Would you like to inspect the original subtitles? These are the user uploaded subtitles that are being translated:
Kind: captions
Language: en
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this<00:00:12.000> video<00:00:12.059> with<00:00:12.420> you<00:00:12.599> guys<00:00:12.719> because<00:00:12.900> today
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this video with you guys because today
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this video with you guys because today
we're<00:00:13.679> gonna<00:00:13.860> be<00:00:14.099> talking<00:00:14.280> about<00:00:14.580> lesbian
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we're gonna be talking about lesbian
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we're gonna be talking about lesbian
movies<00:00:15.480> you<00:00:15.900> haven't<00:00:16.199> watched<00:00:16.920> and<00:00:17.580> the
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movies you haven't watched and the
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movies you haven't watched and the
reason<00:00:18.000> why<00:00:18.300> I<00:00:18.539> say<00:00:18.660> this<00:00:18.840> is<00:00:19.140> because<00:00:19.260> most<00:00:19.680> of
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reason why I say this is because most of
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reason why I say this is because most of
these<00:00:20.100> movies<00:00:20.220> I<00:00:20.580> haven't<00:00:20.760> watched<00:00:21.240> as<00:00:21.420> well
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these movies I haven't watched as well
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these movies I haven't watched as well
that's<00:00:21.840> why<00:00:22.080> I<00:00:22.320> have<00:00:22.439> decided<00:00:22.859> to<00:00:22.920> put<00:00:23.279> this
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that's why I have decided to put this
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that's why I have decided to put this
you<00:00:24.119> know<00:00:24.240> title<00:00:24.900> to<00:00:25.080> the<00:00:25.380> video<00:00:25.619> but<00:00:26.279> before
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you know title to the video but before
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you know title to the video but before
we<00:00:26.699> get<00:00:26.880> into<00:00:27.000> more<00:00:27.240> details<00:00:27.660> and<00:00:27.720> actually
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we get into more details and actually
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we get into more details and actually
talk<00:00:28.260> about<00:00:28.500> these<00:00:28.920> movies<00:00:29.039> that<00:00:29.460> I<00:00:29.699> would
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talk about these movies that I would
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talk about these movies that I would
definitely<00:00:30.060> recommend<00:00:30.539> you<00:00:30.660> guys<00:00:30.779> to<00:00:30.960> go
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definitely recommend you guys to go
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definitely recommend you guys to go
watch<00:00:31.260> if<00:00:31.560> you<00:00:31.679> haven't<00:00:31.800> watched<00:00:32.279> it<00:00:32.340> yet
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watch if you haven't watched it yet
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watch if you haven't watched it yet
please<00:00:33.180> don't<00:00:33.300> forget<00:00:33.480> to<00:00:33.780> like<00:00:34.020> comment
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please don't forget to like comment
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please don't forget to like comment
share<00:00:34.739> subscribe<00:00:35.160> and<00:00:35.340> also<00:00:35.700> let<00:00:35.820> me<00:00:36.000> know
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share subscribe and also let me know
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share subscribe and also let me know
Down<00:00:36.300> Below<00:00:36.600> in<00:00:36.780> the<00:00:36.960> comments<00:00:37.260> which<00:00:37.559> of<00:00:37.739> the
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Down Below in the comments which of the
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Down Below in the comments which of the
following<00:00:38.280> movies<00:00:38.520> should<00:00:38.820> I<00:00:39.059> go<00:00:39.239> ahead<00:00:39.480> and
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following movies should I go ahead and
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following movies should I go ahead and
do<00:00:39.780> reviews<00:00:40.020> on<00:00:40.500> because<00:00:40.800> like<00:00:41.640> doing<00:00:41.879> my
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do reviews on because like doing my
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do reviews on because like doing my
research<00:00:42.540> and<00:00:42.780> finding<00:00:43.200> these<00:00:43.440> movies<00:00:43.559> I
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research and finding these movies I
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research and finding these movies I
actually<00:00:44.160> you<00:00:44.579> know<00:00:44.760> was<00:00:44.940> very<00:00:45.180> very
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actually you know was very very
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actually you know was very very
surprised<00:00:45.899> because<00:00:46.020> most<00:00:46.379> of<00:00:46.559> them<00:00:46.680> are
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surprised because most of them are
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surprised because most of them are
actually<00:00:47.219> really<00:00:47.579> good<00:00:47.879> quality<00:00:48.360> movies<00:00:48.660> that
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actually really good quality movies that
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actually really good quality movies that
I<00:00:49.320> have<00:00:49.440> to<00:00:49.620> get<00:00:49.920> into<00:00:50.160> so<00:00:50.460> let<00:00:50.640> me<00:00:50.760> know<00:00:50.879> Down
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I have to get into so let me know Down
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I have to get into so let me know Down
Below<00:00:51.300> in<00:00:51.420> the<00:00:51.600> comments<00:00:51.840> like<00:00:51.960> I<00:00:52.140> already
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Below in the comments like I already
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Below in the comments like I already
said<00:00:52.559> which<00:00:53.160> of<00:00:53.340> the<00:00:53.520> following<00:00:53.760> ones<00:00:54.059> should
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said which of the following ones should
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said which of the following ones should
I<00:00:54.480> go<00:00:54.600> ahead<00:00:54.899> and<00:00:55.079> you<00:00:55.320> know<00:00:55.500> and<00:00:55.920> do<00:00:56.460> reviews
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I go ahead and you know and do reviews
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I go ahead and you know and do reviews
on<00:00:57.059> so<00:00:57.300> let's<00:00:57.420> address<00:00:57.660> any<00:00:58.199> any<00:00:58.440> more<00:00:59.100> time
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on so let's address any any more time
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on so let's address any any more time
and<00:00:59.520> let's<00:00:59.640> get<00:00:59.820> right<00:00:59.940> into<00:01:00.180> it<00:01:00.420> so<00:01:00.539> first<00:01:00.780> we
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and let's get right into it so first we
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and let's get right into it so first we
have<00:01:01.260> bare<00:01:02.219> drama<00:01:02.940> romance<00:01:03.420> about<00:01:03.660> the<00:01:03.840> young
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have bare drama romance about the young
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have bare drama romance about the young
girl<00:01:04.320> in<00:01:04.619> Nevada<00:01:04.799> that<00:01:05.400> gets<00:01:05.700> romantically
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girl in Nevada that gets romantically
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girl in Nevada that gets romantically
involved<00:01:06.540> with<00:01:06.659> a<00:01:07.200> female<00:01:07.380> drifted<00:01:08.280> who
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involved with a female drifted who
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involved with a female drifted who
introduces<00:01:09.000> her<00:01:09.240> to<00:01:09.420> a<00:01:09.600> life<00:01:09.840> of<00:01:10.140> stripping
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introduces her to a life of stripping
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introduces her to a life of stripping
and<00:01:10.979> addiction<00:01:11.400> that<00:01:12.020> expires<00:01:13.020> teacher<00:01:13.380> her
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and addiction that expires teacher her
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and addiction that expires teacher her
what<00:01:13.920> happens<00:01:14.159> when<00:01:14.939> real<00:01:15.240> life<00:01:15.420> catches<00:01:15.900> up
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what happens when real life catches up
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what happens when real life catches up
in<00:01:17.159> a<00:01:17.340> dark<00:01:17.460> fantasy<00:01:18.060> the<00:01:18.540> movie<00:01:18.780> was<00:01:19.140> released
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in a dark fantasy the movie was released
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in a dark fantasy the movie was released
in<00:01:19.680> 2015<00:01:20.640> one<00:01:21.119> of<00:01:21.240> the<00:01:21.420> best<00:01:21.600> lesbian<00:01:22.080> movies
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in 2015 one of the best lesbian movies
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in 2015 one of the best lesbian movies
actually<00:01:22.799> released<00:01:23.400> in<00:01:23.700> 2015<00:01:24.600> and<00:01:25.080> it<00:01:25.259> was<00:01:25.439> one
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actually released in 2015 and it was one
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actually released in 2015 and it was one
of<00:01:25.860> the<00:01:25.979> most<00:01:26.159> recommended<00:01:26.700> ones<00:01:27.060> on<00:01:27.299> the<00:01:27.420> list
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of the most recommended ones on the list
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of the most recommended ones on the list
so<00:01:28.140> that's<00:01:28.259> why<00:01:28.500> I<00:01:28.740> have<00:01:28.860> decided<00:01:29.340> to<00:01:29.460> put<00:01:29.640> it
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so that's why I have decided to put it
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so that's why I have decided to put it
at<00:01:30.000> number<00:01:30.180> one<00:01:30.479> so<00:01:30.720> go<00:01:30.960> ahead<00:01:31.259> and<00:01:31.500> watch<00:01:31.799> a
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at number one so go ahead and watch a
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at number one so go ahead and watch a
berry<00:01:32.520> if<00:01:33.240> you<00:01:33.360> haven't<00:01:33.479> watched<00:01:33.960> it<00:01:34.020> yet
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berry if you haven't watched it yet
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berry if you haven't watched it yet
because<00:01:34.500> this<00:01:34.799> one<00:01:34.979> is<00:01:35.159> a<00:01:35.340> top<00:01:35.460> top<00:01:35.700> class<00:01:35.939> and
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because this one is a top top class and
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because this one is a top top class and
what<00:01:36.600> I<00:01:36.780> have<00:01:36.900> seen<00:01:37.079> in<00:01:37.259> certain<00:01:37.380> out<00:01:37.680> of<00:01:37.860> 10
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what I have seen in certain out of 10
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what I have seen in certain out of 10
and<00:01:38.640> then<00:01:38.759> moving<00:01:39.119> on<00:01:39.299> we<00:01:39.479> have<00:01:39.720> Beyond<00:01:40.079> The
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and then moving on we have Beyond The
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and then moving on we have Beyond The
Hills<00:01:40.460> Alina<00:01:41.460> and<00:01:41.820> vochita<00:01:42.420> two<00:01:42.780> best<00:01:43.020> friends
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Hills Alina and vochita two best friends
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Hills Alina and vochita two best friends
who<00:01:43.619> grew<00:01:43.979> up<00:01:44.100> together<00:01:44.659> in<00:01:45.659> a<00:01:45.840> orphanage<00:01:46.439> the
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who grew up together in a orphanage the
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who grew up together in a orphanage the
site<00:01:46.860> to<00:01:47.040> move<00:01:47.220> separate<00:01:47.640> ways<00:01:48.060> one<00:01:48.540> moves<00:01:48.900> to
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site to move separate ways one moves to
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site to move separate ways one moves to
Romania<00:01:49.619> Convent<00:01:50.159> while<00:01:50.520> the<00:01:50.820> other<00:01:50.939> ones
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Romania Convent while the other ones
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Romania Convent while the other ones
goes<00:01:51.659> to<00:01:51.720> Germany<00:01:52.140> to<00:01:52.380> lead<00:01:52.560> a<00:01:52.799> different<00:01:52.920> life
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goes to Germany to lead a different life
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goes to Germany to lead a different life
after<00:01:53.939> years<00:01:54.240> of<00:01:54.600> the<00:01:54.840> two<00:01:55.020> you<00:01:55.380> know<00:01:55.560> being
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after years of the two you know being
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after years of the two you know being
apart<00:01:56.159> from<00:01:56.340> one<00:01:56.579> another<00:01:56.759> they<00:01:57.180> finally
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apart from one another they finally
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apart from one another they finally
reconnected<00:01:58.259> and<00:01:58.619> a<00:01:58.860> lot<00:01:58.979> went<00:01:59.280> on<00:01:59.520> because<00:01:59.880> a
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reconnected and a lot went on because a
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reconnected and a lot went on because a
lot<00:02:00.420> of<00:02:00.540> things<00:02:00.780> were<00:02:01.079> different<00:02:01.259> when<00:02:01.619> they
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lot of things were different when they
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lot of things were different when they
reconnected<00:02:02.399> they<00:02:02.640> were<00:02:02.820> at<00:02:03.060> all<00:02:03.600> different
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reconnected they were at all different
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reconnected they were at all different
stages<00:02:04.259> in<00:02:04.680> their<00:02:04.860> lives<00:02:05.100> and<00:02:05.520> you<00:02:05.700> know
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stages in their lives and you know
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stages in their lives and you know
religion<00:02:06.299> just<00:02:06.420> got<00:02:06.600> in<00:02:07.200> the<00:02:07.380> way<00:02:07.560> or<00:02:08.160> in<00:02:08.399> them
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religion just got in the way or in them
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religion just got in the way or in them
also<00:02:09.119> having<00:02:09.239> different<00:02:09.539> visions<00:02:10.020> of<00:02:10.200> Life<00:02:10.380> on
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also having different visions of Life on
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also having different visions of Life on
how<00:02:10.860> things<00:02:11.099> should<00:02:11.280> go<00:02:11.400> also<00:02:11.760> got<00:02:11.879> in<00:02:12.060> the<00:02:12.239> way
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how things should go also got in the way
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how things should go also got in the way
of<00:02:12.660> their<00:02:12.900> relationship<00:02:13.500> so<00:02:14.099> this<00:02:14.280> one<00:02:14.459> is
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of their relationship so this one is
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of their relationship so this one is
kind<00:02:14.819> of<00:02:15.000> kind<00:02:15.120> of<00:02:15.239> very<00:02:15.420> very<00:02:15.660> complicated
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kind of kind of very very complicated
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kind of kind of very very complicated
and<00:02:16.500> I've<00:02:16.680> actually<00:02:16.860> watched<00:02:17.340> this<00:02:17.459> one<00:02:17.640> so
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and I've actually watched this one so
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and I've actually watched this one so
that's<00:02:18.060> why<00:02:18.239> I<00:02:18.480> would<00:02:18.599> definitely<00:02:18.780> recommend
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that's why I would definitely recommend
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that's why I would definitely recommend
you<00:02:19.319> guys<00:02:19.440> to<00:02:19.620> go<00:02:19.800> watch<00:02:19.980> it<00:02:20.099> and<00:02:20.220> I<00:02:20.340> also<00:02:20.580> have
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you guys to go watch it and I also have
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you guys to go watch it and I also have
a<00:02:20.760> few<00:02:20.879> review<00:02:21.120> on<00:02:21.360> the<00:02:21.480> channel<00:02:21.660> and<00:02:22.500> then
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a few review on the channel and then
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a few review on the channel and then
moving<00:02:22.980> on<00:02:23.099> we<00:02:23.340> have<00:02:23.520> The<00:02:23.819> Wanted<00:02:24.200> carmilla
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moving on we have The Wanted carmilla
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moving on we have The Wanted carmilla
comes<00:02:25.500> to<00:02:25.620> a<00:02:25.800> rural<00:02:26.099> rural<00:02:26.580> town<00:02:26.940> where<00:02:27.660> her
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comes to a rural rural town where her
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comes to a rural rural town where her
mother<00:02:28.080> mysteriously<00:02:28.980> disappears<00:02:29.640> after
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mother mysteriously disappears after
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mother mysteriously disappears after
earlier<00:02:30.720> you<00:02:31.500> know<00:02:31.620> she<00:02:31.920> is<00:02:32.160> added<00:02:32.580> in<00:02:32.819> her
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earlier you know she is added in her
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earlier you know she is added in her
Quest<00:02:33.180> by<00:02:33.599> an<00:02:33.840> emotional<00:02:34.260> trouble<00:02:34.500> local<00:02:34.920> girl
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Quest by an emotional trouble local girl
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Quest by an emotional trouble local girl
with<00:02:35.879> whom<00:02:36.120> she<00:02:36.360> becomes<00:02:36.840> romantically
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with whom she becomes romantically
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with whom she becomes romantically
involved<00:02:37.980> in<00:02:38.099> relationship<00:02:38.640> eagers<00:02:39.300> the
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involved in relationship eagers the
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involved in relationship eagers the
worth<00:02:39.780> of<00:02:40.080> the<00:02:40.260> girl's<00:02:40.680> father<00:02:40.860> who<00:02:41.640> holds<00:02:42.000> the
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worth of the girl's father who holds the
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worth of the girl's father who holds the
kid<00:02:42.300> to<00:02:42.599> the<00:02:42.780> Dreadful<00:02:43.260> truth<00:02:43.920> Camila<00:02:44.819> you
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kid to the Dreadful truth Camila you
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kid to the Dreadful truth Camila you
know<00:02:45.480> and<00:02:45.780> the<00:02:46.019> movie<00:02:46.260> was<00:02:46.739> actually<00:02:46.980> released
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know and the movie was actually released
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know and the movie was actually released
in<00:02:47.519> 2014<00:02:48.360> and<00:02:48.720> this<00:02:48.900> is<00:02:49.080> actually<00:02:49.260> a<00:02:49.680> horror
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in 2014 and this is actually a horror
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in 2014 and this is actually a horror
through<00:02:50.220> lesbian<00:02:51.000> movie<00:02:51.180> that<00:02:51.480> I<00:02:51.660> would
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through lesbian movie that I would
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through lesbian movie that I would
recommend<00:02:52.620> you<00:02:52.739> guys<00:02:52.920> to<00:02:53.160> go<00:02:53.280> watch<00:02:53.400> and<00:02:53.940> it's
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recommend you guys to go watch and it's
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recommend you guys to go watch and it's
actually<00:02:54.239> like<00:02:54.540> vampire<00:02:55.080> and<00:02:55.500> stuff<00:02:55.620> I<00:02:55.980> don't
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actually like vampire and stuff I don't
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actually like vampire and stuff I don't
think<00:02:56.220> I<00:02:56.400> will<00:02:56.519> do<00:02:56.700> a<00:02:56.879> review<00:02:57.000> on<00:02:57.300> this<00:02:57.540> one
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think I will do a review on this one
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think I will do a review on this one
because<00:02:57.780> I'm<00:02:58.140> not<00:02:58.379> really<00:02:58.560> into<00:02:58.800> this<00:02:59.099> type<00:02:59.280> of
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because I'm not really into this type of
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because I'm not really into this type of
you<00:02:59.819> know<00:02:59.879> horror<00:03:00.540> type<00:03:01.019> of<00:03:01.140> movies<00:03:01.260> but<00:03:01.560> if
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you know horror type of movies but if
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you know horror type of movies but if
you<00:03:01.860> do<00:03:01.980> go<00:03:02.220> watch<00:03:02.459> it<00:03:02.580> and<00:03:02.700> now<00:03:02.879> we're<00:03:03.000> moving
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you do go watch it and now we're moving
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you do go watch it and now we're moving
on<00:03:03.360> one<00:03:03.540> of<00:03:03.660> my<00:03:03.840> favorites<00:03:04.140> on<00:03:04.319> the<00:03:04.440> list<00:03:04.560> we
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on one of my favorites on the list we
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on one of my favorites on the list we
have<00:03:04.920> Anna<00:03:05.519> action<00:03:06.239> thriller<00:03:06.540> released<00:03:07.319> in
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have Anna action thriller released in
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have Anna action thriller released in
2019<00:03:08.239> beniff<00:03:09.440> anaboliaf's<00:03:10.440> shrieking<00:03:10.920> beauty
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2019 beniff anaboliaf's shrieking beauty
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2019 beniff anaboliaf's shrieking beauty
lies<00:03:11.640> a<00:03:11.819> secret<00:03:12.000> that<00:03:12.360> will<00:03:12.720> unleash<00:03:13.440> her
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lies a secret that will unleash her
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lies a secret that will unleash her
Incredible<00:03:14.700> strength<00:03:15.239> and<00:03:15.420> the<00:03:15.659> skill<00:03:15.959> to
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Incredible strength and the skill to
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Incredible strength and the skill to
become<00:03:16.500> one<00:03:16.800> of<00:03:16.920> the<00:03:17.159> world's<00:03:17.519> most<00:03:17.760> dangerous
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become one of the world's most dangerous
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become one of the world's most dangerous
women<00:03:18.659> and<00:03:19.379> during<00:03:19.560> the<00:03:19.860> movie<00:03:20.040> she<00:03:20.340> has<00:03:20.580> a
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women and during the movie she has a
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women and during the movie she has a
romantic<00:03:21.239> love<00:03:21.420> situation<00:03:21.959> with<00:03:22.319> another
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romantic love situation with another
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romantic love situation with another
young<00:03:23.040> lady<00:03:23.340> that<00:03:23.819> is<00:03:24.120> super<00:03:24.360> she's<00:03:25.080> super
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young lady that is super she's super
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young lady that is super she's super
super<00:03:25.560> overprotective<00:03:26.519> often<00:03:27.060> always<00:03:27.300> wants
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super overprotective often always wants
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super overprotective often always wants
to<00:03:27.780> take<00:03:28.080> care<00:03:28.260> of<00:03:28.440> let<00:03:29.099> me<00:03:29.280> know<00:03:29.400> your
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to take care of let me know your
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to take care of let me know your
thoughts<00:03:29.819> Down<00:03:29.940> Below<00:03:30.120> in<00:03:30.360> the<00:03:30.480> comments<00:03:30.780> if
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thoughts Down Below in the comments if
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thoughts Down Below in the comments if
you<00:03:31.080> guys<00:03:31.200> would<00:03:31.319> like<00:03:31.500> me<00:03:31.620> to<00:03:31.800> do<00:03:31.980> a<00:03:32.099> full
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you guys would like me to do a full
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you guys would like me to do a full
review<00:03:32.459> regarding<00:03:33.060> this<00:03:33.239> one<00:03:33.360> it's<00:03:33.599> actually
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review regarding this one it's actually
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review regarding this one it's actually
available<00:03:34.140> to<00:03:34.560> watch<00:03:34.739> on<00:03:34.920> HBO<00:03:35.280> Max<00:03:35.640> and<00:03:35.940> Amazon
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available to watch on HBO Max and Amazon
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available to watch on HBO Max and Amazon
Prime<00:03:36.599> this<00:03:37.260> one<00:03:37.379> I<00:03:37.680> will<00:03:37.860> definitely
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Prime this one I will definitely
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Prime this one I will definitely
definitely<00:03:38.459> get<00:03:38.640> into<00:03:38.819> it<00:03:39.060> because<00:03:39.239> it<00:03:39.599> kind
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definitely get into it because it kind
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definitely get into it because it kind
of<00:03:39.840> reminds<00:03:40.200> me<00:03:40.260> of<00:03:40.500> atomic<00:03:41.040> blonde<00:03:41.400> and<00:03:41.879> then
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of reminds me of atomic blonde and then
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of reminds me of atomic blonde and then
moving<00:03:42.360> on<00:03:42.480> we<00:03:42.720> have<00:03:42.900> the<00:03:43.140> next<00:03:43.319> one<00:03:43.560> what
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moving on we have the next one what
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moving on we have the next one what
keeps<00:03:44.400> you<00:03:44.519> alive<00:03:44.760> movie<00:03:45.480> released<00:03:46.080> in<00:03:46.200> 2018
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keeps you alive movie released in 2018
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keeps you alive movie released in 2018
it's<00:03:47.340> a<00:03:47.640> horror<00:03:48.000> and<00:03:48.299> Thriller<00:03:48.840> it's<00:03:49.440> you<00:03:49.799> know
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it's a horror and Thriller it's you know
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it's a horror and Thriller it's you know
a<00:03:50.159> mystery<00:03:50.640> mountains<00:03:51.239> uh<00:03:51.599> like<00:03:51.900> a<00:03:52.200> steel<00:03:52.440> Lake
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a mystery mountains uh like a steel Lake
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a mystery mountains uh like a steel Lake
and<00:03:53.099> veronis<00:03:53.819> betrays<00:03:54.420> increase<00:03:54.840> I<00:03:55.319> love
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and veronis betrays increase I love
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and veronis betrays increase I love
married<00:03:55.739> couple<00:03:56.040> attempting<00:03:56.760> to<00:03:56.940> celebrate
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married couple attempting to celebrate
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married couple attempting to celebrate
their<00:03:58.260> one<00:03:58.440> year<00:03:58.680> anniversary<00:03:59.280> the<00:03:59.940> couple<00:04:00.180> is
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their one year anniversary the couple is
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their one year anniversary the couple is
Jackie<00:04:01.080> and<00:04:01.319> Jules<00:04:01.620> shoes<00:04:01.860> is<00:04:02.280> normally
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Jackie and Jules shoes is normally
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Jackie and Jules shoes is normally
loving<00:04:03.060> wife<00:04:03.299> as<00:04:03.659> Jackie<00:04:04.260> begins<00:04:04.680> to<00:04:04.860> reveal<00:04:05.220> a
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loving wife as Jackie begins to reveal a
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loving wife as Jackie begins to reveal a
previous<00:04:05.760> unknown<00:04:06.540> side<00:04:07.200> and<00:04:07.739> Jules<00:04:08.159> ends<00:04:08.519> up
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previous unknown side and Jules ends up
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previous unknown side and Jules ends up
going<00:04:08.879> against<00:04:09.299> the<00:04:09.720> woman<00:04:09.900> she<00:04:10.260> loves<00:04:10.560> is<00:04:11.220> a
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going against the woman she loves is a
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going against the woman she loves is a
terrifying<00:04:12.120> fight<00:04:12.540> to<00:04:12.900> survive<00:04:13.260> so<00:04:13.500> they
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terrifying fight to survive so they
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terrifying fight to survive so they
basically<00:04:14.099> betray<00:04:14.580> one<00:04:14.879> another<00:04:15.120> in<00:04:15.599> this
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basically betray one another in this
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basically betray one another in this
case<00:04:15.959> Jewel<00:04:16.260> starts<00:04:16.799> to<00:04:16.859> portray<00:04:17.220> Jackie
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case Jewel starts to portray Jackie
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case Jewel starts to portray Jackie
because<00:04:17.880> of<00:04:18.180> a<00:04:18.359> dark<00:04:18.479> side<00:04:18.720> of<00:04:18.900> her<00:04:19.079> that<00:04:19.320> is
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because of a dark side of her that is
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because of a dark side of her that is
unrevealed<00:04:20.639> and<00:04:21.120> then<00:04:21.239> moving<00:04:21.660> on<00:04:21.780> we<00:04:22.079> have
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unrevealed and then moving on we have
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unrevealed and then moving on we have
White<00:04:22.620> Lies<00:04:23.100> movie<00:04:23.699> released<00:04:24.300> in<00:04:24.419> 2019<00:04:25.320> It's<00:04:25.800> a
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White Lies movie released in 2019 It's a
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White Lies movie released in 2019 It's a
drama<00:04:26.340> it's<00:04:26.639> about<00:04:26.820> the<00:04:27.180> University<00:04:27.419> student
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drama it's about the University student
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drama it's about the University student
who<00:04:28.919> fakes<00:04:29.280> a<00:04:29.580> cancer<00:04:29.759> diagnosis<00:04:30.540> for<00:04:30.720> the
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who fakes a cancer diagnosis for the
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who fakes a cancer diagnosis for the
essential<00:04:31.320> and<00:04:31.620> financial<00:04:31.860> gauge<00:04:32.400> struggling
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essential and financial gauge struggling
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essential and financial gauge struggling
to<00:04:33.000> maintain<00:04:33.419> her<00:04:33.660> secret<00:04:33.840> and<00:04:34.620> during<00:04:34.860> the
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to maintain her secret and during the
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to maintain her secret and during the
movie<00:04:35.340> she<00:04:35.699> has<00:04:35.940> a<00:04:36.300> lady<00:04:36.479> in<00:04:36.900> the<00:04:37.080> movie<00:04:37.259> whom
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movie she has a lady in the movie whom
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movie she has a lady in the movie whom
she<00:04:38.220> is<00:04:38.400> romantically<00:04:38.940> involved<00:04:39.600> with<00:04:39.660> and
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she is romantically involved with and
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she is romantically involved with and
that<00:04:40.380> is<00:04:40.560> also<00:04:40.919> super<00:04:41.160> supportive<00:04:42.120> about<00:04:42.300> the
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that is also super supportive about the
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that is also super supportive about the
situation<00:04:43.080> without<00:04:43.500> knowing<00:04:44.040> the<00:04:44.280> truth<00:04:44.580> of
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situation without knowing the truth of
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situation without knowing the truth of
the<00:04:45.120> fact<00:04:45.300> that<00:04:45.479> she<00:04:45.720> is<00:04:45.840> being<00:04:46.080> lying<00:04:46.440> about
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the fact that she is being lying about
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the fact that she is being lying about
her<00:04:47.100> diagnosed<00:04:47.820> and<00:04:48.660> this<00:04:49.259> one<00:04:49.440> is<00:04:49.620> actually<00:04:49.860> a
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her diagnosed and this one is actually a
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her diagnosed and this one is actually a
Canadian<00:04:50.699> movie<00:04:51.000> that<00:04:51.360> I<00:04:51.660> will<00:04:51.840> be<00:04:52.020> watching
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Canadian movie that I will be watching
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Canadian movie that I will be watching
because<00:04:52.620> I<00:04:53.040> was<00:04:53.160> watching<00:04:53.580> the<00:04:53.820> trailer<00:04:54.000> and
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because I was watching the trailer and
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because I was watching the trailer and
it's<00:04:54.960> super<00:04:55.320> super<00:04:55.680> interesting<00:04:56.400> I<00:04:56.759> want<00:04:56.880> to
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it's super super interesting I want to
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it's super super interesting I want to
see<00:04:57.180> what<00:04:57.479> the<00:04:57.660> outcome<00:04:57.900> of<00:04:58.080> this<00:04:58.320> movie
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see what the outcome of this movie
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see what the outcome of this movie
actually<00:04:58.919> is<00:04:59.340> so<00:05:00.000> go<00:05:00.360> watch<00:05:00.660> it<00:05:00.900> and<00:05:01.139> then<00:05:01.320> we
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actually is so go watch it and then we
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actually is so go watch it and then we
have<00:05:01.680> note<00:05:01.919> of<00:05:02.220> Scandal<00:05:02.699> Barbara<00:05:03.540> is<00:05:03.780> is<00:05:04.380> a
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have note of Scandal Barbara is is a
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have note of Scandal Barbara is is a
tough<00:05:04.919> and<00:05:05.400> conservative<00:05:06.180> teacher<00:05:06.479> near<00:05:07.320> that
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tough and conservative teacher near that
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tough and conservative teacher near that
near<00:05:08.520> to<00:05:08.699> retirement<00:05:09.240> who<00:05:09.660> is<00:05:09.960> loaded<00:05:10.320> by<00:05:10.620> her
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near to retirement who is loaded by her
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near to retirement who is loaded by her
colleagues<00:05:11.280> and<00:05:11.520> students<00:05:11.940> in<00:05:12.540> the
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colleagues and students in the
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colleagues and students in the
loneliness<00:05:13.139> of<00:05:13.500> her<00:05:13.680> apartment<00:05:13.979> she<00:05:14.520> spends
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loneliness of her apartment she spends
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loneliness of her apartment she spends
her<00:05:15.180> spare<00:05:15.540> time<00:05:15.660> writing<00:05:16.320> her<00:05:16.500> journals
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her spare time writing her journals
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her spare time writing her journals
taking<00:05:17.280> care<00:05:17.520> of<00:05:17.699> her<00:05:17.940> old<00:05:18.180> cat<00:05:18.479> and<00:05:18.780> missing
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taking care of her old cat and missing
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taking care of her old cat and missing
her<00:05:19.500> friend<00:05:19.740> Barbara<00:05:20.639> and<00:05:20.880> sheba<00:05:21.419> a<00:05:21.600> new
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her friend Barbara and sheba a new
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her friend Barbara and sheba a new
Corner<00:05:22.199> becomes<00:05:22.680> truly<00:05:23.039> close<00:05:23.220> to<00:05:23.460> each<00:05:23.639> other
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Corner becomes truly close to each other
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Corner becomes truly close to each other
and<00:05:24.300> graded<00:05:24.780> a<00:05:25.020> bond<00:05:25.259> I<00:05:25.860> haven't<00:05:26.039> watched<00:05:26.520> this
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and graded a bond I haven't watched this
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and graded a bond I haven't watched this
movie<00:05:26.880> yet<00:05:27.120> I'm<00:05:27.360> not<00:05:27.539> really<00:05:27.720> really<00:05:27.960> sure<00:05:28.199> if
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movie yet I'm not really really sure if
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movie yet I'm not really really sure if
it's<00:05:28.620> 100<00:05:29.000> lesbian<00:05:30.000> but<00:05:30.300> I<00:05:30.479> heard<00:05:30.720> they<00:05:30.960> asked
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it's 100 lesbian but I heard they asked
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it's 100 lesbian but I heard they asked
some<00:05:31.560> type<00:05:31.680> of<00:05:31.800> lesbian<00:05:32.340> content<00:05:32.820> in<00:05:33.060> it<00:05:33.240> so<00:05:33.720> if
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some type of lesbian content in it so if
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some type of lesbian content in it so if
you<00:05:34.139> guys<00:05:34.259> have<00:05:34.440> watched<00:05:34.800> this<00:05:34.979> one<00:05:35.100> please
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you guys have watched this one please
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you guys have watched this one please
let<00:05:35.580> me<00:05:35.699> know<00:05:35.820> Down<00:05:36.060> Below<00:05:36.300> in<00:05:36.539> the<00:05:36.720> comments
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let me know Down Below in the comments
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let me know Down Below in the comments
because<00:05:37.199> I<00:05:37.560> feel<00:05:37.680> like<00:05:37.800> this<00:05:37.979> one<00:05:38.100> is<00:05:38.220> very
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because I feel like this one is very
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because I feel like this one is very
very<00:05:38.699> classic<00:05:39.000> because<00:05:39.479> it<00:05:39.840> was<00:05:39.960> released<00:05:40.380> a
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very classic because it was released a
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very classic because it was released a
long<00:05:40.740> long<00:05:40.919> time<00:05:41.100> ago<00:05:41.400> and<00:05:42.120> then<00:05:42.300> we<00:05:42.539> have<00:05:42.780> the
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long long time ago and then we have the
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long long time ago and then we have the
Diary<00:05:44.520> of<00:05:44.759> chamber<00:05:45.479> made<00:05:45.780> so<00:05:46.680> I'm<00:05:46.919> not<00:05:47.160> sure
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Diary of chamber made so I'm not sure
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Diary of chamber made so I'm not sure
like<00:05:47.580> the<00:05:47.820> other<00:05:48.000> one<00:05:48.180> if<00:05:48.479> it's<00:05:48.720> 100<00:05:48.960> a<00:05:49.919> lesbian
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like the other one if it's 100 a lesbian
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like the other one if it's 100 a lesbian
movie<00:05:50.460> but<00:05:50.820> it<00:05:51.180> has<00:05:51.360> some<00:05:51.600> type<00:05:51.720> of<00:05:51.840> lesbian
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movie but it has some type of lesbian
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movie but it has some type of lesbian
content<00:05:52.800> in<00:05:53.160> it<00:05:53.340> Anka<00:05:54.120> is<00:05:54.300> forced<00:05:54.600> to<00:05:54.720> go<00:05:54.960> and
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content in it Anka is forced to go and
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content in it Anka is forced to go and
work<00:05:55.560> as<00:05:55.800> a<00:05:56.039> maid<00:05:56.280> for<00:05:56.460> a<00:05:56.699> wealthy<00:05:57.180> family
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work as a maid for a wealthy family
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work as a maid for a wealthy family
young<00:05:58.320> and<00:05:58.680> inexperienced<00:05:59.580> she<00:05:59.699> struggles<00:06:00.120> to
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young and inexperienced she struggles to
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young and inexperienced she struggles to
find<00:06:00.479> her<00:06:00.780> place<00:06:01.020> in<00:06:01.440> the<00:06:01.680> highly<00:06:02.100> confident
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find her place in the highly confident
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find her place in the highly confident
world<00:06:03.000> where<00:06:03.600> nothing<00:06:03.900> is<00:06:04.259> ever<00:06:04.500> really<00:06:04.860> As<00:06:05.340> It
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world where nothing is ever really As It
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world where nothing is ever really As It
Seems<00:06:06.419> for<00:06:07.080> the<00:06:07.320> audience<00:06:07.740> However<00:06:08.280> the<00:06:08.580> fact
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Seems for the audience However the fact
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Seems for the audience However the fact
that<00:06:09.180> all<00:06:09.479> of<00:06:09.660> these<00:06:09.900> rich<00:06:10.080> people<00:06:10.320> are<00:06:10.800> in
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that all of these rich people are in
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that all of these rich people are in
like<00:06:11.340> basically<00:06:11.759> miserable<00:06:12.240> and<00:06:12.600> she<00:06:12.840> don't
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like basically miserable and she don't
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like basically miserable and she don't
want<00:06:13.259> to<00:06:13.380> be<00:06:13.500> affected<00:06:13.979> by<00:06:14.160> the<00:06:14.400> energy<00:06:14.520> but
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want to be affected by the energy but
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want to be affected by the energy but
she's<00:06:15.120> still<00:06:15.360> trying<00:06:15.539> to<00:06:15.720> adapt<00:06:16.080> because<00:06:16.320> this
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she's still trying to adapt because this
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she's still trying to adapt because this
is<00:06:16.740> her<00:06:16.919> new<00:06:17.100> reality<00:06:17.520> and<00:06:18.180> she<00:06:18.300> ends
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is her new reality and she ends
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is her new reality and she ends
upgrading<00:06:19.020> a<00:06:19.259> very<00:06:19.440> very<00:06:19.680> close<00:06:19.979> bond<00:06:20.400> to<00:06:20.520> the
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upgrading a very very close bond to the
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upgrading a very very close bond to the
woman<00:06:20.820> that<00:06:21.060> she<00:06:21.240> works<00:06:21.479> for<00:06:21.600> so<00:06:21.780> I<00:06:21.960> don't<00:06:22.080> know
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woman that she works for so I don't know
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woman that she works for so I don't know
if<00:06:22.319> they<00:06:22.440> actually<00:06:22.560> get<00:06:22.800> romantically
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if they actually get romantically
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if they actually get romantically
involved<00:06:23.699> and<00:06:24.180> then<00:06:24.360> we<00:06:24.539> get<00:06:24.780> and<00:06:25.139> then<00:06:25.259> we
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involved and then we get and then we
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involved and then we get and then we
have<00:06:25.620> princess<00:06:25.919> Syed<00:06:27.020> 2017<00:06:28.020> Aroma<00:06:28.940> romance
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have princess Syed 2017 Aroma romance
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have princess Syed 2017 Aroma romance
drama<00:06:30.300> about<00:06:30.600> the<00:06:30.900> 16<00:06:31.080> year<00:06:31.440> old<00:06:31.620> girl<00:06:31.919> that
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drama about the 16 year old girl that
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drama about the 16 year old girl that
visits<00:06:32.819> her<00:06:33.060> aunt<00:06:33.419> in<00:06:33.600> Chicago<00:06:33.840> in<00:06:34.500> Chicago
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visits her aunt in Chicago in Chicago
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visits her aunt in Chicago in Chicago
for<00:06:35.460> the<00:06:35.759> summer<00:06:35.940> while<00:06:36.300> there<00:06:36.600> she<00:06:36.840> falls<00:06:37.020> for
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for the summer while there she falls for
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for the summer while there she falls for
another<00:06:37.680> girl<00:06:38.039> and<00:06:38.460> she<00:06:38.759> and<00:06:39.000> her<00:06:39.539> unchallenge
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another girl and she and her unchallenge
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another girl and she and her unchallenge
each<00:06:40.440> other<00:06:40.620> to<00:06:40.979> to<00:06:41.400> her<00:06:41.699> intimacy<00:06:42.240> journey
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each other to to her intimacy journey
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each other to to her intimacy journey
and<00:06:42.900> spirit<00:06:43.139> on<00:06:43.560> the<00:06:43.740> connection<00:06:43.919> with<00:06:44.400> other
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and spirit on the connection with other
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and spirit on the connection with other
people<00:06:45.000> the<00:06:45.780> 16<00:06:45.960> year<00:06:46.319> old<00:06:46.500> actually<00:06:46.860> escapes
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people the 16 year old actually escapes
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people the 16 year old actually escapes
her<00:06:47.699> life<00:06:47.880> Warfare<00:06:48.419> with<00:06:48.900> her<00:06:49.139> the<00:06:49.319> Press<00:06:49.500> of
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her life Warfare with her the Press of
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her life Warfare with her the Press of
single<00:06:50.160> father<00:06:50.400> and<00:06:50.880> she<00:06:51.120> ends<00:06:51.419> up<00:06:51.419> going<00:06:51.660> to
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single father and she ends up going to
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single father and she ends up going to
her<00:06:52.380> aunt<00:06:52.680> you<00:06:52.860> know<00:06:53.039> to<00:06:53.220> get<00:06:53.340> away<00:06:53.460> with
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her aunt you know to get away with
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her aunt you know to get away with
everything<00:06:53.940> that's<00:06:54.240> been<00:06:54.419> going<00:06:54.600> on<00:06:54.780> in<00:06:55.080> her
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everything that's been going on in her
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everything that's been going on in her
personal<00:06:55.500> life<00:06:55.860> and<00:06:56.100> she<00:06:56.220> ends<00:06:56.460> up<00:06:56.520> falling<00:06:56.819> in
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personal life and she ends up falling in
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personal life and she ends up falling in
love<00:06:57.060> I<00:06:57.539> feel<00:06:57.600> like<00:06:57.780> a<00:06:57.960> lot<00:06:58.080> of<00:06:58.199> people<00:06:58.319> already
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love I feel like a lot of people already
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love I feel like a lot of people already
know<00:06:59.100> about<00:06:59.280> this<00:06:59.699> one<00:06:59.819> but<00:07:00.000> I<00:07:00.300> haven't
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know about this one but I haven't
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know about this one but I haven't
watched<00:07:00.780> it<00:07:00.840> so<00:07:01.020> that's<00:07:01.139> why<00:07:01.380> I<00:07:01.500> have<00:07:01.680> included
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watched it so that's why I have included
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watched it so that's why I have included
it<00:07:02.100> on<00:07:02.340> the<00:07:02.460> list<00:07:02.580> and<00:07:03.300> lastly<00:07:03.720> we<00:07:04.080> have<00:07:04.319> Girl
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it on the list and lastly we have Girl
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it on the list and lastly we have Girl
Interrupted<00:07:05.880> a<00:07:06.060> 99<00:07:06.360> 99<00:07:06.840> drama<00:07:07.560> available<00:07:07.860> to
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Interrupted a 99 99 drama available to
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Interrupted a 99 99 drama available to
watch<00:07:08.460> on<00:07:08.759> Amazon<00:07:08.940> Prime<00:07:09.360> and<00:07:09.660> Apple<00:07:09.900> TV<00:07:10.380> it's
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watch on Amazon Prime and Apple TV it's
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watch on Amazon Prime and Apple TV it's
about<00:07:11.100> a<00:07:11.759> directly<00:07:12.660> Susanna<00:07:13.319> is<00:07:13.680> rushed<00:07:14.220> to
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about a directly Susanna is rushed to
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about a directly Susanna is rushed to
you<00:07:14.759> know<00:07:14.819> a<00:07:15.060> mental<00:07:15.479> institution<00:07:16.020> after<00:07:16.440> she
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you know a mental institution after she
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you know a mental institution after she
tried<00:07:17.580> to<00:07:17.699> attempt<00:07:18.180> to<00:07:18.300> attacking<00:07:18.780> her<00:07:19.020> own
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tried to attempt to attacking her own
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tried to attempt to attacking her own
life<00:07:19.380> while<00:07:20.039> there<00:07:20.280> you<00:07:20.520> know<00:07:20.639> she<00:07:20.819> befriends
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life while there you know she befriends
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life while there you know she befriends
a<00:07:21.539> group<00:07:21.720> of<00:07:21.900> troubled<00:07:22.440> women<00:07:22.620> who<00:07:23.039> deeply<00:07:23.400> you
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a group of troubled women who deeply you
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a group of troubled women who deeply you
know<00:07:23.880> influenced<00:07:24.419> her<00:07:24.539> in<00:07:24.720> her<00:07:24.960> life<00:07:25.080> and<00:07:25.440> she
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know influenced her in her life and she
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know influenced her in her life and she
also<00:07:25.979> gets<00:07:26.400> romantically<00:07:26.880> involved<00:07:27.539> with<00:07:28.020> one
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also gets romantically involved with one
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also gets romantically involved with one
of<00:07:28.500> the<00:07:28.680> ladies<00:07:28.979> of<00:07:29.160> that<00:07:29.400> specific<00:07:30.060> group<00:07:30.419> and
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of the ladies of that specific group and
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of the ladies of that specific group and
that<00:07:31.020> lady<00:07:31.199> ends<00:07:31.680> up<00:07:31.740> being<00:07:31.919> Angelina<00:07:32.460> Jolie
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that lady ends up being Angelina Jolie
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that lady ends up being Angelina Jolie
and<00:07:33.720> this<00:07:33.900> movie<00:07:34.139> you<00:07:34.500> know<00:07:34.620> I<00:07:34.740> didn't<00:07:34.860> know
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and this movie you know I didn't know
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and this movie you know I didn't know
Angela<00:07:35.460> actually<00:07:35.940> did<00:07:36.180> another<00:07:36.479> lesbian<00:07:37.139> you
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Angela actually did another lesbian you
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Angela actually did another lesbian you
know<00:07:37.560> based<00:07:37.919> movie<00:07:38.099> and<00:07:38.400> I'm<00:07:38.520> very<00:07:38.699> interested
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know based movie and I'm very interested
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know based movie and I'm very interested
to<00:07:39.180> go<00:07:39.360> and<00:07:39.539> watch<00:07:39.780> this<00:07:39.960> one<00:07:40.139> as<00:07:40.259> well<00:07:40.440> so<00:07:40.620> this
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to go and watch this one as well so this
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to go and watch this one as well so this
one<00:07:40.919> is<00:07:41.039> definitely<00:07:41.340> definitely<00:07:41.580> on<00:07:41.759> my<00:07:41.940> match
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one is definitely definitely on my match
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one is definitely definitely on my match
watch<00:07:42.419> list<00:07:42.720> so<00:07:43.199> yes<00:07:43.380> guys<00:07:43.620> that's<00:07:43.919> basically
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watch list so yes guys that's basically
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watch list so yes guys that's basically
it<00:07:44.520> let<00:07:44.819> me<00:07:45.000> know<00:07:45.060> your<00:07:45.300> thoughts<00:07:45.539> Down<00:07:45.660> Below
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it let me know your thoughts Down Below
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it let me know your thoughts Down Below
in<00:07:46.139> the<00:07:46.319> comments<00:07:46.680> let<00:07:46.860> me<00:07:47.039> know<00:07:47.099> which<00:07:47.280> ones
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in the comments let me know which ones
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in the comments let me know which ones
do<00:07:47.639> you<00:07:47.759> know<00:07:47.940> about<00:07:48.120> Visions<00:07:48.720> don't<00:07:49.020> you<00:07:49.199> know
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do you know about Visions don't you know
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do you know about Visions don't you know
about<00:07:49.500> and<00:07:49.800> which<00:07:50.039> ones<00:07:50.340> would<00:07:50.460> you<00:07:50.639> guys
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about and which ones would you guys
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about and which ones would you guys
recommend<00:07:51.240> me<00:07:51.360> to<00:07:51.539> do<00:07:51.720> reviews<00:07:52.199> like<00:07:52.620> I
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recommend me to do reviews like I
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recommend me to do reviews like I
already<00:07:52.860> said<00:07:53.160> in<00:07:53.340> the<00:07:53.460> beginning<00:07:53.580> of<00:07:53.940> the
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already said in the beginning of the
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already said in the beginning of the
video<00:07:54.300> and<00:07:54.660> I<00:07:54.840> also<00:07:55.080> want<00:07:55.259> to<00:07:55.440> say<00:07:55.560> I've
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video and I also want to say I've
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video and I also want to say I've
activated<00:07:56.340> the<00:07:56.639> super<00:07:56.759> sticker<00:07:57.240> to<00:07:57.360> the
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activated the super sticker to the
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activated the super sticker to the
channel<00:07:57.780> just<00:07:58.560> in<00:07:58.680> case<00:07:58.860> any<00:07:59.160> of<00:07:59.340> you<00:07:59.460> would
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channel just in case any of you would
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channel just in case any of you would
like<00:07:59.819> to<00:08:00.000> make<00:08:00.180> a<00:08:00.360> small<00:08:00.479> donation<00:08:00.960> I<00:08:01.319> will
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like to make a small donation I will
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like to make a small donation I will
also<00:08:01.800> really<00:08:02.099> really<00:08:02.340> really<00:08:02.580> appreciate<00:08:03.539> it
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also really really really appreciate it
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also really really really appreciate it
and<00:08:03.900> also<00:08:04.199> drop<00:08:04.380> down<00:08:04.620> below<00:08:04.919> in<00:08:05.039> the<00:08:05.220> comments
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and also drop down below in the comments
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and also drop down below in the comments
which<00:08:05.699> are<00:08:05.880> the<00:08:06.060> list<00:08:06.180> so<00:08:06.360> or<00:08:06.720> should<00:08:06.960> I<00:08:07.139> go
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which are the list so or should I go
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which are the list so or should I go
ahead<00:08:07.500> and<00:08:07.680> create<00:08:07.860> I<00:08:08.160> hope<00:08:08.280> you<00:08:08.400> guys<00:08:08.520> enjoyed
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ahead and create I hope you guys enjoyed
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ahead and create I hope you guys enjoyed
this<00:08:09.060> video<00:08:09.240> until<00:08:09.599> the<00:08:09.960> next<00:08:10.080> one<00:08:10.520> and
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this video until the next one and
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this video until the next one and
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