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Eߣ�B��matroskaB��B��S�g �gM�t�M��S��I�fS��M��S��T�kS���M��S��M�tS��l2M��S��T�gS����M��S��C�pS���O� I�f@�*ױ�B@M��libebml v0.7.7 + libmatroska v0.8.1WA�mkvmerge v2.2.0 ('Turn It On Again') built on Mar 4 2008 12:58:26D��AZ�@ Da����� {��She.1984.720p.BluRay.x264-x0rs����h^ wʚ�[XN[T�kî�ׁsń*�K������U�� �� m� #1O�?� U� ��S_TEXT/UTF8��"���eng�D C�pBDE�B@E���N�EہE݁ E�� ��sĄ}��#�� �� E������Chapter 1C|�eng��sĄ^�ط���_�n�� E������Chapter 2C|�eng��sĄy#�x��@��� E������Chapter 3C|�eng��sĄW�(�����'���� E������Chapter 4C|�eng��sĄTt�m��#��~Ø� E������Chapter 5C|�eng��sĄ>�`瑆���Cx�� E������Chapter 6C|�eng��sĄ�h���V�z�ؘ� E������Chapter 7C|�eng��sĄN�ᇑ��>G��� E������Chapter 8C|�eng��sĄ0��H��`��
��� E������Chapter 9C|�eng��sĄ;������#^�#�� E������Chapter 10C|�eng��sĄ#^�J��}�?��� E������Chapter 11C|�eng��sĄڅ�����Y �� E������Chapter 12C|�eng��sĄ/O��w�5'�� E������Chapter 13C|�eng�� C�u��h������ This is a shithole, Murray.�� IC�u��v������ Well, I just wanted
to make you feel at home.��
1C�u��������� I'm freezing out here.�������� Look at you.
Where did you get those clothes?��
�C�u���à���� I rolled a white guy.��6������ Now, let me see the scag, man.���C�u���̠���� Don't try to talk like a nigger.
You sound stupid.��C�u��������� Now, will you just back off?��������+ Uh, first a peek?��TC�u�������� Diamondback. Very pretty.��נ���� It bites too.���C�u���ꠝ��� Ooh, ain't we mean?��zC�u��������� You should get a grown-up gun
like mine, Anxious.��fC�u�������� That is if you can carry the weight.��
�C�u������� No, not over there.
Move to your right a little bit.���C�u��#X����� Now, just look down and pull the plug.��7C�u��5D����� SHARKY:
How many times can you step on it?��נ����~ Oh, you can hit this hard. Eight times.��C�u��E����� SHARKY:
Bullshit.���C�u��ώ����� Don't get nervous.
Just somebody turning around.��wC�u��������� Damn sure better be.��ZC�u���렛��� Come on, damn it!��e�����
Goddamn it, don't!
The man's just turning around.�� C�u���ѡˁ If that son of a bitch comes up that alley,
I'll blow your brains out!���C�u��9����� I'll handle it!���C�u��/����� Hey, Sharky! You all right?��ܠ����U It's me, Smiley.���C�u������� [GUN CLICKS]��Z����� [GUN CLATTERS]��_C�u��+������ [GUNSHOTS]���C�u��Z
����� SHARKY:
Ah, what a dumb son of a bitch!�� rC�u��d$����� I'm all right.�������� Nice going, asshole.
Tell Joe-Joe to block the alley.�� rC�u���o����� [SIRENS WAILING]���C�u��� ����� [TIRES SCREECHING]���C�u���X����� Goddamn it! Get him! Fan out!���C�u��ې����� [PEOPLE SCREAMING]���C�u��������� COP: You all right?
JOE: Yeah.�������� COP:
Who the hell is that guy?���C�u����ʡā JOE: I don't know. That frigging animal
must have had a cannon!�� �C�u��
R����� Let me go!��_����� [CAR HORN HONKS]��*C�u��+����� What the fuck happened?�������� -I didn't signal! You didn't--
-Shut up, Joe-Joe!���C�u��&X����� You want a SWAT team?��;�ǡ��� -Mitchell to Pryor. Seal it off.
-Twenty-eight to Station 1.��
�C�u��6��̡Ɓ SHARKY: Two minutes! I want two minutes.
COP: Officers need help!���C�u��C������ [WOMAN SCREAMS]�������� -Aah!
-Let me go!��~C�u��P������ -Help me!
-Open this goddamn door...��Z����� ...or I'll blow her head off!
Open it!��*C�u��d����� Help me!��<C�u��q ����� [GUNSHOT]��C�u��z研��� [GUNSHOTS]���C�u���0����� [TIRES SCREECHING]��ZC�u�������� MURRAY:
Drive, or I'll blow your goddamn brains out!���C�u��������� -Somebody help me!
-Shut up, bitch!��֠����~ WOMAN:
Please, somebody help me!���C�u��Ņ����� MAN: Hey, man, give us a break!
-Cut that shit out!��NC�u���{����� WOMAN:
Let go of me! Please let go of me!�� �C�u���蠭��� -Aah!
-Get up, goddamn it! Get up!���C�u��ዠġ�� -Hey, brother, look, man--
-I ain't your goddamn brother!���C�u��������� Hey, I'm cool! I'm cool!��Z����� [ALL SCREAMING]��6C�u�� ���� MAN: Hold your fire.
-Hold it, hold it.�� C�u��Y����� [PASSENGERS SCREAMING]�� C�u��3T����� [PASSENGERS YELLING]��%C�u��d������ [PASSENGERS SCREAMING]��7C�u��q������ WOMAN:
No, please! Please! Mister, don't shoot!���C�u���_����� He'll kill me and my baby! Please!���C�u���ؠ���� -Oh, God!
-Nobody's dead yet!��7C�u��������� Let her down!���C�u�����סс MURRAY: You ain't gonna shoot
when I got this pregnant bitch in front of me!��aC�u��������� Back off, or all these chumps
on this bus are dead!���C�u���4����� [PASSENGERS SCREAMING]��C�u�������� -Aah!
-I'm shot! My God, I'm shot! I'm shot!���C�u�������� Aah!��6C�u�� 0נ���� -Is that the junkman?
-Yeah.���C�u�� :s����� Is he dead?��C�u�� E^����� Why don't you shake him
and see if he comes around?�� HC�u�� Q�ġ�� So a civilian got shot.
That's no reason to transfer you.��C�u�� ^������ Especially to that hole.��_����� And Smiley, that schmuck.
He came in from nowhere.�� �C�u�� o=����� -You wanna know what I think?
-No.�������� I think it's shit.
That's what I think, shit.���C�u�� 4�ӡ́ It's a waste. You, busting hookers,
perverts and flashers? Jesus Christ.��hC�u�� �D����� I mean, that's really sick, Sharky.���C�u�� ������� Thanks for making me feel better.��������+ -They got all losers down there.
-Thanks.��OC�u�� ������� You know what I mean.��`�ѡˁ Listen, take your citations, for chrissake.
You earned them. You know?��IC�u�� ���ϡɁ What are you taking that piece of shit for?
Buy yourself a new lamp.��
C�u�� �]����� Can I help you carry anything, huh?
BC�u�� �G����� I don't think you're gonna need the vest.��~C�u�� �m�ơ�� The last casualty they had in Vice
was a suicide. Ha-ha-ha.��+C�u@�� �@����� You know what I mean?������ I don't understand you. You take a stupid cup,
you got citations up the kazoo, and you walk--���C�u��
ɠ���� Sharky, wait. Um, I'm really sorry.
What can I do?��OC�u��
����� -Have a heart attack.
JOE: Yeah.�� HC�u��
'������ Have two, Smiley.���C�u��
0w����� You bimbo.��*C�u��
8s����� Asshole.��e�����
You told him, Shark.�� C�u@��
E(����� -You want to know what I think?
SHARKY: No.�����ہU JOE: I've been in this force for 12 years,
and you are the best partner I've ever had.��JC�u��
]n����� And that's no shit.��`����� I mean, you're a little crazy...�� C�u��
k����� ...but I like you...��⠱���� ...and, uh, I'm never gonna forget you.��NC�u��
y������ I'm never gonna forget you, Joe-Joe.���C�u��
�A����� JOE:
Thanks. I appreciate that. I really do.���C�u��
������� I mean, four and a half years
together, right?�������� SHARKY:
������ JOE: Shark.
������� This is as far as I go.���C�u��
�%����� I mean, people go further.��0�ġ��� Sometimes you never see them again.
You know what I mean?��
�֠���� Yeah.��������U See you around, Shark.���C�u��
�b����� See you around, Joe-Joe.���C�u��
�̠���� What a putz.��������7 [PEOPLE CHATTERING]��~C�u��b����� FRISCOE:
I told you I'm looking.���C�u�������� Hey, Sharky!�������� MAN: So I had an erection.
ARCH: Six times in a row.���C�u��&'����� MAN:
I always get erections when I'm there.���C�u��/������ When I was a kid,
I got erections when I was there.���C�u��<������ I know you love Jackie.��}C�u��D�� Jackie won't eat unless you feed him.���C�u��M��͡ǁ ARCH: You can't go pulling your dick out
in the park every Monday.�� �C�u��X,����� MAN:
Monday is my day off.��e�š��
You gotta work on yourself, a hobby.
You know what I mean?�� �C�u��g���ہ MAN: Well, uh, there's a tank full of fish
at home, but that's not nearly as exciting.���C�u��|-����� Hey.���C�u���<����� Sharky.�������� SHARKY:
Hello, Friscoe.���C�u�������� -It's been a while. Eight, nine years?
-Nine years.���C�u������ [EXHALES SHARPLY]���C�u��������� Welcome to the snake pit.��������` SHARKY:
When we used to flush the toilets upstairs...��
�C�u���^����� ...always wondered where it came to.���C�u���Ѡ���� [LAUGHS]�� �C�u���-����� -Still got that sense of humor.
�C�u��ޕ����� I hope it stays with you.��_C�u���V����� That's your place, right over there.���C�u������� Right by the cage.��TC�u��:����� Right.��<C�u������� You can get it organized later.���C�u��:x����� MAN:
Six, eight times?��������a It's been six weeks in a row.��_C�u��E�ܡց No, it could not have been six weeks in a row.
Maybe six times, but not in a row.��C�u��Y��ɡÁ Get rid of him. I'm getting an earache
from listening to this.��C�u��eR����� Hey, Ron. Upstairs, book him.���C�u��n��� Go on. Go on.���C�u��xb����� You organized that real fast.��$C�u���.����� [WOMAN AND PAPA LAUGHING]��������7 I didn't say that.�� C�u���+����� Excuse me. Excuse me.
Papa, what, are you on a date?��
[C�u���.����� She's a hooker!
Book her or get rid of her!���C�u���}����� Oh, Friscoe.���ҡ́� FRISCOE: For chrissake, you'd think
we were having a social event here.���C�u���X����� -It's 4:30.
-For the doggy.��������U Sergeant.���C�u��� �ˡŁ You had a good machine going upstairs
till Smiley screwed it up.��UC�u��������� If you cut off his head,
he wouldn't be any dumber.�� rC�u�������� Down here it's different.��⠳���� Mostly misdemeanors.
Hookers, panderers.�� IC�u��
������ What the hell
are you doing down here, Friscoe?��xC�u��
)����� [SIGHS]��C�u��
B����� How many years you got in?��6C�u��
' ����� -Fourteen.
FRISCOE: I got 18 in.���C�u��
0������ Two more to go.
So I don't growl too loud anymore.��
=[����� What about Driskel or Rendor?���C�u��
F��ȡ Arch is the best street cop in the house.
He won't take shit.��=C�u��
R������ That's why he's here. Papa too.��NC�u��
_h�ӡ́ He's been shot three times.
Doesn't even remember where the scars are...��aC�u��
lq����� ...but he'll barehand a locomotive.
They're top men.���C�u��
x������ They used to be.��;C�u��
������� I've got news for you.��0������ Upstairs, you had a big reputation
for being a badass.��
�t�š�� You got your pusher,
but you got a civilian shot doing it.��
���š�� Down here, you don't make waves.
This place is a cesspool.��
������� And if you make waves, I get a mouthful.�� �C�u��
������ SHARKY:
Papa. Sharky.��������+ Hi. Arch.���C�u@��
۷����� SHARKY:
What's on for tonight?���ӡ́� Hotchkins is running for governor.
He don't want anybody peddling ass...��
�9����� ...while he's making his speech
in the square tonight.���C�u��
������� We gotta keep the city pure,
right, Arch?���C�u��%����� ARCH: Sure, Papa.
-Like missionaries. Arch.��
C�u��ŠϡɁ Oh. We gotta make sure the cab drivers
wear their hats at all times.���C�u��/"����� You're shitting me.�������� City law, sergeant. No shit.�� �C�u��?C����� Cab drivers gotta look nice.��TC�u��G?����� Pretty exciting work.��6����� You got the rank, sergeant.���C�u��U��Ρȁ -You want to skip it?
-Hey, that's it. Let's go eat. You like ribs?��
�C�u��c�ȡ -He don't like ribs. There's a place here--
FRISCOE: Move it.��`C�u��p������ Show super-cop what it's all about.
He'll love it.�� C�u��z������ Let's eat Japanese.�������� Arch, move it!���C�u���$����� ARCH:
I'm moving it, lieutenant.�� �C�u���֠���� Don't have me tell you again!��ZC�u��+堑��� [GASPS]���C�u��^=����� MAN:
Hello, my sweet, blind angel.��
C�u��p������ [MAN SPEAKING IN ITALIAN]���C�u���]����� [MARCHING BAND MUSIC PLAYS]��TC�u���2�ϡɁ My friends, when you stand
in that election booth on election day...���C�u��������� ...and mark that X in that square
next to my name...�� rC�u�������� ...you are saying yes
to good government.���C�u���]����� [CROWD CHEERING]��6������ When you say yes
to Donald Hotchkins...���C�u���k����� ...you are saying yes
to good government! Say yes!��
2C�u���D����� Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!���C�u��Ꭰ���� ALL [CHANTING]:
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!���C�u���+����� Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!��TC�u���&����� Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!�������� Yes! Yes! Yes!���C�u��M����� [LAUGHS]���C�u���ҡ́ WOMAN [OVER RADIO]:
Unit 12 reports two victims in the shooting.��xC�u��9����� Female, Oriental, 20, alleged prostitute...�� �C�u����ʡā ...and Detective Tad Roper,Central Intelligence.�� �C�u��(꠷��� All involved units, switch to Tech 20.��NC�u��1࠵��� ARCH:
Scuttle was, he was on to something.���C�u��:Y����� PAPA:
We're babysitting a politician.��נ����~ [HOTCHKINS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]��
C�u��L ���� Bullshit!�� C�u��V������ ARCH:
Don't let him get you down, Papa.���C�u��^ؠġ�� PAPA: I just want to know
who shellacs his frigging hair.�� �C�u��i����� HOTCHKINS:
Yes, this city has problems.��Z����� -Bullshit.
HOTCHKINS: Yes, this state has problems.��wC�u��z������ [BOTH CHUCKLING]��7C�u��������� What the hell are we doing here?��C�u��������� Hello, sergeant.��TC�u���h����� Well, we're here
to arrest certain individuals...���C�u�����ơ�� ...that might be offering to perform
sexual acts for money.��yC�u��������� -That's what we do.
ARCH: Hey, Papa.���C�u�������� -I see Mabel's working.
PAPA: Where?���C�u���N����� ARCH: Right over there.
PAPA: Ha!��⠔���� Ah, Mabel.���C�u���V����� See? The one in the tiger skin.�� �C�u��������� Oh, Mabel.��C�u��������� Well....��0C�u��-����� Go out there and get her, Sharky.��C�u�� e����� Heh-heh. She knows us. Go ahead.���C�u��-������ PAPA:
Oh, she'll love you.���C�u��:M����� You're cute.��YC�u��O'����� [HOTCHKINS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]���C�u��[������ [CROWD CHEERS]�������� Fifty bucks!��0C�u��g�ơ�� Listen, I'm a trained professional.
I demand a decent wage.���C�u��we����� Honey, I wouldn't give you
50 bucks to do anything.���C�u���u����� SHARKY: I would.
-Hey, she's yours.��
CC�u��������� Sold to the man with the smiling eyes.��
�C�u���)����� Sharky.��⠟���� Narcotics-- Uh, Vice.�� �C�u��� ����� You fucking low-life creep.��%C�u��������� Mm-hm.�������� [BOTH CHUCKLING]��C�u���g����� -What happened to the smiling eyes?
-May you go blind.�� �C�u���Ԡġ�� And may your prick wither and fall off,
you Nazi bastard.���C�u��������� PAPA:
What's your first name? Ahem.���C�u��������� WOMAN 1: Rachel.
-Rachel.... What?��
�C�u��ʠ���� Um, you just better go ahead
and make it Ralph.���C�u��P����� -Rachel Ralph?
-Just Ralph.��
mC�u��d����� However, I'll tell you something....��0������ [PHONE RINGS]���C�u��,䠻��� -Just give me your name.
WOMAN 2: Trixie Devine.��~C�u@��54����� -Can you spell it?
-Trixie? As in ''tricks''?��֠ɡÁ~ MABEL: You want us on the corner,
or in the unemployment line?���C�u��I>����� I'm new here. It's my first night.
Give me a break.��
�C�u��T|����� On the corner,
we cost the taxpayers nothing.���C�u��\ˠ���� Attitude. Lay it on him, baby.��}C�u��d�¡�� A lot of pleasure
for a little bit of hard-earned coin.��gC�u��p������ Jackson, want to put the lady
in the cage, please?��,C�u��Ҡ���� Why? Why this political,
sexist persecution?��
�C�u���|����� -Prosecution.
MABEL: Why?��������Z Get your hands off of her, shit-for-brains.�� �C�u���D����� -Get your hands off of her, man.
-Where's he going?��
�C�u���ՠ���� He's going free, right?������� Why?
Because he's protected by the man!���C�u��������� He's the man's favorite pimp!��
C�u���G����� He's safe.�������� With his thousand-a-night,
thoroughbred imported--�� �C�u��ߞ����� No. My God.�������� He'll kill me. Aah.��xC�u���l����� Percy.���C�u���8����� Percy.��C�u�������� I'm sorry.�������� -Aah!
OFFICER: Hey.��0C�u��
=����� MABEL:
I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it.���C�u�������� Oh, God. I swear I didn't mean it.�� �C�u��!G����� I didn't mean it.��*C�u��)����� I didn't mean it.���C�u��?�ˡŁ SHARKY: Who was that guy?
-Percy Sinclair. He's a big-time pimp.��
�C�u��N�ӡ́ If Mabel ever made a thousand dollars
in one night, it'd break her back.�� HC�u��X����� You better know it.���ơ��� SHARKY: She said ''the man.'' What man?
ARCH: I don't know.���C�u��ea����� Sinclair left his money here.��6������ -He left his address book too.
-No shit, Sherlock.��xC�u��t^����� -He's got names here.
-I copied them down.��0������ -You did what?
-I copied them down.���C�u���Ӡ���� -You copied them down? For what?
-Yeah.��*C�u�����ԡ A thousand-dollar-a-night hooker
will never see the inside of this place.��sC�u�����ǡ�� But I do happen to have here,
in my trusty pocket, the list.���C�u���d����� SHARKY:
Hm.��⠚���+ -Sharky.
-Yeah?���C�u@���𠲡�� His lawyer's gonna be here
in a minute.����ơ��+ Something strange here. Look.
Every name has seven letters.��7C�u��������� SHARKY: Yeah.
ARCH: Isn't that weird?��������U -Maybe not.
-What do you think that means?��
�C�u���ࠠ��� That's not your money.�������� -I know it's not mine.
-Put it back in the bag.��xC�u������ Look at this.
Will you take a look at that?��NC�u���V�ˡŁ Uh, listen, if you don't let me go pee,
I'll have to do it here.���C�u��ᠱ��� And this place looks like a shithole...��+C�u�������� ...so I guess it wouldn't matter anyway.���C�u�������� [PEOPLE LAUGHING AND CHATTERING]���C�u��"5����� SHARKY: A is, uh...?
ARCH: You got two, Shark.��
�C�u��-������ SHARKY: D is...?
ARCH: Three.�������� -Sinclair's coming, so hurry.
ARCH: R, you got seven.�� �C�u��=������ I is what?�������� I is a four.
What you doing here?��C�u��J�ġ�� SHARKY: Just bear with me. A is two, right?
ARCH: Uh-huh.���C�u��Si����� I can't believe he's got $700.
I got $11 in my pocket.��
C�u��^*����� SHARKY:
A is two.��e�����
-N is six and A is two.
-Now what do you got?���C�u��v������ What we have here is phone numbers.���C�u���
����� ARCH:
Could be.��;������ -Could be. So what?
ARCH: We got phone numbers, Papa.�� C�u�����ġ�� -Look at that. He's got $700.
-So this is not Sinclair's.��
BC�u�����š�� Lieutenant Friscoe,
I would like to officially request....���C�u����� -Seven.
-Seven wiretaps.��
�C�u���0����� He ought to have seven.��;C�u�������� Seven hundred dollars.
I can't believe this.���C�u���_����� I got $11 in my pocket.����ɡÁ[ Homicide wants to know
where we got this one, uh, this, uh....�� �C�u���'����� Siakwan.���š��� It's that Chink hooker
that got blown away with Tad Roper.��
lC�u��������� Somebody ought to call the cops.�������� -What'd you tell Homicide?
-I told them to eat shit.��wC�u���Ƞ���� ALL:
Yeah, yeah.��<������ The department allowed
all of the taps on all but one.��fC�u�������� ARCH: Yeah, which one?
-Number 2, Dominoe.��NC�u�������� Why?�������� It's protected.
Means another section is on top of it.���C�u@�'����� SHARKY:
What section?���֡Ё� FRISCOE: I don't know. You got five taps.
You'll be getting tapes tomorrow.���C�u��:����� SHARKY:
I need six.��נ����~ Sharky, we can't get that one.��xC�u��J������ -I can get that one.
-Bullshit. How?��
�C�u��Y����� SHARKY:
This friend is buried over in Personnel.��TC�u��a����� He's a top wireman.
He'll do it as a favor to me.���C�u��j�ʡā ARCH: Favor, my ass, Sharky.
PAPA: Nobody does Vice any favors.�� �C�u��u����� I'm telling you,
he'll do it as a favor to me.�� C�u��~ݠ���� Piss off, Sharky.��5C�u���,����� You're an ungrateful son of a bitch.��������U Hey, hey, hey!���C�u���۠���� This is my house.
Don't you talk to me that way!��DC�u���Ǡ���� I'll tear you apart right now.
Right here!�� �C�u���^����� I'll kick the shit out of you!��������[ I'll knock you to your knees!��xC�u���٠���� WOMAN:
Hey.���C�u���d����� I'm trying to put Lisa to bed.��������7 So no more playing high school,
okay, tough guys?���C�u�������� You see?���C�u���{����� [CHUCKLES]�������[ You want to kiss Daddy?���C�u�������� NOSH:
Come on.��;�����[ Good night, Daddy.���C�u��ڠ���� NOSH:
Oh, what a big girl.��~C�u��
�� -Say good night to what's-his-name.
-Good night, Sharky.��
C�u��Ӡ���� Good night, Lisa.�������� What? From over there?���C�u��&������ What are you afraid of?���¡��� Come on, she wants to kiss you.
Sharky. Come over here.��!C�u��@j����� We hug in this family.��6������ [SHARKY CHUCKLES]���C�u��Q ����� -Good night, Lisa.
LISA: Good night, Sharky.���C�u��ZR����� Heh-heh.
You were talking when you were kissing.�� �C�u��d������ NOSH: Heh-heh.
-Give me another kiss.���C�u��p������ [SHARKY CHUCKLES]�������[ Do you believe she came out
of something like me?��}C�u��$����� SHARKY:
No, I think you better check the mailman.��
�C�u��������� You ought to have one of those.
They keep you sane.�� rC�u��������� -Like you?
-Like me. I got a family and a house.���C�u�������� I got a nice workshop here.
I make all the payments.���C�u�����ġ�� And what do you do?
You run around the street like a kid.��
�C�u��������� I'm grown up now.���ҡ́� You know. What, I'm supposed to go
and do that with you? Mm-mm. Sheesh.���C�u���p����� Oh.���C�u��ؖ����� What do you want me to do?���C�u���٠ʡā WOMAN 1 [ON TAPE]:
Just a shirt, that's all I'm wearing.���C�u@���|����� [FRISCOE LAUGHING]�����݁[ -She sounds terrific. She must look good.
WOMAN 1: I'm unbuttoning the shirt now.��
�C�u�� -����� FRISCOE:
I'll bet she looks terrific. Oh, God.���C�u��|����� WOMAN 1:
My nipples are hard.��ZC�u�������� FRISCOE:
Oh, hard nipples. Oh.��ܠ����� MAN 1 [ON TAPE]:
What color is the shirt?���C�u��ڠ���� What the hell difference
does it make what color?���C�u��&M����� FRISCOE:
Goddamn it. This is good stuff.�� �C�u��0������ Oh, God, she's driving me crazy.��TC�u��8������ WOMAN 1:
I'm spreading it open.���C�u��A������ Spreading what open?���ԡ� MAN 1: Would you touch yourself?
WOMAN 1: Of course. Where?���C�u��T堘��� [TAPE WARBLES]�������� FRISCOE:
Oh, you dumb son of a bitch.�� rC�u��c������ Oh. Uh, oh.���C�u��l2����� -Got anything else?
-That's the wrong tape.�� rC�u��vL����� Uh, Shark, this is it.�������� Listen to the voice on this.�� C�u����ءҁ -I love that girl's voice.
WOMAN 2 [ON TAPE]: Don! You shouldn't have.�� HC�u���࠵��� The guy's voice. Listen to the guy's voice.��xC�u��������� FRISCOE:
I'm listening, but that's a girl's voice.�� rC�u��������� Here it comes.���š��� MAN 2 [ON TAPE]:
This will look great on that body.���C�u���Ϡ���� Anybody?��5C�u�������� WOMAN 2:
Just two arms, two legs...��*C�u���꠵��� -...two tits.
-This is boring shit.��0������ MAN 2:
God, I love that body.���C�u@�������� FRISCOE:
I don't recognize that voice.���֡Ё� MAN 2: After the election,it'll be a different world for us.��
C�u��ߋ����� -Hotchkins!
-Ta-da!����ơ��[ Goddamn Hotchkins!
The fucking candidate for governor, huh?��7C�u���Šǡ�� Got a wife and five kids,
and we got him by the jewels, huh?��
�C�u���,����� We got headlines. That's all we got,
some headlines.��
�C�u�� ������ Right. Another politician screwing around.��
�C�u�������� They see that on television
every afternoon.�� �C�u��?����� -Not that I watch that shit.
-Seven ladies.���C�u��(��Сʁ One's got her hooks into Hotchkins
and that's the one we can't touch.��aC�u��5������ Doesn't that tell you anything?��������[ Oh, come on, Sharky.��0C�u��B�� Jesus, you got wires into the department?
Come on, Sharky.���C�u��U-����� ARCH: Maybe it's Hotchkins.
�C�u��`������ Hotchkins.��C�u��iݠ���� Well?��0C�u��sQ����� What do you want now?��������+ -I want to watch her. Around the clock.
-Who?��fC�u���U����� -What's her name, Nosh?
-Uh, Dominoe, with an ''E.''��
lC�u���i����� Dominoe.��6C�u���}����� Do you know how many man-hours
that would take?��
�C�u�������� Just me. Twenty-four hours.���C�u��������� You?��㠎���� You?��C�u���頎��� You!��������[ You see, that's the trouble.
Who else gives a damn?���C�u��Տ����� Who else gives a--? Ah.��}C�u��ݴ����� Who else gives a damn?��*C�u��尠���� You see, he's got a one-man show here.��TC�u�������� We gotta follow his routines. Huh?�������� Change our routines.��C�u�������� You know, dance to your tune.��C�u��:�Ρȁ -If I take this through the department--
-You do that, you blow it.��7C�u������� -What?
-We blow it.��������+ ARCH:
We don't want to blow it.���C�u��"������ -We?
-This is our case, Friscoe.�� �C�u��-6����� FRISCOE:
Oh, no. No, no, it's not my case.��xC�u��6U����� PAPA:
Don't give it to anybody else, Friscoe.���C�u��W����� So who wires the place?��}C�u��_:����� SHARKY [SOFTLY]:
He does.���C�u��j%����� I didn't hear that. What?��_����� [LOUDER]
He does.��ZC�u��{����� [HUMMING]���C�u���`����� Are you crazy?��5C�u���3����� He's dumb.�������� [CHUCKLING]���C�u���0�ϡɁ CHORUS [SINGING OVER SPEAKERS]:
Now, you go through St. Louis��TC�u���,����� Joplin, Missouri��נ���� Oklahoma City looks mighty pretty���C�u���0����� You'll see Amarillo��
�C�u���;����� -Let's see. Hello there.
lC�u���O����� We got one on the chair.��
�C�u��鍠���� The dresser,
which will pick up the john.���C�u���/����� This one here.���C�u@�������� Give this a little test. Hello?����͡ǁZ Zebra 1 to Zebra 2. Zebra 1 to Zebra 2.
Come in, Zebra 2. Come in.��&C�u����ށ ARCH [OVER RADIO]: Nosh, you want to cutthat Zebra crap? I read you. Over.��
�C�u�� K�ѡˁ -I think he reads you. Ha-ha.
-Let's check the ones in the other room.��7C�u��-*����� -Wanna get your shoes, Sherlock?
-Thank you very much.���C�u��:������ [WHISTLING]���C�u��C(����� Your kicks on Route 66��C�u��T꠳��� [NOSH HUMMING
She's walking in the building.��$C�u��q��� -She's what?
PAPA: Walking in the building.���C�u��{4�֡Ё What happened to ''she's coming down
the street, getting in the driveway''?��
�š�� You know you got a big
communication problem here, Sharky.��
lC�u���!����� I didn't hear one 10-4 in all that time.���C�u�����̡Ɓ These guys don't know diddly-shit
about electronic communication!��
C�u���J�Ρȁ -I won't do you any more favors!
-Damn you, Nosh, you take forever.��
-She's on her way up. Start working.
-What are we working on?��
C�u��������� [ELEVATOR BELL DINGS]�������� [WHISTLING ''ROUTE 66'']���C�u����ߡف DOMINOE [ON TAPE]: Tiffany, do youalways have to leave the door open?��
�C�u��렵��� -Were you born in a barn, hm?
-Shh.��������U -Who is that?
DOMINOE: Close the door.��C�u��-��� Tiffany.�������� -Tiffany.
DOMINOE: Close the door.���C�u��9�ȡ You know, we got some really good stuff
on the Tiffany tapes.��C�u��D��Ρȁ -Yeah, we got a congressman.
-Can we kill the golden oldies?���C�u��P������ NOSH:
What a pair of tits.��xC�u��Z����� Lungs.�������� Tits, lungs.
No wonder we get a congressman.��OC�u��h����� From the great state of mammary.��NC�u@��q7����� [DOMINOE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]���աρ� A thousand bucks a night? Is that
what they get, a thousand bucks a night?��PC�u���ݠ���� That's right.��;�ˡŁ` NOSH: I think that's ridiculous.
I never paid for it in my life.���C�u���p�ɡÁ Except that, ah, time when I was
in the service over in Japan.���C�u�����¡�� I mean, it was lonely.
Everybody was lonely over there.�� �C�u���
�ʡā We were there for a long time.
I don't know what I paid though.��<C�u����̡Ɓ It was yen. Japanese money.
I used to pile it up and sleep on it.��
C�u�������� I either paid a buck 35...�� �C�u��ج����� -...or $1300. I still haven't figured it out.
�C�u����ʡā DOMINOE: I have a plan.
NOSH: She was nice to me though.��
[C�u���q����� See, this Tiffany now.
You know what I mean?�� �C�u�������� She's got a little meat on her.
She's a zaftig.���C�u��X����� Not like the other one, Dominoe.���C�u������ She's too skinny.
What do you think, Shark?��xC�u��𠙡�� [BOTH LAUGHING]��ݠʡā� I got it. You remember in the 10th grade,
there was this, uh...��DC�u��7U����� ...Rosalee D'Amato, Italian girl?��
C�u��D4����� She was built like this.
Same kind of boobs.��C�u��R7����� Rosalee D'Amato.��5�����U Jeez, I loved her.��C�u��_?����� [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING]���C�u��h5����� I never screwed her though.���C�u��v����� Did you?
I mean, you can tell me now.��8C�u��������� A lot of time has gone by.
What am I gonna do?�� �C�u���[����� You know, I'm not gonna get
mad at you, hit you.��=C�u���v����� Did you?��6C�u��������� -Yeah.
-Oh, shit! Shit, shit!��C�u���o�ȡ I knew you did! I knew it!
Jesus, you were always doing that!���C�u���&����� DOMINOE:
We are getting out.�������� TIFFANY:
Uh, and then how will we live?��
�C�u���k�ȡ Well, we never settledon the dancing school...��
[C�u���n�š�� ...heh-heh-heh,or the boutique or the farm.��
C�u���#�š�� -I'll take the farm.
TIFFANY: Dominoe's Dairy Farm.��NC�u��������� The boutique.��⠸���� SHARKY: You would take the boutique.
-Why me?��
�C�u��|����� Jewish guys would never take the farm.���C�u��!�ʡā You didn't see Fiddler on the Roof?
Nothing but farmers.���C�u��/M��߁ DOMINOE: Come on. I hate the thingshe makes us do too, but we've got to go.��
�C�u��=y����� -I'm not up to it.
DOMINOE: We have to.��
mC�u��R����� Tiffany, move your ass.�� �C�u��]��Сʁ SHARKY: ''The things he makes us do.''
-This could be something, huh?���C�u��m`����� Yeah, I'll take it.���C�u��v����� -What, you gonna leave me here alone?
-That's right.��C�u���:����� Well, that's terrific. That's terrific.��+C�u����ġ�� I'll be staring at space
and listening to surface noises.��,C�u���2����� [FUNKY MUSIC PLAYS OVER SPEAKERS]�� HC�u�� ߠ���� MAN:
--two, three and 4.��������Z One, two, three and 4.
Come on.��=C�u�� ����� Come on, girls.��~C�u�� "b����� You're supposed to be ladies.
Move!��NC�u�� +X����� Elegance.��������U And three, four. And one.���C�u�� ?����� That's good.��Z����� Now, let's see it go back.���C�u�� U`����� [MOUTHING]
Two, three, four.��0�� -One, two, three, four.
MAN: For crying out loud.���C�u�� e����� Back. Your head back.
Back. All the way back.�� �C�u�� or����� One, two, three, four.��ܠȡ� MAN: Have you broken your neck, darling?
Move your head back.��gC�u�� �p����� --three. One, two, three.��
�C�u�� �ؠ���� Oh, Tiffany, you cow!��6������ That's it. Your other left.���C�u�� �Ϡ���� That's good. All right.
Now, have fun, girls.��
�C�u�� ������ Have fun. Let's see that elevation.��xC�u�� �!����� Reach for the ceiling.���C�u��!-����� [SNORING]���C�u��! ������ [SNORING CONTINUES]��6C�u��!0֠���� [WHISPERS]
Roll over.��C�u��!H"����� [CHUCKLES]��C�u��"���ʡā DOMINOE [SINGING ON TAPE]:
Don't change your hair for me���C�u��#砧��� Not if you care for me���C�u��#4S�̡Ɓ -Stay, little Valentine
-[SINGING] Little Valentine���C�u��#JΠ���� -Stay-Stay��PC�u��#j�ʡā -Each day is Valentine's-Each day is Valentine's��iC�u��#������ -Day-Day���C�u��#�p����� [CLICKS TONGUE]��⠔���� [CHUCKLES]���C�u��#�Ơ���� Good night.��C�u��$������ ARCH: Do you play much tennis?
�C�u��$t����� ARCH:
You gotta kind of isolate that little area.���C�u��$ ����� What little area?�������� ARCH:
I mean, the tennis court becomes....���C�u��$,K����� Like-- You read any Zen?�� HC�u��$9 ����� No.�������� ARCH:
It becomes your universe...��wC�u��$L������ ...and you become one with that space.��xC�u��$Y��̡Ɓ One time, when I was, uh, riding cruiser,
before I got into Vice?���C�u��$ic����� SHARKY:
Yeah.��C�u��$r������ ARCH: I got a call that there was
a domestic squabble.��sC�u��$�4����� And I was by myself
in the cruiser that day.��aC�u��$�=����� I had no partner.���C�u��$������� [CHUCKLES]�������� So I went to this very, uh...���C�u��$������� ...depressed part of town.���C�u��$� �ȡ I had to go around the back
of this house and up these steps.�� C�u��$�Ѡ���� I knocked,
and this lady opened the door...��$C�u��$ӝ����� ...hysterical, crying,
and she was bleeding.��
CC�u��$ވ�á�� I guess the guy had hit her
or slapped her or something.��fC�u��$�a����� And so I stepped inside...��_����� ...and then this guy
just stepped out of the....���C�u��$������� Shit, the closet or someplace.
I didn't see him.��
C�u��% a����� SHARKY: Mm-hm.
-And he had a .357 in his hand.��PC�u��%#����� He was ranting and raving.
I thought he'd kill me.��%C�u��%#��� I thought,
''God, I'm gonna buy it right here.''���C�u��%>Ѡ���� -What'd you do?
CC�u��%I��͡ǁ ...I looked down the barrel of that gun
and thought, ''Oh, shit.''���C�u��%U������ So I just....��Z�����+ I had to...���C�u��%cP����� ...cease to exist, you know what I mean?���C�u��%kɠ���� I wasn't there.��������` I pulled my antenna in...��ZC�u��%xT����� ...and I just minimized my force field.��&C�u��%�L����� SHARKY:
Mm-hm.��0����� -I disappeared.
-You disappeared?���C�u��%��͡ǁ Yeah, I wasn't there. I gave him nothing.
He felt nothing from me.���C�u��%�d����� No hostility. No animosity.��7C�u��%�C�ġ�� I was afraid that he could hear
my heart beating, though.���C�u��%�v����� He walked into the other room.���C�u��%������ She was standing there looking.���C�u@��%�栱��� I turned and walked towards the door...����ơ��1 ...and she was still looking at the spot
I was standing in.��
�C�u��%쨠���� You were gone?��<������ -Yeah, but see, I didn't exist there.
-Right.��NC�u��%������� So she was-- I said, ''Ma'am?''��~C�u��&������ She was startled.
She looked and she said, ''Yeah?''��
堧��� I said, ''He'll be all right.��SC�u��&
����� Go on, you know,
tell him you love him or something.''��
C�u��& ˠ���� -Yeah.
-I'll never forget that.�� �C�u��&+8����� Me neither.��C�u��&5R����� [JAZZ MUSIC PLAYS OVER SPEAKERS]�������� ARCH: What does Sharky think
he's gonna miss?���C�u��&Es����� It's all on tape anyway.���C�u��&M젡��� He's enjoying it maybe.��xC�u��&[Š���� You like looking at broads?�� C�u��&e��ˡŁ He could take 10 minutes to take a shower.
What's he gonna miss?���C�u��&q��� -She's just walking around.
-You want some chicken?���C�u��&{������ No, thanks.
You know I don't like chicken, Papa.���C�u��&�'����� You don't like anything good.��6������ You don't like chicken, ribs, hamburgers.��wC�u��&�$����� You eat that Jap shit, that raw shit.��7C�u��&������ It's metaphysical.��<������ Metaphysical?
Raw fish is metaphysical?���C�u��&�C����� -Fucking worms in it?
-It comes from the earth.���C�u��&������� ''It comes from the earth.''��������[ -It's good for you.
-You know what it does?���C�u��&�6����� It's got iodine in it.�������� What did it do for them Japs?���C�u��&������ Did you ever see a Jap
more than 4 feet tall?��gC�u��&�)����� Yeah, but they're very spiritual.��$C�u��&�Ӡ���� You gonna tell me
some more of that Zen shit?���C�u��&���ہ That's right. You notice how they can go out
and live in a jungle off of just nothing?��bC�u��'&�ɡÁ It's all in the philosophy,
it's in their attitude about life.���C�u��' k����� We eat too much in this country.��%C�u��'-t����� -No shit?
-That's right.�� �C�u��'85����� Besides, ribs will kill you.��`C�u��'E=����� I wonder how the hell
I ever wound up with you.�� C�u��'O����� -Jesus Christ.
-Hey.��7C�u��'^+�ߡف -I appreciate you letting me take a shower.
PAPA: We appreciate you taking a shower.���C�u��'m������ Ha-ha. You can leave now.�� C�u��'wk����� Smelled like the bottom of a lion cage.�� �C�u��'������ [THUNDER CRASHING]�� IC�u��'�頓��� Go ahead.���C�u��(������ [DOORBELL BUZZES]���C�u��( ����� [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING]��C�u��(4����� HOTCHKINS:
It's Don.�������` ARCH:
That's him, I think.���C�u��($��� -It sure as hell is.
ARCH: Heh.���C�u@��(4����� DOMINOE:
What about the security men?��0�ȡ~ HOTCHKINS: Five minutes.
DOMINOE: Five minutes.��*C�u��(C������ NOSH:
Hello there, Don. Come on in.��*C�u��(Kb����� How come we don't hear him any better?�� rC�u��(U|����� Let him get in the door. Jesus.��NC�u��(^r����� ARCH:
Goddamn, that's him!��xC�u��(g��ơ�� HOTCHKINS:
It's gonna be a landslide. I can feel it.��TC�u@��(o������ DOMINOE:
Does that mean I can have my house?�������� How much do we payour governor anyway?��TC�u��(1�ԡ HOTCHKINS: I'll put you in that housewhether I win or not.��
C�u��(������� I already bought it.���C�u��(�8����� -What?
-I already bought it.�� IC�u��(������ -You're kidding me, aren't you?
-Hm?��Y����� -You're kidding me, aren't you?
-Cross my heart.��xC�u��(�3����� -Hope to die?
-Hope to die.��}C�u��(�)����� [ZIPPER OPENS]���ɡÁ� Promise me you're telling me the truth.
Did you really buy it?��C�u��(ٝ����� Four minutes, three and a half.��ݠ����� Would I lie to you?
I'm going to be the governor.�� HC�u@��(������ Would the governor lie?���ޡ� -I don't know. You're not being serious.
-These are beautiful. Did I buy you these?��C�u��)������ He has his head in her crotch.��_C�u��)
*����� NOSH:
I ask you, should that man be the governor?��
mC�u��)?����� [ALL LAUGHING]�� �C�u��)������ That's the human touch.���C�u��)0Ǡš�� DOMINOE: Don, be serious.
Did you really buy me the house?��
C�u��)B`����� I swear, the house is yours.��NC�u��)K������ DOMINOE:
Oh.��⠛���~ [INHALES SHARPLY]���C�u��)\G����� [GASPS]��f�����
My house.��C�u��)g����� [PHONE RINGING]��6������ It's her phone.��C�u��)}0����� Hello.�������� [MAN SPEAKING IN ITALIAN OVER PHONE]���C�u@�)�5����� I'm busy. I'll have to call you back.��������U MAN [OVER PHONE]:
I want him out of there now.��NC�u��)������� Okay. Bye.�������� Who the hell was that?��TC�u��)�_����� That was the man.��TC�u��)�Z����� Sounds kind of foreign.��������� It's Italian.��C�u��)�栦��� That's what I said, foreign.�� rC�u��)�Рġ�� I'll copy that phone call
so you'll have the voice on it.���C�u��)�ՠ���� [TICKING]�� C�u��)�7����� [DOMINOE HUMMING ON TAPE]�� �C�u��*i����� SHARKY: Jesus Christ.
Don't you ever go to bed, honey?��C�u��*+������ [DOOR OPENS AND THEN CLOSES]���C�u��*>������ [KEYS RATTLING]���C�u��*gy����� I can't see.���C�u��*w��� DOMINOE:
Victor.�������` Victor.���C�u��*�U����� [BOTH SPEAKING IN FRENCH]���C�u��*�,����� I love the sound of that door.���C�u��*㟠���� [DOMINOE CHUCKLES]���C�u��*�Ѡ���� [SPEAKING IN FRENCH]���C�u��*������� And the best gifts are those not asked for.���C�u��+������ You're always invited.���C�u��+������ Never expected.��_C�u��+,I�סс Do you know what I leave on the other side
of that door when I step in here?���C�u��+>��ơ�� -Did you get my call?
-The past. All of it. The future too.��DC�u��+PǠ���� All doubts. All questions and beliefs.��
CC�u��+lz����� DOMINOE:
Did you get my messages?��;������ I got all your messages
even before you sent them.��gC�u��+�=����� Victor.��f������ -We have to talk.
-Come.���C�u��+�d����� You make me smile with my heart��(C�u��+�4����� He has a place for me.��⠡���� I have a place for you.��$C�u��+������� This is a house, Victor.���C�u��+�4����� My own place.�������� Does he still think you're a dancer?��TC�u��+�Π���� I am a dancer.��������+ She is a dancer.���C�u��+�w����� Well, come then.��~C�u��+������� Dance with me.�������� But you're my favorite��\C�u��,U����� Work of art��
CC�u��,i����� VICTOR:
I want everything tonight.��C�u��,)$����� Everything we've ever done...�� rC�u��,3>����� ...and everything we've never done.���C�u��,=����� Come.���C�u��,O������ So you've decided.��~C�u��,\#����� Yes.��C�u��,h������ This is a place to pass through
on your way.���C�u��,uᠭ��� People like us don't stop, Dominoe.���C�u��,�l����� We have too much of the world
in our eyes.���C�u��,������� We have seen it together...��NC�u��,������� ...we've met the devil together...���C�u��,�7����� ...and we've been to heaven, haven't we?���C�u��,������� No.���C�u��,�堜��� And I am stopping.��0C�u��,������ VICTOR:
I don't think you can. For him?��C�u��,���� No, for me.���C�u��,�K����� It's time for me.��TC�u��,�נ���� Say goodbye, Victor.��NC�u��,�堑��� Please?��ݠ����� All right, I'll say goodbye.���C�u��-蠝��� But not with words.��TC�u��-,����� Come.��������1 We'll be artists.���C�u��-#������ One last time.��ZC�u��-2������ One last time?��������1 Yes.��_C�u��-G����� You mean it?�������+ Do I ever say what I don't mean?��
�C�u��-s����� -I'll make it the very best.
�C�u��-������ [SPEAKING IN FRENCH]���C�u��.����� [VICTOR CONTINUES SPEAKING IN FRENCH]���C�u��.S������ [VICTOR CHUCKLES]��}C�u��/�v����� [DOOR CLOSES]��C�u��0E����� [VICTOR HUMMING]��
�C�u��0;٠�� NOSH [OVER PHONE]: The car was registeredto Far East Imports, Incorporated...��
�C�u��0J������ ...which is owned by Ibsen Properties.�� rC�u��0T������ -Which is?
-Uh, I'm working on that.���C�u��0^:����� -Uh, so far, I got no Victors.
-Hm.��C�u��0n������ You okay?�������� Yeah. Bored.��0C�u��0z@�ġ�� -Anything I can send you?
-Heh-heh. No, thank you.���C�u��0�ܠ���� All right.��<�����
[DOOR OPENS AND THEN CLOSES]��C�u��0������� -Nosh.
-Yeah?��������7 -She just came in. I gotta go.
-Okay. Bye.���C�u��0�l����� [SIGHS]���C�u��0������� Where the hell you been, for chrissake?���C�u��0������� Hello, my angel.��TC�u��0������� [SPEAKS IN ITALIAN]���C�u��1T����� Come on, open the drapes. Get some air.���C�u��1_{����� Want some wine?���C�u��1l������ That's good, because I don't have any wine.���C�u��1������ [SIGHS]���C�u��1������� How about a little pizza?��6C�u��1������� God, looks terminal.�� �C�u��2������� [ELEVATOR BELL DINGS]��0C�u��2����� [BUZZES]��0������ Who's that?���C�u��3w����� Aah!���C�u��3����� God.��`C�u��3*������ [BREATHING HEAVILY]��0C�u��3z����� -Police officer! Open up!
-What's going on?��aC�u��3�$����� SHARKY: What's your name?
-Henderson.��0������ -Is that elevator on the 19th floor?
-Yes, sir.��xC�u@��3������ SHARKY: You sure?
-Yes, sir.���Сʁ� Officers are on their way.
Have them seal off the basement and lobby.���C�u��3�H����� -Where's the fire exit?
-There.���ȡ� -Who's coming down?
-If he gets past me, stay out of the way!���C�u��3������� I hear that.��<C�u��4�3����� Don't move!������� [DOOR SQUEAKS]��}C�u��4������� Fuck.�������� [ELEVATOR BELL DINGS]���C�u��5oB����� MAN:
Okay, Nosh, hold it by the head, will you?�� HC�u��5y2����� Uh, let me see. That's, uh, 55 inches.���C�u��5������� This is not my favorite thing,
you know, Barrett.���C�u��5�1�Ρȁ -I'm in Personnel, remember?
BARRETT: Only take a minute. Okay, 45.��C�u��5���š�� -Will you look at this apartment?
BARRETT: By the fingers.��
C�u��5������� It's gorgeous!��TC�u��5�i����� We're on the wrong side.��xC�u��5������� NOSH: That's it, right?
-Wait a minute! Wait a minute!��C�u��5����� Now, I see M.E.�������� I see Forensics. I see Vice.���C�u��5������ Where the hell is Homicide?��wC�u��5�8����� -Uh, we didn't call them.
FRISCOE: You didn't?��VC�u��5�5����� No, we want to do it.���C�u��6������ Do what?�������� -Handle it.
-Handle it?���C�u��6۠���� You'll handle yourselves
right off the force!�� C�u��6������ The rule is, Homicide gets notified!��
CC�u��6&��ɡÁ Before anybody takes a breath
or goes to the goddamn toilet...���C�u@�63�ѡˁ -...Homicide gets notified!
-[MOUTHING} Homicide gets notified.��ݠ����U FRISCOE:
Where's the body?��`C�u��6@s����� Morgue.��������7 Have you got her name?���C�u��6K
����� -Jane Doe.
-Oh, Jane Doe. Oh, that's original.��OC�u��6T ����� Goddamn it!
How'd you get her down there?�� �C�u��6^������ Ambulance!���ءҁ� Probably a sawed-off shotgun. About
three inches under legal, I should think.��IC�u��6u����� -Looks like a cannon.
BARRETT: Mm-hm.��Z����� -Probably double-ought, do you think?
-Maybe.���C�u��6������� He shoots her,
then he walks away nice and quiet.�� rC�u��6�Ѡ���� We got the whole thing on tape.
This guy's very cool.��
�C�u��6�9����� Arch, are you in on this?��Y����� She was ours, Friscoe.
Somebody blew her up.���C�u��6������� You know how far over your heads
you are?��xC�u��6������ No, how far?��������Z They'll nail your asses to the wall!�� C�u��6�<����� Mine too!
And I've got two years to retire!���C�u��6͋����� -You keep telling me that!
C�u��6�u����� -I'm calling Homicide!
-Oh, bullshit!��
�C�u��6������ -They'll bury it, you know that.
FRISCOE: Oh, shut up!�� C�u��6�͠���� PAPA:
They'll lose it, Friscoe.��Z�����+ What can we do?���C�u��6�)����� We can't go after Hotchkins.���C�u��7̠���� All you got is a tape.���C�u��7������ Will you look at that hole?��������U Christ.���C�u��7������ [DOOR OPENS]�������� The killer stood approximately here...���C�u��72������ ...pressing the gun against the door.��C�u��7>I����� Tall enough to get
his body weight behind it.���C�u��7M����� Probably a sawed-off shotgun.��~C�u��7UB����� About three inches under legal,
I should think.��xC�u��7^b����� -Got the whole thing on tape.
-Shut up!��YC�u��7p$����� This the same one
who iced that Chink hooker?�� �C�u��7zg����� Asian. And I'm checking on it.��%C�u��7�F����� And I'll talk on you.���C�u��7�g����� [DOOR CLOSES]�������� Asian?��C�u��7������� College.��ݠ����� SHARKY:
Call me later when you finish the autopsy.��
C�u@�7�٠���� TWIGS: Mm-hm.
SHARKY: Barrett, come on.���ġ��� -Where you going?
-I'm going to that building over there.��C�u��7��ǡ�� Whoever iced that lady
was watching her the same time I was.���C�u��7Ԁ�¡�� There's only one empty apartment there.
You were in it!��NC�u��7�v�סс -There were two where the people were out--
-I told you to shut the fuck up!��7C�u��7�U�ѡˁ He would have checked on it.
We're dealing with a professional killer.��gC�u��7�c�ءҁ This guy is cool. He's what I call an ''iceman.''
And he's not stupid either.��zC�u��8��¡�� First door on the right.
I suppose you're gonna pop it.��aC�u��8������ Why don't you get the manager here?���C�u��8 ����� He has a house key. He'll open it up.��%C�u��8%͠���� I was never good at this.��������Z Even when I was good at this,
I wasn't good at it.��~C�u��84M����� How about you, Barrett?
Were you ever good at this?��������T Yeah, I always liked it.��~C�u��8K������ -Ready?
-No.���C�u��8q������ This scares the shit out of me!�� �C�u��8������ Well, we struck out again, right?���C�u��8�T����� Will you shut up?���C�u��8������� Not everybody's as neat as you are.
You gotta look.��
[C�u��8����� Barrett.��C�u��8�D����� [MOUTHS]
PCP.���C�u��8�j����� [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE]��TC�u��9
����� [MOUTHING]
Bingo. I got one.���C�u��9������ [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE]��C�u��:&����� [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE]���C�u��:8��� Dominoe.��C�u��:I����� [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE]��TC�u��:Q4�Ρȁ -[MOUTHING] She's dead.
-[MOUTHING] I can't help you.��C�u��:\��� Well, you better find a way.���C�u��:j�� I'll be in touch.��TC�u��:������� [BAND PLAYS BLUES MUSIC]���C�u��:�堝��� [PEOPLE CHATTERING]��ZC�u��:�&����� ARCH:
Hey, Kitten. What do you say, my man?�� C�u��:�:����� Can I talk to you alone for a minute?��������U Get out, bitch.��6C�u��:��� [CHUCKLING]�������� -What's this?
-It's Valium. Five milligrams.�� sC�u��; ������ [LAUGHING]��gC�u��;��ʡā ARCH: That's funny.
-Yeah, it's funny. Five fucking milligrams.��
1C�u��;������ ARCH:
Don't bullshit me.���C�u��;7@����� MAN [SINGING]:
And I go on walking��
C�u��;G������ Walking with those after-hour blues���C�u��;Z��աρ I'm gonna drop a dime on your ass.
It's gonna be 30 fucking years for you.��&C�u��;j������ You got a goddamn minion
mixing Dee's and PCP.���C�u��;vˠơ�� -Ain't gonna waste my breath on you.
-That's a lot of time.���C�u��;������ [CROWD CHEERING]��;������ Uh, hold up, hold up, hold up.
There was a buy.��
�C�u��;�w����� ARCH: There was a buy?
-Yeah.���C�u��;������� -Last month.
-How much?��$C�u��;�4����� Late last month. A thousand.�������� -Who was it?
-I didn't see the guy.���C�u��;�
����� Oh, Jesus, Kitten!
You're talking to Arch here!��
C�u��;����� [KITTEN LAUGHS]�������� -You don't know who it was?
-No. A tall guy.���C�u@�;�*����� Are you the man in this town?���ϡɁ� -Don't you ever stroke me, man.
-I'm not stroking you. I don't know.��aC�u��;�ᠱ��� -Information.
-I'm trying to tell you.��SC�u��;�ܠ���� -It was a tall guy.
-What else?��0������ Caucasian.
He had a mole on his face.��
C�u��;�u�͡ǁ -Somebody told me. I didn't see it.
-A fucking mole? And a tattoo?��
�C�u��<������ No, I didn't know about the tattoo.��Z����� -Let me talk to you.
-Hold on. Where we going?��xC�u��< աρ ARCH: You come downtown, get in trouble,
is Arch there? Do I help you out?��8C�u��<$��֡Ё KITTEN: I looked for you last night.
ARCH: Why you gonna fuck with my time?��
mC�u��<5������ What did my partner tell you?���C�u��Take a chance with you���C�u��