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01:13:53,096 --> 01:14:06,109
This outpost on the Rio, Leticia, was the sortation
centre of all the cocaine coming in from Peru.
01:14:06,401 --> 01:14:10,363
At the time most of it actually came from Peru and Colombia.
01:14:10,363 --> 01:14:20,916
So the mules, these Peruvians that transported the drugs
were sometimes killed once they went back.
01:14:20,916 --> 01:14:25,378
To be more precise they organized what was called the “Indio safari”.
01:14:59,037 --> 01:15:01,873
Think what a terrible thing. Yes, they would kill them.
01:15:02,374 --> 01:15:11,424
These rich people, I don't know from what country, would
pay to shoot at these Indio that would try and run away.
01:15:11,424 --> 01:15:17,430
They knew, “be careful when you head back home” but many didn't make it.
01:15:17,430 --> 01:15:27,190
This was the atmosphere. Cocaine was everywhere
and travelled in every direction.
01:15:33,571 --> 01:15:46,084
There was one particular figure who had a Coca-Cola factory, I think
he had a production facility where he actually made Coca-Cola.
01:15:46,793 --> 01:15:54,759
Anyway, he had a brother who was a pilot and you can see
him driving that little airplane in Cannibal Holocaust.
01:16:02,809 --> 01:16:06,813
He [Mike] controlled all the fishing business at the port.
01:16:07,480 --> 01:16:13,445
They would put the drugs in the fish and then send the cargo to Bogota.
01:16:13,445 --> 01:16:21,036
They would cut the fish open and place these little sacks of cocaine in them.
01:16:21,578 --> 01:16:33,173
The crew immediately understood where they could find coke, which
wasn't difficult because they offered it to you everywhere you went.
01:16:33,465 --> 01:16:38,803
They all dove into mountains of cocaine.
01:16:55,653 --> 01:17:05,538
Was he Greek? Yes, if he was, I think he was the guy
who organized the drugs in the fish.
01:17:06,623 --> 01:17:17,217
Tsalickis... I remember he had a surname that ended with an "s", but this
name doesn't sound as familiar anymore... but it was surely this guy.
01:17:30,563 --> 01:17:36,569
Yes, Monkey Island was his. He owned nearly everything in that area.
01:17:36,945 --> 01:17:50,625
Everything from Tabatinga, that is a small Brazilian town, right up
to Leticia and even going higher towards the Peruvian border.
01:17:50,625 --> 01:17:54,170
Everything was controlled by him.
01:18:27,745 --> 01:18:45,722
I think he had been befriended by my producer and he definitely
helped us to have the extras, boats to rent, and so on.
01:18:45,972 --> 01:18:51,477
But nothing more [with me], he didn't do more than that.
01:18:51,477 --> 01:18:56,774
Also because he was packed with money and
was always moving around and travelling.
01:18:57,025 --> 01:19:03,740
He would often go to Bogota, we hardly saw him at all.
He had a lot of business going on, a lot of affairs.
01:19:03,740 --> 01:19:08,369
I met him at dinner during the first few days we were there.
01:19:08,369 --> 01:19:13,875
It was kind of something you had to do, he was sort of the Mayor in a way.
01:19:14,209 --> 01:19:17,295
Well, more than a Mayor, he was a boss.
01:19:28,681 --> 01:19:35,688
The director is always the last to know anything. I mean
I was the last to know that everybody was on drugs.
01:19:35,897 --> 01:19:55,625
First they try to understand what kind of person you are, what
vices you have but once they discover that you have none...
01:19:56,084 --> 01:20:06,886
When you begin working on a film everybody wants to hang
out with you because they think that they'll have fun with you,
01:20:07,303 --> 01:20:16,813
but then they realize you are a loner, that has his own thing going on,
and nobody wants to have dinner with you and they start hiding stuff.
01:20:29,951 --> 01:20:41,129
I have another story I can tell you. I had a friendship with
a girl originally from Bogota, half Indio, very cute.
01:20:41,129 --> 01:20:49,012
She had come to Leticia with her boyfriend who was a drug trafficker.
01:20:49,012 --> 01:21:06,112
The local port mob didn't appreciate this new competition
and he went into hiding with his girlfriend.
01:21:06,112 --> 01:21:19,584
Finally, he tried to escape and reached the airport to get back to Bogota
but at customs he was stopped by local police and was not let onto the plane.
01:21:19,584 --> 01:21:33,806
He had to die, it had been decided, and the police was
in bed with the drug lords. He was eventually killed.
01:21:34,307 --> 01:21:40,146
I remember I would see this girl who would
sometimes burst out crying.
01:21:40,146 --> 01:21:45,568
She was worried about her boyfriend, he was
hiding somewhere and they couldn't communicate.
01:21:45,568 --> 01:21:48,071
There were no cell phones at that time...
01:21:48,363 --> 01:21:59,999
Anyway, I thought it was dangerous having all the crew
doped up on drugs, even people of sixty years of age...
01:22:00,375 --> 01:22:09,967
There was only one American I think that didn't take any, and then
of course Sergio D'Offizi, the cinematographer, and myself.
01:22:09,967 --> 01:22:19,936
The rest were a disaster. It has happened to me often in
South America, in Caracas for example...
01:22:21,354 --> 01:22:28,319
Everybody would invite me to participate. "Come on! Join us...”
They would not believe that I didn't take drugs.
01:22:28,319 --> 01:22:42,208
“You? Really?!” People saw me always so full of energy
and up and about but I couldn't care less about that stuff.
01:23:46,856 --> 01:23:50,902
- Er war quasi der Pate von Leticia",
01:23:51,110 --> 01:23:55,615
eagle ein amerikanischer
Offizieller in Bogota.
01:23:59,035 --> 01:24:05,875
After “Cannibal Holocaust”, Carl Gabriele Yorke moved from acting
to working as a story analyst for some major Hollywood labels.
01:24:06,542 --> 01:24:11,672
He no longer acts, but he continues to live and work in San Francisco.
01:24:12,340 --> 01:24:19,514
Until Covid-19 he made appearances on the convention circuit, attesting to
the ongoing success of "Cannibal Holocaust" and his character Alan Yates.
01:24:21,807 --> 01:24:27,313
Gregory Snegoff still splits his time between California and Rome. He remains
a dubber to this day, although his work is frequently on Japanese anime series.
01:24:27,730 --> 01:24:32,109
His favourite of the Italian films is “Yor, The Hunter of the Future”
(Antonio Margheriti, 1983).
01:24:33,903 --> 01:24:37,156
Phil Stoneman was married shortly after this interview.
01:24:37,657 --> 01:24:43,996
He has no interest in returning back to Boris
Johnson's England and fiercely opposes Brexit.
01:24:46,958 --> 01:24:52,547
Danilo Abadia went on to assist Umberto Lenzi on "Cannibal Ferox"
(1981) before opening a grocery store in Leticia.
01:24:52,797 --> 01:24:56,259
He sadly passed away in 2021.
01:24:56,551 --> 01:25:02,223
Beforehand, he suggested that some kind of monument should be
built in acknowledgement of both films in Leticia itself.
01:25:06,185 --> 01:25:13,442
Ronaldo Blanca and his mother still live deep in the Amazonas.
01:25:15,027 --> 01:25:20,825
Tana Chowning continues to spread the good word, along with
her family, in the challenging climate of the Amazonas.
01:25:21,367 --> 01:25:26,664
We don't know if she ever watched "Cannibal Holocaust".
01:25:29,792 --> 01:25:36,507
Ruggero Deodato has become an icon of Italian genre cinema, with subsequent cult favourites
including "Raiders of Atlantis" (1983), "Cut and Run" (1985) and "The Barbarians" (1987).
01:25:37,008 --> 01:25:40,261
His last feature film was "Ballad in Blood" in 2016.
01:25:40,595 --> 01:25:44,765
He has softened with age and loves his pet cat.
01:25:47,893 --> 01:25:54,066
"Jungle" Mike Tsalickis passed away in Florida on December 17th,
2018. He was 91 years of age.
01:25:54,692 --> 01:26:02,908
In 2015 he released his autobiography Jungle Mike - From Animal Trapper to Being
Caged like an Animal: This is the True Story of the “Largest Cocaine Bust in Florida”.
01:26:03,701 --> 01:26:11,083
An article in The Tampa Bay Times remembered him as the man who "built a business
selling exotic animals to zoos and monkeys to researchers, he transformed a muddy outpost
01:26:11,083 --> 01:26:18,382
in the South American jungle into a thriving town with a hospital, hotel and bona fide
airport. It was no exaggeration to say Jungle Mike put the Amazon on the map for tourism."
01:26:19,133 --> 01:26:26,974
Tsalickis spent 20 years in prison after being found guilty of his involvement
with the second biggest transportation of cocaine in American history.
01:26:27,558 --> 01:26:35,441
He always stated that he was innocent and that his business ventures
in Leticia were legal and not fronts for the thriving drugs trade.
01:26:36,192 --> 01:26:44,867
"Cannibal Holocaust" as we all know it could not have happened without his input.
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