<00:57:06.960> would<00:57:07.119> take<00:57:07.440> a<00:57:07.520> road<00:57:07.839> trip<00:57:08.160> up<00:57:08.240> to<00:57:08.400> san
00:57:08.549 --> 00:57:08.559 align:start position:0%
and we would take a road trip up to san
00:57:08.559 --> 00:57:11.030 align:start position:0%
and we would take a road trip up to san
00:57:11.030 --> 00:57:11.040 align:start position:0%
00:57:11.040 --> 00:57:14.069 align:start position:0%
but<00:57:11.440> i've<00:57:11.680> got<00:57:12.160> so<00:57:12.799> many<00:57:13.119> things<00:57:13.520> to<00:57:13.680> do<00:57:13.920> in
00:57:14.069 --> 00:57:14.079 align:start position:0%
but i've got so many things to do in
00:57:14.079 --> 00:57:15.190 align:start position:0%
but i've got so many things to do in
this<00:57:14.240> house
00:57:15.190 --> 00:57:15.200 align:start position:0%
this house
00:57:15.200 --> 00:57:18.549 align:start position:0%
this house
or<00:57:15.520> butts<00:57:15.920> about<00:57:16.240> it<00:57:16.880> car<00:57:17.119> leaves<00:57:17.359> in<00:57:17.520> an<00:57:17.680> hour
00:57:18.549 --> 00:57:18.559 align:start position:0%
or butts about it car leaves in an hour
00:57:18.559 --> 00:57:21.750 align:start position:0%
or butts about it car leaves in an hour
and<00:57:18.720> you<00:57:18.960> with<00:57:19.200> it
00:57:21.750 --> 00:57:21.760 align:start position:0%
00:57:21.760 --> 00:57:36.030 align:start position:0%
all<00:57:21.920> right<00:57:23.040> all<00:57:23.200> right<00:57:24.319> i'll<00:57:24.480> go<00:57:24.640> get<00:57:24.880> ready
00:57:36.030 --> 00:57:36.040 align:start position:0%
00:57:36.040 --> 00:57:39.589 align:start position:0%
00:57:39.589 --> 00:57:39.599 align:start position:0%
00:57:39.599 --> 00:57:41.430 align:start position:0%
maddie<00:57:40.079> do<00:57:40.240> me<00:57:40.319> a<00:57:40.400> favor<00:57:40.880> will<00:57:41.040> you<00:57:41.200> go<00:57:41.359> tell
00:57:41.430 --> 00:57:41.440 align:start position:0%
maddie do me a favor will you go tell
00:57:41.440 --> 00:57:52.829 align:start position:0%
maddie do me a favor will you go tell
your<00:57:41.520> mom<00:57:41.760> we're<00:57:41.839> ready<00:57:42.000> to<00:57:42.079> go
00:57:52.829 --> 00:57:52.839 align:start position:0%
00:57:52.839 --> 00:58:00.789 align:start position:0%
00:58:00.789 --> 00:58:00.799 align:start position:0%
00:58:00.799 --> 00:58:06.230 align:start position:0%
um<00:58:01.520> dad<00:58:01.920> said<00:58:02.079> we're<00:58:02.319> ready<00:58:02.480> to<00:58:02.640> go
00:58:06.230 --> 00:58:06.240 align:start position:0%
00:58:06.240 --> 00:58:23.510 align:start position:0%
i<00:58:06.319> need<00:58:06.559> to<00:58:06.640> stay<00:58:06.960> here
00:58:23.510 --> 00:58:23.520 align:start position:0%
00:58:23.520 --> 00:58:26.950 align:start position:0%
dad<00:58:24.480> you<00:58:24.640> need<00:58:24.799> to<00:58:24.880> talk<00:58:25.040> to<00:58:25.200> mom<00:58:25.599> why<00:58:26.480> she<00:58:26.720> said
00:58:26.950 --> 00:58:26.960 align:start position:0%
dad you need to talk to mom why she said
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dad you need to talk to mom why she said
she<00:58:27.119> can't<00:58:27.359> go
00:58:28.230 --> 00:58:28.240 align:start position:0%
she can't go
00:58:28.240 --> 00:58:37.030 align:start position:0%
she can't go
she<00:58:28.400> needs<00:58:28.640> to<00:58:28.720> stay<00:58:30.400> what<00:58:30.559> the<00:58:34.839> hell
00:58:37.030 --> 00:58:37.040 align:start position:0%
she needs to stay what the hell
00:58:37.040 --> 00:58:41.030 align:start position:0%
she needs to stay what the hell
what<00:58:37.200> the<00:58:37.359> hell<00:58:37.599> is<00:58:37.760> going<00:58:38.079> on<00:58:38.240> here
00:58:41.030 --> 00:58:41.040 align:start position:0%
00:58:41.040 --> 00:58:44.309 align:start position:0%
how<00:58:41.200> about<00:58:41.440> a<00:58:41.520> little<00:58:41.760> privacy
00:58:44.309 --> 00:58:44.319 align:start position:0%
how about a little privacy
00:58:44.319 --> 00:58:46.870 align:start position:0%
how about a little privacy
get<00:58:44.640> real<00:58:44.960> sick<00:58:45.200> and<00:58:45.280> tired<00:58:45.520> of<00:58:45.599> this<00:58:45.839> [ __ ]
00:58:46.870 --> 00:58:46.880 align:start position:0%
get real sick and tired of this [ __ ]
00:58:46.880 --> 00:58:48.829 align:start position:0%
get real sick and tired of this [ __ ]
you<00:58:47.040> have<00:58:47.280> 10<00:58:47.520> minutes<00:58:47.839> to<00:58:47.920> get<00:58:48.079> your<00:58:48.240> ass
00:58:48.829 --> 00:58:48.839 align:start position:0%
you have 10 minutes to get your ass
00:58:48.839 --> 00:58:50.950 align:start position:0%
you have 10 minutes to get your ass
00:58:50.950 --> 00:58:50.960 align:start position:0%
00:58:50.960 --> 00:58:54.950 align:start position:0%
00:58:54.950 --> 00:58:54.960 align:start position:0%
00:58:54.960 --> 00:58:56.870 align:start position:0%
we're<00:58:55.119> getting<00:58:55.359> ready<00:58:55.520> to<00:58:55.680> leave<00:58:56.559> get<00:58:56.720> the
00:58:56.870 --> 00:58:56.880 align:start position:0%
we're getting ready to leave get the
00:58:56.880 --> 00:58:58.470 align:start position:0%
we're getting ready to leave get the
downstairs<00:58:57.520> organized
00:58:58.470 --> 00:58:58.480 align:start position:0%
downstairs organized
00:58:58.480 --> 00:59:00.950 align:start position:0%
downstairs organized
father<00:58:58.799> bob's<00:58:59.040> coming<00:58:59.280> over<00:58:59.520> for<00:58:59.680> dinner<00:59:00.799> i
00:59:00.950 --> 00:59:00.960 align:start position:0%
father bob's coming over for dinner i
00:59:00.960 --> 00:59:04.309 align:start position:0%
father bob's coming over for dinner i
thought<00:59:01.200> you<00:59:01.359> canceled<00:59:01.760> that<00:59:02.839> appointment
00:59:04.309 --> 00:59:04.319 align:start position:0%
thought you canceled that appointment
00:59:04.319 --> 00:59:16.829 align:start position:0%
thought you canceled that appointment
course<00:59:04.559> i<00:59:04.720> didn't<00:59:05.680> that'd<00:59:05.920> be<00:59:06.079> the<00:59:06.240> height<00:59:06.480> of
00:59:16.829 --> 00:59:16.839 align:start position:0%
00:59:16.839 --> 00:59:36.069 align:start position:0%
00:59:36.069 --> 00:59:36.079 align:start position:0%
00:59:36.079 --> 00:59:39.430 align:start position:0%
so<00:59:38.160> why<00:59:38.559> isn't
00:59:39.430 --> 00:59:39.440 align:start position:0%
so why isn't
00:59:39.440 --> 00:59:42.630 align:start position:0%
so why isn't
kristen<00:59:40.000> coming<00:59:40.319> in<00:59:41.280> oh<00:59:41.520> she<00:59:41.760> has<00:59:41.920> cramps
00:59:42.630 --> 00:59:42.640 align:start position:0%
kristen coming in oh she has cramps
00:59:42.640 --> 00:59:44.829 align:start position:0%
kristen coming in oh she has cramps
she<00:59:42.799> has<00:59:42.880> a<00:59:42.960> homework<00:59:43.200> assignment<00:59:43.599> due<00:59:43.680> on
00:59:44.829 --> 00:59:44.839 align:start position:0%
she has a homework assignment due on
00:59:44.839 --> 01:00:12.069 align:start position:0%
she has a homework assignment due on
01:00:12.069 --> 01:00:12.079 align:start position:0%
01:00:12.079 --> 01:00:15.270 align:start position:0%
you<01:00:12.240> might<01:00:12.720> turn<01:00:12.960> around<01:00:14.480> we<01:00:14.640> need<01:00:14.799> to<01:00:14.880> go<01:00:15.040> back
01:00:15.270 --> 01:00:15.280 align:start position:0%
you might turn around we need to go back
01:00:15.280 --> 01:00:16.069 align:start position:0%
you might turn around we need to go back
01:00:16.069 --> 01:00:16.079 align:start position:0%
01:00:16.079 --> 01:00:18.230 align:start position:0%
i<01:00:16.240> need<01:00:16.480> my<01:00:16.640> phone<01:00:17.680> you're<01:00:17.839> kidding<01:00:18.160> it's
01:00:18.230 --> 01:00:18.240 align:start position:0%
i need my phone you're kidding it's
01:00:18.240 --> 01:00:19.190 align:start position:0%
i need my phone you're kidding it's
01:00:19.190 --> 01:00:19.200 align:start position:0%
01:00:19.200 --> 01:00:24.069 align:start position:0%
it<01:00:19.359> was<01:00:19.520> fine<01:00:19.680> without<01:00:20.000> it<01:00:21.839> my<01:00:22.000> goal
01:00:24.069 --> 01:00:24.079 align:start position:0%
it was fine without it my goal
01:00:24.079 --> 01:00:51.030 align:start position:0%
it was fine without it my goal
i<01:00:24.400> said<01:00:25.760> i<01:00:25.920> need<01:00:26.480> my<01:00:26.720> cell<01:00:26.880> phone
01:00:51.030 --> 01:00:51.040 align:start position:0%
01:00:51.040 --> 01:00:54.829 align:start position:0%
it's<01:00:51.200> okay<01:00:52.079> you<01:00:52.240> can<01:00:52.400> use<01:00:52.559> mine<01:00:52.720> if<01:00:52.799> you<01:00:52.880> need
01:00:54.829 --> 01:00:54.839 align:start position:0%
it's okay you can use mine if you need
01:00:54.839 --> 01:00:56.309 align:start position:0%
it's okay you can use mine if you need
01:00:56.309 --> 01:00:56.319 align:start position:0%
01:00:56.319 --> 01:01:00.549 align:start position:0%
michael<01:00:58.799> i<01:00:59.040> said<01:00:59.440> i<01:00:59.599> needed
01:01:00.549 --> 01:01:00.559 align:start position:0%
michael i said i needed
01:01:00.559 --> 01:01:20.630 align:start position:0%
michael i said i needed
to<01:01:00.720> get<01:01:00.880> my<01:01:01.040> cell<01:01:08.839> phone
01:01:20.630 --> 01:01:20.640 align:start position:0%
01:01:20.640 --> 01:01:32.620 align:start position:0%
michael<01:01:22.559> i<01:01:22.799> said<01:01:23.040> i<01:01:23.119> need<01:01:23.359> my<01:01:23.520> phone
01:01:32.620 --> 01:01:32.630 align:start position:0%
01:01:32.630 --> 01:01:39.170 align:start position:0%
01:01:39.170 --> 01:01:39.180 align:start position:0%
01:01:39.180 --> 01:01:48.470 align:start position:0%
01:01:48.470 --> 01:01:48.480 align:start position:0%
01:01:48.480 --> 01:01:50.950 align:start position:0%
i<01:01:48.799> said<01:01:49.040> i<01:01:49.200> need<01:01:49.440> my<01:01:49.680> cell<01:01:49.920> phone<01:01:50.319> michael
01:01:50.950 --> 01:01:50.960 align:start position:0%
i said i need my cell phone michael
01:01:50.960 --> 01:01:51.990 align:start position:0%
i said i need my cell phone michael
[ __ ]<01:01:51.280> turn<01:01:51.520> this<01:01:51.760> car
01:01:51.990 --> 01:01:52.000 align:start position:0%
[ __ ] turn this car
01:01:52.000 --> 01:02:00.470 align:start position:0%
[ __ ] turn this car
01:02:00.470 --> 01:02:00.480 align:start position:0%
01:02:00.480 --> 01:02:16.180 align:start position:0%
okay<01:02:01.520> okay<01:02:03.359> stay<01:02:04.839> up
01:02:16.180 --> 01:02:16.190 align:start position:0%
01:02:16.190 --> 01:02:18.829 align:start position:0%
01:02:18.829 --> 01:02:18.839 align:start position:0%
01:02:18.839 --> 01:02:32.829 align:start position:0%
01:02:32.829 --> 01:02:32.839 align:start position:0%
01:02:32.839 --> 01:02:36.650 align:start position:0%
01:02:36.650 --> 01:02:36.660 align:start position:0%
01:02:36.660 --> 01:03:15.750 align:start position:0%
01:03:15.750 --> 01:03:15.760 align:start position:0%
01:03:15.760 --> 01:03:39.190 align:start position:0%
01:03:39.190 --> 01:03:39.200 align:start position:0%
01:03:39.200 --> 01:03:42.390 align:start position:0%
you<01:03:39.440> should<01:03:39.680> know<01:03:39.839> better
01:03:42.390 --> 01:03:42.400 align:start position:0%
01:03:42.400 --> 01:03:56.829 align:start position:0%
than<01:03:42.559> to<01:03:42.720> be<01:03:42.880> going<01:03:43.039> through<01:03:43.200> my<01:03:43.440> personal
01:03:56.829 --> 01:03:56.839 align:start position:0%
01:03:56.839 --> 01:04:10.829 align:start position:0%
01:04:10.829 --> 01:04:10.839 align:start position:0%
01:04:10.839 --> 01:04:15.990 align:start position:0%
01:04:15.990 --> 01:04:16.000 align:start position:0%
01:04:16.000 --> 01:04:19.029 align:start position:0%
holy<01:04:16.319> cow<01:04:16.880> somebody's<01:04:17.200> been<01:04:17.440> busy<01:04:18.480> boy<01:04:18.799> i'll
01:04:19.029 --> 01:04:19.039 align:start position:0%
holy cow somebody's been busy boy i'll
01:04:19.039 --> 01:04:19.430 align:start position:0%
holy cow somebody's been busy boy i'll
01:04:19.430 --> 01:04:19.440 align:start position:0%
01:04:19.440 --> 01:04:22.630 align:start position:0%
this<01:04:19.680> looks<01:04:19.920> terrific<01:04:21.280> thanks<01:04:22.240> well<01:04:22.480> i
01:04:22.630 --> 01:04:22.640 align:start position:0%
this looks terrific thanks well i
01:04:22.640 --> 01:04:24.549 align:start position:0%
this looks terrific thanks well i
figured<01:04:22.960> you<01:04:23.119> guys<01:04:23.359> would<01:04:23.440> be<01:04:23.599> running<01:04:23.920> late
01:04:24.549 --> 01:04:24.559 align:start position:0%
figured you guys would be running late
01:04:24.559 --> 01:04:26.710 align:start position:0%
figured you guys would be running late
and<01:04:24.720> i<01:04:24.799> know<01:04:25.039> mom<01:04:25.200> would<01:04:25.359> start<01:04:25.520> stressing<01:04:26.079> out
01:04:26.710 --> 01:04:26.720 align:start position:0%
and i know mom would start stressing out
01:04:26.720 --> 01:04:28.309 align:start position:0%
and i know mom would start stressing out
so<01:04:26.880> i<01:04:26.960> thought<01:04:27.359> why<01:04:27.599> not
01:04:28.309 --> 01:04:28.319 align:start position:0%
so i thought why not
01:04:28.319 --> 01:04:31.190 align:start position:0%
so i thought why not
well<01:04:28.799> thank<01:04:29.039> you<01:04:30.319> is<01:04:30.400> there<01:04:30.559> anything<01:04:30.880> else<01:04:31.039> i
01:04:31.190 --> 01:04:31.200 align:start position:0%
well thank you is there anything else i
01:04:31.200 --> 01:04:32.390 align:start position:0%
well thank you is there anything else i
can<01:04:31.280> help<01:04:31.440> you<01:04:31.599> with
01:04:32.390 --> 01:04:32.400 align:start position:0%
can help you with
01:04:32.400 --> 01:04:33.910 align:start position:0%
can help you with
nothing<01:04:32.720> really<01:04:33.119> i've<01:04:33.359> already<01:04:33.599> made<01:04:33.760> the
01:04:33.910 --> 01:04:33.920 align:start position:0%
nothing really i've already made the
01:04:33.920 --> 01:04:35.589 align:start position:0%
nothing really i've already made the
pasta<01:04:34.400> the<01:04:34.480> marinara<01:04:35.039> sauce
01:04:35.589 --> 01:04:35.599 align:start position:0%
pasta the marinara sauce
01:04:35.599 --> 01:04:38.069 align:start position:0%
pasta the marinara sauce
and<01:04:35.760> the<01:04:35.839> last<01:04:36.000> thing<01:04:36.160> to<01:04:36.240> do<01:04:36.480> was<01:04:36.880> the<01:04:37.039> salad
01:04:38.069 --> 01:04:38.079 align:start position:0%
and the last thing to do was the salad
01:04:38.079 --> 01:04:40.950 align:start position:0%
and the last thing to do was the salad
okay<01:04:38.480> well<01:04:38.720> i'm<01:04:38.880> gonna<01:04:39.039> go<01:04:39.119> upstairs<01:04:39.839> and
01:04:40.950 --> 01:04:40.960 align:start position:0%
okay well i'm gonna go upstairs and
01:04:40.960 --> 01:04:44.549 align:start position:0%
okay well i'm gonna go upstairs and
take<01:04:41.200> a<01:04:41.280> shower<01:04:42.640> and<01:04:42.880> change<01:04:43.280> and<01:04:43.359> get<01:04:43.520> ready
01:04:44.549 --> 01:04:44.559 align:start position:0%
take a shower and change and get ready
01:04:44.559 --> 01:04:47.910 align:start position:0%
take a shower and change and get ready
michael<01:04:46.079> be<01:04:46.240> sure<01:04:46.400> to<01:04:46.559> get<01:04:46.640> some<01:04:46.799> wine
01:04:47.910 --> 01:04:47.920 align:start position:0%
michael be sure to get some wine
01:04:47.920 --> 01:04:49.430 align:start position:0%
michael be sure to get some wine
you<01:04:48.079> know<01:04:48.240> how<01:04:48.400> much<01:04:48.640> priests<01:04:49.039> love<01:04:49.280> their
01:04:49.430 --> 01:04:49.440 align:start position:0%
you know how much priests love their
01:04:49.440 --> 01:04:59.589 align:start position:0%
you know how much priests love their
wine<01:04:50.319> will<01:04:52.839> do
01:04:59.589 --> 01:04:59.599 align:start position:0%
01:04:59.599 --> 01:05:02.630 align:start position:0%
father<01:04:59.920> bob<01:05:00.559> welcome<01:05:01.520> hello
01:05:02.630 --> 01:05:02.640 align:start position:0%
father bob welcome hello
01:05:02.640 --> 01:05:04.630 align:start position:0%
father bob welcome hello
nice<01:05:02.799> to<01:05:02.880> meet<01:05:03.039> you<01:05:03.440> glad<01:05:03.680> it<01:05:03.760> worked<01:05:04.079> out<01:05:04.240> uh
01:05:04.630 --> 01:05:04.640 align:start position:0%
nice to meet you glad it worked out uh
01:05:04.640 --> 01:05:06.069 align:start position:0%
nice to meet you glad it worked out uh
us<01:05:04.799> having<01:05:05.039> you<01:05:05.119> come<01:05:05.359> over
01:05:06.069 --> 01:05:06.079 align:start position:0%
us having you come over
01:05:06.079 --> 01:05:09.029 align:start position:0%
us having you come over
me<01:05:06.319> too<01:05:06.640> i<01:05:06.880> uh<01:05:07.839> look<01:05:08.079> forward<01:05:08.319> to<01:05:08.480> tonight<01:05:08.960> i
01:05:09.029 --> 01:05:09.039 align:start position:0%
me too i uh look forward to tonight i
01:05:09.039 --> 01:05:12.309 align:start position:0%
me too i uh look forward to tonight i
look<01:05:09.200> forward<01:05:09.440> to<01:05:09.520> meeting<01:05:09.760> your<01:05:09.839> wife
01:05:12.309 --> 01:05:12.319 align:start position:0%
01:05:12.319 --> 01:05:15.670 align:start position:0%
did<01:05:12.480> you<01:05:12.559> find<01:05:12.720> us<01:05:12.880> okay<01:05:13.200> oh<01:05:13.440> yeah<01:05:14.000> yeah<01:05:14.319> easy
01:05:15.670 --> 01:05:15.680 align:start position:0%
did you find us okay oh yeah yeah easy
01:05:15.680 --> 01:05:18.390 align:start position:0%
did you find us okay oh yeah yeah easy
you<01:05:15.839> know<01:05:15.920> where<01:05:16.079> you<01:05:16.160> were<01:05:17.599> father<01:05:17.920> bob<01:05:18.160> this
01:05:18.390 --> 01:05:18.400 align:start position:0%
you know where you were father bob this
01:05:18.400 --> 01:05:18.710 align:start position:0%
you know where you were father bob this
01:05:18.710 --> 01:05:18.720 align:start position:0%
01:05:18.720 --> 01:05:21.430 align:start position:0%
my<01:05:18.880> wife<01:05:19.200> katie<01:05:19.599> hello<01:05:20.319> my<01:05:20.559> daughters<01:05:20.960> kristen
01:05:21.430 --> 01:05:21.440 align:start position:0%
my wife katie hello my daughters kristen
01:05:21.440 --> 01:05:21.990 align:start position:0%
my wife katie hello my daughters kristen
01:05:21.990 --> 01:05:22.000 align:start position:0%
01:05:22.000 --> 01:05:26.230 align:start position:0%
hello<01:05:23.039> oh<01:05:23.200> your<01:05:23.359> home<01:05:23.599> looks<01:05:23.680> so<01:05:23.920> comfortable
01:05:26.230 --> 01:05:26.240 align:start position:0%
hello oh your home looks so comfortable
01:05:26.240 --> 01:05:30.390 align:start position:0%
hello oh your home looks so comfortable
lived<01:05:26.559> it<01:05:27.200> i<01:05:27.359> love<01:05:27.599> it<01:05:28.240> thank<01:05:28.480> you<01:05:28.880> thank<01:05:29.119> you
01:05:30.390 --> 01:05:30.400 align:start position:0%
lived it i love it thank you thank you
01:05:30.400 --> 01:05:33.829 align:start position:0%
lived it i love it thank you thank you
please<01:05:31.359> make<01:05:31.599> yourself<01:05:32.000> at<01:05:32.079> home<01:05:33.119> i<01:05:33.359> will
01:05:33.829 --> 01:05:33.839 align:start position:0%
please make yourself at home i will
01:05:33.839 --> 01:05:36.230 align:start position:0%
please make yourself at home i will
can<01:05:34.000> i<01:05:34.079> get<01:05:34.319> you<01:05:34.480> a<01:05:34.559> glass<01:05:34.880> of<01:05:35.039> wine<01:05:35.680> yes<01:05:36.000> that'd
01:05:36.230 --> 01:05:36.240 align:start position:0%
can i get you a glass of wine yes that'd
01:05:36.240 --> 01:05:37.270 align:start position:0%
can i get you a glass of wine yes that'd
be<01:05:36.400> nice
01:05:37.270 --> 01:05:37.280 align:start position:0%
be nice
01:05:37.280 --> 01:05:39.750 align:start position:0%
be nice
thanks<01:05:38.880> you<01:05:38.960> know<01:05:39.119> i've<01:05:39.200> been<01:05:39.359> here<01:05:39.520> once
01:05:39.750 --> 01:05:39.760 align:start position:0%
thanks you know i've been here once
01:05:39.760 --> 01:05:40.950 align:start position:0%
thanks you know i've been here once
before<01:05:40.160> when
01:05:40.950 --> 01:05:40.960 align:start position:0%
before when
01:05:40.960 --> 01:05:44.230 align:start position:0%
before when
the<01:05:41.119> harris<01:05:41.520> has<01:05:41.680> owned<01:05:41.920> it<01:05:43.760> did<01:05:43.920> you<01:05:44.079> know
01:05:44.230 --> 01:05:44.240 align:start position:0%
the harris has owned it did you know
01:05:44.240 --> 01:05:44.950 align:start position:0%
the harris has owned it did you know
01:05:44.950 --> 01:05:44.960 align:start position:0%
01:05:44.960 --> 01:05:48.470 align:start position:0%
really<01:05:46.079> uh<01:05:46.319> no<01:05:46.799> um<01:05:47.760> but<01:05:47.920> i<01:05:48.079> understand<01:05:48.400> that
01:05:48.470 --> 01:05:48.480 align:start position:0%
really uh no um but i understand that
01:05:48.480 --> 01:05:49.190 align:start position:0%
really uh no um but i understand that
you<01:05:48.640> did
01:05:49.190 --> 01:05:49.200 align:start position:0%
you did
01:05:49.200 --> 01:05:52.390 align:start position:0%
you did
yes<01:05:49.520> i<01:05:49.680> did<01:05:51.039> i<01:05:51.280> spent<01:05:51.520> some<01:05:51.680> time<01:05:52.000> counseling
01:05:52.390 --> 01:05:52.400 align:start position:0%
yes i did i spent some time counseling
01:05:52.400 --> 01:05:54.549 align:start position:0%
yes i did i spent some time counseling
mrs<01:05:52.799> harris
01:05:54.549 --> 01:05:54.559 align:start position:0%
mrs harris
01:05:54.559 --> 01:05:56.710 align:start position:0%
mrs harris
dinner<01:05:54.880> is<01:05:54.960> ready<01:05:55.680> let's<01:05:56.000> not<01:05:56.160> let<01:05:56.319> the<01:05:56.480> food
01:05:56.710 --> 01:05:56.720 align:start position:0%
dinner is ready let's not let the food
01:05:56.720 --> 01:05:58.630 align:start position:0%
dinner is ready let's not let the food
get<01:05:57.039> cold
01:05:58.630 --> 01:05:58.640 align:start position:0%
get cold
01:05:58.640 --> 01:06:02.549 align:start position:0%
get cold
well<01:05:58.960> thank<01:05:59.119> you<01:06:01.520> please
01:06:02.549 --> 01:06:02.559 align:start position:0%
well thank you please
01:06:02.559 --> 01:06:06.789 align:start position:0%
well thank you please
feel<01:06:02.799> free<01:06:02.960> to<01:06:03.119> serve<01:06:03.359> yourselves<01:06:04.160> oh<01:06:04.799> okay
01:06:06.789 --> 01:06:06.799 align:start position:0%
feel free to serve yourselves oh okay
01:06:06.799 --> 01:06:10.390 align:start position:0%
feel free to serve yourselves oh okay
it<01:06:06.960> all<01:06:07.119> looks<01:06:07.280> so<01:06:07.520> nice<01:06:07.839> here<01:06:08.079> look<01:06:08.319> at<01:06:08.400> this
01:06:10.390 --> 01:06:10.400 align:start position:0%
it all looks so nice here look at this
01:06:10.400 --> 01:06:12.470 align:start position:0%
it all looks so nice here look at this
father<01:06:10.720> bob<01:06:10.960> will<01:06:11.119> you<01:06:11.280> uh<01:06:11.760> please<01:06:12.079> bless<01:06:12.400> the
01:06:12.470 --> 01:06:12.480 align:start position:0%
father bob will you uh please bless the
01:06:12.480 --> 01:06:20.630 align:start position:0%
father bob will you uh please bless the
food<01:06:13.039> sure<01:06:16.839> michael
01:06:20.630 --> 01:06:20.640 align:start position:0%
01:06:20.640 --> 01:06:25.910 align:start position:0%
and<01:06:21.359> the<01:06:21.440> father<01:06:21.920> the<01:06:22.079> son<01:06:22.559> the<01:06:22.640> holy<01:06:22.960> spirit
01:06:25.910 --> 01:06:25.920 align:start position:0%
01:06:25.920 --> 01:06:29.349 align:start position:0%
bless<01:06:26.240> us<01:06:26.400> o<01:06:26.559> lord<01:06:27.520> in<01:06:27.760> these<01:06:28.000> thy<01:06:28.319> gifts
01:06:29.349 --> 01:06:29.359 align:start position:0%
bless us o lord in these thy gifts
01:06:29.359 --> 01:06:32.150 align:start position:0%
bless us o lord in these thy gifts
which<01:06:29.599> we<01:06:29.920> are<01:06:30.000> about<01:06:30.319> to<01:06:30.480> receive<01:06:31.760> from<01:06:32.000> thy
01:06:32.150 --> 01:06:32.160 align:start position:0%
which we are about to receive from thy
01:06:32.160 --> 01:06:33.029 align:start position:0%
which we are about to receive from thy
01:06:33.029 --> 01:06:33.039 align:start position:0%
01:06:33.039 --> 01:06:39.910 align:start position:0%
through<01:06:33.200> christ<01:06:33.520> our<01:06:33.680> lord<01:06:34.799> amen
01:06:39.910 --> 01:06:39.920 align:start position:0%
01:06:39.920 --> 01:06:43.510 align:start position:0%
everything<01:06:40.240> looks<01:06:40.400> so<01:06:40.559> delicious<01:06:42.880> uh<01:06:43.119> please
01:06:43.510 --> 01:06:43.520 align:start position:0%
everything looks so delicious uh please
01:06:43.520 --> 01:06:46.549 align:start position:0%
everything looks so delicious uh please
help<01:06:43.760> us<01:06:44.000> out<01:06:44.640> thank<01:06:44.880> you
01:06:46.549 --> 01:06:46.559 align:start position:0%
help us out thank you
01:06:46.559 --> 01:06:48.870 align:start position:0%
help us out thank you
kristen<01:06:46.960> deserves<01:06:47.440> all<01:06:47.520> the<01:06:47.680> credit<01:06:48.480> she<01:06:48.720> put
01:06:48.870 --> 01:06:48.880 align:start position:0%
kristen deserves all the credit she put
01:06:48.880 --> 01:06:50.309 align:start position:0%
kristen deserves all the credit she put
all<01:06:49.039> this<01:06:49.280> together
01:06:50.309 --> 01:06:50.319 align:start position:0%
all this together
01:06:50.319 --> 01:06:54.710 align:start position:0%
all this together
oh<01:06:51.039> you<01:06:51.200> did<01:06:51.440> a<01:06:51.599> great<01:06:52.000> job<01:06:53.039> let<01:06:53.200> me<01:06:53.359> guess
01:06:54.710 --> 01:06:54.720 align:start position:0%
oh you did a great job let me guess
01:06:54.720 --> 01:07:01.589 align:start position:0%
oh you did a great job let me guess
you<01:06:54.880> take<01:06:55.119> after<01:06:55.440> your<01:06:55.520> mother<01:06:55.920> right<01:06:58.839> thanks
01:07:01.589 --> 01:07:01.599 align:start position:0%
you take after your mother right thanks
01:07:01.599 --> 01:07:04.870 align:start position:0%
you take after your mother right thanks
katie<01:07:03.359> so<01:07:03.520> nice<01:07:03.839> of<01:07:04.000> you<01:07:04.160> and<01:07:04.319> michael<01:07:04.640> to
01:07:04.870 --> 01:07:04.880 align:start position:0%
katie so nice of you and michael to
01:07:04.880 --> 01:07:06.870 align:start position:0%
katie so nice of you and michael to
invite<01:07:05.200> me<01:07:05.359> over
01:07:06.870 --> 01:07:06.880 align:start position:0%
invite me over
01:07:06.880 --> 01:07:15.510 align:start position:0%
invite me over
i'd<01:07:07.119> like<01:07:07.359> to<01:07:08.319> invite<01:07:08.720> you<01:07:08.880> to<01:07:12.839> church
01:07:15.510 --> 01:07:15.520 align:start position:0%
i'd like to invite you to church
01:07:15.520 --> 01:07:19.430 align:start position:0%
i'd like to invite you to church
oh<01:07:15.839> well<01:07:17.839> i've<01:07:18.160> just<01:07:18.480> been<01:07:18.640> busy<01:07:19.039> working<01:07:19.359> on
01:07:19.430 --> 01:07:19.440 align:start position:0%
oh well i've just been busy working on
01:07:19.440 --> 01:07:20.630 align:start position:0%
oh well i've just been busy working on
this<01:07:19.680> house
01:07:20.630 --> 01:07:20.640 align:start position:0%
this house
01:07:20.640 --> 01:07:23.510 align:start position:0%
this house
so<01:07:20.799> much<01:07:21.039> i<01:07:21.200> haven't<01:07:21.520> had<01:07:22.079> time<01:07:22.319> for<01:07:23.039> anything
01:07:23.510 --> 01:07:23.520 align:start position:0%
so much i haven't had time for anything
01:07:23.520 --> 01:07:25.510 align:start position:0%
so much i haven't had time for anything
01:07:25.510 --> 01:07:25.520 align:start position:0%
01:07:25.520 --> 01:07:31.750 align:start position:0%
oh<01:07:27.680> everything<01:07:28.000> looks<01:07:28.240> terrific<01:07:28.799> around<01:07:29.200> here
01:07:31.750 --> 01:07:31.760 align:start position:0%
01:07:31.760 --> 01:07:35.670 align:start position:0%
hopefully<01:07:34.559> means<01:07:34.880> we'll
01:07:35.670 --> 01:07:35.680 align:start position:0%
hopefully means we'll
01:07:35.680 --> 01:07:40.870 align:start position:0%
hopefully means we'll
see<01:07:35.839> you<01:07:36.000> soon
01:07:40.870 --> 01:07:40.880 align:start position:0%
01:07:40.880 --> 01:07:43.190 align:start position:0%
oh<01:07:41.119> i<01:07:41.200> don't<01:07:41.440> know<01:07:42.319> seems<01:07:42.720> there's<01:07:42.880> something
01:07:43.190 --> 01:07:43.200 align:start position:0%
oh i don't know seems there's something
01:07:43.200 --> 01:07:45.589 align:start position:0%
oh i don't know seems there's something
always<01:07:43.520> going<01:07:43.839> on
01:07:45.589 --> 01:07:45.599 align:start position:0%
always going on
01:07:45.599 --> 01:07:50.230 align:start position:0%
always going on
really<01:07:47.280> like<01:07:47.599> what
01:07:50.230 --> 01:07:50.240 align:start position:0%
01:07:50.240 --> 01:07:56.069 align:start position:0%
what<01:07:50.400> do<01:07:50.400> you<01:07:50.480> mean<01:07:54.839> katie
01:07:56.069 --> 01:07:56.079 align:start position:0%
what do you mean katie
01:07:56.079 --> 01:08:00.870 align:start position:0%
what do you mean katie
well<01:07:58.880> like<01:07:59.119> i<01:07:59.280> already<01:07:59.599> said
01:08:00.870 --> 01:08:00.880 align:start position:0%
well like i already said
01:08:00.880 --> 01:08:05.670 align:start position:0%
well like i already said
this<01:08:01.200> house<01:08:03.839> can't<01:08:04.079> you<01:08:04.319> see
01:08:05.670 --> 01:08:05.680 align:start position:0%
this house can't you see
01:08:05.680 --> 01:08:09.349 align:start position:0%
this house can't you see
it<01:08:05.839> requires<01:08:06.640> all<01:08:06.799> of<01:08:06.880> my<01:08:07.119> attention
01:08:09.349 --> 01:08:09.359 align:start position:0%
it requires all of my attention
01:08:09.359 --> 01:08:13.029 align:start position:0%
it requires all of my attention
of<01:08:09.520> course
01:08:13.029 --> 01:08:13.039 align:start position:0%
01:08:13.039 --> 01:08:21.349 align:start position:0%
size<01:08:13.359> of<01:08:13.440> the<01:08:13.520> house<01:08:16.000> what<01:08:16.239> else<01:08:16.400> do<01:08:16.560> you<01:08:16.640> do
01:08:21.349 --> 01:08:21.359 align:start position:0%
01:08:21.359 --> 01:08:24.149 align:start position:0%
what<01:08:21.520> do<01:08:21.520> you<01:08:21.600> mean<01:08:21.759> what<01:08:22.000> else<01:08:22.159> do<01:08:22.319> i<01:08:22.839> do<01:08:24.000> and
01:08:24.149 --> 01:08:24.159 align:start position:0%
what do you mean what else do i do and
01:08:24.159 --> 01:08:27.430 align:start position:0%
what do you mean what else do i do and
why<01:08:24.400> so<01:08:24.560> many<01:08:24.799> questions<01:08:25.279> directed<01:08:25.759> at<01:08:25.920> me
01:08:27.430 --> 01:08:27.440 align:start position:0%
why so many questions directed at me
01:08:27.440 --> 01:08:29.110 align:start position:0%
why so many questions directed at me
there<01:08:27.600> were<01:08:27.920> three<01:08:28.239> other<01:08:28.480> people<01:08:28.799> sitting
01:08:29.110 --> 01:08:29.120 align:start position:0%
there were three other people sitting
01:08:29.120 --> 01:08:33.749 align:start position:0%
there were three other people sitting
here<01:08:29.359> in<01:08:29.440> plain<01:08:29.839> sight
01:08:33.749 --> 01:08:33.759 align:start position:0%
01:08:33.759 --> 01:08:38.789 align:start position:0%
i<01:08:33.920> apologize<01:08:35.120> i'm<01:08:35.279> just<01:08:35.520> busy<01:08:35.920> all<01:08:36.839> right
01:08:38.789 --> 01:08:38.799 align:start position:0%
i apologize i'm just busy all right
01:08:38.799 --> 01:08:46.139 align:start position:0%
i apologize i'm just busy all right
why<01:08:39.120> is<01:08:39.279> that<01:08:39.440> so<01:08:39.679> hard<01:08:39.920> for<01:08:40.080> you<01:08:40.560> to
01:08:46.139 --> 01:08:46.149 align:start position:0%
01:08:46.149 --> 01:08:50.829 align:start position:0%
01:08:50.829 --> 01:08:50.839 align:start position:0%
01:08:50.839 --> 01:09:01.430 align:start position:0%
01:09:01.430 --> 01:09:01.440 align:start position:0%
01:09:01.440 --> 01:09:06.709 align:start position:0%
dad<01:09:02.319> can<01:09:02.480> i<01:09:02.560> be<01:09:02.719> excused<01:09:04.319> me<01:09:04.839> too
01:09:06.709 --> 01:09:06.719 align:start position:0%
dad can i be excused me too
01:09:06.719 --> 01:09:18.870 align:start position:0%
dad can i be excused me too
all<01:09:06.799> right
01:09:18.870 --> 01:09:18.880 align:start position:0%
01:09:18.880 --> 01:09:20.309 align:start position:0%
why'd<01:09:19.120> you<01:09:19.199> take<01:09:19.359> so<01:09:19.520> long<01:09:19.759> to<01:09:19.920> call<01:09:20.159> me
01:09:20.309 --> 01:09:20.319 align:start position:0%
why'd you take so long to call me
01:09:20.319 --> 01:09:23.990 align:start position:0%
why'd you take so long to call me
01:09:23.990 --> 01:09:24.000 align:start position:0%
01:09:24.000 --> 01:09:29.030 align:start position:0%
i<01:09:24.159> don't<01:09:24.319> know<01:09:25.839> just<01:09:26.080> sort<01:09:26.239> of<01:09:26.319> crept<01:09:26.560> up<01:09:26.719> on<01:09:26.799> me
01:09:29.030 --> 01:09:29.040 align:start position:0%
01:09:29.040 --> 01:09:32.829 align:start position:0%
well<01:09:29.199> the<01:09:29.359> main<01:09:29.520> thing<01:09:29.759> is<01:09:30.000> you<01:09:30.159> called<01:09:30.480> me
01:09:32.829 --> 01:09:32.839 align:start position:0%
01:09:32.839 --> 01:09:35.590 align:start position:0%
01:09:35.590 --> 01:09:35.600 align:start position:0%
01:09:35.600 --> 01:09:39.110 align:start position:0%
so<01:09:35.839> now<01:09:36.000> what<01:09:38.080> well<01:09:38.239> i'm<01:09:38.400> not<01:09:38.560> gonna<01:09:38.799> try<01:09:38.960> to
01:09:39.110 --> 01:09:39.120 align:start position:0%
so now what well i'm not gonna try to
01:09:39.120 --> 01:09:41.829 align:start position:0%
so now what well i'm not gonna try to
scare<01:09:39.440> you<01:09:39.600> michael
01:09:41.829 --> 01:09:41.839 align:start position:0%
scare you michael
01:09:41.839 --> 01:09:45.110 align:start position:0%
scare you michael
what<01:09:42.000> do<01:09:42.000> you<01:09:42.080> mean<01:09:42.319> try<01:09:42.480> to<01:09:42.560> scare<01:09:42.799> me
01:09:45.110 --> 01:09:45.120 align:start position:0%
01:09:45.120 --> 01:09:48.229 align:start position:0%
let<01:09:45.279> me<01:09:45.440> explain<01:09:45.920> a<01:09:45.920> little<01:09:46.159> bit<01:09:46.319> to<01:09:46.839> you<01:09:47.920> about
01:09:48.229 --> 01:09:48.239 align:start position:0%
let me explain a little bit to you about
01:09:48.239 --> 01:09:49.349 align:start position:0%
let me explain a little bit to you about
01:09:49.349 --> 01:09:49.359 align:start position:0%
01:09:49.359 --> 01:09:52.550 align:start position:0%
demons<01:09:51.199> i<01:09:51.440> never<01:09:51.679> said<01:09:51.920> anything<01:09:52.319> about
01:09:52.550 --> 01:09:52.560 align:start position:0%
demons i never said anything about
01:09:52.560 --> 01:09:54.550 align:start position:0%
demons i never said anything about
01:09:54.550 --> 01:09:54.560 align:start position:0%
01:09:54.560 --> 01:09:58.070 align:start position:0%
michael<01:09:56.320> in<01:09:56.560> instances<01:09:57.199> where<01:09:57.440> an<01:09:57.520> oppressive
01:09:58.070 --> 01:09:58.080 align:start position:0%
michael in instances where an oppressive
01:09:58.080 --> 01:10:00.550 align:start position:0%
michael in instances where an oppressive
feeling<01:09:58.480> is<01:09:58.719> present
01:10:00.550 --> 01:10:00.560 align:start position:0%
feeling is present
01:10:00.560 --> 01:10:03.990 align:start position:0%
feeling is present
it<01:10:00.800> suggests<01:10:01.440> that<01:10:01.600> there<01:10:01.920> may<01:10:02.320> be<01:10:02.800> some
01:10:03.990 --> 01:10:04.000 align:start position:0%
it suggests that there may be some
01:10:04.000 --> 01:10:08.950 align:start position:0%
it suggests that there may be some
type<01:10:04.239> of<01:10:04.480> involvement<01:10:05.040> with<01:10:05.280> a<01:10:05.440> demon
01:10:08.950 --> 01:10:08.960 align:start position:0%
01:10:08.960 --> 01:10:11.430 align:start position:0%
are<01:10:09.040> you<01:10:09.199> trying<01:10:09.360> to<01:10:09.520> tell<01:10:09.679> me<01:10:10.719> that<01:10:10.960> you<01:10:11.199> think
01:10:11.430 --> 01:10:11.440 align:start position:0%
are you trying to tell me that you think
01:10:11.440 --> 01:10:12.630 align:start position:0%
are you trying to tell me that you think
that<01:10:11.679> my<01:10:11.920> wife
01:10:12.630 --> 01:10:12.640 align:start position:0%
that my wife
01:10:12.640 --> 01:10:20.310 align:start position:0%
that my wife
is<01:10:12.880> possessed<01:10:13.360> by<01:10:13.600> a<01:10:14.840> demon
01:10:20.310 --> 01:10:20.320 align:start position:0%
01:10:20.320 --> 01:10:23.669 align:start position:0%
there's<01:10:20.560> no<01:10:20.719> way<01:10:20.880> katie's<01:10:21.280> possessed<01:10:21.920> no<01:10:22.159> way
01:10:23.669 --> 01:10:23.679 align:start position:0%
there's no way katie's possessed no way
01:10:23.679 --> 01:10:28.830 align:start position:0%
there's no way katie's possessed no way
i'm<01:10:23.920> gonna<01:10:24.000> go<01:10:24.159> check<01:10:24.400> on<01:10:24.480> her<01:10:25.440> mind<01:10:25.679> if<01:10:25.840> i<01:10:26.000> join
01:10:28.830 --> 01:10:28.840 align:start position:0%
01:10:28.840 --> 01:10:32.470 align:start position:0%
01:10:32.470 --> 01:10:32.480 align:start position:0%
01:10:32.480 --> 01:10:35.830 align:start position:0%
katie<01:10:33.840> you're<01:10:34.159> right
01:10:35.830 --> 01:10:35.840 align:start position:0%
katie you're right
01:10:35.840 --> 01:10:40.390 align:start position:0%
katie you're right
who<01:10:36.159> are<01:10:36.239> you<01:10:36.320> talking<01:10:36.640> to<01:10:38.000> a<01:10:38.159> friend
01:10:40.390 --> 01:10:40.400 align:start position:0%
who are you talking to a friend
01:10:40.400 --> 01:10:45.030 align:start position:0%
who are you talking to a friend
i<01:10:40.480> don't<01:10:40.640> see<01:10:40.800> anybody<01:10:41.199> here<01:10:41.440> what<01:10:42.840> friend
01:10:45.030 --> 01:10:45.040 align:start position:0%
i don't see anybody here what friend
01:10:45.040 --> 01:10:48.229 align:start position:0%
i don't see anybody here what friend
where's<01:10:45.360> your<01:10:45.520> friend<01:10:45.760> katie
01:10:48.229 --> 01:10:48.239 align:start position:0%
01:10:48.239 --> 01:10:52.390 align:start position:0%
01:10:52.390 --> 01:10:52.400 align:start position:0%
01:10:52.400 --> 01:10:56.830 align:start position:0%
oh<01:10:53.040> please<01:10:55.280> don't<01:10:55.600> act<01:10:55.840> like<01:10:56.000> you're<01:10:56.239> so
01:10:56.830 --> 01:10:56.840 align:start position:0%
oh please don't act like you're so
01:10:56.840 --> 01:11:00.709 align:start position:0%
oh please don't act like you're so
01:11:00.709 --> 01:11:00.719 align:start position:0%
01:11:00.719 --> 01:11:04.630 align:start position:0%
okay<01:11:02.400> how<01:11:02.560> would<01:11:02.719> you<01:11:02.880> like<01:11:03.040> for<01:11:03.199> me<01:11:03.360> to<01:11:03.520> act
01:11:04.630 --> 01:11:04.640 align:start position:0%
okay how would you like for me to act
01:11:04.640 --> 01:11:07.110 align:start position:0%
okay how would you like for me to act
we<01:11:04.800> both<01:11:05.040> know<01:11:05.199> you're<01:11:05.440> in<01:11:05.600> over<01:11:05.760> your<01:11:05.920> head
01:11:07.110 --> 01:11:07.120 align:start position:0%
we both know you're in over your head
01:11:07.120 --> 01:11:08.950 align:start position:0%
we both know you're in over your head
don't<01:11:07.360> we
01:11:08.950 --> 01:11:08.960 align:start position:0%
don't we
01:11:08.960 --> 01:11:11.270 align:start position:0%
don't we
you<01:11:09.120> have<01:11:09.280> that<01:11:09.520> same<01:11:10.000> goofy<01:11:10.400> blank<01:11:10.800> look<01:11:11.199> on
01:11:11.270 --> 01:11:11.280 align:start position:0%
you have that same goofy blank look on
01:11:11.280 --> 01:11:12.390 align:start position:0%
you have that same goofy blank look on
your<01:11:11.520> face
01:11:12.390 --> 01:11:12.400 align:start position:0%
your face
01:11:12.400 --> 01:11:17.110 align:start position:0%
your face
when<01:11:12.560> you<01:11:12.719> were<01:11:12.880> 12.<01:11:14.800> remember
01:11:17.110 --> 01:11:17.120 align:start position:0%
when you were 12. remember
01:11:17.120 --> 01:11:20.700 align:start position:0%
when you were 12. remember
i'm<01:11:17.360> no<01:11:17.520> longer<01:11:17.840> that<01:11:18.159> 12<01:11:18.480> year<01:11:18.640> old<01:11:18.880> boy
01:11:20.700 --> 01:11:20.710 align:start position:0%
i'm no longer that 12 year old boy
01:11:20.710 --> 01:11:23.110 align:start position:0%
i'm no longer that 12 year old boy
01:11:23.110 --> 01:11:23.120 align:start position:0%
01:11:23.120 --> 01:11:26.950 align:start position:0%
sure<01:11:23.440> you<01:11:23.600> are<01:11:24.960> inside<01:11:25.600> your<01:11:25.920> every<01:11:26.239> bit<01:11:26.480> that
01:11:26.950 --> 01:11:26.960 align:start position:0%
sure you are inside your every bit that
01:11:26.960 --> 01:11:32.630 align:start position:0%
sure you are inside your every bit that
scared<01:11:27.840> little<01:11:28.480> boy<01:11:29.679> that<01:11:29.920> wets<01:11:30.239> his<01:11:30.480> pants
01:11:32.630 --> 01:11:32.640 align:start position:0%
scared little boy that wets his pants
01:11:32.640 --> 01:11:36.070 align:start position:0%
scared little boy that wets his pants
that's<01:11:32.880> where<01:11:33.040> you're<01:11:33.199> wrong
01:11:36.070 --> 01:11:36.080 align:start position:0%
01:11:36.080 --> 01:11:40.229 align:start position:0%
who's<01:11:36.400> inside<01:11:36.880> you<01:11:38.840> katie
01:11:40.229 --> 01:11:40.239 align:start position:0%
who's inside you katie
01:11:40.239 --> 01:11:54.870 align:start position:0%
who's inside you katie
you<01:11:40.400> know<01:11:40.560> who's<01:11:40.880> inside<01:11:41.199> me<01:11:41.440> preacher<01:11:52.840> boy
01:11:54.870 --> 01:11:54.880 align:start position:0%
you know who's inside me preacher boy
01:11:54.880 --> 01:11:56.470 align:start position:0%
you know who's inside me preacher boy
so<01:11:55.120> you<01:11:55.280> think<01:11:55.440> you're<01:11:55.679> a<01:11:55.760> grown<01:11:56.000> man<01:11:56.239> now
01:11:56.470 --> 01:11:56.480 align:start position:0%
so you think you're a grown man now
01:11:56.480 --> 01:12:03.110 align:start position:0%
so you think you're a grown man now
01:12:03.110 --> 01:12:03.120 align:start position:0%
01:12:03.120 --> 01:12:06.790 align:start position:0%
is<01:12:03.280> it<01:12:03.360> just<01:12:03.600> me<01:12:03.760> boys<01:12:05.679> but<01:12:05.920> who<01:12:06.159> else<01:12:06.400> is<01:12:06.480> ready
01:12:06.790 --> 01:12:06.800 align:start position:0%
is it just me boys but who else is ready
01:12:06.800 --> 01:12:09.430 align:start position:0%
is it just me boys but who else is ready
for<01:12:07.040> some
01:12:09.430 --> 01:12:09.440 align:start position:0%
for some
01:12:09.440 --> 01:12:14.709 align:start position:0%
for some
01:12:14.709 --> 01:12:14.719 align:start position:0%
01:12:14.719 --> 01:12:20.830 align:start position:0%
cake<01:12:16.880> cake
01:12:20.830 --> 01:12:20.840 align:start position:0%
01:12:20.840 --> 01:12:27.430 align:start position:0%
01:12:27.430 --> 01:12:27.440 align:start position:0%
01:12:27.440 --> 01:12:29.669 align:start position:0%
where<01:12:27.679> have<01:12:27.840> you<01:12:28.080> two<01:12:28.239> been<01:12:29.280> i've<01:12:29.440> been
01:12:29.669 --> 01:12:29.679 align:start position:0%
where have you two been i've been
01:12:29.679 --> 01:12:32.310 align:start position:0%
where have you two been i've been
waiting<01:12:30.080> and<01:12:30.239> waiting
01:12:32.310 --> 01:12:32.320 align:start position:0%
waiting and waiting
01:12:32.320 --> 01:12:34.790 align:start position:0%
waiting and waiting
well<01:12:33.040> michael<01:12:33.360> took<01:12:33.600> me<01:12:33.760> on<01:12:33.920> a<01:12:34.080> lovely<01:12:34.480> tour<01:12:34.719> of
01:12:34.790 --> 01:12:34.800 align:start position:0%
well michael took me on a lovely tour of
01:12:34.800 --> 01:12:36.310 align:start position:0%
well michael took me on a lovely tour of
your<01:12:34.960> home<01:12:35.280> and
01:12:36.310 --> 01:12:36.320 align:start position:0%
your home and
01:12:36.320 --> 01:12:38.470 align:start position:0%
your home and
somewhere<01:12:36.719> along<01:12:37.040> the<01:12:37.120> way<01:12:37.440> we<01:12:37.840> must<01:12:38.080> have<01:12:38.239> got
01:12:38.470 --> 01:12:38.480 align:start position:0%
somewhere along the way we must have got
01:12:38.480 --> 01:12:39.590 align:start position:0%
somewhere along the way we must have got
01:12:39.590 --> 01:12:39.600 align:start position:0%
01:12:39.600 --> 01:12:41.270 align:start position:0%
yeah<01:12:39.760> we<01:12:39.920> did<01:12:40.159> seem<01:12:40.320> to<01:12:40.400> lose<01:12:40.640> track<01:12:40.880> of<01:12:40.960> time
01:12:41.270 --> 01:12:41.280 align:start position:0%
yeah we did seem to lose track of time
01:12:41.280 --> 01:12:43.510 align:start position:0%
yeah we did seem to lose track of time
didn't<01:12:41.440> we<01:12:41.760> yes<01:12:42.159> uh<01:12:42.560> speaking<01:12:42.880> of<01:12:42.960> time<01:12:43.199> it<01:12:43.360> is
01:12:43.510 --> 01:12:43.520 align:start position:0%
didn't we yes uh speaking of time it is
01:12:43.520 --> 01:12:45.910 align:start position:0%
didn't we yes uh speaking of time it is
getting<01:12:43.679> a<01:12:43.760> bit<01:12:44.000> late
01:12:45.910 --> 01:12:45.920 align:start position:0%
getting a bit late
01:12:45.920 --> 01:12:48.390 align:start position:0%
getting a bit late
i<01:12:46.000> think<01:12:46.159> it's<01:12:46.320> about<01:12:46.560> time<01:12:46.800> i<01:12:46.960> get<01:12:47.120> going<01:12:48.080> so
01:12:48.390 --> 01:12:48.400 align:start position:0%
i think it's about time i get going so
01:12:48.400 --> 01:12:49.030 align:start position:0%
i think it's about time i get going so
01:12:49.030 --> 01:12:49.040 align:start position:0%
01:12:49.040 --> 01:12:51.990 align:start position:0%
you<01:12:49.280> haven't<01:12:49.440> had<01:12:49.600> any<01:12:49.920> cake<01:12:50.719> well<01:12:51.600> no<01:12:51.840> thank
01:12:51.990 --> 01:12:52.000 align:start position:0%
you haven't had any cake well no thank
01:12:52.000 --> 01:12:52.550 align:start position:0%
you haven't had any cake well no thank
you<01:12:52.239> uh
01:12:52.550 --> 01:12:52.560 align:start position:0%
you uh
01:12:52.560 --> 01:12:55.110 align:start position:0%
you uh
i'll<01:12:52.719> take<01:12:52.960> a<01:12:53.040> rain<01:12:53.280> check<01:12:53.520> on<01:12:53.679> the<01:12:53.840> cake<01:12:54.960> good
01:12:55.110 --> 01:12:55.120 align:start position:0%
i'll take a rain check on the cake good
01:12:55.120 --> 01:12:57.189 align:start position:0%
i'll take a rain check on the cake good
01:12:57.189 --> 01:12:57.199 align:start position:0%
01:12:57.199 --> 01:12:58.709 align:start position:0%
well<01:12:57.440> michael<01:12:57.760> thank<01:12:58.000> you<01:12:58.159> so<01:12:58.320> much<01:12:58.480> for
01:12:58.709 --> 01:12:58.719 align:start position:0%
well michael thank you so much for
01:12:58.719 --> 01:13:01.030 align:start position:0%
well michael thank you so much for
inviting<01:12:59.120> me<01:12:59.280> over
01:13:01.030 --> 01:13:01.040 align:start position:0%
inviting me over
01:13:01.040 --> 01:13:03.189 align:start position:0%
inviting me over
it's<01:13:01.280> lovely<01:13:01.600> to<01:13:01.679> meet<01:13:01.840> your<01:13:02.080> family<01:13:03.040> you're
01:13:03.189 --> 01:13:03.199 align:start position:0%
it's lovely to meet your family you're
01:13:03.199 --> 01:13:04.950 align:start position:0%
it's lovely to meet your family you're
most<01:13:03.440> welcome
01:13:04.950 --> 01:13:04.960 align:start position:0%
most welcome
01:13:04.960 --> 01:13:07.990 align:start position:0%
most welcome
you<01:13:05.120> have<01:13:05.280> a<01:13:05.360> good<01:13:05.440> night<01:13:06.400> this<01:13:06.640> is<01:13:06.800> ryan
01:13:07.990 --> 01:13:08.000 align:start position:0%
you have a good night this is ryan
01:13:08.000 --> 01:13:16.830 align:start position:0%
you have a good night this is ryan
i<01:13:08.080> look<01:13:08.320> forward<01:13:08.560> to<01:13:08.719> seeing<01:13:08.960> you<01:13:09.120> again<01:13:10.320> good
01:13:16.830 --> 01:13:16.840 align:start position:0%
01:13:16.840 --> 01:13:26.070 align:start position:0%
01:13:26.070 --> 01:13:26.080 align:start position:0%
01:13:26.080 --> 01:13:30.870 align:start position:0%
so<01:13:28.400> did<01:13:28.560> we<01:13:28.800> pass<01:13:29.120> your<01:13:29.440> stupid
01:13:30.870 --> 01:13:30.880 align:start position:0%
so did we pass your stupid
01:13:30.880 --> 01:14:12.830 align:start position:0%
so did we pass your stupid
little<01:13:31.199> test
01:14:12.830 --> 01:14:12.840 align:start position:0%
01:14:12.840 --> 01:14:29.690 align:start position:0%
01:14:29.690 --> 01:14:29.700 align:start position:0%
01:14:29.700 --> 01:14:40.830 align:start position:0%
01:14:40.830 --> 01:14:40.840 align:start position:0%
01:14:40.840 --> 01:14:54.830 align:start position:0%
01:14:54.830 --> 01:14:54.840 align:start position:0%
01:14:54.840 --> 01:15:08.830 align:start position:0%
01:15:08.830 --> 01:15:08.840 align:start position:0%
01:15:08.840 --> 01:15:36.830 align:start position:0%
01:15:36.830 --> 01:15:36.840 align:start position:0%
01:15:36.840 --> 01:15:38.070 align:start position:0%
01:15:38.070 --> 01:15:38.080 align:start position:0%
01:15:38.080 --> 01:15:42.580 align:start position:0%
01:15:42.580 --> 01:15:42.590 align:start position:0%
01:15:42.590 --> 01:15:50.830 align:start position:0%
01:15:50.830 --> 01:15:50.840 align:start position:0%
01:15:50.840 --> 01:15:51.880 align:start position:0%
01:15:51.880 --> 01:15:51.890 align:start position:0%
01:15:51.890 --> 01:16:02.170 align:start position:0%
01:16:02.170 --> 01:16:02.180 align:start position:0%
01:16:02.180 --> 01:16:04.830 align:start position:0%
01:16:04.830 --> 01:16:04.840 align:start position:0%
01:16:04.840 --> 01:16:15.860 align:start position:0%
01:16:15.860 --> 01:16:15.870 align:start position:0%
01:16:15.870 --> 01:16:36.670 align:start position:0%
01:16:36.670 --> 01:16:36.680 align:start position:0%
01:16:36.680 --> 01:16:45.200 align:start position:0%
01:16:45.200 --> 01:16:45.210 align:start position:0%
01:16:45.210 --> 01:17:14.830 align:start position:0%
01:17:14.830 --> 01:17:14.840 align:start position:0%
01:17:14.840 --> 01:17:28.830 align:start position:0%
01:17:28.830 --> 01:17:28.840 align:start position:0%
01:17:28.840 --> 01:17:31.750 align:start position:0%
01:17:31.750 --> 01:17:31.760 align:start position:0%
01:17:31.760 --> 01:17:34.390 align:start position:0%
it's<01:17:31.920> about<01:17:32.239> time<01:17:32.400> you<01:17:32.640> got<01:17:32.880> up<01:17:33.679> i<01:17:33.840> was<01:17:34.000> afraid
01:17:34.390 --> 01:17:34.400 align:start position:0%
it's about time you got up i was afraid
01:17:34.400 --> 01:17:35.590 align:start position:0%
it's about time you got up i was afraid
i<01:17:34.480> was<01:17:34.560> going<01:17:34.640> to<01:17:34.719> have<01:17:34.960> to<01:17:35.040> get<01:17:35.199> a<01:17:35.280> search
01:17:35.590 --> 01:17:35.600 align:start position:0%
i was going to have to get a search
01:17:35.600 --> 01:17:37.270 align:start position:0%
i was going to have to get a search
party<01:17:35.840> out<01:17:36.000> for<01:17:36.159> you
01:17:37.270 --> 01:17:37.280 align:start position:0%
party out for you
01:17:37.280 --> 01:17:38.550 align:start position:0%
party out for you
come<01:17:37.520> join<01:17:37.760> us<01:17:37.840> with<01:17:38.000> some<01:17:38.159> blueberry
01:17:38.550 --> 01:17:38.560 align:start position:0%
come join us with some blueberry
01:17:38.560 --> 01:17:41.510 align:start position:0%
come join us with some blueberry
pancakes<01:17:39.440> super<01:17:39.840> yummy<01:17:40.239> daddio
01:17:41.510 --> 01:17:41.520 align:start position:0%
pancakes super yummy daddio
01:17:41.520 --> 01:17:49.270 align:start position:0%
pancakes super yummy daddio
yeah<01:17:42.000> mama<01:17:42.480> did<01:17:42.840> herself
01:17:49.270 --> 01:17:49.280 align:start position:0%
01:17:49.280 --> 01:18:14.390 align:start position:0%
excuse<01:17:50.000> me<01:17:51.920> yeah<01:17:52.159> me<01:17:56.840> too
01:18:14.390 --> 01:18:14.400 align:start position:0%
01:18:14.400 --> 01:18:18.390 align:start position:0%
i<01:18:14.560> need<01:18:14.719> to<01:18:14.800> talk<01:18:14.960> to<01:18:15.120> you<01:18:17.199> okay
01:18:18.390 --> 01:18:18.400 align:start position:0%
i need to talk to you okay
01:18:18.400 --> 01:18:22.870 align:start position:0%
i need to talk to you okay
what's<01:18:18.719> up
01:18:22.870 --> 01:18:22.880 align:start position:0%
01:18:22.880 --> 01:18:26.790 align:start position:0%
what<01:18:23.040> do<01:18:23.199> you<01:18:23.280> remember<01:18:23.600> about<01:18:23.840> last<01:18:24.840> night
01:18:26.790 --> 01:18:26.800 align:start position:0%
what do you remember about last night
01:18:26.800 --> 01:18:37.350 align:start position:0%
what do you remember about last night
is<01:18:27.040> this<01:18:27.199> a<01:18:27.280> joke<01:18:28.719> no<01:18:29.679> it's<01:18:29.840> not<01:18:30.080> a<01:18:30.239> joke
01:18:37.350 --> 01:18:37.360 align:start position:0%
01:18:37.360 --> 01:18:40.709 align:start position:0%
if<01:18:37.520> you<01:18:37.600> want<01:18:37.760> to<01:18:38.000> ask<01:18:38.239> me<01:18:38.480> something<01:18:38.880> michael
01:18:40.709 --> 01:18:40.719 align:start position:0%
if you want to ask me something michael
01:18:40.719 --> 01:18:45.110 align:start position:0%
if you want to ask me something michael
then<01:18:40.960> just<01:18:41.440> ask<01:18:41.920> me
01:18:45.110 --> 01:18:45.120 align:start position:0%
01:18:45.120 --> 01:18:48.709 align:start position:0%
all<01:18:45.280> right
01:18:48.709 --> 01:18:48.719 align:start position:0%
01:18:48.719 --> 01:18:50.630 align:start position:0%
do<01:18:48.800> you<01:18:48.960> remember<01:18:49.360> me<01:18:49.760> finding<01:18:50.159> you<01:18:50.400> last
01:18:50.630 --> 01:18:50.640 align:start position:0%
do you remember me finding you last
01:18:50.640 --> 01:18:55.590 align:start position:0%
do you remember me finding you last
night<01:18:50.960> on<01:18:51.040> the<01:18:51.120> basement<01:18:52.840> stairs
01:18:55.590 --> 01:18:55.600 align:start position:0%
night on the basement stairs
01:18:55.600 --> 01:18:59.510 align:start position:0%
night on the basement stairs
michael<01:18:57.440> quit<01:18:57.760> playing<01:18:58.080> around
01:18:59.510 --> 01:18:59.520 align:start position:0%
michael quit playing around
01:18:59.520 --> 01:19:03.830 align:start position:0%
michael quit playing around
it's<01:18:59.840> not<01:19:00.080> a<01:19:00.159> bit<01:19:00.480> funny
01:19:03.830 --> 01:19:03.840 align:start position:0%
01:19:03.840 --> 01:19:11.430 align:start position:0%
katie<01:19:05.679> i'm<01:19:05.840> not<01:19:06.080> playing<01:19:06.840> around
01:19:11.430 --> 01:19:11.440 align:start position:0%
01:19:11.440 --> 01:19:15.510 align:start position:0%
what<01:19:11.600> do<01:19:11.679> you<01:19:11.840> mean<01:19:14.239> finding<01:19:14.719> me
01:19:15.510 --> 01:19:15.520 align:start position:0%
what do you mean finding me
01:19:15.520 --> 01:19:18.790 align:start position:0%
what do you mean finding me
downstairs<01:19:17.280> i<01:19:17.440> mean<01:19:18.000> exactly
01:19:18.790 --> 01:19:18.800 align:start position:0%
downstairs i mean exactly
01:19:18.800 --> 01:19:22.310 align:start position:0%
downstairs i mean exactly
what<01:19:19.040> i<01:19:19.280> said<01:19:21.120> i<01:19:21.440> found<01:19:21.760> you
01:19:22.310 --> 01:19:22.320 align:start position:0%
what i said i found you
01:19:22.320 --> 01:19:25.510 align:start position:0%
what i said i found you
at<01:19:22.560> 2<01:19:22.800> 30<01:19:23.120> in<01:19:23.199> the<01:19:23.360> morning<01:19:24.400> standing<01:19:24.960> guard<01:19:25.360> on
01:19:25.510 --> 01:19:25.520 align:start position:0%
at 2 30 in the morning standing guard on
01:19:25.520 --> 01:19:32.390 align:start position:0%
at 2 30 in the morning standing guard on
the<01:19:25.600> basement<01:19:26.080> stairs
01:19:32.390 --> 01:19:32.400 align:start position:0%
01:19:32.400 --> 01:19:35.990 align:start position:0%
you're<01:19:32.640> making<01:19:32.960> this<01:19:33.280> up<01:19:33.679> like<01:19:33.920> hell<01:19:34.239> i<01:19:34.840> am
01:19:35.990 --> 01:19:36.000 align:start position:0%
you're making this up like hell i am
01:19:36.000 --> 01:19:40.229 align:start position:0%
you're making this up like hell i am
jeez<01:19:36.880> are<01:19:37.040> you<01:19:37.199> both<01:19:37.760> deaf<01:19:38.960> are<01:19:39.120> we<01:19:39.360> what
01:19:40.229 --> 01:19:40.239 align:start position:0%
jeez are you both deaf are we what
01:19:40.239 --> 01:19:43.990 align:start position:0%
jeez are you both deaf are we what
deaf<01:19:43.199> no<01:19:43.440> kristen
01:19:43.990 --> 01:19:44.000 align:start position:0%
deaf no kristen
01:19:44.000 --> 01:19:48.870 align:start position:0%
deaf no kristen
we're<01:19:44.159> not<01:19:44.400> deaf
01:19:48.870 --> 01:19:48.880 align:start position:0%
01:19:48.880 --> 01:19:52.790 align:start position:0%
i<01:19:49.040> need<01:19:49.199> to<01:19:49.280> ask<01:19:49.520> you<01:19:49.679> a<01:19:49.760> favor
01:19:52.790 --> 01:19:52.800 align:start position:0%
01:19:52.800 --> 01:19:56.870 align:start position:0%
can<01:19:52.960> i<01:19:53.199> interview<01:19:53.520> you<01:19:55.280> tell<01:19:55.520> me<01:19:55.760> why
01:19:56.870 --> 01:19:56.880 align:start position:0%
can i interview you tell me why
01:19:56.880 --> 01:19:59.189 align:start position:0%
can i interview you tell me why
it's<01:19:57.040> for<01:19:57.199> my<01:19:57.360> econ<01:19:57.760> class<01:19:58.719> i<01:19:58.880> need<01:19:59.040> to
01:19:59.189 --> 01:19:59.199 align:start position:0%
it's for my econ class i need to
01:19:59.199 --> 01:20:07.590 align:start position:0%
it's for my econ class i need to
interview<01:19:59.600> a<01:19:59.760> business<01:20:02.840> person<01:20:03.920> fine
01:20:07.590 --> 01:20:07.600 align:start position:0%
01:20:07.600 --> 01:20:16.830 align:start position:0%
i<01:20:07.760> gotta<01:20:07.920> take<01:20:08.080> care<01:20:08.159> of<01:20:08.239> a<01:20:08.320> couple<01:20:08.480> emails
01:20:16.830 --> 01:20:16.840 align:start position:0%
01:20:16.840 --> 01:20:19.430 align:start position:0%
01:20:19.430 --> 01:20:19.440 align:start position:0%
01:20:19.440 --> 01:20:29.669 align:start position:0%
what's<01:20:19.760> with<01:20:20.000> dad
01:20:29.669 --> 01:20:29.679 align:start position:0%
01:20:29.679 --> 01:20:44.830 align:start position:0%
i<01:20:29.760> hope<01:20:30.000> you<01:20:30.080> like<01:20:30.239> your<01:20:30.400> coffee<01:20:30.840> black<01:20:31.920> i<01:20:32.159> do
01:20:44.830 --> 01:20:44.840 align:start position:0%
01:20:44.840 --> 01:20:46.790 align:start position:0%
01:20:46.790 --> 01:20:46.800 align:start position:0%
01:20:46.800 --> 01:20:50.310 align:start position:0%
01:20:50.310 --> 01:20:50.320 align:start position:0%
01:20:50.320 --> 01:20:52.629 align:start position:0%
i<01:20:50.480> need<01:20:50.639> to<01:20:50.719> talk<01:20:50.880> to<01:20:51.040> you<01:20:51.120> about<01:20:51.280> last<01:20:51.520> night
01:20:52.629 --> 01:20:52.639 align:start position:0%
i need to talk to you about last night
01:20:52.639 --> 01:20:54.310 align:start position:0%
i need to talk to you about last night
after<01:20:52.880> you<01:20:53.040> left
01:20:54.310 --> 01:20:54.320 align:start position:0%
after you left
01:20:54.320 --> 01:20:57.270 align:start position:0%
after you left
it's<01:20:54.480> not<01:20:54.639> gonna<01:20:54.800> be<01:20:54.960> necessary<01:20:57.040> your
01:20:57.270 --> 01:20:57.280 align:start position:0%
it's not gonna be necessary your
01:20:57.280 --> 01:20:58.149 align:start position:0%
it's not gonna be necessary your
01:20:58.149 --> 01:20:58.159 align:start position:0%
01:20:58.159 --> 01:21:00.870 align:start position:0%
and<01:20:58.480> concerns<01:20:59.040> with<01:20:59.280> katie<01:20:59.760> are<01:21:00.639> not
01:21:00.870 --> 01:21:00.880 align:start position:0%
and concerns with katie are not
01:21:00.880 --> 01:21:02.550 align:start position:0%
and concerns with katie are not
01:21:02.550 --> 01:21:02.560 align:start position:0%
01:21:02.560 --> 01:21:09.350 align:start position:0%
last<01:21:02.880> night<01:21:03.120> was<01:21:03.199> really<01:21:03.440> something
01:21:09.350 --> 01:21:09.360 align:start position:0%
01:21:09.360 --> 01:21:14.550 align:start position:0%
what<01:21:09.520> do<01:21:09.679> i<01:21:12.840> do<01:21:13.920> have<01:21:14.159> you<01:21:14.239> heard<01:21:14.400> of
01:21:14.550 --> 01:21:14.560 align:start position:0%
what do i do have you heard of
01:21:14.560 --> 01:21:17.189 align:start position:0%
what do i do have you heard of
deliverance<01:21:14.960> in<01:21:15.040> ministry
01:21:17.189 --> 01:21:17.199 align:start position:0%
deliverance in ministry
01:21:17.199 --> 01:21:20.470 align:start position:0%
deliverance in ministry
deliverance<01:21:17.760> one<01:21:18.880> it's<01:21:19.040> not<01:21:19.280> surprising<01:21:20.159> most
01:21:20.470 --> 01:21:20.480 align:start position:0%
deliverance one it's not surprising most
01:21:20.480 --> 01:21:23.189 align:start position:0%
deliverance one it's not surprising most
people<01:21:20.800> haven't
01:21:23.189 --> 01:21:23.199 align:start position:0%
people haven't
01:21:23.199 --> 01:21:25.910 align:start position:0%
people haven't
they<01:21:23.360> focus<01:21:23.760> on<01:21:23.920> chasing<01:21:24.320> demons<01:21:25.520> demon's
01:21:25.910 --> 01:21:25.920 align:start position:0%
they focus on chasing demons demon's
01:21:25.920 --> 01:21:27.030 align:start position:0%
they focus on chasing demons demon's
01:21:27.030 --> 01:21:27.040 align:start position:0%
01:21:27.040 --> 01:21:28.790 align:start position:0%
not<01:21:27.280> this<01:21:27.440> again<01:21:27.679> i<01:21:28.239> i<01:21:28.400> don't<01:21:28.480> know<01:21:28.639> about
01:21:28.790 --> 01:21:28.800 align:start position:0%
not this again i i don't know about
01:21:28.800 --> 01:21:33.910 align:start position:0%
not this again i i don't know about
01:21:33.910 --> 01:21:33.920 align:start position:0%
01:21:33.920 --> 01:21:35.990 align:start position:0%
michael<01:21:34.960> you<01:21:35.120> know<01:21:35.280> there's<01:21:35.440> something<01:21:35.679> going
01:21:35.990 --> 01:21:36.000 align:start position:0%
michael you know there's something going
01:21:36.000 --> 01:21:52.149 align:start position:0%
michael you know there's something going
on<01:21:36.239> here<01:21:40.840> right
01:21:52.149 --> 01:21:52.159 align:start position:0%
01:21:52.159 --> 01:21:56.790 align:start position:0%
look<01:21:52.320> i<01:21:52.480> have<01:21:52.560> a<01:21:52.639> homework<01:21:53.440> for<01:21:54.840> you
01:21:56.790 --> 01:21:56.800 align:start position:0%
look i have a homework for you
01:21:56.800 --> 01:21:58.470 align:start position:0%
look i have a homework for you
i<01:21:56.960> want<01:21:57.120> you<01:21:57.280> to<01:21:57.440> read<01:21:57.679> up<01:21:57.840> on<01:21:57.920> deliverance
01:21:58.470 --> 01:21:58.480 align:start position:0%
i want you to read up on deliverance
01:21:58.480 --> 01:22:00.950 align:start position:0%
i want you to read up on deliverance
01:22:00.950 --> 01:22:00.960 align:start position:0%
01:22:00.960 --> 01:22:05.270 align:start position:0%
all<01:22:01.040> right<01:22:03.360> and<01:22:03.600> i<01:22:03.760> have<01:22:03.840> to<01:22:04.000> see<01:22:04.239> katie
01:22:05.270 --> 01:22:05.280 align:start position:0%
all right and i have to see katie
01:22:05.280 --> 01:22:08.229 align:start position:0%
all right and i have to see katie
one<01:22:05.520> more<01:22:05.760> time<01:22:07.199> i<01:22:07.280> don't<01:22:07.679> know<01:22:07.840> how<01:22:08.000> i'm<01:22:08.080> gonna
01:22:08.229 --> 01:22:08.239 align:start position:0%
one more time i don't know how i'm gonna
01:22:08.239 --> 01:22:17.189 align:start position:0%
one more time i don't know how i'm gonna
pull<01:22:08.400> that<01:22:08.840> off
01:22:17.189 --> 01:22:17.199 align:start position:0%
01:22:17.199 --> 01:22:18.870 align:start position:0%
it's<01:22:17.440> kristin<01:22:18.000> my<01:22:18.159> daughter<01:22:18.560> it's<01:22:18.719> about
01:22:18.870 --> 01:22:18.880 align:start position:0%
it's kristin my daughter it's about
01:22:18.880 --> 01:22:22.229 align:start position:0%
it's kristin my daughter it's about
katie<01:22:19.679> i<01:22:19.840> gotta<01:22:20.080> take<01:22:20.159> this<01:22:20.320> michael
01:22:22.229 --> 01:22:22.239 align:start position:0%
katie i gotta take this michael
01:22:22.239 --> 01:22:55.830 align:start position:0%
katie i gotta take this michael
don't<01:22:22.480> forget<01:22:22.719> to<01:22:22.800> do<01:22:22.960> your<01:22:23.040> homework
01:22:55.830 --> 01:22:55.840 align:start position:0%
01:22:55.840 --> 01:22:58.870 align:start position:0%
where's<01:22:56.239> mom
01:22:58.870 --> 01:22:58.880 align:start position:0%
01:22:58.880 --> 01:23:04.790 align:start position:0%
upstairs<01:22:59.360> i<01:22:59.440> guess<01:23:00.480> probably<01:23:00.719> in<01:23:00.800> a<01:23:00.880> room
01:23:04.790 --> 01:23:04.800 align:start position:0%
01:23:04.800 --> 01:23:06.149 align:start position:0%
what<01:23:04.960> did<01:23:05.120> you<01:23:05.199> want<01:23:05.280> to<01:23:05.360> talk<01:23:05.520> to<01:23:05.600> me<01:23:05.679> about
01:23:06.149 --> 01:23:06.159 align:start position:0%
what did you want to talk to me about
01:23:06.159 --> 01:23:07.990 align:start position:0%
what did you want to talk to me about
you<01:23:06.239> know<01:23:06.480> yesterday
01:23:07.990 --> 01:23:08.000 align:start position:0%
you know yesterday
01:23:08.000 --> 01:23:10.950 align:start position:0%
you know yesterday
when<01:23:08.239> you<01:23:08.320> guys<01:23:08.560> were<01:23:08.719> gone<01:23:10.400> well<01:23:10.639> we<01:23:10.719> went<01:23:10.800> to
01:23:10.950 --> 01:23:10.960 align:start position:0%
when you guys were gone well we went to
01:23:10.960 --> 01:23:12.070 align:start position:0%
when you guys were gone well we went to
san<01:23:11.120> diego
01:23:12.070 --> 01:23:12.080 align:start position:0%
san diego
01:23:12.080 --> 01:23:15.750 align:start position:0%
san diego
yes<01:23:13.440> well<01:23:13.920> i'm<01:23:14.080> not<01:23:14.320> proud<01:23:14.560> of<01:23:14.639> what<01:23:14.800> i<01:23:14.960> did
01:23:15.750 --> 01:23:15.760 align:start position:0%
yes well i'm not proud of what i did
01:23:15.760 --> 01:23:18.470 align:start position:0%
yes well i'm not proud of what i did
and<01:23:15.920> i<01:23:16.080> don't<01:23:16.239> want<01:23:16.400> you<01:23:16.560> to<01:23:16.639> overreact<01:23:18.239> but<01:23:18.400> i
01:23:18.470 --> 01:23:18.480 align:start position:0%
and i don't want you to overreact but i
01:23:18.480 --> 01:23:21.669 align:start position:0%
and i don't want you to overreact but i
went<01:23:18.639> through<01:23:18.800> some<01:23:18.960> of<01:23:19.120> mom's<01:23:19.440> things
01:23:21.669 --> 01:23:21.679 align:start position:0%
went through some of mom's things
01:23:21.679 --> 01:23:24.149 align:start position:0%
went through some of mom's things
kristen<01:23:22.080> you<01:23:22.239> know<01:23:22.400> better<01:23:23.120> i<01:23:23.280> know<01:23:23.760> i<01:23:23.920> know<01:23:24.080> it
01:23:24.149 --> 01:23:24.159 align:start position:0%
kristen you know better i know i know it
01:23:24.159 --> 01:23:25.110 align:start position:0%
kristen you know better i know i know it
was<01:23:24.400> wrong
01:23:25.110 --> 01:23:25.120 align:start position:0%
was wrong
01:23:25.120 --> 01:23:28.470 align:start position:0%
was wrong
but<01:23:25.280> i<01:23:25.360> had<01:23:25.600> to<01:23:25.679> know<01:23:26.960> know<01:23:27.120> what
01:23:28.470 --> 01:23:28.480 align:start position:0%
but i had to know know what
01:23:28.480 --> 01:23:31.590 align:start position:0%
but i had to know know what
dad<01:23:29.280> mom<01:23:29.520> was<01:23:29.679> using<01:23:30.000> that<01:23:30.159> ouija<01:23:30.560> board
01:23:31.590 --> 01:23:31.600 align:start position:0%
dad mom was using that ouija board
01:23:31.600 --> 01:23:35.510 align:start position:0%
dad mom was using that ouija board
and<01:23:31.840> i<01:23:31.920> found<01:23:32.080> a<01:23:32.159> bottle<01:23:32.480> of<01:23:32.840> vodka
01:23:35.510 --> 01:23:35.520 align:start position:0%
and i found a bottle of vodka
01:23:35.520 --> 01:23:38.550 align:start position:0%
and i found a bottle of vodka
i<01:23:35.679> know<01:23:37.040> well<01:23:37.280> about<01:23:37.440> the<01:23:37.520> ouija<01:23:37.840> board
01:23:38.550 --> 01:23:38.560 align:start position:0%
i know well about the ouija board
01:23:38.560 --> 01:23:41.669 align:start position:0%
i know well about the ouija board
you<01:23:38.719> do<01:23:40.400> i<01:23:40.560> found<01:23:40.800> her<01:23:40.880> with<01:23:41.120> it
01:23:41.669 --> 01:23:41.679 align:start position:0%
you do i found her with it
01:23:41.679 --> 01:23:44.149 align:start position:0%
you do i found her with it
the<01:23:41.840> other<01:23:42.000> day<01:23:42.239> she<01:23:42.400> was<01:23:42.560> using<01:23:42.960> it<01:23:43.920> and<01:23:44.000> then
01:23:44.149 --> 01:23:44.159 align:start position:0%
the other day she was using it and then
01:23:44.159 --> 01:23:45.830 align:start position:0%
the other day she was using it and then
when<01:23:44.239> i<01:23:44.320> went<01:23:44.480> to<01:23:44.560> throw<01:23:44.719> it<01:23:44.880> out
01:23:45.830 --> 01:23:45.840 align:start position:0%
when i went to throw it out
01:23:45.840 --> 01:23:52.149 align:start position:0%
when i went to throw it out
it<01:23:45.920> was<01:23:46.159> gone<01:23:47.600> so<01:23:47.760> now<01:23:48.080> what
01:23:52.149 --> 01:23:52.159 align:start position:0%
01:23:52.159 --> 01:23:54.629 align:start position:0%
father<01:23:52.480> bob<01:23:52.639> needs<01:23:52.880> to<01:23:52.960> see<01:23:53.120> her<01:23:53.199> again<01:23:54.080> but
01:23:54.629 --> 01:23:54.639 align:start position:0%
father bob needs to see her again but
01:23:54.639 --> 01:23:57.510 align:start position:0%
father bob needs to see her again but
i'm<01:23:54.800> not<01:23:54.960> sure<01:23:55.120> how<01:23:55.199> to<01:23:55.280> work<01:23:55.440> that<01:23:55.679> out
01:23:57.510 --> 01:23:57.520 align:start position:0%
i'm not sure how to work that out
01:23:57.520 --> 01:23:59.910 align:start position:0%
i'm not sure how to work that out
what<01:23:57.760> if<01:23:58.239> i<01:23:58.320> get<01:23:58.480> nicole<01:23:58.960> to<01:23:59.040> come<01:23:59.280> over<01:23:59.679> with
01:23:59.910 --> 01:23:59.920 align:start position:0%
what if i get nicole to come over with
01:23:59.920 --> 01:24:00.709 align:start position:0%
what if i get nicole to come over with
the<01:24:00.080> idea
01:24:00.709 --> 01:24:00.719 align:start position:0%
the idea
01:24:00.719 --> 01:24:02.950 align:start position:0%
the idea
of<01:24:00.880> father<01:24:01.280> bob<01:24:01.520> helping<01:24:01.840> her<01:24:02.080> was<01:24:02.560> some<01:24:02.719> sort
01:24:02.950 --> 01:24:02.960 align:start position:0%
of father bob helping her was some sort
01:24:02.960 --> 01:24:08.470 align:start position:0%
of father bob helping her was some sort
of<01:24:03.040> personal<01:24:03.520> problem
01:24:08.470 --> 01:24:08.480 align:start position:0%
01:24:08.480 --> 01:24:11.189 align:start position:0%
what<01:24:08.639> are<01:24:08.800> you<01:24:08.960> two<01:24:09.199> so<01:24:09.360> busy<01:24:09.679> talking<01:24:10.080> about
01:24:11.189 --> 01:24:11.199 align:start position:0%
what are you two so busy talking about
01:24:11.199 --> 01:24:13.990 align:start position:0%
what are you two so busy talking about
kristen<01:24:11.600> was<01:24:11.840> just<01:24:12.000> telling<01:24:12.239> me<01:24:12.400> that<01:24:12.639> um
01:24:13.990 --> 01:24:14.000 align:start position:0%
kristen was just telling me that um
01:24:14.000 --> 01:24:16.070 align:start position:0%
kristen was just telling me that um
our<01:24:14.159> friend<01:24:14.480> nicole<01:24:15.360> wants<01:24:15.600> to<01:24:15.679> talk<01:24:15.920> with
01:24:16.070 --> 01:24:16.080 align:start position:0%
our friend nicole wants to talk with
01:24:16.080 --> 01:24:19.990 align:start position:0%
our friend nicole wants to talk with
father<01:24:16.320> bob
01:24:19.990 --> 01:24:20.000 align:start position:0%
01:24:20.000 --> 01:24:25.669 align:start position:0%
oh<01:24:20.239> really
01:24:25.669 --> 01:24:25.679 align:start position:0%
01:24:25.679 --> 01:24:28.310 align:start position:0%
what's<01:24:26.000> wrong<01:24:26.480> i<01:24:27.120> promised<01:24:27.520> her<01:24:27.920> i<01:24:28.000> wouldn't
01:24:28.310 --> 01:24:28.320 align:start position:0%
what's wrong i promised her i wouldn't
01:24:28.320 --> 01:24:31.270 align:start position:0%
what's wrong i promised her i wouldn't
say<01:24:28.840> anything
01:24:31.270 --> 01:24:31.280 align:start position:0%
say anything
01:24:31.280 --> 01:24:35.910 align:start position:0%
say anything
she<01:24:31.440> better<01:24:31.679> not<01:24:31.840> be<01:24:32.000> pregnant<01:24:32.960> mom<01:24:33.440> please
01:24:35.910 --> 01:24:35.920 align:start position:0%
01:24:35.920 --> 01:24:38.950 align:start position:0%
so<01:24:36.159> what<01:24:36.320> time<01:24:36.560> are<01:24:36.639> you<01:24:36.719> thinking<01:24:37.600> tonight<01:24:38.560> if
01:24:38.950 --> 01:24:38.960 align:start position:0%
so what time are you thinking tonight if
01:24:38.960 --> 01:24:41.030 align:start position:0%
so what time are you thinking tonight if
father<01:24:39.280> bob<01:24:39.440> can<01:24:39.600> make<01:24:39.760> it<01:24:39.920> work<01:24:40.639> the<01:24:40.880> the
01:24:41.030 --> 01:24:41.040 align:start position:0%
father bob can make it work the the
01:24:41.040 --> 01:24:46.149 align:start position:0%
father bob can make it work the the
sooner<01:24:41.440> the<01:24:42.840> better
01:24:46.149 --> 01:24:46.159 align:start position:0%
01:24:46.159 --> 01:24:47.830 align:start position:0%
you<01:24:46.320> know<01:24:46.400> what<01:24:46.560> i've<01:24:46.719> been<01:24:46.880> thinking<01:24:47.520> what's
01:24:47.830 --> 01:24:47.840 align:start position:0%
you know what i've been thinking what's
01:24:47.840 --> 01:24:50.149 align:start position:0%
you know what i've been thinking what's
that<01:24:49.040> i<01:24:49.440> think
01:24:50.149 --> 01:24:50.159 align:start position:0%
that i think
01:24:50.159 --> 01:24:53.669 align:start position:0%
that i think
we<01:24:50.320> need<01:24:50.480> to<01:24:50.560> get<01:24:50.800> away<01:24:52.400> just<01:24:52.639> the<01:24:52.719> two<01:24:52.880> of<01:24:53.040> us
01:24:53.669 --> 01:24:53.679 align:start position:0%
we need to get away just the two of us
01:24:53.679 --> 01:24:58.310 align:start position:0%
we need to get away just the two of us
really<01:24:54.320> yes<01:24:56.000> i<01:24:56.840> do
01:24:58.310 --> 01:24:58.320 align:start position:0%
really yes i do
01:24:58.320 --> 01:25:02.149 align:start position:0%
really yes i do
this<01:24:58.560> weekend<01:25:00.239> what<01:25:00.400> do<01:25:00.480> you<01:25:00.560> think
01:25:02.149 --> 01:25:02.159 align:start position:0%
this weekend what do you think
01:25:02.159 --> 01:25:23.030 align:start position:0%
this weekend what do you think
sure<01:25:03.679> that'd<01:25:03.840> be<01:25:10.840> great
01:25:23.030 --> 01:25:23.040 align:start position:0%
01:25:23.040 --> 01:25:26.629 align:start position:0%
hi<01:25:23.679> hey<01:25:25.280> so<01:25:25.440> did<01:25:25.679> you<01:25:25.760> come<01:25:25.920> back<01:25:26.159> to<01:25:26.239> help<01:25:26.480> us
01:25:26.629 --> 01:25:26.639 align:start position:0%
hi hey so did you come back to help us
01:25:26.639 --> 01:25:28.229 align:start position:0%
hi hey so did you come back to help us
move<01:25:26.880> more<01:25:27.120> boxes
01:25:28.229 --> 01:25:28.239 align:start position:0%
move more boxes
01:25:28.239 --> 01:25:32.310 align:start position:0%
move more boxes
actually<01:25:28.719> no<01:25:28.960> uh<01:25:29.280> i'm<01:25:29.520> here<01:25:29.760> about<01:25:30.000> the<01:25:30.159> rats
01:25:32.310 --> 01:25:32.320 align:start position:0%
actually no uh i'm here about the rats
01:25:32.320 --> 01:25:35.510 align:start position:0%
actually no uh i'm here about the rats
your<01:25:32.480> mom<01:25:32.719> called<01:25:32.960> us<01:25:33.679> oh<01:25:34.400> okay<01:25:35.040> i'll<01:25:35.199> get<01:25:35.360> my
01:25:35.510 --> 01:25:35.520 align:start position:0%
your mom called us oh okay i'll get my
01:25:35.520 --> 01:25:36.550 align:start position:0%
your mom called us oh okay i'll get my
01:25:36.550 --> 01:25:36.560 align:start position:0%
01:25:36.560 --> 01:25:41.030 align:start position:0%
dad<01:25:38.639> i'm<01:25:38.880> sorry<01:25:39.520> what<01:25:39.679> was<01:25:39.840> your<01:25:40.000> name
01:25:41.030 --> 01:25:41.040 align:start position:0%
dad i'm sorry what was your name
01:25:41.040 --> 01:25:45.990 align:start position:0%
dad i'm sorry what was your name
adam<01:25:42.880> dad<01:25:43.520> adam's<01:25:44.000> here
01:25:45.990 --> 01:25:46.000 align:start position:0%
adam dad adam's here
01:25:46.000 --> 01:25:49.110 align:start position:0%
adam dad adam's here
who's<01:25:46.239> here<01:25:48.320> oh
01:25:49.110 --> 01:25:49.120 align:start position:0%
who's here oh
01:25:49.120 --> 01:25:52.870 align:start position:0%
who's here oh
hi<01:25:50.239> a<01:25:50.400> nice<01:25:50.719> surprise
01:25:52.870 --> 01:25:52.880 align:start position:0%
hi a nice surprise
01:25:52.880 --> 01:25:56.470 align:start position:0%
hi a nice surprise
our<01:25:53.120> apologies<01:25:53.840> uh<01:25:54.480> your<01:25:54.800> wife<01:25:55.040> called<01:25:55.360> us<01:25:55.840> uh
01:25:56.470 --> 01:25:56.480 align:start position:0%
our apologies uh your wife called us uh
01:25:56.480 --> 01:25:58.070 align:start position:0%
our apologies uh your wife called us uh
like<01:25:56.880> a<01:25:57.120> while<01:25:57.360> back<01:25:57.520> but<01:25:57.679> it<01:25:57.760> slipped<01:25:57.920> through
01:25:58.070 --> 01:25:58.080 align:start position:0%
like a while back but it slipped through
01:25:58.080 --> 01:26:00.070 align:start position:0%
like a while back but it slipped through
the<01:25:58.159> cracks<01:25:58.639> um
01:26:00.070 --> 01:26:00.080 align:start position:0%
the cracks um
01:26:00.080 --> 01:26:03.110 align:start position:0%
the cracks um
about<01:26:00.239> the<01:26:00.400> rats<01:26:01.120> ah<01:26:01.600> so<01:26:01.840> i'm<01:26:02.000> here
01:26:03.110 --> 01:26:03.120 align:start position:0%
about the rats ah so i'm here
01:26:03.120 --> 01:26:05.830 align:start position:0%
about the rats ah so i'm here
for<01:26:03.280> the<01:26:03.360> free<01:26:03.600> inspection<01:26:04.639> oh<01:26:05.199> well<01:26:05.679> where
01:26:05.830 --> 01:26:05.840 align:start position:0%
for the free inspection oh well where
01:26:05.840 --> 01:26:07.189 align:start position:0%
for the free inspection oh well where
would<01:26:06.000> you<01:26:06.080> like<01:26:06.239> to<01:26:06.320> start
01:26:07.189 --> 01:26:07.199 align:start position:0%
would you like to start
01:26:07.199 --> 01:26:10.870 align:start position:0%
would you like to start
i'd<01:26:07.280> like<01:26:07.440> to<01:26:07.679> start<01:26:07.840> low<01:26:08.080> work<01:26:08.320> my<01:26:08.400> way<01:26:08.560> up
01:26:10.870 --> 01:26:10.880 align:start position:0%
01:26:10.880 --> 01:26:13.990 align:start position:0%
okay<01:26:11.199> then<01:26:13.600> well
01:26:13.990 --> 01:26:14.000 align:start position:0%
okay then well
01:26:14.000 --> 01:26:17.350 align:start position:0%
okay then well
um<01:26:15.360> here's<01:26:15.679> our<01:26:15.760> dungeon
01:26:17.350 --> 01:26:17.360 align:start position:0%
um here's our dungeon
01:26:17.360 --> 01:26:20.470 align:start position:0%
um here's our dungeon
hey<01:26:17.679> basement
01:26:20.470 --> 01:26:20.480 align:start position:0%
01:26:20.480 --> 01:26:24.070 align:start position:0%
i<01:26:20.719> really<01:26:20.960> don't<01:26:21.120> like<01:26:21.280> basements<01:26:21.600> mr<01:26:21.920> ryan
01:26:24.070 --> 01:26:24.080 align:start position:0%
i really don't like basements mr ryan
01:26:24.080 --> 01:26:38.240 align:start position:0%
i really don't like basements mr ryan
that<01:26:24.239> was<01:26:24.320> a<01:26:24.400> joke<01:26:25.280> i'll<01:26:25.440> take<01:26:25.600> it<01:26:25.679> from<01:26:34.840> here
01:26:38.240 --> 01:26:38.250 align:start position:0%
01:26:38.250 --> 01:26:48.830 align:start position:0%
01:26:48.830 --> 01:26:48.840 align:start position:0%
01:26:48.840 --> 01:27:23.180 align:start position:0%
01:27:23.180 --> 01:27:23.190 align:start position:0%
01:27:23.190 --> 01:27:30.950 align:start position:0%
01:27:30.950 --> 01:27:30.960 align:start position:0%
01:27:30.960 --> 01:27:33.680 align:start position:0%
what<01:27:31.120> did<01:27:31.280> you<01:27:31.520> see
01:27:33.680 --> 01:27:33.690 align:start position:0%
what did you see
01:27:33.690 --> 01:27:39.430 align:start position:0%
what did you see
01:27:39.430 --> 01:27:39.440 align:start position:0%
01:27:39.440 --> 01:27:41.750 align:start position:0%
hey<01:27:40.480> how'd<01:27:40.639> it<01:27:40.719> go<01:27:40.960> oh<01:27:41.199> we're<01:27:41.360> good<01:27:41.520> you<01:27:41.679> know
01:27:41.750 --> 01:27:41.760 align:start position:0%
hey how'd it go oh we're good you know
01:27:41.760 --> 01:27:43.270 align:start position:0%
hey how'd it go oh we're good you know
what<01:27:42.000> uh<01:27:42.159> i<01:27:42.320> got<01:27:42.480> no<01:27:42.639> rides<01:27:42.800> but<01:27:42.960> i<01:27:43.040> gotta<01:27:43.199> go
01:27:43.270 --> 01:27:43.280 align:start position:0%
what uh i got no rides but i gotta go
01:27:43.280 --> 01:27:44.310 align:start position:0%
what uh i got no rides but i gotta go
through<01:27:43.520> another<01:27:43.679> inspection
01:27:44.310 --> 01:27:44.320 align:start position:0%
through another inspection
01:27:44.320 --> 01:27:47.430 align:start position:0%
through another inspection
what's<01:27:44.480> your<01:27:44.639> step<01:27:45.679> no<01:27:46.080> you<01:27:46.239> know<01:27:46.400> uh<01:27:47.040> it's
01:27:47.430 --> 01:27:47.440 align:start position:0%
what's your step no you know uh it's
01:27:47.440 --> 01:27:57.830 align:start position:0%
what's your step no you know uh it's
right<01:27:47.600> now<01:27:47.920> don't<01:27:48.080> worry<01:27:48.239> about<01:27:48.400> it<01:27:48.480> it's<01:27:48.639> fine
01:27:57.830 --> 01:27:57.840 align:start position:0%
01:27:57.840 --> 01:28:01.990 align:start position:0%
where's<01:27:58.159> adam<01:27:59.679> a<01:27:59.840> mover<01:28:00.320> he<01:28:00.639> gave<01:28:00.880> us<01:28:01.040> a
01:28:01.990 --> 01:28:02.000 align:start position:0%
where's adam a mover he gave us a
01:28:02.000 --> 01:28:07.350 align:start position:0%
where's adam a mover he gave us a
free<01:28:02.239> rat<01:28:02.400> inspection
01:28:07.350 --> 01:28:07.360 align:start position:0%
01:28:07.360 --> 01:28:11.030 align:start position:0%
where<01:28:07.520> were<01:28:07.679> you<01:28:08.800> oh<01:28:09.120> i<01:28:09.199> was<01:28:09.600> in<01:28:09.679> the<01:28:09.840> kitchen
01:28:11.030 --> 01:28:11.040 align:start position:0%
where were you oh i was in the kitchen
01:28:11.040 --> 01:28:14.070 align:start position:0%
where were you oh i was in the kitchen
eating<01:28:12.840> strawberries
01:28:14.070 --> 01:28:14.080 align:start position:0%
eating strawberries
01:28:14.080 --> 01:28:17.110 align:start position:0%
eating strawberries
it's<01:28:14.320> on<01:28:14.480> your<01:28:14.560> lip<01:28:16.639> oh
01:28:17.110 --> 01:28:17.120 align:start position:0%
it's on your lip oh
01:28:17.120 --> 01:28:19.270 align:start position:0%
it's on your lip oh
that's<01:28:18.239> probably<01:28:18.560> some<01:28:18.880> ripened
01:28:19.270 --> 01:28:19.280 align:start position:0%
that's probably some ripened
01:28:19.280 --> 01:28:26.390 align:start position:0%
that's probably some ripened
01:28:26.390 --> 01:28:26.400 align:start position:0%
01:28:26.400 --> 01:28:30.229 align:start position:0%
well<01:28:26.560> the<01:28:26.719> bob<01:28:26.960> called<01:28:29.040> he's<01:28:29.280> okay<01:28:29.520> to<01:28:29.600> meet<01:28:29.920> uh
01:28:30.229 --> 01:28:30.239 align:start position:0%
well the bob called he's okay to meet uh
01:28:30.239 --> 01:28:42.229 align:start position:0%
well the bob called he's okay to meet uh
nicole<01:28:30.639> here<01:28:30.880> at<01:28:40.840> 8.
01:28:42.229 --> 01:28:42.239 align:start position:0%
nicole here at 8.
01:28:42.239 --> 01:28:44.709 align:start position:0%
nicole here at 8.
i<01:28:42.480> know<01:28:42.880> it<01:28:43.040> sounds<01:28:43.360> crazy<01:28:44.159> when<01:28:44.320> you<01:28:44.480> say<01:28:44.639> it
01:28:44.709 --> 01:28:44.719 align:start position:0%
i know it sounds crazy when you say it
01:28:44.719 --> 01:28:48.470 align:start position:0%
i know it sounds crazy when you say it
out<01:28:44.880> loud<01:28:45.120> like<01:28:45.280> that
01:28:48.470 --> 01:28:48.480 align:start position:0%
01:28:48.480 --> 01:28:52.229 align:start position:0%
like<01:28:48.719> what<01:28:50.960> just<01:28:51.199> get<01:28:51.360> here<01:28:51.520> at<01:28:51.679> eight
01:28:52.229 --> 01:28:52.239 align:start position:0%
like what just get here at eight
01:28:52.239 --> 01:29:16.149 align:start position:0%
like what just get here at eight
and<01:28:52.320> use<01:28:52.560> outside<01:28:52.880> staircase<01:28:54.840> okay
01:29:16.149 --> 01:29:16.159 align:start position:0%
01:29:16.159 --> 01:29:18.390 align:start position:0%
so<01:29:16.639> how<01:29:16.800> are<01:29:16.880> you<01:29:16.960> going<01:29:17.040> to<01:29:17.120> do<01:29:17.280> this<01:29:18.080> to<01:29:18.239> do
01:29:18.390 --> 01:29:18.400 align:start position:0%
so how are you going to do this to do
01:29:18.400 --> 01:29:19.669 align:start position:0%
so how are you going to do this to do
your<01:29:18.560> homework<01:29:18.880> like<01:29:19.040> i<01:29:19.199> asked<01:29:19.360> you
01:29:19.669 --> 01:29:19.679 align:start position:0%
your homework like i asked you
01:29:19.679 --> 01:29:21.990 align:start position:0%
your homework like i asked you
yeah<01:29:19.920> i<01:29:20.000> did<01:29:20.880> um<01:29:21.280> do<01:29:21.360> you<01:29:21.679> want<01:29:21.760> me<01:29:21.840> to<01:29:21.920> get
01:29:21.990 --> 01:29:22.000 align:start position:0%
yeah i did um do you want me to get
01:29:22.000 --> 01:29:23.830 align:start position:0%
yeah i did um do you want me to get
nicole<01:29:22.400> no<01:29:22.560> no<01:29:22.719> it<01:29:22.719> won't<01:29:22.880> be<01:29:23.040> necessary<01:29:23.520> uh<01:29:23.760> i
01:29:23.830 --> 01:29:23.840 align:start position:0%
nicole no no it won't be necessary uh i
01:29:23.840 --> 01:29:25.270 align:start position:0%
nicole no no it won't be necessary uh i
would<01:29:23.920> suggest<01:29:24.320> you<01:29:24.480> have<01:29:24.639> kristen<01:29:25.040> take
01:29:25.270 --> 01:29:25.280 align:start position:0%
would suggest you have kristen take
01:29:25.280 --> 01:29:27.430 align:start position:0%
would suggest you have kristen take
nicole<01:29:25.679> and<01:29:25.760> maddie<01:29:26.080> out<01:29:26.239> of<01:29:26.320> the<01:29:26.400> house<01:29:26.639> and
01:29:27.430 --> 01:29:27.440 align:start position:0%
nicole and maddie out of the house and
01:29:27.440 --> 01:29:40.629 align:start position:0%
nicole and maddie out of the house and
you'll<01:29:27.600> call<01:29:27.840> him<01:29:27.920> later<01:29:28.560> okay<01:29:28.960> all<01:29:36.840> right
01:29:40.629 --> 01:29:40.639 align:start position:0%
01:29:40.639 --> 01:29:44.550 align:start position:0%
nice<01:29:40.880> collection<01:29:41.440> isn't<01:29:41.679> it
01:29:44.550 --> 01:29:44.560 align:start position:0%
01:29:44.560 --> 01:29:48.070 align:start position:0%
yes<01:29:44.880> it<01:29:45.040> is
01:29:48.070 --> 01:29:48.080 align:start position:0%
01:29:48.080 --> 01:29:52.229 align:start position:0%
you<01:29:48.239> look<01:29:48.480> tired<01:29:48.880> father<01:29:49.679> you<01:29:50.840> mind<01:29:51.920> suit
01:29:52.229 --> 01:29:52.239 align:start position:0%
you look tired father you mind suit
01:29:52.239 --> 01:29:54.550 align:start position:0%
you look tired father you mind suit
01:29:54.550 --> 01:29:54.560 align:start position:0%
01:29:54.560 --> 01:30:03.510 align:start position:0%
please<01:29:54.880> do<01:29:55.040> it
01:30:03.510 --> 01:30:03.520 align:start position:0%
01:30:03.520 --> 01:30:08.790 align:start position:0%
what's<01:30:03.840> bothering<01:30:04.320> you<01:30:05.440> bothering<01:30:06.000> me
01:30:08.790 --> 01:30:08.800 align:start position:0%
01:30:08.800 --> 01:30:11.350 align:start position:0%
shouldn't<01:30:09.120> you<01:30:09.199> be<01:30:09.360> asking<01:30:09.679> nicole<01:30:11.040> soon
01:30:11.350 --> 01:30:11.360 align:start position:0%
shouldn't you be asking nicole soon
01:30:11.360 --> 01:30:13.669 align:start position:0%
shouldn't you be asking nicole soon
01:30:13.669 --> 01:30:13.679 align:start position:0%
01:30:13.679 --> 01:30:16.870 align:start position:0%
you<01:30:13.840> just<01:30:14.080> seem
01:30:16.870 --> 01:30:16.880 align:start position:0%
01:30:16.880 --> 01:30:19.669 align:start position:0%
sort<01:30:17.120> of<01:30:17.280> agitated<01:30:18.639> i'd<01:30:18.880> prefer<01:30:19.199> to<01:30:19.280> be<01:30:19.440> left
01:30:19.669 --> 01:30:19.679 align:start position:0%
sort of agitated i'd prefer to be left
01:30:19.679 --> 01:30:21.030 align:start position:0%
sort of agitated i'd prefer to be left
01:30:21.030 --> 01:30:21.040 align:start position:0%
01:30:21.040 --> 01:30:25.590 align:start position:0%
i'm<01:30:21.280> here<01:30:21.440> to<01:30:21.600> help<01:30:21.840> you<01:30:23.520> help<01:30:23.760> me
01:30:25.590 --> 01:30:25.600 align:start position:0%
i'm here to help you help me
01:30:25.600 --> 01:30:29.030 align:start position:0%
i'm here to help you help me
you<01:30:25.760> can<01:30:25.920> help<01:30:26.080> by<01:30:26.320> leaving<01:30:26.960> us<01:30:27.199> alone
01:30:29.030 --> 01:30:29.040 align:start position:0%
you can help by leaving us alone
01:30:29.040 --> 01:30:34.629 align:start position:0%
you can help by leaving us alone
you<01:30:29.199> should<01:30:32.840> go
01:30:34.629 --> 01:30:34.639 align:start position:0%
you should go
01:30:34.639 --> 01:30:38.229 align:start position:0%
you should go
who's<01:30:34.960> us<01:30:35.120> king<01:30:36.159> stop<01:30:36.480> playing<01:30:36.880> games
01:30:38.229 --> 01:30:38.239 align:start position:0%
who's us king stop playing games
01:30:38.239 --> 01:30:40.709 align:start position:0%
who's us king stop playing games
just<01:30:38.480> because<01:30:38.800> you're<01:30:38.960> all<01:30:39.199> religious
01:30:40.709 --> 01:30:40.719 align:start position:0%
just because you're all religious
01:30:40.719 --> 01:30:42.229 align:start position:0%
just because you're all religious
doesn't<01:30:41.040> give<01:30:41.199> you<01:30:41.360> the<01:30:41.440> right<01:30:41.679> to<01:30:41.840> try<01:30:42.000> to
01:30:42.229 --> 01:30:42.239 align:start position:0%
doesn't give you the right to try to
01:30:42.239 --> 01:30:42.950 align:start position:0%
doesn't give you the right to try to
01:30:42.950 --> 01:30:42.960 align:start position:0%
01:30:42.960 --> 01:30:46.470 align:start position:0%
our<01:30:43.360> lives<01:30:45.040> we're<01:30:45.360> fine
01:30:46.470 --> 01:30:46.480 align:start position:0%
our lives we're fine
01:30:46.480 --> 01:30:49.510 align:start position:0%
our lives we're fine
every<01:30:46.880> evil<01:30:47.120> spirit<01:30:47.520> that<01:30:47.679> hears<01:30:48.000> my<01:30:48.239> voice
01:30:49.510 --> 01:30:49.520 align:start position:0%
every evil spirit that hears my voice
01:30:49.520 --> 01:30:51.669 align:start position:0%
every evil spirit that hears my voice
i<01:30:49.760> command<01:30:50.159> you<01:30:50.400> in<01:30:50.480> the<01:30:50.560> name<01:30:50.800> of<01:30:50.960> jesus<01:30:51.440> to
01:30:51.669 --> 01:30:51.679 align:start position:0%
i command you in the name of jesus to
01:30:51.679 --> 01:30:53.750 align:start position:0%
i command you in the name of jesus to
tell<01:30:52.320> the<01:30:52.560> truth
01:30:53.750 --> 01:30:53.760 align:start position:0%
tell the truth
01:30:53.760 --> 01:30:58.149 align:start position:0%
tell the truth
who's<01:30:54.320> us<01:30:56.560> i<01:30:56.800> command<01:30:57.280> you
01:30:58.149 --> 01:30:58.159 align:start position:0%
who's us i command you
01:30:58.159 --> 01:31:00.310 align:start position:0%
who's us i command you
in<01:30:58.320> the<01:30:58.480> name<01:30:58.719> of<01:30:58.960> jesus<01:30:59.440> to<01:30:59.600> tell<01:30:59.840> me<01:31:00.080> your
01:31:00.310 --> 01:31:00.320 align:start position:0%
in the name of jesus to tell me your
01:31:00.320 --> 01:31:01.270 align:start position:0%
in the name of jesus to tell me your
01:31:01.270 --> 01:31:01.280 align:start position:0%
01:31:01.280 --> 01:31:04.390 align:start position:0%
who's<01:31:01.760> us<01:31:02.080> canaan<01:31:03.920> you<01:31:04.080> know
01:31:04.390 --> 01:31:04.400 align:start position:0%
who's us canaan you know
01:31:04.400 --> 01:31:08.229 align:start position:0%
who's us canaan you know
quite<01:31:04.639> well<01:31:04.960> who<01:31:05.440> us<01:31:06.480> is
01:31:08.229 --> 01:31:08.239 align:start position:0%
quite well who us is
01:31:08.239 --> 01:31:11.669 align:start position:0%
quite well who us is
is<01:31:08.400> the<01:31:08.560> holy<01:31:08.960> spirit<01:31:09.440> with<01:31:09.600> you
01:31:11.669 --> 01:31:11.679 align:start position:0%
is the holy spirit with you
01:31:11.679 --> 01:31:14.870 align:start position:0%
is the holy spirit with you
i<01:31:11.920> come<01:31:12.239> against<01:31:12.880> every<01:31:13.440> unclean<01:31:14.159> spirit
01:31:14.870 --> 01:31:14.880 align:start position:0%
i come against every unclean spirit
01:31:14.880 --> 01:31:19.110 align:start position:0%
i come against every unclean spirit
by<01:31:15.040> the<01:31:15.199> blood<01:31:15.440> of<01:31:15.520> the<01:31:15.679> lamb
01:31:19.110 --> 01:31:19.120 align:start position:0%
01:31:19.120 --> 01:31:22.950 align:start position:0%
you're<01:31:19.360> a<01:31:19.520> child<01:31:19.840> of<01:31:20.000> god
01:31:22.950 --> 01:31:22.960 align:start position:0%
01:31:22.960 --> 01:31:26.070 align:start position:0%
your<01:31:23.199> body<01:31:23.600> has<01:31:23.760> been<01:31:24.000> sanctified
01:31:26.070 --> 01:31:26.080 align:start position:0%
your body has been sanctified
01:31:26.080 --> 01:31:38.390 align:start position:0%
your body has been sanctified
by<01:31:26.239> the<01:31:26.400> blood<01:31:26.719> of<01:31:26.880> jesus<01:31:28.840> katie
01:31:38.390 --> 01:31:38.400 align:start position:0%
01:31:38.400 --> 01:31:42.229 align:start position:0%
oh<01:31:38.880> please<01:31:39.679> bobby<01:31:41.360> don't<01:31:41.520> mind<01:31:41.760> if<01:31:41.920> i<01:31:42.000> can<01:31:42.080> call
01:31:42.229 --> 01:31:42.239 align:start position:0%
oh please bobby don't mind if i can call
01:31:42.239 --> 01:31:52.709 align:start position:0%
oh please bobby don't mind if i can call
you<01:31:42.400> bobby<01:31:42.719> come<01:31:42.880> here
01:31:52.709 --> 01:31:52.719 align:start position:0%
01:31:52.719 --> 01:31:58.709 align:start position:0%
father<01:31:53.840> kitty's<01:31:54.239> kind<01:31:54.400> of<01:31:54.560> busy<01:31:54.960> right<01:31:56.840> now
01:31:58.709 --> 01:31:58.719 align:start position:0%
father kitty's kind of busy right now
01:31:58.719 --> 01:32:00.870 align:start position:0%
father kitty's kind of busy right now
move<01:31:59.120> every<01:31:59.360> unclean<01:31:59.920> spirit<01:32:00.400> from<01:32:00.639> this
01:32:00.870 --> 01:32:00.880 align:start position:0%
move every unclean spirit from this
01:32:00.880 --> 01:32:02.070 align:start position:0%
move every unclean spirit from this
person's<01:32:01.360> soul
01:32:02.070 --> 01:32:02.080 align:start position:0%
person's soul
01:32:02.080 --> 01:32:04.950 align:start position:0%
person's soul
oh<01:32:02.400> don't<01:32:02.719> go<01:32:02.960> preach<01:32:03.360> your<01:32:03.520> life<01:32:03.840> on<01:32:04.080> me<01:32:04.639> and<01:32:04.800> i
01:32:04.950 --> 01:32:04.960 align:start position:0%
oh don't go preach your life on me and i
01:32:04.960 --> 01:32:06.709 align:start position:0%
oh don't go preach your life on me and i
will<01:32:05.280> save<01:32:05.600> katie<01:32:05.920> from<01:32:06.159> your<01:32:06.400> hell
01:32:06.709 --> 01:32:06.719 align:start position:0%
will save katie from your hell
01:32:06.719 --> 01:32:10.070 align:start position:0%
will save katie from your hell
who<01:32:06.880> do<01:32:06.960> you<01:32:07.199> think<01:32:07.440> you<01:32:07.679> are<01:32:08.000> god<01:32:09.360> jesus<01:32:09.920> i
01:32:10.070 --> 01:32:10.080 align:start position:0%
who do you think you are god jesus i
01:32:10.080 --> 01:32:11.110 align:start position:0%
who do you think you are god jesus i
01:32:11.110 --> 01:32:11.120 align:start position:0%
01:32:11.120 --> 01:32:14.550 align:start position:0%
jesus<01:32:11.600> are<01:32:11.840> really<01:32:13.280> john<01:32:14.000> servant<01:32:14.400> of<01:32:14.480> the
01:32:14.550 --> 01:32:14.560 align:start position:0%
jesus are really john servant of the
01:32:14.560 --> 01:32:16.550 align:start position:0%
jesus are really john servant of the
alpha<01:32:14.960> and<01:32:15.040> the<01:32:15.199> omega<01:32:15.760> the<01:32:16.000> god<01:32:16.239> of<01:32:16.320> this
01:32:16.550 --> 01:32:16.560 align:start position:0%
alpha and the omega the god of this
01:32:16.560 --> 01:32:17.110 align:start position:0%
alpha and the omega the god of this
01:32:17.110 --> 01:32:17.120 align:start position:0%
01:32:17.120 --> 01:32:20.149 align:start position:0%
and<01:32:17.280> our<01:32:17.600> world<01:32:18.159> and<01:32:18.480> now<01:32:19.040> the<01:32:19.360> devil<01:32:19.840> you're
01:32:20.149 --> 01:32:20.159 align:start position:0%
and our world and now the devil you're
01:32:20.159 --> 01:32:22.149 align:start position:0%
and our world and now the devil you're
01:32:22.149 --> 01:32:22.159 align:start position:0%
01:32:22.159 --> 01:32:24.870 align:start position:0%
the<01:32:22.400> gospel<01:32:23.040> says<01:32:23.760> that<01:32:24.080> we<01:32:24.320> will<01:32:24.560> arm
01:32:24.870 --> 01:32:24.880 align:start position:0%
the gospel says that we will arm
01:32:24.880 --> 01:32:27.350 align:start position:0%
the gospel says that we will arm
ourselves<01:32:25.679> against<01:32:26.000> spiritual<01:32:26.560> wickedness
01:32:27.350 --> 01:32:27.360 align:start position:0%
ourselves against spiritual wickedness
01:32:27.360 --> 01:32:30.550 align:start position:0%
ourselves against spiritual wickedness
with<01:32:27.600> the<01:32:27.760> spirit<01:32:28.159> of<01:32:28.320> god<01:32:29.199> you<01:32:29.600> katie
01:32:30.550 --> 01:32:30.560 align:start position:0%
with the spirit of god you katie
01:32:30.560 --> 01:32:33.350 align:start position:0%
with the spirit of god you katie
you<01:32:30.800> can<01:32:31.040> resist<01:32:31.600> the<01:32:31.760> demon<01:32:32.719> resist<01:32:33.120> the
01:32:33.350 --> 01:32:33.360 align:start position:0%
you can resist the demon resist the
01:32:33.360 --> 01:32:35.270 align:start position:0%
you can resist the demon resist the
demon<01:32:33.840> katie<01:32:34.159> i<01:32:34.320> command<01:32:34.719> you
01:32:35.270 --> 01:32:35.280 align:start position:0%
demon katie i command you
01:32:35.280 --> 01:32:37.750 align:start position:0%
demon katie i command you
in<01:32:35.360> the<01:32:35.520> name<01:32:35.840> of<01:32:36.080> god<01:32:36.800> in<01:32:36.960> the<01:32:37.040> name<01:32:37.199> of<01:32:37.360> god
01:32:37.750 --> 01:32:37.760 align:start position:0%
in the name of god in the name of god
01:32:37.760 --> 01:32:39.750 align:start position:0%
in the name of god in the name of god
katie<01:32:38.080> resist<01:32:38.560> the<01:32:38.800> demon
01:32:39.750 --> 01:32:39.760 align:start position:0%
katie resist the demon
01:32:39.760 --> 01:32:43.189 align:start position:0%
katie resist the demon
resist<01:32:40.320> him<01:32:40.480> you<01:32:40.639> can<01:32:40.880> do<01:32:41.040> this<01:32:41.360> katie
01:32:43.189 --> 01:32:43.199 align:start position:0%
resist him you can do this katie
01:32:43.199 --> 01:32:46.950 align:start position:0%
resist him you can do this katie
katie<01:32:43.600> you're<01:32:43.920> all<01:32:44.159> right
01:32:46.950 --> 01:32:46.960 align:start position:0%
01:32:46.960 --> 01:32:53.270 align:start position:0%
it's<01:32:47.120> okay<01:32:48.480> it's<01:32:48.719> okay
01:32:53.270 --> 01:32:53.280 align:start position:0%
01:32:53.280 --> 01:32:56.070 align:start position:0%
come<01:32:53.520> on<01:32:53.679> guys<01:32:54.159> let's<01:32:54.400> go<01:32:55.280> we<01:32:55.440> need<01:32:55.600> to<01:32:55.679> step<01:32:55.920> on
01:32:56.070 --> 01:32:56.080 align:start position:0%
come on guys let's go we need to step on
01:32:56.080 --> 01:32:57.030 align:start position:0%
come on guys let's go we need to step on
01:32:57.030 --> 01:32:57.040 align:start position:0%
01:32:57.040 --> 01:33:02.070 align:start position:0%
surprise<01:32:57.520> surprise<01:32:58.000> we're<01:32:58.239> always<01:32:58.560> late
01:33:02.070 --> 01:33:02.080 align:start position:0%
01:33:02.080 --> 01:33:03.750 align:start position:0%
you're<01:33:02.239> not<01:33:02.400> wearing<01:33:02.719> those<01:33:02.960> shoes<01:33:03.280> to<01:33:03.440> church
01:33:03.750 --> 01:33:03.760 align:start position:0%
you're not wearing those shoes to church
01:33:03.760 --> 01:33:05.110 align:start position:0%
you're not wearing those shoes to church
young<01:33:04.000> lady
01:33:05.110 --> 01:33:05.120 align:start position:0%
young lady
01:33:05.120 --> 01:33:08.870 align:start position:0%
young lady
but<01:33:05.360> mom<01:33:05.840> uh-uh<01:33:06.320> no<01:33:06.639> if<01:33:06.880> ands<01:33:07.120> or<01:33:07.199> butts
01:33:08.870 --> 01:33:08.880 align:start position:0%
but mom uh-uh no if ands or butts
01:33:08.880 --> 01:33:12.149 align:start position:0%
but mom uh-uh no if ands or butts
come<01:33:09.040> on<01:33:09.360> we'll<01:33:09.520> go<01:33:09.679> chain<01:33:11.679> i'll<01:33:11.840> meet<01:33:12.000> you
01:33:12.149 --> 01:33:12.159 align:start position:0%
come on we'll go chain i'll meet you
01:33:12.159 --> 01:33:13.590 align:start position:0%
come on we'll go chain i'll meet you
guys<01:33:12.480> in<01:33:12.560> the<01:33:12.719> car
01:33:13.590 --> 01:33:13.600 align:start position:0%
guys in the car
01:33:13.600 --> 01:33:17.270 align:start position:0%
guys in the car
right<01:33:13.840> behind<01:33:14.159> you<01:33:16.400> michael
01:33:17.270 --> 01:33:17.280 align:start position:0%
right behind you michael
01:33:17.280 --> 01:33:21.990 align:start position:0%
right behind you michael
yeah<01:33:18.800> thank<01:33:18.960> you<01:33:19.679> for<01:33:20.840> what
01:33:21.990 --> 01:33:22.000 align:start position:0%
yeah thank you for what
01:33:22.000 --> 01:33:26.709 align:start position:0%
yeah thank you for what
not<01:33:22.159> giving<01:33:22.480> up<01:33:22.639> on<01:33:22.800> me
01:33:26.709 --> 01:33:26.719 align:start position:0%
01:33:26.719 --> 01:33:31.830 align:start position:0%
of<01:33:26.880> course<01:33:28.639> love<01:33:28.880> never<01:33:29.199> quits
01:33:31.830 --> 01:33:31.840 align:start position:0%
01:33:31.840 --> 01:33:34.070 align:start position:0%
ugh<01:33:32.320> i<01:33:32.480> don't<01:33:32.719> have<01:33:32.880> time<01:33:33.120> for<01:33:33.199> that<01:33:33.440> remember
01:33:34.070 --> 01:33:34.080 align:start position:0%
ugh i don't have time for that remember
01:33:34.080 --> 01:34:02.830 align:start position:0%
ugh i don't have time for that remember
we're<01:33:34.239> in<01:33:34.400> a<01:33:34.840> hurry
01:34:02.830 --> 01:34:02.840 align:start position:0%
01:34:02.840 --> 01:34:35.290 align:start position:0%
01:34:35.290 --> 01:34:35.300 align:start position:0%
01:34:35.300 --> 01:34:53.410 align:start position:0%
01:34:53.410 --> 01:34:53.420 align:start position:0%
01:34:53.420 --> 01:35:00.930 align:start position:0%
01:35:00.930 --> 01:35:00.940 align:start position:0%
01:35:00.940 --> 01:35:13.090 align:start position:0%
01:35:13.090 --> 01:35:13.100 align:start position:0%
01:35:13.100 --> 01:35:20.170 align:start position:0%
01:35:20.170 --> 01:35:20.180 align:start position:0%
01:35:20.180 --> 01:35:38.530 align:start position:0%
01:35:38.530 --> 01:35:38.540 align:start position:0%
01:35:38.540 --> 01:35:59.760 align:start position:0%
01:35:59.760 --> 01:35:59.770 align:start position:0%
01:35:59.770 --> 01:36:14.560 align:start position:0%
01:36:14.560 --> 01:36:14.570 align:start position:0%
01:36:14.570 --> 01:36:33.870 align:start position:0%
01:36:33.870 --> 01:36:33.880 align:start position:0%
01:36:33.880 --> 01:36:50.830 align:start position:0%
01:36:50.830 --> 01:36:50.840 align:start position:0%
01:36:50.840 --> 01:37:08.700 align:start position:0%
01:37:08.700 --> 01:37:08.710 align:start position:0%
01:37:08.710 --> 01:37:54.310 align:start position:0%
01:37:54.310 --> 01:37:54.320 align:start position:0%
01:37:54.320 --> 01:37:56.400 align:start position:0%
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