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The trillion dollar company that has foot
is coming out with a
As every story has an end,
My story as CEP comes to an end today.
I'm retiring as CEO of Origin.
In a week's time,
John Bates, the CEO of Origin has announcing his retirement.
There's a lot of to who's going to
One thing is for sure,
Possibility for either...
Felix Eucipher, Joe Richards,
Rishi Kumar...
Today he has a chance to
...the World's biggest Corporate Company,
If this comes true...
his name will be a pride for every
Like you all, I'm equally excited
He is a man of commitment,
and a man of courage.
He is none other than...
Mr. Rishi Kumar
[applause] Thank you! Thank you.
A lot of tabloids and news
it's a dream come true for
I just want to tell them,
I believe in reality
This is where I always wanted to be,
Thank you sir, for having the trust in me.
Thank you. [applause]
-All the best Rishi.
The world is yours.
"You're everything and you're the policy"
"You're your challenge
"Let every night turn into ashes"
"Dash ahead as a missile"
prints in 70 countries all over the world
big announcement today.
we will be anouncing the new CEO.
taken the business world by surprise...
speculation going around...
be leading Origin next
this will be a dream job for that person.
Michael Angler and Rishi Kumar
the name we didn't know till yesterday
be appointed as CEO of...
Origin group.
Telugu person all around the World.
to accounce the new CEO of Origin.
a man of confidence
channels have been stating that
whoever takes up this position.
I don't believe in dreams
and that's the reality
-Thank you sir.
and you're infinite"
"Let the fire in you show direction"