Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.000
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00:01:15.280 --> 00:01:17.280
Okay, Munga
00:01:17.680 --> 00:01:21.280
Chucky it you don't go to a creamy 떨어져 있었습니다
00:01:21.280 --> 00:01:23.280
00:01:52.000 --> 00:01:57.800
Even in a checker check tonight, Sunni nail a team and don't you get up at this meetup?
00:01:59.400 --> 00:02:01.400
You move on
00:02:03.400 --> 00:02:05.400
00:02:06.240 --> 00:02:08.240
To my own head up
00:02:21.280 --> 00:02:23.280
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What's your name?
00:03:22.280 --> 00:03:24.280
00:03:34.880 --> 00:03:39.240
So I'm back get some you know, so now you have a chip on a chicken
00:03:51.280 --> 00:03:53.280
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So she couldn't say to me that
00:04:02.040 --> 00:04:04.040
They got our own
00:04:04.640 --> 00:04:06.640
To know that I'm a chopper
00:04:07.680 --> 00:04:09.680
Even one of you
00:04:09.680 --> 00:04:11.680
00:04:16.440 --> 00:04:18.440
What's up, man
00:04:18.680 --> 00:04:20.680
Come to my mother
00:04:20.720 --> 00:04:22.720
He moment you don't know Linda
00:04:24.240 --> 00:04:26.240
Sengkuk and I asked me that
00:04:30.560 --> 00:04:32.560
What's a show
00:04:32.680 --> 00:04:34.680
00:04:35.000 --> 00:04:36.680
So I
00:04:36.680 --> 00:04:38.680
saw my name I really just me got
00:04:39.760 --> 00:04:41.240
Mama case, oh
00:04:41.240 --> 00:04:42.680
Namjang arago
00:04:42.680 --> 00:04:44.680
Ha Sung-dae with a 동정 때기 구경을 하러
00:04:45.600 --> 00:04:47.600
정기 방에 오셨지 않았습니까
00:04:47.640 --> 00:04:52.800
지난번 대학관 야행 때 우뚝 솟은 저분의 작은 분을 내 참결이지만 똑똑히 보았네
00:04:54.160 --> 00:04:56.160
남아 알고 다른 이는 어떠한가
00:04:57.000 --> 00:04:59.960
궁금하지 않나 공주께서 그날 입으신 복색이
00:05:00.720 --> 00:05:03.520
너무나 눈에 익어 어디서 보았나
00:05:04.800 --> 00:05:06.800
한참을 생각했는데
00:05:07.480 --> 00:05:11.400
추년의 담을 몰래 놓고 가던 이몽원의 옷과 같아 보였습니다
00:05:13.040 --> 00:05:16.200
그래서 공주와 맞게 더욱 관심이 갔지요
00:05:17.480 --> 00:05:19.480
00:05:19.720 --> 00:05:21.720
조심한다고 하였는데
00:05:29.960 --> 00:05:31.960
그런데 오늘은 어찌하여
00:05:33.080 --> 00:05:36.040
이몽원의 모습으로 저를 찾으신 것입니까
00:05:37.520 --> 00:05:43.560
공중마 막혀서 추난의 담의 작가 이몽원 이라는 사실은 비밀로 하실 작정이 아니셨습니까
00:05:44.080 --> 00:05:46.080
더는 그럴 수 없는 상황이 되고 말았습니다
00:05:47.560 --> 00:05:53.200
며칠 전 화인구 놀아보니가 별재 김민옹을 이몽원 이를 오해하여 잡아갔습니다
00:05:54.680 --> 00:05:56.680
은밀히 그쪽 사람들을 이용하였으니
00:05:57.760 --> 00:05:59.760
때마침 내가 그곳에 가지 않았다면
00:06:00.960 --> 00:06:02.960
스승님이 잡혀간 것조차 몰랐을 겁니다
00:06:04.560 --> 00:06:06.560
어쩌다 그런
00:06:07.560 --> 00:06:11.160
화인구는 어찌하여 김민옹을 이몽원 이라 생각한 것입니까
00:06:11.560 --> 00:06:14.560
추나 연애담의 작가와 화풍이 비슷하여 의심받는 상황에서
00:06:16.560 --> 00:06:20.560
스승님께서 순순히 그러하다 인정해 버리셨습니다
00:06:25.560 --> 00:06:27.560
알고 계셨던 겁니다
00:06:28.160 --> 00:06:30.160
제가 이몽원이라는 것을
00:06:32.160 --> 00:06:36.160
저를 대신해 이몽원이 되신 것입니다
00:06:37.160 --> 00:06:40.160
이놈이 여기 있다는 걸 누구도 알아서는 안 된다
00:06:40.160 --> 00:06:42.160
접근하는 자가 없도록 잘 감시하거라
00:06:42.160 --> 00:06:44.160
00:06:44.760 --> 00:06:46.760
00:06:56.760 --> 00:07:01.760
상단주께서 스승님이 무사한지만이라도 확인을 좀 해 주실 수 있겠습니까
00:07:02.760 --> 00:07:03.760
00:07:03.760 --> 00:07:06.760
속히 김별재를 만날 방법을 찾아볼 터이니
00:07:07.760 --> 00:07:11.760
공주마마께서는 저를 믿고 조금만 기다려 주십시오
00:07:11.760 --> 00:07:13.760
최악의 상황이 되면
00:07:14.360 --> 00:07:17.360
아바마마께 가서 제가 이몽원님을 밝히고
00:07:18.360 --> 00:07:20.360
스승님의 결백을 증명할 생각입니다
00:08:14.360 --> 00:08:20.360
흩날리는 꽃잎이 그대 곁을 날아가며
00:08:21.360 --> 00:08:25.360
나의 소식 전해 주려
00:08:26.360 --> 00:08:28.360
공주마마께서 여긴 어인일이신지
00:08:29.360 --> 00:08:30.360
별재 김민웅이시지요?
00:08:31.360 --> 00:08:33.360
유명하신 분께서 도화원의 간원이 되어
00:08:34.360 --> 00:08:37.360
일을 도우신다 하여 아바마마께 창에 그림 구경을 왔습니다
00:08:39.360 --> 00:08:41.360
어떻게 이런 색을 내셨습니까?
00:08:41.960 --> 00:08:43.960
여기 이 선은 덧칠을 한 것입니까?
00:08:44.960 --> 00:08:47.960
어렵게 생각하지 마시고 그냥 마음 가는 대로 그리시면 됩니다
00:08:56.960 --> 00:08:58.960
정말 대단하십니다
00:09:00.960 --> 00:09:04.960
김화백 내게도 그림을 좀 가르쳐 주시겠습니까?
00:09:05.960 --> 00:09:07.960
화백이라뇨 그냥 편하게 불러 주십시오
00:09:07.960 --> 00:09:11.560
그럼 오늘부터 김화백은 나의 스승님이십니다
00:09:37.960 --> 00:09:42.560
하늘에 수놓인 별들이 반짝일 때
00:09:43.560 --> 00:09:45.560
오리는 깃털 묘사가 너무 어렵습니다
00:09:46.560 --> 00:09:50.560
음향 부위를 짙고 옅은 목으로 선형을 하시면
00:09:51.560 --> 00:09:52.560
느낌이 더 잘 사실 겁니다
00:09:53.560 --> 00:09:54.560
00:10:01.560 --> 00:10:02.560
제 깃털 같습니다
00:10:03.560 --> 00:10:05.560
네 아주 잘하십니다
00:10:08.560 --> 00:10:14.560
그리워해요 우리 그날을
00:10:20.560 --> 00:10:22.560
이런저런 이유로 그림을 그리고는 있으나
00:10:23.560 --> 00:10:25.560
바라는 것은 매번 한 가지입니다
00:10:27.560 --> 00:10:30.560
제가 이 그림을 그리며 위안받았던 마음이
00:10:31.560 --> 00:10:34.560
오느니에게도 전하여 줬으면 하는 마음이죠
00:10:35.160 --> 00:10:37.160
추나연 대담에 작가도
00:10:38.160 --> 00:10:40.160
그런 마음으로 책을 쓴 것이 아니었을까요?
00:10:56.160 --> 00:11:00.160
김민웅이 이몽원인 것은 확실한 겁니까?
00:11:00.760 --> 00:11:01.760
확실한 겁니까?
00:11:03.760 --> 00:11:05.760
이 일이 얼마나 위험한 일인진 알고 계시죠?
00:11:07.760 --> 00:11:09.760
전하께 보고도 없이 우리 쪽 사람들을 움직였으니
00:11:10.760 --> 00:11:13.760
일이 잘못되면 목숨을 내놔야 할 수도 있습니다
00:11:15.760 --> 00:11:16.760
이번엔 확실합니다
00:11:17.760 --> 00:11:21.760
여기 이렇게 추나연의 담의 원본까지 찾아내지 않았습니까?
00:11:22.760 --> 00:11:25.760
저놈이 이몽원이라는 필명 뒤에서
00:11:25.760 --> 00:11:27.760
마음 놓고 그림을 그려댔겠지만
00:11:28.360 --> 00:11:31.360
내가 이 책들 속에서
00:11:32.360 --> 00:11:36.360
그자가 즐겨 그리던 동물의 흔적까지 찾아낼 줄 몰랐을 것입니다
00:11:47.360 --> 00:11:48.360
이것을 좀 보십시오
00:11:48.960 --> 00:11:49.960
그 오리
00:11:56.960 --> 00:11:57.960
과연 김민웅은
00:11:58.960 --> 00:12:02.960
관직에 오르기 전부터 최완희의 중계로 그림을 그리고 있었으니
00:12:03.960 --> 00:12:05.960
쓰고 찍어내고 그런 식으로
00:12:06.960 --> 00:12:07.960
둘이 한 패였던 모양이군요
00:12:08.960 --> 00:12:09.960
그 오리
00:12:10.960 --> 00:12:11.960
그 오리
00:12:12.960 --> 00:12:13.960
그 오리
00:12:14.960 --> 00:12:15.960
그 오리
00:12:16.560 --> 00:12:17.560
둘이 한 패였던 모양이군요
00:12:18.560 --> 00:12:19.560
그럼 뭐 이제 어떡할까요?
00:12:20.560 --> 00:12:21.560
아바마께서 아시기 전에
00:12:23.560 --> 00:12:25.560
김민웅의 입부터 막아야 하지 않을까요?
00:12:26.560 --> 00:12:27.560
김민웅과 최완은 한 패이니
00:12:28.560 --> 00:12:29.560
그자의 입을 막는다 해서
00:12:30.560 --> 00:12:31.560
최완까지 막을 수는 없을 겁니다
00:12:32.560 --> 00:12:33.560
대체 아바마께서는
00:12:34.560 --> 00:12:35.560
어쩌여 최완을 그냥 풀어주신 건지?
00:12:36.560 --> 00:12:37.560
수완이 좋은 놈이니
00:12:38.560 --> 00:12:39.560
주상께 또 어떤 수작을 벌였을지 모를 일이죠
00:12:41.560 --> 00:12:42.560
상황이 확실해질 때까지
00:12:43.560 --> 00:12:44.560
최완 그자는
00:12:46.560 --> 00:12:47.560
함부로 건드려서는 안 됩니다
00:12:48.560 --> 00:12:49.560
00:12:50.560 --> 00:12:51.560
00:13:01.560 --> 00:13:02.560
별재 김민웅
00:13:03.560 --> 00:13:04.560
00:13:05.560 --> 00:13:06.560
이젠 이무원이라 불러야 하나?
00:13:10.560 --> 00:13:12.560
관직에 올라 자유롭게 과란을 오가면서
00:13:13.560 --> 00:13:14.560
용쾌도 사람들의 눈을 피해
00:13:15.160 --> 00:13:16.160
이런 것을 만들고 있었구나
00:13:19.160 --> 00:13:20.160
00:13:21.160 --> 00:13:22.160
어쩌여 이런 책을 쓴 것이냐
00:13:23.160 --> 00:13:25.160
신의 집안이 궁핍함을 알고 계시지 않습니까?
00:13:29.160 --> 00:13:30.160
돈을 벌기 위해 책을 썼습니다
00:13:34.160 --> 00:13:35.160
너의 그림은 구하기가 어려워
00:13:36.160 --> 00:13:37.160
웃돈을 주고도 거래가 된다던데
00:13:38.160 --> 00:13:39.160
단지 돈을 벌기 위해 이런 책을 썼다
00:13:42.160 --> 00:13:43.160
00:13:43.760 --> 00:13:44.760
내가 그 말을 믿을 줄 아느냐?
00:13:46.760 --> 00:13:47.760
믿고 안 믿고는 대감의 자유시지요
00:13:51.760 --> 00:13:52.760
그럼 질문을 달려야지
00:13:54.760 --> 00:13:55.760
어디까지 알고 있느냐
00:13:58.760 --> 00:13:59.760
대답에 따라 자넨 죽을 수도 있고 또 살 수도 있어
00:14:01.760 --> 00:14:02.760
화인군의 일을 어디까지 알고 있는 것이야
00:14:05.760 --> 00:14:06.760
무슨 말씀을 하시는지 모르겠습니다
00:14:08.760 --> 00:14:09.760
그 책 어디에 화인군의 이름이 있어 옵니까
00:14:10.760 --> 00:14:11.760
저는 그저 살고 있는 겁니다
00:14:13.760 --> 00:14:14.760
사람들이 재미있어 할 만한 이야기를 상상하여 썼던 것뿐입니다
00:14:25.760 --> 00:14:26.760
글이 나온다 이거지
00:14:28.760 --> 00:14:29.760
이 모먼이란 필명으로
00:14:30.760 --> 00:14:31.760
민심의 대변인 인양 춘하의 내담들을 써대더니
00:14:33.760 --> 00:14:34.760
군명심이라도 생긴 것이냐
00:14:37.760 --> 00:14:38.760
네가 없어지면 남아있는 너의 가족들은 어찌 될 것인가
00:14:40.760 --> 00:14:41.760
궁금하지 않느냐
00:14:43.760 --> 00:14:44.760
아직 날 살려두는 이유는 단 하나뿐이야
00:14:47.760 --> 00:14:48.760
춘하의 내담의 원작자인 너만이
00:14:50.760 --> 00:14:51.760
화인군의 운명이 진실이 아님을 증언해줄 수 있는 자이기 때문이지
00:15:01.760 --> 00:15:02.760
남은 시간 찬찬히 고민해보게
00:15:05.760 --> 00:15:06.760
주어진 시간이 길지는 않을 것이야
00:15:13.760 --> 00:15:14.760
저와 세자빈 마마께 가실 시간이 옵니다
00:15:23.760 --> 00:15:24.760
날이 벌써 그리 되었는가
00:15:26.760 --> 00:15:27.760
길 씨가 다가오니 서두르셔야 합니다
00:15:27.760 --> 00:15:29.360
글씨가 다가오니 서두르셔야 합니다
00:15:58.360 --> 00:15:59.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:16:24.360 --> 00:16:25.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:16:28.360 --> 00:16:29.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:16:40.360 --> 00:16:41.360
00:16:42.360 --> 00:16:43.360
00:16:44.360 --> 00:16:45.360
서소에 계시지 않사옵니다
00:16:50.360 --> 00:16:51.360
00:16:57.760 --> 00:16:59.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:17:28.360 --> 00:17:29.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:17:44.360 --> 00:17:45.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:17:50.360 --> 00:17:51.360
도상궁이 옵니다
00:19:27.760 --> 00:19:42.760
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to let you get away with this.
00:19:42.760 --> 00:19:52.760
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to let you get away with this.
00:20:12.760 --> 00:20:17.760
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to let you get away with this.
00:20:42.760 --> 00:20:52.760
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to let you get away with this.
00:20:52.760 --> 00:21:02.760
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to let you get away with this.
00:21:02.760 --> 00:21:04.760
Is there anything wrong?
00:21:04.760 --> 00:21:05.760
00:21:06.760 --> 00:21:10.760
The princess is very worried. I'm not worried either.
00:21:13.760 --> 00:21:18.760
Please don't worry about me.
00:21:19.760 --> 00:21:23.760
How did you admit it so easily? Don't you regret it?
00:21:25.760 --> 00:21:28.760
It's all because of me, so I have to take responsibility.
00:21:32.760 --> 00:21:41.760
But I'm worried about my family.
00:21:47.760 --> 00:21:53.760
If anything happens to me, can I ask you for my family?
00:21:59.760 --> 00:22:00.760
Don't worry.
00:22:02.760 --> 00:22:06.760
I'll take responsibility and protect Kim Byul-jae's family.
00:22:10.760 --> 00:22:14.760
Thank you. I'll trust you.
00:22:33.760 --> 00:22:35.760
You're so persistent.
00:22:35.760 --> 00:22:38.760
It's not even a day or two. Aren't you tired?
00:22:38.760 --> 00:22:40.760
Why do you keep coming?
00:22:40.760 --> 00:22:44.760
I'm worried because I don't know anything about Kim Byul-jae.
00:22:44.760 --> 00:22:47.760
There's nothing to know. Go back.
00:22:47.760 --> 00:22:50.760
Brother, the teacher is not a writer.
00:22:50.760 --> 00:22:53.760
Lee Mong-heon is someone else.
00:23:02.760 --> 00:23:05.760
I've got all the clear evidence, but it's still like this.
00:23:05.760 --> 00:23:08.760
If the evidence is so clear, you should have sent it to the government.
00:23:08.760 --> 00:23:11.760
How did you hide it without anyone knowing?
00:23:13.760 --> 00:23:17.760
I need to see the teacher. Where are you?
00:23:18.760 --> 00:23:23.760
I didn't confess for a few days, so I caught him.
00:23:23.760 --> 00:23:33.760
Father, you're going to have to confess that he's Lee Mong-heon in front of the publisher, Choi Han-do.
00:23:34.760 --> 00:23:38.760
This is why women can't do this.
00:23:39.760 --> 00:23:43.760
I heard that Chun-hwa's diary was about you.
00:23:43.760 --> 00:23:49.760
What do you do when you see that he secretly admires you and draws your portrait?
00:23:50.760 --> 00:23:53.760
Do you have any sympathy?
00:23:53.760 --> 00:23:55.760
Don't talk to me.
00:23:56.760 --> 00:24:00.760
If you keep coming out like this, I won't stay still.
00:24:00.760 --> 00:24:03.760
What are you going to do if you don't stay still?
00:24:05.760 --> 00:24:10.760
This is for Dae-hee. It's for you.
00:24:10.760 --> 00:24:15.760
Shouldn't we take this opportunity to get rid of him right away?
00:24:15.760 --> 00:24:24.760
I'll take care of this, so don't get in the way.
00:24:46.760 --> 00:24:49.760
The crown prince is coming.
00:25:03.760 --> 00:25:04.760
Did you call me, Your Majesty?
00:25:08.760 --> 00:25:10.760
Where have you been last night?
00:25:16.760 --> 00:25:18.760
I went out for a while.
00:25:18.760 --> 00:25:22.760
Weren't you supposed to go to the crown prince yesterday?
00:25:22.760 --> 00:25:29.760
I'm deeply concerned about the crown prince, but why are you leaving him alone on such an important day?
00:25:29.760 --> 00:25:34.760
Is it true that you left Bin and went to see another woman?
00:25:39.760 --> 00:25:41.760
You're so rude.
00:25:42.760 --> 00:25:45.760
Do I have to be watched every day of the month?
00:25:46.760 --> 00:25:52.760
As a man, do I have to be allowed to meet women?
00:25:52.760 --> 00:25:54.760
You're not just a man.
00:25:54.760 --> 00:25:58.760
The crown prince will be the king of this country for a long time.
00:25:58.760 --> 00:26:01.760
It is the crown prince's duty to see his descendants.
00:26:01.760 --> 00:26:03.760
So I can't stand it anymore.
00:26:04.760 --> 00:26:12.760
Even on the first day of the month, I have to receive the command and order, and I have to do my duty while everyone is watching.
00:26:12.760 --> 00:26:15.760
It's not just the crown prince who feels that pressure.
00:26:16.760 --> 00:26:25.760
Like the crown prince said, don't you think of the pressure that the crown prince feels while everyone is watching every month?
00:26:26.760 --> 00:26:28.760
Then what should I do?
00:26:29.760 --> 00:26:31.760
I can't stand it anymore.
00:26:44.760 --> 00:26:47.760
I don't know what kind of person that woman is.
00:26:47.760 --> 00:26:55.760
But if it's so hard for me, please show me that woman officially.
00:26:56.760 --> 00:27:00.760
That's an example of the crown prince and that woman.
00:27:02.760 --> 00:27:07.760
Did you know that the crown prince had another woman?
00:27:14.760 --> 00:27:16.760
What have you been doing so far?
00:27:17.760 --> 00:27:20.760
I made a deal with you after seeing your half-hearted face.
00:27:20.760 --> 00:27:24.760
You can't hold a man's heart and make the crown prince go out?
00:27:25.760 --> 00:27:26.760
I'm sorry.
00:27:26.760 --> 00:27:29.760
What would you do if that woman had a meeting?
00:27:30.760 --> 00:27:32.760
It's the same useless thing.
00:27:33.760 --> 00:27:35.760
00:27:37.760 --> 00:27:39.760
How can it be useless?
00:27:41.760 --> 00:27:45.760
If you don't get along with me, you become a useless woman.
00:27:46.760 --> 00:27:49.760
Then am I also a useless woman?
00:27:50.760 --> 00:27:53.760
You're not talking about the crown prince right now, are you?
00:27:53.760 --> 00:27:55.760
That child and rain are different.
00:27:56.760 --> 00:27:59.760
Rain is a body that will be charged.
00:27:59.760 --> 00:28:04.760
Then I have to be charged to prove my usefulness.
00:28:06.760 --> 00:28:07.760
What are you talking about?
00:28:08.760 --> 00:28:13.760
If I can't have a meeting or be charged, I become a useless person.
00:28:13.760 --> 00:28:15.760
So no matter what happens, you have to be charged.
00:28:16.760 --> 00:28:19.760
No, you must be.
00:28:20.760 --> 00:28:24.760
Charging is the most honorable place to be born as a woman.
00:28:25.760 --> 00:28:27.760
Is that such an honor?
00:28:27.760 --> 00:28:29.760
Do you say that to me?
00:28:30.760 --> 00:28:34.760
How did we give our family's child as a wish?
00:28:34.760 --> 00:28:37.760
Wasn't it all for the crown prince?
00:28:37.760 --> 00:28:39.760
I didn't want it.
00:28:39.760 --> 00:28:47.760
Have you ever asked me what I meant to decide my life?
00:28:48.760 --> 00:28:52.760
So don't tell me it was for me anymore.
00:28:52.760 --> 00:28:57.760
Tell me honestly that it was for the honor of my parents and the queen.
00:28:57.760 --> 00:28:58.760
The crown prince...
00:28:58.760 --> 00:29:01.760
If you're done talking, I'll leave now.
00:29:09.760 --> 00:29:10.760
I'm sorry.
00:29:32.760 --> 00:29:33.760
Queen mother.
00:29:39.760 --> 00:29:42.760
You must have been in trouble, too.
00:29:42.760 --> 00:29:46.760
Thank you for taking my side.
00:29:47.760 --> 00:29:50.760
I'm not on your side, so there's nothing to be thankful for.
00:29:52.760 --> 00:29:54.760
I just told you what I thought.
00:29:54.760 --> 00:29:55.760
I'm sorry.
00:30:07.760 --> 00:30:11.760
I get scared when you make such a serious face.
00:30:12.760 --> 00:30:16.760
What kind of nonsense are you trying to say?
00:30:17.760 --> 00:30:18.760
00:30:18.760 --> 00:30:19.760
00:30:20.760 --> 00:30:22.760
Tell me what's going on.
00:30:24.760 --> 00:30:28.760
I think Hwa-in's brother quit his job again.
00:30:31.760 --> 00:30:38.760
He mistook Kim Min-hong for Lee Mong-heon, the writer of Chun-hwa's love story, and took him as his son-in-law.
00:30:38.760 --> 00:30:41.760
What? Is that true?
00:30:41.760 --> 00:30:42.760
00:30:43.760 --> 00:30:47.760
There's a rumor that the third volume of Chun-hwa's love story is Hwa-in's story.
00:30:47.760 --> 00:30:52.760
I think he's going to take care of it without his father knowing.
00:30:52.760 --> 00:30:55.760
I think you've crossed the line this time.
00:30:58.760 --> 00:30:59.760
But we're blood.
00:31:00.760 --> 00:31:03.760
It's not going to happen if you put a knife in your blood.
00:31:04.760 --> 00:31:06.760
So we have to stop it even more.
00:31:07.760 --> 00:31:13.760
If Hwa-in's brother makes a stupid decision about his humble growth, he will commit more sins.
00:31:13.760 --> 00:31:14.760
I'm sorry.
00:31:15.760 --> 00:31:23.760
Hwa-in doesn't even try to listen to me, so please persuade him.
00:31:24.760 --> 00:31:27.760
He really isn't Lee Mong-heon.
00:31:28.760 --> 00:31:29.760
It's Hwa-in's misunderstanding.
00:31:34.760 --> 00:31:35.760
Are you sure?
00:31:36.760 --> 00:31:43.760
I know who the real writer of Chun-hwa's love story is.
00:31:44.760 --> 00:31:45.760
How do you know that?
00:31:47.760 --> 00:31:57.760
I can't tell you the details yet, but my brother trusts me, and Hwa-in's brother stops him from doing bad things.
00:32:06.760 --> 00:32:10.760
All right. I'll meet my brother.
00:32:27.760 --> 00:32:33.760
I don't know how long it's been since I've had a drink with my brother.
00:32:35.760 --> 00:32:41.760
It's hard to see my brothers if they don't come to me on purpose.
00:32:44.760 --> 00:32:47.760
Everyone has their own life. It's natural.
00:32:49.760 --> 00:32:56.760
Unlike this stubborn crown prince, my brother and I have done a lot of bad things since we were young.
00:32:56.760 --> 00:33:01.760
For example, I stepped on a skirt behind my countrywomen and made them fall over.
00:33:03.760 --> 00:33:05.760
I dropped a book because I didn't want to study.
00:33:11.760 --> 00:33:16.760
We secretly went out and cried on the street.
00:33:19.760 --> 00:33:20.760
Did you?
00:33:21.760 --> 00:33:22.760
00:33:23.760 --> 00:33:24.760
00:33:27.760 --> 00:33:29.760
I'm worried about you.
00:33:31.760 --> 00:33:37.760
Why? What did you hear?
00:33:39.760 --> 00:33:41.760
Princess Hwa-ri is also very worried about you.
00:33:41.760 --> 00:33:42.760
Princess Hwa-ri is worried about me a lot.
00:33:47.760 --> 00:33:53.760
Did the princess send you? On the outside, you're a brother, but on the inside, you're a princess.
00:33:54.760 --> 00:33:57.760
Don't say that. Do we have a lot of brothers?
00:33:58.760 --> 00:34:02.760
The crown prince and my brother are equally important to me.
00:34:03.760 --> 00:34:06.760
You know I'm not good at saying what's on my mind.
00:34:06.760 --> 00:34:14.760
Did you hear that? Please stop whatever you're trying to do.
00:34:16.760 --> 00:34:20.760
Rumor has it that you don't have a good view of your brother.
00:34:21.760 --> 00:34:23.760
At times like this, you have to lie down as if you're dead.
00:34:24.760 --> 00:34:29.760
You and I are safe as long as we live as if we don't exist.
00:34:30.760 --> 00:34:35.760
Please, brother. Don't do anything here anymore.
00:34:38.760 --> 00:34:42.760
Don't do anything. Anything.
00:34:45.760 --> 00:34:47.760
Everyone tells me not to do anything.
00:34:51.760 --> 00:34:53.760
Are you saying that to me?
00:34:53.760 --> 00:34:54.760
What are you talking about?
00:34:55.760 --> 00:34:57.760
You and I are different.
00:34:58.760 --> 00:35:00.760
I'm being punished to die.
00:35:02.760 --> 00:35:04.760
I have to do something to survive.
00:35:05.760 --> 00:35:06.760
I'll take care of my own business.
00:35:12.760 --> 00:35:13.760
You don't care.
00:35:23.760 --> 00:35:24.760
You don't care.
00:35:25.760 --> 00:35:26.760
I'm sorry.
00:35:27.760 --> 00:35:28.760
00:35:52.760 --> 00:35:54.760
The crown prince asked me to bring you here.
00:35:56.760 --> 00:35:57.760
I'm sorry.
00:36:26.760 --> 00:36:29.760
The crown prince asked me to bring you here.
00:36:57.760 --> 00:36:59.760
The crown prince asked me to bring you here.
00:37:08.760 --> 00:37:10.760
Didn't you have a hard time coming here?
00:37:12.760 --> 00:37:14.760
I didn't come here on my own.
00:37:16.760 --> 00:37:18.760
I came here comfortably.
00:37:26.760 --> 00:37:28.760
I came here comfortably.
00:37:56.760 --> 00:37:58.760
There is a beautiful night view here.
00:37:59.760 --> 00:38:01.760
I really wanted to show it to you.
00:38:07.760 --> 00:38:08.760
00:38:09.760 --> 00:38:10.760
00:38:11.760 --> 00:38:13.760
What did you do today?
00:38:19.760 --> 00:38:21.760
It's no different from any other day.
00:38:21.760 --> 00:38:22.760
It's no different from any other day.
00:38:23.760 --> 00:38:25.760
I did housework.
00:38:26.760 --> 00:38:28.760
I taught my children how to work.
00:38:29.760 --> 00:38:30.760
I went out to the streets.
00:38:30.760 --> 00:38:31.760
I went out to the streets.
00:38:31.760 --> 00:38:32.760
I went out to the streets.
00:38:42.760 --> 00:38:44.760
Don't you want to live in the palace?
00:38:52.760 --> 00:38:53.760
00:38:55.760 --> 00:38:56.760
I don't want to.
00:38:58.760 --> 00:39:01.760
I like to live freely like I do now.
00:39:01.760 --> 00:39:02.760
I like to live freely like I do now.
00:39:05.760 --> 00:39:09.760
How can a person like me who used to live without being in a jam
00:39:09.760 --> 00:39:11.760
How can a person like me who used to live without being in a jam
00:39:11.760 --> 00:39:13.760
live a strict life like a palace?
00:39:18.760 --> 00:39:19.760
I don't want to.
00:39:20.760 --> 00:39:21.760
You don't?
00:39:24.760 --> 00:39:25.760
00:39:31.760 --> 00:39:32.760
00:39:33.760 --> 00:39:34.760
If you don't feel that way,
00:39:35.760 --> 00:39:36.760
I won't talk to you anymore.
00:39:50.760 --> 00:39:52.760
Hey! Let's run away!
00:39:52.760 --> 00:39:54.760
00:39:59.760 --> 00:40:00.760
King Tae Gong!
00:40:00.760 --> 00:40:02.760
King Tae Gong!
00:40:03.760 --> 00:40:05.760
King Tae Gong Hwa Dong!
00:40:06.760 --> 00:40:08.760
King Tae Gong!
00:40:08.760 --> 00:40:11.760
King Tae Gong!
00:40:11.760 --> 00:40:13.760
Your Majesty!
00:40:13.760 --> 00:40:15.760
Your Majesty!
00:40:15.760 --> 00:40:17.760
Your Majesty!
00:40:17.760 --> 00:40:19.760
Your Majesty!
00:40:19.760 --> 00:40:21.760
Your Majesty!
00:40:21.760 --> 00:40:23.760
Where have you been?
00:40:23.760 --> 00:40:25.760
I'm sorry.
00:40:25.760 --> 00:40:27.760
I'm sorry.
00:40:27.760 --> 00:40:29.760
It's all right.
00:40:29.760 --> 00:40:31.760
It's all right. Don't cry.
00:40:41.760 --> 00:40:43.760
I'm sorry.
00:41:01.760 --> 00:41:03.760
Is something wrong?
00:41:03.760 --> 00:41:13.760
I was born from one thing.
00:41:13.760 --> 00:41:15.760
How can the direction I'm going
00:41:15.760 --> 00:41:17.760
be so different?
00:41:17.760 --> 00:41:19.760
How can the direction I'm going be so different?
00:41:31.760 --> 00:41:33.760
Come here.
00:41:47.760 --> 00:41:49.760
I'm sorry.
00:41:59.760 --> 00:42:01.760
It's not fun
00:42:03.760 --> 00:42:05.760
to get old.
00:42:07.760 --> 00:42:09.760
00:42:13.760 --> 00:42:15.760
00:42:17.760 --> 00:42:19.760
00:42:47.760 --> 00:42:49.760
Is something wrong?
00:43:01.760 --> 00:43:03.760
Is something wrong?
00:43:05.760 --> 00:43:07.760
00:43:13.760 --> 00:43:15.760
Can't you just
00:43:15.760 --> 00:43:17.760
cover me up like this?
00:43:17.760 --> 00:43:19.760
What if you get in danger?
00:43:19.760 --> 00:43:21.760
What if you get in danger?
00:43:21.760 --> 00:43:23.760
You and I already know that.
00:43:23.760 --> 00:43:25.760
You and I already know that.
00:43:25.760 --> 00:43:27.760
He won't cross the line anymore.
00:43:27.760 --> 00:43:29.760
He won't cross the line anymore.
00:43:29.760 --> 00:43:31.760
The line you and I think
00:43:31.760 --> 00:43:33.760
is different from the line
00:43:33.760 --> 00:43:35.760
you and I think.
00:43:35.760 --> 00:43:37.760
That's why I'm worried.
00:43:37.760 --> 00:43:39.760
That's why I'm worried.
00:43:39.760 --> 00:43:41.760
That's why I'm worried.
00:43:41.760 --> 00:43:43.760
That's why I'm worried.
00:43:43.760 --> 00:43:45.760
Then, no matter what you do,
00:43:45.760 --> 00:43:47.760
Then, no matter what you do,
00:43:47.760 --> 00:43:49.760
you have to get Kim Byul-jae out of that house.
00:43:49.760 --> 00:43:51.760
Since Hwa-in and Il-jae are
00:43:51.760 --> 00:43:53.760
sure that Kim Min-hong is Lee Mong-heon,
00:43:53.760 --> 00:43:55.760
Since Hwa-in and Il-jae are sure that Kim Min-hong is Lee Mong-heon,
00:43:55.760 --> 00:43:57.760
I don't know what you're going to do
00:43:57.760 --> 00:43:59.760
I don't know what you're going to do
00:44:05.760 --> 00:44:07.760
What should I do?
00:44:07.760 --> 00:44:09.760
Should I reveal who Lee Mong-heon is?
00:44:37.760 --> 00:44:39.760
Have you thought about it?
00:44:41.760 --> 00:44:43.760
About what?
00:44:45.760 --> 00:44:47.760
If you just tell me that the Three Kingdoms of Love
00:44:47.760 --> 00:44:49.760
you wrote was not about Hwa-in,
00:44:49.760 --> 00:44:51.760
Didn't I say I'd let you live?
00:44:51.760 --> 00:44:53.760
Didn't I say I'd let you live?
00:44:53.760 --> 00:44:55.760
If you just do that,
00:44:55.760 --> 00:44:57.760
I'll ask my brother for your life.
00:44:59.760 --> 00:45:01.760
Don't you have to worry about your family?
00:45:01.760 --> 00:45:03.760
Don't you have to worry about your family?
00:45:03.760 --> 00:45:14.760
In a situation where I can't even check the safety of my family, how can I trust you to write such a confession?
00:45:14.760 --> 00:45:21.760
I'm already prepared to die when I'm caught in an apology, not a coffin.
00:45:21.760 --> 00:45:26.760
What? How dare you!
00:45:34.760 --> 00:45:36.760
It's hard.
00:45:44.760 --> 00:45:50.760
It's not a waste of your life, but what about the lives of your beloved family?
00:45:50.760 --> 00:45:53.760
What are you trying to do?
00:45:53.760 --> 00:45:55.760
I don't have a lot of patience.
00:45:55.760 --> 00:46:04.760
There aren't many. I'll give you one last night, so think about it and write what you need to write.
00:46:25.760 --> 00:46:27.760
I'm sorry.
00:46:41.760 --> 00:46:42.760
Your Highness.
00:46:50.760 --> 00:46:52.760
Is everything okay?
00:46:53.760 --> 00:47:02.760
I heard that you suddenly came to Jangwon. It's really good. You look really good in your uniform.
00:47:05.760 --> 00:47:13.760
Thank you. What's wrong with you? How did you find me?
00:47:16.760 --> 00:47:18.760
Let's move for a moment.
00:47:23.760 --> 00:47:25.760
What's the matter?
00:47:27.760 --> 00:47:36.760
In fact, Byeol-jae Kim Min-hong is caught in Il-jae-sang's apology.
00:47:36.760 --> 00:47:41.760
What? How did that happen?
00:47:41.760 --> 00:47:48.760
Hwa-in and Il-jae-sang think that Kim Byeol-jae is Lee Mong-heon, the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story.
00:47:49.760 --> 00:47:55.760
Before Father and Mother know, he's probably trying to get the advantageous confession out of them first.
00:47:56.760 --> 00:48:03.760
But he's not Lee Mong-heon. That's for sure.
00:48:09.760 --> 00:48:11.760
Then what do you want to do?
00:48:11.760 --> 00:48:12.760
What do you want to do?
00:48:15.760 --> 00:48:20.760
Mi-hoon, Go-eun, and Hwa-in are my brothers-in-law.
00:48:21.760 --> 00:48:23.760
Then you shouldn't just leave them alone.
00:48:24.760 --> 00:48:31.760
You need to publicize this case as soon as possible and keep Kim Byeol-jae in the eyes of His Majesty so that they won't have any more bad intentions.
00:48:33.760 --> 00:48:39.760
If you leave it like this, in the worst case, the princess may not be able to use her hands forever.
00:48:41.760 --> 00:48:42.760
00:48:47.760 --> 00:48:52.760
If it's hard for you to stand up for yourself, I'll move.
00:48:55.760 --> 00:48:57.760
Master, we have a problem.
00:49:00.760 --> 00:49:01.760
What is this?
00:49:02.760 --> 00:49:04.760
Listen, Hwa-in.
00:49:05.760 --> 00:49:12.760
His Majesty has ordered you to arrest Kim Min-hong, who is suspected to be the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story.
00:49:24.760 --> 00:49:25.760
Where is Kim Min-hong?
00:49:25.760 --> 00:49:27.760
Where is Kim Min-hong, the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story?
00:49:42.760 --> 00:49:47.760
Can you tell me what happened?
00:49:48.760 --> 00:49:52.760
Can you tell me what happened?
00:50:00.760 --> 00:50:06.760
All you need to know is that the princess was worried about your safety.
00:50:18.760 --> 00:50:20.760
Kim Min-hong, the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story
00:50:32.760 --> 00:50:37.760
How did Hwa-in arrest Kim Min-hong without even telling me?
00:50:39.760 --> 00:50:42.760
Your Majesty, the truth is...
00:50:43.760 --> 00:50:54.760
Your Majesty, I'm sorry to say this, but I thought Chun-hwa-yeon's story was a matter of insulting the royal family and damaging the foundation, so I was investigating more closely.
00:50:55.760 --> 00:51:01.760
However, I found out the organizational movement that led Kim Min-hong, who is suspected to be the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story.
00:51:02.760 --> 00:51:09.760
So, Hwa-in found Kim Min-hong, the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story, and found the root of the organization.
00:51:10.760 --> 00:51:14.760
After that, Hwa-in asked you to arrest Kim Min-hong, who is suspected to be the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story.
00:51:15.760 --> 00:51:17.760
God agreed with that opinion.
00:51:18.760 --> 00:51:19.760
Yes, Your Majesty.
00:51:20.760 --> 00:51:22.760
Please don't doubt the Prime Minister's loyalty.
00:51:24.760 --> 00:51:27.760
No matter how good it means, there is a national law in this country.
00:51:27.760 --> 00:51:33.760
The crime of imprisoning a person who has not been convicted of a crime and has not been confirmed as a criminal is the act of excommunicating the king.
00:51:34.760 --> 00:51:38.760
You're talking too much. How can you say that you've done a lot of bad things to the family?
00:51:39.760 --> 00:51:43.760
If you didn't mean anything else, why did you arrest Kim Min-hong yourself without telling you?
00:51:44.760 --> 00:51:47.760
You want something different from him, so you kept it a secret, didn't you?
00:51:48.760 --> 00:51:51.760
What else do you want from a novelist who excommunicated the royal family?
00:51:51.760 --> 00:51:58.760
You're trying to find the root of the organization using him and find out what you're trying to do through Chun-hwa-yeon's story, aren't you?
00:51:59.760 --> 00:52:00.760
Stop it.
00:52:03.760 --> 00:52:10.760
From now on, all those who are suspected of being Lee Mong-hun will be executed by Hwa-in.
00:52:11.760 --> 00:52:13.760
Bring me Kim Min-hong, the author of Chun-hwa-yeon's story.
00:52:21.760 --> 00:52:23.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's story
00:52:39.760 --> 00:52:40.760
Raise your head.
00:52:47.760 --> 00:52:50.760
How did you write this book?
00:52:52.760 --> 00:52:55.760
I've committed a sin.
00:52:58.760 --> 00:53:01.760
What is your sin?
00:53:01.760 --> 00:53:03.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's fourth story
00:53:09.760 --> 00:53:11.760
Your Highness, where are you going now?
00:53:12.760 --> 00:53:14.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's fourth story
00:53:18.760 --> 00:53:20.760
Here's the newspaper.
00:53:21.760 --> 00:53:23.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's fourth story
00:53:24.760 --> 00:53:26.760
The Crown Prince's Conversation is out.
00:53:27.760 --> 00:53:29.760
The Crown Prince's hot late wind
00:53:30.760 --> 00:53:34.760
Every night, the Crown Prince goes over the palace wall to hold a secret woman.
00:53:35.760 --> 00:53:39.760
What will the Crown Prince do when he finds out?
00:53:39.760 --> 00:53:41.760
Are you talking about the Crown Prince this time?
00:53:42.760 --> 00:53:43.760
Give me something cheap.
00:53:44.760 --> 00:53:47.760
Thank you. Have fun reading it.
00:53:49.760 --> 00:53:51.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's fourth story
00:53:52.760 --> 00:53:53.760
The Crown Prince's Conversation
00:53:54.760 --> 00:53:55.760
I don't think this is that difficult.
00:53:57.760 --> 00:53:58.760
What's going on? What's going on?
00:53:59.760 --> 00:54:00.760
I'm afraid of the late wind.
00:54:01.760 --> 00:54:05.760
It's not the late wind that's scary, it's the body that's scary.
00:54:05.760 --> 00:54:06.760
That's right.
00:54:07.760 --> 00:54:11.760
The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess are incompatible.
00:54:16.760 --> 00:54:17.760
Look at this.
00:54:21.760 --> 00:54:23.760
What kind of posture is this?
00:54:24.760 --> 00:54:26.760
It's getting bigger and bigger.
00:54:27.760 --> 00:54:34.760
Judging by the clothes, I think the woman you're looking at is the Crown Princess.
00:54:35.760 --> 00:54:39.760
Then is this really the story of the Crown Prince?
00:54:40.760 --> 00:54:44.760
Oh, my God. I think this is going to be a mess again.
00:54:45.760 --> 00:54:48.760
Look at this. It's already a mess.
00:54:49.760 --> 00:54:53.760
I didn't even know that the writer of Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation was the princess of this country.
00:54:54.760 --> 00:55:00.760
What the hell did Princess Hwa-ri think about writing this Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation?
00:55:03.760 --> 00:55:04.760
What should I do?
00:55:05.760 --> 00:55:07.760
Should I reveal Lee Mong-heon now?
00:55:20.760 --> 00:55:21.760
Your Highness.
00:55:22.760 --> 00:55:25.760
Why don't you write a new Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation?
00:55:26.760 --> 00:55:27.760
00:55:27.760 --> 00:55:35.760
There's a fake Lee Mong-heon, and there's a new Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation that Lee Mong-heon wrote.
00:55:38.760 --> 00:55:42.760
Is there a better way to prove that Kim Min-woong is not Lee Mong-heon?
00:55:43.760 --> 00:55:45.760
That's right.
00:55:46.760 --> 00:55:51.760
I'll write the Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation as soon as possible before things get worse.
00:55:51.760 --> 00:55:58.760
All right. I'll take care of the rest of the work, and you just focus on writing.
00:56:05.760 --> 00:56:06.760
Thank you for your hard work.
00:56:09.760 --> 00:56:10.760
You, too.
00:56:22.760 --> 00:56:26.760
I don't think he's Lee Mong-heon, so let him go.
00:56:27.760 --> 00:56:28.760
00:56:29.760 --> 00:56:31.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:56:50.760 --> 00:56:53.760
Didn't he say he was sure he was the writer of Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation?
00:56:54.760 --> 00:56:57.760
But how did the world come up with a new Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation?
00:56:58.760 --> 00:57:01.760
I'm frustrated, too.
00:57:02.760 --> 00:57:07.760
I don't know who the writer Lee Mong-heon is.
00:57:08.760 --> 00:57:11.760
I don't know who Lee Mong-heon is, but I'm sure who spread it.
00:57:12.760 --> 00:57:14.760
It must be Choi Hwan again.
00:57:18.760 --> 00:57:21.760
Who the hell is Lee Mong-heon?
00:57:22.760 --> 00:57:28.760
Didn't you promise not to ask about it?
00:57:31.760 --> 00:57:40.760
I was the one who promised, but I can't stand it because there's a new story coming out of the royal family.
00:57:42.760 --> 00:57:49.760
I won't ask you about your sins, so just tell me. Who the hell is Lee Mong-heon who wrote this book?
00:57:51.760 --> 00:57:52.760
I don't know.
00:57:58.760 --> 00:58:05.760
Then tell me this. Is the story of the crown prince of Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation true?
00:58:06.760 --> 00:58:09.760
I don't know either.
00:58:10.760 --> 00:58:13.760
Then where the hell does this story come from?
00:58:21.760 --> 00:58:26.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:26.760 --> 00:58:31.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:31.760 --> 00:58:36.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:36.760 --> 00:58:41.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:41.760 --> 00:58:46.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:46.760 --> 00:58:51.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:51.760 --> 00:58:56.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:56.760 --> 00:58:59.760
Chun-hwa-yeon's Conversation
00:58:59.760 --> 00:59:02.760
Don't you regret it?
00:59:02.760 --> 00:59:25.480
I asked her to do that so that I wouldn't regret it.
00:59:25.480 --> 00:59:28.760
I want to decide how useful I am.
00:59:32.840 --> 00:59:34.200
But work or not work.
00:59:34.440 --> 00:59:36.260
Is how I will decide.
00:59:41.020 --> 00:59:42.020
I'll be back.
00:59:45.240 --> 00:59:46.240
Come quickly.
00:59:48.640 --> 00:59:50.500
You can count on me.
00:59:54.260 --> 00:59:55.260
No lo mori.
00:59:56.280 --> 00:59:57.280
No lo mori.
00:59:57.280 --> 01:00:25.280
I'm going to tell you the news that the flower petals are flying by your side.
01:00:27.280 --> 01:00:44.280
I'm going to tell you how I feel when the wind blows in your ear.
01:00:45.280 --> 01:00:59.280
I miss the beautiful and unforgettable face of our day.
01:00:59.280 --> 01:01:19.280
I'll wait for the day when time allows us to meet again.
01:01:29.280 --> 01:01:36.280
I love you.
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