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Kind: captions
Language: en
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I<00:00:00.690> hope<00:00:01.319> y'all<00:00:01.560> don't<00:00:01.589> mind<00:00:01.800> if<00:00:02.100> I<00:00:02.330> slow<00:00:03.330> it
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I hope y'all don't mind if I slow it
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I hope y'all don't mind if I slow it
down<00:00:03.509> a<00:00:03.719> little<00:00:03.989> bit
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down a little bit
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down a little bit
just<00:00:05.580> a<00:00:05.759> little<00:00:05.910> bit<00:00:06.209> I<00:00:20.510> think<00:00:21.510> I'm<00:00:21.600> in<00:00:21.720> love
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just a little bit I think I'm in love
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just a little bit I think I'm in love
with<00:00:22.020> someone<00:00:22.200> else<00:00:22.670> I've<00:00:23.670> never<00:00:24.270> heard<00:00:24.720> you
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with someone else I've never heard you
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with someone else I've never heard you
talk<00:00:25.050> about<00:00:25.080> anyone<00:00:25.860> else<00:00:26.010> braid<00:00:26.480> it's<00:00:27.480> too
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talk about anyone else braid it's too
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talk about anyone else braid it's too
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I<00:00:28.650> haven't<00:00:29.520> you<00:00:29.640> complicated<00:00:30.510> I<00:00:31.909> don't<00:00:32.909> even
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I haven't you complicated I don't even
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I haven't you complicated I don't even
know<00:00:33.390> where<00:00:33.510> to<00:00:33.539> start
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know where to start
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know where to start
you<00:00:34.739> don't<00:00:34.890> know<00:00:34.980> where<00:00:35.129> to<00:00:35.219> start<00:00:35.600> you<00:00:36.600> know
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you don't know where to start you know
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you don't know where to start you know
where<00:00:36.870> to<00:00:36.960> start<00:00:37.170> when<00:00:37.289> you<00:00:37.379> pulled<00:00:37.620> that
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where to start when you pulled that
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where to start when you pulled that
stunt<00:00:38.010> you<00:00:38.159> did<00:00:38.399> a<00:00:38.429> few<00:00:38.640> weeks<00:00:38.850> ago<00:00:39.030> you<00:00:39.559> should
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stunt you did a few weeks ago you should
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stunt you did a few weeks ago you should
be<00:00:40.710> able<00:00:40.829> to<00:00:41.069> talk<00:00:41.249> to<00:00:41.309> me<00:00:41.699> about<00:00:42.089> anything
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be able to talk to me about anything
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be able to talk to me about anything
what<00:00:43.769> are<00:00:43.800> you<00:00:43.890> hiding<00:00:44.249> bread<00:00:44.690> isn't<00:00:45.690> it
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what are you hiding bread isn't it
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what are you hiding bread isn't it
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I<00:00:46.589> don't<00:00:47.219> want<00:00:47.370> to<00:00:47.429> assume<00:00:47.639> anything<00:00:48.920> don't
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I don't want to assume anything don't
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I don't want to assume anything don't
make<00:00:50.100> me<00:00:50.280> say<00:00:50.489> it<00:00:51.260> what<00:00:52.260> is<00:00:52.409> this<00:00:52.679> it<00:00:52.920> that<00:00:53.129> you
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make me say it what is this it that you
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make me say it what is this it that you
keep<00:00:53.489> talking<00:00:53.940> about<00:00:54.920> Mina<00:00:57.859> right<00:00:59.449> just<00:01:00.449> let
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keep talking about Mina right just let
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keep talking about Mina right just let
me<00:01:00.659> know<00:01:00.749> if<00:01:00.839> we're<00:01:00.959> gonna<00:01:01.079> keep<00:01:01.229> talking<00:01:01.379> in
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me know if we're gonna keep talking in
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me know if we're gonna keep talking in
these<00:01:01.739> circles<00:01:02.069> so<00:01:02.789> I'm<00:01:02.850> gonna<00:01:02.940> take<00:01:03.089> my<00:01:03.209> ass
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these circles so I'm gonna take my ass
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these circles so I'm gonna take my ass
to<00:01:03.359> sleep<00:01:03.719> I<00:01:03.959> got<00:01:04.500> things<00:01:04.710> I<00:01:04.829> need<00:01:04.949> to<00:01:05.039> take
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to sleep I got things I need to take
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to sleep I got things I need to take
care<00:01:05.369> of<00:01:05.489> tomorrow<00:01:05.610> and<00:01:05.820> I'm<00:01:05.939> not<00:01:06.180> about<00:01:06.329> to
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care of tomorrow and I'm not about to
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care of tomorrow and I'm not about to
say<00:01:06.659> I<00:01:06.719> think<00:01:07.049> I'm<00:01:07.200> good<00:01:07.439> I<00:01:10.159> think
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I<00:01:16.940> kind<00:01:17.600> of<00:01:17.630> told<00:01:17.780> you<00:01:17.930> that<00:01:18.050> you<00:01:18.140> were<00:01:18.230> curious
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I kind of told you that you were curious
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I kind of told you that you were curious
not<00:01:19.610> curious<00:01:20.440> Mina<00:01:21.440> okay<00:01:23.320> okay
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not curious Mina okay okay
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not curious Mina okay okay
so<00:01:24.740> you're<00:01:25.070> gay<00:01:25.690> but<00:01:26.690> why<00:01:26.840> do<00:01:26.900> you<00:01:27.050> date<00:01:27.200> men<00:01:27.440> if
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so you're gay but why do you date men if
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so you're gay but why do you date men if
you're<00:01:27.979> gay<00:01:28.160> I<00:01:29.020> don't<00:01:30.020> know<00:01:30.229> the<00:01:30.530> regular
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you're gay I don't know the regular
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you're gay I don't know the regular
reasons<00:01:31.360> society<00:01:32.470> expectations<00:01:33.470> that<00:01:33.830> I
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reasons society expectations that I
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reasons society expectations that I
don't<00:01:35.390> [ __ ]<00:01:35.690> know<00:01:35.860> whose<00:01:36.860> expectations
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don't [ __ ] know whose expectations
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don't [ __ ] know whose expectations
are<00:01:37.640> you<00:01:37.729> trying<00:01:37.940> to<00:01:38.030> meet<00:01:39.340> you're<00:01:40.340> just<00:01:40.490> gonna
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are you trying to meet you're just gonna
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are you trying to meet you're just gonna
say<00:01:40.790> it's<00:01:40.910> stupid<00:01:42.130> okay<00:01:43.130> who<00:01:43.720> my<00:01:44.720> family<00:01:45.910> my
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say it's stupid okay who my family my
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say it's stupid okay who my family my
mom<00:01:47.180> mostly<00:01:48.310> you<00:01:49.310> know<00:01:49.490> we<00:01:49.640> already<00:01:49.820> have<00:01:50.030> a
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mom mostly you know we already have a
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mom mostly you know we already have a
gay<00:01:50.210> cousin<00:01:50.420> Lisa<00:01:50.690> and<00:01:51.050> literally<00:01:52.149> no<00:01:53.149> one
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gay cousin Lisa and literally no one
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gay cousin Lisa and literally no one
talks<00:01:53.720> to<00:01:54.050> her<00:01:54.430> no<00:01:55.430> one
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talks to her no one
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talks to her no one
my<00:01:56.960> family<00:01:57.289> is<00:01:57.410> aggravating<00:01:58.280> and<00:01:58.460> they<00:01:58.729> are
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my family is aggravating and they are
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my family is aggravating and they are
rude<00:01:59.270> and<00:02:00.100> they<00:02:01.100> are<00:02:01.250> the<00:02:01.430> worst<00:02:01.729> sometimes
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rude and they are the worst sometimes
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rude and they are the worst sometimes
right<00:02:02.990> I<00:02:05.410> like<00:02:06.410> the<00:02:06.560> fact<00:02:06.740> that<00:02:06.830> they<00:02:07.039> talked
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right I like the fact that they talked
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right I like the fact that they talked
to<00:02:07.460> me<00:02:07.490> that's<00:02:08.119> not<00:02:08.330> stupid
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to me that's not stupid
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to me that's not stupid
I<00:02:09.340> completely<00:02:10.340> understand<00:02:10.970> the<00:02:11.090> family<00:02:11.450> part
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I completely understand the family part
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I completely understand the family part
but<00:02:13.130> in<00:02:13.250> order<00:02:13.459> for<00:02:13.610> you<00:02:13.670> to<00:02:13.790> be<00:02:13.910> truly<00:02:14.269> happy
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but in order for you to be truly happy
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but in order for you to be truly happy
with<00:02:14.900> who<00:02:15.080> you<00:02:15.140> are<00:02:15.400> you<00:02:16.400> have<00:02:16.430> to<00:02:16.730> live<00:02:16.880> your
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with who you are you have to live your
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with who you are you have to live your
life<00:02:17.120> for<00:02:17.360> you<00:02:17.540> no<00:02:18.410> one<00:02:18.530> else<00:02:18.709> it's<00:02:19.370> a<00:02:19.400> lot
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life for you no one else it's a lot
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life for you no one else it's a lot
easier<00:02:19.910> said<00:02:20.330> than<00:02:20.450> done<00:02:20.510> I<00:02:20.900> live<00:02:21.350> with<00:02:21.560> them
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easier said than done I live with them
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easier said than done I live with them
where<00:02:23.540> would<00:02:23.660> I<00:02:23.690> go
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where would I go
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where would I go
yeah<00:02:25.040> that's<00:02:25.610> true<00:02:26.150> what<00:02:26.780> about<00:02:26.870> Damon<00:02:29.080> your
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yeah that's true what about Damon your
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yeah that's true what about Damon your
mom<00:02:30.260> when<00:02:30.500> we<00:02:30.560> first<00:02:30.830> met<00:02:40.120> after<00:02:41.120> you<00:02:41.209> gave<00:02:41.329> me
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mom when we first met after you gave me
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mom when we first met after you gave me
a<00:02:41.540> hard<00:02:41.750> time<00:02:41.810> we<00:02:42.170> did<00:02:42.410> look<00:02:43.450> before<00:02:44.450> I<00:02:44.480> gave
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a hard time we did look before I gave
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a hard time we did look before I gave
you<00:02:44.870> a<00:02:44.930> hard<00:02:45.230> time<00:02:45.290> you<00:02:45.910> caught<00:02:46.910> my<00:02:47.060> eye<00:02:47.090> at<00:02:47.209> the
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you a hard time you caught my eye at the
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you a hard time you caught my eye at the
spot<00:02:47.750> I<00:02:48.670> was<00:02:49.670> already<00:02:49.850> trying<00:02:50.060> to<00:02:50.180> escape<00:02:50.420> that
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spot I was already trying to escape that
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spot I was already trying to escape that
lame<00:02:50.930> ass<00:02:51.079> think<00:02:51.350> I<00:02:51.470> was<00:02:51.620> there<00:02:51.769> with<00:02:52.840> so<00:02:53.840> I
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lame ass think I was there with so I
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lame ass think I was there with so I
would<00:02:54.140> find<00:02:54.380> any<00:02:55.040> excuse<00:02:55.820> to<00:02:56.120> get<00:02:57.019> next<00:02:57.260> to<00:02:57.470> you
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would find any excuse to get next to you
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would find any excuse to get next to you
I<00:02:57.829> was<00:02:58.040> dancing<00:02:58.190> with<00:02:58.610> strangers<00:03:00.459> just<00:03:01.459> to<00:03:01.610> be
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I was dancing with strangers just to be
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I was dancing with strangers just to be
close<00:03:01.910> to<00:03:02.120> you<00:03:02.239> again<00:03:02.269> I<00:03:03.100> don't<00:03:04.100> know<00:03:04.250> what<00:03:04.400> it
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close to you again I don't know what it
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close to you again I don't know what it
was<00:03:05.140> but<00:03:06.140> by<00:03:06.290> the<00:03:06.350> end<00:03:06.530> of<00:03:06.590> the<00:03:06.739> night<00:03:06.980> you<00:03:07.730> were
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was but by the end of the night you were
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was but by the end of the night you were
playing<00:03:08.780> superhero
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mmm-hmm<00:03:24.450> funny<00:03:24.810> how<00:03:24.990> things<00:03:25.230> work<00:03:25.380> out<00:03:25.680> you
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mmm-hmm funny how things work out you
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mmm-hmm funny how things work out you
never<00:03:26.430> told<00:03:26.760> me<00:03:26.910> that
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never told me that
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never told me that
and<00:03:29.550> Alice<00:03:29.820> I<00:03:29.940> never<00:03:30.120> told<00:03:30.420> to<00:03:30.510> you<00:03:31.580> that<00:03:32.580> first
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and Alice I never told to you that first
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and Alice I never told to you that first
year<00:03:33.120> we<00:03:33.300> were<00:03:33.450> kicking<00:03:33.690> it
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year we were kicking it
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year we were kicking it
I<00:03:34.170> felt<00:03:34.890> so<00:03:35.280> hard<00:03:35.610> for<00:03:35.880> you<00:03:37.340> by<00:03:38.340> the<00:03:38.430> time<00:03:38.610> I<00:03:38.670> met
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I felt so hard for you by the time I met
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I felt so hard for you by the time I met
damn<00:03:39.150> it<00:03:39.360> was<00:03:39.480> getting<00:03:39.690> to<00:03:39.810> a<00:03:39.840> point<00:03:40.080> where
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damn it was getting to a point where
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damn it was getting to a point where
like<00:03:40.680> I<00:03:41.460> couldn't<00:03:41.760> bounce<00:03:41.910> back<00:03:42.390> and<00:03:43.380> so<00:03:43.800> I
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like I couldn't bounce back and so I
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like I couldn't bounce back and so I
started<00:03:46.350> dating<00:03:46.680> him<00:03:46.920> why<00:03:47.330> didn't<00:03:48.330> you<00:03:48.390> ever
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started dating him why didn't you ever
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started dating him why didn't you ever
tell<00:03:48.870> me<00:03:48.930> that<00:03:49.230> I<00:03:49.610> am<00:03:52.250> because<00:03:54.620> you<00:03:55.620> would<00:03:55.830> get
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tell me that I am because you would get
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tell me that I am because you would get
with<00:03:56.730> and<00:03:57.620> break<00:03:58.620> up<00:03:58.770> with<00:03:58.950> and<00:03:59.370> get<00:03:59.550> with<00:03:59.760> and
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with and break up with and get with and
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with and break up with and get with and
then<00:04:00.210> break<00:04:00.420> up<00:04:00.570> with<00:04:00.810> okay<00:04:01.170> we<00:04:01.320> get<00:04:01.500> it
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then break up with okay we get it
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then break up with okay we get it
all<00:04:02.130> of<00:04:02.460> these<00:04:02.580> dumbass<00:04:03.060> girls<00:04:03.510> at<00:04:03.750> the<00:04:03.870> same
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all of these dumbass girls at the same
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all of these dumbass girls at the same
time<00:04:04.610> that<00:04:05.610> I<00:04:05.640> was<00:04:05.760> getting<00:04:06.360> with<00:04:06.510> and
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time that I was getting with and
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time that I was getting with and
breaking<00:04:07.470> up<00:04:07.620> with<00:04:07.860> Dane<00:04:09.080> and<00:04:10.520> every<00:04:11.520> single
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breaking up with Dane and every single
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breaking up with Dane and every single
time<00:04:12.030> I<00:04:12.060> would<00:04:12.360> think<00:04:12.950> he's<00:04:13.950> supposed<00:04:14.130> to<00:04:14.430> be
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time I would think he's supposed to be
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time I would think he's supposed to be
us<00:04:15.769> we<00:04:16.769> could<00:04:16.980> do<00:04:17.070> it<00:04:17.220> better<00:04:18.980> mm-hmm<00:04:20.040> this
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us we could do it better mm-hmm this
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us we could do it better mm-hmm this
last<00:04:20.850> time<00:04:21.620> it<00:04:22.620> was<00:04:22.770> different
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last time it was different
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last time it was different
every<00:04:25.110> time<00:04:25.320> I<00:04:25.350> wanted<00:04:25.650> to<00:04:25.800> tell<00:04:25.950> you<00:04:26.100> before<00:04:26.250> I
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every time I wanted to tell you before I
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every time I wanted to tell you before I
just<00:04:26.790> couldn't<00:04:27.860> this<00:04:28.860> time<00:04:29.130> I<00:04:30.710> need<00:04:31.710> it<00:04:31.740> too<00:04:32.810> it
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just couldn't this time I need it too it
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just couldn't this time I need it too it
was<00:04:34.430> too<00:04:35.430> much
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I<00:04:39.779> can't<00:04:40.779> pretend<00:04:41.139> with<00:04:41.319> them<00:04:41.529> anymore<00:04:42.330> so
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I can't pretend with them anymore so
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I can't pretend with them anymore so
what<00:04:44.080> do<00:04:44.139> you<00:04:44.229> mean<00:04:44.349> so<00:04:44.800> so<00:04:45.189> it's<00:04:45.819> you<00:04:46.499> Nina
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what do you mean so so it's you Nina
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what do you mean so so it's you Nina
you're<00:04:48.879> the<00:04:49.209> person<00:04:49.679> what<00:04:50.679> am<00:04:50.769> I<00:04:50.830> supposed<00:04:51.189> to
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you're the person what am I supposed to
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you're the person what am I supposed to
say<00:04:51.580> whatever<00:04:52.239> you<00:04:52.539> feel<00:04:52.569> I<00:04:54.389> know<00:04:55.389> I<00:04:55.899> know<00:04:56.110> this
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say whatever you feel I know I know this
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say whatever you feel I know I know this
is<00:04:56.559> a<00:04:56.679> lot<00:04:57.059> and<00:04:58.059> I<00:04:58.919> understand<00:04:59.919> if<00:05:00.009> you<00:05:00.099> don't
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is a lot and I understand if you don't
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is a lot and I understand if you don't
feel<00:05:00.489> the<00:05:00.519> same<00:05:00.789> way<00:05:01.889> it's<00:05:02.889> not<00:05:03.129> that<00:05:03.159> it's
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feel the same way it's not that it's
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feel the same way it's not that it's
just<00:05:03.639> this<00:05:03.759> whole<00:05:04.179> thing<00:05:04.239> happened<00:05:04.929> so
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just this whole thing happened so
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just this whole thing happened so
quickly<00:05:05.439> I<00:05:05.919> don't<00:05:06.429> know<00:05:06.639> if<00:05:06.729> it's<00:05:06.849> real<00:05:07.089> I
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quickly I don't know if it's real I
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quickly I don't know if it's real I
don't<00:05:07.599> know<00:05:07.689> if<00:05:07.779> it's<00:05:07.929> fake<00:05:08.169> listen<00:05:08.889> I
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understand<00:05:12.249> that<00:05:12.490> I'm<00:05:12.610> kind<00:05:12.819> of<00:05:12.909> putting<00:05:13.539> this
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understand that I'm kind of putting this
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understand that I'm kind of putting this
all<00:05:13.869> on<00:05:14.050> you<00:05:14.229> and<00:05:16.050> you<00:05:17.050> might<00:05:17.259> not<00:05:17.439> know<00:05:17.619> how
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all on you and you might not know how
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all on you and you might not know how
you<00:05:17.830> feel<00:05:18.129> right<00:05:18.189> now<00:05:20.819> but<00:05:21.819> I<00:05:21.849> really<00:05:22.300> need<00:05:22.479> to
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you feel right now but I really need to
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you feel right now but I really need to
kiss<00:05:22.839> you<00:05:23.249> so<00:05:24.249> we<00:05:24.369> can<00:05:24.490> have<00:05:24.519> a<00:05:24.699> repeat<00:05:25.059> of<00:05:25.089> last
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kiss you so we can have a repeat of last
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kiss you so we can have a repeat of last
time<00:05:26.669> pretty<00:05:27.669> I'm<00:05:27.939> confused
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time pretty I'm confused
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time pretty I'm confused
I'm<00:05:30.369> so<00:05:30.610> confused<00:05:30.759> you<00:05:31.119> come<00:05:31.300> to<00:05:31.389> my<00:05:31.509> house<00:05:31.629> in
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I'm so confused you come to my house in
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I'm so confused you come to my house in
the<00:05:31.899> middle<00:05:32.110> of<00:05:32.139> the<00:05:32.229> night<00:05:32.639> telling<00:05:33.639> me<00:05:33.729> that
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the middle of the night telling me that
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the middle of the night telling me that
guy<00:05:34.179> he<00:05:35.019> broke<00:05:35.259> up<00:05:35.379> with<00:05:35.439> damn<00:05:35.860> you're<00:05:36.339> in<00:05:36.399> love
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guy he broke up with damn you're in love
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guy he broke up with damn you're in love
with<00:05:36.759> me<00:05:37.439> I'm<00:05:38.439> supposed<00:05:39.039> to<00:05:39.069> say<00:05:39.429> can<00:05:39.909> I<00:05:39.939> kiss
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with me I'm supposed to say can I kiss
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with me I'm supposed to say can I kiss
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no<00:06:04.310> you<00:06:37.690> trying<00:06:38.690> to<00:06:38.780> get<00:06:38.990> a<00:06:39.020> little<00:06:39.290> bit<00:06:40.040> away
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no you trying to get a little bit away
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no you trying to get a little bit away
get<00:06:41.180> such<00:06:41.510> easy
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get such easy
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get such easy
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baby<00:06:48.360> baby<00:07:03.150> baby<00:07:07.229> I<00:07:08.229> got<00:07:08.680> to<00:07:09.309> let<00:07:09.699> you<00:07:10.360> know<00:07:10.800> I
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baby baby baby I got to let you know I
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baby baby baby I got to let you know I
can't<00:07:12.610> sue<00:07:12.879> this<00:07:13.629> all<00:07:14.020> of<00:07:14.349> my<00:07:14.680> old<00:07:15.809> thing<00:07:20.370> I'm
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can't sue this all of my old thing I'm
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can't sue this all of my old thing I'm
gonna<00:07:21.879> put<00:07:22.509> on<00:07:22.839> a<00:07:23.050> show<00:07:24.809> baby<00:07:25.809> won't<00:07:26.559> you<00:07:26.710> look
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gonna put on a show baby won't you look
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gonna put on a show baby won't you look
at<00:07:27.520> me<00:07:29.039> don't<00:07:30.039> take<00:07:30.460> your<00:07:30.789> eyes<00:07:31.149> off<00:07:31.180> my<00:07:31.839> little
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at me don't take your eyes off my little
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at me don't take your eyes off my little
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me<00:07:35.020> cuz<00:07:36.020> I<00:07:36.169> can't<00:07:36.500> get<00:07:36.860> enough<00:07:42.189> I<00:07:44.919> want<00:07:45.919> to<00:07:46.009> tell
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me cuz I can't get enough I want to tell
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me cuz I can't get enough I want to tell
you<00:07:46.310> something<00:07:46.699> too
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hey<00:09:07.050> mama<00:09:07.589> hey<00:09:07.970> baby
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hey mama hey baby
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hey mama hey baby
are<00:09:10.350> you<00:09:10.500> and<00:09:10.620> Dave<00:09:10.770> still<00:09:11.010> coming<00:09:11.310> over<00:09:11.430> here
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are you and Dave still coming over here
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are you and Dave still coming over here
today<00:09:11.730> I<00:09:12.290> got<00:09:13.290> some<00:09:13.440> stuff<00:09:13.650> on<00:09:13.830> Ethan<00:09:14.130> again
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today I got some stuff on Ethan again
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today I got some stuff on Ethan again
damn<00:09:15.390> and<00:09:15.570> I<00:09:15.660> got<00:09:15.870> no<00:09:15.990> fight<00:09:16.200> last<00:09:16.440> night
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damn and I got no fight last night
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damn and I got no fight last night
what<00:09:17.779> well<00:09:18.779> where<00:09:18.959> are<00:09:19.080> you<00:09:19.250> I'm<00:09:20.250> at<00:09:20.459> Mina's<00:09:20.910> I
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don't<00:09:24.570> know<00:09:24.660> why<00:09:24.839> you<00:09:24.900> insist<00:09:25.320> on<00:09:25.440> hanging
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don't know why you insist on hanging
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don't know why you insist on hanging
around<00:09:26.040> people<00:09:26.160> like<00:09:26.400> that<00:09:26.580> I<00:09:26.820> know<00:09:27.330> she's
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around people like that I know she's
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around people like that I know she's
just<00:09:28.500> a<00:09:28.650> friend
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just a friend
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just a friend
well<00:09:30.630> anyway<00:09:31.020> I<00:09:31.339> still<00:09:32.339> need<00:09:32.490> you<00:09:32.580> to<00:09:32.670> come
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well anyway I still need you to come
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well anyway I still need you to come
back<00:09:32.910> here<00:09:33.089> baby<00:09:33.240> okay<00:09:33.540> I<00:09:33.570> need<00:09:33.720> you<00:09:33.900> to<00:09:33.930> help
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back here baby okay I need you to help
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back here baby okay I need you to help
with<00:09:34.200> something
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with something
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with something
okay<00:09:36.290> now<00:09:37.290> come<00:09:37.470> on<00:09:37.589> get<00:09:37.800> on<00:09:37.830> up<00:09:38.160> now<00:09:38.339> come<00:09:38.670> on
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okay now come on get on up now come on
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okay now come on get on up now come on
get<00:09:39.089> up<00:09:39.240> and<00:09:39.870> come<00:09:40.050> on<00:09:40.080> over<00:09:40.200> here<00:09:40.760> I'll<00:09:41.760> see
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get up and come on over here I'll see
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get up and come on over here I'll see
you<00:09:42.089> soon
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you soon
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you soon
okay<00:09:43.080> I<00:09:43.110> love<00:09:43.320> you<00:09:44.420> okay<00:09:45.420> papa<00:09:45.690> baby
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my<00:11:17.400> thang<00:11:17.700> for<00:11:17.850> you<00:11:18.180> you<00:11:18.690> got<00:11:18.900> send<00:11:19.200> Thomson
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my thang for you you got send Thomson
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my thang for you you got send Thomson
baby<00:11:19.920> I<00:11:20.220> can<00:11:20.430> cure<00:11:20.670> a<00:11:20.880> fear<00:11:21.210> you
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baby I can cure a fear you
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baby I can cure a fear you
I<00:11:22.820> can<00:11:23.060> make<00:11:23.300> you<00:11:23.420> feel<00:11:23.600> so<00:11:23.660> coz<00:11:24.590> that<00:11:24.740> God<00:11:25.010> hate
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I can make you feel so coz that God hate
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I can make you feel so coz that God hate
to<00:11:26.000> see<00:11:26.210> between<00:11:26.420> my<00:11:28.210> we<00:11:29.210> can<00:11:29.420> take<00:11:29.680> its
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to see between my we can take its
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to see between my we can take its
someone<00:11:31.100> that<00:11:31.490> no<00:11:31.640> baby<00:11:31.880> let<00:11:32.240> me<00:11:32.390> be<00:11:32.600> you<00:11:32.930> guys
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someone that no baby let me be you guys
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someone that no baby let me be you guys
I<00:11:33.970> can<00:11:34.660> calm<00:11:34.990> you<00:11:35.230> down<00:11:35.260> Mia<00:11:36.270> I'm<00:11:37.270> just
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my<00:11:45.910> favorite<00:11:46.300> daughter<00:11:46.509> you<00:11:47.319> mean<00:11:47.529> your<00:11:47.680> only
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my favorite daughter you mean your only
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my favorite daughter you mean your only
daughter<00:11:48.360> I'm<00:11:49.360> fine<00:11:50.249> what's<00:11:51.249> your<00:11:51.369> making
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daughter I'm fine what's your making
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daughter I'm fine what's your making
well<00:11:53.259> just<00:11:53.680> a<00:11:53.800> late<00:11:54.009> breakfast
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well just a late breakfast
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well just a late breakfast
you<00:11:55.720> want<00:11:55.959> some<00:11:56.199> have<00:11:57.069> I<00:11:57.189> ever<00:11:57.369> said<00:11:57.639> no<00:11:57.699> to
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you want some have I ever said no to
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you want some have I ever said no to
food<00:11:58.290> hey<00:11:59.290> oh<00:11:59.319> no<00:11:59.800> it's<00:12:00.639> good<00:12:00.879> and<00:12:01.240> I<00:12:01.660> didn't
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food hey oh no it's good and I didn't
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food hey oh no it's good and I didn't
expect<00:12:02.199> you<00:12:02.319> to<00:12:02.499> either<00:12:02.850> I'm<00:12:03.850> man<00:12:04.029> enough
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expect you to either I'm man enough
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expect you to either I'm man enough
you're<00:12:04.449> a<00:12:04.509> little<00:12:04.749> greener<00:12:05.050> you<00:12:05.410> know<00:12:05.800> me<00:12:05.949> so
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you're a little greener you know me so
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you're a little greener you know me so
well<00:12:06.429> mm-hmm<00:12:10.230> all<00:12:11.230> right<00:12:12.509> now<00:12:13.509> tell<00:12:13.569> me<00:12:14.490> why
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well mm-hmm all right now tell me why
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well mm-hmm all right now tell me why
are<00:12:16.029> you<00:12:16.300> and<00:12:16.600> Dave<00:12:16.779> arguing<00:12:17.199> so<00:12:17.350> much<00:12:17.410> what's
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are you and Dave arguing so much what's
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are you and Dave arguing so much what's
going<00:12:18.459> on<00:12:18.579> with<00:12:18.699> it<00:12:18.850> can<00:12:19.809> you<00:12:19.929> please<00:12:20.199> just
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going on with it can you please just
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going on with it can you please just
enjoy<00:12:20.800> a<00:12:20.829> good<00:12:21.129> Sunday<00:12:21.730> meal<00:12:21.970> together<00:12:22.240> with
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enjoy a good Sunday meal together with
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enjoy a good Sunday meal together with
our<00:12:22.929> talking<00:12:23.740> about<00:12:23.980> Dave<00:12:25.319> no<00:12:26.639> because<00:12:27.639> I'll
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our talking about Dave no because I'll
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our talking about Dave no because I'll
also<00:12:28.209> wearing<00:12:28.569> children<00:12:28.929> and<00:12:29.259> if<00:12:29.709> he's<00:12:29.829> not<00:12:30.009> in
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also wearing children and if he's not in
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also wearing children and if he's not in
the<00:12:30.160> picture<00:12:30.309> then<00:12:30.670> we<00:12:31.179> need<00:12:31.300> to<00:12:31.389> find<00:12:31.509> a<00:12:31.600> way
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the picture then we need to find a way
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the picture then we need to find a way
to<00:12:31.720> get<00:12:31.869> him<00:12:31.990> back<00:12:32.079> in<00:12:32.259> it<00:12:32.350> I<00:12:32.559> just<00:12:33.329> honestly
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to get him back in it I just honestly
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to get him back in it I just honestly
feel<00:12:34.839> like<00:12:34.869> that's<00:12:35.170> none<00:12:35.290> of<00:12:35.319> your<00:12:35.439> business
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feel like that's none of your business
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feel like that's none of your business
right<00:12:36.009> now
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right now
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right now
excuse<00:12:38.379> me<00:12:40.259> I'm<00:12:41.259> sorry
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excuse me I'm sorry
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excuse me I'm sorry
never<00:12:42.249> mind<00:12:43.589> like<00:12:44.589> I<00:12:44.800> was<00:12:45.009> saying<00:12:45.779> why<00:12:46.779> are<00:12:47.199> you
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never mind like I was saying why are you
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never mind like I was saying why are you
always<00:12:47.800> arguing<00:12:52.620> I<00:12:53.790> know<00:12:54.790> what<00:12:55.179> the<00:12:55.269> problem
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always arguing I know what the problem
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always arguing I know what the problem
is<00:12:56.189> it's<00:12:57.189> you<00:12:57.670> oh<00:12:58.029> yeah
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is it's you oh yeah
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is it's you oh yeah
it's<00:13:00.910> you<00:13:01.120> you<00:13:01.509> need<00:13:01.779> to<00:13:01.809> start<00:13:02.079> treating<00:13:02.379> him
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it's you you need to start treating him
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it's you you need to start treating him
better<00:13:02.889> than<00:13:03.100> what<00:13:03.220> you've<00:13:03.339> been<00:13:03.370> treating<00:13:03.759> it
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better than what you've been treating it
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better than what you've been treating it
with<00:13:03.929> I'm<00:13:04.929> serious
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with I'm serious
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with I'm serious
shoot<00:13:06.069> a<00:13:15.809> long<00:13:16.809> time<00:13:17.110> ago<00:13:17.379> so<00:13:18.279> why<00:13:18.490> don't<00:13:18.670> you
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shoot a long time ago so why don't you
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shoot a long time ago so why don't you
date<00:13:19.029> him<00:13:19.059> if<00:13:19.269> you<00:13:19.360> like<00:13:19.480> him<00:13:19.540> so<00:13:19.839> much<00:13:27.299> you
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date him if you like him so much you
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date him if you like him so much you
know<00:13:30.100> what<00:13:30.249> no<00:13:30.459> you<00:13:31.259> need<00:13:32.259> to<00:13:32.350> fix<00:13:32.559> this<00:13:32.860> I'm
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know what no you need to fix this I'm
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know what no you need to fix this I'm
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yeah<00:13:34.600> you<00:13:35.079> do<00:13:35.589> do<00:13:36.490> you<00:13:36.610> know<00:13:36.730> how<00:13:36.910> hard<00:13:37.209> it<00:13:37.420> is
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yeah you do do you know how hard it is
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yeah you do do you know how hard it is
to<00:13:37.569> come<00:13:37.839> by<00:13:37.990> a<00:13:38.019> good<00:13:38.230> man<00:13:38.410> I'm<00:13:38.860> serious<00:13:39.540> man<00:13:40.569> Oh
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to come by a good man I'm serious man Oh
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to come by a good man I'm serious man Oh
blessing<00:13:42.009> good<00:13:42.670> ones<00:13:42.879> that<00:13:42.939> is<00:13:44.009> just<00:13:45.009> because
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blessing good ones that is just because
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blessing good ones that is just because
he's<00:13:45.519> a<00:13:45.549> good<00:13:45.850> man<00:13:46.119> doesn't<00:13:46.660> mean<00:13:46.779> I
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he's a good man doesn't mean I
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he's a good man doesn't mean I
automatically<00:13:47.619> want<00:13:47.799> to<00:13:47.949> be<00:13:48.040> with<00:13:48.249> him<00:13:49.079> it's
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automatically want to be with him it's
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automatically want to be with him it's
more<00:13:50.319> complicated<00:13:50.740> than<00:13:51.160> that<00:13:51.220> you<00:13:52.149> know<00:13:52.299> what
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more complicated than that you know what
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more complicated than that you know what
what<00:13:55.269> is<00:13:55.420> wrong<00:13:55.629> with<00:13:55.779> my<00:13:55.929> daughter<00:13:56.730> girl
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what is wrong with my daughter girl
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what is wrong with my daughter girl
if<00:13:58.600> I<00:13:58.750> were<00:13:58.900> you<00:13:59.400> I'd<00:14:00.400> hold<00:14:00.700> on<00:14:00.850> I<00:14:00.880> have<00:14:00.970> a<00:14:01.150> real
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if I were you I'd hold on I have a real
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if I were you I'd hold on I have a real
tight<00:14:02.040> what<00:14:03.040> you<00:14:03.190> really<00:14:03.370> need<00:14:03.580> to<00:14:03.610> realize<00:14:04.090> is
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tight what you really need to realize is
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tight what you really need to realize is
that<00:14:05.470> he<00:14:05.650> takes<00:14:05.890> care<00:14:06.340> of<00:14:06.400> you<00:14:06.870> he<00:14:07.870> loves<00:14:08.230> on
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that he takes care of you he loves on
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that he takes care of you he loves on
you<00:14:08.950> he<00:14:09.550> belongs<00:14:09.910> in<00:14:10.030> respect<00:14:10.450> our<00:14:10.660> family<00:14:11.110> and
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you he belongs in respect our family and
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you he belongs in respect our family and
more<00:14:11.590> importantly<00:14:12.190> thud<00:14:12.550> hey<00:14:13.270> hold<00:14:13.660> on<00:14:13.840> my
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more importantly thud hey hold on my
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more importantly thud hey hold on my
eyes<00:14:16.050> whatever<00:14:17.050> my<00:14:17.610> every<00:14:18.610> you<00:14:18.730> say<00:14:19.050> you<00:14:20.050> were
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eyes whatever my every you say you were
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eyes whatever my every you say you were
right<00:14:20.320> about<00:14:20.380> one<00:14:20.740> thing
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right about one thing
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right about one thing
Dame<00:14:21.850> is<00:14:22.030> definitely<00:14:22.990> a<00:14:23.230> good<00:14:23.740> man<00:14:25.650> now<00:14:28.560> you
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Dame is definitely a good man now you
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Dame is definitely a good man now you
should<00:14:29.770> play<00:14:29.920> come<00:14:30.160> get<00:14:30.340> it<00:14:30.570> thank<00:14:31.570> you
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wait<00:14:46.810> a<00:14:46.840> minute<00:14:47.170> what<00:14:47.530> do<00:14:47.590> you<00:14:47.620> have<00:14:47.800> me
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wait a minute what do you have me
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wait a minute what do you have me
working<00:14:48.130> on<00:14:48.310> today<00:14:55.920> meet<00:14:56.920> you<00:14:57.040> sneaking<00:14:57.400> it
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working on today meet you sneaking it
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working on today meet you sneaking it
with<00:14:57.610> my<00:14:57.730> watch<00:14:59.970> okay
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so<00:15:47.050> you<00:15:47.200> been<00:15:47.410> baby<00:15:53.490> have<00:15:54.490> you<00:15:54.780> we<00:15:55.780> can<00:15:55.930> get<00:15:56.080> to
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so you been baby have you we can get to
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so you been baby have you we can get to
me<00:15:56.380> later
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me later
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me later
why<00:15:57.280> just<00:15:57.700> alright<00:16:06.210> always<00:16:07.210> telling<00:16:08.110> you<00:16:08.260> [ __ ]
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why just alright always telling you [ __ ]
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why just alright always telling you [ __ ]
okay<00:16:09.760> I<00:16:10.210> mean<00:16:10.840> that's<00:16:11.170> what<00:16:11.350> I'm<00:16:11.440> here<00:16:11.650> for<00:16:11.680> to
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okay I mean that's what I'm here for to
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okay I mean that's what I'm here for to
be<00:16:12.250> your<00:16:12.400> human<00:16:12.580> diary<00:16:13.020> let<00:16:14.020> me<00:16:14.110> spell<00:16:14.350> these
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be your human diary let me spell these
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be your human diary let me spell these
secrets<00:16:14.950> Ben<00:16:15.160> I'm<00:16:15.730> Alyssa<00:16:16.140> remember<00:16:17.140> my<00:16:17.260> best
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secrets Ben I'm Alyssa remember my best
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secrets Ben I'm Alyssa remember my best
friend<00:16:17.760> the<00:16:18.760> one<00:16:18.910> you<00:16:19.030> were<00:16:19.150> lovely<00:16:19.390> right
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friend the one you were lovely right
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friend the one you were lovely right
real<00:16:21.970> got<00:16:22.150> a<00:16:22.180> thumb<00:16:22.390> telling<00:16:22.750> you<00:16:22.810> remember
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real got a thumb telling you remember
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real got a thumb telling you remember
that<00:16:23.520> of<00:16:24.520> course<00:16:24.700> I<00:16:24.940> remember<00:16:25.210> that
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that of course I remember that
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that of course I remember that
I<00:16:25.570> don't<00:16:25.840> got<00:16:26.020> [ __ ]<00:16:26.230> else<00:16:26.380> to<00:16:26.590> do<00:16:26.680> overseas<00:16:27.100> but
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I don't got [ __ ] else to do overseas but
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I don't got [ __ ] else to do overseas but
to<00:16:27.550> remember<00:16:27.850> everything<00:16:28.090> you<00:16:28.300> tell<00:16:28.600> me<00:16:29.040> mmm
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to remember everything you tell me mmm
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to remember everything you tell me mmm
so<00:16:32.220> we<00:16:33.220> [ __ ]
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your<00:16:41.949> best<00:16:42.130> friend<00:16:42.430> is<00:16:42.519> a<00:16:42.639> daddy<00:16:43.019> mad<00:16:44.019> I<00:16:44.050> were
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your best friend is a daddy mad I were
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your best friend is a daddy mad I were
here<00:16:44.529> to<00:16:44.680> see<00:16:44.860> it
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here to see it
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here to see it
Nadia<00:16:46.029> before<00:16:46.360> you<00:16:46.449> go<00:16:46.540> full<00:16:46.750> per<00:16:46.899> patron<00:16:47.199> on
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Nadia before you go full per patron on
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Nadia before you go full per patron on
me<00:16:47.470> can<00:16:47.980> I<00:16:48.009> at<00:16:48.250> least<00:16:48.310> finish<00:16:48.579> what<00:16:48.850> I'm<00:16:48.940> saying
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me can I at least finish what I'm saying
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me can I at least finish what I'm saying
oh<00:16:49.389> hi<00:16:49.899> bad<00:16:50.139> what<00:16:50.829> I<00:16:50.860> meant<00:16:51.130> to<00:16:51.250> say<00:16:51.430> was<00:16:51.459> damn
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oh hi bad what I meant to say was damn
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oh hi bad what I meant to say was damn
so<00:16:52.690> you<00:16:52.750> [ __ ]<00:16:53.139> your<00:16:53.410> best<00:16:53.620> friend<00:16:55.410> yes<00:16:56.410> I<00:16:56.740> did
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so you [ __ ] your best friend yes I did
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so you [ __ ] your best friend yes I did
and<00:16:57.930> she<00:16:58.930> said<00:16:59.110> that<00:16:59.290> she's<00:16:59.470> in<00:16:59.589> love<00:16:59.620> with<00:16:59.769> me
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and she said that she's in love with me
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and she said that she's in love with me
I<00:17:02.500> mean<00:17:03.250> he<00:17:03.370> just<00:17:03.399> feel<00:17:03.850> how<00:17:04.030> you<00:17:04.089> feeling<00:17:04.600> she
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I mean he just feel how you feeling she
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I mean he just feel how you feeling she
came<00:17:05.199> to<00:17:05.350> you<00:17:05.500> just<00:17:05.799> now<00:17:05.949> with<00:17:06.189> all<00:17:06.309> his<00:17:06.429> mess
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came to you just now with all his mess
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came to you just now with all his mess
well<00:17:08.890> you<00:17:08.980> know<00:17:09.160> two<00:17:09.220> weeks<00:17:09.640> as<00:17:09.910> a<00:17:09.939> whole<00:17:10.179> year
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well you know two weeks as a whole year
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well you know two weeks as a whole year
and<00:17:10.569> lesbian<00:17:11.260> no<00:17:12.179> I'm<00:17:13.179> just<00:17:13.390> saying<00:17:13.660> there's
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and lesbian no I'm just saying there's
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and lesbian no I'm just saying there's
no<00:17:14.470> need<00:17:14.679> to<00:17:14.860> rush<00:17:15.040> anything<00:17:15.280> you<00:17:15.970> might<00:17:16.150> as
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no need to rush anything you might as
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no need to rush anything you might as
well<00:17:16.299> just<00:17:16.630> play<00:17:16.780> it<00:17:16.990> out<00:17:17.110> and<00:17:17.350> see<00:17:17.470> how<00:17:17.589> the
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well just play it out and see how the
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well just play it out and see how the
situation<00:17:17.919> goes<00:17:18.520> I<00:17:18.880> guess<00:17:19.809> you're<00:17:20.140> right
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situation goes I guess you're right
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situation goes I guess you're right
I<00:17:20.850> got<00:17:21.850> one<00:17:21.970> question<00:17:22.000> for<00:17:22.419> you<00:17:22.660> it<00:17:23.319> was<00:17:23.470> fun
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I got one question for you it was fun
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I got one question for you it was fun
even<00:17:23.980> though<00:17:24.790> you're<00:17:25.059> in<00:17:25.209> love<00:17:25.360> with<00:17:25.480> her<00:17:25.720> you
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even though you're in love with her you
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even though you're in love with her you
think<00:17:27.220> I<00:17:27.309> can<00:17:27.520> distract<00:17:27.819> you<00:17:27.970> one<00:17:28.240> time
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who<00:17:43.600> don't<00:17:43.960> you<00:17:44.080> just<00:17:44.260> feel<00:17:44.440> better<00:17:44.680> after<00:17:45.040> a
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who don't you just feel better after a
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who don't you just feel better after a
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who<00:18:16.350> you<00:18:16.500> calling<00:18:20.059> they<00:18:21.059> don't<00:18:21.210> feel<00:18:21.330> like
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who you calling they don't feel like
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who you calling they don't feel like
that's<00:18:21.630> any<00:18:21.720> of<00:18:21.840> your<00:18:21.960> business<00:18:23.360> okay<00:18:24.470> well
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that's any of your business okay well
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that's any of your business okay well
let<00:18:25.590> me<00:18:25.620> guess<00:18:26.059> that's<00:18:27.059> that<00:18:27.150> friend<00:18:27.659> of<00:18:27.779> yours
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let me guess that's that friend of yours
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let me guess that's that friend of yours
huh<00:18:28.460> well<00:18:29.460> tell<00:18:29.669> her<00:18:29.789> I<00:18:29.909> says<00:18:30.299> hello
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huh well tell her I says hello
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huh well tell her I says hello
you<00:18:31.980> are<00:18:32.190> always<00:18:32.549> assuming<00:18:33.510> no<00:18:34.350> why<00:18:34.830> do<00:18:35.190> you
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you are always assuming no why do you
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you are always assuming no why do you
feel<00:18:35.610> like<00:18:35.820> you<00:18:36.090> always<00:18:36.360> got<00:18:36.690> to<00:18:36.809> hang<00:18:36.960> around
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feel like you always got to hang around
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feel like you always got to hang around
and<00:18:37.409> board<00:18:37.649> a<00:18:37.950> ghost
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and board a ghost
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and board a ghost
first<00:18:40.440> of<00:18:40.559> all<00:18:40.649> bull<00:18:41.490> dagger<00:18:41.730> is<00:18:42.299> not<00:18:42.840> nor<00:18:43.289> ever
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first of all bull dagger is not nor ever
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first of all bull dagger is not nor ever
has<00:18:43.740> been<00:18:44.100> a<00:18:44.399> kind<00:18:44.880> word<00:18:45.090> to<00:18:45.299> call<00:18:45.480> somebody
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has been a kind word to call somebody
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has been a kind word to call somebody
there's<00:18:46.860> no<00:18:47.070> option<00:18:48.260> yeah<00:18:50.000> well<00:18:51.000> then<00:18:51.210> she's<00:18:51.510> a
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there's no option yeah well then she's a
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there's no option yeah well then she's a
would<00:18:51.870> a<00:18:52.140> derp<00:18:52.460> what<00:18:53.460> you<00:18:53.580> want<00:18:53.730> me<00:18:53.789> to<00:18:53.850> call
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would a derp what you want me to call
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would a derp what you want me to call
you<00:18:54.149> me<00:18:54.270> Carlos<00:18:54.510> um<00:18:54.659> else<00:18:54.809> okay<00:18:55.289> I<00:18:55.500> can<00:18:55.980> call<00:18:56.159> a
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you me Carlos um else okay I can call a
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you me Carlos um else okay I can call a
dyke<00:18:56.669> if<00:18:56.909> you<00:18:57.059> like<00:18:58.669> first<00:18:59.669> of<00:18:59.880> all<00:19:00.029> you<00:19:00.720> have
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dyke if you like first of all you have
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dyke if you like first of all you have
so<00:19:01.230> many<00:19:01.380> options<00:19:01.620> you<00:19:02.370> could<00:19:02.549> pick<00:19:02.909> she<00:19:03.270> you
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so many options you could pick she you
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so many options you could pick she you
could<00:19:03.750> pick<00:19:03.929> me<00:19:04.140> no<00:19:04.200> you<00:19:04.380> could<00:19:04.500> pick<00:19:04.620> her<00:19:04.799> you
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could pick me no you could pick her you
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could pick me no you could pick her you
could<00:19:05.100> pick<00:19:05.279> literally<00:19:06.179> anything<00:19:06.539> besides<00:19:07.380> it
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could pick literally anything besides it
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could pick literally anything besides it
or<00:19:08.250> bull<00:19:09.090> dagger<00:19:09.450> or<00:19:09.659> dyke<00:19:11.630> girl<00:19:12.630> I<00:19:13.309> don't<00:19:14.309> care
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or bull dagger or dyke girl I don't care
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or bull dagger or dyke girl I don't care
what<00:19:14.909> she<00:19:15.179> go<00:19:15.360> by<00:19:15.539> or<00:19:15.960> what<00:19:16.409> you<00:19:16.559> want<00:19:16.770> me<00:19:16.830> to
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what she go by or what you want me to
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what she go by or what you want me to
call<00:19:17.159> her<00:19:17.309> what<00:19:18.299> she<00:19:18.480> shouldn't<00:19:19.080> be<00:19:19.169> doing<00:19:19.500> as
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call her what she shouldn't be doing as
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call her what she shouldn't be doing as
much<00:19:20.039> an<00:19:20.159> old<00:19:20.279> carpet<00:19:21.529> so<00:19:22.529> you're<00:19:22.679> saying<00:19:22.950> that
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much an old carpet so you're saying that
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much an old carpet so you're saying that
if<00:19:23.309> I<00:19:23.399> came<00:19:23.580> out<00:19:23.730> to<00:19:23.880> you<00:19:23.940> as<00:19:24.120> gay<00:19:24.299> this<00:19:24.899> is<00:19:25.049> how
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if I came out to you as gay this is how
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if I came out to you as gay this is how
you<00:19:25.200> treat<00:19:25.529> me
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you treat me
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you treat me
no<00:19:27.510> cuz<00:19:28.350> I<00:19:28.559> raised<00:19:29.130> you<00:19:29.429> to<00:19:29.460> be<00:19:29.640> no<00:19:29.760> butch<00:19:31.190> it's
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no cuz I raised you to be no butch it's
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no cuz I raised you to be no butch it's
not<00:19:32.399> about<00:19:32.700> how<00:19:32.940> you're<00:19:33.179> raised<00:19:33.649> it's<00:19:34.649> who<00:19:34.860> you
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not about how you're raised it's who you
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not about how you're raised it's who you
are<00:19:35.399> if<00:19:35.970> people<00:19:36.659> are<00:19:36.840> born<00:19:37.200> gay
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are if people are born gay
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are if people are born gay
what<00:19:39.830> girl<00:19:41.299> ain't<00:19:42.299> nobody<00:19:42.360> born<00:19:43.230> gay<00:19:44.090> people
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what girl ain't nobody born gay people
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what girl ain't nobody born gay people
choose<00:19:45.539> to<00:19:45.570> be<00:19:45.960> gay<00:19:46.429> which<00:19:47.429> is<00:19:47.580> the<00:19:47.640> reason<00:19:47.850> why
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choose to be gay which is the reason why
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choose to be gay which is the reason why
I<00:19:47.970> know<00:19:48.120> she<00:19:48.330> chooses<00:19:48.960> to<00:19:49.380> go<00:19:49.710> down<00:19:49.890> on<00:19:49.980> other
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I know she chooses to go down on other
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I know she chooses to go down on other
women<00:19:50.429> see<00:19:50.760> that's<00:19:51.179> the<00:19:51.360> thing<00:19:51.390> I<00:19:51.779> don't
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women see that's the thing I don't
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women see that's the thing I don't
understand<00:19:52.950> why<00:19:53.580> will<00:19:53.909> one<00:19:54.299> woman<00:19:54.750> get<00:19:55.350> what
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understand why will one woman get what
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understand why will one woman get what
another<00:19:55.830> woman<00:19:56.309> do<00:19:56.490> you<00:19:56.580> hearing<00:19:57.059> yourself
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another woman do you hearing yourself
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another woman do you hearing yourself
right<00:19:57.539> now<00:19:57.659> are<00:19:58.350> you<00:19:58.470> being<00:19:58.649> serious
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right now are you being serious
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right now are you being serious
oh<00:19:59.549> yeah<00:20:00.480> I'm<00:20:00.600> serious<00:20:01.399> and<00:20:02.480> hear<00:20:03.480> me<00:20:03.720> when<00:20:03.870> I
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oh yeah I'm serious and hear me when I
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oh yeah I'm serious and hear me when I
say<00:20:04.230> this<00:20:04.470> you<00:20:05.779> start<00:20:06.779> dating<00:20:07.140> a<00:20:07.169> woman<00:20:07.429> you
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say this you start dating a woman you
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say this you start dating a woman you
can<00:20:08.610> forever<00:20:08.850> forget<00:20:09.270> about<00:20:09.390> stepping<00:20:09.809> foot
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can forever forget about stepping foot
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can forever forget about stepping foot
back<00:20:10.530> in<00:20:10.710> my<00:20:10.860> house
00:20:14.510 --> 00:20:14.520 align:start position:0%
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well<00:20:15.520> I<00:20:15.840> gotta<00:20:16.840> go<00:20:17.130> yeah<00:20:18.130> you<00:20:18.190> do<00:20:18.429> that
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when<00:20:33.889> you
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Wow<00:21:21.009> I<00:21:23.019> finally<00:21:24.019> finally<00:21:24.499> did<00:21:24.710> it<00:21:25.899> these<00:21:26.899> are
00:21:27.369 --> 00:21:27.379 align:start position:0%
Wow I finally finally did it these are
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Wow I finally finally did it these are
my<00:21:27.559> hidden<00:21:27.799> gems
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my hidden gems
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my hidden gems
you<00:21:30.030> can<00:21:30.210> really<00:21:30.600> make<00:21:30.750> it<00:21:30.780> out<00:21:30.990> of<00:21:31.170> any<00:21:31.500> dark
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you can really make it out of any dark
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you can really make it out of any dark
situation<00:21:32.580> you've<00:21:32.730> been<00:21:32.910> in<00:21:33.170> and<00:21:34.170> it<00:21:34.320> can<00:21:34.470> be
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situation you've been in and it can be
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situation you've been in and it can be
the<00:21:34.800> most
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