Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
{1270}{1316}Would you cut that out?
{1319}{1363}Ben, you got your sunblock?|It's going to be hot.
{1366}{1383}Yeah, I got it.
{1386}{1434}- Lucy?|- I'm trying to tan.
{1437}{1496}You don't tan, you burn.
{1524}{1604}What? Don't blame me.|Blame your Scottish forefathers.
{1607}{1673}- I blame you.|- Figures.
{1717}{1750}He did not help.
{1753}{1806}- I blame that on your computer.|- You what?
{1809}{1901}At the turn of the last century,|children your age worked in coal mines.
{1904}{1974}I'm pretty sure|you can do the dishes.
{2291}{2371}- Hi!|- Hi! Look at you!
{2617}{2681}Here's my girls.
{2684}{2726}The Moro sisters.
{2729}{2777}God help the men|at the Department of Corrections
{2780}{2851}- for trying to take you two on.|- We do what we can.
{2854}{2895}Now, how about you?
{2898}{2971}Two-thirds of a man|and halfway to handsome.
{2977}{3030}Come on.|I've got work for you.
{3033}{3097}You know what's happening|tomorrow, Benjamin?
{3105}{3211}The American Government is going|to kill a mentally disabled man.
{3229}{3315}- What do you think about that?|- I think it's bad.
{3949}{3974}How much longer you got?
{3977}{4024}- Next week.|- Next week?
{4151}{4237}Murderers! - Go back to|where you came from.
{5412}{5486}{y:i}Keep to your side|{y:i}of the fence, please.
{5496}{5632}{y:i}Keep to your side of the fence,|{y:i}please. Stay in your groups.
{5635}{5675}{y:i}Stay in your area.
{5678}{5727}{y:i}It's been a long wait|{y:i}for justice.
{5731}{5773}{y:i}It's taken its toll
{5779}{5816}{y:i}and we're just glad|{y:i}it's coming to an end.
{5828}{5871}{y:i}Now, there's been|{y:i}significant public backlash
{5874}{5957}{y:i}about a mentally disabled man|{y:i}being put to death.
{5960}{6006}{y:i}Do you have any|{y:i}thoughts on that?
{6009}{6063}{y:i}He had sense enough to|{y:i}point a gun and pull the trigger.
{6066}{6130}{y:i}And now he's going|{y:i}to have to pay for it.
{6133}{6198}{y:i}Hopefully, once he's gone|{y:i}we can all start to move on.
{6201}{6237}{y:i}Tensions are|{y:i}expected tomorrow
{6240}{6299}{y:i}between two opposing|{y:i}sets of protesters
{6302}{6373}{y:i}with a strong contingent of|{y:i}anti-death penalty activists
{6376}{6402}{y:i}expected to clash|{y:i}with the
{6405}{6469}{y:i}American Institute|{y:i}of Homicide Survivors.
{6472}{6533}{y:i}Mr. Bromage is a key member|{y:i}of the American Institute
{6536}{6584}{y:i}of Homicide Survivors...
{7483}{7586}Sorry. Sorry.|I didn't mean to spook you.
{7798}{7842}I'm Mercy.
{7851}{7904}That's a pretty fucking|ironic name, don't you think?
{7907}{7962}Yeah, you got|one of your own?
{8057}{8105}Well, that's pretty.
{8177}{8264}How are things with the friends|of the gas chamber?
{8298}{8383}How are things at the|cop killers' benevolent fund?
{8386}{8444}- Didn't know he was a cop.|- Yeah.
{8447}{8573}He was off duty, on vacation,|with his wife and kids.
{8649}{8697}Was that your dad|getting interviewed on TV?
{8700}{8756}I saw you guys arriving.
{8771}{8840}Yeah, Mike was his partner|at the CPD.
{8864}{8911}For 16 years.
{8983}{9034}I'm sorry for your loss.
{9584}{9630}see you tomorrow?
{12283}{12349}When we get back|you could try at The Grill.
{12397}{12449}They're using my resume|as napkins now.
{12452}{12511}That's how many times|I've been in there.
{12514}{12565}- You need a job.|- I had a job.
{12568}{12633}Note the past tense there.
{12705}{12774}Shall we harvest his organs|while he sleeps?
{12781}{12846}How much you think|we'd get for a kidney?
{14710}{14768}- What?|- It's weird.
{14779}{14826}You sleeping here.
{15026}{15069}You're, like,|three sizes bigger than me.
{15072}{15112}It's not my fault|you got tiny feet.
{15115}{15175}It's not my fault|you've got flippers.
{15178}{15206}Can we get|a German Shepard?
{15209}{15248}Why don't you play|with the neighbor's dog?
{15251}{15322}- The neighbor's dog is dead.|- Tough break.
{15344}{15402}Just stuff some socks in there|or something. It'll be fine.
{15405}{15452}- What time's your interview?|- In an hour.
{15455}{15542}Okay, so you'll be home in time|to clean the house?
{15565}{15612}I guess so. Why?
{15617}{15662}Weldon's coming over|to talk about the case.
{15670}{15712}Which bedroom|do you want me to tidy?
{15715}{15758}Come on, Lucy.|Just help me out, all right?
{15761}{15810}He said|he's got big news.
{15875}{15970}- Why do you want a dog, anyways?|- Protection, from intruders.
{16082}{16165}You need protection?|You got me, all right?
{16985}{17051}How was the|public hanging?
{17062}{17122}An affront|to moral decency.
{17125}{17167}How was your weekend?
{17240}{17279}Now, what's with the outfit?
{17282}{17358}Just trying to make myself look|more employable.
{17361}{17405}Is it working?
{17408}{17456}I don't know. Is it?
{17579}{17624}You want a drink?
{17727}{17796}- And nuts.|- Hi.
{17874}{17936}- Katlin.|- Lucy.
{17939}{17981}Is that a resume?
{18088}{18117}You hear|I'm leaving town?
{18120}{18178}No, I must have missed|the announcement.
{18181}{18257}I got a job in Toledo. Two weeks|and I'm out of this dump.
{18324}{18395}Being Homecoming Queen's|finally paying off?
{18423}{18512}Anyway, if I don't see you between|then and now, have a nice life.
{18522}{18586}Thanks.|It's on my to-do list.
{18649}{18724}Do you remember|Al Newbury's Christmas party?
{18761}{18818}I never told anyone,|you know.
{18850}{18895}Told them what?
{18906}{18978}That you're a pervert.
{19067}{19164}- Good luck in the city.|- Say hi to your dad for me.
{19387}{19463}How long do I have to sit here|before you give me a fucking job?
{19466}{19531}I reckon|we're going to find out.
{19983}{20074}So I have good news|and I have less good news.
{20183}{20251}We knew it was coming.|It doesn't change anything.
{20361}{20432}They set the date.
{20482}{20528}At least now we know.
{20599}{20635}Four months.
{20638}{20691}So we got to move fast.
{20730}{20788}Listen, it'll be fine.
{20817}{20860}This is what I do,|this is my thing.
{20863}{20921}I'm good at this.|I promise. Okay?
{20964}{21007}The good news|is the witness.
{21010}{21059}That's where we need|to be focusing our attention.
{21062}{21130}You couldn't do it before.|What makes you think you can do it now?
{21133}{21199}I've been digging around.|I found an old buddy of his
{21202}{21254}who told me the guy got|thrown out of college
{21257}{21328}for smoking too much pot|and missing class.
{21331}{21364}That's it?
{21367}{21406}- Lucy.|- That's it?
{21409}{21461}- Cases have been won on less.|- Maybe in fucking Burma!
{21464}{21516}- Lucy, shut up.|- No, it's okay.
{21527}{21588}I'm not pretending this is video|evidence or a signed confession,
{21591}{21636}but this is something.
{21639}{21691}Look, the witness|is an addict.
{21694}{21797}He's hopelessly hooked on marijuana.|He saw the world through a drug haze.
{21800}{21873}How could he possibly be sure|he saw what he said he saw
{21876}{21939}when it was dark,|and he was high?
{21969}{22041}So you're not trying to prove|that our dad didn't do it?
{22044}{22091}Discrediting the witness|is basically the same thing.
{22094}{22146}No! It is not basically|the same thing!
{22149}{22192}You said you'd prove|he was innocent!
{22195}{22270}I got four months before the judge|sends your dad to the chamber.
{22273}{22317}So I got to work with|what I got to work with.
{22320}{22398}I'm sure you're going to|spend the time productively.
{22571}{22650}Lucy, why don't you go check|on Ben and see if he's okay?
{23134}{23194}How'd it go|with douchebag?
{23323}{23396}We're really knocking it|out of the park.
{23826}{23897}How's the pro-boning?
{23918}{23964}Well, anyway...
{23972}{24052}when this is all over,|you'll thank me.
{24537}{24589}I don't want to|hear it, Lucy.
{24612}{24645}You don't have to|keep doing it.
{24648}{24713}- I like Shane.|- He makes me feel ill.
{24716}{24802}Well, you don't have to talk to|him. Just let me deal with it.
{24955}{24999}Four months.
{25872}{25924}A little gas money.
{25927}{25972}- Aggie, no, no, no.|- No what?
{25975}{26038}I don't get to spend my money|how I please?
{26041}{26086}You got friends, girl.
{26089}{26138}Let me help.
{26258}{26311}Whose daddy is that?
{26342}{26359}- Hey, Mandy?|- Whose daddy is that?
{26362}{26427}Can you make|those letters bigger?
{26438}{26513}I want the cameras to be able to|read those signs. Okay, honey?
{26604}{26655}You sound like me.
{26712}{26756}It's funny, isn't it?
{26759}{26837}- It's funny.|- Good job.
{27074}{27163}- Hi.|- Hi.
{27227}{27293}One execution|wasn't enough for you?
{27311}{27390}Oh, I'm sorry.|Am I crashing your party?
{27426}{27488}Technically not a party.
{27513}{27548}You got any beer|or anything?
{27551}{27657}- Got soda.|- I guess that'll have to do.
{27896}{27950}- Here.|- Thanks.
{28090}{28137}Nice RV.
{28162}{28215}It's like a million years old.
{28296}{28355}Basically extinct, yeah.
{28675}{28719}I've got to get back.
{28722}{28765}I stay in this den of iniquity|too long,
{28768}{28816}and the good lord's|likely to strike me down.
{28819}{28904}Come on. It's not|that bad, is it? - No.
{28940}{28990}I was thinking about|walking into town later.
{28993}{29045}Get a real drink.
{29053}{29101}You want to come?
{29179}{29230}- Sure.|- Well, don't sound too excited.
{29233}{29340}No, it's just I didn't...|I don't think we're supposed to...
{29346}{29406}fraternize. I...
{29409}{29461}Right.|Is there a law against it?
{29467}{29511}An unwritten one.
{29518}{29586}Those are the easiest ones|to break in my experience.
{29603}{29672}So just go for a smoke|around eight. Okay?
{29675}{29790}Okay. - Try and muster up some|enthusiasm by then. - Well, I...
{29851}{29893}Ben, stop picking at it.|Just eat your food.
{29896}{30001}It's gross. - I didn't ask|for a review, just eat it.
{30050}{30126}- What do you mean "gross"?|- I mean it's gross.
{30129}{30174}- This is barely food.|- Dude...
{30181}{30234}I spent at least ten minutes|making this dish.
{30237}{30321}I mean, this is my dish.|This is my specialty dish.
{30324}{30377}- I always make this dish.|- And it always tastes like ass.
{30435}{30524}I mean, I can't even believe|what I'm hearing right now.
{30530}{30592}I mean, this is the entire|extent of my culinary oeuvre,
{30595}{30636}and you're telling me|it doesn't even taste good?
{30687}{30752}It could be time for you|to learn a new recipe.
{30755}{30829}- Et fucking tu, Martha?|- Lucy.
{30880}{30929}Mom taught me this.
{30949}{30997}I'm pretty sure it's the|only dish she could make.
{31000}{31051}I'm pretty sure it's the|only thing dad would eat.
{31054}{31111}She could burn in drive-through,|that woman.
{31114}{31158}- You used to get drive-through?|- Sometimes.
{31161}{31215}Anyway, I like it. So...
{31288}{31339}I'm probably going to be|out late.
{31388}{31432}For what?
{31439}{31483}I'm meeting a friend.
{31486}{31543}You don't have any friends|in Virginia.
{31572}{31649}Actually, the state motto|for a while, I think.
{31670}{31734}Can we just get|pizza instead?
{31742}{31788}Oh, my god,|this kid is breaking my heart.
{31791}{31859}Just eat your|ass and cheese.
{31862}{31938}I mean mac and cheese.|God.
{32219}{32292}- Hi.|- Jesus!
{32627}{32700}So, you got a boyfriend,|or whatever?
{32703}{32752}I'm single.
{32771}{32863}What is wrong|with the citizens of Ohio?
{32899}{32984}I don't think we have enough|time to answer that question.
{32987}{33103}- Well, it's their loss.|- They seem to be coping okay.
{33106}{33181}They don't appreciate a vision|of perfection when they see one.
{33296}{33375}Do you have a boyfriend,|or whatever?
{33385}{33426}I'm between boyfriends.
{33429}{33500}- That sounds uncomfortable.|- Yeah, it is.
{33506}{33606}- Well, I am seeing this guy.|- He sounds like a jerk.
{33669}{33743}Ohio.|It has a nice ring to it.
{33746}{33821}Spoken like someone|who's never been there.
{33824}{33897}- What about you?|- Bastogne, Illinois.
{33900}{33966}They don't have the|death penalty in Illinois.
{33969}{34051}You can imagine the letters|my mother has written.
{34079}{34157}- What do you do there?|- I work in a law firm.
{34160}{34235}- Like, as a lawyer?|- Junior lawyer.
{34238}{34282}I hate lawyers.
{34331}{34374}You seem okay.
{34427}{34472}Two beers.
{34919}{34963}So why'd you come back?
{34979}{35056}I don't know, having|those people there for us.
{35059}{35107}It made a difference.
{35120}{35179}I guess I just wanted to|give something back.
{35255}{35315}How come you didn't|go in and watch too?
{35318}{35412}You really do just spy on me|at these things?
{35415}{35507}Well, you come all that way|and you missed the big show. I...
{35512}{35577}just figure that's|the best bit for you.
{35603}{35673}I'm glad he's dead.|How's that?
{35677}{35723}Kind of scary.
{35734}{35792}My dad will never|be the same.
{35803}{35844}Everything will always be|a little bit worse.
{35847}{35896}My dad will always be|a little bit worse.
{35899}{35951}That man destroyed|my world.
{35954}{36036}Now he's dead. I move on.|So fuck him.
{36047}{36101}Lady Vengeance.
{36106}{36159}That was intense.
{36241}{36292}So how'd you|get into it then?
{36295}{36344}Your mom make you?
{36347}{36422}Martha's not my mom.|She's my sister.
{36449}{36520}And that was your|little brother? - Yeah.
{36525}{36583}You're a little troupe|of sibling activists.
{36586}{36633}Where's the parents?
{36681}{36717}My mom's dead.
{36720}{36803}Shit. I'm so sorry.
{36852}{36928}Where'd you get your parents|from anyway? A catalog?
{36951}{36999}Hey, now.
{37344}{37422}That's nice.|Really.
{37627}{37719}I reckon you're drunk enough|to tell me your sad story.
{37763}{37815}What makes you think|I have a sad story?
{37818}{37882}You're way too interesting|not to.
{38132}{38187}So where's your dad?
{38319}{38393}He's in the state pen.
{38519}{38572}What's he serving?
{38719}{38780}He's on H wing.
{38844}{38892}Sandusky Wood.
{39015}{39062}H isn't...
{39073}{39140}the wing that|you want to be on...
{39152}{39199}if you know what I mean.
{39299}{39343}Your mom?
{39586}{39630}Eight years ago.
{39670}{39771}I came home from a|friend's house and I...
{39874}{39928}I found her|in the living room.
{39983}{40060}She had been|stabbed and...
{40115}{40162}My dad,|he was supposed to be
{40165}{40221}across town that night,|but someone...
{40224}{40265}They saw some guy|that looked like him,
{40268}{40355}like, a few blocks away,|throw something in a bush.
{40439}{40483}A weapon?
{40555}{40627}But, you know, there's, like...|There's holes in the case.
{40647}{40697}You don't think|he did it?
{40722}{40769}He says he didn't.
{40793}{40868}I mean, we have this lawyer|and he's got, like, three guys
{40871}{40932}off death row and...
{40981}{41107}But we can't afford him, so|Martha's like fucking... Shit!
{41394}{41439}It's okay.
{41447}{41537}And we go to all these, like,|stupid fucking protests,
{41540}{41629}like it's going to make|a fucking difference.
{43286}{43331}- Hey.|- Hi!
{44683}{44727}I'm hungover.
{44746}{44804}I'm sorry. I didn't...
{44816}{44902}mean for last night|to turn into such a...
{44905}{44945}counseling session.
{44948}{44987}It's just...
{45014}{45088}booze. I should|probably never drink it.
{45193}{45245}So, are you all right?
{45248}{45329}Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
{45332}{45380}Okay, 'cause...
{45396}{45448}we got to go.
{45779}{45848}I'll be thinking about you,|Lucy Moro.
{46457}{46511}Lucy.|It's my turn on the laptop.
{46514}{46564}I'm on it.
{46618}{46667}What are you doing?
{46676}{46742}I'm writing|the Great American Novel.
{46838}{46907}I'm looking at porn, okay?|Go away.
{48091}{48150}- You look good.|- Yeah?
{48201}{48237}You look happy.
{48240}{48281}Did I tell you|we were on TV?
{48284}{48341}- No. Get out of here.|- Yeah.
{48344}{48377}A news report in Virginia.
{48380}{48415}And you can see Ben|in the background
{48418}{48485}with signs and everything.|It's on YouTube.
{48488}{48548}- YouTube?|- Yeah.
{48572}{48656}I brought this.
{48661}{48730}He's basically|my height already.
{48739}{48761}Martha was saying
{48764}{48813}that she thinks there's|a model in the family.
{48816}{48917}I was assuming it was me,|but I'm beginning to wonder.
{48920}{48945}He's not giving you|any trouble?
{48948}{49012}No. He's a good kid.
{49048}{49140}- He'd love to come visit soon.|- Yeah, I know.
{49188}{49268}You know, it's just|been a while and...
{49271}{49341}The lawyer was here.
{49344}{49399}He told me|about the witness.
{49408}{49474}He seems to think|it's good news.
{49547}{49617}What?|You don't think so?
{49620}{49682}There's got to be|something, right?
{49700}{49794}I mean, that proves it,|that proves you weren't there.
{49813}{49863}He's just covering|all the angles.
{49866}{49913}I just thought you wanted|your name cleared is all.
{49916}{49964}I want to|get out of here.
{50057}{50119}How's the house?
{50151}{50190}It's okay.
{50193}{50238}And the garden?
{50279}{50325}Your mother|loved that garden.
{50328}{50402}She could have planted|a cherry tree in the desert.
{50405}{50461}How about that boiler?|Did you get it checked?
{50464}{50508}I will.
{50511}{50538}You wait for it to pack in,|they'll charge you double
{50541}{50585}because they know|you're desperate.
{50588}{50623}You've got two girls|living alone...
{50626}{50724}- It's not cheap is the thing.|- People take advantage.
{50804}{50893}In these protests, there's|guys there, right? - Yeah.
{50896}{50961}'Cause you need to tell your sister|to hurry up and meet someone.
{50964}{51064}'Cause I know I'm not going to be|able to meet my grandchildren, so...
{51073}{51160}I want to know that there are|some on the way at least.
{51169}{51222}Well, I'll tell her to put|herself around more.
{51225}{51278}That's not what I mean.|And you neither.
{51281}{51380}- You don't have to worry about me.|- Of course I worry. I'm your father.
{51447}{51539}Small hands...|give me some affection.
{52032}{52114}- I miss you, darling.|- You too, dad.
{53159}{53224}What are you doing?
{54408}{54444}- Hi!|{y:i}- Hi.
{54447}{54487}Hi, hey, hello.
{54490}{54525}{y:i}- Hello.|- Hello.
{54528}{54574}I'm sorry. I said that already,|I guess, yeah.
{54577}{54619}{y:i}Yeah. A few times.
{54692}{54758}{y:i}So? What's up?
{54763}{54844}Nothing. Nothing.|I'm just...
{54861}{54946}I...|What's up with you?
{54961}{55001}{y:i}Sorry. I hope it's not|{y:i}weird that I called.
{55004}{55085}It's super weird.|It's... it's extremely weird.
{55088}{55145}I... I think you're...
{55148}{55193}a freak.
{55196}{55247}No! It's fine! It's fine!|It's fine!
{55250}{55343}Is that your office, or...
{55346}{55431}{y:i}Yeah. It's my boss's,|{y:i}but he's at lunch, so...
{55434}{55485}You law types|are so fancy.
{55488}{55578}{y:i}Yeah. I know, right? With our|{y:i}sandwiches and everything.
{55581}{55637}Lucy, I want to|use the laptop.
{55640}{55688}I'm on it.
{55697}{55762}I'm playing Warcraft!|Everyone's waiting for me.
{55765}{55821}- You said I could have it.|- Your dumb game can wait, Benny.
{55824}{55904}It's not dumb! I'm a healer now,|shithead! People need me!
{56204}{56252}Open the door!
{56276}{56324}Fucking hell!
{56354}{56394}{y:i}I always wanted|{y:i}a little brother.
{56397}{56479}Well, send me your address.|I'll FedEx him over.
{56482}{56540}{y:i}No, just send yourself.
{56565}{56623}Right. Yeah, I'll just...
{56626}{56725}hop in a crate and|wait for you to open it?
{56728}{56823}{y:i}Better yet, I'll get in with you,|{y:i}we could post ourselves away.
{56826}{56894}I'll get some stamps?
{56949}{57002}{y:i}Where do you|{y:i}want to go?
{57112}{57164}Well, everywhere,|I guess.
{57238}{57317}{y:i}Look, I was actually calling|{y:i}'cause I spoke to my boss.
{57320}{57367}{y:i}He's like a proper lawyer,|{y:i}not like me.
{57420}{57441}{y:i}I hope this isn't|{y:i}too forward,
{57444}{57523}{y:i}but we work with|{y:i}this lab in Chicago,
{57526}{57590}{y:i}and they have this|{y:i}new chemical process.
{57593}{57638}{y:i}And the technology|{y:i}has improved so much
{57641}{57755}{y:i}that you can sometimes find|{y:i}new stuff on old evidence.
{57758}{57849}{y:i}And they owe us a favor, so I could|{y:i}put you in touch with them.
{57852}{57900}{y:i}If you wanted.
{57984}{58052}Thank you so much.|I don't know what to say.
{58055}{58112}{y:i}You don't have to|{y:i}say anything.
{58125}{58219}Look at you...|fighting the death penalty.
{58257}{58308}{y:i}Only for the|{y:i}innocent ones.
{58391}{58449}Why aren't we|doing Indiana?
{58453}{58521}Forty-year-old guy shot his|business partner. Who cares?
{58524}{58568}No. We're going to|Missouri next month.
{58571}{58660}Fuck yeah! There's that great|barbecue place on the way.
{58670}{58724}I do love barbecue.
{58856}{58894}You talk to Weldon|about the tests?
{58897}{58938}Yeah. He doesn't think|they're a good idea.
{58941}{58976}- Why?|- I don't know,
{58979}{59022}he's probably annoyed|somebody else is helping out.
{59025}{59080}I told him to|get them, though.
{59244}{59295}Should we ask dad...
{59321}{59349}if he thinks|it's a good idea?
{59352}{59423}Why wouldn't he think|it's a good idea?
{59426}{59477}Yeah. I guess...
{59480}{59515}I guess if something comes up|then that's good, right?
{59518}{59562}Well, obviously.
{59565}{59606}Well, Mercy seems|pretty confident
{59609}{59671}that something could come up,|and she works at a law firm.
{59674}{59741}Does she work|at a law firm?
{59744}{59840}I don't think I've heard you|mention that before.
{59902}{59968}So, I guess your boyfriend|will come back again then?
{59971}{60017}Guess so.
{60058}{60139}That's good 'cause you|like him so, so much.
{60181}{60297}- Dad asked why you haven't had kids yet.|- Because I'm still looking after his.
{60566}{60613}How you feeling, dude?
{60616}{60658}Not good.
{60661}{60712}Try to get|some rest, buddy.
{60859}{60932}Remember the terms. You got to|kill him before he bites you.
{60935}{60966}Doesn't matter|if he's our brother.
{60969}{61017}Shut up, Lucy.
{61027}{61064}He can't go to|Missouri like this.
{61067}{61121}You gonna be okay to stay home|and take care of him?
{61124}{61168}Why do I have to stay?|I can go.
{61171}{61231}You want to go all the way|to Missouri on your own?
{61234}{61279}You've never gone to|one of these by yourself.
{61282}{61341}- So? I can't start now?|- I know why you want to go.
{61344}{61401}- It's what dad wants.|- It's not what dad wants.
{61404}{61447}- Martha, come on.|- No! End of the discussion.
{61450}{61498}You're not going!
{62265}{62358}Baby, won't you tell me your number|Boom, boom, boom
{62361}{62414}My heart beats|like thunder
{62417}{62486}Baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your name?
{62489}{62566}'Cause, girl, oh girl|I want to see you again
{62569}{62649}Oh, baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your number
{62652}{62734}Boom, boom, boom|My heart beats like thunder
{62737}{62814}Baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your name?
{62817}{62917}'Cause, girl, oh girl,|I want to see you again
{63134}{63221}Don't kill for me!
{63520}{63581}It's our duty to win!
{63584}{63670}We must love and support|one another!
{63673}{63756}We have nothing to lose|but our chains!
{63759}{63825}It is our duty to fight|for our freedom!
{65036}{65095}I just hitched a ride|with a guy from the group.
{65098}{65141}My dad had a thing,
{65146}{65197}and my mom's choir|is singing in competition.
{65200}{65248}Your mom sings|competitive choir?
{65251}{65338}Yeah. Mom thinks that|god hasn't created anything
{65341}{65417}that can't be improved|by a judging panel.
{65554}{65624}So you must have really|wanted to see this one?
{65672}{65717}Sure did.
{65936}{65987}What are you|thinking about?
{65997}{66033}It's stupid.
{66036}{66091}Well, obviously.
{66135}{66185}Seriously, what?
{66213}{66279}I used to go to the river|with my dad.
{66351}{66407}You see, he loved fishing,|but Martha and my mom hated it.
{66410}{66493}So, you know,|I'd end up going on my own.
{66564}{66598}But then, like,|a few hours later,
{66601}{66653}they would, like,|show up and be like,
{66656}{66761}"Oh, we just went for a walk,"|you know? And then...
{66837}{66870}Martha and I|would end up, like,
{66873}{66951}playing in the water or whatever|and then we'd...
{66955}{67020}look and see|my dad and mom kissing.
{67023}{67082}You know,|and we'd just, like...
{67097}{67186}scream and freak out,|and they're, like, laughing.
{67250}{67333}You know, I think that|only happened once.
{67490}{67579}I think we only went to the river|one single time.
{67618}{67684}But it feels like more,|you know.
{67785}{67837}We should probably go?
{67866}{67925}Yeah, I guess so.
{68401}{68445}You falling asleep?
{68804}{68906}You can stay, you know.|Like, if you wanted... to.
{68917}{68967}Like, you could...
{69037}{69092}I should probably|get back.
{69348}{69418}I met with the victim's mom.|She was...
{69445}{69490}so broken.
{69493}{69537}So sad.
{69588}{69652}How do you ever|come back from that?
{69733}{69777}Maybe you don't.
{69826}{69878}You think|you ever will?
{70156}{70205}When Mike's killer|was executed,
{70208}{70290}my parents felt this|massive weight lifted.
{70293}{70367}Like they could|finally breathe again.
{70422}{70485}That's what I|want for you.
{70634}{70694}We're not the same,|you know?
{70729}{70771}I know.
{70774}{70895}I'm sorry your dad's partner got|himself shot, but it was my mom.
{70898}{70976}That's my fucking dad|that you're talking about.
{70980}{71046}- I'll feel better if they kill him?|- No. That's not what I meant.
{71049}{71097}I mean, it's so great...
{71100}{71166}that lethally injecting|a mentally disabled man
{71169}{71289}is the key to solving your grief.|But my shit's a little more complicated.
{71292}{71342}- Lucy, I...|- Can you go?
{71345}{71407}- Hold on.|- Can you just go?
{72087}{72136}You in there, honey?
{72793}{72843}You okay?
{72985}{73037}He didn't do it.
{73104}{73181}- I know.|- No, you don't.
{73232}{73276}You don't know.
{73295}{73339}No one does.
{73392}{73462}But I still don't give you permission|to stick a needle in his arm and kill him.
{73465}{73524}I don't fucking|give you that!
{73658}{73710}What are you doing?
{73772}{73815}I'm driving you home.
{74640}{74697}How are you|going to get home?
{74706}{74754}Don't worry about it.
{74852}{74925}You're splitting gas money|though, right?
{74977}{75010}{y:i}And he hits it.
{75013}{75043}{y:i}Out there at third.
{75046}{75108}- No.|{y:i}- Out at second...
{75120}{75162}Who's your team?
{75165}{75199}The Schaumburg Boomers.
{75202}{75253}Were they named|by Dr. Seuss?
{75256}{75303}A boomer is a type of|prairie chicken.
{75306}{75373}Oh, okay. Well, that's not|ridiculous at all then.
{75376}{75447}Just be quiet.|Let me listen to this, dude.
{75450}{75494}{y:i}So the ball flies...
{75497}{75575}The Gulfside Prison|for Women in Alabama.
{75578}{75619}Delmarva Correctional.
{75622}{75715}The George Reed Facility.|That's in Delaware.
{75718}{75836}Tulsa Penitentiary. And then|the Hunters Creek unit in Texas.
{75839}{75974}I've been there a lot obviously.|The South Fork Branch Facility...
{75977}{76059}Maybe just list prisons|you haven't been to.
{76148}{76199}- Grieve?|- No.
{76202}{76238}- Girder?|- No.
{76297}{76338}I give up.
{76342}{76431}Well, we have five hours of driving left,|so I'm confident you'll get it.
{76466}{76522}- Gas meter!|- No.
{76538}{76605}- Grit.|- Did you say grass?
{76616}{76655}- Grit.|- Oh, no.
{76658}{76722}- Grass.|- No.
{76835}{76902}Okay, so tell me|about your love life.
{76958}{77013}Well, there was, like,
{77016}{77082}a brief relationship|back in school. Toby.
{77085}{77179}- Sounds nice.|- Yeah, he's okay.
{77182}{77243}- Still heartbroken.|- Well, naturally.
{77246}{77271}Yeah, god, no.
{77274}{77380}I don't know about that,|but we went to prom together...
{77383}{77454}- ...and it didn't go well.|- What happened?
{77469}{77495}Not my scene, I guess.
{77498}{77581}I would love to see you|in a prom dress.
{77584}{77633}I wore a tuxedo.
{77690}{77753}And then there was|another guy. Gary.
{77756}{77823}That was a|little bit later.
{77826}{77865}But we only...
{77868}{77962}That was just, you know,|like, sex, only once.
{77965}{78054}- And I'm still not sure why.|- Did you like him?
{78057}{78158}- Well, all the girls liked him.|- No, but did you like him?
{78192}{78231}He had a|really cool guitar.
{78234}{78320}And he had a really nice|English Bulldog named Betty.
{78323}{78375}That is not the same thing|as liking someone.
{78378}{78443}- Turns out it's not, no.|- Okay, so, Toby, Gary
{78446}{78503}and the Bull Terrier.|That's your whole love life?
{78506}{78566}Well, Betty, but...|And...
{78569}{78613}No, I...
{78616}{78665}There were, like, a few people|here and there.
{78668}{78715}When was the last time|you were laid?
{78718}{78837}Oh, my god.|That is none of your business.
{78904}{78955}Like, two years?
{78958}{79051}Are... are you telling me?|Or are you asking a question?
{79056}{79096}I'm telling you.
{79099}{79170}- You're stating a fact.|- Yeah.
{79174}{79230}- Two years!|- What?
{79233}{79325}Don't yell at me! I haven't had|time for a relationship!
{79328}{79411}Who is talking about a|relationship? Two years!
{79414}{79475}- I've been busy!|- Doing what?
{79478}{79521}You go on a lot of|long bike rides?
{79524}{79591}I don't even...|I don't, come on. I...
{79594}{79694}That's enough.|We can stop talking about me.
{79697}{79772}I'm assuming by your horrified|rant that you sex a lot?
{79818}{79871}Oh, my god,|it's been so long
{79874}{79957}that you've actually|changed the word to a verb!
{79960}{80051}Did you sex her?|Do you like to sex each other?
{80054}{80103}No! No, no.|You're better than this.
{80106}{80155}- Well, I'm not.|- Well, you should be.
{80158}{80216}Just fucking drive.
{80517}{80567}- What?|- This is my song.
{80570}{80630}This is my song.|Pull over!
{80633}{80703}- Pull over! Pull over! Pull over!|- Okay.
{85124}{85179}How old are you here?
{85215}{85333}- Thirteen.|- Who took the photo?
{85406}{85474}I don't know.|I don't remember that day.
{85641}{85708}Is this the room|that you found her in?
{85958}{86020}She was there.
{86107}{86172}We moved|the TV cabinet
{86175}{86250}because we couldn't get|the bloodstain up.
{86319}{86372}I guess it's|still there, maybe.
{86402}{86454}You were by yourself?
{86483}{86555}Well, Ben was in his cot,|screaming.
{86558}{86587}Martha was at college,
{86590}{86679}so it took her an hour or so|to drive back.
{86749}{86802}Were there any|defense wounds?
{86805}{86861}Or any other marks?
{86986}{87059}And the doors|and the windows?
{87146}{87204}So it wasn't a break in.
{87333}{87423}No. Whoever it was,|she let them in. Or...
{87426}{87485}Or they had a key?
{87536}{87587}Was anything taken?
{87610}{87668}Yeah, some jewelry,|but they...
{87671}{87760}They found it|with the knife.
{87765}{87863}- And the knife was?|- From the kitchen.
{87866}{87926}No prints or anything.
{87948}{88014}You want to ask|if she was raped?
{88099}{88161}Some people|don't like to ask that.
{88192}{88262}She wasn't, if that helps|your investigation.
{88265}{88330}- Sorry, I didn't...|- No. It's fine.
{88437}{88550}There were marks by the door.|Something had happened there.
{88553}{88601}She hit her head.
{88622}{88677}So the doorbell had rung.
{88680}{88738}So she opened it.
{88751}{88842}Her attacker came in,|knocked her to the ground...
{88850}{88926}went inside to find|something to steal.
{88951}{89047}She got up, went to the kitchen.|Maybe grabbed a knife.
{89050}{89092}Followed him in here.
{89095}{89179}He grabbed the knife from her,|stabbed her...
{89182}{89258}ran out and closed the door|behind him.
{89284}{89341}Why didn't she run out?
{89371}{89422}If she was knocked down|by a guy by the front door,
{89425}{89523}why didn't she run out to try and|get help? - Her baby was upstairs.
{89539}{89586}Would you leave|your baby?
{89672}{89721}Well, that's good to know.
{89735}{89788}How was Missouri?
{89872}{89921}- And you? You enjoy yourself?|- I don't go there for that.
{89924}{90018}- No? You just go there to gloat?|- Martha...
{90041}{90088}Ben's still sick|and I have to work.
{90091}{90173}Can I trust you to stay here|and take care of him tomorrow?
{90595}{90645}Did you believe it?
{90695}{90810}What Martha said about the intruder|and my mom running back in?
{90851}{90899}Do you believe it?
{91531}{91573}Oh, fuck.
{93219}{93317}No, no. No.
{93397}{93443}- No.|- I really have to leave.
{93446}{93541}No, no, no.
{93634}{93683}Oh, hi.
{93741}{93781}Who are you?
{93784}{93853}I'm Mercy.|I'm Lucy's friend.
{93951}{94002}You must be Benjamin.
{94035}{94088}Do you want anything?
{94093}{94196}I just threw up in the hallway.|I'm going back to bed.
{94236}{94281}I'm going to|leave you with that.
{94317}{94387}I'll see you soon.
{94448}{94496}Feel better, Ben!
{94887}{94935}Oh, man!
{95129}{95181}So you'll be in Georgia?
{95203}{95250}{y:i}Out in strength.
{95253}{95326}You guys are the worst.
{95329}{95385}{y:i}Oh, really? Well, maybe|{y:i}I won't come then.
{95388}{95461}No! No! I didn't mean it.
{95494}{95527}{y:i}I got to go.
{95530}{95564}{y:i}I've got a hot date
{95567}{95656}{y:i}at a reasonably priced Italian|{y:i}chain restaurant with my boss.
{95659}{95729}- Lucky.|{y:i}- I know, right?
{95751}{95813}Wait, where are you going?
{95821}{95907}{y:i}I told you. I got to go get ready.|{y:i}I'll see you in Georgia.
{96047}{96090}Oh, come on.
{96093}{96139}Skip dinner!
{97026}{97062}Martha around?
{97065}{97107}She's out.
{97142}{97189}Do you know where?
{97199}{97255}With a guy from work.
{97285}{97337}Is there something|you wanted?
{97408}{97458}Got some news|about the case.
{97461}{97508}What is it?
{97522}{97604}- Maybe it can wait.|- I was joking!
{97607}{97663}She's out with Ben.
{97675}{97743}You're too sensitive.|You know that?
{97941}{97983}Twenty-two years old.
{97986}{98055}You're living like|a middle-aged divorcee.
{98063}{98121}Well, yeah. You'd know.
{98256}{98323}I know she probably|sees other people.
{98339}{98420}I can't actually figure out|whether she likes me or not.
{98441}{98485}But you,
{98494}{98580}I know you don't like me.|You think I'm the bad guy.
{98589}{98648}You like your|hippie friends.
{98652}{98721}How many people|have they got off death row?
{98731}{98773}None. Me?
{98776}{98865}I've saved lives. Three of them.|But I'm the asshole?
{98890}{98968}It was Martha who started|whatever this is.
{98992}{99036}Now, I'm driving three hours|to tell you something
{99039}{99104}that could have been done|over a five-minute phone call.
{99107}{99200}I'm so sorry this has fucked up|your life so much.
{99275}{99343}Think she'll still want to|see me when it's over?
{99394}{99459}It might depend|on the outcome.
{99668}{99754}I always thought he did it.|Your dad.
{99766}{99825}Don't make a|difference to me. Just...
{99828}{99893}can't help having|an opinion, I guess.
{99904}{99976}You come all the way here|just to tell me that?
{99983}{100078}I came to tell you the results of|the test came back from Chicago.
{100081}{100171}One of the hairs they got off the|crime scene matched a known criminal.
{100176}{100253}Some guy up in Jersey|doing a bit for assault.
{100285}{100334}He could be the killer?
{100337}{100447}Your father might actually be the|victim of a miscarriage of justice.
{100450}{100500}How's that make you feel?
{100573}{100622}She's relieved!
{100625}{100668}Shame on you.|I thought you were a believer.
{100671}{100782}I am. - Well, anyway,|I just came to tell you that.
{100785}{100821}But I guess|Martha's busy, so...
{100824}{100928}She really doesn't see|other people. She's loyal.
{100964}{101012}What happens now?
{101015}{101056}If you girls want...
{101059}{101108}I'll go get some|more tests done.
{101111}{101160}Take a trip to Jersey,|speak to this son-of-a-bitch
{101163}{101218}and see what's what.
{101243}{101322}You could actually prove|that he didn't do it?
{101636}{101695}Get your sister|to call me.
{101900}{101976}Baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your number?
{101979}{102080}Boom, boom, boom|My heart beats like thunder
{102083}{102165}Baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your name?
{102168}{102246}'Cause, girl, oh girl|I want to see you again
{102249}{102343}I said, baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your number?
{102346}{102440}Boom, boom, boom|My heart beats like thunder
{102443}{102524}Baby, baby, baby|Won't you tell me your name?
{102527}{102638}'Cause, girl, oh girl|I want to see you again
{102667}{102714}Remember when|the AC worked?
{102717}{102800}God, I think of those|as the halcyon days.
{102809}{102871}Like, you know how your body is|supposed to be 70 percent water?
{102874}{102948}I'm pretty sure mine's, like,|70 percent butt crack sweat.
{102951}{102995}We could have some|quiet time if you want.
{102998}{103087}No. I want to talk to you some|more about my butt sweat.
{103091}{103172}Remember when you were a teenager|and sometimes you would get so mad
{103175}{103257}at me that you wouldn't|speak to me for weeks?
{103270}{103356}I think of those|as the halcyon days.
{103381}{103473}That's a very cruel thing to say,|and I'm ashamed of you.
{105331}{105367}Crap! That hurts!
{105370}{105403}Well, it's going to hurt|a lot more
{105406}{105487}when you get an infection,|and I got to cut your leg off.
{105490}{105540}- Well, I'll get a wheelchair.|- No.
{105551}{105612}You'll get a wooden leg,|and they'll call you Limpy,
{105615}{105690}- and they'll throw trash at you.|- Shut up.
{105802}{105837}You sure|you just fell over?
{105910}{105976}- No one pushed you?|- No.
{106043}{106120}When dad comes back is he|going to want me to move out?
{106202}{106246}No, why would you|think that?
{106249}{106332}Well, 'cause he never|wanted me to visit.
{106428}{106494}He just didn't think it was|right, with the prison...
{106497}{106563}Well, that's bullshit,|ain't it?
{106731}{106774}You have nothing|to worry about.
{106777}{106797}'Cause the only person
{106800}{106857}that can kick you out|of this house is me.
{106860}{106909}You got that?
{106912}{106963}- Yeah.|- Okay.
{107196}{107255}These are ruined.|Do you have another pair?
{107258}{107311}You bought me|another pair?
{107344}{107412}Then I don't got|another pair.
{109631}{109665}What's he doing here?
{109668}{109736}I don't know.|Just sent me out.
{110744}{110838}- There couldn't be a mistake?|- No mistake.
{110841}{110880}They went over it|all again,
{110883}{110933}found a spot of blood|on your father's shirt
{110936}{110986}they missed last time.
{111012}{111061}It was your mother's.
{111099}{111154}What about|the guy in Jersey?
{111157}{111237}Moving guy.|Delivered your couch.
{111246}{111300}He was in a bar in Tulsa that night.|They got witnesses.
{111303}{111415}So these tests are the reason|that they're going to kill my dad?
{111418}{111513}Stabbing your mother is the reason|why they're going to kill your dad.
{111838}{111892}At least now we know.
{112872}{112926}He didn't do it.
{112940}{113029}Just because this happened,|this doesn't mean anything.
{113032}{113095}It doesn't prove that he did it.|It doesn't.
{113098}{113135}- It's exactly what it proves.|- No.
{113138}{113238}She could have had a nosebleed.|She could have cut her finger.
{113396}{113421}I think he killed her.
{113424}{113460}No, don't say that.|Don't say that.
{113463}{113504}Listen, tomorrow we are|going to the prison.
{113507}{113534}We're going to go.|Me, you and Ben.
{113537}{113574}No. - And we are|going to talk to him.
{113577}{113628}- Yes, yes, yes.|- No, no.
{113631}{113681}- This is our family, Lucy!|- This isn't a family!
{113684}{113760}No, no, no, please, Lucy?|Please, do not give up!
{113763}{113816}Why? Why?
{113819}{113913}I've been doing this|since I was 14!
{113916}{113965}I was a kid!
{113968}{114038}And you told me!|You told me he didn't do it!
{114041}{114128}And I believed you.|And you promised me!
{114131}{114226}I followed you and I would've|done anything for you,
{114229}{114261}and you let me!
{114264}{114394}No, Lucy, please?|He's our dad. Please?
{114428}{114512}No! No! I'm done!
{117180}{117228}Can I help you?
{117277}{117327}Come and take a seat.
{117336}{117413}- Are you sure?|- Yes. Absolutely.
{117570}{117611}Honey, you look pale.|Are you okay?
{117614}{117641}I'm fine.
{117757}{117809}Are you one of|Mercy's college friends?
{117812}{117876}No, actually, I...
{117879}{117936}Well, I know her|from the protests.
{117939}{118027}- Really. I didn't recognize you.|- She's from the other side.
{118030}{118056}The other side?
{118059}{118124}I'm home, guys!|I've got...
{118151}{118197}- Hi.|- Hi.
{118238}{118285}What are you|doing here?
{118314}{118344}I'm not really sure.
{118347}{118422}Honey, let me help you|with that there.
{118464}{118522}Mercy? Aren't you going|to introduce everyone?
{118571}{118698}This is my sister, Sandy.|And that's her fianc�, Pete.
{118701}{118749}And this is grandma.
{118752}{118882}And mom and dad.|And this is Ian. He's my boss.
{118896}{118939}That's a little formal, Merce.
{118942}{119003}She's the boss of me|at home.
{119006}{119081}God only knows how anything|gets done in that office.
{119084}{119140}Have a seat, Merce.
{119180}{119239}It's nice to meet you all.
{119259}{119321}So, Lucy,
{119324}{119384}what brings you out|this time of night?
{119387}{119443}I'm just passing through.
{119469}{119523}Where are you from?
{119588}{119652}That's a long way to come.
{119749}{119812}You were in Kentucky.
{119832}{119910}You know that guy|killed my partner.
{119943}{120012}I'm incredibly sorry|about that.
{120109}{120226}So, you two made friends.|That's nice.
{120236}{120303}A tad unusual, but nice.
{120333}{120377}Yeah. Mercy's been|really kind to me.
{120380}{120446}Can we talk|for a second, Lucy?
{121269}{121317}You have a boyfriend?
{121388}{121433}That's great.
{121478}{121554}And, what? You live with|your parents or something?
{121598}{121644}It's temporary.
{121673}{121737}Maybe you and Ian|can move in together.
{121774}{121829}Why'd you come here?
{121834}{121869}Because you're here.
{121872}{121930}It's just complicated,|isn't it?
{121983}{122023}You know why.
{122026}{122048}Because you're not|some fucking dyke?
{122051}{122127}- This is my life, Lucy.|- No, it's not!
{122130}{122195}- This isn't you!|- How do you know that?
{122198}{122253}You spent a couple of days|with me in the year?
{122256}{122309}But this is who I am|the rest of the time.
{122312}{122385}Well, who you are the rest|of the time fucking sucks.
{122440}{122535}I just met you.|I wasn't planning on...
{122578}{122631}I'm just trying to go through it|on my own time, okay?
{122634}{122700}You don't get to|choose that for me.
{122767}{122867}Tell your lawyer boyfriend that|his advice fucking sucks by the way.
{124810}{124862}You did everything|you could.
{124885}{124913}You can appeal it again.
{124916}{124979}- No.|- We can get more tests.
{124982}{125046}Ain't no tests|going to change that.
{125063}{125190}- These guys made their minds up.|- No. No. We can try.
{125198}{125248}We can fight it.
{125277}{125409}You're a smart girl, Martha.|Always have been.
{125461}{125518}I thought you'd do amazing|things with your life.
{125521}{125577}'cause you're so smart.
{125611}{125741}That lawyer seemed so sure|that he could get me off this thing.
{125773}{125863}Save my worthless life.
{125927}{125985}Give me another|chance with you.
{126071}{126134}- You need to hear this.|- No, don't say it.
{126137}{126201}You need to hear this, Martha.|You need to hear it.
{126204}{126255}- I need to say it.|- Don't!
{126793}{126863}Do you know what|a boomer is? - No.
{126866}{126926}It's a type of|prairie chicken.
{126929}{127011}- That's good to know.|- I think so.
{127059}{127097}There's a baseball team|named after them,
{127100}{127165}and they're my|least favorite team.
{127245}{127307}My least favorite team|is the Miami Dolphins.
{127357}{127413}Because how could|a dolphin play football?
{127432}{127473}Great point.
{127485}{127552}- You should write them.|- I will.
{127573}{127632}And the Broncos|and the Seahawks and, well,
{127635}{127691}pretty much|everyone else.
{127695}{127770}- A Bronco could kick a football.|- True, yeah.
{127773}{127831}Yeah, we should|leave them out of it.
{128087}{128133}Come on.
{128145}{128213}- Why?|- Go get Ben.
{128321}{128380}So where you|want to go?
{128383}{128435}- What do you mean?|- Where do you want to live?
{128438}{128482}We're moving.
{128517}{128558}- Really?|- Yeah, really.
{128561}{128622}We're going. We can go|anywhere we want to go.
{128625}{128696}Nothing's stopping us.|Just our imaginations.
{129033}{129102}- Somewhere by the sea.|- Somewhere by the sea. Okay.
{129105}{129187}East coast? West coast?|Gulf coast?
{129190}{129215}West coast.
{129218}{129264}- West coast.|- West coast.
{129267}{129377}We've got California.|Oregon. Washington.
{129393}{129430}- California!|- California!
{129433}{129533}California! Okay.|California it is!
{129537}{129639}- Okay?|- Okay!
{129837}{129899}Okay, buddy.|Just a little bit.
{129925}{129952}To California!
{129955}{130003}- California!|- California!
{132441}{132497}I just wanted to|be here for you.
{132729}{132780}Well, let's go in then.
{138873}{138990}I love you. I fucking love you.|You know that, right?
{139046}{139098}Was he scared?
{139200}{139293}Did he say anything|about me?
{139339}{139387}He said he was sorry.
{139485}{139554}I would have told him|it was okay.
{139644}{139688}Thank you.
{139776}{139830}I'm going to|take you home.
{139918}{139978}See you|on the bus, okay?
{140132}{140179}Oh, my god.
{140253}{140312}Thank you|for coming today.
{140342}{140386}I'm so sorry.
{142655}{142708}So how'd you find me?
{142738}{142789}Hired a private investigator.
{142873}{142939}Told him to look|for a small Ohian.
{142946}{143010}It's Ohioan, actually.
{143279}{143323}I quit my job.
{143388}{143437}And I broke up with Ian.
{143539}{143602}Did you tell your mom|where you were going?
{143677}{143726}What'd she say?
{143736}{143803}She said, "I'll be here|when you get back."
{143874}{143937}That's not a bad thing|to say to someone.
{143964}{144008}I guess it isn't.
{144106}{144226}- How is Martha? And Ben?|- Good. Yeah.
{144250}{144300}Yeah, everyone's fine.
{144374}{144420}And you?
{144506}{144558}I can't.
{144596}{144676}It's a normal fucking day|and you just show up?
{144722}{144780}Lu? You okay?
{144783}{144829}Yeah. I'm sorry.|Just, like, five minutes?
{144832}{144870}No problem.
{144873}{144922}I'm taking lunch orders.
{144925}{144951}You want your|veggie burger again?
{144954}{144995}Yeah, thanks.
{144998}{145042}- Pickles, relish and everything?|- Sounds great.
{145054}{145100}Don't rush.
{145321}{145378}I am so sorry.
{145553}{145614}I got to get back.|Sorry.
{146627}{146709}I just don't think you can come back|into someone's life like this.
{146882}{146926}I'm going to stick around|for a few more days.
{146929}{147000}So you don't have to|see me, but...
{147003}{147053}I'll be here.
{147401}{147450}I get off at six.
{147498}{147586}If you want to get out of here?|Do something?
{147589}{147675}Yeah, yeah,|that would be nice.
{147678}{147733}Where do you|want to go?
{147750}{147802}I don't know.
{147860}{147910}Everywhere, I guess.49484
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