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{1864}{1917}Damn it, Dedee!
{1921}{1996}What is the matter with you?|Why aren't you dressed yet?
{2000}{2060}You better get in there, missy,|and wear what I put out for you.
{2064}{2098}Do you hear me?
{2102}{2171}I'm not about to have you show up|in that crap you wear to school.
{2176}{2230}This isn't just any old day|of the week, you know.
{2234}{2354}You're gonna show me and your stepfather|some respect for once in your life.
{2358}{2406}If you're one of those people|who don't like movies...
{2410}{2459}where some person you can't see|talks the whole time...
{2464}{2522}and covers up all the holes|in the plot and...
{2523}{2589}at the end says, "I was never the same|after that summer"...
{2593}{2660}or whatever, like it was so deep|they can't stand it...
{2664}{2762}then you're out of luck. Things get|very complicated here very quick.
{2766}{2830}And my guess is you're not gonna be|up to it without me talking.
{2834}{2892}Lord, help me...
{2896}{2940}My name is Dedee Truitt.
{2944}{3010}I'm sixteen, and this is|Creve Coeur, Louisiana...
{3014}{3090}which is French, I think,|for like, fucked heart.
{3548}{3596}My mother was the kind of mother|who always said...
{3598}{3642}she was her|daughter's best friend.
{3644}{3714}Whenever she did, I thought, great,|not only do I have a shitty mother...
{3718}{3763}but my best friend's a loser|bitch.
{3768}{3874}Dedee, honey, put the dirt on like I|told you how to.
{3878}{3953}She was all over me the day we|buried my stepfather.
{4002}{4056}That's not what I said!|What are you doing?
{4060}{4103}Les was a real asshole.
{4108}{4160}To get cancer of the ass was,|like, poetic.
{4164}{4258}Almost as good as cancer|of the dick... if they have that.
{4338}{4376}I had to get out of there.
{4380}{4453}Look around. Wouldn't you?
{4610}{4686}This part where I take the gun is,|like, important.
{4690}{4778}It comes later, but I'm putting it|in here for foreshadowing.
{4782}{4828}Which we covered when we did Dickens.
{4832}{4896}If you're smart, you won't forget|I've got it.
{5010}{5083}Randy was a geek, but he was nicer|than a lot of the guys...
{5088}{5138}mostly because he was born with|only one ball.
{5142}{5210}And he was pretty nice to anyone who'd|sleep with him and not make fun of it.
{5214}{5276}- Go!|- You had to ignore the Christian stuff.
{5330}{5402}I told him I was going to my|grandma's in Memphis.
{5406}{5488}But where I was really going was|Indiana to see my brother Bill...
{5492}{5538}who was really only my|half-brother...
{5542}{5624}and who I'd seen once before|when I was a kid when my real dad died.
{5672}{5720}Bill's like dozens of years older|than me...
{5724}{5790}and a actual real-life homo and|a teacher...
{5794}{5856}which is kind of gross, I mean,|the combo.
{5860}{5922}But he had a lot of money from his|last boyfriend who died of AIDS.
{5926}{5996}And I needed a place to get my|shit together.
{6000}{6092}If you think I'm just plucky and|scrappy and all I need is love...
{6096}{6130}you're in over your head.
{6134}{6210}I don't have a heart of gold,|and I don't grow one later, okay?
{6246}{6294}But relax...
{6298}{6360}There's other people a lot nicer|coming up.
{6364}{6412}We call them losers.
{6588}{6630}You're not Bill.
{6634}{6682}No, I'm Matt. Bill's at school.
{6686}{6727}Are you one of his students?
{6729}{6809}'Cause he really doesn't like|his students coming here.
{6813}{6873}It's okay, I'm his sister.
{6877}{6925}I gotta call you back.
{6962}{7002}I didn't know he had a sister.
{7006}{7050}Who are you?
{7094}{7188}Can I come in? I'm a real relation.
{7192}{7234}Yeah, come on.
{7414}{7490}Okey-dokey, butts out.
{7494}{7556}Come on, let's go, let's go.
{7884}{7923}You holding up the wall there, Joe?
{7928}{8048}No, I just can't go if anybody's|around.
{8338}{8418}There's a sentence here that's a|fragment. What is it?
{8542}{8597}Every Tuesday after Yearbook here?
{8601}{8660}Now how would you fix that?
{8690}{8798}I guess you could say,|Mr. Truitt blanks it hard...
{8802}{8872}here every Tuesday after|Yearbook?
{8876}{8942}Or just Tuesdays after Yearbook.
{8946}{8987}You don't need the every, right?
{8991}{9087}Yeah, I guess so. Can I go?
{9858}{9934}Probably not a good idea to use your|real name.
{9994}{10089}Phone call for Mr. Truitt.|Telephone call for Mr. Truitt.
{10093}{10129}- She's upset but--|- What is she upset about?
{10131}{10178}- she took a shower. I don't know.|- How did she get here?
{10179}{10256}- She took a bus.|- Can you believe this place?
{10260}{10342}Gays love houses. Tom, the dead|guy, was really loaded.
{10346}{10436}I'd already worked on the beautiful|dumb one. He helped out.
{10604}{10658}I laid it on kind of thick about|Mom drinking...
{10662}{10720}and how tough it was on me|watching my step dad die...
{10724}{10774}which is, like, so opposite.
{10778}{10850}And how it would give Mom and me a|chance to grieve in our own ways...
{10854}{10914}if there was a little distance|between us, just for the summer.
{10918}{11003}Plus, I'd clean for them, or tell|the maid places she missed.
{11008}{11092}Bill was like the definition of a|softie.
{11144}{11191}Matt didn't look like a fairy at|all.
{11196}{11248}But it was easy to see why he'd|screw around with Bill.
{11252}{11330}And a blow job is a blow job if|you're getting one.
{11334}{11437}If you're giving one, it's harder. But|even so, it's like rule one about sex.
{11441}{11532}If you don't breathe in, a person|can do anything for ten minutes.
{11536}{11598}A runaway.|It's like harboring a fugitive...
{11602}{11662}Everything was going great until|she showed up.
{11666}{11738}The sister of Tom, the dead guy.
{11816}{11858}That's how Bill met him.
{11862}{11932}She teaches next to him, and one day|she introduces him to her brother.
{11936}{11986}This is like eight years ago.
{11990}{12076}She probably thought they could|fish or play ball together.
{12080}{12150}And they end up with their dicks|in each other's mouth.
{12154}{12220}She looked|like she never got over it.
{12306}{12374}Gross. But notice how pretty the|urn is.
{12378}{12450}That's typical gay.
{12454}{12526}I'm gonna clear the table.
{12536}{12609}No, no, but--|Matt and me.
{12754}{12802}What's your name again?
{12806}{12862}Lucia Dalury.
{12866}{12918}It's weird. How do you spell it?
{12976}{13026}It should be pronounced Luchia.
{13030}{13086}When I was a kid learning how to|spell...
{13090}{13170}I thought they were just|pronouncing it wrong.
{13174}{13258}Because I have two sisters, Marcia|and Tricia.
{13262}{13306}C-I-A, sha.
{13310}{13362}So I decided it was pronounced|Lusha...
{13366}{13442}and it stuck. And now I kind of|like it.
{13446}{13511}Yeah, it makes you different.
{13515}{13556}Do you have a cigarette?
{13560}{13620}No, I don't.
{13666}{13758}Matt told me about your brother|and Bill. I'm sorry he's dead.
{13762}{13820}Did he give it to Bill?
{13938}{13995}That is none of your business.
{14000}{14050}Actually, it is.
{14054}{14127}I could drink out of the same cup|or something, accidentally...
{14129}{14165}if I stay for a while.
{14167}{14212}What do they teach you in Louisiana?
{14277}{14387}It's roughly,|you reap what you sow, if you're gay.
{14392}{14480}You don't get it from cups.
{14484}{14560}Anyway, they're both negative. Do|you know what negative means?
{14642}{14715}Bill's kind of cute, isn't he?|Even though he's old.
{14733}{14769}He's thirty-five.
{14771}{14863}Yeah, but he's still kind of cute.|He looks like my father.
{14867}{14936}I have a picture. You wanna see?
{15010}{15060}He married Bill's mom first.
{15064}{15134}Then he met this lady who typed 140|words per minute.
{15138}{15179}Traveled around the country...
{15180}{15221}demonstrating typewriters|and tight sweaters.
{15225}{15300}After that broke up, he married my|mom.
{15304}{15379}That's the one that killed him.
{15383}{15430}Yes, there's a resemblance.
{15434}{15473}Too bad he's a fairy, right?
{15477}{15536}That's not how I would put it.
{15540}{15660}Then, too bad he's however you would|put it.
{15980}{16056}Matt worked the night shift at Kinko's,|so he didn't go in till four.
{16060}{16124}We hung out a lot.
{16290}{16338}He was like a blind person, you|know?
{16342}{16392}They can't see, but they hear real|well.
{16396}{16478}Matt couldn't think at all, but he|looked great.
{16482}{16514}It's survival.
{16518}{16626}Cute, stupid people survive, have lots|of cute, stupid babies who also survive.
{16630}{16697}It was like watching evolution at|work...
{16701}{16758}as long as you reproduced.
{16762}{16806}How long have you been here?
{16890}{16965}A year in June.
{16969}{17076}So it's kind of like, if you were|normal, you'd be in love.
{17080}{17136}We're normal.
{17140}{17196}In love, I don't know.
{17232}{17265}He's like...
{17314}{17362}I think he was in love with Tom.
{17366}{17410}Did you know him?
{17414}{17468}No, just from what his sister says.
{17472}{17522}Bill doesn't talk about him that|much.
{17586}{17650}He's like, what, twenty years older|than you?
{17654}{17762}Nine. Sometimes ten, depending on|the month.
{17766}{17821}Have you always been a mo?
{17825}{17897}Yeah, I guess.
{17901}{17934}You've never slept with a girl.
{17938}{17989}Nope, never came up.
{17993}{18038}So to speak, right?
{18098}{18146}It's just not for me.
{18150}{18226}How would you know if you've never|tried it?
{18274}{18364}I never tried Communism, but I know|I wouldn't like that.
{18368}{18428}It's the same thing. Or grits.
{18432}{18482}Have you ever slept with a Black|person?
{18486}{18530}No, I don't think so.
{18534}{18577}Because you know you wouldn't like|it.
{18581}{18648}No, I don't know that.
{18652}{18700}So even though you've never tried|either...
{18704}{18798}you'd have sex with a Black|person but not with me.
{18802}{18882}God, it's like reverse|discrimination.
{18944}{18997}Is it?
{19001}{19036}Yeah, it's prejudice.
{19092}{19124}Would you mind?
{19606}{19659}I think you can reach them yourself.
{19664}{19708}Scared you'll get a woody?
{19712}{19794}Dedee, look...
{19798}{19878}you're really great, but I'm gay.
{19934}{20018}Whatever. You're my boyfriend's|sister--
{20022}{20092}Half-sister. Look, I get it, okay?
{20096}{20144}If I was you and I had this great|setup...
{20148}{20204}and the guy I was with was|fifteen years older than me...
{20208}{20256}and all I had to do was blow him|a couple of times a year...
{20260}{20320}I wouldn't rock the boat either.
{20324}{20409}You're a homo. Fine, whatever.|Like I give a shit.
{20508}{20594}Nine-- ten at the most-- years older.
{20598}{20642}He could be your father.
{20646}{20735}Basically, you're blowing your father.|That can't feel right.
{20736}{20786}I never knew my father.
{20790}{20860}And you really think this is a good|way to make up for it?
{21026}{21120}Matt struggled for a while, which I|thought showed a lot of loyalty to Bill.
{21124}{21178}But I got him over that. And by|the end of the month...
{21182}{21256}he was calling in sick to Kinko's|so often, they almost fired him.
{21400}{21490}I almost felt bad about it.|But I had my reasons.
{21530}{21580}I know AIDS is like awful and|stuff...
{21584}{21628}and that guy who got all those|boys up to his room...
{21632}{21676}and ate them and froze them and|then got killed in prison...
{21680}{21742}Like we cared.|I mean, all that is disgusting.
{21746}{21824}But they do look better than|straight people. And smell better.
{21828}{21874}They're cleaner, if you don't|count viruses.
{21878}{21954}And there's not all that hair in|their ears and noses and stuff.
{21958}{21995}So it evens out.
{22000}{22044}Anyway, Matt wasn't totally faggy.
{22048}{22108}He knew what to do with it, believe|me.
{22258}{22290}I've got bad news.
{22430}{22466}I'm late.
{22470}{22514}Okay, I'll drive you.
{22518}{22594}No, I mean, I'm late.
{22595}{22686}My period's late.
{22690}{22750}Do you know what that means?
{22786}{22866}I'm pregnant. We're pregnant.
{22962}{23026}You're kidding. We were using|condoms.
{23027}{23090}Are you sure?
{23158}{23192}Is it mine?
{23234}{23318}See? Only straight boys ever say|that line. You're in.
{23322}{23434}No, I mean, don't get my hopes up if|you're not sure.
{23580}{23630}We were gonna break it to him in|stages.
{23634}{23726}One, we're in love. Two...surprise.
{23730}{23826}We had just gotten to number one|when Lucia dropped by. Typical.
{23830}{23889}I knew you were trouble. This is|your brother here.
{23893}{23969}And you, how could you?
{23973}{24037}It just happened. We didn't mean to|hurt anyone.
{24041}{24092}You're gay, you jerk!
{24096}{24150}- He just never met the right woman.|- Yeah, one with a dick.
{24154}{24186}Is that a cut?
{24190}{24261}For your information, I'm bisexual.
{24265}{24333}I went to a bar mitzvah once,|that doesn't make me Jewish.
{24337}{24414}Who says that bisexual shit besides|gay men?
{24418}{24462}I'd understand if we can't go on|living here.
{24466}{24525}You would get that, congratulations.
{24529}{24642}It's just that...with the baby and|all, it would be easier.
{24646}{24684}You're pregnant?
{24722}{24767}It was gonna be a surprise.
{24837}{24932}- Do you wanna get an abortion?|- No...god...
{24978}{25090}Bill, if we could just stay here until|we get married and the baby comes...
{25094}{25128}Who said anything about getting|married?
{25132}{25170}You don't wanna get married?
{25174}{25250}I just don't think it's something we|should rush into.
{25254}{25362}No, but bring another human life|onto the planet, that's whim time.
{25366}{25415}Am I the only one here who wants|to kill someone?
{25416}{25522}- You wish.|- I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
{25526}{25590}I'm beat.
{25842}{25897}Smoking is bad for the baby.
{25901}{25998}Like you care. Or was it someone|else who mentioned abortion?
{26034}{26074}You're breaking his heart.
{26078}{26168}I think I'm a little late for that.
{26172}{26266}Where are you going? Matt?
{26270}{26322}Give me one of those.
{26364}{26416}At least now he'll know what Matt's|really like.
{26466}{26522}You're probably a blessing in|disguise.
{26578}{26615}A fucking good disguise.
{26690}{26782}God, how does a woman get so bitter?
{27103}{27199}She's under seventeen, and she's my|sister.
{27203}{27247}I didn't take advantage of her.
{27251}{27311}She had a death in the family.|She came to us for help.
{27315}{27363}She said you'd be jealous.
{27455}{27505}I'm gonna have a kid, Bill.
{27575}{27664}I'm gonna have a normal life.|That pisses you off.
{27668}{27709}Normal life?
{27713}{27785}Fuck you, Matt. Fuck you.
{27789}{27855}Don't talk, pack. Pack yourself,|pack her...
{27859}{27903}and get the hell out of here!
{28319}{28409}I kind of felt sorry for him.|He couldn't help being old.
{28413}{28487}I said he was really nice,|and thanks for the hospitality...
{28491}{28555}and don't tell my mom.
{28559}{28670}Here's where he finds out we took|the safe deposit money...ouch.
{28675}{28746}But he's gonna cover for us|and tell them he authorized it.
{28751}{28793}Such a nice guy.
{28797}{28845}Love him, hate me, right?
{28849}{28951}People getting dumped are always|lovable, even homos.
{28955}{29025}Wait. I can really lay it on.
{29647}{29723}It's just music.|It doesn't mean he's better than me.
{29727}{29771}You can't help yourselves.
{29775}{29861}you see someone smell a pillow or an|old T-shirt, you're a basket case.
{29865}{29938}I could've showed you the other stuff|he did besides mooning around.
{29942}{29995}He ate like a pig, for one.
{29999}{30055}He licked his plate, I'm not|kidding you.
{30059}{30122}He flossed, he clipped his|toenails, he paid some bills.
{30127}{30173}Does that make your heart break?
{30177}{30204}His boyfriend, or whatever, leaves,|and he pays the cable bill?
{30204}{30265}His boyfriend, or whatever, leaves,|and he pays the cable bill?
{30269}{30351}So he wasn't dying of pain...yet.
{30355}{30405}- Mr. Truitt?|- Yes?
{30409}{30497}- What have you done with Matt?|- Excuse me?
{30501}{30574}Matt? Matt Matteo, your boyfriend?
{30579}{30633}Mine, too.
{30637}{30681}Who are you?
{30685}{30756}Jason Bock. I went to Hoover four|years ago.
{30760}{30827}Don't even pretend that you didn't|know about Matt and l.
{30831}{30881}About Matt and me.
{30885}{30997}I have been calling for the last two|days, no answer.
{31001}{31085}He left his job, and his car is gone.|Where is he?
{31089}{31167}I have no idea.
{31171}{31246}Don't you blow me off.
{31287}{31382}I could make trouble for you,|you know, tell them you're gay.
{31387}{31462}They already know I'm gay, you|little prick.
{31466}{31559}And you came on to me when I was a|student.
{31563}{31600}Do they know that?
{31604}{31641}That's a lie.
{31645}{31724}Tell me where he is.
{31728}{31775}You got a problem?
{31779}{31823}New piercing.
{31935}{32004}Did he ever mention Dedee to you,|my half-sister?
{32008}{32045}She's visiting from Louisiana.
{32049}{32096}He's in Louisiana?
{32100}{32183}No. But he took off with her.|They're in love.
{32187}{32233}That's what he told me.
{32237}{32329}He's bi? Are you serious?
{32333}{32378}We're always the last to know.
{32382}{32472}Fuck you. I wanna talk to him.
{32476}{32549}If I don't hear from him by Friday,|I'm going to the police.
{32553}{32595}For all I know, you killed him.
{32599}{32658}Then for all you know, I'm just|getting started.
{32697}{32734}Get him to call me!
{32863}{32909}Of course, he told her.
{32913}{32961}This is a major problem, Bill.
{32965}{33019}You're in denial, fine, I'm not.
{33023}{33081}Lucia wasn't surprised|that Matt had been screwing around.
{33085}{33151}And that Jason kid had been in her|homeroom for two years...
{33155}{33195}so she knew what he was like.
{33199}{33228}After high school,|he went up to Chicago...
{33230}{33278}and became one|of those "Act Up" people...
{33283}{33339}who think AIDS is this big|conspiracy against homos.
{33343}{33419}Maybe it is, who knows? All I know|is it isn't working.
{33423}{33487}There seem to be more of them than|ever before, you know what I mean?
{33491}{33523}They're tricky.
{33527}{33595}Anyway, Bill tried to convince her|it was all a bluff.
{33599}{33656}You put yourself through this, you're|gonna give yourself a heart attack.
{33660}{33726}Face it, he's going to ruin you.
{33730}{33821}He's just trying to scare me. He's|angry. Matt dumped him, too.
{33871}{33983}I don't know how you do it. You're|always so nice and so good.
{33987}{34040}Tom was like that, too. It's|depressing.
{34044}{34079}You're nice.
{34083}{34124}That's how I always felt|around you two...
{34126}{34169}Like the Baroness|in "The Sound of Music."'
{34173}{34235}Everyone else is off singing and|climbing an alp...
{34239}{34321}and I just want to stuff that|guitar up that nun's ass and...
{34375}{34407}Oh, my god...
{34495}{34575}That little creep went|to the police. I told you.
{34665}{34723}Hey, Lucia, how are you?
{34727}{34783}Hi, Bill. Got a minute?
{34787}{34879}Sure, Carl. What's up? See you|tomorrow.
{34883}{34939}- I can stay.|- Actually, Lucia, it's business.
{34943}{34993}Actually, Carl, it's fine.
{34995}{35083}Here's the deal. I got this stupid|thing I'm checking out.
{35087}{35146}Do you know a Jason Bock?
{35151}{35214}Yep, I met him Tuesday.
{35219}{35326}He says when he was a student here|four years ago, you molested him.
{35331}{35419}I never liked the looks of this kid,|but I gotta do something.
{35455}{35495}I haven't told Walter yet.
{35499}{35571}But you'll have to. He's the|principal, it's state law.
{35575}{35631}There you go. Good job, Carl.
{35663}{35699}There's something else.
{35703}{35775}He filed a missing person's report|on Matt. Do you know where he is?
{35779}{35805}No, I don't.
{35809}{35888}This Jason creep said something|about a sister.
{35892}{35963}They left me a note,|but I don't know where it is anymore.
{35967}{36023}- Where does that put us?|- Well, I don't know.
{36027}{36103}You let me know as soon as you hear|from either of them.
{36107}{36177}You haven't asked me if it's true,|if I molested him.
{36181}{36233}Because he knows that you didn't.
{36237}{36303}I'd like to send him some place they|will, for about five to ten.
{36307}{36363}It might put some sense into him.
{36367}{36410}Only if his brains are in his ass.
{36414}{36474}That strikes me as fairly likely.
{36479}{36518}You take care.
{36522}{36597}We'll keep this quiet as long as|possible.
{36639}{36701}It's nice to see you again, Lucia.|It's been a long time.
{36705}{36754}Only about a year, Carl.
{36759}{36842}Since the funeral, remember?|Remember Nancy's funeral?
{36847}{36894}Good night. We'll talk tomorrow.
{36975}{37019}This is why I hate people.
{37023}{37087}You always want to know why, well,|take it in.
{37807}{37839}Are you a lesbian?
{37843}{37929}No. You are all assholes.
{37933}{37981}Jennifer Oakes, is that you?
{37985}{38072}Hi, Miss Dalury. Any comment on the|charges against William Truitt?
{38076}{38155}And I wrote you a letter of|recommendation.
{38383}{38434}Did you know about this?
{38439}{38510}There were messages on my machine, I|just heard them this morning.
{38515}{38562}People will believe anything.
{38567}{38615}Did you call that lawyer that I|told you about?
{38616}{38640}What for?
{38644}{38752}Hello, this is America. We don't|like sodomy so much here.
{38756}{38793}Yeah, but the schools are good.
{38797}{38834}Speaking of which...
{38839}{38878}You are not going in.
{38882}{38955}Bill! There are reporters out there.
{39023}{39071}Tanya and Clint,|I am here at Hoover High School...
{39072}{39127}where a sex scandal has exploded...
{39128}{39199}involving a high school teacher|whose seeming popularity...
{39203}{39254}may, in fact, be the cover...
{39259}{39327}for predatory advances upon|young male students...
{39331}{39409}entrusted to him by this outraged|and devastated community.
{39413}{39499}This is America, and we're|Christians here.
{39503}{39595}Aside from a few Jewish people|who were just born that way.
{39599}{39643}And I can tell you one thing...
{39647}{39753}Jesus Christ and his apostles were|certainly not into man on man action...
{39757}{39823}which is how they describe it|on their porno videos...
{39827}{39929}which I'm proud to say|Blockbuster does not carry.
{39933}{40011}I work there, and it's very family.
{40015}{40117}Plus that religion John Travolta|belongs to.
{40121}{40223}If I save one kid from getting ---
{40227}{40297}from having his --- totally ---
{40301}{40397}until it looks like the Lincoln Tunnel|and he can 't stand up for three weeks...
{40401}{40523}then maybe all of this is worth|something.
{40559}{40665}Teachers everywhere have to learn|that no means no.
{40669}{40728}At least until we've dropped out.
{40732}{40779}I'm just gonna give you|the broad strokes here...
{40780}{40825}'cause I've got|my own problems with Matt.
{40863}{40937}Bill got suspended with pay.|It didn't even bother him.
{40941}{41015}I guess when your first boyfriend, Tom,|the dead guy, croaks in front of you...
{41017}{41067}and his stupid sister|takes over your life...
{41069}{41103}and then your next|boyfriend splits...
{41107}{41151}you're kind of primed for shit.
{41155}{41225}It's hard to top that with|suspensions and people hating you...
{41229}{41283}and losing a job you're too|rich for anyway.
{41287}{41343}Lucia said it was denial. Natch,|what else?
{41347}{41435}Bill just hired a lawyer, stayed|at home, and worked on his garden.
{42089}{42173}Meanwhile, guess who was having|the time of her life.
{42193}{42244}Because all her predictions came|true.
{42246}{42304}Between the time we left|and that stupid phone call...
{42306}{42382}which I can't go into right now,|she was flying.
{42495}{42538}Look at the lipstick on her.
{42542}{42593}She better hope it's drool-proof.
{42623}{42667}You don't have to hear any of this.
{42671}{42735}There's nothing going on except|her trying not to leave.
{42764}{42865}She had a life once. She just, I|don't know, stopped feeding it.
{42869}{42926}So after a while it wandered away.
{42930}{43002}They started out like a typical|American family.
{43007}{43092}And you know how that ends up. They|typically went to shit pretty quick.
{43096}{43182}Marcia, Tricia, Lucia...
{43231}{43275}Tom, the dead guy.
{43327}{43405}If you ask me, it was a giveaway|he liked the spanking.
{43471}{43517}This is Tricia's wedding.
{43565}{43662}Tom turned out cute, didn't he?|They all do.
{43667}{43701}She didn't.
{43743}{43807}I know in movies you kind of feel|sorry for girls like this.
{43811}{43902}But in real life, you wouldn't be|sitting next to her either.
{43906}{43951}Come over here, honey.
{43955}{44010}Come here. Come here, Lucia.
{44111}{44181}Here you go. Would you take care of|these, please.
{44312}{44395}Right now she's thinking, "At|least I've got Tom."
{44399}{44489}Ever since they were kids, she had|like a crush on him or something.
{44587}{44622}So did the best man.
{44788}{44831}You could tell it wrecked her.
{44835}{44903}She was a virgin till she was|twenty-eight.
{44907}{44975}But she eventually sort of, kind|of, maybe forgave her brother.
{44979}{45045}She had to. No one else in the|family could stand her.
{45049}{45137}Besides, he was a stockbroker in the|'80's, and he made a lot of money.
{45139}{45219}You didn't buy me a house?|You bought me a house?
{45223}{45270}Happy birthday.
{45274}{45358}Oh, my god, I can't believe you.
{45363}{45405}I love you.
{45409}{45470}I love you, too, Tom.
{45475}{45529}None of this makes me like her more.
{45533}{45630}But I thought you should know...|just to be fair.
{45677}{45725}Hi, Carl.
{45729}{45813}What a coincidence, I was just|talking to Bill. He sounds good.
{45817}{45858}No thanks to you.
{45862}{45914}It wasn't personal, you know that.
{45919}{45964}I do, do l?
{45968}{46043}The kid's story's not gonna hold up.|The Board will clear him.
{46047}{46095}His reputation is ruined.
{46099}{46146}He never gave a damn about|reputation.
{46151}{46222}Then he's got company. See you,|Carl.
{46271}{46326}Hang on...
{46330}{46399}I can't remember whether Nancy said|these should make noise or not.
{46403}{46450}What do you think?
{46455}{46529}I think you should ask someone who|gives a shit.
{46533}{46577}Why don't you ask her nurse?
{46652}{46731}I didn't figure you for somebody|who'd listen to gossip.
{46783}{46860}Suppose you mind your business|and I'll mind mine, okay?
{47103}{47140}I'm home!
{47230}{47284}He called. He fucking called.
{47288}{47349}Come on up, I'll play you the|message.
{47513}{47547}Did you call back?
{47551}{47639}Yeah. It's some kind of a pay phone|in L.A...
{47643}{47717}corner of Robertson and Santa|Monica.
{47719}{47758}I called Carl.
{47759}{47823}He's got some kind of a program|with every phone number in the U.S.
{47827}{47864}When did you call Carl?
{47868}{47903}About an hour ago.
{47907}{47975}I just saw him at the store.
{47979}{48027}Yeah, right, whatever.
{48031}{48079}Will you keep an eye on the house|for me while I'm gone?
{48083}{48127}You don't know where they're living.
{48131}{48173}I'll find them. I found the pay|phone.
{48177}{48228}But why?
{48232}{48335}What do you mean, why? To drag his|sorry ass back here, that's why.
{48339}{48462}To make Jason take it all back,|and to ship Dedee...
{48464}{48517}back to her miserable mother|whether she likes it or not.
{48522}{48603}Give Jason the number.|That's all he's interested in.
{48605}{48647}And then he'll drop the charges.
{48648}{48707}And let her mother go out there|and pick her up.
{48708}{48773}This is what I'm doing. I can get|someone else to watch the house.
{48940}{48975}You know what your problem is?
{48979}{49067}I need two tickets tomorrow, O'Hare|to Los Angeles.
{49071}{49175}Yeah, Dalury, Lucia, L-U-C-l-A, and
{49179}{49250}Guess what? I know how my own name|is pronounced.
{50643}{50687}Maybe they're just bad pictures.
{50691}{50750}Maybe he grew a beard or colored his|hair or something.
{50755}{50799}It was such a stupid idea.
{50803}{50873}A guy makes a call from a pay phone|in a city of eight million...
{50877}{50929}and I think I can find him.
{50991}{51049}If you're meant to find him, you|will.
{51053}{51150}It's like you ending up teaching at|my school and me introducing you to Tom.
{51155}{51225}It's fate.|And that's how it's gonna be with Matt.
{51229}{51289}I say we give this up and we go|home.
{51293}{51349}And one day, if the gods want you to|see him again...
{51353}{51418}he's gonna be sitting in the seat|next to you on a plane.
{51422}{51499}Or his socks will be in your dryer|at some Laundromat.
{51503}{51544}It's destiny.
{51548}{51589}I don't believe in destiny.
{51593}{51671}Fuck, who does?|It was worth a try.
{51703}{51754}Excuse me. Bathroom.
{53176}{53208}Poor Bill.
{53212}{53293}It must be inherited from our|father, you know, being romantic.
{53297}{53369}It's just...when it's a man being|romantic about a woman...
{53373}{53423}it's not as revolting.
{53455}{53513}Why did he grow that beard?
{53517}{53609}And his posture...he looks like|early man.
{53613}{53665}He hurt his back lifting.
{53721}{53769}I'm going to that dinner tomorrow|night.
{53773}{53845}I've got a few things I'd like to|say to her, and to him, too.
{53849}{53897}Lucia, I know what I'm doing.
{53901}{53933}You think so?
{53937}{53985}You're like a lobster in a pot.
{53989}{54077}You're just thrilled that the|water's getting toasty.
{54281}{54388}When they get to the money, let me|do the talking, okay?
{54441}{54478}Thanks for coming.
{54601}{54639}- Hi, Lucia.|- Hi, Matt.
{54643}{54697}- Couldn't stay away, huh?|- You shaved it off.
{54701}{54807}I didn't like it. So are you|enjoying your stay?
{54811}{54871}I don't know if that's the word for|it.
{54876}{54975}Can I ask you something, Dedee? When did|you meet Matt? Refresh my memory.
{54980}{55027}My name is Timothy. I'll be your|waiter tonight.
{55032}{55075}Can I start anyone off with a|beverage?
{55076}{55119}I'd like a Long Island iced tea,|please.
{55120}{55165}Is that a good idea for the baby?
{55169}{55249}This baby owes its life to Long Island|iced teas, if you know what I mean.
{55253}{55285}Lots of ice.
{55289}{55343}- I'll have a Diet Coke.|- Diet Coke.
{55347}{55420}I'll have a Diet Coke ...or maybe a|real Coke.
{55424}{55501}- Do you have Bananas Foster?|- No, we don't.
{55505}{55559}Someone told me you had|Bananas Foster here.
{55563}{55607}I'm sorry, no.
{55643}{55699}It's impossible to find Bananas|Foster.
{55703}{55785}Maybe they'll make it for you if you|describe it to them.
{55789}{55825}What about the sauce?
{55827}{55881}You think they just have Bananas Foster|sauce lying around in the kitchen...
{55885}{55923}but they don't put it on the|menu?
{55928}{56031}I appreciate you both deciding to|meet me.
{56035}{56067}You, not her.
{56071}{56117}Because we have a lot to talk|about...
{56121}{56189}a lot of reasons why you're going|back to Indiana.
{56193}{56248}I'm not going back.
{56252}{56300}You're sixteen, you're pregnant.
{56304}{56387}Matt, you can't support her on what|you make at that job.
{56392}{56425}Tell me about it.
{56429}{56511}Matt doesn't wanna get legal,|but you two were kind of man and wife.
{56515}{56567}So I figure he deserves half of what|you have.
{56572}{56631}- Are you serious?|- That's not gonna happen.
{56636}{56693}What about the ten thousand dollars|he stole?
{56697}{56732}He was entitled to that.
{56736}{56793}I'm really sorry about that, Bill.
{56797}{56857}You fucked up, and you're gonna have|to pay it back.
{56861}{56916}This is not about us giving you|money.
{56920}{57001}I'll tell you what this is about,|this is about timing.
{57005}{57075}This is about trimesters, and you|know what I'm talking about.
{57079}{57130}I want her to go back to school,|too.
{57168}{57230}You made a big mistake coming here|today, you know that?
{57231}{57290}You really should've stayed at home|and let Matt come...
{57292}{57346}and do your dirty work for you.|'Cause let me tell you something...
{57348}{57409}I have taught|high school girls for 15 years...
{57413}{57463}and pregnancy is one of my|specialties.
{57468}{57503}And looking at you...
{57505}{57577}you are at least five months pregnant,|five and a half even.
{57581}{57671}There is no way that this is Matt's|baby.
{57675}{57756}Here we go...Long Island iced tea...
{57760}{57805}Diet Coke...
{57809}{57920}Diet Coke...and a regular Coke.
{58015}{58073}I think you're crazy. She's crazy.|Let's go.
{58077}{58141}- You're three months in, right?|- When she met you, maybe.
{58145}{58183}So I put on a little weight.
{58187}{58235}Besides, what would you know|about being pregnant?
{58236}{58277}It's not like you've ever been.
{58281}{58319}She eats all the time.
{58324}{58409}It's not your baby. It's some other|idiot's baby.
{58413}{58521}Probably with an eighth grade education|and a trunk full of Waco pamphlets.
{58525}{58583}You don't owe her or this baby|anything.
{58587}{58653}What is your problem?
{58657}{58697}Is it Matt's?
{58809}{58905}It's her baby, isn't it?|Whoever the father is.
{58909}{58980}I don't know where you get off saying|I don't owe my wife's baby anything.
{58984}{59017}Your wife?
{59021}{59101}We got married...in Vegas.
{59145}{59213}I can't wear the ring 'cause I'm all|swollen up.
{59217}{59257}But it's really nice.
{59261}{59339}Color, clarity, carat --|the three C's of diamond buying.
{59343}{59454}Who's the father? He has rights and|responsibilities.
{59459}{59513}My stepfather, if you wanna know.
{59517}{59576}And the only responsibility he has|is to rot in his grave...
{59577}{59676}which I hope he's living up to.|Does that make you feel any better?
{59680}{59758}I don't believe you. I think|you'd say just about anything.
{59763}{59846}In fact, maybe you should say something|to the police. That would be nice.
{59851}{59909}It would clear your name, finally...
{59959}{59993}Where are the ashes?
{59997}{60041}Don't worry, they're ziplocked.
{60045}{60111}If you want them back, you'll stop|following us...
{60115}{60171}you'll cover our expenses,|and you'll leave us alone.
{60175}{60209}Come on, Matt, let's go.
{60213}{60264}- I didn't know--|- Come on !
{60345}{60391}Grab them, get them.
{60396}{60435}Dedee, listen to me.
{60439}{60500}- Bill, don't grab her!|- Shut up, Matt!
{60504}{60577}I want my brother's ashes back, you|heartless little bitch.
{60581}{60625}That's me, Lucia, heartless.
{60629}{60672}What body part are you missing?
{60755}{60777}The urn...
{60781}{60825}- I'm sorry, I don't have a problem.|- Do you want your check?
{60829}{60885}No, we're all set here.
{60889}{60949}Take that. Thank you.
{60985}{61017}Can you go faster?
{61021}{61065}I'm going fast enough. I'm not gonna|break the speed limit.
{61069}{61134}- They are. They're gonna get away.|- They're not gonna get away.
{61139}{61187}They're just ashes, you know what|I'm saying?
{61192}{61251}Who knows if they're really Tom 's|anyway?
{61256}{61319}Do you really think they keep them|separate?
{61323}{61392}Go ahead and hate me|for stealing them if you want.
{61396}{61473}But look at these guys. They've|never had more fun in their lives.
{61477}{61529}He's taking us in circles, this is|what he's doing.
{61533}{61585}These are teachers, remember.
{61589}{61653}It's this or clapping erasers in|South Bend.
{61775}{61839}- I can't believe you did that!|- What was I supposed to do?
{61843}{61900}They actually live here?
{61935}{62009}- Now what?|- You want the ashes back or not?
{62013}{62089}I wanted to divvy them up, remember?
{62093}{62145}Just in case something like this|happened.
{62149}{62191}I don't know why I didn't see this|coming.
{62195}{62227}You don't have to be sarcastic.
{62231}{62267}I say we wait.
{62271}{62325}He'll get up and go to work in the|morning...
{62329}{62413}she'll go out looking for fucking|Bananas Franklin, whatever--
{62417}{62457}They're called Foster.
{62461}{62544}And we'll go in there, break in and|get them.
{62548}{62601}Great, our first felony.
{62605}{62665}I can get you a cab back to the|hotel.
{62669}{62709}Stop it.
{63737}{63807}- I'm sorry.|- That's all right, that's all right.
{63849}{63945}Oh, my god...did I drool?
{63949}{63997}It'll dry, don't worry about it.
{64001}{64089}Usually I have to be up a few more|hours before I'm humiliated.
{64217}{64293}My god, she's a human tabloid.
{64297}{64339}Where's Matt?
{64343}{64397}You see his car?
{64665}{64713}This neighborhood is awful.
{64793}{64835}What are you doing?
{64929}{64969}God damn it.
{65305}{65385}I think we found the father... of|the next one, anyway.
{65609}{65657}That can't be good for the baby.
{65661}{65721}Not only that, she's gonna smoke a|cigarette after.
{65785}{65843}I hate to say it, but poor Matt.
{65847}{65891}He made his bed, he can lie in it.
{65896}{65928}If there's room.
{66105}{66157}It's not gonna do you any good.|I've looked everywhere.
{66161}{66208}You sure he didn't just lose it|like you said?
{66212}{66275}I was watching him the whole|time he was in the casino.
{66279}{66335}Besides, he's too wimpy to gamble|it.
{66339}{66384}They're talking about your money.
{66388}{66425}I'm hungry. Let's go.
{66429}{66459}Dedee, I told you to keep the door|locked.
{66459}{66505}Dedee, I told you to keep the door|locked.
{66633}{66681}I thought you weren't supposed to be|home till two.
{66685}{66775}I quit. We're gonna go home. Who's|he?
{66780}{66821}Randy Cates. Pleased to meet you.
{66825}{66869}Fuck off.
{66873}{66921}He's a friend from home. He just|came in to take a shower.
{66925}{66973}You know what that's like after a|long drive.
{66977}{67013}You think I'm stupid?
{67017}{67065}What did you mean about us going|home?
{67069}{67141}'Cause this isn't right,|this isn't how it should be.
{67143}{67185}You don't take people's ashes.
{67189}{67247}It's bad enough that we took the|money.
{67251}{67332}- You took the money.|- And I'm gonna give it back.
{67336}{67419}I mean, you know, what's left of it.
{67424}{67483}See? I told you he was lying to me.
{67488}{67545}You didn't lose the money in Vegas.|Where is it?
{67593}{67657}You're not getting it. It's for the|baby.
{67661}{67747}I meant what I said.|I don't care who the father is...
{67751}{67811}I wanna raise this child. So|should you.
{67816}{67848}That is my money.
{67852}{67933}Wait a minute, it's not your baby?|It's not his baby?
{67937}{68015}Whose do you think it is, Mr. "Who|needs a rubber, I'll pull out in time"?
{68019}{68120}I thought you said it was your|stepfather's.
{68124}{68176}Come on, Randy.
{68217}{68256}Is this the guy with one ball?
{68260}{68309}Come on, Dedee!
{68313}{68377}Look, Matt, we're out of here.
{68381}{68471}It's Randy's baby, we're gonna go,|we're gonna have a fresh start.
{68475}{68533}It's God's will, right, Randy?
{68537}{68608}I guess. I wish it was God's will|for me to wear a rubber, but...
{68612}{68693}We're gonna need that money|for the baby, you see what I'm saying?
{68697}{68743}No way.
{68748}{68847}Come on, Matt.|It's not gonna work out between us.
{68851}{68910}You're gay.
{68915}{69016}I don't mind so much, but I want|my baby to have a real father.
{69020}{69063}I told you I was gay.
{69067}{69108}This guy's a homo?
{69112}{69145}Could you leave now?
{69149}{69193}What about the AIDS?
{69197}{69243}You haven't been sleeping|with this guy, have you?
{69244}{69293}You're gettin' that stuff|all over the baby.
{69295}{69383}There's an innocent child inside|this girl. You son-of-a-bitch !
{69387}{69435}- Randy, be Christ like.|- Back off, man.
{69439}{69477}You fucking faggot!
{69839}{69872}Where's the money?
{70175}{70234}You're gonna need some|of this for the baby.
{70236}{70315}We're gonna get by just fine.|Come on, baby, let's get out of here.
{70376}{70409}What about the ashes?
{70413}{70471}What's all this shit about ashes?
{70532}{70622}We can get the license plate number|off the car. Come on.
{70837}{70885}TC8 Louisiana. Bill!
{71416}{71457}There's nothing to decide, Lucia.
{71461}{71539}She's gone, and he can't stay here.|He's gotta come back with us to Indiana.
{71540}{71639}I think you're a fool, Bill, but|it's none of my business.
{71643}{71696}That's a great shower.
{71700}{71737}Come on and sit down, Matt.
{71741}{71791}Did you see the sewing kit they|leave you in there?
{71921}{72041}I know that you feel bad|about what has happened.
{72045}{72117}- If you mean about stealing the money--|- And my brother's ashes...
{72119}{72199}and all the trouble your little|boyfriend got Bill into at school.
{72203}{72265}He's not my boyfriend.|I can't even believe he said that.
{72269}{72337}Let's not have any postmortems.|Let's just go home...
{72341}{72397}straighten Jason out,|and then we'll take it from there.
{72401}{72474}Maybe Jason'll put you up, boyfriend|or not, 'cause Bill won't have you back.
{72517}{72566}What about the ashes?
{72571}{72623}They're not Tom, all right?
{72627}{72723}I'd prefer they weren't bouncing|around in someone's knapsack right now.
{72728}{72803}You wish. She's probably trying to|smoke them.
{72852}{72899}What I'm trying to say is...
{72941}{73033}So things didn't work out between us,|so it didn't last forever, fine.
{73037}{73125}Let's go our separate ways...
{73129}{73239}without a lot of bad feelings and|bullshit.
{73321}{73369}That really surprises me.
{73373}{73471}This is how we do things on the planet|Maturia. We have much to teach you.
{73475}{73549}I'm really surprised.
{73553}{73638}I expected better from...
{73689}{73756}Maybe not from you, Lucia,|but you, Bill?
{73760}{73817}- Come on, she's your sister.|- Half-sister.
{73821}{73865}She's pregnant, probably abused...
{73869}{73933}with all sorts of repressed memories|that haven't even occurred to her yet.
{73937}{73995}She comes to you for help|and you let her go off with this like...
{73997}{74069}really violent stalker guy|who tracked her down.
{74073}{74105}Wait a minute.
{74109}{74188}She's in danger, Bill. You told|her mother you'd look after her.
{74192}{74241}And now this guy who's|like pissed off at the world...
{74243}{74286}because of a physical abnormality...
{74288}{74340}which he's probably going|to take out on Dedee.
{74342}{74421}She's probably used to him|taking out his physical abnormality.
{74423}{74511}Taking it out and waving it all|around.
{74515}{74585}I know technically she's a minor.
{74589}{74681}Bill, she's a kid.
{74685}{74761}She's got no one to turn to.
{74765}{74803}Not her mother.
{74807}{74865}Her father's dead. Her stepfather's|dead.
{74869}{74921}I lied to her about the money.
{74925}{75027}Even her blood brother who she came|to for help, on a bus...
{75031}{75081}Even he's washing his hands of her?
{75085}{75135}I should let her mother know about|it.
{75139}{75247}What? I am gonna fucking kill you|right now!
{75252}{75337}Wait, wait, wait!|I know you're frustrated, I understand.
{75341}{75385}Believe me, I share your feelings.
{75389}{75443}Prove it. Help me kill yourself.
{75447}{75525}I'm sorry,|I feel a responsibility to Dedee.
{75593}{75641}And the baby.
{75703}{75735}What are you doing?
{75815}{75879}I think it's a business.|The police, missing persons.
{75883}{75936}He's calling the police, Bill!
{75940}{75988}Matt, sit down.
{75992}{76051}My god. Stupid!
{76055}{76141}Lucia, take five. Go on, go!|I can handle this.
{76145}{76213}I don't think he is as dumb as we|think.
{76217}{76259}As you think, Lucia.
{76409}{76480}God damn it, god damn you both !
{76560}{76639}You know, I hope Tom Cruise is|as straight as they come.
{76643}{76697}I never thought he wasn't.
{76985}{77047}Carl...what are you doing here?
{77051}{77105}- Where's Bill?|- What?
{77109}{77179}- Where's Bill?|- Shut up. I'm not talking to you.
{77184}{77235}Wait, this is important. Where's|Bill?
{77273}{77327}- Taxi !|- It's L.A., they don't have cabs.
{77331}{77393}Could someone take me to the|airport?
{77397}{77459}This is ridiculous. Stop it.
{77464}{77529}You wanna arrest someone? Go up to|room 315.
{77533}{77593}I'll testify. I'll be on the fucking|jury.
{77597}{77661}I don't have any jurisdiction here.|I'm here as a friend.
{77665}{77713}I've know him twenty years, longer|than you.
{77717}{77765}You're loyal to a fault, that's you.
{77769}{77817}He's in trouble.
{77821}{77884}The little bastard who filed|the charges isn't withdrawing them.
{77888}{77957}The school board's all politics.|He might really lose his job.
{77961}{78005}I'm here to look out for him.
{78009}{78085}While you were looking out for him,|there was a gun fight...
{78089}{78161}some grand larceny, a little|extortion...
{78165}{78232}and the transportation of a minor|across state lines.
{78236}{78308}- When did all this happen, today?|- Yeah, all today.
{78312}{78348}I was visiting a friend.
{78352}{78409}That's right. She moved out here,|didn't she?
{78413}{78454}What was her name again, Terry,|Cherry?
{78459}{78511}Shari. What's your problem with me?
{78515}{78553}Nothing, nothing.
{78557}{78629}Just your wife was dying and you|screwed her nurse, that's all.
{78633}{78665}I was lonely.
{78669}{78731}That's all you have to say for|yourself?
{78735}{78773}If Nancy didn't mind, why should|you?
{78825}{78861}Nancy knew?
{78865}{78901}What gun fight?
{78971}{79028}I'm not talking to you.
{79081}{79117}She's smarter than she looks.
{79121}{79184}She knows Bill's gonna do what Matt|wants, find me.
{79191}{79257}But if the police get involved|officially, it'll be a scandal...
{79261}{79315}and Bill will never get his job|back.
{79353}{79453}So she gets Carl to call a local buddy,|run Randy's license plate...
{79457}{79507}and put out an official APB on|us.
{79539}{79605}you gotta hand it to her,|she always gets her way.
{79609}{79695}And it's not sex appeal.|She's beyond sex, like amoebas.
{79699}{79735}Don't give him any names.
{79769}{79833}Anyway, some cop somewhere spots|Randy's car...
{79837}{79913}which is at least gonna liven|things up as far as I'm concerned.
{79917}{80009}Because frankly, I'm starting to|think Randy's missing more than a ball.
{80013}{80122}Hotel phone calls are too expensive,|and we can't afford it.
{80124}{80219}We can't afford it, 'cause you spent|$4000 on a fucking bike yesterday.
{80223}{80271}Would you watch your language,|please?
{80275}{80357}No. Why don't you watch my language,|I'll watch my money.
{80361}{80420}I want the rest of it back.
{80424}{80492}It's the husband's job to decide|what happens with the money.
{80496}{80587}Bible boy, you're not my fucking|husband!
{80636}{80674}Now give me my money.
{80679}{80726}This is what happens when you talk|to your mother.
{80728}{80777}You get all worked up,|bent out of shape.
{80779}{80819}I'm going home.
{80823}{80873}You can't go home, Dedee!
{80877}{80948}There will be a ticket at the|airport for me by five.
{81001}{81081}Come on, you gotta stay here with me!|I prayed on this!
{81085}{81145}Pray on this, you freak.
{81343}{81401}Come on, I got your gun here!
{81475}{81561}That's great. What are you gonna do,|shoot me, shoot yourself?
{81601}{81692}You don't treat me fair.|That's a lot of driving up here.
{81696}{81760}You asked me to come, I came.|No stopovers or nothing.
{81764}{81855}I'm just asking you to stand by your|man like I'm standing next to you.
{81859}{81965}A lot of guys would've said,|"Shucks, she took up with that|homosexual."
{81969}{82041}"She turned her back on|righteousness."
{82045}{82121}How about blowing you in the|backseat of your car every day after|band?
{82125}{82173}That was a stairway to heaven,|right?
{82249}{82297}You waiting on somebody or|something?
{82301}{82355}Yeah, the guy from the bike shop.
{82360}{82409}He's coming to take it back.
{82413}{82457}The bike.
{82461}{82563}Don't worry. I'll leave you enough|money to get back to Louisiana.
{82568}{82641}- I just don't intend to be--|- God damn it, Dedee!
{82735}{82774}Why are you acting this way?
{82857}{82911}I think you hurt the baby.
{84681}{84729}What did you think,|I'd be the dead one?
{84733}{84785}I'm the fucking narrator, guys,|keep up.
{84789}{84889}It would be a lot easier|for all of us right now|if Randy was someone we hated.
{84893}{84969}But he was nice mostly. Even I|liked him.
{84973}{85045}So in order to get you to swallow|it and not totally hate me...
{85049}{85131}I'm gonna show you something|that happens in, like, five hours.
{85135}{85193}He had a very enlarged heart.
{85197}{85273}He would've lived, I don't know, not|more than six months.
{85277}{85347}At least he died quick, never knew|what hit him.
{85351}{85429}He looks peaceful, probably an|orphan.
{85433}{85475}But it's still murder.
{85479}{85525}Just not as unlikeable.
{85561}{85619}What is that, only one ball?
{85803}{85833}It's me!
{85887}{85945}Come on, it's me Matt, open up.
{86089}{86141}I'm so glad you're here.
{86145}{86249}I know you don't wanna go back|to Indiana to have the baby.
{86253}{86349}No, I do. Indiana, Louisiana,|I don't care, let's go.
{86353}{86401}You mean that?
{86405}{86453}What about this Randy guy?
{86458}{86533}He's a jerk, I can't stand him.
{86537}{86589}It's not like we fight--
{86625}{86660}Who's that?
{86663}{86721}That's Lucia, Bill and Carl.
{86725}{86757}Who's Carl?
{86763}{86860}A friend from back home, a sheriff|from town. That's how we found you.
{86911}{86971}Can I talk to you inside for|a minute?
{86975}{87036}Sure, yeah.
{87195}{87227}What are they talking about?
{87231}{87272}You think they're just talking?
{87276}{87319}Yeah, I do.
{87323}{87415}You think you're being nice, but|it's really just self-destructive.
{87419}{87473}When is it too hot to analyze me...
{87477}{87541}a hundred and ten, a hundred and|fifteen degrees?
{87545}{87593}You've got a death wish.
{87597}{87658}It's so selfish.
{87663}{87752}I have one, too,|but I direct it toward others.
{87819}{87864}Lucia, look at this.
{87868}{87942}Randy Cates, it's Palm Springs|Harley.
{87946}{88028}I'm here to get the bike|like your lady said.
{88032}{88064}Stay here.
{88068}{88118}Of course.
{88203}{88250}That's their room.
{88255}{88309}Were you looking for Dedee Truitt?
{88443}{88498}They're not there.|Kick it, kick it in.
{88523}{88558}Harder. Do it again.
{89093}{89157}- You guys in yet?|- It's Carl.
{89195}{89266}They're not in here.|We'll be right down.
{89611}{89699}They won't get far.|They put an APB out and mug shots.
{89703}{89785}We're not talking without a lawyer.|Say nothing.
{89789}{89835}Poor kid.
{89839}{89943}You still think she just needs a|little love? She's a murderer now.
{89947}{89984}We don't know that yet.
{89988}{90056}You better hope she's a murderer.|Otherwise Matt is.
{90060}{90126}We'd like to ask you to stay in Palm|Springs for a few days.
{90130}{90170}Really? Are we under arrest?
{90174}{90216}At our expense, of course.
{90220}{90268}Must have a nice budget.
{90272}{90330}Carl Tippett, St. Joe County|Sheriff's Department, Indiana.
{90334}{90402}A colleague.
{90459}{90497}I'm checking in.
{90807}{90849}I said I'm sleeping.
{90853}{90907}Come on, Lucia, let me in.
{90911}{90960}It's open.
{91139}{91222}Good. My delivery from 1-800-PITY.
{91227}{91322}We shouldn't be alone,|not after the day we had.
{91403}{91449}Any news?
{91453}{91519}I went down to the station.|They found the motorcycle.
{91523}{91579}They sold it, probably bought a car.
{91583}{91630}Don't worry, they'll find them.
{91635}{91694}I can sleep really well, then.
{91734}{91766}Where's Carl?
{91770}{91813}I don't know, bed?
{91817}{91884}Yeah, I bet.
{91963}{92058}Like you give a shit.|Like this is incendiary material.
{92063}{92131}Does this have any effect|on you at all?
{92135}{92196}What am I supposed to say?
{92200}{92283}I could dance around you naked.
{92287}{92334}Vagina, vagina, vagina.
{92339}{92403}Does that word do anything for you?
{92407}{92481}I don't think it does much for anyone,|gay or straight. It's too clinical.
{92485}{92545}It's like dentifrice for toothpaste.
{92619}{92667}It's so fucking ironic.
{92671}{92751}Do you know what my mom said when|she found out Tom was gay?
{92755}{92834}She said, it's such a lonely life.
{92907}{93020}She said that to the single straight|girl. Isn't that funny?
{93115}{93177}I don't know, I just don't...
{93181}{93220}I don't get sex.
{93224}{93273}You should get out more.
{93277}{93339}I mean, I don't understand sex.
{93343}{93392}I don't get it, get it?
{93396}{93493}It seems like a lot of trouble for|not much.
{93529}{93569}Am I the only one that thinks this?
{93573}{93657}I don't think you're the tip|of an iceberg, frankly.
{93661}{93701}I would rather have a back rub.
{93705}{93785}It lasts longer,|and there's no fluids.
{93789}{93837}What's so great about that?
{93841}{93914}It's like, "Hi, I'd like to blow my|nose on your face."
{93919}{93976}You wouldn't like that, would you?
{93980}{94020}And after they do it,|they never phone you.
{94024}{94056}Or a shampoo.
{94060}{94137}Just a really great shampoo.|That would make sense.
{94141}{94241}If you were chasing this asshole|all around the country|because he gave great shampoos...
{94245}{94301}It's not just sex, I care for Matt.
{94305}{94394}It is sex, Bill.|You just won't admit it.
{94399}{94460}'Cause you wanna be above that.
{94464}{94555}You wanna think that nothing that|happened happened because you like sex.
{94559}{94618}I'm really beat.
{94622}{94706}Sex kills, Bill.|You won't accept that.
{94711}{94782}But why do you think there are no|more real Hawaiians?
{94787}{94868}And why would they even come up|with the phrase "died in childbirth"...
{94872}{94917}if it only happened one time?
{94921}{94997}It's fucking dangerous, sex.
{95001}{95043}Tom didn't die because of sex.
{95099}{95131}Didn't he?
{95135}{95230}PC crap aside, didn't sex kill Tom?
{95291}{95364}If he just couldn't get enough|shampoos or back rubs...
{95368}{95421}wouldn't he still be here today?
{95459}{95509}You might as well say I killed him.
{95563}{95598}You didn't give it to him.
{95603}{95671}No, but some other faggot did,|isn't that what you think?
{95723}{95779}What I think is fine...
{95783}{95897}chase this bimbo from Indiana|to Chippewa Falls for all I care.
{95901}{95962}Go ahead, throw away your|reputation...
{95967}{96043}your job and your students,|whatever...
{96047}{96094}because you want Matt.
{96099}{96146}It's your right.
{96151}{96210}Just don't say that it's about love,|okay?
{96214}{96298}You're an English teacher.|Call things by their right name.
{96303}{96347}Okay, fine, fine.
{96351}{96444}Vagina and sour fucking grapes.|Class dismissed?
{97106}{97158}What is it?
{97162}{97228}I heard. I'm sorry.
{97272}{97313}Is there anything I can do?
{97363}{97448}Here. I bought you some beer|at the Seven-Eleven.
{97570}{97615}I needed shampoo.
{97740}{97778}Are you okay?
{97782}{97827}I have a headache.
{97831}{97888}I give good neck rubs.
{98378}{98449}Can you believe this?|It's so unfair.
{98453}{98528}She spends her whole life being a|total pill, and this happens.
{98532}{98642}We're not going inside.|It's too gross.
{98646}{98716}She turned out to be one of those|talkers, you know what I mean?
{98720}{98811}"Do it to me, yeah, oh there,|take me home, oh baby."
{98908}{98974}You'd think all that moaning would|take her mind off Bill.
{99010}{99042}But no.
{99264}{99308}It was a bigger story than we'd|figured.
{99312}{99378}Someone in Palm Springs tipped off|the local press...
{99382}{99458}and they had a kind of welcome|home parade for him.
{99504}{99592}The school board scheduled a hearing,|and the D.A. launched a probe.
{99596}{99694}And my mom hired a lawyer|in to try and get some money from Bill.
{99714}{99789}The Jason kid disappeared,|so the charges were dropped.
{99793}{99837}But Bill resigned anyway.
{99841}{99890}So school started and people|forgot about him.
{99894}{99958}Except you know who, the stalker.
{100146}{100194}My key doesn't work!
{100386}{100439}Gay houses usually sell real|quickly...
{100443}{100505}because of the recessed lighting|and the good faucets.
{100509}{100594}The realtor said the boarded up windows|were the kind of challenge she liked.
{100642}{100727}So it would've ended differently if we'd|waited one or two more days than we did.
{100732}{100780}But we didn't.
{100784}{100834}It was October.
{100933}{101001}Hey, man, how's it going?
{101058}{101130}Where the hell have you been?|We couldn't hold the hearing.
{101134}{101184}So busy.
{101188}{101291}Yeah? Fuck you. And good luck|refilling those charges.
{101295}{101368}That's not why I'm here.
{101534}{101629}Is this on? Bill, this is Dedee.
{101633}{101694}I had to send Jason because of|this whole crime thing.
{101698}{101805}Matt called him one night in|Chicago, and he's been like a fairy|godfather, so to speak.
{101862}{101922}He wants me to say faggot|godfather.
{101926}{101985}Anyway, I'm gonna have the baby,|and we need money...
{101989}{102050}and you're the only one I know|who has money.
{102054}{102092}Like ten thousand dollars?
{102096}{102172}We have a little wiggle room there.
{102176}{102237}and we do have expenses.
{102241}{102326}If you give us the money...|Jason, hold up the envelope now.
{102330}{102404}Inside the envelope are letters|where Jason takes back everything.
{102408}{102447}So you'll get your job back.
{102452}{102510}Plus, I'll send you pictures of|the baby when it comes out.
{102514}{102594}Because it will be your niece|or nephew, okay?
{102598}{102634}Turn it off.
{102638}{102708}Also, Matt says hi.
{102866}{102907}So what do you think?
{102911}{102973}Where are they?
{102977}{103074}I can't tell you that.
{103078}{103123}No, you just give me the money...
{103127}{103221}and that's all, the money.
{103314}{103362}That's pierced.
{103410}{103474}Listen to me, you little grunge|faggot...
{103478}{103538}I survived my family,|my schoolyard...
{103542}{103596}every Republican, every other|Democrat...
{103600}{103680}Anita Bryant, the Pope,|the fucking Christian Coalition...
{103682}{103762}not to mention a real son-of-a-bitch|virus, in case you haven't noticed.
{103766}{103861}And in all that time|since Paul Lynde and Truman Capote|were the only fairies in America...
{103865}{103926}I've been busting my ass|so that you'd be able to do|what you want with yours.
{103930}{104016}So I don't just want your obedience|right now, which I do want plenty of it.
{104020}{104070}But I want your fucking gratitude|right fucking now...
{104074}{104159}or you're gonna be looking down a|long road with your nipple in the dirt.
{104163}{104241}Do you hear what I'm saying?|Take me to them.
{104245}{104322}Okay, fine, just let me go!|Let me go!
{104578}{104625}You're supposed to be my brother,|man.
{104630}{104713}I was brotherly, man.|Think where else you're pierced.
{104718}{104775}Let's go.
{105042}{105150}We only have the|regular in Canada.
{105202}{105250}Jason? Jason Bock?
{105254}{105314}Oh my god, yeah, the gay.
{105318}{105350}Miss Dalury, how you doing?
{105354}{105444}Never mind me. You better be in town|to clear Mr. Truitt's name.
{105448}{105526}He didn't do anything to me.|That was just leverage.
{105530}{105614}You are going to march right into|school with me, young man...
{105618}{105659}and you're going to make|a statement to the principal.
{105663}{105706}And then I'm going to take you|to the police station.
{105710}{105762}I'm just passing through, ma'am.
{105766}{105803}You owe him that much.
{105840}{105902}I should've flunked you|when I had the chance.
{106002}{106040}You paid for this, didn't you?
{106044}{106093}Fucking small town, man.
{106242}{106325}Oh, my god. Call the school|and tell them I'm sick.
{106329}{106358}Do it!
{106850}{106935}Oh, my god...that little bastard.
{107090}{107186}As soon as the baby's born, we're|off to Mexico. Me, Matt and the kid.
{107242}{107314}Dedee knows she's not the mommy|type.
{107318}{107372}So, you know, he's available.
{107376}{107426}You mean Matt's not straight|anymore?
{107430}{107495}He called me, didn't he?
{108124}{108162}Here we are.
{108194}{108247}Our own little Xanadu.
{108322}{108381}We got it cheap|because of the season.
{108385}{108430}Send Matt out first.
{108434}{108490}She is gonna kill me when she sees|you here.
{108494}{108578}Just don't tell her you don't have|the money yet, okay?
{108620}{108679}Matt, I'm back!
{109020}{109063}What the hell are you doing here?
{109144}{109226}Jesus, Dedee. God, you're huge.
{109262}{109326}Hey, Dedee, we're back.
{109330}{109410}He wanted to see you himself.|Family, you know.
{109414}{109502}Asshole. Get back in the house,|help Matt make dinner.
{109506}{109550}I'll handle him.
{109554}{109602}You'll handle me?
{109606}{109704}Did you really think I was just|gonna load up his car with cash and|point it north?
{109708}{109755}You're screwing this all up.
{109759}{109807}When are you due? What does the|doctor say?
{109811}{109905}We can't afford a doctor.|You didn't bring any money at all?
{109909}{109997}- Forget the money.|- It's not for me, it's for them.
{110001}{110082}Part of it, anyway. Did he tell you|they're going to Mexico?
{110086}{110143}And you're just giving them the baby|as a wedding gift?
{110147}{110216}I gotta get Matt's name on the birth|certificate.
{110220}{110325}They'll take my word for it, right?|Once he's the father,|he can take the kid anywhere.
{110329}{110369}Just give it away.
{110373}{110478}It's as much his as it is mine. At|least, that's the line I'm gonna take.
{110482}{110556}Come on, you can't live like this.|This is crazy.
{110560}{110622}Besides, the police|are looking for you.
{110626}{110679}I don't wanna talk about that.
{110684}{110735}I'm your sister, okay? God...
{110739}{110818}And plus, I got Jason to take back all|those things he said in those letters.
{110822}{110894}The police are off your back,|thanks to me.
{111012}{111055}Are you hungry?
{111059}{111135}The life cycle|of the American bisexual.
{111140}{111222}He's in the last stage...total Moe.
{111330}{111408}You pissed me off, Bill,|you always did.
{111410}{111478}I should be the one who's pissed|off. You leave me in Palm Springs|with the police...
{111482}{111526}and the body of that poor kid.
{111530}{111600}That was an accident. They were|struggling and the gun went off.
{111604}{111679}It's made her very anti-handgun.
{111684}{111772}Of course, I don't know|why I'm surprised.
{111776}{111875}It's not like I can expect any loyalty|or consideration or whatever from you.
{111879}{111997}I told you, I didn't sleep with|Jason when we were together, okay?
{112073}{112169}She's a little bit at the end|there...Dedee.
{112246}{112303}I know it was wrong,|but I wasn't happy.
{112316}{112380}I'm happy with Jason.|He makes me happy.
{112498}{112562}How? How does he make you happy?
{112566}{112624}I mean, he's not on your level.
{112628}{112689}That's what Lucia|used to say about me.
{112693}{112792}Admit it, this thing between you|and Jason is just sex.
{112796}{112863}You know that stuff you're breathing|there, it's just oxygen.
{112867}{112942}It's an itch. You scratch it,|you feel better.
{112946}{112994}A lot better.
{113298}{113330}You look good.
{113378}{113424}It's been a while, I'd forgotten.
{113468}{113535}What did you do with those|Polaroids?
{113540}{113574}That's not what I'm talking about.
{113634}{113682}You know...
{113686}{113770}Bill, you think too much.
{113774}{113886}You wanted me, I was fine with that.|I was flattered.
{113890}{113952}I was stupid enough|to have taken it personally.
{113956}{113996}But it wasn't enough for you.
{114000}{114098}You had to take it to the next|level, make it mental or spiritual|or something...
{114102}{114151}Like some kind of fucking|promotion.
{114155}{114210}So there's nothing more to you|than your body.
{114214}{114322}What the fuck do I know? I'm just saying|that if you love me for my mind...
{114326}{114434}I know that's not|my best feature, right?
{114438}{114482}So where does that leave me?
{114486}{114563}Not only does my lover have a fool|for a boyfriend, so do l.
{114567}{114604}You're not a fool.
{114608}{114678}You know what I'm not -- Tom.
{114972}{115037}I'm sorry that he died.
{115041}{115105}But I'm sure that wherever he is,|he doesn't care that we screwed around.
{115109}{115191}He doesn't feel better that you|moved me in but told everybody|that it was more than sex.
{115196}{115244}He died, that really sucks.
{115248}{115310}But you don't get to make it better|by being this really great guy...
{115314}{115372}who only likes|the insides of people.
{115476}{115518}He was robbed.
{115558}{115612}So were you.
{115642}{115741}Even Lucia, who I could care less|about...
{115794}{115836}Couldn't care less.
{116226}{116290}So...good night.
{116658}{116754}You look kind of cute...all stupid|like.
{116946}{116994}Can I just say to all the girls|out there...
{116998}{117069}if you're with a guy who groaned or made|some crack during that little kiss...
{117073}{117138}you're with what we call|a closet case.
{117142}{117190}That's the number one tip-off.
{117194}{117266}Number two is if they freak out|about gays in the military.
{117270}{117346}You know, if they can't discuss it|without giggling about showering|with guys...
{117350}{117398}and bending over for soap|and stuff.
{117402}{117454}That's not good.
{117458}{117582}Real straight guys don't spend a|whole lot of time thinking about|wet naked men, if you ask me.
{117701}{117808}I'm sorry... it was all|that stuff about Tom.
{117890}{117934}How did you get here?
{117938}{118030}I followed you guys|from the Seven-Eleven.
{118034}{118095}Do you have anything to eat?
{118194}{118238}So what do we do now?
{118354}{118446}I'm gonna try to convince her|to have the baby back in the States.
{118732}{118786}Are you never gonna call me again?
{118920}{118978}I don't have to,|you keep tailing me.
{119072}{119142}Matt thinks that it was about sex,|too...
{119146}{119196}so I wasn't completely off.
{119266}{119340}Matt has a higher opinion of sex|than you do.
{119378}{119426}Than I used to.
{119708}{119756}Congratulate Carl.
{119858}{119906}I don't feel so good.
{119910}{119954}What the fuck is she doing here?
{119962}{120034}Is something wrong?
{120066}{120142}Oh, my god! Take her to the couch,|take her to the couch.
{120146}{120178}Where does it hurt?
{120182}{120220}Where do you think?
{120300}{120384}What's going on?|Oh, my god, is she...
{120388}{120436}Hi, Miss Dalury.|What are you doing here?
{120440}{120530}Never mind, Jason. Call 9-1-1.
{120534}{120578}It's okay, it's okay!
{120582}{120652}Go see how fast|an ambulance can get here!
{120655}{120707}Get that towel.
{120711}{120798}You are not hemorrhaging.|Are you having contractions?
{120802}{120864}No, this is my sleepy face.|What the fuck do you think?
{120868}{120945}- What's going on?|- We can't get through!
{121014}{121106}We'll be at the hospital in a few|minutes. It's okay.
{121110}{121146}This can't be good.
{121174}{121232}I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
{121350}{121394}Is that the ambulance?
{121456}{121543}That was Carl. How did he find us?
{121702}{121762}Only one of you can|go in there with her.
{121894}{121926}She's crowning.
{121930}{121968}What does that mean?
{121972}{122012}They can see the head.
{122016}{122107}It's huge! You can probably see it|from space!
{122374}{122407}You're gonna have a baby.
{122411}{122462}Yeah, lucky me.
{122508}{122583}You can call your mom if you want,|after this.
{122587}{122674}- No. Bill?|- Is another one coming?
{122678}{122712}Where's my bag?
{122716}{122798}Lucia has it. You need something?
{122802}{122864}Tom's ashes are in there.
{122868}{122927}All of them. I double-bagged it.
{123030}{123081}It was really fucking low.
{123085}{123154}I want you to know that I know.
{123158}{123257}We don't have to talk about this now.|Everything's gonna be fine.
{123261}{123332}And the baby's Randy's.
{123336}{123410}I know, it was an accident.|I don't have to hear this now.
{123414}{123490}We don't need to talk about it.|Everything's gonna be fine.
{123494}{123581}I just don't want you to think|that I never think about it.
{123585}{123643}I don't think that.
{123798}{123882}If anything happens to me, will you|keep the baby, not them?
{123886}{123947}Nothing's gonna happen to you.
{124143}{124206}All right, here we go.
{124210}{124272}Breathe, breathe...
{124276}{124334}All right, bear down. Push.
{124436}{124518}Excuse me, but haven't we seen this|scene like a million times before?
{124522}{124598}I pant and swear, and I'm like,|you know, pissed off.
{124612}{124656}Women delivering|are always pissed off...
{124660}{124722}and asking for that shot,|that epidural or whatever.
{124726}{124802}And swearing at the man who got|them into it and so on.
{124806}{124866}So I gotta give you|something else to watch.
{124870}{124928}You feel free to go back and forth.
{125078}{125134}Carl, we're all waiting inside.
{125138}{125190}I'm fine out here.
{125526}{125611}I'm sorry. There wasn't time|to pull over.
{125776}{125850}- What's the point, Lucia?|- What's what point?
{125854}{125906}What's the point of sleeping with you|if it doesn't get your attention...
{125910}{125956}if I always come second to Bill?
{125958}{125982}Excuse me?
{126038}{126146}Say the point of sex isn't recreation|or procreation or any of that stuff.
{126150}{126190}Say it's concentration.
{126194}{126299}Say it's supposed to focus your|attention on the person you're|sleeping with...
{126303}{126347}Like biological highlighter.
{126386}{126448}Otherwise, there's just too many|people in the world.
{126550}{126642}So while I'm sleeping with you, I'm not|supposed to care about anybody else?
{126646}{126710}Look for me first|in any crowded room.
{126752}{126798}And I'll do likewise.
{126870}{126946}Otherwise, a person ends up sleeping|with somebody else.
{127254}{127330}It's just a habit,|thinking about Bill.
{127334}{127398}Because of Tom.
{127478}{127517}I know.
{127710}{127744}Are you okay?
{127974}{128030}So you think there are too many|people in the world?
{128034}{128086}What are you talking about?
{128090}{128166}And sex has nothing to do|with procreation?
{128294}{128349}Are you pregnant?
{128534}{128600}And I'll tell you something,|it's not Bill's.
{128936}{128976}One more, one more. Come on, Dedee.
{129294}{129328}It's a boy.
{129444}{129470}It's a boy.
{129474}{129553}It's a boy.|It's a beautiful baby boy.
{129590}{129671}Just do me a favor, count his balls.
{129675}{129720}Oh, shit...
{129724}{129752}She's gonna need blood.
{129756}{129844}We need two pints of O-negative|in here stat.
{129848}{129920}And put twenty crit in that line|and open it up.
{129924}{130010}Call surgery and tell them we've|got a postpartum bleeder in the E. R.
{130014}{130054}Let's go, let's move!
{130548}{130598}Didn't think I could die, did you?
{130648}{130726}Look at them. Who'd have thought|they gave a shit?
{130730}{130790}Even her. Look at her.
{130794}{130896}Unless she's crying for Bill,|not me. Contact grief.
{130926}{130986}No, I think it's for me.
{130990}{131074}Look at Bill.|I did nothing but screw up his life.
{131078}{131142}I knew Matt liked me.
{131146}{131234}He's got a boner,|believe it or not.
{131238}{131292}Drama queen.
{131296}{131376}And like these guys,|some of you ended up liking me, too.
{131380}{131454}And thought maybe,|just maybe I wasn't a total shit.
{131520}{131590}But you were wrong.|I'm screwing with you right now.
{131594}{131642}No way I died.
{131646}{131694}I could've, that much is true.
{131698}{131745}The river of blood, that happened.
{131750}{131794}But somehow it stopped.
{131798}{131846}I don 't know why, but it did.
{131850}{131884}When do we get to see him?
{131888}{131922}After they've cleaned him up.
{131926}{132014}We can leave.|We don't have to stay long.
{132018}{132070}Does she get skinny right away?
{132074}{132166}Probably not, Matt,|but that's a real intelligent question.
{132170}{132226}Because she really hated being fat,|I mean really...
{132638}{132670}You okay, buddy?
{132786}{132838}Yeah, it's been a long year.
{133206}{133268}I'm glad she's not dead and all...
{133272}{133328}but she's what|I call a real user.
{133424}{133476}I don't know what's so great|about motherhood.
{133480}{133550}Just looking at that soft spot made|me wanna scream.
{133582}{133668}I told Matt and Jason|that I wanted to keep him,|and they were pretty cool about it.
{133672}{133748}When you nearly hemorrhage|to death, people cut you a break.
{133752}{133801}Most of them, anyway.
{133892}{133995}Carl got us to return to the States,|so he's like super cop.
{134054}{134164}Matt and I had to go out to Palm|Springs and answer all these|questions about Randy.
{134230}{134278}Matt gets off scot-free.
{134338}{134422}Me, they put in jail|for six months for leaving|the scene of a crime or something.
{134426}{134470}Even though they couldn't prove|it was murder.
{134474}{134571}Especially since Randy left all|these crazy writings in the room|about satan and stuff.
{134575}{134623}So that looked good for me.
{134627}{134719}Lucia decided to forgive me|and sent me care packages every week.
{134759}{134790}Lucky me.
{134846}{134922}Jason made a statement that he'd|been paid to make his charges...
{134926}{135010}by the Christian Right guys on|the school board -- the ones|against evolution and Huck Finn.
{135014}{135108}Which was a total lie, but even so,|they won't be back for another term.
{135238}{135286}I let Bill take custody|of the baby.
{135290}{135378}And he worked it out so my parole|time was spent at his place in Indiana.
{135382}{135421}Breaking escrow cost him a shitload.
{135478}{135580}Lucia and Carl had their baby.|You can imagine the pick of that litter.
{135584}{135684}It was the kind of kid that if|you played with it too much|after a feeding, you threw up.
{135688}{135746}But they loved it.
{135798}{135861}Bill was cute with R.J. --|that's Randy junior.
{135865}{135904}Even though it spooked me at|first...
{135908}{135972}him changing a boy baby and|getting good peaks at his little thing.
{135976}{136064}But he says straight dads change|girl babies all the time|and nothing ever comes of that.
{136068}{136125}Is he naive or what?
{136374}{136464}Anyway, R.J. was crazy about him|and vice-versa.
{136468}{136523}But he never really took to me.
{136734}{136834}Maybe Jason was right,|I'm not the mommy type.
{136838}{136886}I don't care.
{136950}{137028}But the court says I'm supposed|to hang here with my brother until|I'm eighteen...
{137032}{137133}just the three of us, except for once|a week visits from my parole officer.
{137206}{137282}It wasn't once a week for long.
{137286}{137324}I didn't mind.
{137328}{137432}If there have to be gay people,|at least it's nice there's enough|of them to go around.
{137590}{137648}Seems like everybody's|having sex but me.
{137686}{137720}Good for them.
{137794}{137849}It's not that I'm against sex.
{137853}{137974}It was clever of God or evolution|or whatever to hook the survival|of the species to it...
{137978}{138037}because we're gonna screw around|no matter what.
{138042}{138100}It was a smarter thing to pick|than say...
{138104}{138176}the instinct to share your toys|or return phone calls.
{138180}{138256}We'd have died out like eons ago.
{138260}{138372}But on the minus side, god...|all the attachment that goes with it.
{138376}{138422}It's like this net.
{138426}{138480}Sex always ends in kids|or disease...
{138484}{138557}or like, you know,|relationships.
{138561}{138609}That's exactly what I don't want.
{138613}{138661}I want the opposite of all that.
{138665}{138731}Because it's not worth it,|not really, is it...
{138735}{138772}when you think about it?
{140070}{140186}Okay, so maybe I'm wrong.|Maybe it's not all shit. Maybe...
{140190}{140232}God damn it.
{140406}{140482}I thought the whole idea|was I know what happens next.
{140532}{140566}I'll tell you one thing...
{140570}{140651}I'm not gonna go back to Bill's house|and be this big changed person for you.
{140655}{140720}I told you right off|I don't grow a heart of gold.
{140724}{140799}And if I do, which is, like,|so unlikely...
{140803}{140876}give me a break and don't make|me do it in front of you.
{140880}{140924}Come on, guys, go, okay?
{140982}{141026}I'll give you this much, though...
{141030}{141104}I never was the same again after|that summer.
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