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{1330}{1421}Do you have to sit so close?|It'll hurt your eyes.
{1426}{1528}-It will not.|-Oh, yes, it will.
{1551}{1604}Our next movie is McBain...
{1609}{1710}...a shoot-them-up, splatter-fest|from the Hollywood cookie cutter.
{1716}{1766}Here's a brainless scene.
{1772}{1849}Senator Mendoza is|a respected citizen.
{1855}{1986}Yet you ran his limo off a cliff and|drove a bus through his front door?
{1991}{2077}I have proof that|he's head of a drug cartel!
{2083}{2180}I don't want to hear it, McBain!|You're out of here!
{2275}{2318}That makes two of us.
{2324}{2369}-All right, McBain!|-Cool!
{2373}{2428}"That makes two of us."
{2443}{2508}Are we talking about the same movie?
{2512}{2663}McBain was a nonstop roller coaster|of chills, thrills, spills and kills.
{2669}{2720}That chase at the end--
{2725}{2793}That movie stinks like|your creepy apartment.
{2798}{2890}-Your mother didn't think so.|-Real mature--
{2895}{2993}I love watching the bald guy argue|with the fat tub of lard.
{2998}{3054}-What gives?|-Dad, do something!
{3060}{3214}All right, all right. Time for Dr. TV|to perform a little surgery!
{3220}{3284}Looks like you lost the patient, doc.
{3290}{3408}Shut up. Cheap Chinese TV, why'd I|ever buy it? Is that better?
{3470}{3518}How's this?
{3533}{3633}Oh, no. Okay.|Just everybody remain calm.
{3715}{3784}If you look close,|you can make them out.
{3789}{3829}Yeah, I think I can.
{3835}{3892}You're staring at a dot.
{3897}{4013}She's right! She's right!|Oh, how I miss TV!
{4018}{4074}Dear God, give me one channel!
{4080}{4209}It's not the end of the world. Before|we got married, we hardly watched TV.
{4214}{4245}You lie!
{4250}{4349}It's true, Bart.|We used to shoot pool and go dancing.
{4354}{4389}How romantic!
{4393}{4465}And we'd stay at home|and talk, like this.
{4470}{4507}I ain't loving it.
{4513}{4659}It's hard to picture you at the|crossroads of life. So many questions.
{4665}{4773}-Pick one.|-Okay. How did Dad propose to you?
{4781}{4849}Oh, well....
{4854}{5016}I think we found the reason why you've|been throwing up in the morning.
{5128}{5197}I'd rather tell you a different story.
{5203}{5300}How your father and I first met|and fell in love.
{5344}{5432}We were seniors in high school,|but we'd never met.
{6154}{6220}Hey, Homer, you're late for English!
{6226}{6322}Who needs that? I'm never going|to England. Let's smoke.
{6327}{6411}I'm for equal rights, but do we need|an amendment?
{6417}{6533}Don't you deserve to earn as much|as a man who does the same job?
{6540}{6612}Not if I have to do|heavy lifting or math.
{6618}{6693}Oh, Marge, you really ought|to read this.
{6724}{6791}The shop kids are smoking again.
{6930}{7033}-We're late for wood shop!|-Let's go grab a burger.
{7038}{7094}Boy, you don't gain a pound.
{7101}{7183}It's my metabolism.|I'm one of the lucky ones.
{7189}{7332}Well, if it isn't Simpson and Gumble,|Springfield's Cheech and Chong.
{7338}{7423}Three days of detention.|You know where and when.
{7428}{7488}3:00, old building, room 106.
{7498}{7639}I found out that to hire professionals|to do all the jobs of a housewife...
{7645}{7800}...who incidentally is not married|to a house, would cost $48,000 a year.
{7808}{7839}Right on, sister!
{7845}{7991}The first step is to free ourselves|from these male-imposed shackles!
{7996}{8052}Yeah, mama! Take it off!
{8091}{8180}-I didn't think it'd burn so fast.|-It's the paper.
{8186}{8340}Ms. Bouvier, I am surprised. One day|of detention. You know where and when.
{8345}{8463}-No, I don't. I've never really--|-3:00, old building, room 106.
{8544}{8632}Hi, Estelle? Will you go|to the prom with me?
{8638}{8712}I wouldn't go if you were|Elliott Gould!
{8716}{8812}-Shot down again.|-Don't worry, it's a big school.
{8818}{8894}There's gotta be a girl|nobody wants to take.
{8899}{8948}Excuse me, is this room 106?
{8954}{9057}-Hey, who's that?|-I don't know.
{9480}{9559}-Hey, would you like to go--?|-She's mine!
{9780}{9886}-So what are you in for?|-I'm a political prisoner.
{9891}{10012}Every day, I show up, act like me|and they slap me in here.
{10017}{10061}Simpson, be quiet!
{10066}{10148}-I haven't seen you in school.|-Okay, Simpson.
{10153}{10212}-What?|-Another day of detention!
{10217}{10269}-Let's get together.|-Two days!
{10276}{10316}-What's your name?|-Homer.
{10322}{10351}-Three days!|-J. Simpson.
{10358}{10398}-Five!|-It was worth it!
{10403}{10487}Six days! Okay, Simpson,|to the back of the room!
{10501}{10576}-Love at first sight!|-Jailhouse romance.
{10580}{10716}I reached step one. She knew I existed.|The problem was, she didn't care.
{10730}{10778}-What's the matter?|-Nothing.
{10785}{10872}Usually, I have to wrestle|the bucket out of your mitts.
{10877}{10978}-Dad, I'm in love.|-Why don't you grab yourself a beer?
{10986}{11138}-But, Dad, I don't drink--|-Cut the crap! "I collect the cans."
{11143}{11289}Now grab a beer and get me one too.|This girlfriend, is she a real looker?
{11295}{11348}-A lot on the ball?|-Yeah.
{11355}{11423}Oh, son, don't overreach!
{11429}{11567}Go for the dented car, the dead-end|job, the less attractive girl!
{11572}{11668}I blame myself. I should've had|this talk a long time ago.
{11674}{11704}Thanks, Pop.
{11766}{11844}A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, l,|J, K, L, M, N, O, P-- S.
{11849}{11910}I need some guidance, counselor.
{11915}{12055}Okey-dokey. Good Lord, you should've|come to see me a long time ago.
{12061}{12156}I met this girl, Marge,|and I wanna force her to like me.
{12161}{12236}That's not the type|of guidance I give.
{12241}{12342}I like to think I do something|helpful for every student.
{12346}{12469}The only advice I can give you is|to share common interests and spend.
{12475}{12533}What interests does she have?
{12538}{12638}She's active on the forensics team.|They meet in room 219.
{12644}{12741}-Far out!|-Do you have plans after graduation?
{12747}{12844}Me? I'm gonna drink a lot of beer|and stay out all night!
{12849}{12959}I meant career-wise. That nuclear|power plant will be opening soon.
{12965}{13056}It's an outfit that won't|require a college education.
{13062}{13171}Me, in a nuclear power plant.
{13235}{13368}But bringing up a son, even a blind|one, isn't a lifetime occupation.
{13375}{13479}Now, the more you help him,|the more you hurt him.
{13485}{13585}Woe unto Shelbyville, should they|underestimate our strength.
{13590}{13620}Thanks, Artie.
{13624}{13687}I'd like to sign up for something.
{13693}{13772}-We've an opening on the debate team.|-Arguing?
{13778}{13883}I'll take that, stinkpot!|Just warming up, Mrs. Bloominstein.
{13889}{14022}The topic is "Resolved: The speed|limit should be lowered to 55 mph."
{14027}{14077}Fifty-five? That's ridiculous!
{14082}{14197}Sure, it'll save a few lives,|but millions will be late!
{14202}{14247}Why don't you take "con"?
{14443}{14499}No way.
{14504}{14587}-Our speed limit is an anachronism--|-Ignoramus.
{14594}{14672}-Will you shut up?|-That word you call me--
{14679}{14751}-Ignoramus?|-It means I'm stupid, doesn't it?
{14756}{14836}-Stupidity is different.|-Not to me.
{14842}{14902}-Ignoramus.|-You are.
{14907}{15022}-Would you like to do your rebuttal?|-With pleasure.
{15027}{15076}Ay, carumba!
{15232}{15321}You may not remember me.|I mooned for rebuttal.
{15325}{15423}-Yes, I remember.|-So you wanna go out with me?
{15430}{15499}Well, I don't think you're my type.
{15504}{15624}You see, the problem is,|you don't know me. I have references.
{15629}{15771}Just ask Coach Flanagan. And ask|Mr. Seckofsky and Barney Gumble!
{15776}{15818}I don't know.
{15823}{15974}I'm not asking you to like me or let|me touch your goodies. Just be fair.
{15980}{16082}Homer Simpson? Oh, yeah.|Junior varsity shot-putter.
{16088}{16215}I think if he applies himself, trains|real hard, he could go another foot.
{16220}{16344}I had him for four years. Solid "C"|student. Made a lamp last year.
{16350}{16488}He's all things to men and maybe to|a lucky gal. Wanna go to prom with me?
{16494}{16564}-Good God, no!|-Well put.
{16570}{16621}Well, what's the good word?
{16626}{16763}I'm sorry. You seem like a nice guy.|But I really don't have the time.
{16768}{16844}And the forensics championship|is coming up.
{16850}{16904}-So?|-And I tutor part-time.
{16909}{17007}-You tutor? Anyone can be tutored?|-Only in French.
{17012}{17175}French? What a coincidence! Just|the subject I'm having trouble with.
{17203}{17341}-Why, you cagey old dog!|-Great story. Work, damn you, work!
{17345}{17455}Bart! You may be telling this|one day if something breaks.
{17541}{17637}Lost a few. There's plenty|more where that came from.
{17644}{17766}Uh-oh, a zit. No problemo.
{17788}{17844}The perfect crime.
{18204}{18287}-Why is there make-out music on?|-It helps me study.
{18293}{18397}Not me. Shut it off and let's get down|to business.
{18718}{18765}-Femme.|-Tr�s bien.
{18770}{18864}I should be going.|I have a big forensics meet tomorrow.
{18869}{18922}Wait, wait. Don't go.
{18928}{19017}Wait. Wait. Why don't we|take a little study break?
{19044}{19104}-Do the hustle!|-Keep it down!
{19140}{19256}You're amazing. Now you can|conjugate all the regular verbs...
{19261}{19346}...two irregular verbs,|and sing "Alouette."
{19419}{19506}-Bien.|-I can't believe it. It's sticking.
{19513}{19629}You're telling me new stuff|and minutes later, it's still there.
{19634}{19711}When I see you forming|vowels and continents--
{19716}{19863}-Consonants.|-With your beautiful mouth and teeth--
{19869}{19931}Merci, I guess.
{19937}{20022}Marge, would you go|to the prom with me?
{20027}{20132}You know, Homer, you're like|no one I've ever met before.
{20136}{20242}You're dear and honest and open,|without a trace of pretension.
{20248}{20357}I'll take that as a compliment.|Will you go out with me? Say oui.
{20362}{20447}-Oui.|-This will be the greatest night!
{20453}{20539}I've been saving up,|but I'll spend it all on us!
{20545}{20613}I'll rent a limo!|I'll buy you a corsage!
{20618}{20761}My tux will have the widest lapels|and the highest platform shoes.
{20766}{20851}Maybe I'll wear my hair up.
{20857}{21003}Wait, Marge. If honest and open is|what you like, get a load of this.
{21009}{21170}I'm not in any French class. This was|a brilliant scheme to get to know you.
{21174}{21255}You knew the City Forensics Finals|are tomorrow...
{21260}{21366}...and you kept me up until 1 a.m.|pretending to be stupid!
{21371}{21461}Homer J. Simpson, I hate you!
{21555}{21676}Hey, Barney. Guess who's|got a date for the prom?!
{21751}{21853}I know this story doesn't end|with you telling it to us.
{21859}{21937}They married, had kids|and bought a cheap TV.
{21951}{22088}Bringing up a son, even a blind one,|isn't a lifetime occupation.
{22095}{22171}-Now, the more you help him...|-Terrible.
{22176}{22235}...the more you hurt him.
{22283}{22322}Congratulations, Artie.
{22327}{22452}This may not be an appropriate forum|for what I'm about to put forth...
{22458}{22571}...but would you go|to the prom with me?
{22576}{22735}I can think of many cogent arguments.|The first is from Time magazine:
{22741}{22856}"America's Affair With the Prom."|"Even wallflowers can date--"
{22862}{22980}The best argument is that I've known|and respected you for eight years.
{22986}{23041}I'll go to the prom with you.
{23125}{23251}If you pinch your cheeks, they'll|glow. Try to break some capillaries.
{23256}{23385}-Couldn't we just use rouge for this?|-Ladies pinch. Whores use rouge.
{23443}{23473}Is Marge here?
{23479}{23527}-Who--?|-Or what are you?
{23533}{23608}-I'm her date.|-I suppose you wanna come in.
{23613}{23691}-Okay.|-Marge's dates always get homelier.
{23697}{23763}That's what you get|when you don't put out.
{23805}{23943}I usually insist on approving Marge's|dates, but you're a solid citizen.
{23947}{23995}Thanks, Mr. B.
{24021}{24106}Here she comes.|Get the camera ready.
{24307}{24397}-What are you doing here?|-You said you'd go with me.
{24404}{24498}I said I hated you, and we haven't|talked since then.
{24505}{24578}I was afraid you'd cancel|so I stayed away...
{24584}{24713}...even though it meant skipping|school and graduating this summer.
{24723}{24842}-I'm Artie, Marge's date for the prom.|-Well, hello.
{24848}{24930}-Well, hello, hello.|-Don't we look handsome?
{24936}{24998}-Indeed we do.|-Come in, young man.
{25002}{25099}Wait a second.|If he's your date, who are you?
{25104}{25212}I'm a spare. Excuse me.
{25217}{25339}Now that that unpleasantness is over,|let's take a picture of the couple.
{25346}{25382}Say "Cheez Whiz."
{25388}{25488}-Hey, buddy, where's your date?|-She's with him.
{25493}{25556}I guess you want me to take you home?
{25562}{25717}I paid for this car, tuxedo and the two|dinners! We're going to the prom!
{25722}{25772}Prom, it is.
{25951}{26033}Don't dance too closely, now.|Have a good time.
{26039}{26158}Wait a second, is that a bong? You|have asthma? All right, move along.
{26164}{26219}I thought you dropped out.
{26226}{26340}-You wish, Dondalinger.|-That's Mr. Dondalinger.
{26587}{26632}-Steak or chicken?|-Both.
{26636}{26715}-Coming through!|-Barney!
{26797}{26865}He's bought himself|a decade of detention.
{26871}{26934}Children, we've tabulated your votes.
{26938}{27068}The king and queen of Springfield|High School's class of 1974 are...
{27073}{27163}...Artie Ziff and Marge Bouvier.
{27167}{27328}Oh, isn't she great? Hail, Queen Marge!|Long live the queen!
{27333}{27476}Hello, classmates. Instead of voting|for an athletic hero or pretty boy...
{27481}{27603}...you have elected me, your|intellectual superior, as your king.
{27607}{27756}Very well said. Your king and queen|will share their first royal dance.
{27761}{27875}Why do birds suddenly appear?
{27903}{28014}-Every time you're near?|-I've gotta get out of here.
{28218}{28360}Why are you doing this? Why can't|you accept that I'm here with someone?
{28366}{28432}Because we were meant to be together.
{28439}{28586}Usually when I have a thought, there's|others. Something says yes and no.
{28590}{28637}This time, it's only yes.
{28642}{28755}How could the only thing I've|ever been sure about be wrong?
{28773}{28853}I don't know, but it is.
{28867}{28940}-Where to now, Romeo?|-Inspiration Point.
{28948}{28993}I'm only paid to drive.
{29082}{29208}Artie, I don't know. It was a|beautiful evening. Let's not ruin it.
{29214}{29267}-Just this.|-Artie, please.
{29271}{29406}-Come on, kiss me. Please.|-No, really, I mean it! Now stop it!
{29427}{29496}-I'm sorry, Marge.|-Take me home.
{29513}{29635}It's 1:00. If you wanna keep me,|I'm afraid it's gonna be $45 an hour.
{29642}{29800}-No, it's okay. I'm broke. I'll walk.|-Yeah, why spoil a perfect evening?
{30065}{30175}I'd appreciate it if you didn't|tell anybody about my busy hands.
{30180}{30260}Not so much for myself,|but I'm so respected...
{30266}{30356}...it would damage the town|to hear it. Good night.
{30362}{30402}Yeah, right.
{30407}{30493}When Simpson showed up,|it took years off my life.
{30499}{30567}Stop it. She went out|with the good one.
{30691}{30787}Shut up! I'm over as far as I can go!
{30793}{30915}All right! All right!|I'll walk in the mud!
{30974}{31065}-Yeah. You want a ride?|-Sure.
{31086}{31189}When I got home, I realized|who I should've gone with.
{31195}{31242}Who? Oh.
{31247}{31369}-Hi, prom date.|-Marge, pour vous.
{31417}{31523}-Why so glum?|-I got a problem.
{31528}{31635}Once you stop this car,|I'm gonna hug you and kiss you...
{31640}{31694}...and I'll never let you go.
{31699}{31774}And I never have.
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